Excellent degree of adjective in English: examples. Adjectives and adverbs in English (comparison, examples)

Excellent degree of adjective in English: examples. Adjectives and adverbs in English (comparison, examples)
Excellent degree of adjective in English: examples. Adjectives and adverbs in English (comparison, examples)

Good day to everyone! Imagine that you need to meet with any person for the first time. How do you learn each other in the crowd of unfamiliar people? Of course, you agree to meet in a certain place in the agreed time, and also describe what you will be dressed, and what color you will wear. Thus, it turns out that in this case, without adjective, you can not do. Therefore, we again devote our audio lesson English adjective phrases with adjectives in English

At the last lesson, we studied English phrases with adjectives, and today we will learn a few sentences with English adjectives so that you remember the order of the adjective in the proposal. And how do you remember, adjectives in the phrase occupy a certain fixed place - in front of the noun or after the verb ligament: He Wears Black Shoes - He Wears Black Shoes. The Pencil Is Red - Pencil Red.

By tradition, let's start with an online listening of an audio record of a lesson, in which the English adjectives are considered in the context of proposals and is given to the Russian language. The lesson is voiced by a voice recorder, so on the example of this audio lesson you can train your own pronunciation. So, proceed: /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/ruen079.mp3

If you have any difficulties with perception or pronunciation, then switch to the table or take a rest of 10-15 minutes, and start listening to the audio lesson for beginners online, repeating all phrases out loud.

Phrases with adjective in English

A table with English adjectives in the context of expressions will help you learn how to make other offers in English with adjectives for the description of individuals, phenomena and items.

Adjectives (adjectives)
English Russian
I am Wearing a Blue Dress On me a blue dress
I am Wearing A Red Dress On me a red dress
I am Wearing A Green Dress On me a green dress
I'm Buying A Black Bag I buy a black bag
I'm Buying A Brown Bag I buy a brown bag
I'm Buying A White Bag I buy a white bag
I Need A New Car I need a new car
I Need A Fast Car I need a fast car
I Need A Comfortable Car I need a comfortable car
An Old Lady Lives At Top There is an elderly woman at the top
A Fat Lady Lives At Top There is a thick woman at the top
A Curious Lady Lives Below There is a curious woman below
Our Guests Were Nice People Our guests were pleasant people
Our Guests Were Polite People Our guests were polite people
Our Guests Were Interesting People Our guests were interesting people
I Have Lovely Children I have good kids
But The Neighbours Have Naughty Children But the neighbors are bold children
Are you your children well behaved? Are your children obedient?

Try to describe yourself or your neighbors, at the thin end your favorite handbag or car using the studied adjectives in English.

Successes in the compilation of phrases in English! See you later!

comparative Need mainly in order to compare some things with others. After all, you must agree that it would be difficult to explicitly, without comparing any objects. Daily in our dialect, such comparative adjectives are scrolled as "more beautiful, better, warmer, colder, cooler, etc., we can simply not notice this. Therefore, the whole theme going below is important for digestibility and is filed with accessible simplicity.

How to make a positive degree of adjective adaptable degree?

To begin with, we will understand that there is a positive degree of adjective? Everything is simple. The positive degree of adjective is the original form of the adjective, which indicates the quality of the subject and is used without any comparisons with other objects. For instance:

  • IT's. beautiful Day - a wonderful day.
  • My Teacher Is Very Young - My teacher is too young.
  • They're Very. friendly People - They are very friendly people.
  • IT's An. expensive Restaurant is an expensive restaurant.
  • The Rooms Are Very Small - the rooms are very small.

There may be another question here. What is a comparative degree of adjective? And then it's still easier. A comparative degree of adjective is an adjective form, which indicates the quality of one subject in relation to another subject. For example:

  • Vegetables Are cheaper than Meat - vegetables cheaper than meat.
  • This Bag of Potatoes Is Heavier Than That Bag of Tomatoes - This potato bag is harder than the tomato bag.
  • Spain is. warmer Than England - in Spain is warmer than in England.
  • This New Car Is faster Than My Old One - This new car is faster than my old.
  • Sarah Is. older Than Her Brother - Sarah older than his brother.

Feel the difference? Now we will return to the main question: how to convert an adjective out of a positive degree in a comparative degree?

When converting, the standard for all adjectives is the addition of suffix "-er" by the end of the word. For example:

Standard Rule: Adjective (Adjective) + Suffix "-er"

Adjective (Positionstep.) Transfer Adjective (compared. Transfer
Old. Old Old. eR. Older
Tall Tall Tall eR. Above
Slow. Slow Slow. eR. Slower
Cold Cold Cold eR. Colder
Small Small Small eR. Less
Strong. Strong Strong. eR. Stronger
Clean. Clean Clean. eR. Chinese
Short Short Short eR. In short
Long. A long Long. eR. Long
Cheap Cheap Cheap eR. Cheaper

In English, when compared, the Thaan Union is often used:

  • The Coast Road To The Town Is Shorter Than The Mountain Road is expensive along the embankment in the city in short than the road through the mountains.
  • My Father Is Younger Than My Mother is my father, younger than my mother.
  • His New Mobile IS Smaller Than His Old One is his new mobile phone than an old one.
  • The Empire State Building Is Taller Than The Statue of Liberty - Empire State Building is higher than the Statue of Liberty.
  • Wool. iS Warmer Than Cotton - Wool warmer than cotton.

At the same time there are always a number of the following transformation rules that need to be observed:

1. For double adjectives ending with the consonant and "-y": change "-y" to "-i" + suffix "-er":

Rule for double adjectives ending on "-y": change Y → I + suffix "-er"
Adjective (Positionstep.) Transfer Adjective (compared. Transfer
Happy Happy Happ. iER Happier
Easy. Easy EAS. iER Easier
Dirty Dirty Dirt iER Dirtier
Pretty. Sympathetic Prett. iER Cute
Wealthy. Rich Wealth iER Richer


  • English is. easier than Japanese - English easier than Japanese.
  • My Suitcase is. heavier than Your Suitcase - My Suitcase is heavier than your suitcase.
  • Your car is. dirtier Than Mine - Your Machine Miring Machine.
  • His New Girlfriend is Prettier Than Your Julia is his new girl with pretty Yulia.
  • Last Time She Was Happier Than Today - last time she was happier than today.

2. If a single-threshold adjective ends with a vowel and consonant: add the last consonant letter + suffix "-er":

Adjective (Positionstep.) Transfer Adjective (compared. Transfer
Big Large Big ger. More
Hot. Hot Hot. tER Hot
Fat. Fat Fat. tER Topic
Thin. Thin Thin. ner. Thinkish


  • The Grand Hotel Is Bigger Than Is The Sea View Hotel - "The Grand Hotel" more than "The Sea View Hotel".
  • My Cup of Tea Is Hotter Than Yours is my cup of tea with hot.
  • Mike Is Fatter Than John - Mike Topic John.
  • The Screw-Driver Is Thinner Than Mine - this screwdriver thinner.

3. To the adjective, finishing on "-e", add only one suffix "-r":

Adjective (Positionstep.) Transfer Adjective (compared. Transfer
NICE. Pleasant Nic eR. More pleasant
True. Right Tru eR. Rather
White White Whit eR. Whore
Polite Polite Polit. eR. Politely
Large. Large LARG. eR. Larger

For example:

  • My Arguments IS. truer Than Yours - My arguments are more or rather yours.
  • HER SHIRT IS. whiter Thanher Girlfriends' is her shirt whiter than her girlfriend.
  • Wheels of your car is Larger Than Wheels of Mine - Wheels of your car bigger than mine wheels.

4. Before double adjectives, which will not end on "-y" and adjectives, which consist of 3 or more syllables, when converting into a comparative degree, add the service word "more more", without adding a suffix:

For adjectives consisting of 2 or more syllables
Positive degree Transfer comparative Transfer
Careful. Careful More careful. More cautious
Worried Excited More worried More excited
Expensive Dear More Expensive More expensive
Intelligent. Clever More Intelligent. Smarter
Beautiful. Beautiful More beautiful. More beautiful

For example:

  • The Train Is More Expensive Than The Bus is more expensive than the bus.
  • Drivers In This Country Are More Careless Than Drivers In My Country - Drivers in this country are more casually than drivers in my country.
  • The Exam Today Was More Difficult Than Last Year's Exam - today's exam was more complicated than last year's exam.
  • The Students Ask More Intelligent Questions Than The Did Before - Students ask smarter questions than they asked before.
  • Her Second book is More Interesting Thanper Book is its second book more interesting than her first.

5. We also do not do without exceptions, which when converting is gaining a completely different form than in all of the above items:

Exceptions of adaptable
Positive degree Transfer comparative Transfer
Good. Good Better. It is better
Bad. Bad Worse. Worse
Little. Small Less Less
Far Far Farther Further

For example:

  • MS. Davies IS A Better Teacher Than Mr. Andrews - Mrs. Davis teaches better than Mr. Andrews.
  • These Boots Are Worse Than Those That We Received Last Year - These shoes are worse than those that were issued last year.
  • I've Less Money Than You Have - I have less money than you.
  • From here to Moscow is Farther Than to St. Petersburg - from here to Moscow farther than before Peter.

To enhance the expression, we can insert such adhesions before comparative adjectives as a bit (slightly), a lot (much), Much (significantly):

  • She's a lot happier now - it is much happier now.
  • I'm a bit older than you - I am a little older than you.
  • This Book Is Much More Interesting The Other One - This book is much more interesting than others.

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Each person or item has distinctive characteristics, properties, signs. And in order to tell about them the interlocutor, it is necessary to be able to properly use the appropriate adjectives. Today we will explore this grammatical category, as well as learn its laws of compilation and use. In addition, we will be helped to understand more quickly and remember the rules about simple and multiple adjectives in English Examples , Posted in the final section.

Grammar meanings

The role of English adjectives is no different from the role of Russians - characterize people and describe items, emphasizing their qualities, signs, properties. Despite the fact that in a bundle with this part of speech there is always a noun, it does not change any number nor the genus nor the case.

  • I See A. gray.bird -Ii seesorry bird.
  • Gray. Birds Are Sitting On The Branch of the Tree -Gray birdssiton thebranchtree.
  • I GAVE SOME BREAD TO THE gray.bird -Igavelittleof breadthisgray bird.

The only case of changing the form of adjectives in the English offer is to use them to compare items and expressing superiority.

Forms of comparison

Before you master the comparison methods, it is necessary to understand that the composition of adjectives is very important for English grammar. They are three species: simple, complex and composite.

Composite adjectives are a combination of two words and are recorded through a hyphen (sometimes pits). These combinations consist of adjectives and other parts of speech: numerical, nouns, communion, etc.

  • A. one-eye Young Man. lives in This Flat - The young one-eyed young man lives in this apartment.
  • Mother Bough A. dark-Blue Suit for My Brother -Mumboughtmine.brotherdark-bluecostume.
  • He Didn't Want To Take A low-PAID job - He did not want to take a low-paid job.

Composite view is rarely used. Much more often there are single-strokes and double adjectives, and words with a large number of syllables. For the first two groups, comparative forms are formed by changing the foundation, and the last category requires additional words. Therefore, we will separately analyze the multiple adjectives in English, bringing examples of compiling them comparative degrees. So far we will focus on the first group.

Definitions consisting of one syllable, as well as adjectives of two syllables with the endings of LE, ER, OW, R. form a comparison of a suffix method. For a comparative degree, this is a soffix -er, and for excellent - EST. Since only one person or subject can exceed everyone, then in front of such adjectives they put the ARTICLE THEM.

  • I. HAD. Done MY. Task by 3 O.'Clock. Because. IT. WAS. easy. - I performed my task to three clock, because she was easy.
  • You. HAD. Done Your. Task Faster than. I. DID Because. Your. Task WAS. easier. - You fulfilled your task faster than I, because your task was easier.
  • He. HAD. Done HIS. Task Earlier than. Others. DID Because. HIS. Task WAS. their Easiest. - He completed his task before all, because his task was the easiest.

If the degree changes, several nuances belonging to spelling are characterized by the degree. When the definition ends on one consonant, with a preceding brief vowel sound, it doubles in a comparative design. Here we note that the final unreadable vowel E is never doubled.

  • IT WAS. hot. Yesterday -Yesterdayit washot.
  • The Weather Is Getting hotter. and hotter -Weatherbecomeseverythinghotterandhotter.

Words ending on -y, with previous consonants, change this letter to I.

  • My Sister Is. lazy.Mysisterlazy.
  • He is the laziest. Pupil in His Class -Itmostlazystudentinsoreclass.

Note that in this group there are special cases that are studied separately.

Multiple adjectives in English Examples of construction

At the definitions of three or more syllables in their composition, with the Word of any changes occur. In compilation of comparative degrees, special additional designations help them: more/ less (more / less) and their Most./ The Least. (most / easiest).

Source form Comparison Superiority
comfortable Room

comfortable room

more Comfortable Room

room comfortable

the Most Comfortable Room

the most comfortable room

beautiful Butterfly.

beautiful butterfly

more Beautiful Butterfly.

butterfly more beautiful

the most beautiful butterfly

the most beautiful butterfly

expensive Present

expensive gift

less Expensive Present.

less expensive gift


not at all expensive gift

This method often form comparison forms of adjectives on -ed and -ing, which many equates communion.

  • He Was. more surprised than his brother -Itwasstrongersurprisedthanhisbrother.
  • IT WAS. the Most IntereSing. Day of My Trip -itwasmostinterestingdayofminetravels.

Often, such a way is also used by jubilant adjectives, especially if they ended on -ful, -less, -ous.

  • Your Husband Is. more Careful than my -Is yourshusbandmorecaringthanmy.
  • IT IS. the Most Useless. Thing in the World -itsAMIuselessthinginworld.
  • Palahniuk is. more Famous. Writer Than Frei -Palanikmoreknownwriter,thanFry.

To words that always use for education degrees of comparison Extension structures also include: frequent, careless., modern., normal, cERTAIN, foolish, correct. and etc.

Some representatives of adjectives can also use both ways to build comparisons.

To describe someone or something we use adjectives. For example: it is high, hot tea, the blanket is warm, it is smart.

It is thanks to the adjective we make our speech by living, rich, emotional.

In the article, I will tell you what adjectives are in English and how to use them.

3 types of adjectives in English

Adjective (adjective) is a word that is used to describe a sign of the subject / person. Such words answer questions: "What?", What? "What?" What? ", What?"

For example: Small, kind, beautiful, smart, cold, tasty.

What could be adjectives in English?

Select 3 types of adjectives:

1. Simple adjectives

Such adjectives consist of one main part. Let's look at the list of the most common ordinary English adjectives.

open - Open
Closed - closed
Noisy - noisy
Loud - Loud
Quiet - Quiet
Light - light
Dark - Dark
Easy - Light
Difficult - hard
New - new
Old - Old
Light - Easy
Heavy - heavy
Fast - fast
Slow - Slow
Full - Full
Empty - Blank
Long - Long
Short - short
High - High
Low - Low
Good - good
Bad - bad
Hot - hot, hot
Cold - Cold
Soft - soft
Hard - hard
Big - big
Little - small
Clean - clean
Dirty - Dirty
Expensive - Dear
Cheap is cheap
LARGE - big, large
Small - small
Happy - Happy
SAD - sad

2. Derivatives of adjectives

A derivative means formed from something, with the help of something. Such adjectives are not only from the main part, they are joined:

  • Suffix (adding in the end of the word)

For example, we have a word hero. (hero), we add suffix -ic and get adjective Hero iC. (heroic).

Let's look at the main suffixes that are used to form derivatives of adjectives:


Here are examples of such adjectives:

care. fUL. - attentive
intellig ent - clever
Classic. al- Classic
Cheer fUL. - Joyful
Dail y.- Daily
Notice able. - Note
use less - Useless
Element. ary. - elementary
Respons. ile. - Responsible
Ambiti. ous - ambitious
beauti. fUL. - beautiful

  • Prefix (adding at the beginning of the word).

For example, we have a word happy (happy), we can add to this word console un- And we get adjective unhappy (unhappy).

Here are the main consoles that are used for this:


Let's look at the examples of such adjectives:

unuSIAL- unusual
illegal - illegal
iM.possible is impossible
iRrational - inanient
dIS.comfort - uncomfortable
iN.complete - incomplete
unkind - Unkind

3. Complicated adjectives

Such adjectives are formed from two words.

Here are some examples of complex adjectives:

snow-White - Snow White
ED-Hot - Red
Red-Cheeked - Red-Cheeky
Untidy-looking - sloppy
Dark-Blue - Dark Blue
Middle-Aged - Middle Ages

And now let's see how English adjectives are used.

Attention: Can't remember English words? Learn on in Moscow, how to learn words to not forget them.

Using adjectives in English

As I already wrote, the adjectives we use to describe. That is, when we say that someone / something has any qualities.

Therefore, most often adjectives are placed in front of a person or subject.

For example:

He Saw A. beautiful Girl.
He saw a beautiful girl.

SHE BOUGHT AN. expensive Dress.
She bought an expensive dress.

Please note that the adjective and noun (person / subject) before the ligament, we will definitely put the article.

Could You Give Me a. NEW PEN?
Can you give me a new handle?

If, after the adjective, it is not worth the noun, then we do not put artictle in front of him.

For example:

This Car Is. big.
This car is big.

He is untidy-Looking.
He is sloppy.

So, we looked at what adjectives are, and what to pay attention to when using them. And now let's take it to use them.

By the way, in continuation of the topic, I advise you to learn an article on how to compare something or someone with the help of adjectives.

Task for fixing

Translate the following offers into English. Leave your answers in the comments under the article.

1. My girlfriend is smart.
2. Take a light box.
3. He put on a dark blue sweater.
4. His advice is useless.
5. He gave me an unusual gift

1. Find and emphasize the adjectives. Translate the story.

My Favourite Painting Is in a Light Oval Room with Large Windows. IT Was Painted by a Famous Italian Artist. An Elegant Lady Rides A Black Horse in a beautiful Park. Three Small Funny Dogs Are Running Behind Them. The Woman Looks Happy and Excited. I Feel Quite Warm And Comfortable When Painting.

2. Place the suggestions suitable for the sense of adjectives. Translate proposals.

valuable (valuable) - Delicious (Delicious) - English (English) - Leather (Leather) - Russian (Russian) - Tired (Tired) - Careful (Careful) - Free - Free - Cotton (Cotton) - Good (good) - Cold (Cold)

  2. Please Be ... with a knife.
  3. Sherlock Holmes Was An ... Detective.
  4. Good bye! Have a ... Time in Mexico.
  5. I Like Going Shopping In My ... Time.
  6. Don't Leave ... Things In Your Bags.
  7. I'm going to bed. I'm SO ...
  8. These Peaches Are Very ...
  9. Will You Close the Window? I Feel ...
  10. I'm looking for a white ... Dress and a pair of red ... shoes.

3. Choose in brackets suitable in meaning adjective.

Nr: The Ghost Was ... (Frighteening / Frightened). (Ghost was terrible.) - The Ghost Was Frighteening.

  1. OUR TRIP WILL BE ... (Tiring / Tired). (Our trip will be tedious.)
  2. He Always Feels ... (Boring / Bored) During His Vacation. (He is always bored on vacation.)
  3. I really enjoyed a ... (Relaxing / Relaxed) Walk Near The Sea. (I really liked a relaxing walk by the sea.)
  4. John Was ... (disappointing / disappointed) by The Results of His Exams. (John was upset by the results of his exams.)
  5. I'm Leaving for Milan Tomorrow and I Am ... (EXSITING / EXCITED). (I'm leaving tomorrow in Milan, and I am excited.)
  6. My Dad Is ... (intesting / intecessed) in politics. (My father is interested in politics.)
  7. I GOT LOST IN THE CITY BECAUSE THE MAP WAS ... (Confusing / confused). (I was lost in the city, because the map was confusing.)
  8. Ann is ... (surprising / surprised) by the news. (Anya is surprised by the news.)
  9. Your Reasons Are Not ... (Convincing / ConvinceD) for me. (Your arguments are unconvincing for me.)
  10. They Looked ... (amusing / amused) by The Presents. (They were pleasantly surprised by gifts.)

4. Put the proposals suitable by the sense of the phrase with adjectives.

Nr: His Car Is ... - His Car Is As Slow As a Turtle.

as Slow As a Turtle (Slow Like Turtle) - As Pretty As a Rose (Beautiful Like Rose) - As High As a Mountain (High As Mountain) - As White As Snow (White Like Snow) - AS Hot As Fire (Hot As Fire) - As Pale As The Moon (pale as a moon) - As Brave As A Lion (Brave Lion) - As Clear As a Bell (Cleaned as a Bell) - As Blue As The Sky (Blue as Sky) - AS Busy AS A Bee (occupied as a bee) - As Clumsy As a Bear (clumsy as a bear) - AS Strong As Steel (strong as steel) - As Light As a Feather (Lightway as Pufflink) - AS Free As A Bird (Free Like Bird) - As True AS A Dog (true as Dog) - As Cold As Ice (Cold as Ice)

  1. My Friends Are ...
  2. Those Buildings Are ...
  3. HER VOICE IS ...
  4. She Has Got 5 Children and She Is Always ...
  5. You look ILL, Your face is ...
  6. Put on your coat. Your Hands Are ...
  7. HER Teeth Are ...
  8. Bob Is a Real Man. He is ... and his character is ...
  9. Their Daughter Looks Like An Angel, She Is ...
  10. What Color Are Her Eyes? - They Are ...
  11. You have Broken My Chair. You are ...
  12. I Can't Stand On The Sand. IT's ...
  14. AT The Top of the Mountain I Started Feeling ...


favourite, Light, Oval, Large, Famous, Italian, Elegant, Black, Beautiful, Small, Funny, Happy, Excited, Warm, Comfortable, OLD

My favorite picture is located in a bright oval room with large windows. She was written by the famous Italian artist. Elegant lady rides riding on a black horse in a beautiful park. Three little funny dogs run behind them. Woman looks happy and excited. I feel pretty warm and comfortable when I look at this old picture.

  1. Russian (Novgorod - Russian City.)
  2. sareful (please be careful with a knife.)
  3. English (Sherlock Holmes was an English detective.)
  4. good (goodbye! Spend a good time in Mexico.)
  5. fREE (I love to go shopping in your free time.)
  6. valuable (Do not leave valuable things in your bags.)
  7. tired (I go to sleep. I'm so tired.)
  8. delicious (these peaches are very tasty.)
  9. cold (You do not cry a window? I'm cold.)
  10. cotton - Leather (I'm looking for a white cotton dress and a pair of red leather shoes.)
  1. tiring.
  2. bored.
  3. relaxing.
  4. disappointed
  5. excited
  6. interered
  7. confusing.
  8. surprised
  9. convincing
  10. aMUSED