The abstract of educational activities of children with adults in the senior group O.O. "Cognition", "Communication" "Journey to the world of objects

The abstract of educational activities of children with adults in the senior group O.O.
The abstract of educational activities of children with adults in the senior group O.O. "Cognition", "Communication" "Journey to the world of objects

The purpose of the master class:Spread pedagogical experience Work with children preschool age In learning to compile a story about the toy.


  1. Transfer methods of methodological techniques in mastering children of the main stages of work on the story.
  2. Create an atmosphere of openness, goodwill, creativity in communication.

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The relevance of this topic due to the fact that modern children have a very low communicative ability. Despite the abundance of information, the speech of our children is non-modest and deprived of imagery. As a rule, they simply describe actions: he came, she said, the wind blows, etc. Still draws attention to the clogs of speech by phrases "Well, like this", "in general" - it is very difficult for children to choose the words, because Very meager vocabulary. And, most importantly, children do not know how to keep the "thought on the lease", i.e. In their stories, most very difficult to adhere to a logical sequence. The speech of a bitchival, preschoolers jump from one to another, do not know how to dilute the main thing. From my and experience of my colleagues, it can be seen how difficult for children to master a free statement. Big reservoirs are harvested from small droplets. The compilation of the story is the same small droplets that will help come to a large reservoir expanded connected speech, and toy will help.

It is with a toy a child interacts from birth. And it becomes one of the most affordable funds, through which you can talk with a child, call it to the dialogue, and then on an independent statement. At the heart of the statements of children about toys lies the direct perception of the toy, which affects the sensory education of children and the development of observation. Classes with toys are worn creative characterThey develop thinking and imagination. The toy creates the ability to fix and activate the dictionary, but can serve as a source of new words. The toy causes positive emotions, the desire to speak. Therefore, it is used as a learning tool description and narration.

Toy - Satellite of childhood. It pleases the baby with an attractive form and content, helps developing cognitive, speech and motor activity. A.Adeev for learning monologic speech The following types of toys are used:

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  • didactic (Matryoshki, turrets, pyramids, barrels);
  • Scene (shaped): dolls, cars, animals, dishes, furniture, transport; ready sets Toys, combined with one content: flock, zoo, bird courtyard;
  • Sets compiled by the educator or children: Boy - girl, house - doll, chicken - cat, hare - dog.

Because each new toy Causes a child with a joy, pleasure, the desire to talk about it, for classes you need to use new or something updated familiar toys (doll in a new dress, apron, hat; Bear sitting in the car). This will cause a child with new thoughts, an emotional attitude towards the toy, speech reaction.

One of the most interesting and beloved activities native language - Consider and describing toys. Slide - 5.

Distinguish several types of toy telling:

  1. Description of toys - Connected consistent description external view Toys, sometimes with the addition of a personal relationship of a child to her, or a description of the actions and lifestyle of a living being depicted in a toy.

The description of the toys can be carried out in the form of a didactic game ("toy shop" (dishes, clothes), "wonderful bag", "Who is it?", "The postman brought the package" and others). To describe, select toys that would attract the attention of children were bright, expressive, stand out for their appearance, so that they could be expressed by their opinion, compare (two dolls in different costumes; Two hare, different color and size). Didactic games for the description are usually carried out after several classes where children acquired some skills to describe a toy, acquired a certain vocabulary and corresponding views. One of the conditions for the effectiveness of the game is its liveliness, a certain rhythm, emotionality, the active participation of every child. If children do not know how to describe toys, need permanent help and tip of an adult, the game situation is broken, the game turns into a sluggish exercise. One of the types of toy description is to guess and draw up mysteries to children. Initially, children learn to guess riddles, and then draw up the descriptions of the description.

  1. Scene stories (narration).

R ascase for set toys - a connected consecutive story about a group of toys, most often accompanied by the educator with toys by the type of dramatization game. Its drawing up facilitated by the fact that the child talks about the actions that makes himself. Its speech relies on the activities of a number of analyzers.

Story on a separate toy - This is a connected consistent story about imaginary actions and the adventures of one hero - this toy. This is the most difficult type of telling. The toy only defines the main character, and the images of others acting persons, actions and situations come up with children themselves based on creative imagination And your own experience.

In educational I. methodical literature There is no single point of view on the content and methodology for conducting classes with children, on the sequence of setting tasks of learning descriptive and narrative speech and sequence different species Classes with toys. Based on research and experience, our methodologists have developed exemplary learning algorithms for telling using toys (objects).

In the younger preschool age, it is at first a task to teach children to focus when considering toys and objects, then teach answer questions by their description. Children summarize with the help of a teacher of statements about toys from 2 - 3 sentences. Individually and according to subgroups, a conversation is organized: what toys do you have at home? What toy do you like more? Who bought it or presented? What is it (size, color, material)? How do you play with her? What toys do you like in children's garden? 1. It can make riddles, poems, toy functions (without showing it).

For example: Shaggy, yes shit,
Milk drinks, and the song sings.
2. Invoice the story, how she got here.

3. Watch the toy, let's touch. 4. Add questions about the toy. What is your kitty? What is the kitty on the head? What is it?

5. Located all the answers to a single statement.

Slide - 6. A kitty came to us. She has ears on her head big eyes, mustache. There is a cat and a long tail. She lacques milk and meows: meow! Meow! 6. Suspended description of the description. The adult begins, and the child continues 7. Do apply the child to repeat the description of the adult.

At the end you can come up with a game with this subject. Drive to visit to other toys. Fantasize the adventures that IT would happen to it.

For successful learning, telling in junior preschool age is offered:

SL - 7.

Algorithm for learning to tell us using toys (objects) in the second youngest group.

1. examination and study of toys (subject); 2.Bested with children; 3. Suspension told; 4. Acknowledged when viewed by toys or subjects should be set in a certain order (as it is called what kind of can do, for which it needs, what do you like this toy or subject. Responding to the teacher's questions, children call the subject, pay attention to characteristics appearance, color, form, material, quality, properties, purpose, its actions, select comparisons, definitions using an educator). 5. Specific pattern of the educator; 6. The suggestion of the story by a child about a toy or subject (of 2 - 3 sentences); 7. Turning can be finished reading literary work, mysteries, sweetes, booms, etc.).

In middle preschoolthe age is laid the foundations for the development of the ability to independently describe the toys and independently draw up a story story about them.

Description of toys and making stories about toys precedes their viewing, in the course of which the peculiarities of the appearance and the lifestyle of the living being embodied in the toy, comparisons are selected, definitions. You can specifically give figurative words and phrases: a grazing hare; Caution, Sunshine Fox; black, shaggy, soft bear and dr.; Conduct a lexical exercise.

Building a coherent text causes difficulties in children. They often do not know how to start saying and how to finish it, how to associate proposals. Studies argue that already in the process of viewing toys, in question-response, it is necessary to show the possible relationships between offers. The most common means of communication is to repeat the words. Slide - 8.

Considering the hedgehog, you can exercise : "Who is it?" - "This is hedgehog." - "Who spiny?" - "hedgehog prickly". - "Who has a needle on his back?""Has hedgehog on needles." The question contains keywordwhich the child will operate in his answer.

Another option to form questions, when the correct form of recurring words is the question: "Who is it?" - "Bunny". - "What are the ears at the hare?" - "At the hare long ears" - What is the tail of the hare? " - "The hare has a short tail."

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Approximate algorithm for describing a toy or subject in medium group.

1. examination of toys; 2. Equipments of the educator relating to appearance (color, shape, magnitude), qualities of toys, actions with her; 3. Specific sample of the educator (the story is not about that toy that children will speak, but about the same type); 4.Rext strong child by supporting issues of the educator; 5.Sds 4 - 5 children on supporting issues of the educator; 6. Sending children's stories as an educator.

Then you can use the reception when children, following the sample, describe the toy.

"Tell me how parsley," say, like me. " Parsley and child get the same toy content, but one teddy bear is a big black, and the other little brown. Petrushka: "I have a big black bear."

Child: "I also have a teddy bear, but small and brown." Parsley: "My bear has round fluffy ears." Child: "My teddy bear also ears round fluffy", etc.

At the same time, children are formed by narrative speech skills. Children summarize stories also on the educator. It is important to form elementary ideas about the status of the statement (beginning, middle, end). To aware of the structure structure, it is recommended to use a scheme for the preparation of a joint story with children. First, the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to start a story in different ways ("Once", "somehow", "the case was in the summer"). Giving the staining of the story, the adult offers the child to fill it with its content.

I will give an example of the scheme of the story "In the forest for berries":using schemes - pictures. The educator begins the story, children continue.

Slide - 10. "It was ... (in summer).

Slide - 11. Gathered ... (girlfriends in the forest berries). They took ... (baskets) and. (went to the forest).

Slide - 12. Go girls and fun ... (talking). In the sky appeared ... (dark tucci).

Slide - 13. Suddenly stuck ... (thunder) and. (I went rain). Girls ... (frightened) and. (hidden under the tree).

Slide - 14.. When the rain is over, they ... (collected strawberries and went home) ".

The filling of the scheme helps the child to learn the means of communication between the proposals and parts of the text, forms the ability to use the ligaphic words suddenly, then others. Gradually, children begin to independently draw up stories. The teacher helps to develop the plot using the words-ligaments, the verbal vocabulary (called - ran away, met, and. They became.), Teaches incorporating the dialogue of the actors (asked - replied), elements of the description of the appearance of heroes. For the story, 2-3 toys are selected at first. Children are easier to develop the plot and include in the narration of all actors, choose words to action, use direct speech. Later, the number of toys can be increased.

Significant place occupy didactic games on the description. Their content and requirements for speech are complicated. In the game "Toy store", the buyer's child must describe a toy, leaning on a sample or plan, and the seller is to guess what toy, and sell it. The condition for obtaining a toy, except for the description, may be the requirement to name the department, the shelf on which it costs. The seller may not immediately understand what toy want to buy, and offers to describe it clearer.

In the second half of the year, a story plan is introduced in the middle group - descriptions, Composed by teacher. As part of the lesson, you can allocate other types of work.

Now many teachers complain that kids who came to the first class cannot communicate a story on a given topic, and there is a reason for this. As it missed modern preschool education this topic. Now teach children preparatory group Read, count and write earlier than telling, and it is wrong. To school tell the child should be able to. And to teach him the teacher. Do not make a writer out of it, no, but at least give algorithms, schemes, mnemotables that the child will keep in his head and will make a more or less connected story on them. And, of course, I need practice. Parents also concern. Print such algorithms and occasionally ask your child to tell you what he knows about some subject or animal, following the scheme. And here is the schemes themselves.

Schemes (mpmotablides) to compile the descriptions of descriptions in different lexical topics

(Toys, transportation, wintering and migratory birds, vegetables, fruits, homemade and wild animals, family, seasons).


Development of vocabulary, grammar and connected speech of children.

Scheme of story-description on the topic "Toys"

  1. The size.
  2. The form.
  3. Color.
  4. What a toy is made of.
  5. Composite parts (details) of toys.
  6. How to play it.

An example of a response:

This is a pyramid. It is medium size, triangular shape. Pyramid multicolored. It is made of plastic rings. Rings need to wear on a wand. First dress a big ring, then smaller and even less.

Scheme of story-description on the topic "Transport"

  1. Purpose of transport (passenger, cargo, passenger, special).
  2. Type of transport (water, air, ground, mortgage).
  3. Who manages transport (specialty, profession).
  4. What transports this transport.

Airplane - passenger air transport. Airplane controls the pilot. The plane transports people and their luggage for long distances. It can carry and cargo.

Scheme of story-description on the topic "Winter and migratory birds"

  1. Bird species (winter or migratory).
  2. The size.
  3. Perch color, appearance.
  4. How moving, behavior features.
  5. Where lives.
  6. What is powered by.

Skzorets - a migratory bird. It is small, a little more sparrow. Feathers at the Black Skvorta, shiny. It flies agile and runs on the ground. Skvorts are watching themselves a nest on the branches of trees, in older dumps or in the birdhouses that a man did. Eat squorters of insects and worms.

Scheme of story-description on "Home and wild animals"

  1. Type of animal (homemade, our forests, hot countries).
  2. Animal size.
  3. Color skins or animal fur, body features.
  4. What feeds the animal.
  5. Where lives (habitat).
  6. Methods of movement, behavior.
  7. Dangerous or non-hazardous for a person.
  8. Use for humans (for pets for domestic purposes).

Fox - wild animal of our forests. It is medium sized. Fox fur coat, and tip tip and white breast. Fox has a long tail and sharp crude ears. Fox - predator. It feeds in small animals. Lisa lives in the forest in Nore. Lisa runs fast. She has good scent. Wild fox is dangerous, you should not approach her close.

Scheme of story-description on the topic "Family"

  1. What is your name (name, surname, patronymic).
  2. Home address.
  3. With whom you live (enumeration of all members of your family).
  4. A story about each family member (name, middle name, where it works).
  5. How much is a person.
  6. What the family is engaged in when going together (hobbies, family traditions).

My name is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. I live in the city of Krasnodar, on Red Street, in the house number 8. I have a mom, dad and brother. My mother is calling Elena Petrovna. She works as an educator in kindergarten. My dad call Ivan Petrovich. It works as an engineer at the factory. My brother is called Vadim. He goes to school. All of us in the family 4 people. When we get together, we love to play dominoes and watch movies on TV.

The scheme of the story-description on the topic "Vegetables. Fruits"

  1. Color.
  2. The form.
  3. Value.
  4. Taste.
  5. Place of growing (where it grows).
  6. A way to eat in food (what is done with this product).

An apple is a delicious fruit. Apples are red or green. They are big and small. The taste apples are sweet or sour. Apples are growing on the apple trees. Apples eat raw, make desserts, boil compote or jam.

Scheme of story-description on the topic "Seasons"

  1. The status of the sky and the sun in this time of the year.
  2. Condition of nature at this time of year (precipitation, grass, trees).
  3. How people are dressed in this time of year.
  4. Bird's behavior at this time of year.
  5. The behavior of animals in this time of year.
  6. Children's entertainment and adult action at this time of year.

In winter, the sun is low above the ground, it warms badly. Trees are naked. Everything is covered with snow. People wear for walking warm clothes - fur coats, fur hats, winter boots, mittens. Migratory birds In winter, fly south. Many animals fall into hibernation. Although in winter and cold, but you can skate and skiing, sculpt a snowman and play snowballs.

Any algorithm can be supplemented so that the story turns out volume and more interesting. In any case, familiarity with such schemes will a child goes for good.

Children enter the group, sit on chairs.

Educator: Children, let's remember and repeat our patter, which sets us to occupation.

Who wants to talk, he must speak. Everything is correct and intended to be all clear.

We will talk, and will pronounce. So right and clearly, so that everything is clear to everyone.

Educator: Well done! And now all attention is on me. Today we have an unusual lesson. We will be writers with you.

Educator: Think and tell me what a writer does?

Children: Writer writes stories and fairy tales.

Educator: That's right. And what writers do you know?

Children: (I know the writer A.S. Pushkin; K.I. Chukovsky; A.N. Tolstoy, etc.).

Educator: That's right. What do you think about someone or what writes a writer?

Children: Writer writes about nature; about animals; about birds, etc.

Educator: Well done! Today we will make stories and fairy tales. But first let's remember what the fairy tale is different from the story?

Children: there is a magic in a fairy tale, magic things, taking animals, i.e. What can not be actually.

Educator: Well done! And now think and tell me, what words do one or another story begins?

Children: The story begins with words: came, it came, once, somehow, etc.

Educator: What words starts a fairy tale?

Children: The fairy tale begins with words: lived - were, in some kingdom - in some state ...

Educator: Well done! And what words does the story or a fairy tale ends?

The story ends with words: So the story ends or on this, our story came to an end.

The fairy tale ends with the words: here and the fairy tale is the end, and who listened to the well done; Or, good wins evil; They began to live long and happily.

Educator: Well done! And now let's break a little.

Morning has come, the sun rose.

Hey, Brother Fedya,

Wake up the neighbors.

Get up, Bolshak,

Get up, pointer,

Get up, middle,

Get up, sirotka

And baby - Mitrock,

Hi, palm.

All reached out and everyone woke up.

Educator: And now I suggest you to turn into writers and with the help of schemes - algorithms with different tasks come up with a fairy tale or story.

Children give time to thinking about their story or fairy tales. Listened to 2-3 responses.

(Answers are applied).

Educator: Well done! And now let's take a little rest.

One, two, three, four, five,

We can relax too

Hands behind the back put

We will raise the head above.

And easily - easier.

One, two, three, four, five,

Top legs.

One, two, three, four, five,

Clap hands.

Tighten your thoughts as many times

Exactly as many fingers on your hand you have.

Educator: And now I suggest play the game: "Show a correct symbol." I will show the subject and call any sign or property, and you must find the right symbol, call and show it.

For example: This is a cherry. It grows on a fruit tree. So we must show the symbol: Where is growing? Or it is an apple. It is green. So we have to show the symbol: colors.

  1. This is a mushroom. His hat is round.
Symbol: shape of a hat.

  1. This is a fox. She hunts on mice, hares, chickens and ducks.
Symbol: What is supplied?

  1. This is a leaf. The leaf has a leaf plate, leg, streak.
Symbol: structure.

  1. This is a pyramid. It is wooden, because it is made of wood.
Symbol: What to the touch?

  1. This is a fish. She lives in aquarium.
Symbol: Where does it live?

  1. This is a kettle. People in it will brew Chanki.
Symbol: use method.

  1. This is a carrot. Juices prepare from it, you can eat raw or cook it.
Symbol: way of use.

Educator: Well done! Now play the game: "Decok the word." I will call any animal, and you have to choose words that would characterize it.

For example: cat is affectionate, fluffy, cheerful, ...., playful.

  1. Hedgehog - spiny, Grozny, angry, small.

  2. The hare is a cowardly, fearful, fearful, long-legged, smooth, ....

  3. Bear is big, soft, closing, shaggy, clumsy, sullen.

  4. Rooster - beautiful, big, multicolored, volatile, bold, important.

  5. Fox - fluffy, redhead, soft, tricky, smart.

  6. Frog - green, cheerful, bigger, eye, slippery, jumping.

  7. Chicken - caring, ripple, kind, motley.
Educator: Well done! And now think and tell me what we did today?

Children: We were today writers and constituted stories and fairy tales according to the schemes - algorithms.

Playing games: "Show the correct symbol", "decoke the word".

Conducted fizminutki.

They pronounced the patter.

Educator: Well done! Our occupation approached the end!

Consultation for educators

Algorithm and its use in work
with preschool children

Tarasova Julia Borisovna

One method that is used to use in working with children of preschool age is the algorithm.

The concept of "algorithm"

Algorithm - an accurate order ofwhat action and in what

the sequence is necessaryperform, in order to achieve results in any


    sequence of commandsto solve the task;

    rules system, formula in the language of the understandable performer and determining the TSA-kidney of actions, in resulting We come from the initialdata to the desired result. This chain of action algorithmic process, and every step-step. Number of steps to achievethe result of course. Processworking algorithm algorithmization.

General properties of algorithms:

    Mass algorithm(intendedto solve a group of similar tasks);

    Definiteness(algorithm - accuracy and strictlyredo-sequence steps, there is no freedom of choicesee);

    Performance (Lyubayazathe cottage from the same type group will be solved using the algorithm);

    Understanding (prescription formulated that itequally understandable to allin the telephones of the category for whichcalculated);

    Discreteness (separateness: step by step a);

    The concept of "step" - relatively:not always one step corresponds to one elementary action. This may be the action ofway breakdown to even simpler.

    The main types of steps:

    1. Simple (prescribingperform some actions)

    2. Composite (definingbranch Process Processing)

    Types of algorithms:

    1. Line (out of simple commands).

    2. Reserved (if the algorithmprovides two answers).

    3. Cyclic (ifrepeated).

    Forms of manifestation of algorithms:

    1. Cold: i.e. The pronounced verbal sequence: for example, instructions;

    2. Review: Schemes, Formulas.

    The value of algorithm:

    Attach a developing nature Learning.

    Development of skills planningits activities and forecastresult.

    Speech development (accuracy, briefbone, accessibility).

    Use for development search activity Children.

The most widely algorithms are used to familiarize children with physical phenomena and patterns, when conducting elementary search activity (experiments, experiments), mainly in the form of schemes (Visory A.: Accounting for the peculiarities of the preschooler thinking). These schemes allow you to come to the child to the right conclusion, relying on the clearly represented necessarysequences of action.

Junior age.

The main task is to prepare children to understand whatachieve results need to perform action in accordancewith condition (rule, whichroe reflects the sequence of action).Set algorithm help size sign - Riflei.Sosts the algorithm no more than three actions.

Average age:

The number of steps is increasingup to five. Support specialgames and exercises to use algorithms.

Senior Age:

Exercises for the development of the Algorhythms aimed at understandingdependencies between compliancesequencesactionthe result obtained. Uselinear functions algorithms, as elements of the algorithm -models real objects. Childrenmust be algorithms themselves onabstract material.

At this age, children can make the simplest algorithms together with adults or independently (on the example of familiar, such experiments).

Comprehensive abstracts

The abstract of educational activities of children with adults
In the senior group O.O. "Cognition", "Communication"
"Journey to the world of objects"

Marfina Olga Nikolaevna, educator
D / s №63 Jagarsk Irkutsk region

Subject: Subject world.

Purpose: Expand the ideas about the objects of the man-made world.

Educational tasks:

  1. Fasten the ability of children to group objects for destination: dishes, tools, techniques, items for date.
  2. To deepen the knowledge of children about the history of household appliances: vacuum cleaner, iron.
  3. Teach children to navigate in the past and present items.
  4. Learn during the experimentation to identify the properties and quality of the metal; make the algorithm for describing the material.
  5. Continue to learn to make a connected story on a series of pictures.

Developing tasks:

  1. Develop the ability to free communication between adults and children.
  2. Develop cognitive activity, interest in the objects of the man-made world.
  3. Fasten the ability to establish causal investigative connections between the properties and quality of the material and the method of use.

Educational challenges: Educate careful attitude to the objects of the man-made world.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading artistic works.
  • Magnification of riddles of objects.
  • D \\ Games "What first, that later," "Toward 4", "find out the material", "What are items made from?", "Wonderful bag", etc.
  • Consider the encyclopedia, illustrated material, cognitive shirm "Chuh - Chuh, Chuh - Chuh, our iron broke out" (Iron history), "History of the vacuum cleaner", "Story of the Plate".
  • Classification (sticking pictures on Watman) Household items.

Methodical and didactic support:

Two large envelopes - one with the image of "Capital" without address, another colorful with pictures with the address d \\ s; letter from minor; Panna-backpack, items to it: Plate, spoon, mug; ax, saw, needle; tape recorder, camera, camcorder; paints, album, brush (the pencils).

Music on the drive "Riding on the train"; Imitation of the gate (from soft modules)with the inscription "Flower City", the signs "Laboratory of Unusual Experiments", "Museum of Talking Objects".

Objects of household appliances (Toys): Vacuum cleaner, iron, kettle, coffee grinder, toaster, refrigerator, washer and etc.

History of the evolution of the iron and vacuum cleaner (in pictures).

For children: for each set of metal items (coins, plates); napkin; water container; magnet; album sheet, separated by 6 parts; black marker; Wooden rounds.

Educator: Ready algorithm, metal items.

Easel; Shirma; Watman Sheet with three levels "Heaven", "Earth", "Water"; Stickers of different transport.

The educator reports to children that an envelope was sent to the address of our group. Spins him, admires what he is big, colorful, gives to consider children.

What do you think in the envelope? (children's assumptions: surprise, letter)

Who can write a letter? (Listens to the answers: Carlson, Dunno)

Do you want to know from whom the letter? (Yes). Let's read!

Opens an envelope, reads a letter:

"Hello, dear guys! I learned from Carlson that you are interested in different subjects! In our flower city, we love to invent objects and will be happy if you share your finds. I invite you to make a fascinating journey into the world of things. I wish you success. Your friend ... Dunno! "


Guys, what do you know about the flower city? (children's responses). True, the guys live there famous inventors and famous inventors.

Guys, would you like to accept the invitation of ignorance? (Yes) To go on a journey, we need to get together on the road and put things in a backpack that can come in handy on the way.

Gaming exercise for grouping items "Collect a backpack on the road." Children lay out items on the panel - backpack in groups:

Tableware - Plate, spoon, mug.

Tools - ax, saw, needle.

Technique - tape recorder, camera, camcorder.

Items for drawing - paints, album, brush.

The educator invites children to take from the table in one picture, which depicts different items and place them in groups.

Come, place! Be careful!

At the end of the educator invites children to check whether all the children were laid out if there are mistakes, it is corrected, to tell:

What subjects did you put one row in the backpack? Why? How to call in one word? What are these items on the road? (children's responses).

The educator praises children for attentiveness.


Lera, what item did you put in the backpack? What is it needed for? Why did you post him next to ...?

Well done, Lera, you tried now and did everything right!


Guys, now we are ready to go on the road! Take with you an empty envelope and all that new and interesting will find out on the journey we will put in this envelope! What are we going to ... (terrible beep heard)... on the train!

Fizminutka "Riding on the train" (children become each other, hands put on each other's shoulders, make a circle, stop)

The educator draws attention to the gate with the inscription "Flower City".

Well, here we arrived in the flower city (is reading)! Come guys! Guys, the same "Laboratory of Unusual Experiments" (is reading). Here the most intelligent shortcut - I know, should be to work on the test of your new invention!

Let's come up and see!


Guys, what subjects do you see on a tray? (children call).

What material are they made from? (Children's answer: Metal) So what are they? (metal).


Let's guys sit down and get closer with the metal. Children sit at the table.

The educator invites the children of extmercials - experimental activities to identify the properties and qualities of the metal.

Guys, what do you want to know about metal? (Children formulate a task).

How will we do this? What do we need for this? (children are developing a methodology for conducting experiments) What are we going to do first that then?

If we do that we do? (children predict the result)

The educator resembles children about safety technician.

Let's check your assumptions! Guys, be careful in handling metal objects: you can cut about sharp edges! (children work, detect properties and quality of metal)

Draw everything you learned about metal? (Children sketch the properties algorithm and metal qualities using conventional signs).

The teacher suggests to draw and tell. Formulation of output (verbal report) The tutor with the help of the finished algorithm. The educator proposes to put the most successful children's algorithm in the envelope.

Guys, you probably dressed? Let's get a seagull with you!

Fizminutka "kettle - grumbler."

I am a kettle - crown, troubles, Saddy, (Step on the spot)

I'll put the stomach to everyone, (hands on the belt, turning torso left - right)

I'm a boiling tea, Klochu and shout: (slam in your hands)

Hey, people, I want to read with you! (jumping in place)

The tutor leads children to the sign "Museum of" talking "objects."

Here, guys, the inventions of famous mechanics are stored Flower City - screw and tongue. These items can tell a lot of interesting things about themselves. Let's come up and consider.

What miracle - did you know the technique? (Children list: washing machine, vacuum cleaner, iron, toaster, etc.) See what is common between these items? (Answer children: These items make it easier for her home; they need to be included in the power supply, these are electrical appliances).


Guys, do you know that household appliances did not always look like this? Want to know how a person choose his dwelling and loosened underwear in ancient times? (Children's answer: yes)

The educator proposes to take from the table in one picture, consider it, remember the story of this subject, to unite with those guys who have the same story, stand in order from the most ancient to the most modern. The educator offers a shy child using readers to choose a group of children who tell the history of their subject.

A vacuum cleaner. Bunch of branches - broom (broom) - Brush - Flap - the first roller vacuum cleaner wireless - a modern vacuum cleaner, which cleans not only carpets, but also air.

Iron. Stone - wrapped on the rope and conducted "Rubel" (ribbed board) - The first iron was heated on the furnace - "Brazier with coals" (Calculations from the furnace fall asleep in the iron) - Modern iron with temperature regulators, lies with steam and sprayed.

Pravit children.

Well done all the guys, rightly showed and told the stories of objects, did not miss anything!

I liked the story of a vacuum cleaner (Iron)? What do you think the items change over time or remained the same? (Answer children: a person sought to improve them, make more comfortable and beautiful).

The educator with the consent of children decide the stories to put into the envelope. The educator reports to children that the journey is like an end and it's time to return back. Offers to take its places in the wagons. To the music "Riding on the train", children are returned back.

The teacher resembles children about the envelope, in which they settled everything interesting news About objects that have learned today.


Guys, how to be with this envelope? What are you offering? (Answer children: send minted)

The educator supports the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren, approves, agrees to write the reverse address of the flower city.


Did you like our journey? Where would you like to concerk another time? (Children's statements). Pravit them for interesting ideas.

The teacher calls the children to the easel.

If you think that you have everything turned out, you were easily and interesting, then turn in the sky transport that flies.

If you think that you were mistaken and something did not work, you turn the transport that travels on the road.

If nothing happened, it was difficult and uninteresting, then wrapping water transport.

Children take appropriate transport and evaluate themselves. Explain their decision. The educator offers children to go to sign an envelope, and children make drawings with their own hands.