Than Kolyma stories. Collection of stories "Kolyma stories

Than Kolyma stories. Collection of stories
Than Kolyma stories. Collection of stories "Kolyma stories

In snow

How is the road on snow virgin? Ahead is a man, sweating and swearing, barely rearrangement of the legs, flickering in a loose deep snow. A man goes far away, noting his way with uneven black pits. He gets tired, falls on the snow, snacks, and the maffer smoke will be sprinkled with a blue cloud over white shiny snow. The man has already gone further, and the cloud is still hanging where he rested, is almost immobile air. Roads always pave in quiet days so that the winds do not leave human labor. The man himself marches himself a landmarks in snowlessness: the rock, a high tree, - the person leads his body in the snow as the steering wheel leads the boat on the river from the cape.

By the laid narrow and incorrect trail move five to six people in a row shoulder to the shoulder. They step around the trace, but not in the next. Having reached the place to the outlined place, they turn back and again go so to embroider a snowy virgin, the place where the man's leg has not yet come. The road is broken. People can go on it, sun outways, tractors. If you go along the path of the first track to the trail, there will be a noticeable, but barely passing narrow trail, stitch, and not the road - pits, for which it is more difficult to make it difficult than in a virulent. The first is heavier than everyone, and when he knocks out of his strength, ahead comes forward from the same head five. From going along the trail, each, even the smallest, the weakest must come on a piece of snow virgin, and not in someone else's mark. And on tractors and horses are not writers, but readers.

At the show

Played cards at Konogon Naumova. The duty officers never looked into Barak Konogonov, rightly believing their main service in observing convicts fifty-eightwise. Horses, as a rule, did not trust the counter-revolutionary. True, PRESENTS-PRACTICS Were grumbled: they were deprived of the best, caring workers, but the instruction on this expense was defined and strict. In short, Konogonov was all safer, and every night there were threatening for their card fights.

In the right corner of the barrack on the lower naughters there were multi-colored cotton blankets. A burning "lamb" was screwed to the corner post - a homemade light bulb on a gasoline pair. Three-four open copper tubes were soldered into the mouse cover - that's all the device. In order for this lamp to ignite, hot coal lay on the cover, the gasoline warmed, the steam climbed on the tubes, and the gasoline gas burned grilled.

On the blankets lay a dirty fluff pillow, and on both sides of her, pursing in Buryat's legs, partners were sitting - the classical pose of the prison battle. On the pillow lay a new deck of cards. It was not ordinary cards, it was a prison homemade deck, which is made by the masters of the case at the speed of extraordinary. For the manufacture, it needs paper (any book), a piece of bread (in order to nourish it and rub through the rag to get starch - glue the sheets), the grizzle of the chemical pencil (instead of typographic paint) and the knife (for cutting and stencils, and the maps themselves).

Today's cards were just cut from Tomika Viktor Hugo - the book was someone forgotten yesterday in the office. The paper was dense, thick - the leaves did not have to glue what was being done when paper was fine. In the camp, with all searches, chemical pencils were strictly selected. They were selected when checking received parcels. This was done not only to curb the possibility of making documents and stamps (there were many artists and such), but to destroy everything that could compete with the state card monopoly. From the chemical pencil they did ink, and ink through the made paper stencils applied patterns on the map - ladies, currencies, tens of all stripes ... The masters did not differ in color - and the difference and no need to player. Pick currencies, for example, corresponded to the peak image in two opposite corners of the card. The location and shape of the censes were the same - to reduce their own hand to make cards enters the program of the "knight" education of the young Blatar.

A new deck of cards lay on the pillow, and one of the players patted with a dirty hand with thin, white, non-working fingers. The nail of the mother's was supernatural length - also a glorious chic, just like "fixes" - gold, that is, bronze, crowns, put on quite healthy teeth. Even the masters were found - self-coated prosthethesists, many growing the manufacture of such crowns, invariably found demand. As for the nails, the color polishing them is undoubtedly entering the life of the criminal world, if it could have been lacquered in prison conditions. Liner yellow flashed like a gem. Left hand Nail owner moved sticky and dirty blonde hair. He was trimmed "under the box" most careful way. Low, without a single wrinkle of the forehead, yellow bushes of eyebrows, Rutik Bnet - All this gave his physiognomy an important quality of the appearance of the thief: inconsistency. The face was that it was impossible to remember it. I looked at him - and I forgot, I lost all the features, and not learn at the meeting. It was the nodder, the famous connoisseur of Terrta, Stos and Bura - three classic card games, an inspirational interpreter thousands of card rules, strict observance of which is necessarily in the present battle. About the noddes said that he was "perfectly performed" - that is, shows the skill and dexterity of the cheeler. He was a shoeler, of course; Honest thieves game - this is a game of deception: after watching and surrounding the partner, this is your right, able to deceive myself, I will defy the doubtful gain.

Always played two - one on one. None of the masters humiliated themselves to participate in group games like a glasses. They were not afraid to sit down with strong "performers" - and in chess, a real fighter is looking for the strongest opponent.

The partner of the naughty was the names of Naumov, Brigadier Konogonov. He was older than a partner (however, how old are the seed - twenty? Thirty? Forty?), Black-haired small with such a sidewal expression of black, deep-eyed eyes, which, don't know that Naumov railway thief from Kuban, I would take it for what "Along the wanderer - a monk or a member of the famous sect" God knows ", sects that already dozens of years found in our camps. This impression was increased at the sight of Gaitan with a tin crossed by Naumova, - the gate of the shirt was unzipped. This cross was not a blasphemous joke, a whim or improvisation. At that time, all the thirsty worn on the neck aluminum crosses - it was an identifying order of the Order, like a tattoo.

In the twenties, the thoughts wore technical caps, even earlier - the captains. In the forties, in the winter they wore Kubanki, put the top of the boots, and the cross was worn on the neck. The cross was usually smooth, but if artists happened, they were forced to paint the neck patterns on their favorite themes: a heart, a map, a cross, a naked woman ... The Naumovsky Cross was smooth. He hung on Naumov's dark nude breast, preventing the blue tattoo - a quote from Yesenin, the only poet recognized and canonized by the criminal world:

How little passed roads
How many mistakes are made.

- What do you play? - Stopped through the teeth, the nodes with endless contempt: it was also considered a good tone of the start of the game.

- Here is a rag. Miscellaneous this ... and Naumov patted himself on his shoulders.

- In five hundred playing, - appreciated the costume of the nod. In response, there was a loud verbal sword, which was supposed to convince the enemy in a much larger value of things. The surrounding players spectators were patiently waiting for the end of this traditional overture. The noddes did not remain in debt and cursed even more vasey, knocking down the price. Finally, the costume was estimated in a thousand. For its part, the north played several worn jumpers. After the jumpers were rated and cast on immediately on the blanket, the nodes became the cards.

How is the road on snow virgin? Ahead is a man, sweating and swearing, barely rearrangement of the legs, flickering in a loose deep snow. A man goes far away, noting his way with uneven black pits. He gets tired, falls on the snow, snacks, and the maffer smoke will be sprinkled with a blue cloud over white shiny snow. The man has already gone further, and the cloud is still hanging where he rested, is almost immobile air. Roads always pave in quiet days so that the winds do not leave human labor. The man himself marches himself a landmarks in snowlessness: the rock, a high tree, - the person leads his body in the snow as the steering wheel leads the boat on the river from the cape.

By the laid narrow and incorrect trail move five to six people in a row shoulder to the shoulder. They step around the trace, but not in the next. Having reached the place to the outlined place, they turn back and again go so to embroider a snowy virgin, the place where the man's leg has not yet come. The road is broken. People can go on it, sun outways, tractors. If you go along the path of the first track to the trail, there will be a noticeable, but barely passing narrow trail, stitch, and not the road - pits, for which it is more difficult to make it difficult than in a virulent. The first is heavier than everyone, and when he knocks out of his strength, ahead comes forward from the same head five. From going along the trail, each, even the smallest, the weakest must come on a piece of snow virgin, and not in someone else's mark. And on tractors and horses are not writers, but readers.

At the show

Played cards at Konogon Naumova. The duty officers never looked into Barak Konogonov, rightly believing their main service in observing convicts fifty-eightwise. Horses, as a rule, did not trust the counter-revolutionary. True, PRESENTS-PRACTICS Were grumbled: they were deprived of the best, caring workers, but the instruction on this expense was defined and strict. In short, Konogonov was all safer, and every night there were threatening for their card fights.

In the right corner of the barrack on the lower naughters there were multi-colored cotton blankets. A burning "lamb" was screwed to the corner post - a homemade light bulb on a gasoline pair. Three-four open copper tubes were soldered into the mouse cover - that's all the device. In order for this lamp to ignite, hot coal lay on the cover, the gasoline warmed, the steam climbed on the tubes, and the gasoline gas burned grilled.

On the blankets lay a dirty fluff pillow, and on both sides of her, pursing in Buryat's legs, partners were sitting - the classical pose of the prison battle. On the pillow lay a new deck of cards. It was not ordinary cards, it was a prison homemade deck, which is made by the masters of the case at the speed of extraordinary. For the manufacture, it needs paper (any book), a piece of bread (in order to nourish it and rub through the rag to get starch - glue the sheets), the grizzle of the chemical pencil (instead of typographic paint) and the knife (for cutting and stencils, and the maps themselves).

Today's cards were just cut from Tomika Viktor Hugo - the book was someone forgotten yesterday in the office. The paper was dense, thick - the leaves did not have to glue what was being done when paper was fine. In the camp, with all searches, chemical pencils were strictly selected. They were selected when checking received parcels. This was done not only to curb the possibility of making documents and stamps (there were many artists and such), but to destroy everything that could compete with the state card monopoly. From the chemical pencil they did ink, and ink through the made paper stencils applied patterns on the map - ladies, currencies, tens of all stripes ... The masters did not differ in color - and the difference and no need to player. Pick currencies, for example, corresponded to the peak image in two opposite corners of the card. The location and shape of the patterns of the centuries were the same - to reduce their own hand to make cards enters the program "Knight" upbringing of a young Blatar.

A new deck of cards lay on the pillow, and one of the players patted with a dirty hand with thin, white, non-working fingers. The nail of the mother's was supernatural length - also a glorious chic, just like "fixes" - gold, that is, bronze, crowns, put on quite healthy teeth. Even the masters were found - self-coated prosthethesists, many growing the manufacture of such crowns, invariably found demand. As for the nails, the color polishing them is undoubtedly entering the life of the criminal world, if it could have been lacquered in prison conditions. Liner yellow flashed like a gem. Left hand Nail owner moved sticky and dirty blonde hair. He was triggered by the "under the box" the most accurate way. Low, without a single wrinkle of the forehead, yellow bushes of eyebrows, Rutik Bnet - All this gave his physiognomy an important quality of the appearance of the thief: inconsistency. The face was that it was impossible to remember it. I looked at him - and I forgot, I lost all the features, and not learn at the meeting. It was the nodder, the famous connoisseur of Terrta, Stos and Bura - three classic card games, an inspirational interpreter thousands of card rules, strict observance of which is necessarily in the present battle. About the nodded said that he was "perfectly performed" - that is, shows the skill and agility of the cheeler. He was a shoeler, of course; Honest thieves game - this is a game of deception: after watching and surrounding the partner, this is your right, able to deceive myself, I will defy the doubtful gain.

Demonstrately refusing the artisticity, Shalamov creates better artistic prose about the gulag - the ruthless and talented certificate of circumstances in which a person ceases to be a man.

comments: Babar Babitskaya

What is this book?

About life (or rather, dying) of the Gulag prisoners in the late 1930s - 1940s. In the "Kolyma stories" of Shalamov reflected his own experience: in Kolyma, the writer spent more than fifteen years (1937-1951), working on golden primaries and coal mines, more than once became the order and survived only due to the fact that friends arranged by His paramedic hospital. This is an artistic study by a new and non-submitter to the appearance of the Gulag and the Auschwitz of reality, in which a person is reduced to the level of the animal; Analysis of physical, mental and moral degradation, the study of the question that helps survive in a situation in which it is impossible to survive. As Shalamov he wrote, "Did the destruction of a person with the help of the state, are not the main issue of our time, our morality, entered into the psychology of each family?"

Varlam Shalamov. 1956 year

When is it written?

Work on the "Kolym Stories" Shalamov began shortly after returning from Kolyma, where after release the writer was forced to spend three more years. Shalamov began writing a collection in 1954, working as a master in peat-workers in the Kalinin region, and continued in Moscow, where he was able to return after rehabilitation in 1956. "Kolyma stories" - the first collection of the cycle - completed in 1962. By this time, the writer already has a freelance correspondent for the magazine "Moscow", poems from his volumetric "Kolyma Notebooks" are published in the "Banner", and in 1961 the first poetic collection "Firebody" is published.

Manuscript Shalamov. Stories "Vaska Denisov, pig kidnapper" and "shock therapy"

How is she written?

Total Shalamov wrote more than a hundred stories and essays that have made six books. "Kolyma stories" in a narrow sense - his first collection, which begins with a poem in prose "in the snow" and ending with the story "Typhoic quarantine". In "Kolyma Stories" you can see the features of many small prose genres: physiological Essay Household, moralining essay. One of the first "physiological" collections in Russia is "ours, written off by Russians", compiled by Alexander Bashutsk. The most famous - Almanac "Physiology of St. Petersburg" Nekrasov and Belinsky, who became a manifesto of a genuine school, Possible novella (whom Shalamov gave tribute to the youth, to the first arrest), poems in prose, live, psychological and ethnographic research.

Shalamov considered the definition of the artistic finish of prose - all the best of him, as he himself believed, it was written immediately raided, that is, once again rewritten from the draft. The phrase of the story, he argued, should be as simple as possible, "everything is still eliminating to the paper, before the pen took."

An important role is played by unusual and accurate details - at Shalamov, they become symbols that translated the "ethnographic" narration into another plan that gives the subtext. These details are often built on the hyperbola, grotesque, where low-alberth and high, naturalistically rude and spiritual face: "Each of us is used to breathe with the sour smell of a worn dress, sweat - it's still good that tears do not smell" ("dry solder ") 1 ⁠ .

With rare exceptions - such as Sherry Brandy's story, which is a stream of thoughts dying on the Naras of Osipa Mandelstam, - Shalamov always writes about what survived or heard himself, the awareness of the narrator about the appearance is limited to barbed wire - even war gives It is possible to know yourself only by American bread on Land Lesu, and the death of Stalin can only guess when the guard suddenly turns the pattephone.

Varlam Shalamov after the first arrest. 1929 year

Werelam Shalamov after the arrest of 1937

What influenced it?

Shalamov insisted on the fundamental novelty of his prose, consciously fought with literary influences, and he considered them impossible because of the nature of his material: "... I had such a novelty reserve that I was not afraid of any repetitions. My material will save any repetition, but the repetitions did not arise ... "He insisted that in the" Kolyma stories "" there is nothing from realism, romanticism, modernism "that they are" outside art. " However, in the interview declared: "I am a direct heir to the Russian modernism - White and Remizov. I studied not at Tolstoy, but in white, and in any my story there are traces of this study. " These traces are "testing for sound", "Multipleness and symbolism", the fact that the prose relatives with poetry.

The most important teacher was for Shalamov Pushkin, whose "formula", as Shalamov believed, the Russian prose lost, replacing a descriptive moral novel (reached the apogee from the antipathetic Shalamov Lion Tolstoy). The literature of artistic fiction of Shalamov predicted an ambulance: "What a writer can teach a man who has passed war, revolution, a concentration camp, who seen flame Alamogordo The first test of nuclear weapons took place at the Alamogordo Polygon (New Mexico) on July 16, 1945., I wrote Shalamov. - The writer must give way to the place of document and be a document. " He believed that the time was the "prose of experienced people" and sinfully spend time on the fate of fate, illustrating the author's idea: it's false.

It was better from Dostoevsky, in the "Kolyma Stories" more than once a half amp with the "Notes from the Dead House", which was really in comparison with Kolya looked by paradise.

In his youth, Shalamov survived the Babel's passion, but later faded from him ("Babel is a fright intelligentsia in front of a rough strength - banditry, army. Babel was a favorite snobs"), but Zoshchenko admired, the writer is truly massive. With all the obvious nursing of the material and language, Zoshchenko Shalamov found an important creative principle - almost the words he spoke about himself: "Zoshchenko was successful because this is not a witness, but a judge, judge time.<...> Zoshchenko was the creator of a new form, completely new thinking in the literature (the same feat as the Picasso, who shot the three-dimensional perspective), which showed new features of the word. " Many principles of their prose Shalamov took the painters: "The purity of the tone, the discardment of all and all sorts of decorations," according to his confession, were borrowed from the Gauguen diary, and in the notes Benvenuto Chellin, he saw the literature of the future - "Transcript of real heroes, specialists, about his work and about his soul. " An example of a new literature, at the same time documentary and innovative in shape, Shalamov saw in the memoirs of hope of Mandelstam, written, however, later his first collection.

The first cycle of "Kolyma stories" Shalamov gave to the publishing house "Soviet writer" in November 1962 and then offered them to "New World". Time was chosen not by chance: on the night of November 1, by decision of the XXII Congress from Mausoleum, Stalin's body was carried out, and Solzhenitsynsky was published in the November issue of the "New World". Shalamov, however, even at this time, the destination was the author of the non-pass. In July 1964, when the thaw was already on the decline, Shalamov received official refusal from the publisher.

But the stories very quickly and widely divided into samizdate, in the informal literary hierarchy, putting Shalamov near Solzhenitsyn - as a sacrifice, a witness and an accuser of Stalin's terror. Shalamov also played with public reading: for example, in May 1965, Sherry Brandy's story was read on the evening of Mandelstam's Osip in Moscow State University in Moscow State University.

Since 1966, "Kolyma stories", exported to the West, begin to go out in the emigrant periodical (in 1966-1973, 33 stories and essay were printed; for the first time, four "Kolyma stories" were published in Russian in the New York "New Journal" in 1966 year). In 1967, twenty-six stories Shalamov, mainly from the first compilation, were published in Cologne in German, under the title "Stories of the concluded Shalanov", this edition from German was translated into other languages, for example, French and Afrikaans (!). In 1970, Kolyma stories were published in the Anti-Soviet Emigrant Journal "Sowing" The socio-political anti-Soviet magazine, which comes from 1945. The organ of the People's Labor Union of Russian Solidarists, the political organization of Russian emigration. In addition to news and analysts, the works of Varlam Shalamov, Boris Pasternak, Vasily Grossman and Alexander Beka published in the journal..

Shalamov has caused indignation, since the prose of him, according to the plan, was a holistic mosaic of camp experience, the stories were to be perceived together and in a certain order. In addition, the author of Tamizdat automatically got into publishing black lists in the USSR. In 1972, Shalamov published a letter in the Moscow "literary newspaper" with a sharp condemnation of non-crushed publications - it spoiled the writer reputation in the dissident circles, but did not help break through the stories to Soviet printing. When in 1978, Kolyma stories were finally published in Russian in London, in London in 896 pages, Shalamov, had already been serious, was happy. Before the publication of his prose in his homeland, he did not live. Only six years after his death, in the restructuring, "Kolyma stories" began to be printed in the USSR - the first publication took place in the magazine "New World", No. 6 for 1988 (stories "Tombstone", "Last Major Pugacheva", " Slynik "," First Chekist "," Typhoic Quarantine "," Train "," Centralization "," Best Praise "and several poems). The first separate publication of the collection "Kolyma stories" was released only in 1989.

The first edition of the book in Russian. Overseas Publications Interchange Ltd Publishing. London, 1978

How did they take it?

In the USSR, "Kolyma stories" during the life of the author were not printed, but the first reviews of Soviet critics appeared on them already in December 1962 (although the light saw only recently): these were three internal publishing reviews that were to solve the fate of the book.

The author of the first - Oleg Volkov, afterwards the author of an excellent camp prose, ZEK with a huge experience, - Highely recommends the manuscript to the publication. In the light of the sensation, produced by just what, he compares Shalamov with Solzhenitsyn, and not in favor of the latter. The story of Solzhenitsyn "Only touched a number of problems and aspects of life in the camp, slipped by, not only without understanding, but not looking in them"; Shalamov shiny showed the "means of the artist" system created to suppress the human personality in its entirety. (Another loophryant was agreed with Volkov, the author of the "Faculty of Unnecessary Things" Yury Dombrovsky, who said: "In the camp prose, the first, I am the second, Solzhenitsyn - the third" - and noted Shalamov "Taciti Lapidarity and Power". ) Volkov noted the artistic advantages of stories and their undoubted truthfulness without thickening paints, but at the same time - "shortcomings, longness, stylistic flats, repetitions" and partially duplicate plots, without recognizing in all this conscious copyrights.

The same mistake was made by the first foreign pubist of Shalamov, chief editor "New Journal" The literary and publicistic emigrant magazine entering the United States since 1942. His authors in different years were Ivan Bunin, Vladimir Nabokov, Joseph Brodsky, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Vamlam Shalamov. Roman Gul Roman Borisovich Gul (1896-1986) - critic, publicist. During the civil war, he participated in the ice campaign of General Kornilov, fought in the army of the hetman of the Scopadian. Since 1920, Gul lived in Berlin: released a literary application to the newspaper "On the eve", wrote novels about the Civil War, collaborated with Soviet newspapers and publishers. In 1933, freed from Nazi prison, emigrated to France, wrote a book about staying in the German concentration camp. In 1950, Gul moved to New York and began work in the "New Journal", which later headed. Since 1978, he published a memoir trilogy in it "I took Russia. Apology of emigration. "Who found many stories "very bad", others - "requiring literary processing" and everything in general - "very monotonous and very hard by themes", after which unceremoniously edited and reduced them for printing.

As soon as I hear the word "good" - I take a hat and leaving

Varlam Shalamov

The author of the second inner review for the "Soviet writer", Elvira Moroz, recommends printing stories as an important evidence, despite an imperious simplicity claim: "It seems that the author does not like his heroes, does not like people in general." The third reviewer, official critic Anatoly Dronov, after Khrushchev reminded the "unnecessary of the hobbies" camp theme "and stabbed the book.

Almost another was the reaction of the emigrant Viktor Nekrasov: he called Shalamov's writer without obsteaders - "Even against the background of all the giants not only Russian, but also of world literature," and his stories - "a huge mosaic, recreation of life (if this can be called life), With the difference with the difference that every pebble of his mosaic in itself the work of art. In each chamber, the limit completeness. "

In general, the readers of the first emigration, due to the stylistic barrier, who did not understand the "new prose" of Shalamov, in which the traditions of Russian formalism and the "literature of the fact" of the late 1920s, as it were, were frozen in the Merzlot of Kolyma, "in an amazing way converged with many Soviet readers in perception "Kolyma stories" exactly as weapons of political struggle, underestimating their literary meaning. As one of the Publishers of Shalamov, Julius Schreder, noticed, the very topic of "Kolyma stories" prevented their true place in Russian literature. A fashionable and sensational topic did not only convert Shalamov to life in the shadow of Solzhenitsyn, the official discoverer of the camp "Archipelago", but in principle prevented contemporaries to perceive the "Kolyma stories" as fiction, and not just an accusatory document.

Prisoner on gold-bearing world. Sevvostlag, 1938

In 1980, Kolyma stories were published in English in New York in the translations of John Glad and received enthusiastic reviews. The Washington Post newspaper called Shalamov "Perhaps the greatest Russian writer now," the masterpieces called "Kolyma stories" Anthony Burgess, and Sav Bella wrote that they reflect the essence of being. In the same year, the French branch of the Pen Club honored Shalamov prizes of freedom The premium was awarded from 1980 to 1988 to the Writers pursued by the state. Among the Russian writers who received the award were Lydia Chukovskaya (1980) and Varlam Shalamov (1981). The jury included Dmitry Stolypin, the grandson of the Russian Prime Minister..

Mass recognition in Russia, proportionate to his literary magnitude, Shalamov did not receive, it seems so far. "Kolyma stories" are not included in the full volume of university and school courses on the history of Russian literature, and the first serious exhibition dedicated to Shalamov - "to live or write. The narrator Vamlam Shalamov, "did not open in 2013 in 2013, but in Berlin and only after the tour in Europe held in the Moscow Memorial in 2017. The literary workshop puts Shalamov extremely highly; It considers it an important predecessor, for example, Svetlana Aleksievich, who quoted Shalamov in his Nobel lecture.

According to the "Kolyma stories", the director Vladimir Fatyanov removed the four-steria film "The Last Major Pugacheva" film, and in 2007 the twelve-player television series "Lenin's will", filmed by Nikolai, will get on the scenario of Yuri Arabov. Shalamov is dedicated to several documentaries: for example, "Islands. Varlam Shalamov "Svetlana Bychenko (2006) and" Varlam Shalamov. Youth's experience "(2014) Perm director Pavel Pechenkin. Now another film is being shot, this time about the last days of the writer, - "Centralization" of Director Dmitry Rudakov, where Shalamov will play Peter Mamonov.

TV series "Testament Lenin". Director Nicholas Delivery. 2007 year

"Kolyma stories" is an artistic prose or document?

Like Theodora ADORNO Theodore Adorno (1903-1969) is a German philosopher, sociologist, musicologist. He was the editor of the Vienna Music magazine Anbruch, Associate Professor of the University of Frankfurt. Due to the arrival of the Nazis emigrated to England, and then in the United States, after the war, he returned to Frankfurt. Adorno belongs to representatives of the Frankfurt Sociology School, which criticized the industrial society from the standpoint of neomarxyism. In his work, often opposed the mass culture, entertainment industry and consumer society.who said that it is impossible to write poems after Auschwitz, Shalamov did not believe in the possibility of fiction after Kolyma: there is a person facing such unpredictable conditions that any fiction is blunting in comparison. "The need for the art of the writer has been preserved, but confidence in fiction is undermined.<…> Today's reader argues only with the document and is convinced only by the document, "wrote Shalamov. However, his own stories - the phenomenon is artistic, they are inscribed in the world literary context, they are elevated with him, full of literary alluses.

The first phrase of the story "At the show" ("Played cards from Konogon Naumova") echoes the first phrase Pushkin ("once played in the map of Connog Guard Narimov"). Here the card game becomes a question of life and death without any mystics 2 ⁠ - Blatari kill "Frarera" - intellectual for a sweater, delivered by them to con, and self-made maps in which actually losing human life, cut from the volume of "rejected", whom the same intellectual could retell the same intellectory ("squeezing") to the same Blatar . It looks like a kind of author's joofer - the humanistic Roman GUGO embodies the romantic fantasies of the intelligentsia about the thieves world, from which reality leaves one flap. Heroication of Bolars The writer put in the guilt of Gorky, Babel, Ilf with Petrov, even Dostoevsky, who "did not go on the truthful image of thieves." He himself toughly claimed: "Boltari is not people." They are them - and not an escorter - they personify the absolute evil from Shalamov. In the "essays of the criminal world," he writes that the thieves are not interested in art, because "those are too realistic" performances "who put Bollatari in life, scare art and life." An example of such a "performance", a terrible story "Pain" (collection "Resurrection of larch"), - variation on the topic "Sirano de Bergerac" Edmon Rostan.

Meat on a hungry person enough only on the anger - it is indifferent to the rest

Varlam Shalamov

In the story of "Rain" Shalamov ironically quotes the poem of Mandelstam "Notre Dame", describing the attempt of self-confidence with the help of a huge stone sipped in a shurfection: "From this gravity, I was unkinding, I thought to create something beautiful - according to the Russian poet. I thought to save my life, driving my leg. Truly, it was an excellent intention, a phenomenon is quite aesthetic genus. The stone was to collapse and crush my leg. And I - forever disabled! "

Of course, Shalamov "I was looking for words for what was not simply not a language in the surrounding social and cultural reality, but it seems, and at all it was" 3 Dubin B. Protocol as a picture with pictures // Session. 2013. No. 55/56. P. 203-207.; Nevertheless, the manifestos should not be understood literally: it does not create a document, and the Kolyma "Divine comedy " 4 Podoroga V. Tree of the Dead: Varlam Shalamov and the time of the Gulag (experience of negative anthropology) // UFO. 2013. № 120.. His reflection about the new prose leaves the roots even in his youth, even before any Kolyma, when the avant-gardeners proclaimed the "literature of the fact", and he taught the obstacle of the oboza.

In the article "The end of the novel" (1922), Osip Mandelstam wrote that "Mera Roman - a human biography or a biographies system", which means in the 20th century, in the era of powerful social movements, massive organized actions when "spraying a biographies as a personal form existence, even more than spraying - catastrophic biography death, "Roman dies. In the same 1922, Evgeny Zamyatin argued that "the art that has grown out of ... today's reality" can only be a fantastic, like sleep, fantastic synthesis and life. " Prose Shalamov strangely illustrates both of these aesthetic manifesta. He writes a documentary prose about reality, which is fantastic than any anti -topia, is the hell, filled with absurdity, starting with the gate, decorated with Stalin's quote: "Labor is a matter of honor, the business of valor and heroism." And Shalamov, like "Pluto, rising from hell, not Orpheus, descended in hell" 5 Shalamov V. About Prose // Collected Works: In 4 tons. M.: Art. LIT.: Vagribus, 1998., describes it as a system as a special universe, where all the human dying and biography is sprayed in the direct, physiological sense.

Rudnik Dneprovsky, Sevzostlag. Beginning of the 1940s

Construction of the Kolyma Route. SevVostlag, 1933-1934

What can I learn about the camp of the "Kolyma Story"?

Shalamov reports in its stories a lot of useful household details. How, for example, withdraw from the clothes of lice - one of the main camp curses? - I need to burn clothes into the ground overnight (of course, provided that you are lucky to get an outfit not in a hammer, but on the hatching of seekers, and the case in summer and eternal Merzlota slightly excited), putting out a small tip; The next throat will be gather on this tip, and they can be burned with a head of the fire.

How to make a "bamb" - a homemade light bulb on a gasoline pair? - "Three-four open copper tubes fell into the cover of the canning bank - that's all the device. In order for this lamp to light, hot coal lay on the cover, the gasoline warmed up, the steam climbed on the tubes, and the gasoline gas burned lit by the match. "

What will need for making a playing card deck in camp conditions? - First of all, Tomik Viktor Hugo: "Paper (any book), a piece of bread (to nourish it and rub through a rag for getting starch - glue the sheets), a chemical pencil (instead of typographic paint) and a knife (for cutting and stencils, masters, And the cards themselves). "

What is Chifi? - Strong tea, for which fifty and more grams of tea are brewed on a small mug: "The drink is extremely row, drink it sips and snack with salt fish. He relieves sleep and therefore in honor of the thoughts and the northern chaffins in long-range flights. " Shalaov warns that Chifi should destroyly act on the heart, but admits that he knew people who have used him without harm to health.

How to find out the weather forecast for Kolyma? - changing weather conditions predicts cedar stabe. This plant is early in autumn, "When in the afternoon ... more in autumn is hot and cloudless," suddenly bends a straight black barrel with a thickness of two fists and, spreading paws, the plasther falls on the ground, which is obliged to his name. This is a faithful snow. And on the contrary: late in the fall, with low clouds and cold wind, snow can not be waited until the stabel falls. At the end of March or April, the stabel around rises and shakes the snow - it means that in a day or two a warm wind and spring will come. Describes the shalms and the way to find out the temperature on the street, famous for Kolyma Old-timers, - because the thermometer did not show the prisoners (and expelled them to work at any temperature): "If there is a frosty fog, it means, on the street, forty degrees below zero; If the air when breathing comes out with noise, but it is not difficult to breathe - it means forty-five degrees; If the breath is noisy and noticeable shortness of breath - fifty degrees. Over fifty-five degrees - spit freezes on the fly. The spitches were frozen on the fly for two weeks. "

What are the measures of bulk bodies acted on 1/8 of the territory of the Soviet Union - in all the Eastern Siberia? "The camp chamber of measures and scales has established that Machorkas on eight pieces are included in the match box, and the eight of the Machorka consists of eight such matched boxes."

Playing cards made by prisoners. 1963 year

Chalam characters are real people?

Some, apparently, yes: Shalamov argued that all the killers in his stories were named real names. It is more difficult to deal with victims. Although Shalamov describes the real episodes that took place with him or he witnessed, heroes in these episodes as if arbitrary.

"In my stories there is no plot, there are no so-called characters. What do they hold on? On information about the rarely observed state of the soul ... "- wrote Shalamov. He survived accidentally and speaks from a brotherly grave on behalf of all dead, describes not the biography of a particular person, but collective memory, although it uses real memories. Therefore, the story is maintained from his first person, then in the third; The storytellers are called Andreev, then Golubev, then Crist, the same situations, modifying, walked from the story to the story. "Such repetitions - notes the philologist of the Mirey Buretti, - create situations of twins, and consequently, a hidden level of the narration, on which the document on his own appears as a result of the disappearance of the twin of death" 6 Burti M. Varlam Shalamov: Literature as a document // By the century from the birth of Varlam Shalamov. Conference materials. M., 2007. C. 199-208.. The story "The tombstone" (1960, the collection "Artist shovel") begins the phrase "Everyone died ..." and briefly repeats episodes from the "Kolynskiy" - "single measurement", "carpenters", "parcels" and so on - in the form of a peculiar The biographical reference book of people who died from hunger and cold, slaughtered by the thieves who committed suicide. Deconstructed plots, redistributed between new heroes, are situations in which the narrator himself died and did not die. In the "single measurement" of the young s / to Dugayev, a breaking up the rugade of the production rate, receives a separate outfit for a job that, of course, cannot fulfill, is the usual formality before letting go to the flow rate "for sabotage". In the "tombstone" it turns out that in the situation of Dugaev was Shalamov himself, and for some reason, the Oboku Rytina, his partner was shot. In the story of "Berries", Convoir SEROSHAOPA, shot that stretched over the berries in the forbidden zone of the propeller partner, directly says: "You wanted you - yes, I didn't put it, bastard! .." The feeling that Comrade died "instead of you," is widely described as "feeling The fault of the survivor "in relation to the prisoners of the Nazi camps. But Shalamov has a famous formula Primo Levi. Primo Levi (1919-1987) - Italian poet, prose, translator. He participated in the anti-fascist resistance, during the war years was arrested and sent to Auschwitz, from where he was released by the Soviet army. After the war, his first book was published in the conclusion in the concentration camp "Is it?", In 1963, "truce", a story about returning to Italy from the conclusion. Also, Primo Levi was known as the translator of the texts of Kafka, Heine, Kipling and Levi-Strauss. "The worst survived - all the best died." Loses moralistic color: "There is no guilty in the camp" - and at the same time there is no innocent, because the camp inevitably disburses the soul.

Dante was afraid and respected: he was in hell! Invented by him. And Shalamov was in the present. And the present turned out to be worse

Andrei Tarkovsky

Deconstructed plots, names and characteristics are constantly redistributed between heroes, although their real prototypes are often known. The only story, not based on a particular memoil and at the same time biographical, - Sherry Brandy, an imaginary story about the death of Mandelstam Osip, in a renovine camp. When publishing in the "New Journal" (No. 91, 1968), the publisher edited and reduced the story in such a way that he began to look actually as a documentary certificate - as a result, many readers were offended by the poet, which in the story dismisply responds about his own prose (in fact Very important for Shalamov).

Shalamov read "Sherry-brandy" in 1965 at the evening of Mandelstam's memory in Moscow State University, and his answer to the question, "whether he cannonizes his legend" about the death of the poet, well illustrates his creative method: Shalamov, who was on the same shipment in Vladivostok for The year before Mandelstam and more than once "reaching" as well as Mandelstam, clinically definitely describes the death of a person and poet "from an alimentary dystrophy, and simply speaking, from hunger," trying to "submit with the help of personal experience that could think and feel Mandelshtam, Dying is the great equality of bread soldering and high poetry, great indifference and calm, which gives death from hunger, differing from all "surgical" and "infectious" deaths. "

Shalamov catch fragments of memories and, relying on the memory of his own scolded camp of the body, not so much tells the story as a state recreates, creating "not a prose of a document, but prose, stated as a document." On the place of each of the dead, or should he have been himself - so Shalamov in some sense he resolves the paradox of Primo Levi: the debt of the survival - to testify about the catastrophe, but the survivors are not real witnesses, because they are not a rule, but an unnatural exception - "those And who saw Gorgon, did not return to tell about this " 7 Yurgenson L. Double in the stories of Shalamov // Semiotics of fear. Collection of articles / Sost. N. Buks and F. Cont. M.: Russian Institute: Publishing House "Europe", 2005. P. 329-336..

Sergey Kovalev. Prose in Taiga. From the album of the "North" drawings. 1943. Place of creation - Beliche's village, Natural Hospital

Is it true that the Kolyma is impossible for a kindness?

Shalamov direct text argued that there was no - like no other good feelings that do not delay in a thin muscular layer dodged: "All human feelings are love, friendship, envy, humans, mercy, thirst for glory, honesty - left us with that meat, which we lost during our long starvation "(" dry soldering ").

But attentive reading of "Kolyma stories" does not confirm this. On the contrary: in the center of many stories are exactly acts of human kindness. The elderly master saves the lives of two intellectuals-duties, called carpenters to relieve terrible frosts in a warm workshop ("Carpenters"). Domino is a story about Andrei Mikhailovich's doctor, who saved the hero from the inevitable death in the Goldenview, sending to the Feldscher courses (in fact, the doctor was called Andrei Maksimovich Pantyukhov, he was the head of the second therapeutic department at the BELIC Hospital). In the story "Rain" an unknown prostitute ("For no other women, except prostitutes, in these edges did not happen"), passing by the prisoners who worked in the shurf, I wondered him and shouted, pointing to them on the sky: "Soon guys, soon! " "I never saw her anymore," says the narrator, "but all his life I remembered - how could she understand and so console us" (the woman meant that the sun sits down and close the end of the labor day - and then the desires of the prisoner ). In the same collection, in the story "First Death", the heroine of the same episode receives the name, Anna Pavlovna, becomes the secretary of the head of the schönenko, becomes the secretary of the commissure investigator.

"Remember evil before good. To remember everything is good - one hundred years, and everything is bad - two hundred "- so Shalamov formulates its credo, and, however, he remembers the good word all his life, said by a free woman exhausted brigade.

There is probably things and worse than dining a human corpse

Varlam Shalamov

He says that there is no love and friendship in the camp, but the story "Snake Camera" was written by him as if for another, who had his own story and the deceased Z / K (with the speaking literary name Andrei Platonov), because the author loved him and recalled him.

The smallest manifestations of kindness are fixed in memory precisely as excesses against the background of legal adhesive. They cannot be calculated in others or in themselves, there is no regularity that allows a person to preserve morally, except that one that can be derived from the amount of Shalamovsky stories: to die in advance, to renounce hope.

Frida Wigdorova, reading the "Kolyma stories" in Samizdat, wrote about them to the author: "They are the most brutal of all I read. The most bitter and merciless. There are people without the past, without a biography, without memories. It says that trouble does not unite people, a person is only thinking about to survive. But why do you close the manuscript with faith in honor, good, human dignity? " "What Shalamov answered:" I tried to look at my heroes from the outside. It seems to me that the case here in the power of mental resistance to the power of evil, in the great moral sample, which is unexpected, by chance for the author and his heroes it turns out to be positive breakdown" 8 Banner. 1993. No. 5. P. 133..

In this great sample, as he wrote in the notch "What I saw and understood in the camp," he was stronger than he expected: "I didn't sell anyone, I did not send anyone to death, for a period, I did not write a denunciation.

In the story of "Carpenters", the hero gives himself a word that will never agree to the satisfying position of the brigadier, so that "not allowing someone else's human will here. Even the sake of his own life, he did not want to have the comrades to throw their death curses into him. " As Solzhenitsyn, Solzhenitsyn, noticed in the Gulag Archipelago, was a lively refutation of his own pessimistic concept.

How does Shalamov's hero refer to religion?

Shalamov was the son, grandson, great-grandfather, but he himself was not religion and emphasizes it in "Kolyma stories." In part, the reason for this was an internal controversy with the Father, which he led all his life. However, the father of Shalamov in the 1920s joined the movement updates Updated is a post-revolutionary movement in Russian Orthodoxy. His goal was to modernize worship and make the management of the Church more democratic. In the 1920s, the updates officially recognized the Soviet power, but soon the movement was subjected to repression and before the war was liquidated., And this - the Bunlet - the side of the religious life Shalamov just impressed. In the poem "Avvakum in Pullochierz", Shalamov clearly identifies itself with a martyr of the split. Allusion will become clearer, if we consider that Shalamov in a certain sense also suffered "for the old rite" - he belonged to the Antistaline opposition and received the first time in 1929 for printing in the underground printing house of leaflets called "Lenin's Testament". But in general, religion is for him - a symbol of the resistance of the human spirit by the removal state car:

... Our dispute is about freedom,
About the right to breathe
About the will of the Lord
Knit and solve.

From the height of its camp experience, Shalamov did not overestimate the ability of both the intelligentsia and the "people" to withstand moral decay in the Kolyomsky hell: "Religiosters, sectarians - who, according to my observations, had the fire of spiritual hardness." Probably because the moral plant "was a process, and a long-term process, perennial. Camp - finals, ending, epilogue. "Religiosnikov" had the experience of spiritual resistance in the former Soviet life, and the resistance was a daily habit, discipline. In the story "Apostle Paul", Stolyar Adam Frorizer, in the past, Pastor ("There was no peace with him"), with whom it is not a nasty quorce and praying every night, mistakenly turned on the Apostle Paul in the number of twelve apostles - the student of Christ. Strongly corrected by the story, he almost went crazy until she finally remembered the real forgotten of the twelfth apostle - Bartholomew: "I could not, should not forget such things. This is a sin, great sin.<…> But it's good that you have corrected me. Everything will be fine". Why precisely Bartholomew - We can try to guess. In the Gospel of John Jesus speaks about him "Here is truly the Israelite, in which there is no debris," the narrator at Shalamov notices: "There was nothing feet in the voice of Frisorger." Frierzerger is a sample of an incentive and meek faith, and in some sense he gets according to the faith of him, that is, everything turns out "Good": the narrator burns in the stove with the favorite daughter of Fririzrger, who left the father from the enemy of the people, - he wants to protect the old man From this last strike. The Apostle Paul in this free interpretation is the narrator itself, for which this situation becomes a kind of "Dear to Damascus" The episode of the residence of the Apostle Paul, before the baptism wearing the name of Sawl and pursuing Christians. Once on the way to Damascus, he heard the voice of Christ asking: "Sawl! Sawl! What do you drive me? " - After that, blinds for three days. In Damascus, Sawl was healed and baptized under the name of Paul. Usually, "by Damascus" call a kind of turning event in life.: He does not turn to faith, but the spectacle of genuine someone else's kindness encourages him to show his kindness and pity for another - feelings, as he claims, almost impossible in the camp.

Understand the essence of Shalamovsky Relationship to religion allows the story "ignorant" from the book "Left Bank" (as the "Kolyma stories" actually - the first collection is - as it were, as it were, the first round of the camp hell, many the topics raised there are clarified in the following collections). The head of the hospital, where the hero of Shalamov passes the Feldsher practice, inclines him to faith. And although the answer is likely to affect her decision (will the hero of the paramedic, or return to the whealing gold mine), he argues with it: "Is it from human tragedies only religious?" - And Returns her the Gospel to which the Tomik block prefers.

"Each person here had its most latter, the most important thing - what helped to live, cling to the life, which is so insistent and stubbornly we took away" ("day off"): For a prisoner, John Zlatousta becomes like "the latter" Shalamov does not share his faith, but understands. He has his own religion - favorite poems.

Gold career on Kolyma. 1941-1944 years

What does Nature mean for Shalamov?

"Nature in the north is not indifferent, not indifferent - she is in collusion with those who sent us here" ("Children's pictures"). Northern nature is beautiful, but Shalamov does not admire the landscape; But he writes about frost everywhere, which pierces to the bones and even worse than hunger. In the story "Carpenters", the hero pretends that he owns the craft to get from common work in the workshop, - he knows that he will soon be exposed, but even two days in warmth become a matter of survival: "The day after tomorrow Moroz fell immediately to thirty degrees - Winter already ran out. "

A person notices Shalamov, manages to live in conditions in which horses do not stretch and months. Not because of hope (it is not), but only thanks to the physical chain: "The man became a man not because he is God's creature, and not because he has an amazing thumb on every hand. And because he was physically stronger, rushing all animals, and later because he made his spiritual start to successfully serve the beginning of the physical "(" rain "), - Shalmov paradoxically, as if agrees with the state, in whose eyes is physically strong Better, it is better, moral, more valuable by a person of a weak thing that cannot throw twenty-cubic meters of soil from the trench. The first morality of the second "(" dry ration "). In the story of "Bitch Tamara", the dog is touched by the "moral hardness" ses, because it does not steal food (unlike them) and, add, rushes at the conversions (there are no thoughts about the resistance). At the end of the dog naturally dies: you can make a moralistic conclusion that survival in the camp - sin, because its inevitable price is moral compromise. But sharm antimoologica. He does not condemn the intellectual, which slaves scratch the heels in the Bratotari token, opposes 9 Liderman N. "... in a mobby, chilling age" // Ural. 1992. № 3. It's not a different hero (heroes on Kolyma can not be), but the same nature, a resistant northern tree of a stabel who can survive and climb. "Naturalistic", apparently, the description, landscape picture as it turns into a philosophical parabola: it turns out, it turns out about courage, stubbornness, patience, intrevyability hope » 10 Dry I. Life after Kolyma // Banner. 2001. No. 6. P. 198-207. - Hope, the very possibility of which Shalamov consistently denies in "Kolyma stories".

Nature from Shalamov is often an allegory. The first text of "Kolyma stories" is a short sketch, or a poem in prose, "in the snow", about how the chain prisoners are pronounced by the path: "If you go along the path of the first track to the trail, it will be noticeable, but barely passing a narrow trail, a trap, And not the road - the pits for which it is more difficult to make it difficult than in virgin.<…> From running along the trail, each, even the smallest, the weakest, should stand on a piece of snowy virgin, and not in someone else's mark, "and an unexpected conclusion:" And not writers, but readers go on tractors and horses.

According to Leona Tokker, the last phrase translates this ordinary plot of camp life into an allegory: the snow turns into a white page. It is not only about the continuity between different authors who survived the Gulag, and their testimony, but also about the internal organization of "Kolyma stories", where every subsequent text is called upon to leave a "new mark" in the author's vision of the experience - as the author wrote in his software essay. " About prose, "" All stories are in our place. "

Homemade chess made by political prisoned Vlasas Ravka in the Nizhne-Don ITL. Rostov region, 1953

Mining of radioactive uranium near the village of Ust-Omchug. Magadan region, 1942-1943

Why were Varlam Tikhonovich and Alexander Isaevich quarreled?

Relations began quite idyllically. Shalamov and Solzhenitsyn met in 1962 in the editorial office of the New World. Writers consisted in admiring mutual correspondence and tried to be friends until 1966, but mutual cooling was crossed. The gap occurred after Shalamov refused to become, at the request of Solzhenitsyn, co-author of the "Archipelago", and in the history of literature, two main Russian camp writers remained antagonists. What happened?

The literary jealousy is obvious or at least the need of Shalamov exist in the literature as an independent "unit", and not in the shadow of Solzhenitsyn, a monopolized camp theme - and, according to Shalamov, worse with her friend. In an incredibly complimentary letter about Shalamov, nevertheless indicated Solzhenitsyn that his camp was not quite real: "Near the Sanitary Cat goes to the cat - also incredibly for the real camp," the cat would have a long time ago.<…> Blanks in your camp there! Your camp without lice! The security service is not responsible for the plan, does not embroider it with butts.<…> Where is this wonderful camp? If I would sit down there at one time. "

Solzhenitsyn admitted that his experience is incomparable with Shalamovsky: "I consider you to my conscience and please see if I did anything besides the will, which can be interpreted as little, adaptation." Shalamov responded to the request even too literally - after the death of Shalamov, his diary records were published, where Solzhenitsyn was called "Delts": "Solzhenitsyn - that's how the bus passenger, which at all stops on demand shouts into full voice:" Driver! I demand! Stop the car! " The car stops. This is a safe ability extraordinary 11 <1962-1964 гг.> // Banner. 1995. No. 6.. Shalaov believed that Solzhenitsyn depicts the camp too far from the conjunctural considerations, and reproached him in the "prophetic activity."

As notes, however, Yakov Cloce, "Social Realism Mask, taken by Solzhenitsyn" rental "from the official literary dogma and deftly the exiled by the author who dealt in the rules of the game - only she could make a possible publication of a story in Soviet press.<…> ... It was in this Esopov combination of the truthful and permitted by the great achievement of Solzhenitsyn who managed to reach the mass reader. " Perhaps that by Solzhenitsyn solved the same literary task as Shalamov - to find "Protocol to broadcast inhuman camp experience in something available to human perception " 12 Mikhailik E. Cat, running between Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov // Shalamovsky Collection: Volume 3. / Sost. V. V. Esipov. Vologda: Griffon, 2002. C.101-114.. In the "not quite real" camp, where "Living can be", constantly falls the shadow of the camp of the present - Ust-Izhma, where Shukhov reached and lost his teeth from Qingi, thoroughly terrorized political, and for a careless word, they gave a new term. And Shalamov, this blocking "real" camp horror noted and welcomed, calling "Ivan Denisovich" by the work of deep, accurate and faithful - and, apparently, once hoping on the story as an icebreaker, which will pave the way to Soviet literature by his own uncompromising truth. Later, however, called Solzhenitsyn in the record books by Graftoman and an adventurer, and Solzhenitsyn nacked in memoirs, writing that it was "artistically not satisfied" the stories of Shalamov: "There was not enough characters, persons, past these persons and a separate look at life each " 12 Solzhenitsyn A. with Varlam Shalamov // New World. 1999. No. 4. Category "Writer's Diary"..

In 1972, Solzhenitsyn reacted Solzhenitsyn with bitterness with bitterness to the fact that he was considered by the apostasy of Shalamov, - his letter to the "literary newspaper": "... torn out (for some reason, when the threats have already passed): "The problems of" Kolyma stories "have long been lifted by life." The renunciation was printed in a mourning frame, and so we understood everything that Shalamov died. " Shalamov, having learned about this, in the latter, unsent letter, vividly called Solzhenitsyn "Cold War gun". Apparently, sad truth is that the writers were simply incompatible in almost everything - ideologically, aesthetically, human, - and the attempt to bring them closer was explained by the general experience, which ultimately they did not share.

\u2060 And New York "New magazine" The literary and publicistic emigrant magazine entering the United States since 1942. His authors in different years were Ivan Bunin, Vladimir Nabokov, Joseph Brodsky, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Varlam Shalamov, I decided to "take advantage of his honest name of the Soviet writer and the Soviet citizen" and publishes "Kolyma stories" in their "slanderous publications", he himself never collaborated with such publications and he doesn't intend to continue, and an attempt to expose him to the "underground anti-Sovetcher", "internal Emigrant "- slander, lie and provocation.

The position and the most syllable of this letter can be shaking an unprepared reader who is accustomed to see in the Shalamov of the inflexible opponent of the Soviet regime and the fine artist's words: "disgusting snake practice", requiring "Beach, Stimple"; "Glorious anti-Soviet sheet". The contemporaries of Shalamov, who were well remembered by Shalamov's dismissive feedback about the "repentance letters" of Pasternak (his former idol) after the Western publication of Dr. Zhivago, as well as his letter in support of Andrey Sinyavsky and Julia Daniel (in 1966 of the sentenced respectively to seven and Five years of camps for the publication of "slanderous" works in Tamizdat under the pseudonyms Abram Terr and Nikolay Arzhak). IN "White Book" Collection of materials on the case of Andrei Sinyavsky and Julia Daniel, compiled by the human rights activist Alexander Ginzburg in 1966. Ginzburg personally brought a copy of the manuscript to the reception KGB demanding to exchange a book on the liberation of writers. In 1967, he was convicted for five years of the camps, and the "white book" was published abroad. Alexander Ginzburg Shalamov admired the persistence of the accused, which "from beginning to end ... did not recognize themselves guilty and accepted the sentence as real people," without repenting. Especially put the writer in the guilt of the phrase "the problems of" Kolyma stories "have long been lifted by life ...", read as a renunciation of his own creativity and betrayal in relation to other victims of Gulag. Shalamov's old camp friend Boris Lesnaya recalled: "The language of this letter told me about everything that happened, he - an irrefant of evidence. In this language, I could not express themselves, I could not, was not able, it was not capable. "

Kolyma each makes a psychologist

Varlam Shalamov

The assumptions were expressed that the letter was fake, that Shalamov was forced to sign it. The writer refuted them: "It is funny to think that some kind of signature can be achieved. Under the gun. My statement, his language, style belongs to me. " The writer explained his decision by the fact that he was "tired of his attachment to humanity." As notes Sergey Neklyudov Sergey Yuryevich Nezludov (1941) - Folklorist, Orientalist. The largest researcher of the epic of Mongolian peoples, a researcher of the structure of magical fairy tales. He worked at the Institute of World Literature, was the editor of the magazine about Russian folklore "Living Older". Currently, Professor of the Center for Typology and Semiotics Folklore RGUGU.Shalamov "was a very incorporate man who did not want to merge with any group, even published and cute him. He did not want to stand with anyone in one row. It concerned not only, say, the Union of Writers, in which he initially did not go on ideological reasons, but also left-wing circles, as they would say, dissident, to which he also treated wary 14 Neklyudov S. Third Moscow // Shalamovsky Collection. Vol. 1. / Sost. V. V. Esipov. Vologda, 1994. P. 162-166.. According to Neklyudova, Shalamov did not want to be printed abroad, because he wanted to receive repair and recognition from the homeland, which cost him so inhumanly, to defend his writer's right to speak the reader-compatriot truth.

Partly Shalamov still tried to improve his letter. The playwright Alexander Gladkov recorded in the diary in 1972 from his words that the letter was originally intended for the admission committee of the SSP and only then fell into the newspaper. Shalamov's friend Boris Lesnaya remembers writer's words: "How do you think: can I live on seventy rubles pension? After printing the stories in the "crop", the doors of all Moscow editions were closed for me.<…> They let, bastards, stories in bottling and takeaway. If printed a book! There would be a different conversation ... "Last - artistic - the consideration is very important:" Kolyma stories "are organized compositely according to the author's intent, this is a solid work. "In this collection," Shalamov wrote, "you can replace and rearrange only some stories, and the main, supporting, should stand in our places."

The most witty consideration of the motifs of Shalamov suggested 15 Toker, L. Samizdat and The Problem of Authorial Control: The Case of Varlam Shalamov // Poetics Today. 2008. 29 (4). PP. 735-758. Translation from English Mary tent edited by the author. Israeli researcher Leon Topker: A letter to the "literary newspaper" was not an act of public repentance and renunciation from "Kolyma stories", but an attempt to control their fate. Considering that the works that went out in Tamizdat and Samizdat, the road to official publications was ordered, it can be assumed that in this way of Shalov, on the contrary, attracts attention to its "Kolyma stories", in an encrypted form, dragged the first and last mention of the official Soviet seal Their very existence, as well as their exact name and even the content (Toponym "Kolyma" spoke himself for himself), encouraging the target audience to look for them in Samizdat.


  • Burti M. Varlam Shalamov: Literature as a document // By the century from the birth of Varlam Shalamov. Conference materials. M., 2007. C. 199-208.
  • Varlam Shalamov in the testimony of contemporaries. Collection. Personal edition, 2011.
  • Dubin B. Protocol as a picture with pictures // Session. 2013. No. 55/56. P. 203-207.
  • Esipov V. Vamlam Shalamov and his contemporaries. Vologda: Book heritage, 2007.
  • Cloots I. Vamlam Shalamov between Tamizdat and the Union of Soviet Writers (1966-1978). To the 50th anniversary of the exit of "Kolyma stories" in the West.
  • Liderman N. "... in a mobby, chilling age" // Ural. 1992. № 3.
  • Mikhailik E. Cat, running between Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov // Shalamovsky Collection: Volume 3. / Sost. V. V. Esipov. Vologda: Griffon, 2002. C.101-114.
  • Neklyudov S. Third Moscow // Shalamovsky Collection. Vol. 1. / Sost. V. V. Esipov. Vologda, 1994. P. 162-166.
  • Nekrasov V. Vamlam Shalamov. Publication of Viktor Kondreyrev. The manuscript is kept in the Department of Manuscripts of the Russian National Library (St. Petersburg). F. 1505. xp 334. 10 liters. El. Resource:
  • Podoroga V. Tree of the Dead: Varlam Shalamov and the time of the Gulag (experience of negative anthropology) // UFO. 2013. № 120.
  • Roginsky A. from evidence to literature // Vamlam Shalamov in the context of world literature and Soviet history. Sat Articles / Sost. and ed. S. M. Solovyov. M.: Library, 2013. P. 12-14.
  • Sinyavsky A. About "Kolyma Stories" Varlam Shalamov. Sing of material // Sinyavsky A. D. Literary process in Russia. M.: RGGU, 2003. P. 337-342.
  • Solzhenitsyn A. with Varlam Shalamov // New World. 1999. No. 4. Category "Writer's Diary".
  • Solovyov S. Oleg Volkov - the first reviewer of "Kolyma stories" // Banner. 2015. No. 2. P. 174-180.
  • Dry I. Life after Kolyma // Banner. 2001. No. 6. P. 198-207.
  • Fomichev S. in Pushkin's trail // Shalamovsky Collection. Vol. 3 / Sost. V. V. Esipov. Vologda: Griffon, 2002.
  • Shalami V. from record books. Scattered entries<1962–1964 гг.> // Banner. 1995. No. 6.
  • Shalamov V. About Prose // Collected Works: In 4 tons. M.: Art. LIT.: Vagribus, 1998.
  • Yurgenson L. Double in the stories of Shalamov // Semiotics of fear. Collection of articles / Sost. N. Buks and F. Cont. M.: Russian Institute: Publishing House "Europe", 2005. P. 329-336.
  • Toker, L. Samizdat and The Problem of Authorial Control: The Case of Varlam Shalamov // Poetics Today. 2008. 29 (4). PP. 735-758. Translation from English Mary tent edited by the author.

The entire list of references

Year of the collection of a collection: 1966

The Kolyma stories of Shalamov were written on the basis of the personal experience of the writer, he spent thirteen years on Kolyma. Varlam Shalamov created a collection for quite a long time since 1954 to 1962. For the first time « Kolyma stories "You could read in the New York magazine" New Journal "in Russian. Although the author did not want to publish his stories abroad.

Collection "Kolyma Stories" summary

In snow

Collection of Varlam Shalamov "Kolyma stories" begins as a question: Would you like to know how the road on snow virgin is? Man, swearing and fun, goes ahead, leaving the black pits in a loose snow. Choose a windless day, so that the air is almost immobile and the wind did not bother all the human works. Behind the first follow another five - six people, they go into a row and step up near the traces of the first.

The first is always harder than everyone else, and when he gets tired, someone from people walking in a row replaces it. It is important that each of the "pioneers" stroke to a piece of virginity, and not on someone else's mark. And readers go on horseback and tractors, not writers.

At the show

Men played cards in Naumov, Konogon. The warders usually did not enter the Barak Konogonov, so that every night there were combat for holding card fights. In the corner of the barrack on the lower beds, the blankets were distilled off, on which the pillow was "table" for card games. The recently made deck of cards was lying on the pillow, carved from Tomika V. Hugo. For making a deck, a paper, a chemical pencil, a hunk of bread (used for gluing fine paper) and a knife. One of the players tapping on the pillow with his fingers, the nail of the mother was an incredible long - the Bratstar chic. This man had a very suitable appearance for the thief, look at the face and no longer remember his features. That was the nodder, they said that he was "perfectly performed," shows the shower dexterity. The thieves game was a game of deception, they played only together. The opponent of the naught was Naumov, who was a railway thief, although externally looked like a monk. On his neck, his cross was hung, there was a fashion thymorant in forties.

Next, players were to argue and swear to set the bet. Naumov lost his costume and wanted to play a view, that is, in debt. Konogon called himself the main character and Garkinunov demanded to remove the tag. Garkunova had a sweater donated with his wife, with whom he never parted. The man refused to remove the sweater, and then the rest were thrown at him. Sasha, who recently poured them the soup, pulled a knife from the top of the boot and stretched out his hand to Gakunov, he sobbed and fell. The game was finished.

At night

Dinner ended. Glebov licked a bowl, the bread melted in the mouth. The bagresant looked at Glebov in her mouth, without having enough strength to take her eyes. It's time to go, they went on a small ledge, stones burned her legs with cold. And even walking did not warm.

Men stopped relaxing, there was still far away. They lay down the land and began to scatter stones. The bagresses swore, he cut his finger and did not stop the blood. Glebov was a doctor in the past, although now, then it seemed to sleep. The bunkers were killed, and the bagresses remarked the human finger. They pulled out the corpse, removed the shirt and the pants. Having finished, the men threw the grave by stones. They were going to exchange clothes on the greatest values \u200b\u200bin the camp. As in it were bread and perhaps even tobacco.


Next in the collection "Kolyma stories" content contains the story of "Carpenters". He talks about how the fog stands on the street, so thick that there was no man in two steps. For two weeks, the temperature was kept below minus fifty five degrees. Potshnikov woke up with the hope that the frost fell, but it did not happen. The food, which was fed workers, gave energy to a maximum of one hour, and then wanted to lie down and die. Potshniki slept on the upper scratches, where it was warmer, but the hair came to the pillow per night.

A man weakened every day, he was not afraid of death, but did not want to die in a barrack, where the cold was watered not only by human bones, but also the souls. Having finished breakfast, the Potshnikov reached the place of work, where he saw a man in a deer hat, which was needed by carpenters. He and another person from his brigade were presented with carpenters, although they were not them. Men led to the workshop, but since they did not know their carpentry affair.

Single frozen

In the evening, Dougaev reported that the next day of the OP will receive a single measurement. Dougaev was twenty-three and everything that happened here was very surprised him. After a meager dinner, the Baranov offered the Dougaev Papiros, although they were not friends.

In the morning, the caretaker measured the man of a segment on which he should work. It was even better to work for Dugaev, no one will grumble that he works badly. In the evening, a caretaker came to evaluate the work. The guy completed twenty-five percent, and this number seemed to him huge. The next day, he worked with everyone, and at night he was led to the base, where he stood a high fence with barbed wire. Dougaev regretted one thing that he suffered and worked on this day. Last day.

The man standing on the watch to get the parcel. The wife sent him several grinds of prunes and the beard, which they still could not wear, for it does not fit the usual workers to wear such expensive shoes. But the mountain caretaker, Andrei Boyko, offered him to sell these beetles for a hundred rubles. The main character bought a kilogram of oil and a kilogram of bread to the reversed money. But the whole meal was selected and the brew with the prunes were tilted.


Men worked at the landfill for three days, each in her shurfe, but no one was deepened further than half meter. They were forbidden to leave the Shurfs, talk among themselves. The main character of this story wanted to break his leg, dropping a stone on her, but nothing came out of this venture, there was only a couple of Absadin daisy. It was raining all the time, the escalers thought that it would force men to work faster, but workers just began to hate their work even more.

On the third day, the number of Hero, Rosovsky, shouted from his shurt, that he realized something - there is no meaning of life. But the man managed to save Rosovsky from the conversion, although he still rushed under the trolley after some time, but did not die. Posovsky was judged for the attempt of suicide and did not see him more than herself.


The hero says his most favorite northern tree - Kedrach, Slynik. According to the staber, it was possible to know the weather, if you go to the ground, then it will be snow and cold and the opposite. The man was only transferred to a new job to collect the stabel, which then sent to the plant to make extraordinarily nasty vitamins against Qingi.

On the assembly of the stabel worked in pairs. One chop, another tongal. That day they failed to collect the norm, and to correct the position of the partner of the main character put a large stone into the bag with branches, they still did not check.

Dry solder

In this "Kolyma story", four men with stone cares are sent to chop trees on the duscar's key. Their ten-day soldering were negligible, and they were scary to think that this food would need to be divided into thirty-pieces. Employees decided to repulse all their food together. They all lived in the old hunting hunting, they buried clothes to the ground for the night, leaving the little edge outside, so that all the sewers got out, then the insects were paled. They worked from the sun to the sun. The old man checked the work done and then left the men worked more relaxedly, they did not quarrel, and they rested more, looked at nature. Every evening they gathered at the stove and talked, discussed their hard life in the camp. It was impossible to refuse to go on work, because there was no booster or mittens, in the act they wrote "dressed in the season" so as not to list everything that is not.

The next day, not everyone returned to the camp. Ivan Ivanovich hanged himself at that night, and Saveliev cut off his fingers. Upon returning to the camp, Fedya wrote a letter to his mother that he lives well and dressed in season.


This story is the report of Kudinov to the head of the sector, where the employee reports a broken injector, which does not allow the whole team to work. And people have several hours standing in the cold at temperatures below minus fifty. The man reported to the chief engineer, but no actions were taken. In response, the head of the sector proposes to replace the injector Wolnonamen. And the injector to call responsibility.

Apostle Paul

The hero dislocated his foot and he was transferred to the assistant to the joinear of Fririzrger, who in his past life was pastor in some German village. They moved well, and often talked to religious topics.

Friersager told a man about his only daughter and this conversation accidentally heard their head, Paramonov, and suggested writing a statement about the search. Six months later, a letter came, in which it was said that the daughter of Fririzrger was repeated from him. But the hero noticed this letter first and burned it, and then one more. Subsequently, he often recalled his camp friend, while they had the strength to remember.


The main character lies on earth without strength, two conversions are suitable for him and threaten. One of them is SEROSHAKA, says that tomorrow will shoot a worker. The next day, the brigade went to the forest to work where the berries of blueberries, rosehip and lingonberries grew. The workers ate them at the smoke, but Rybakova had a task he collected berries to the bank to then exchange them on bread. The main character, together with Fishermen, came too close to the prohibited territory, and fishermen crossed the line.

Convoir shot twice, the first warning, and after the second shot of fishermen lay on the ground. The hero decided not to waste time and picked up a jar with berries, intending to exchange them on bread.

Bitch Tamara

Moses was a blacksmith, he worked wonderful, his every product was endowed with grace, and his bosses appreciated it. And once Kuznetsov met the dog, he began to flee from her, thinking that it was a wolf. But the dog was friendly and stayed in the camp - she was given to her nicknamed Tamara. Soon she was silent, for six puppies built a coneer. At this time, a detachment "RAM" arrived at the camp, they were looking for fugitives - arrestants. Tamara hated one convoir, Nazarova. It was clear that the dog had already met him. When convoirs came time to leave, Nazarov shot Tamaru. And after going down the slope on the skiing, he was lying around on a stump and died. The skin with Tamara was sorted and used for mittens.


The poet died, his thoughts were confused, life flowed out of him. But appeared again, he opened his eyes, moved his fingers swollen from hunger. The man reflected from life, he earned creative immortality, he was called the first poet of the twentieth century. Although he has not written his poems for a long time, the poet folded them in his head. He died slowly. In the morning they brought bread, the man clung to him with sick teeth, but the neighbors stopped him. He died in the evening. But they recorded death with two days later, the neighbors of the poet received the bread of the dead man.

Children's pictures

That day they got a light job - a firewood carriage. Having finished working, the detachment noticed a bunch of garbage from the fence. Men managed to find even socks that in the north was a big rarity. And one of them managed to find a notebook filled with children's drawings. The boy painted the soldiers with automata, drew the nature of the North, bright and clean flowers, because it was. The North city consisted of yellow houses, sheepdogs, soldiers and blue sky. A man from the squad looked into the notebook, felt the sheets, and then crumpled it and thrown out.

Condensed milk

One day after the work of the Shestakov offered the chief hero to escape, they sat together in prison, but were not friends. A man agreed, but asked for milk canned food. At night he slept badly, and did not remember the working day at all.

Having received a condensed milk from Shestkova, he changed his mind to run. I wanted to warn the rest, but I did not know anyone. Five fugitives, together with Shestakov caught very soon, two killed, three tried in a month. Shestakov himself was transferred to another mine, he was full and shake, but he did not greet the main character.


In the morning in Barak brought herring and bread. The herring was issued every other day, and every prisoner dreamed of the tail. Yes, there were more pleasure from the head, but the meat was more in the tail. Bread was issued once a day, but everyone eaten it immediately, patience was missing. After breakfast became warm and did not want to go anywhere.

This brigade was on typhoid quarantine, but they still worked. Today they were told on the bakery, where the master of twenty chose everything only two, stronger and not inclined to run: the hero and his neighbor, a guy with freckles. They were fed bread and jam. Men had to carry a broken brick, but this work was too heavy for them. They often did breaks, and soon the master let them go back, and gave bread on loaf. In the camp divided bread with neighbors.

Snake caster

This story is dedicated to Andrey Platonov, who was a friend of the author and he himself wanted to write this story, even the name came up with the "snake camp", but died. Platonov spent a year at Dzhanghare. On the first day, he noticed that there are people who do not work well. And Fedhek was their leader, at first he was rude with Platonov, but when he learned that he could squeeze the novels, he immediately softened. Andrei retells the "Clear Valet Club" before dawn. Fedya was very pleased.

In the morning, when Platonov went to work, some guy pushed him. But he immediately whispered in his ear. Then this guy approached Platonov and asked nothing to speak Fede, Andrei agreed.

Tatar Mullah and Clean Air

In the prison cell it was very hot. The prisoners were joking that at first they were waiting for torture with evaporation, and after torture to be deprived. Tatar Moula, a strong man of the sixty years arguing about his life. In the chamber, he hoped to live twenty years, and at least ten in the clean air, he knew what "clean air".

In order for the person to turn into order in the camp required from twenty to thirty days. The arrestants tried to break out of prison to the camp, thinking that the prison was the worst thing that could happen to them. All illusions of prisoners about the camps were very quickly destroyed. People lived in unheated barracks, where in the winter in all the cracks looked at ice. Parcels came in six months, if at all came. Talk about money and there is nothing at all, they never paid them, no penny. The incredible number of diseases in the camp did not leave the worker any exit. Considering all the hopelessness and depression, clean air was much more dangerous for a person than a prison.

First death

The hero saw a lot of deaths, but the first seen remembered best. His brigade worked on the night shift. Returning to Barak, their brigadier Andreev suddenly turned into the other side and ran, the workers followed him. Before them stood a man in military uniform, his feet lay a woman. The hero knew her, was Anna Pavlovna, the secretary of the head of the schism. The brigade loved her, and now Anna Pavlovna was dead, strangled. A man who killed her, Shtemenko, was the boss, who broke all the homemade bowls of prisoners a few months ago. He was quickly tied up and led to the head of the schist.

Part of the brigade hurried to the barrack, dinner, Andreeva drove to testify. And when he returned, he ordered the arrestants to go to work. Soon Shtemenko was condemned for murder from jealousy for ten years. After the sentence, the chief was taken away. Former chiefs hold in separate camps.

Aunt Poland

Aunt fields died of terrible disease - stomach cancer. Nobody knew her surnames, even the wife of the head, to whom the aunt field was serving or "day-old." The woman did not deal with any dark things, only helped to arrange their countrymen - Ukrainians for easy work. When she fell ill, visitors came to her every day. And all that the wife of the head of the chief, the aunt field gave to sanitarians.

Once the father of Peter came to the hospital, to confess the sick. A few days later she died, soon the Father Peter appeared again and ordered to put the cross on her grave, and did. At the cross, Tymoshenko Polina Ivanovna was written on the cross, but it seemed that the name was Her Praskovaya Ilinichna. The inscription corrected under the supervision of Peter.


In this story, Varlam Shalamov "Kolyma stories" can be read about the girl named Marusya Kryukov, who came to Russia from Japan and was arrested in Vladivostok. During the investigation, Masha broke his leg, the bone had grown incorrectly, and the girl was chrome. Kryukova was a wonderful needlewoman, and she was sent to the "House of Directorate" to embroider. Such houses stood around the road, and the bosses spent the night there two three times a year, the houses were beautifully decorated, the paintings and embroidered canvas hung. In addition to Marusi, two more girls worked in the house, a woman looked around for them who gave the filament workers and fabric. For the performance of the norm and good behavior, girls were allowed to go to the cinema for prisoners. Films were shown in parts, and once, after the first part, they put the first again. This is because the deputy head of the hospital, dolmatov, he was late, and the film was shown at first.

Marusya fell into the hospital, in the women's department for the surgeon. She really wanted to give to the doctors who cured her, ties. And the woman was allowed. However, Masha failed to fulfill his conceived, because Dolmatov took them away from the craftswoman. Soon at the concert of self-concert, the doctor managed to consider the tie of the boss, such a gray, patterned, high-quality.

Taiga Golden

The zone has two types: Small, that is, the shipment, and a big - camp. On the territory of the small zone there is one square barrack, in which about five hundred places, Nara in four floors. The main character lies on the lower, the upper only for thieves. On the first night, the hero is called to send to the camp, but the uniform zone sends it back to the Barack.

Soon the artists lead to Barack, one of them is a Harbin singer, vanya, thorough, asks him to sing. Singer sang a song about the golden taiga. The hero fell into a dream, he woke up from the whisper on the upper garages and smell of Machorka. When in the morning it wakes up an adult, hero to ask for a hospital. Three days later, Feldsher comes to Barak and inspects the man.

Vaska Denisov, pig kidnapper

Vaska Denisov could not cause suspicion only carrying firewood on his shoulder. He carried Ivan Petrovich in a log, men saw him together, and then Vaska poles all firewood. Ivan Petrovich said that now he has nothing to feed the employee, but he gave him three rubles. Vaska was sick of hunger. He walked around the village, wandered into the first house, in Chulana saw a pendulous car shutter. Vaska grabbed her and ran into a government house, control of vitamin business trips. The chase was already close. Then he ran in a red corner, locked the door and began to nibble a pig, raw and frozen. When Vaska was found, he is already half.


On the table, Seraphim lay a letter, he was afraid to open it. A man worked in the north in a chemical laboratory for a year, but could not forget his wife. With Seraphim, two more engineers of the Arrestants, with whom he almost did not speak. Every six months, a laboratory assistant received a salary for ten percent. And Seraphim decided to go to the next village, disperse. But the escalers decided that the man from somewhat escaped and planted to Barak, after six days after Seraphim, the head of the laboratory came and took it. Although the escale money was returned.

Returning, Seraphim saw a letter, his wife wrote about divorce. When Seraphim remained alone in the laboratory, he opened the headquarters of the head, pulled a pinch of powder, dissolved in water and drank. Start oven in the throat, and nothing else. Then Seraphim resounded Vienna, but the blood flowed too weakly. Desperate, the man ran to the river and tried to bother. He woke up in the hospital. Physical doctor of glucose solution, and then opened his teeth with a seraphim spatula. The operation was done, but too late. Acid Esophageal and Stomach Wall. Seraphim all correctly calculated the first time.

Day off

A man prayed in the glade. The hero knew him, he was a priest from his barrack, Zamyatin. Prayers helped him live like a hero of poems that were still preserved in his memory. The only thing that was not supplanted by the humiliation of eternal hunger, fatigue and cold. Returning to Barack, the man heard the noise in the instrumental, which was closed on weekends, but today the castle did not hang. He went inside, two thoughts were played with a puppy. One of them, Semyon, pulled the ax and lowered it on the puppy's head.

In the evening, no one slept from the smell of meat soup. Blatari did not eat all the soup, because they were little in the barrack. They offered the remnants of the hero, but he refused. Zamyatin entered Barack, and Blatari offered him a soup, saying that he was from lamb. He agreed and in five minutes returned a clean bowler. Then Semen said to the priest that the soup was from the dog, Nord. The priest silently went out on the street, his rushed. Later he admitted the hero that the meat tasted was not worse than lamb.


A man is in the hospital, his height one hundred and eighty centimeters, and the weight of forty eight kilograms. The doctor gave him the temperature, thirty-four degrees. The patient was put closer to the stove, he ate, but the food did not warm him. A man will stay in the hospital before spring, two months old, said the doctor. At night, a week after a sick, Sanitary was awakened and said Andrei Mikhailovich, a doctor who treated him. Andrei Mikhailovich offered the hero to play in Domino. The patient agreed, although he hated this game. During the game, they talked a lot, Andrei Mikhailovich lost.

Several years have passed, when the sick in the low zone heard the name Andrei Mikhailovich. After some time, they still managed to meet. The doctor told him his story, Andrei Mikhailovich was ill with tuberculosis, but did not allow him to be treated, someone reported that his illness was a false "tuft". And Andrei Mikhailovich did a long way to frost. After successful treatment, he began to work the surgery of the surgical department. According to his recommendation, the main character graduated from the courses of Feldscher and began to work by Sanitar. Once finished cleaning, the Sanitars played in Domino. "Stupid game" - admitted Andrei Mikhailovich, he, as the hero of the story played in Domino only once.


The head of the Hospital Sudarin was presented to the head of the hospital, Sudarin. All guests were delighted with such a gift, even the honorary guest of Cuppeaks rated the cockerel. Clapakov was about forty, he was the head of the San. Department. And when the honorary guest got drunk, he decided to show all his power and began to raise chairs, then the chair. And later stated that he could tear his head with his hands. And tear off. Young doctors were impressed. Dancing began, everyone was dancing because she did not like the Clapakov when someone refused.

Shock therapy

Merzlyakov came to the conclusion that the lowest is easiest to survive in the camp. Since the amount of food issued is not calculated by weight of people. Once on the common works of Merzlyakov, carrying a log, fell and could not go further. For this, he was beaten and conformation, and a decommant, and even comrades. The worker was sent to the hospital, he had nothing to do anything, but he delayed any lie to the moment of returning to the camp.

In Central Hospital, Merzlyakov was transferred to the nervous department. All the thoughts of the prisoner were only about one thing: not to blame. At the inspection of Peter Ivanovich, the "patient" answered at random and the doctor did not cost anything to guess that Merzlyaks lie. Peter Ivanovich has already anticipated a new exposure. The doctor decided to start with Rauch-anesthesia, and if he does not help, shocked therapy. Under the anesthesia doctors managed to disperse Merzlyakov, but as soon as the man woke up, he immediately bent back. The neuropathologist warned the patient that in a week, he himself asks him to write out. After the procedure of shock therapy, Merzlyakov asked for an extract from the hospital.


In the fall, when it is time to be snow, the clouds hang low, and straight in the air smells of snow, but the kedral is not to shame, it is not snowing. And when the weather is still autumn, there is no cloud, but the stabel lay down on the ground, after a few days there is snow. Kedrach not only predicts the weather, but also gives hope, being the only evergreen tree of the North. But the staber is sufficiently light if the bonfire is divorced in winter, it will immediately rise from under the snow. The author considers the stabel in the most poetic Russian tree.

Red Cross

In the camp, the only person who can help the prisoner is a doctor. Doctors define the "labor category", sometimes even produced to the will, make certificates of disability and free from work. The camp doctor has great power, and Blatari understood it very quickly, they referred to medical workers with respect. If the doctor was free, then gave him gifts, if not, most often threatened Ignorated. Many doctors were killed by cooler.

In exchange for a good attitude, the doctors should have to put them in the hospital, sending the simulants on the tickets to the hospital. Mind of thieves in the camp are incurred by each minute in the camp poisoned. Returning from there, people cannot live as before, they are cowardly, selfish, lazy and crushed.

Conspiracy of lawyers

Further, our collection of "Kolyma stories" will tell about Andreev, the former student of the Law University. He, like the main hero, fell into the camp. The man worked at the Shmelev Brigade, where they sent the human slag, they worked in the night shift. Once at night, the worker asked to remain because he was called to himself novels. Together with the Romanov Hero went to management, in Khatynn. True, the hero had to go to the body in the sixtieth graduate frost for two hours. After the worker, he was taken to the authorized death, which, as previously, the Romanov asked Andreev was the lawyer. For the night, the man was left in the chamber, where there were already several prisoners. The next day, Andreev is sent with convoirs to the road, as follows, clears the fingers of the hands.