My favorite artwork Dead souls. My favorite work of Gogol Essay

My favorite artwork Dead souls. My favorite work of Gogol Essay

Almost every writer has a work that is the matter of all his life, the creation, in which he embodied his searches and the innermost Duma. For Gogol, this is no doubt "Dead Souls." Reading the book for the first time, I turned little attention to the lyrical reflections of the author about Russia and the Russian people. These wonderful places even seemed inappropriate in a satirical poem. Re-reading the recently "dead souls", I suddenly opened Gogol as a great patriot, made sure that the writer was important for all the idea of \u200b\u200bthe writer. In his poem, Gogol sought to create a comprehensive picture of national life. Russia XIX century - noble country. It was the noble estate that determined her fate, the course of its development. The core of the plot of the "Dead Souls" was an adventure of Chichikov. It just seemed incredible, anecdotic; In fact, it was reliable in all the smallest details. Fastener reality created very favorable conditions for such an adventure. Dead souls became a burden for landowners who dreamed of naturally get rid of them. And it created a psychological premise for all kinds of frauds. One dead souls were in a burden; Others, on the contrary, have been needed in them, counting with the help of fraudulent transactions to benefit. It was for that Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Chichikov is the only character, whose life history is disclosed in all details. The historical novelty of the character forced the writer to engage in its comprehensive artistic research. To understand Chichikov as a socio-psychological type, it was necessary to comprehend the secret of its origin and comprehend the living conditions under the influence of which his character was formed. Manilov and Sobekevich, a box and nostrils are shown by Gogol more or less static, that is, outside the development, as the characters who personify their way of life. The static character of the character quite corresponded to the stagnation of being and the entire way of life of such people. Among the fortress peasants, we do not see characters as bright artistic strength, as among landowners. The writer separates landlords and officials from the people. Personally, it seems to me that it is wrong to interpret, as if all landowners and officials, and the Chichikov himself, and there are genuine "dead souls". This can be called from all types of only Plushin, the soul of which is dead from greed. But Gogol himself explains that such a phenomenon is rarely falling across Russia. "Dead souls" - the work of the encyclopedic in the breadth of the coverage of the vital material. This is an artistic study of the indigenous problems to the modern writer of public life. Its the most acute social contradictions are opened here. In a composite attitude, the main place in the poem is the image of the landlord and the official world. But the ideological rod is the thought of tragic folk destiny. True, "Low Class People" is shown not a close-up and occupy a modest place in the general panorama. What is the chicchik man? Does he enter the overall picture of Russian life or falls out of it? Although Pavel Ivanovich partly an official and partly a landowner, Gogol separates it from this world, connecting to Russia "from one side". The originality of the hero is that he is a new creature, in his novelty, unclear, the possibilities of his who did not exhaust as landlords and officials. Pavel Ivanovich built their well-being at the expense of others: the insult of the teacher, the deception of the booger and his daughter, bribery, the assignment of the treasury, fraud in the customs. Moreover, every time he suffered defeat, he with even greater energy carried out another fraud. It is interesting to remember what thoughts occupied by the Gogol Hero after a failed deal with smugglers. Chichiki complained that everyone uses his position, "everyone acquires" if he had not taken, then they would take others. This Pavel Ivanovich calls the "remorse of conscience", reflecting on his children to whom he will not be able to leave a decent state. We cannot deny that chikchiki is a man of affairs, not lowering hands before the difficulties that his fate is largely dramatic. It is gratifying to notice the manifestation of sincere feelings in such people. When meeting on the ball with a mysterious stranger, a governor's daughter, "something terrible" with the main character happened. However, it is sad to realize the undeveloped soul of the hero, its inability to perceive high and sublime. It can be said that the life of Chichikov was the fulfillment of this covenant. Therefore, we say that he is a "kitsa kink". After all, she remained faithful to the end. Write from the School and betrayed your teacher, Chichikov begins more difficult things. He cares for a long time at the ugly daughter of his boss, pretends to marry her. But when a delighted father helps imaginary son-in-law to become a small boss, Chichikov deftly deceives him. Pavel Ivanovich quickly goes to the mountain. So he is already in the Commission, which is going to build a state building. But members of this commission are engaged only by theft. Do not sleep and chikchik. However, the thieves are covered. All the same, our hero does not give up. He becomes a customs officer, deftly exposes smugglers. And then a new scam. And she failed. It remains from our knight thousand 10-20 yes something from the same luxury. But he is stubborn: "We are not enough for a burning, it is necessary to do the case." And begins new ingenious in its simplicity and the opportunity to be pricked for the state account. He misses the dead peasants who are still lying along the census alive to lay them in the guardian council. His desire for enrichment makes an experienced psychologist from him. All (even Sobaxevich) respond about him the best way. He is a multi-family in relations with people, adjusts to interests and the nature of those who need it. The soulful itself, tidy beautiful clothes, good manners says everything about his elusiveness. Gogol was able to show a complex character, which is discharged with such psychological accuracy and generalization, which is recognizable today. Calling Chichikova "Pokogkin", the writer not only expresses his attitude towards such people, but also clearly realizes that acquirement becomes a terrible scary of society. Getting Started by the Grand Project - the purchase of "dead souls", Pavel Ivanovich is trying to take into account the experience of previous failures, so the actions of its leopard and at the same time targeted and large-scale. He comprehended the "great mystery", producing an irresistible impression on the provincial nobility. He will not refuse to know people, as a subtle psychologist talks to the landowners. Finally, Gogol did not refuse chikchiku in qualities such as energy and will, which is devoid of completely "dead souls" of officials and landowners. However, the "Living Soul" Hero of the "Dead Souls" carries the world not less evil. Militant meanness comes to the change of cosupiness and vulgarity. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol seriously disturbing the deep penetration of chikchikov in society, which leads to the loss of humanity. The study of the character of the acquirer The author ends bitter thought about the fact that the Millioner, the newly new to Napoleon Chichikov lives in every person. And therefore the task of the writer is to help get rid of people from the vices.

Great works of art become eternal satellites of humanity.

S. Mashinsky

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the great writers of the XIX century. My favorite work is the poem "Dead Souls". This work is the most

significant work by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, the peak of his creativity. Reading him

you see what a terrible life was in Russian land. "Creek of horror and shame", - so

called Herzen this poem.

In the poem "Dead Souls", the writer showed that the old patriarchal noble Russia begins to collapse. The plot consists of three externally closed, but internally very connected units: landowners, urban officials and vicication of Chichikov. Images of landowners, in particular, Plushina: "His face did not imagine anything special; It was almost the same as many thin old men, one chin only performed very far ahead, so he had to close his handkerpoint every time so as not to resist; Little eyes have not yet been nervous and ran out of high-grown eyebrows, like mice, when, having slipped out of dark holes, sharp muzzles, the ears and blinking with the mustache, they look out for whether the cat or Shalun boy, and sniffing suspiciously the air. Much wonderful was

his outfit: no means to do with any means and stales, from which Sictrepan was his bathrobe: the sleeves and the upper floors were imprisoned and rained what they were like

yUFT, what goes to boots; Nazady instead of two dangle four floors, of which

okhlopia climbed cotton paper. On his neck, he also was tied something like that,

which was impossible to disassemble: whether stockulock, whether the garter, or a multiplier, just not

tie "- bright evidence.

The emergence of people of other life orientation is caused by an inexorable course of history. Such, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, "not a handsome, but not bad outside, nor too thick, nor too thin; It is impossible to say that old, however, and not so that too young, "the person of the new formation, the primary dealer.

The character of Chichikova is not easy, understanding his reader is not easy. At the beginning of the narrative author

draws an external appearance of the hero: "middle-aged man", "not a handsome man, but not bad

outdoor, "emphasizing the uncertainty and unpredictability of this image.

Revealing the reader of the main character as a socio-psychological type, Gogol tells about the origin, education and life conditions of the formation of Chichikov's personality.

Pavel Ivanovich is the only character, whose life is disclosed in all details, comprehensively studied. He refers to the type of "through" heroes, although with his biography we get acquainted only at the end of the first volume.

What is the chicchik man? Does he enter the overall picture of Russian life or falls out of it? Although Pavel Ivanovich partly an official and partly a landowner, Gogol separates it from this world, connecting to Russia "from one side". The originality of the hero is that he is a new creature, in his novelty, unclear, the possibilities of his who did not exhaust as landlords and officials.

In the eleventh chapter of the poem, the writer opens up the history of life

initial education and training proceeded in a "small journal with small windows",

which never opened. Father left a legacy Pavlushe Copper

yes, the covenant to diligently learn, to please teachers and bosses, keep away friends,

and most importantly - take care and save a penny. In the will, the father did not say anything to the Son on moral responsibility to people, about honor and dignity. Walking on the way of life and producing its everyday principles, chikchikov realized that these concepts are only

interfere with the achievement of mercenary purposes.

Pavel Ivanovich built their well-being at the expense of others: the insult of the teacher, the deception of the booger and his daughter, bribery, the assignment of the treasury, fraud in the customs.

Moreover, every time he suffered defeat, he carried out another energy with even greater energy

fraud. It is interesting to remember what thoughts occupied Gogol Hero after

failed deal with smugglers. Chichikov complained that everyone uses

by his position, "everyone acquires" if he had not taken, then they would take others. This is Pavel

Ivanovich calls "remorse of conscience", reflecting on his children to whom he is not

will be able to leave a decent state.

Gogol, intently observing not only behind the actions of the hero, but also for his thoughts,

notes that in Chichikov reasoning "there was some side of justice."

Gogol irony sounds usual about what the behavior of officials in Russia

it was natural.

We cannot deny that chikchiki is a man of affairs, not lowering hands before the difficulties that his fate is largely dramatic. It is gratifying to notice the manifestation of sincere feelings in such people. When meeting on the ball with a mysterious stranger, the governor's daughter, "something terrible" happened to the main character. However, it is sad to realize the undeveloped soul of the hero, its inability to perceive high and sublime.

Gogol was able to show a complex character, which is discharged with such psychological accuracy and generalization, which is recognizable today. Calling Chichikov "Pakkin", the writer not only expresses his attitude towards such people, but also clearly realizes that acquirement becomes a terrible scary of society.

Getting Started by the Grand Dormant project - the purchase of "dead souls", Pavel Ivanovich tries to take into account the experience of previous failures, so the actions of its leopard and at the same time purposeful and large-scale. He comprehended the "Great Mystery to Like", producing an irresistible impression on the provincial nobility. He will not refuse to know people, as a subtle psychologist talks to the landowners. Finally, Gogol did not refuse chikchiku in qualities such as energy and will, which is devoid of completely "dead souls" of officials and landowners. However, the "Living Soul" Hero of the "Dead Souls" carries the world not less evil. Militant meanness comes to the change of cosupiness and vulgarity.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol seriously disturbing the deep penetration of chikchiki in

society, which leads to the loss of humanity. Investigation of the nature of the acquirement

Chichikov lives in every person. And therefore the task of the writer is to help get rid of people from the vices.

"Dead souls" belong to the number of such works, the depth of thought, nevertheless

artistic beauty whose poetry is extremely expensive to people.

Each epoch read these works in a new way and every time opens in them

something new and very important for people who helps them deeper to understand the past and

the present of the world in which they live, that is, to acquire an understanding of life in her

inverted historical movement.

My favorite work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - "Dead Souls". Almost every writer has a work that is the matter of all his life, the creation, in which he embodied his searches and the innermost Duma. For Gogol, this is no doubt "dead souls". Reading the book for the first time, I turned little attention to the lyrical reflections of the author about Russia and the Russian people. These wonderful places even seemed inappropriate in a satirical poem. Re-reading recently "dead souls", I suddenly opened Gogol as a great patriot, made sure how important the writer was important for all the idea of \u200b\u200bRussia.

In his poem, Gogol sought to create a comprehensive picture of national life.

Russia XIX century - noble country. It was the noble estate that determined her fate, the course of its development. The core of the plot of the "dead souls" was an adventure of Chichikov. It just seemed incredible, anecdotic; In fact, it was reliable in all the smallest details. Fastener reality created very favorable conditions for such an adventure. Dead souls became burned for

the landowners who dreamed of naturally get rid of them. And it created a psychological premise for all kinds of frauds. One dead souls were in

burden; Others, on the contrary, have been needed in them, counting with the help of fraudulent transactions to benefit. It was for that Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov.

Chichikov is the only character, whose life history is disclosed in all details.

The historical novelty of the character forced the writer to engage in its comprehensive

artistic research. To understand Chichikov as a socio-psychological type, it was necessary to comprehend the secret of its origin and comprehend the living conditions under the influence of which his character was formed. Manilov and Sobekevich, a box and nostrils are shown by Gogol more or less static, that is, outside the development, as the characters who personify their way of life. Static character is quite

it corresponded stagnation of being and the entire way of life of such people.

Among the fortress peasants, we do not see characters as bright artistic strength, as among landowners. The writer separates landlords and officials from the people. Personally, it seems to me that it is wrong to interpret that all landowners and officials, and the chikhikov himself, and there are genuine "dead souls". This can be called from all types of only Plushin, the soul of which is dead from greed. But Gogol himself explains that such a phenomenon is rarely falling across Russia.

The society itself does not see oddity, unusual, in the end the abnormality of their

the usual lifestyle. Gogol gives two angle of view, two possible perceptions

sustainable life of life. One inside is the perception of those who are accustomed to this life and

trying to find a way to awaken people.

And here, it seems, awakening is ready to happen. The city learns that Chichots scoop

dead Souls.

"Dead souls" - the work of the encyclopedic in the breadth of the coverage of the vital material. This is an artistic study of the indigenous problems to the modern writer of public life. Its the most acute social contradictions are opened here. In a composite attitude, the main place in the poem takes the image

landlord and official world. But the ideological rod is the thought of tragic folk destiny. True, "Low Class People" is shown not a close-up and occupy a modest place in a common panorama.

Great works of art become satellites of humanity. They do not know

old age and fading. Each era read these works in a new way and every time

opens something new and very important for people who helps to understand deeper

the past and the present of the world in which they live, that is, to understand life in her

inverted historical movement. "Dead souls" belong to the number of such

works, the depth of thought, unatail artistic beauty, whose poetry

extremely roads.

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Russian writers

My favorite work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol open a wide circle of readers a fantastic and interesting world of heroes from the collections "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka", "Mirgorod", "Petersburg Tale". Of these, my favorite collection is Mirgorod. Its subtitle is the "story that serve the continuation of the" evening on the farm near the Dikanka. " The book came out in two parts. The first part includes the "Starvetsky landowners" and "Taras Bulba". In the second - "Viy" and "Tale about how Ivan Ivanovich was quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich." I love two stories "Viy" and "Taras Bulba".

In the romantic, raised tonality written "Taras Bulba" and "Viy". They are the leaders from the legendary past. N.V. Hogol was quite mysterious and can even be said to a mystical person, so his works are impregnated with the mystery and mystics, which the writer himself possessed.

"Viy" from Gogol - there is a colossal creation of common imagination. In this name, the head of the gnomes, whose eyelids go to the Earth are called near the earth. I like this work with my fantastics. It is impregnated with old customs, the speech of those times. In it, Gogol transfers the legends who went about various goddalaks, wets, unclean strength in Kiev. For myself, I can safely say that he is the first Russian horror. No wonder in our modern Russia is still considered the most terrible film "Viy" filmed based on Gogol Tale. Gogol said that this story is a popular legend, and he told her in the same simplicity as heard.

In "Vie" we deepen into the ancient Kiev at the time when there were various philosophers, riters and theologians. In the story, Gogol described the whole scientific people of Kiev. When a scientist converged earlier, the battle was stood between them. Ordoubted theology won everyone, and the philosophers only soaked the Boc. The main character of the story of the philosopher Homa Brut. He was a cheerful lava, loved smoking his cradle. Homa became a victim of a witch pouch. When he killed an old witch, she turned into a beautiful girl with a moment. Before his death, the witch asked her father, so that Homa read the prayers for three days over her dead body. I really liked how Gogol gave the appearance of a dead panley, the image of the church. Thanks to this description, you can even go deep into this event, and you can even feel that awkwardness and fear of Homa.

Wooden church, blackened moss, cleaned. Inside the church, the candles were closed before each way. The light from them covered only the iconostasis and half of the church. High vintage iconostasis showed deep dilapidation. The licks of the saints looked somehow gloomy. In the middle stood a black coffin. From this point on, it becomes scary for the hero, only one type of church suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bterrible events that should happen. The dead witch for Homa seemed like a living. The forehead was gentle, beautiful; Eyebrows - smooth, thin, and mouth-rubies. Beauty, what ever had on Earth, but in the meantime he was very scary and embarrassed from her charming beauty. Homa could not resist the power of the beauty of the witch and died from fear. I really like the winged phrase itself, Viya "LIVE EXAMINE TO I." In my opinion, this is one of the best works N.V.Gogol.

Taras Bulba is a story that refers to the events of Ukrainian history. But the writer did not follow the chronology of events at all. I like this work due to the fact that Gogol showed very well the relationship between the Father and Children. The story begins with the fact that Taras Bulba goes with her sons to Zaporizhia. It has its own moral values, its concepts about good and evil. Taras Bulba himself Old Cossack, who is very devoted to his partnership, and he is pleased with him, he does not feel sorry for his life and the life of his children. He had two sons of Andry and Ostap. For him, they are primarily comrades, brothers, but only then sons. I really liked the scene, where Taras finds out that Andri betrayed his own. Bulba can not withstand the betrayal of his son. He has nothing to do, how to kill his son, for having betrayed the brotherhood, a partnership that the bulb is devoted to all his heart. Before killing Andria Taras Bulba says, in my opinion, the magnificent words "What, a son, did you help your lyhas? .. So sell? Sell \u200b\u200bfaith? Sell \u200b\u200byour? Standing; Peel from the horse! .. Stop did not move! I gave birth to you, I will kill you! .. "Andry was amazed from his father's sword. After caught the left and sentenced to the death penalty. Ostap was a strong and brave, true hero. Taras loved and proud of his son. In the eyes of Bulba, his quarters. For me, this moment in Tale is one of the most terrible events. The heart simply goes and becomes very sorry for the old Taras, who almost immediately lost his sons. In the last moments of life, Taras makes everything that his comrades would be saved, and not noticing the fact that he will soon come painful death from fire. This story gives a huge lesson. She teaches to love, defend her homeland, what would it be worth it. This story is very relevant today.

Gogol is a great writer of our Russia. His lead teach courage, kindness, courage. Every person must at least one story of Gogol read, as they laid a lot of meaning.

Great works of art become eternal satellites of mankind. Mashinskoli Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the great writers of the XIX century. My favorite work is the poem "Dead Souls". This work is the most common work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, the peak of his work. Reading him, you see, what a terrible life in Russian land. "Creek of horror and shame", "Herzen's talked for this poem.

In the poem "Dead Souls", the writer showed that the old patriarchal noble Russia begins to collapse. The plot consists of three externally closed, but internally very connected units: landowners, urban officials and vicication of Chichikov. Images of landowners, in particular, Plushina: "His face did not imagine anything special; It was almost the same as many thin old men, one chin only performed very far ahead, so he had to close his handkerpoint every time so as not to resist; Little eyes have not yet been nervous and ran out of high-grown eyebrows, like mice, when, having slipped out of dark holes, sharp muzzles, the ears and blinking with the mustache, they look out for whether the cat or Shalun boy, and sniffing suspiciously the air. It is much more wonderful to him: it cannot be done by any means and stales, from which Sictrepan was his bathrobe: the sleeves and the upper floors were aroused and got out, which was like Nyunuft, what goes to boots; Nazady instead of two dangle four floors, from which the Cotton paper climbed. On his neck, he also was tied something like that, which could not be disassembled: Whether, whether the garter, or a lane, only in any way Negalstuk "- vivid evidence of this.

The emergence of people of other life orientation is caused by an inexorable course of history. Such, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, "not a handsome, but not bad outside, nor too thick, nor too thin; It is impossible to say that old, however, and not so that too young, "the person of the new formation, the owner-acquirer. Khakikter Chichikova is not easy, understanding his reader is not easy. At the beginning of the story, the external appearance of the hero: "A middle-aged person," "not a handsome man, but not bad," emphasizing the uncertainty and unpredictability of this image. The reader of the main character as a socio-psychological type, Gogol tells about the origin, education and life Conditions of the formation of the personality of Chichikova. Ivanovich is the only character, whose life history is disclosed in all details, comprehensively studied. He refers to the type of "through" heroes, although with his biography we get acquainted only at the end of the first volume.

What is the chicchik man? Does he enter the overall picture of Russian life or falls out of it? Although Pavel Ivanovich partly an official and partly a landowner, Gogol separates it from this world, connecting to Russia "from one side". The originality of the hero is that he is a new creature, in his novelty, it is unclear, the possibilities of his who has not exhausted as landowners and officials. In the eleventh chapter of the poem, the writer opens up the history of life for life. The author notes "Dark and modest" origin of the hero. Educational upbringing and training taped in a "small journal with small windows" that never opened.

The father left a legacy of the Pavlushe Cultina Medid Testament to diligently learn, please teachers and bosses, keep away friends, and most importantly - to protect and save a penny. In the will, the father did not say anything to the Son on moral responsibility to people, about honor and dignity. Walking on the way of life and producing its everyday principles, Chichikov realized that these concepts only have the achievement of mercenary goals. In the welfare of Pavel Ivanovich built at the expense of others: the insult of the teacher, deception of the booster and his daughter, bribery, assigning a government, fraud on customs.

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Of all the works of N.V.Gogol, that I read, I liked only one story "notes of the crazy" and my essay will be about her.

I liked the "notes of the crazy" more than the "Nevsky Prospect". When I started reading the story, I liked her more and more with every new line, I read with the expression, changed the tone, but then the interest in the work was gone. In general, Gogol's creativity I do not really like, he wrote too long works, who hardly read in one evening. I do not like to read, but it happens when it becomes interesting to me, I read with emotions, and then the impression of the work for a long time and this state visited me today.

In general, "notes of the crazy" are diary records of a real person. First we see an ordinary person who has a job, an apartment, but there is no most important family, there is no one who loved, and loved him, because love is the most beautiful feeling. Our hero fell in love and after that he began to appear signs of madness for me. This fact remains incomprehensible, as you can go crazy.

Updated: 2017-08-07

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