Coloring Mandala Wolf. Coloring Antistress Mandalas for good mood and relaxation

Coloring Mandala Wolf. Coloring Antistress Mandalas for good mood and relaxation
Coloring Mandala Wolf. Coloring Antistress Mandalas for good mood and relaxation

Mandalas for coloring. The coloring of the mandala adjusts the creative way and activates the subconscious. For what to paint mandalas. . Other brain stimulation methods. The element of its construction is a circle. The form coincides with the wheel of the world, lotus flower, roses, mythical golden flower. Figures concluded in a circle (or square), such as an annual circle, a zodiacal circle, a labyrinth, dial. Graft, causing certain mental states that contribute to the achievement of contemplation and concentration. The mental image that can be built in the imagination, in the form of a ritual geometric diagram containing a visual expression of certain prophetic properties or visions.

The mandala creates a focus for deep meditation. Includes not depicted visual center. It relies through the concentration of figures and is visualization of obstacles to the comprehension of the center. In various spiritual and esoteric traditions, the mandala contains a chart of sacred art. It is present as an unconscious symbolism of ordering a certain space in order to decorate or use and use and the mystical desire for the highest universal stamp. The main components of the mandala are balancing and concentric geometric shapes. The synthesis of the traditional structure and free interpretation is manifested in Mandala. Mandala can be any kind, it can be drawn, scold, is built from sand, leumed from clay or depicted on Earth. The mandala serves as a ritual - step behind the step - an object of promotion to the inner center of a person, because it is connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe center. Each mandala set the goal similar to the purpose of Alchemists - helps to regroup everything that is scattered around the axis. The ritual of creating mandala psychologically and spiritually similar to passing through a labyrinth. This is an image and synthesis of two pairs of oppositions: external and internal diversity and monotony, diffusion and concentration, differentiation and interconnection. Mandala in nature should overcome the mess. This is a visual plastic expression of the struggle for the achievement of the order, the desire for reunification with the initial (non-spatial and timeless) center. It occurs overcoming the antinomy (gr. Anti-against + Nomos-law, i.e. The contradiction between the two provisions recognized in the same way correctly). Mandalas also denote ten sections of the Vedas. Mandala is brought to Tibet from India in the 8th century Guru Padmasambhawa. The most complex and imperative forms of mandala are designed in Tibet and India. The combination of forms in the mandala can make the effect leading to revelation. The visual expression of ritual geometric diagrams corresponds to mantras. In any mandala, the state of the creator of the mandala is recorded, the individual expression of its traditional idea is to overcome the antinomy, promotion to the inner center and reunification with it. The mandala is strictly individual and is an expression of the mental state of the Creator. It is possible to use mandalas in order to meditate and achieve changed states and revelations. One of the best mandala of tools to achieve these goals is Sri Yantra. It fits around the central metaphysical point, which emits the rays of the initial energy. This energy does not appear (the central point is invisible), but it focuses. The circle is a model of nine triangles - the image of transcendental worlds. 4 of them have a vertex aimed up, and 5 - down. Intermediate, or the thin world relies with a triple halo surrounding triangles. The multi-treat lotus and the triple circle are completed by this symbolic representation of the spiritual world. A tri-cable toothed circle means orientation in space and shows that the spiritual world exists inside the material. Interpretation is based on the highest elements closer to a circle. The circle inside the square is a more advanced structure than the square in the circle. And the same relationship remains in force for the triangle. The struggle between Number 3 and Number 4 represents the struggle between the central elements of the spirit (3) and peripheral firmware, i.e. Foreign orderliness (4). The outer circle performs an aligning function, overcoming contradictions and the irregularity of the angles and the parties through their implicit movement. Mandala is built from symbols and reflects a certain universal order, where it is often reflected both the "visible" world of images and the "invisible" world, mutually complementing each other. Mandala is perhaps one of the most ancient arts in which a person comprehended the fact that the world is multicone and strictly natural. Mandala is a kind of card, geometrically transmitting a certain multidimensional harmony. Mandalas are very different. All of them are strictly proportional to have a clear center and process: 1. Narquato from the Center 2. Phased development from the Center 3. Completion of the form as the integrity of the entire path where the beginning and the end are connected. Square - symbolizes the law of matter, forms. The form is designed to keep the borders, the frame to protect the contents - internal filling. Circle - content, internal. This is equilibrium. Mandala, as a magic chart, or as a "card" of space, is a circle inscribed in a square, which in turn again entered the circle. The external circle is the universe, the inner circle is the focus of God or any other sacred object (the symbol of what you want to achieve). The square is focused on the sides of the light and has on each side T-shaped outputs, the so-called gate to the universe. Square field is divided into four parts. The fifth part forms the center. Each of the parts has its own color: blue, red, white, yellow, green. Each color is associated with one of the sides of the light, with one of the senses, with one of the formulas of causing a deity. Our world, which is an excellent model of creator's creativity, can be presented best in the form of perfect mandala. That is why the principle of mandala is based on many forms of ancient art. According to the system of mandalas, with characteristic equilibrium elements, geometric shapes and a significant number of components, circuits of temple complexes, altars and even city plans were built. In this way, the structure is intended to create a lifestyle, originally containing and repeating the model of the device in itself. Movement in the mandala begins with outdoor parts to the inner center. Outside, passing by the square paths, through the consecutive stages, it approaches the center, just as a person, entering the temple, must pass through a few gates, internal yards and passages, approaching the sanctuary, discing the external to touch the basics of existence.

Modern rhythm of life carries with him a lot of worries, anxiety and not always positively affects health. That is why it is so important to be able to stop, relax, reset the cargo of problems and look inside yourself. Excellent means for this - mandala therapy. Coloring simple circular patterns as if immerses in the trance and gives a person the opportunity to fill its energy, send it to the right direction: achieving happiness, success and well-being.

Mandala - the concept is very old. This word came to us from Sanskrit and has many values: a circle, circular, sphere, ring, area. Country, society. The study of the idea of \u200b\u200bMandala was engaged in Carl Jung. He painted these circular patterns since 1916 and realized that each of the drawings displays its condition. With the help of the mandala, he investigated his own mental changes. The scientist insisted that it is necessary to carefully relate to the symbols of the manifestation of the unconscious, because it is they who stimulate the growth of the person. Mandala motive is a mystical source of energy, which is the center of personality.

Mandala is a simple drawing, made in a circle. Its image is built without any rules, it spontaneously and reflects internal experiences. How can ordinary drawing can display the essence of the person? Depicting a mandala, a person affects himself with the help of images, aware of his internal mechanisms that have given the opportunity to create these images. The mandala reveals the figure of the soul, expresses the originality and its direction, creates the basis for the disclosure of individuality and the uniqueness of the person.

Create and paint the mandala means creating a symbol of your inner me. In this circle, different aspects of the inner world interact with each other, and it unites them as one. This process helps a person to resolve internal conflicts, remove the tension. He is truly a unique tool for self-knowledge and self-development. With the help of therapy mandala, you can solve really important problems.

How to draw mandalas

The image of them should always be colorful, except, except, tattoos on the body, which are made simple black ink. In the original, these symbols are depicted with colored sand, they are performed by monks for half of two months. For them, this is just a meditative process when it is completed - the drawing is simply shaken and start everything in a new one.

The central pattern of mandala is the most important element. The meaning of the drawing as a whole depends on the main figure and its colors. External borders are roundness. Their thickness also gives a certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist. If the line is fat and clear, then it shows the desire to draw it to defend them from the world, its influence, aggression and other manifestations. The thin border opposite speaks about the openness of a person, about love for communication and ease in it.

Inside the pattern is filled with various lines and patterns, they also have their own values. Simple lines And the shapes and images built on them are characteristic of the male mandala, the mind prevails in them over the feelings. The winding outlines of the drawings are the prerogative of women, they show emotionality, irrationality and sensitivity. Curved lines In the center symbolize the embryo, but contrary to everything, this is not a symbol of joy and childhood, but rather, on the contrary, a sign of stress and depression, with whom a person is hard to cope with. A whole tangle of such lines shows a weak character or a strong vulnerability. The most common example is flower, symbol of femininity. Starwhich is built from straight lines, the embodiment of masculinity and strength.

Often the central place takes crossThat says that a person is on a crossroads, he knocks out of the usual rut, but at the moment I forms my true me. Square - this is the altar, inextric place if he open, it symbolizes the doors. Such a person is healthy, has extrasensory abilities, it will freely flow the correct energy streams, it is able to go to the astral and return to Earth. but closed square On the contrary talks about stress, closetness and sense of unsuccession. TriangleLocated down - regression and self-destruction, and if its tip is directed up - this is an active personal growth.

Center Mandala I expresses the inner, and everything else is only the objects of the outside world that affect it. If the center is missing, the person is fully focused on himself, he is clean water introvert.

Small number of drawings, a large amount of white background shows secrets, a person is not yet ready to share his inner world with a picture. However, with each new mandall, it is becoming increasing easier. The objects for drawing here are an alphabet, from which you can add up the most complex text that you can transfer your mission to this world.

What are the mandalas that they mean

These patterns are presented quite wide. There are mandalas to decorate the interior or their body, they are performed from different materials, have all sorts of colors, dimensions, vending techniques. So that they carry their positive effect on the world, you can literally surround their home.

Mandalas are:

  • two-dimensional - drawn on any surface with the help of pencils, markers, paints, chalk;
  • bulk or embossed;
  • embroidered on clothes, tablecloths, bedspreads and pillows;
  • made from different grains, flower petals, sand and other natural materials;
  • mandalas from threads;
  • metal, with patterns embedded on them;
  • wooden;
  • carved on the stones;
  • mandalas of precious stones;
  • images on the walls and ceilings of Buddhist temples;
  • mandala-mosaic on the floors of the temples;
  • crop circles;
  • images on plates and other dishes;
  • computer Mandalas;
  • jewelry;
  • tattoo Mandalas;
  • interior decorations.

Each drawing saves human energy like a real prayer, helping to establish harmony with himself. There are many ready-made mandalas that remain only to paint at their discretion. This therapy works no worse. The main thing is to find the image with the value you need. Almost any materials are suitable for the creative process: gel pens, paints, liners, pencils and other stationery. Figure is taken to start color from the center to the edges, so as not to lubricate. With the help of computer programs, you can come up with your own, individual mandala, but this requires special skills and skills of working with a graphics tablet.

Also, mandalas differ in their destination.

They are:

  • Healing, designed to cope with diseases, in them a person expresses its illness, and then symbolically burns the drawing to recovery. Or they call on the spirit of health, protect against bad views and attach vitality.
  • Depicting deities. Configuring on prayer.
  • Paired, female and male. They harmonize male and female energy, help build relationships and establish mutual understanding, eliminate emotional imbalances.
  • Mills, generators and turntables. These are active transformers that are adjusted to a person. In the sluggish, stagnant, like a swamp, life, they bring freshness, bad and positive. And in too rapid, aggressive, nervous being they make dimension, smoothness and harmony.
  • Traps and wells are hiding and delaying excess energy in themselves, accrace it for later.
  • Protective mandalas are charms, they draw them and hang in the premises to neutralize negative energy.
  • Decoratives are designed specifically for interior or humans.
  • Workers mandalas are designed to help achieve various purposes. They provide psychological assistance, they shift any business from the dead point, after the fulfillment of their destination is to be destroyed.

Colors in Mandala Values

In the mandala of therapy, which is painting, allowed to use any colors. However, each of them has a special meaning.

Therefore, it will not be completely unnecessary to learn about them before proceeding to the process:

  • Red - the color of animal potential, spiritual searches and aspirations. Positive values \u200b\u200bare passion, love, energy, perseverance. Negative - aggression, blood, enmity, desire for destruction.
  • Orange is ambitious, fire, positive self-affirmation, optimism, contact, decency, openness, but also vanity, scattered, carelessness.
  • Yellow is spiritual ability to perceive and understand. In an Indian yellow wheel is a symbol of insight. Sun, glow, calm, thirst for calm, imagination, intelligence, intuition and inspiration. Of negative values: envy, reassessing its capabilities, superficiality.
  • Green - creation and healing force, the desire for updating, the wise perception of other people, the symbol of integrity and unification of male and female began. This is life and nature, constancy, respect, perseverance, equilibrium. However, at the same time, the thirst for power, false, excessive ambitiousness.
  • Blue - symbol of life source, sky, water, feeling of maternal love, compassion. Dark shades are echoes of tyranny in maternal feelings, original chaos.
  • Blue is the night sky, mystery, mystic, raging sea, revival, altruism, loyalty, silence, mind, freedom, rest. Negative: emptiness, sadness, boredom, naivety.
  • Purple color energy symbol, which manifests itself at the level of spirituality. This is the establishment of a magical connection with himself, spirituality, inspiration, magic, creative thinking, combining opposites. Or suffering, repentance, self-denial, self-insulation.
  • White is clean, human consciousness, health, perfection, sincerity, truth. Or disgusting, closedness, emptiness.
  • Black - darkness, mystery, denial, death. Dignity, return, invulnerability. Many negative values: destruction, conservatism, loss, despair, disappointment, gloomy, dependence.

Mandala Symbol Value

In the image, the mandala is found a lot of characters with hidden meanings.

Here is some of them:

  • The eye means the desire to be in the center of events.
  • The spiral that is spinning clockwise - the beginning, in the opposite side - emptiness, empty wastewater.
  • Heart - love, feelings.
  • Tree - nature, life, the basis of the universe
  • Animals - a sample of human behavior in the present.
  • Birds are ease and awareness of their soul.

The benefits of mandala

Mandala Therapy is not just a schedule, it brings a certain benefit to its creator. Working on the creation and coloring of these mystical drawings, a person is influenced by art therapy. This process brings with me calm, puts order in thoughts, balancing, eliminates negativism, introduces harmony to the mental state of a person and leads to its self-improvement. They help to focus on their hidden desires and goals, visualize them and thereby bringing their execution.

Mandala by date of birth

To create a mandala with a special energy, you can calculate it by date of your birth. It will be your personal imprint. When interacting with flowers and numbers, some period of time, you restore your resonant patterns that combine the physical appearance of the body with higher spiritual matters.

To calculate, copy the template of personal mandala and calculate the date on the following principle:

  1. Calm birthday date: 12031945 54913021
  2. Fold them all alternately, two digits, when receiving a double-digit number, fold again to get a simple: 1 + 2 + 0 + 3 + 1 + ...
  3. As a result, 16 lines should turn out:

….5..5..7..5..5..4..1..1..4..5..5. .7..5..5
…………… …8..2..7..3..7..2..8
….. …………………5..6..5

The resulting number we chew with a list of colors and paint any divisions of the mandala using it to get your personal unique pattern.

1 - red
2 - Dark blue
3 - Green
4 - Yellow
5 - light blue
6 - turquoise (sea wave)
7 - Pink
8 - orange
9 - purple

Mandala Antistress Print, pattern scheme

Here are some excellent patterns to remove stress, calm and relaxation.

Mandala to attract money, template

Success Mandala, Coloring Template

Healing Mandala, Coloring Template

Mandala on material well-being, template for coloring

Mandala abundance, template for coloring

Slimming Mandala, Coloring Template

Health and Healing Mandala, Coloring Template

Mandala of happiness, template for coloring

Mandala magical, template for coloring

Relationship Mandala, Coloring Template

Calm Mandala, Coloring Template

Mandala powerful, template for coloring

Love Mandala, Template for Coloring

Mandala is a sacred symbol that can help a person approach the desired. It acts through meditation during coloring and adjusting consciousness to positive way.

Mandala -unusual word denoting the name of the geometric pattern. This drawing is not simple and is geometric matrix.If literally translate the word "mandala", then it is decrypted as "circle" or "circle". In fact, it is: Mandala is a square, inscribed in a circle and decorated with a variety of decorative figures, as well as patterns.

Each drawing, located in the mandala, all the figures and ornaments are located. symmetrically each other.

It is interesting to know that in the East this drawing is very holy. His recognizes buddhism and Hinduism.Moreover, to draw a mandala, it is necessary to observe a certain ritual. They paint her monks and see in the image not just a drawing, but a real object of worship,which with all its beauty and depth symbolizes the universe and space.

A person who is such a culture and faith is alien can not understand: Why is it still needed mandala? The answer is simple: this drawing allows open subconscious.Sacred mandala is capable adjust human harmony with nature.Of course, in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to get involved in the knowledge of the inner world and be a spiritual person who can meditate.

Each drawing mandala accumulates while creating in itself positivehuman energy.That is why many Buddhist and Hindu temples are decorated with mandalas. Some are called the mandala "frozen prayer," since it is capable of expressing the inner world of man at the time of drawing.

Mandala - Sacred Figure or Image

How to paint mandalas and the better?

Mandala is always color image.An exception in this case may be applied to the body with black paints. If we talk about real mandalas, then it is worth noting that in the original they draw monks with colored sandon a flat surface for two months. This process is necessary for them only as a means meditation.After the Rysonok is ready, it is simply blown away and proceed to the new one.

No matter what purposes you hold, if you draw a mandala. The main thing - know how it is done correctly.Sacred image always multicolored.For this reason, any typewriter stationery tools will come in handy:

  • the pencils
  • sharic handles
  • handles gel
  • oil knobs
  • feltolsters
  • any paints
  • liners (markers with the finest tip from 0.1 millimeters)
  • rapidographs (handles with ink tube)

Draw the mandala is not difficult even with the help of a special computer program if you have certain skills to own a graphics tablet or mouse.

Sand-drawn mandala

The value of the colors in the mandala, how to color the drawing?

In drawing mandala you are free use absolutely any colors.It is worth highlight the most popular shades, since most often they have a definite meaning:

  • red -blood color, Survival, Love and Passion Color
  • the black -color of darkness, death, despair, danger
  • yellow -symbolizes well-being, joy, happiness
  • orange -ambitiousness, emotionality, disputes
  • blue -symbolizes the source of life, water and sky
  • blue -mystic, mystery, conflict, intuition, fear
  • green -support, understanding, desire to help
  • salad -weak energy field
  • purple -emotional dependence
  • lilac -experiences, excitement, well-being

Collect the mandala follows from the middle of the image and gradually reaching the edge. So the drawing will be organic and will not be spoiled by your palm.

Fig Mandala Flomers - Bright and beautiful

Mandala for the performance of desire is very strong: photo for coloring

All mandalas can be distributed into several subspecies: for the fulfillment of desires, to attract money, for happiness, and so on. Choose exactly the coloring template that you need at the moment. Peculiar meditation and understanding of their goals during coloringit will help you to make the desired as soon as possible and will configure you to be confident in yourself.

Mandala coloring pattern templates for desire to execute:

Mandala for coloring number 1

Mandala for coloring number 2 Mandala for coloring number 3

Mandala to attract money and material well-being: photo for coloring

It is no secret that someone wants to fulfill their desire, while the other is to attract financial well-being. In this case, the help comes other mandala - mandala attracting money.What is the secret of such an image? The answer is very simple: during coloring, you will be able to concentrate all your thoughts on the fact that it is more and more efficient to come to your financial well-being.

Collect the mandala only in the good arms of the Spirit,to your drawing be not only beautiful, but also contained only positive energy.

Templates of coloring mandalas to attract money:

Mandala for attracting money, template number 1

Mandala to attract money, template number 2

Mandala to attract money, Template number 3

Mandalas for harmonization of space: photo for coloring

Not rarely modern person is difficult to find harmony with the outside world.Most often, it interferes with complexes, abundance of problems and misunderstanding. Magic mandala will help to establish their world inside the body and the world around themselves. Arrange your workplace, select Coloring and prepare a lot of color pencils.

Try to immediately finish apart, after you start it (on the same day). Do not throw such a job and do not throw out the drawing.

Coloring mandala patterns for harmony gain:

Mandala for gaining harmony, template number 1 Mandala to gain harmony, template number 2 Mandala for gaining harmony, template number 3

Coloring Mandala: Antistress

Currently very popular, so-called coloring-antistress.The principle of their action is to distract a person from problems and envelop an interesting therapy of colorful drawing and transformation. Coloring-mandala is acting on the same principle, but its magical abilities not only relax the human soul and body.

Mandala attracts everything positive to man What can take from the environment.

Interesting coloring patterns "Antistress":

Coloring-Antistress, Template No. 1

Coloring-Antistress, Template No. 2

Coloring-Antistress, Template number 3

Mandala of love, happiness and relationships, female happiness: photo for coloring

Mandala Lovedesigned to help a person gain romantic feelings and understanding of his beloved person. Collect such mandala need gently and slowly.While working with the pattern should only be thought of romantics, relationships and pleasant things.

If during coloring mandalas of loveyou will be in the bad location of the Spirit or Depression, you will not be able to charge your magic pattern with positive energy.

Templates for painting mandala love:

Mandala love, template for coloring number 1

Love Mandala, Template for Coloring No. 2

Mandala of love, template for coloring number 3

Mandala from loneliness - for love and marriage: photo for coloring

It is no secret that some magical things are able to influence the outcome of many events. So mandala acts peculiar "Shone"which gives a man of courage to exercise his intended plans.

Mandala marriage capable accumulate and exhibit positive energyfor a person, in particular - women. Such a mandala is needed so that the woman does not lose confidence in himself and was able to gain happiness in marriage.

Templates of coloring mandala "Happy marriage":

Mandala "Marriage" for coloring, template number 1

Mandala "Marriage" for coloring, template number 2

Mandala "Marriage" for coloring, template number 3

Mandala for child conception: coloring

Every adult man wants to extend the genus. Sometimes stress, health problems and negative becomes an obstacle to conception. Drawing and painting special mandala will help safely become pregnantand to gain peace of mind inside the soul.

Coloring templates:

Mandala "Conception", Template No. 1

Mandala "Conception", Template number 2

Mandala "Conception", Template number 3

Mandala for forgiveness: photo for coloring

Often the inner world of man is very restless.It also happens that calm is bordered by depression and apathy. Man like a sponge absorbs a huge amount negativewho surrounds him every day. Nobody is insured against what a large number of mistakes, incorrect actions and offenders can make.

You can fix the situation only by forgivenessing yourself and taking yourself.Find the path to this will help magic MandalaWhich through drawing and painting will open the most beautiful sides of the soul of a person and will allow him to think about himself.

Templates Mandala-Coloring "Forgiveness":

Coloring-Mandala "Forgiveness", Template No. 1 Coloring-Mandala "Forgiveness", Template No. 2

Mandala for Health and Healing: Photo for Coloring

Even doctors are not rarely said that the recovery of a person depends only on his the desire to recover.This theory is far from the myth, but a scientifically proven fact. Improve the mood and inspire yourself for recovery help coloring mandala.

Templates Mandala "Health" for coloring:

Template Mandala "Health" for coloring No. 1

Mandala Template for Coloring No. 2

Mandalas for coloring for children

Every parent should try attach your child the feelings of the beautiful.For this, the simple scheme of the "Mandala" packs will be created, which can be painted together in their free time.

Simple color templates:

Mandala for children, template number 1

Mandala for children, template number 2

Mandala for children, template number 3

Mandalas for dyeing for weight loss

Mandala does not have any restrictions and therefore can help man find any thing and achieve any goals.This also applies to harmony. Just imagine visa His dreamsand start painting the pattern.

Coloring-Mandala "Health, Slimming"

Coloring - Art therapy: the most complex mandala

For those who possess the "creative note" and loves the tasks to be more comprehensive, templates of coloring "Mandala" are more detailed. Such mandalas are focused on Careful work, concentration and dipping in the deepest thoughts.

Templates of complex mandala:

Complex Mandala No. 1 Complex Mandala No. 2

Complex Mandala number 3

10 mandala to return the brightness

Improve mood and relieve the state of his soulnot only painting mandala, but also their contemplation. It is necessary to attach the image of the mandala in a prominent place to constantly fit in the field of your vision. Mandala "Passion and Joy" Protective Mandala for Coloring
Mandala "Successful Business"

Video: "Music and mandalas. Meditation"

One of the most popular ways to work with the mandala - disaggregation of ready-made patterns selected by special principles. Before you a whole series of mandala for coloring, specially selected by a psychologist. And to strengthen the healing power of individual drawings will help wise.

Drawing mandala - an easy way to disconnect from daily problems. Such a drawing removes the voltage, allows internal conflicts, heals the body, soothes the soul, cleans the mind. This healing method fits all and has no contraindications.

All mandalas for coloring you can download below.

Mudra Lotos and Anahata Yantra Mandala for Coloring

Anahata-Yantra is connected with the heart chakra. Its just a simple contemplation develops the ability to give and accept love, test warm and tender feelings for people.

We are becoming more condescending to human weaknesses and disadvantages, which means that the world around us becomes kinder. As you know, each chakra is associated with one or another organ in our body, so such Yantra is perfect for cores.

Lotus mander is also associated with cardiac chakra. Lotus is the main symbol of purity: emerging in muddy water, appear on the light of beautiful and unpeaculated. It brings peace and stabilizes the emotional state. Using the wise will noticeably strengthen the effect of Yantra.

If you are lonely, and the heart needs to be supported outside and inside, Anahata-Yantra and Lotus Mudra will come to the rescue.

How to use?

To begin with, paint the Yantra in green shades and put in front of you. Place your hand brushes at the chest level, connect the lower parts of the palms, the cushions of the little fingers and the thumbs among themselves. The rest of the fingers are in the sides. Now inspire 4 times and exhale, connect your fingers into the bud. Then again expand your lotus and make four inhales and exhalations. Repeat all several times. It is advisable to practice Mudra with lying near Yantrah, which is necessary to contemplate two or three times a day.

The attitude that is useful to repeat: "My heart is open to love."

Mudra "Knowledge" and Mandala "Oko Wisdom" for coloring

The mandala contains the ancient symbols of wisdom, among which the famous "Eye of Wisdom", revered by many nations. The symbol is associated with the ancient Egyptian god of the Sun of the Republic of Armenia, which is known as a wrestler with the forces of darkness. In Christianity, he is called "Oko Most High."

"Oko wisdom" - charm, protecting a person from possible errors and caution from incorrect solutions. Mandala symbolizes the help of over, which can come to us in a difficult situation. In addition, it gives the owner with special insight, the ability to recognize the deception and see the essence of things.

Mudra "Knowledge" is one of the most important and well-known wise. It is believed that with its help you can reborn. She removes emotional tension, anxiety, helps with depression, sleep impairment, improves memory, activates brain operation. Since ancient times, philosophers, thinkers, scientists resorted to this wise.

What to do?

Mandal for coloring "Eye of Wisdom" paint into blue and yellow shades. Blue helps to clearly see the goal, concentrate on the main thing, yellow well stimulates memory. Connect the pads of large and index fingers, the remaining three fingers straighten. Mudra is applied if necessary. Performance time - 15 minutes.

It is useful to repeat: "Divine wisdom fills my heart."

Mudra "Saving Life" and Mandala "Protection of Warriors" for coloring

This ancient and very strong mandala was applied to the spikes of Celtic warriors and served them protection in battle. It is used in complex, critical situations. If you suddenly it became scary, unexpected problems appeared, it's hard to call this drawing in your imagination.

Try to remember. The square in the center is a symbol of strength, four squares that surround it-victory of people over all sorts of misfortunes that appear on their way. The name of the wise is a "saving life" (her is still called the wise first aid). She needs to know every person. It is useful to apply with heart problems, for the regulation of heartbeat and eliminate pain.

How to act?

Color the Mandala "Protection of Warriors" in the colors that you like. Then the index fingers of the right and left hands bend so that they come into contact with the bases of large fingers.

Fold together the tips of large, medium and nameless fingers. Misinians straighten. If you are toolaring, fears are overwhelmed if you are all perceived to heart, "Mudra is several times a day for a few minutes, and the mandala periodically contemplate.

The attitude that is useful to repeat: "I'm safe."

"Vishudha" - Mandala for coloring

If you have chronic throat problems: permanent angina, colds, cough, hoarseness, often disappears or sits down, but there are no obvious causes for this reason, perhaps your problems are psychosomatic. The fact is that the throat often hurts in people who are accustomed to "swallow" with those who for some reason prefers not to express their opinions who cannot express the boss or an unpleasant person everything that thinks about him.

If so, then this mandala for you. It is associated with Vishudha-Chakra - Gorlova - and traditionally depicted in the form of 16 petal lotus. Mandala carries the message that all our emotions, positive and negative, are part of ourselves, so you do not need to be afraid to manifest them.

What do we have to do?

The throat chakra is always associated with blue, so coloring it using the shades of blue. When you paint, think about the possible psychological reasons for your throat problems. If you have long wanted to express anyone, but they were afraid - do it. And when you go to find out the relationship, take Vishudha with me - Mandal for courage!

It is useful to repeat: "I freely express my thoughts and feelings."

Mandala from insomnia for coloring

Each Indian from the lacca tribe over the bed hanging "Catcher of Dreams" is a shamanist mascot that protects against evil spirits and bad dreams. A long time ago, one local shaman was such a vision: the Great Shaman appeared to him - the teacher in the form of a wise speaker.

He bent into the circle of the flexible branch of the java tree, and then began to weave the web inside it. Having finished, the Great Shaman said:

"For a life we \u200b\u200bface different situations and forces that can become our assistants, and can greatly harm. If you are carefully listening to the forces of good - you are waiting for luck. But if you make a choice in favor of evil - you will fall into the trap and will suffer. "

It is believed that "Catcher of Dreams" catches only good dreams: bad dreams are confused in the threads of the web, and the good is slipped into the central hole.

How to work?

If you suffer from insomnia or nightmares - pull the mandala into calm tones and just hang in the bedroom. If you want to ask for a "dream catcher" of the Council (and he may well give it), do the following.

In the evening, before bedtime, we formulate the question that worries you, and start painting the mandala. Going to sleep, put the finished drawing under the pillow. Now it's small: remember and decipher the dream dream. If you remember anything, do not be discouraged: do it the next night. If Dream Catcher never gave you any answer - probably the time has not yet come.

Mandala "Health Paints" for coloring

This mandala is a universal remedy. You only need to choose your color for each at least.

First you need to know.

  1. Red helps with heart disease, blood circulation organs, anemia;
  2. Orange reduces depression, normalizes the pulse;
  3. Green soothes the nervous system, helps with influenza, cold, eye diseases, normalizes metabolism;
  4. Yellow stimulates the work of the brain, it helps with problems with digestion, stimulates the outflow of bile from the body;
  5. Blue and blue soothes the inflamed skin, heal burns, relieve pain, help with bleeding, liver diseases, reduce pressure;
  6. Purple relaxes, eliminates insomnia, reduces temperature. It is a powerful color, so keep care: in large quantities he can cause depression.

Color breathing.

Choose the color that most suits you and your state. Coloring the mandala using the selected color and its shades. Then place the drawing in front of you, get comfortably in the chair or on the bed.

Imagine how the mandala begins to radiate the color in which it is painted. This color turns into a cloud that swims to you. Slowly inspire a colored cloud. Feel how a wonderful, shimmering flow of healing color is poured and sent straight to the patient.

Exhale slowly. Exhausted, feel the disease comes out of you with air. Rise so at least 10 minutes. Use this practice and "color breathing" at least two times a day. After the health problem is solved and your condition will improve, destroy the mandala.

During the process of creating the mandala, voltage is removed and internal conflicts are resolved.

Protective Mandala "Sink" for coloring

One of the varieties of mandala is peculiar shields. So, protective mandala and simple psychological technique will become a kind of energy shield, will help to protect themselves from infections and colds. In the center of Mandala - Marine Sink. It serves as protection for marine inhabitants and a reliable means of storing jewelry - pearls.

According to the legend, Aphrodite itself - the goddess of love and beauty - moored to the seabed in the sink, its own protective coating. Is it possible to find more reliable protection for your health in the world than the one who used Aphrodite herself?

How to use?

Color the mandala into any colors. Then imagine yourself inside this durable, reliable, beautiful shell. It is not too great, but not at all close for you - just in size. You can easily mentally open and close her sash. If you go to work where almost all colleagues flew with the flu, or go to the clinic, where everyone is sick and a lot of chances to get infected, remember how the mandala looks like.

Then mentally put yourself inside the sink. You only need to close it tightly and pronounce: "I'm under protection."

But keep in mind: when the danger behind, do not forget to mentally go out, otherwise you will be closed both from bad and good contacts. It is only necessary to mentally open the sinks of the shell and say: "Defense is removed."

Buddha Medicine - Mandala for coloring

To the Buddha medicine, which is also referred to as a guru-healer, a lazurite lazeny-mentor and lazurite lazorite lazorite, has long been referring to health. It is believed that the repetition of a powerful healing mantra, which is devoted to him, mobilizes the protective forces of the body and helps protect against disease.

For example, in India, the mantra relate so respectfully and seriously that they pronounce its sounds before water and food, which is then given to the patient. And the ancient mantra "Buddha medicine" sounds like this: "Om Baddza Baddze Mahabegandze Randza Samutgate Soka." On Mandala is depicted, the Buddha itself: in his hand, a bowl with nectar of immortality.

How to act?

In the Mandala for coloring - Buddha medicine, you need to use strictly defined colors. So, for example, Buddha himself (his head, body, hands, legs) and a bowl must be painted in blue, his robe is in orange. If there is a desire, you can burn the mantra with your hand next to the mandala.

Addressing health requests, you need to catch a mantra and at the same time contemplate "Buddha medicine" or to imagine his image.

Solar mandala from headaches for coloring

Each person has a headache periodically, but there are people for whom headache is a chronic problem. From the point of view of psychosomatics, they have certain features: these are perfectionists who need to do everything is not just good, and the best of all, they do not know how to relax.

And if something suddenly does not work, they feel stupid, worthless. "Well, why do you need an excess headache?" - Ask such people familiar. "Do not take into my head" - advise friends when these eternal excellent students are experiencing due to nonsense.

But sometimes such a person can stop - a strong headache, the exhaust organism asks for mercy. Want to get rid of headaches - do not try to please all and immediately, work in the best of your strength.

And if the head is still broken, try to take this mandala.

How to work?

In the center of the mandala is a sun - a source of heat and energy. Coloring it in warm and even hot colors: orange, red, yellow.

Did you paint? It is not true, it seems that if you bring hands to the drawing, they will begin to warm.

Try to do it. Close your eyes and imagine that you extended the palm to the heat source, feel tingling in the tips of your fingers, feel the vessels expand.

When the tide of blood is intensified to the hands, and on the head, on the contrary, the blood is different, - spasms stop and pain leaves.

And further. If you have too high demands to yourself, and judge yourself - look at the mandala from time to time and say: "I love and approve myself." The head will hurt less often.

Mandala completed when, looking at her, you feel satisfied from contemplation.

Mandala "invincible" for coloring

Mark Twain said: "Throw smoking is easy, I myself did it 100 times." If you also threw many times, then they started smoking again, overeat, drink, but did not achieve success, try to do the following.

Admit that you are powerless before your habit. Yes, yes so simple. Probably, usually you did on the contrary: they tried to collect will be in a fist and overcome themselves. But in the end, everything was returned to the circles.

Maybe start acting in a new way? What do you lose? Recognizing your powerlessness, consult a strength that is stronger than you.

For someone, this is God or the guardian angel for someone - its own inner wisdom. Think Who or what is the highest strength for you?

Taking this mandala, consult her asking for help. And be prepared to accept this help.

How to use?

Durga Yantru is called "invincible." She helps everyone who is ready to take the first step to a new, better life. Durga-Yantra performs wishes and eliminates injustice. But the main thing its purpose is that this Yantra helps those who have entered into a difficult way to combat their bad habits, vices, be it smoking, overeating, excessive alcohol consumption.

If you are ready to change your life - this Yantra is for you. Its special geometric pattern harmonizes space, generating the energy of divine love around him. Durga cleans the mind, strengthens a person in his good intentions and brings peace of the merry soul.

Coloring Yantra, use shades of blue and orange colors. When she is ready, place Yantra in the eastern sector of the apartment. Yantra works with Mantra: "Om Duma Dugaye Namaha".

Mandala of future mothers for coloring

It is known that our ancestors really believed in virtue of the faith. One of the strengths of the coated symbols is the symbol "Roznica": he defended pregnant women, young men, guarded them from a bad eye, strengthened the health of their and future kids, accompanied favorable childbirth.

How to work with it?

By tradition, charms with this symbol were made for a girl close people who wish her good. Thus, you can decorate the mandala, giving it a young mom then. Declaring the mandala is better for 10-14 lunar days, since it created these days it will have the greatest strength. Use red and blue color.

Sri Yantra - Mandala intuition for coloring

Sri Yantru is called the Great, as well as the queen of all Yantr. This is one of the oldest sacred symbols, the history of the appearance of which goes deep into the ages and is shrouded in secret. Scientific experiments are shown: people who for 15-20 minutes contemplate Sri Yantra, the activities of the left hemisphere responsible for the logic will slow down, and the action of the right hemisphere responsible for intuition is activated.

And intuition, as you know, our most important ally and the adviser. Sri Yantra helps to hear the voice of his own "I", to distinguish a good person from the bad, truth - from lies. She will teach avoid troubles and dangers and make the right decisions.

How to use?

Color the mandala to paint Sri Yantru as you want. Even short contemplation of its pattern enhances intuition and may cause insight. If you need to urgently make a decision, make a choice - sit in front of the painted ITER and, looking at its most her center, think about what you worry. After some time, the right decision will come.

Mandala Decitation for coloring

There is a parable about one hot-tempered young man. "Once the father handed him a bag with nails and said:" Every time you can not keep your anger and you will hear someone, - drive a nail into the fence. " At first, the guy knocked into a fence for several tens of nails. But over time, it became restrained, and the number of pitched nails began to decrease.

Finally, the day came when a young man did not take anything. On this day, he did not drive any nail. When the young man told his father about his achievements, he came up with a new task for him: when the guy succeeds to keep his anger, he must pull out a robbed nail out of the fence.

There was time, the young man tried his best, and one day there was not a single nail left in the fence.

You have changed very much, "the son praised his son," but look at how much holes remain in the slaughter. He will never be the same. When you tell a person offensive words, he remains a scar on the heart. And even if you apologize - the scar is not going anywhere ... "

Is it worth always to restrain your anger, suppressing your feelings? Unlikely. If from time to time not to produce steam, we will explode sooner or later. In addition, you can earn a bunch of diseases: from cardiovascular to diseases of the joints and digestive system.

For weakened physically and emotionally organism, bright and warm colors are suitable: red, orange, yellow. But if there is hyperemology, then for balancing emotions, calm preference to blue, blue, purple.

When complete the drawing, pay for some time meditation. In this case, use affirmations that will strengthen the therapeutic effect of the sacred circle: "I am healthy (a)", "I am young and good every day", etc.

Conclusion: Put the mandala for coloring, tune in to a positive, health and plunge into the world of drawing, and soon the voltage, the experience will go away, you will feel relief and exemption from negative emotions.

Download mandalas for coloring

Best regards, Olga.

Mandala is the once mysterious word, sitting in the depths of century wisdom. Today, mandalas and their creation are a great course, philosophy, hobby ... for everyone something else. Of course, one thing is that there is a mandalotherapy, as one of, works and helps, heals and inspires.

Today, mandalas draw, paint, embroider, weave, spread, knit, glue, pushed ...

I invited a specialist in a psychologist and a storytellite to talk on this interesting topic - Any Kutyivin. She holds us into a unique world of creating a mandala for children and adults.

Mandalotherapy for children and adults

What is mandalotherapy and what is it useful? What exercises can be done at home? What are the features of working with children and adults? About this - in our article.

According to sources, mandalas appeared in India, and it happened for a very long time - several thousand years ago. They were actively used as a sacred tool for meditation in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. In psychotherapy, Mandalas began to be used by Karl Gustav Jung as a method of studying the unconscious. Nowadays, the mandalas also do not lose their relevance and are often used in working with adults and babies. What is the secret of mandala?

Secret meaning of mandala

Translated from Sanskrit, the word "mandala" is translated as "disk, circle." The circle is closed, he has no beginning, no end. And this circle symbolizes the image of a single universe.

There is a huge variety of mandala species in the world. They can be created in various ways, for example, to paint ready-made pictures, draw paints or pencils on paper, sculpt from plasticine, create bulk mandalas from flowers, natural materials, colored sand, weave mandalas from threads, etc.

In the psychology, the mandala personifies the symbolic image of the inner world, thoughts, senses of man. All this is in the safe form of a circle. K.G. Jung said that the mandala is a universal mental image, symbolizing the self - the deep essence of the human soul.

In fact, the mandala is a bridge between the inner and external world of man, between his consciousness and the subconscious. When we create a mandala, we put a deep meaning into it. We portrait your soul and can look from the processes to the processes in it. See the thinnest experiences that are difficult, but in some cases it is impossible to express in other ways. And this is the path to gaining integrity. It is not surprising that the mandalas have gained popularity in psychologists, psychotherapists, art therapists around the world.

Mandalotherapy is a great direction of art therapy. And she really creates wonders. ?

What do colors in mandalotherapy mean?

For informational purposes, I offer you common interpretations of colors in mandalotherapy. But be careful with straight decodes! We are all different, and the same color for one can mean positive, but for another - negative. And in general, recently art therapists come to the fact that the universal characteristics of colors do not work very well. The most important are the feelings, the sensation of the client associated with one or another color. But sometimes it is useful and look deep into, passing through yourself the general formula.

Mandala value. What can mean different colors:

- Red. It is believed that this color symbolizes strength, energy, passion. Red - fire, human heartbeat. Many red in the image of the mandala may indicate a high human lifestyle potential, the presence of bright aspirations, goals and methods of their implementation. A complete absence of a red color can tell us about the physical or emotional fatigue of a person, his passivity, a lack of "fire", or even depression.

- Green. Color life. In nature, the living is presented most often precisely green color - grass, devices, bushes. When a person in his creative work actively uses green tones, it can be assumed that it is inclined to naturalness, directness, honesty. If there is a lot of green in the figure, it often talks about the harmony of female and male began in man, his mental equilibrium.

- Yellow. This color tells us about the optimism, the joy of life, cheerfulness of the Spirit. Often we can notice that yellow is loved to draw active and non-standard, creative people with art talents.

- blue. This color symbolizes calm, seriousness. The presence of blue in Mandala can talk about strong intuition, human wisdom, his deep understanding of the situation.

- Orange. Clean energy stream. If an orange color is present in the mandala, most likely, a person self-realizes, self-afforded, moves to the goal.

- Brown. Traditionally, we associate this color from the ground. The abundance of brown in the mandala can point to a lack of a person's sense of security, his desire to become reliable soil, ground.

- The black. In essence, this is the lack of color. Black indicates emptiness, forcing. The abundance of black in Mandala can tell us about the emotional burnout of drawing, its devastation or even depressive state.

How does mandalotherapy work?

There are several main options for using mandala in psychotherapy. So, mandalotherapy can be:

  • active - the client is invited to independently create a mandala;
  • mixed type - the client chooses from the finished coloring-mandalas offered to him;
  • passive - a man is offered ready-made mandala, and he works with her.

The process of creating mandalas in psychotherapy

While working with a psychologist, the client is not limited to stiff principles and rules. It is important that the creation of the mandala takes place is easily, unplanned, spontaneously, during the release of experiences.

What is so special in Mandala? It would seem, just draw a circle, there are some lines and images. But everything is much more interesting than it seems at first glance. A person is most often not able to feel and realize all the multidimensionality and depth of working with this symbol. And the mandala, as if a kind of energy matrix, receives information directly from the subconscious, connecting it to the source of energy. This manifests the uniqueness of the mandalotherapy, its uniqueness.

Mandala Materials

Most often in modern psychotherapy for creating mandala, the client will offer the following materials: A4 or A3 format paper, brushes, paints, pencils, crayons, markers.

Where mandalotherapy is applicable

With regard to the scope of mandaltopia, it actively helps in:

  • Work with depressive states;
  • Work with impaired self-esteem;
  • Correction of internal imbalance;
  • Study of fears;
  • The return of the paints of life, the fight against pessimism;
  • Correction of aggression, irritability.

Mandalotherapy works both in individual counseling and in child-parent relations, in family therapy.

Very important moments: the plot of the mandalas must choose the client. And you can draw as much as I want, until the feeling of "enough". At the same time, the specialist records its condition, observes the non-verbal reactions - gestures, facial expression, breathing. The psychologist never appreciates the work of the client and does not interfere in the process. After all, the main task of this work is that the person finds contact with his inner "I", I got acquainted with myself, I saw answers to questions. And all this is possible only in a situation of lack of hard control and a directive approach from a specialist.

Mandalotherapy in working with children

What mandaltopia can be helpful for children? The answer is simple. Often, children cannot adequately express their emotions, and also correctly evaluate the emotions of others, including other children. All this prevents to build warm, friendly relationships. The use of mandala can help impulsive, disturbing children to stabilize the emotional background, develop the skills of self-regulation, remove the tension, express emotions and feelings. In addition, the "side effect" of using the mandala in working with children is the development of creativity, artistic and spiritual self-expression of children.

Mandalotherapy is often used in gardens, starting with younger groups. Children are offered to paint ready-made coloring mandalas, as well as create their mandalas from pebbles, chestnuts, acorns, colored sand, other natural materials.

The process of creating a mandala helps to develop imagination, creative abilities, fine motility of hands. Creating sand mandalas well affects hyperactive children, improves the concentration of attention, reduces the overall level of anxiety.

The main conditions for applying the mandala in working with children:

  • Show the child at the very beginning of the whole set of mandala so that he himself could choose his favorite;
  • You can include background music;
  • Do not overload the psyche - in one lesson, to offer a child only with one mandala;
  • Tools for work than to draw or lay out the mandala, the child must choose himself;
  • After creating the mandala, it is necessary to carefully ask the child about his experiences and feelings.

To create a real mandala, it is important to tune in to work, find a mental balance, "plunge" into your inner experiences. It is best to use relaxation techniques for this. Tell the baby a beautiful story, for example, such:

"Now we will go to a fabulous journey. Sit or Laggeous, bright eyes, take a deep breath. And now imagine that you were in a magical country. This is your favorite place, you are the most important here. Again, take a deep breath, exhale, relax even more.

Staying with closed eyes, "looking around" on the sides. Try to remember what you see. Carefully consider pictures, the colors that surround you.

As soon as you are ready, slowly open the eyes. Let's try to draw everything you saw in this circle. "

It is difficult to say how much time it is necessary to meditate and the creation of mandala. Someone needs more, someone less. Do not rush the child. He will show what is ready. Then it is good to come up with the name of the drawing and sign it.

After the end of creative work, it is necessary to ask the child that he painted. You can ask him to come up with a story or a fairy tale about Mandala. Such work is very useful for the development of intermetrous connections, improving the skill to express their thoughts, transform sensual images into verbal.

You can offer a child to draw a family in a circle, kindergarten, school, mother, etc.

Mandalotherapy in work with adults

You can do mandalotherapy not only in the office of a psychologist, but also at home. The most accessible option is to buy in the store ready-made drawings of the mandala, or download pictures for coloring on the Internet. But it is best to draw a mandala "from scratch".

We offer you a simple exercise that can be held at home. To do this, take a plate and circle her sheet A4. Fill the circle. In the process of drawing, focus on the inner sensations. Let the hand lead you to the answers. Then fill out the rest of the figures, lines, images. In the choice of colors, rely on intuition.

Then come up with the name of the mandala, write it down. Consider the mandala. What associations do you have? Write an essay about your mandala.
Having finished creative work, try to decipher the mandala.

How to decipher Mandal

Conditional guidelines can be used:

  • If a clearly pronounced center is present in the work, it can talk about human maturity;
  • Assymmetric pattern may indicate internal voltage;
  • In the image zones: from top to bottom - spiritual and social-physical; From left to right - the past is the present;
  • If a lot of white space remains in the figure, it can talk about caution, about fear to show activity, as well as about the shortage of information;
  • The absence of connections in the essay may indicate internal contradictions.

But do not rush to get tied to finished interpretations. Allow your soul to reveal and tell you important moments. Take them with love and gratitude. Think what can be improved in the current situation. What actions need to be taken?

In itself, awareness, without active actions, alas, will not change life. So after you see a picture of the future, live it mentally, immediately proceed to the realization of the conceived. Schedule specific steps, and start right today. You will certainly succeed. After all, the road is asset going going, right? And creativity will always help on the way. Tell me, will send, relax and surprise.

Create! And let in your life there will be many bright colors and delicious images!

Anna Kutyavina,

In fact, there is a special charm in the mandala. And you can meet them everywhere ... and in the turns of roses, and in the waves of the sea, in snowflakes, and in the lace napkins and in the kaleidoscope patterns ...

Mandala Coloring

At the end of the conversation about the mandalotherapy, we offer your attention to several templates of mandala for coloring. They can be downloaded, print and paint into their pleasure. And you can just take the basis and draw your own unique mandala.

Also, I propose to see this video about mandalotherapy:

I once tried to paint the finished drawings of the mandala. I like it. This process is really relaxing and distracting, configures on a creative peaceful wave ...

Tell me, did you paint, or did you make any mandala materials yourself? Did you like the process? What caused emotions? Share in the comments!

With warmth