Ural dumplings that happened not. Team "Ural dumplings" split money

Ural dumplings that happened not. Team
Ural dumplings that happened not. Team "Ural dumplings" split money

Dmitry Vladimirovich Sokolov is a bright, charismatic personality. It was this person that created the KVN team "Ural dumplings" and loved millions of viewers. A lot of people are interested in the biography and family position of this famous comedian and Showman. Thanks to this article, you will learn more about the talented actor.

Dmitry Sokolov

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born on April 11, 1965. In the Sverdlovsk region (Pervouralsk) and became a second child in a family of falcon. He grew up a very active and artistic boy.

Interesting! The artist's mother in one of the interviews noted that her son at the age of three knew a song from the "Bremen Musicians", which surprised all relatives.

Career Dmitry began with KVN

In the elementary school, Dima studied not very well - let him know natural mobility. It was hard for him to stop in one place and focus on learning. But with the age of Sokolov turned into a diligent student. And over-energy parents of the boy managed to redirect to the development of his musical abilities.

Dmitry in Youth

After the school years remained behind, Sokolov went to Yekaterinburg to become a student of a polytechnic university. By the way, it was here that his older sister had already studied, which took an active part in the life of the student squad - the guys went to the collective farms and organized real concerts there. Subsequently, Dmitry himself became interested in this occupation.

After the second course of falcons, along with the members of the construction engineer rides in Astrakhan. There he, unfortunately, gets seriously typhoid. The treatment process was very difficult and long, so the guy went into academic leave. Soon, Dmitry falls into the army, and after the service returns to his beloved occupation - self-conceived.

Dmitry at the beginning of a television career


In the twenty-year-old age, Sokolov decided to create his own project. That is how in 1993. A new team of KVN appeared, which received a rather original name - "Ural dumplings". Its residents were the guys from various construction projects of a polytechnic university. Dmitry, standing at the origins of the team, noted that people who fell into it were born with artists and possess an excellent sense of humor.

Amplua Dmitry does not change for many years

The creative team is growing and soon turns into a very serious, independent project, which, as it turned out, will have a huge impact on the biography of D.V. Sokolova.

From the very first speeches, the Dmitry team managed to conquer the audience sympathies and quickly moved to the Higher League of KVN. After a couple of years in the "Ural Pelmeni" piggy bank, several significant awards appeared, among which was a very prestigious prize - the Super Cup.

Dmitry during the performance of the "Ural Pelmeni"

The founder of the team Dmitry Sokolov worked among talented artists, but it did not prevent him from stand out against them. His joke style was unusual enough - he did it with a "stone" face, which was not even a hint of a smile. The audience is such a format of Sokol's speeches (so called the team) came to the soul, and they were looking forward to the speeches of their pet every time.

"Ural dumplings"

The team created at one time D. Sokolov is one of those who managed to continue their creative activities after completing speeches in KVN. The participants of the Ural Pelmeni team today are not just recognizable, but incredibly popular among the true connoisseurs of humor and entertainment lovers.

Dmitry Sokolov and Alexander Nos

In 2007 An interesting teleproekt "Show News" was created by team members, which went on fire in parody news. The starting issues of the program were very popular with the spectators, but over time the rating of the show began to decline. In 2009 The artists attempted to "restart" their brainchild, but this was not given a noticeable result, so the "Ural dumplings" it was decided to develop the same project.

The team D. V. Sokolov has its own television show, which since 2009. Entering on the air on TV channel "STS". By the way, no project in which artists from the Ural Pelmeni are working without the "Sokol". Dmitry is the author of a huge number of jokes and sketches. His talent and artistry viewers have the opportunity to enjoy in such popular shows as "Comedy Club", "big difference", "ProjectorParisHilton", as well as some others.

Dmitry spends a lot of time with the second spouse

In 2011 The guys created a new sketch project "Unreal Story", and in a year the light saw another brainchild of the team of talented artists - Valera-TV.

Interesting! In 2013 The "Ural Pelmeni" noted the twentieth anniversary of the existence of the team, and its popularity today, at least, not lower than at the time of performances in the "club of fun and resourceful".

Personal life

The founder of the "Ural Pelmeni" Dmitry Sokolov is very popular, including among the representatives of the beautiful sex. Therefore, many women are interested in not only the biography of this talented artist, but also his personal life.

Permanent tour led to the collapse of the first marriage

Dmitry Vladimirovich was married twice. With the first spouse of Natalie, a man met still as a student - they studied in the same university. From this marriage, the actor has two children - the son of Alexander and daughter Anna. However, as a result, this family union collapsed. Natasha was not able to get used to the fact that Dima was on tour all the time.

Fit the personal life of Sokolov began in 2006. It was then that the artist met Ksenia Lee (Kazashka by nationality), which several years later became his second wife. The wedding took place in 2011.

Interesting! The second wife of Dmitry was an actress in the team "Irina Mikhailovna", which also performed in KVN.

Happy newlyweds

After a year in the biography and personal life of the team of the Ural Pelmeni team, Dmitry Sokolova appeared new changes! He again experienced happiness from the birth of a child. The spouse gave him a daughter Masha. Soon the family has become more children. In 2015 The son of Ivan appeared, and in 2017. - Daughter Sofia. Photo of kids and their happy parents can easily be found on the Internet or instagram actor.

Frame from the transfer "Let them say"

Interesting! Vanya was born a week after the famous artist celebrated his fiftieth anniversary. The best gift for the anniversary and not to come up with!

From the first marriage, Dmitry has two more children

He was in the family of Dima and a difficult period, when the second spouse was transferred to the operation and moved only with the help of crutches. Sokolov showed himself a very caring and attentive husband, becoming a real support for the girl.

Ksenia also tries to support her beloved spouse in everything, and as much as possible be near. She helps Dmitry in writing scenarios for his team speeches and often travels with him on tour, supporting a husband's team from the spectator room.

The biography of the founder of the Ural Pelmeni Dmitry Sokolova is full of interesting facts. Let's talk about some of them:

  • Dima is a very modest person. He does not approve of high attention to his person and does not like to give an interview, considering that the "star" is not.
  • Ksenia, the second wife of Sokolov, younger than it for 23 years.
  • Dmitry is a deeply believer man and regularly goes to church.
  • The hero of our today's article is an avid fisherman. His best catch was the carp weighing more than 4 kilograms.
  • The artist page in Instagram leads his spouse.
  • Dima's younger daughter and Ksyusha wanted to call John, but when baptism decided to give her the name Sofia.

Sergey Netyevsky did not rule out his return to the "Ural dumplings".

The dispute between the "Ural dumplings" and their director (or not the director - here the versions of the parties are diverged) Sergey Nehievsky became one of the hottest themes of the last months. After several decades of the joint existence, the parties to understand their relationship.

Lawyers did loud statements. For example, the representative of "Pelmeni" accused Nehtevsky, which, and in response he was charged that.

The first instance point in one of the disputes has already been delivered - Sverdlovsky arbitration decided that the Ural Pelmeni. But this is only the first instance and it is possible that its decision will be appealed.

Tomorrow, the Arbitration Court will continue the proceedings on another suit: "Ural dumplings" require from the company First Hand Media (Sergey Netyevsky owns it) to return the rights to the trademark of the show. We talked to Sergey Netheyevsky and listened to his version of what was happening.

- Your lawyers said that in the summer of last year, some conflict arose in the "Ural dumplings". What was the reason for him? class \u003d "_"\u003e

- Indeed, we had different opinions about where to move the show. I think every project should be updated. Since 2009, I, as a producer, who has led the "Ural dumplings" show, was constantly engaged in the formation and updating of the project: graphics, scenery, shooting, installation, installation, and so on to make it relevant and modern.

A loud conflict in the "Ural dumplings" broke out more than 20 years after the creation of the team.

I had different suggestions for "dumplings" for development. For example, to make each project, or make a project with young humorists, who for started to introduce in our show, withdraw documentary and art films. But the guys did not perceive these ideas, and we had creative and organizational differences.

- You can decipher what you call "creative disagreements"?class \u003d "_"\u003e

- We always have always discussed development issues. As a result, we decided to take a pause, they tried to discuss our differences, and in the spring I learned about the first lawsuits.

- Sergey Isaev, when in the fall announced a break of relationships with you, leaning on the fact that you are very busy with your projects in Moscow. class \u003d "_"\u003e

- I really have projects that I have long dreamed of realizing. And in this pause, I began to make them more active. But I have always been engaged in the "Ural dumplings", and its projects.

- I was told that disagreements were not only creative, but also financial.class \u003d "_"\u003e

- Of course, where there is a television creativity, there are finances there.

- Are you familiar with Alexey Lutikov, who leads the company "Ural Pelmeni Production"?class \u003d "_"\u003e

- Yes, sign. In 2014, he came to me at First Hand Media to the post of executive producer. And I instructed him the production of the show "Ural Pelmeni", taught and showed how and what to do, shared secrets and experience of creating a show, which was accumulated in five years. He was in the company until autumn 2015. But then we had disagreements with him, because I did not have the quality of his work on creating a new project "Fathers and these".

- They say that Alexey Lutikov became the starting mechanism of the conflict. Allegedly he persuaded Sergei Isaev and other members of the team to produce a show without you. This is true? class \u003d "_"\u003e

- It is clear that in 20 years we had many all sorts of disputes in the team. And Alexey Nutikov, theoretically could strengthen these disagreements and offer himself as a new producer show "Ural Pelmeni". Especially he learned from the inside how the show was done.

- The next Thursday in the Moscow arbitration will be considered the lawsuit of the "Ural Pelmeni" against your company First Hand Media: they demand to pick up the trademark of the show. As far as I understand, there is a text trademark, but there is a graphic. class \u003d "_"\u003e

- You are legally grounded. Indeed, there is a text, but there is a graphic trademark. In 2015, lawyers and management of companies producing a show (Fix Media Idea ") initiated the technical procedure for combining signs.

Sergey Isaev (in the photo on the left) is now actually leading the "Ural Pelmeni", but the director is Sergey Netyevsky.

The fact is that since 2012, the graphic logo "Ural dumplings", developed by FIRST Hand Media, was used in the television ether and concerts. And he was not protected, was not registered in Rospatent. The company combined these two signs to remove risks towards the channel and to other partners.

- There is such an opinion that you, when you left the "dumplings", simply took and the trademark was taken at the same time.class \u003d "_"\u003e

- Outowers may think so. But we do not use this sign, we do not obstruct the team to do the show and take tour. The most important thing is that, as soon as the argument arose about the trademark, First Hand Media was ready to convey this sign to the team. We offered it several times and representatives of the team and the team directly. But they do not want to take a sign! Instead, they are submitted to the court.

- And when FIRST HAND MEDIA registered it?class \u003d "_"\u003e

- I'm afraid to make a mistake, it was last November.

- Are you ready to transfer for free or for some financial compensation?class \u003d "_"\u003e

- FIRST HAND MEDIA is ready to transfer it completely free.

- Previously, the law lawyers said that the "Ural dumplings" trademark costs 400 million rubles.class \u003d "_"\u003e

- This figure is taken from the ceiling. It is not clear what this report is based on. As far as I know, a meeting of the Russian Society of Appraisers was held, which admitted that the report on which the team's lawyers referred to significant violations. I think that on July 14, the court will figure it out in this matter.

Interestingly, Julia Mikhalkov is among the co-owners of the "Ural Pelmeni".

"Why did you decide to register yourself as director if your relationship is still on a pause?" class \u003d "_"\u003e

- In order to resolve the disagreements that arose. There are legal moments: if people break up, then it is necessary to do this civilized.

- You have since 1994 in the "dumplings", and since 1998 - the director of the team. It is clear that the team was updated during this time. But now you turned out to be outside the project. For you, this story is closed? class \u003d "_"\u003e

- No, the question is open. We have disputes, but it does not mean that we are enemies. It happens that time and disputes are going away.

- It seems to me that it is difficult to return back after litigation.class \u003d "_"\u003e

- As they say in the east, the glued vessel flows in a thin jet ... But in this life everything can be.

- You after leaving the "Ural Pelmeni" watched new editions of the show?class \u003d "_"\u003e

- Honestly, I'm not all. To some extent the show began to differ from what we did before. But the project is popular, people look, and I wish the guys success to "dumplings" and further developed.

- For the company FIRST HAND MEDIA "Ural Pelmeni" how significant from the financial point of view was the project? class \u003d "_"\u003e

- In percent I will not say. Essential. But we were engaged and engaged not only by "dumplings". For example, we made a mini-series "Seasons of Love" for the TV channel "Home", preparing for the production of full-length comedy "March 9," actively develop the project "League of Improvisations".

- I understand that in September "League of Improvisations" will be held in Yekaterinburg. What is the chip of this show? Why should it takele? class \u003d "_"\u003e

- We want to collect all the teams that are engaged in improvisations in Yekaterinburg. Conduct master classes for them, trainings. And in the end, the best will become participants in the gala concert and will be invited to Moscow in October to the shooting.

The "League of Improvisations" is a competition in theatrical improvisation of a short form. We take the topics of games from the audience, we ask the rules of the game and make humorous numbers. This is complete improvisation. And, as in any competition, the teams are evaluated. In addition to the Ural teams, the winners of the "League of Improvisations" will arrive in 2015, and there will be a real Battle.

- Does this show appear on some of the television channels?class \u003d "_"\u003e

- We are now negotiating with several channels. We think it will be a clock show. This is a completely new project for our television. There is a feeling that this project should turn out.

P. S. The site always does everything possible to reflect the opinion of all parties in publications. If Sergey Isaev, with whom we previously communicated many times, agreed to comment on the situation, then we will be happy to provide him with the site visited in Yekaterinburg.

Text: Sergey Panin
Photo: Ilya Davydov / site; Sergey Netyevsky / Facebook.com
Video: Air show / YouTube.com

Dmitry Sokolov is a Russian showman and a comedian, the founder of the KVN team "Ural Pelmeni" and a permanent participant of the same name of the humorous shows, in which the composition of the former KVN team participates.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Sokolov was born in April 1965, in the city of Pervouralsk, located in the Sverdlovsk region. Dmitry - the youngest child in the family. He has an older sister.

Dmitry Sokolov grew up a moving and artistic guy. As Irina Aleksandrovna Mom said in an interview with Mama, at 3 years old, Son knew the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Bremen Musicians". And one day, when a master came to the house to fix the TV, Dima arranged a real idea: the boy has begun, sang and danced the grateful viewer this fairy tale. Leaving, the master asked: "Why do you need a TV?".

Until 4th grade Dmitry Sokolov studied not too diligently: congenital mobility and curiosity did not combine in any way. Teachers often complained about Dima. But, according to Mom, the son was a fifteentifier, but not a packed. In middle and older classes, the boy pulled up under academic performance. Part of the excessive energy of the son of the parents managed to redirect to the useful passion for music. Although Dmitry had no hearing and musical abilities, Sokolov diligently studied at the music school and even participated in the ensemble.

In the 5th grade, Dmitry Sokolov managed a lot to surprise teachers. During the trip to the capital, the guys asked to take the class in the zoo, circus, cafe. Only Dima asked to show the theater.

At the end of School Sokolov went to Yekaterinburg. For the receipt, Dmitry chained the Ural Polytechnic University, where he chosen the Chemical Technology Faculty. This choice was dictated by the fact that the older sister of Dmitry studied. The girl participated in the rich and cheerful life of the student building "Horizon". The guys went to the collective farms where concerts were satisfied. The same passion soon appeared at the brother.

After the 2nd year, Dmitry Sokolov went with a construction project to Astrakhan. There was a misfortune: several guys, among whom were Dima, sick with abdominal typhoid. After a long treatment and restoration of Sokolov took an academic leave. So from the construction engine, he hit Stroybat. But after the army, the guy returned to his beloved occupation - to amateuriances.


Some time after returning from the army, Dmitry Sokolov played in the rock team "Neighbors". After seeing and thoroughly studying the whole "kitchen" from the inside, the 28-year-old Sokolov decided to create his own project. So in 1993 he was born a new one, and now the famous team "Ural dumplings".

KVN team "Ural dumplings"

At the origins of the team stood by Dmitry, the veteran of the building "Horizon". Residents of the new team were the guys from various building detachments of the Ural Polytechnic. All of them, according to Sokolov, are not random people. Because it is impossible to get to KVN only at will. It is necessary to be born with a sense of humor and artistic abilities. The new team was subsequently turned into an independent and full-fledged project, forever changed the biography of Dmitry Sokolov.

The first speeches of the "Ural Pelmeni" as part of the game KVN were accompanied by tremendous success. Very soon the team from Yekaterinburg fell into the Higher League of KVN. After a few years, 6 prestigious awards appeared in their piggy bank, among which are the KVN Super Championship Cup and several Kiwins.

Each of the players is the artist, very bright and charismatic. The game of the founder of "Ural Pelmeni" Dmitry Sokolov can be highlighted. This is a blast mixture of simple and even somewhat brutal, but at the same time fine humor. Calm and even sullen Dmitry his jokes tells with a stone face, often without a shadow of smile. Paradox, but it is an additional incentive to laugh at its acunts.

Dmitry Sokolov or Falcon, as his colleagues call him, is one of the favorites of the audience. Some of his jokes turned into aphorisms. The poem "Lonely White Mouse" performed by Sokol is almost a classic of modern humor.

"Ural dumplings"

Created by Dmitry Sokolov team "Ural Pelmeni", perhaps the only one who managed to continue his life on television and after completing the game in KVN. Moreover, "dumplings" today is not less, and maybe more popular than during the period of its Kavain biography.

In 2007, the team participants created their own project - the Partial News Transfer "Show News", which was supported and released on the broadcast "Comedy Club Production" and "Around Light Products". The first editions of the TV shows were popular with the viewers and were included in the Top 10 channel gear.

The popularity of the "show news" occupied the place between the series "My beautiful nanny", "happy together", "Dead League" and the "Comedy Club" show, but subsequent issues began to lose the love of viewers. In 2009, the team tried to restart the project, but it did not save the "Show News", therefore the "Ural dumplings" switched to their own registered project, which began to enjoy success.

Today, the "Ural Pelmeni" has its own show, which comes out on the CTC channel since 2009. In the show, Dmitry Sokolov uses the amplua of the nearby, "village" man who does not understand what is happening, but at the same time endowed with a special simple wisdom. In addition, situations often be played when other characters are afraid of Dmitry's hero. Comrades Sokolov on the team have the role of intellectuals and eccentrics, and the hero of Dmitry can show the aggression or wildness in a joke. This contributes to the appearance of the showman - high (but the exact growth of the actor to journalists is unknown), powerful, with an audured head.

As for Dmitry Sokolov, no project is not accounted for without his participation, in which artists from the Ural Pelmeni take part. He is engaged in the organization of concerts and directories. Sokolov is one of the main authors of most jokes, sketches and new projects. As an actor, he is also indispensable. Spectators can enjoy his game in the "big difference", "ProjectorParisHilton", "South Butt" and "Comedy Club", where Sokolov performed both with sketches and humorous songs. And, of course, Dmitry Sokolov is present in every issue of the "Ural dumplings" show.

Parallel, humorists launched other projects. In 2011, the participants of the Ural Pelmeni launched the Sketch Show "Unreal History", which went out for three seasons. In 2012, the team created another humorous parody show - Valera-TV. The plot of the releases beat flared interest around video blocks. The main hero of the Valera project works by the operator in the province and decides also to make a blog where the video posts all that meets.

The "Ural Pelmeni" team in 2013 noted the 20th anniversary of the creation. The anniversary concert was called "20 years in test". These years, Dmitry Sokolov remained one of the pillars to which the popular team relied. At the same time, Dima no one can reproach in star disease or loss of sense of humor due to popularity.

Personal life

In the biography of Dmitry Sokolov - two marriages. The first wife of the artist was Natalia, with which Dmitry met in a construction company. The girl was also a student of the university in which Dmitry studied. Two children were born in this marriage. The son of Alexander appeared in 1992, Anna's daughter in 2002. But the nomadic life of the KVN artist and the domestic problems have fallen into fragile female shoulders made their sad business: the family broke up.

Dmitry Sokolova's personal life has improved in 2011. In September, Sokolov married the second time. The wife of Showman became Ksenia Lee, familiar to lovers of the game in KVN. The girl was the actress of the "Irina Mikhailovna" team.

The couple met in 2006. The commonality of interests and romantic feelings became the basis of this marriage. Then children appeared in the family. Masha was born in the fall of 2012, and Vanya - in April 2015. It is noteworthy that the Son was born a week after celebrating Dmitry his 50th anniversary and became a real gift for the anniversary of the Pope.

Ksenia Lee also helps the spouse to write scripts for the "Ural Pelmeni" show. Together with Dmitry Sokolov, a woman rides a tour, and during the shooting of the television show and live performances always sits in the hall and supports the husband's team.

Dmitry Sokolov Now

In March 2017, a full-length film created by the Ural Delmeni team was released on the screens - the comedy "lucky case". The main character of Valera () wins 43 million rubles into the lottery. Together with friends, lucky breaks into Moscow. Men want to spend the winnings on their own without sharing their wives. But the second half of the heroes learn about the winning and stripped into the pursuit of her husbands. The main roles in the comedy played the participants of the team "Ural Pelmeni".

In May 2017, journalists learned that Dmitry Sokolov became the Father for the fifth time. Ksenia Li gave the wife of John's daughter. Spouses did not hide the pregnancy of Ksenia, the woman laid out in the microblog photographs showing an interesting position. For direct questions of the press, Dmitry honestly answered that the wife is pregnant, and that the spouses are already even knowing the floor of the future child. On the birth of the girl's wife, the spouses immediately wrote on the page in "Instagram".


  • 2001 - "outside native square meters"
  • 2002 - "Big Grater"
  • 2007 - "Show News"
  • 2009 - Today - "Comedy Club"
  • 2009 - "big difference"
  • 2009 - "ProjectorParisHilton"
  • 2009 - "South Butovo"
  • 2009 - Today - the show "Ural Pelmeni"
  • 2011 - "Unreal History"
  • 2012 - "Valera TV"
  • 2017 - "lucky case"

A few days ago, many Russians were alarmed by reports that the famous KVN team "Ural dumplings" disintegrates. All wines are numerous conflicts inside the team. However, it is difficult to definitely talk about it yet.

Fans immediately began to discuss this news. Everyone began coming to the conclusion that the smoke without fire does not happen in order to talk about the collapse of the team there are several reasons. It is no secret that the "Pelmeni" there are disassembly in court with the ex-director of Sergeev Nehtyevsky. This affects the atmosphere in the team and at their concerts.

The process is already coming for more than one month and is accompanied by unpleasant statements. We are talking about who owns the brand team, and who has the right to video team. This is, as you know, always complex lawsuits. Especially when former friends and members of one team are being sent, which has long exist and has a considerable story.

But not everything is so unequivocal and while these rumors commented on only one team member. Yulia Mikhalkov wrote a post in instagram on this topic. She wrote that in the morning, sitting for coffee saw the newspaper, where it was written about the collapse of the team. But according to her, it is not true. They are still together and continue to go ahead and soon a new concert in Moscow.

Rumors about decay were also supported by the fact that on the poster team in the Krasnodar Territory there were few participants, which was also disturbed by the team. But this was the explanation. The team members who did not go to Krasnodar are not able to go due to employment in other projects.

Mikhalkov and here made clarity and stated that the team will continue to write jokes and delight the audience. Fans happily responded to this post. And rumors about decay appear more due to ships. "Pelmeni" still will not understand whose brand. But still the team continues becoming more popular. Yes, and a tour of the team is stressful.

In 2011, the "Creative Association" Ural Pelmeni "was established. The founders of the legal entity are ten participants of the show - Dmitry Brekotkin, Sergey Ershov, Sergey Isaev, Sergey Kalugin, Vyacheslav Käsnikov, Sergey Netheyevsky, Alexander Popov, Andrei Rozhkov, Dmitry Sokolov and Maxim Yaritsa. Each belongs to 10% of the company's share.

At the moment, the post of director of the collective is disputed. Until October 2015, Sergei Netyevsky was held by Sergey Nethevsky, after which Sergei Isaev was appointed by the decision of the collective assembly director. On June 29, 2016, this decision was declared invalid, but the participants of the show disagree with the court decision.

From December 2016, the post of Director began to occupy Andrei Rozhkov, and from February 2018 - Natalia Tkacheva. However, the post of director of the team is still challenged by Nehtyyevsky.

Ex-director of the Ural Pelmeni requires to bring to criminal responsibility former colleagues Orlova and Isaev.

Representatives of Idea Fix Media LLC (director Sergey Natievsky, produces the show "Ural Pilmeni") wrote a statement to the metropolitan police, see the goal of bringing to the criminal responsibility of the director of Ural Pelmeni Prodmeni Evgenia Orlov and Director LLC Creative Association of Ural Pelmeni LLC Sergei Isaev . This writes Znak.com.

How did the lawyer Igor Katin, explained to the publication, demands an initiate criminal case against Orel and Isaeva under part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud in a large amount" due to non-fulfillment of the 2015 contract for the creation of Sinopsis and the film script iyichtlow With the working title "Seven weeks around Oley ..." by 1 million 180 thousand rubles.

Sergey Isaev refused to somehow comment on this topic, stating that he was not unknowable about it. At the moment there is a proceeding and clarifying circumstances in this case.

The actress spoke about the rumors that appeared in the media that she left the team.

Popular Actress Yulia Mikhalkov, known for his participation in the Comedy show "Ural Pelmeni" published a record in Instagram, in which he stated that he did not leave the group.

"For a cup of coffee, I read the morning newspapers now. With surprise he learned that, it turns out, "Ural dumplings" Ogogooo - RrrRezbed! I declare responsibly: we are together and, closering the ranks, confidently go to a bright humorous future. New step tomorrow evening - concert in Moscow! Your Julia, "she wrote.

Alexey Lutikov went away from life in the midst of judicial disassembly of humorists

Alexey Lutikov went away from life in the midst of judicial disassembly of humorists

On August 10, the tragic news had shielded the participants of the humorous show "Ural Pelmeni": the 42-year-old director of Alexei Lutikov team found dead in the hotel room of Yekaterinburg. And although on the damaged body did not find traces of violent death, many fans "... by dumplings" immediately suspected something wrong. After all, in recent years, Lutikov was in the epicenter of a suddenly blurred scandal between the participants of the popular TV show.

The news of the death of the director of the Ural Pelmeni with a cheerful surname Lutikov Many made thinking. After all, since 2009 this position occupied Sergey Netyevskywhich is on a par with other participants of the show for more than twenty years left to the scene to mix people. And suddenly, in the fall of 2015, he unexpectedly changed Alexei Lutikov in the leading post. In the past, he, too, was a famous Cavencenchic and headed the "Service Login" command as a captain.

Last October in the once friendly and cohesive team of humorists, a grandiose conflict was called. The reason for the disagreement was first of all the money, because recently, the participants of the Ural Pelmeni, even on the level of income, even on the top lines of the "Forbes" list. And, apparently, they relax, because of what their TV show's ratings began to fall - according to the results of the last television season, "... dumplings" the positions have sharply passed.

In all the problems, the team accused Nehtensky. Say, he stopped cope with the duties of the director: engaged in producing other projects, did not sign the financial documents on time, missed the deadlines for submitting declarations to the tax inspectorate. "Ural Pelmeni" held a secret ballot, as a result of which Sergey lost his liberty office. But the degraded boss did not agree with such verdict and filed on the former comrades to court.

Nethevsky today is a big Moscow producer, engaged in a bunch of projects. He became closely in our team. And for God's sake. We have I. Svetlakov At one time went to the capital. But since Netyevsky is not, we need a person who knows all this kitchen. So we hired Lutikov, - explained "Pellen" Sergey Ershov.

Sergey Netyevsky (with a guitar on the neck) to cheer the public, was ready for any tricks. Photo: RIA "News"

Aggravated the corners

They say, the new boss began to pour oil into the fire, forcing the conflict inside the team flashed with a new force.

Lutikov Rod from Kursk, but for many years he lived in Moscow, held the post of director and was a personal adviser to the general producer "Comedy Club Production," - told us one of the members of the team, asked not to call him name. "It was he who drew the attention of the guys to the fact that the fee from their speeches is distributed allegedly unjust. In fact, "... dumplings" get money, based on their share - everyone owned ten percent in the company. More earned only Glory to measnikovBecause he, to all of the time, is the author of the songs for the show. Well, still Netievsky. Previously, this fact did not confuse anyone, but when the popularity of "... dumplings" began to fall, and therefore income decreased, the people rebelled. In addition, Lutikikov found some other documents, where it was written that the "Ural dumplings" brand belongs to Netyevsky's company. In general, Alexey so aggravated the situation that in the end all finally rushed.

Meanwhile, a month ago, the fans of "... Pelmeni" discussed the new director of the team at one of the forums on the Internet. Many seriously excited rumors about financial scandals, in which the butter was allegedly mixed.

At his historic homeland (in Kursk), Alexey threw a lot of people for money, he wrote someone under the nickname Safron.(The spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved. - A. B.. ). - There, even in Moscow, they wanted to go to look for it. And now he is Great and ... continues to throw. I know that the debts were given to him, who wrote that the butter was crystal, an honest person.

They are in the face of all fans of high-quality humor. Photo: wikipedia.org.

Whatever it was, a couple of weeks ago, the court of Yekaterinburg acknowledged the voting of the team of humorists and returned Nehtyyevsky to the position of director. "Pelmeni", led by Lutikov, did not agree with such a decision and decided to appeal it. The next hearing is scheduled for October. And here suddenly the butterfly dies ...

Alexey's body found the maid of the hotel in which he settled on August 2. In Yekaterinburg, he arrived together with the team after the tour in Sochi. And, sobering with current affairs, instead of going to Moscow to his wife and two daughters, bought alcohol and locked in the room.

The police arrived at the scene of the incident found a dozen empty bottles from alcohol, as well as medical drugs from increased pressure. The cause of the death of Lutikov, the Jewexperts called "dilatation cardiomyopathy". Simply put, he could not stand the heart. It turned out that Alexei's "Motor" interruptions have been observed for a long time. Some time ago he suffered a heart attack and became a frequent guest in the Cardiologist's office. Surely, legal disassembly added health problems. Surprisingly, none of the current members of the humorous show wanted to talk about the untimely caring of his comrade. Only Netievsky was able to squeeze a few words:

I am very hard now, "said Sergey. - Despite all these disadvantages, Alexey was all the other. This is a huge tragedy - I have a heart breaking. It is difficult to comment on such a moment, sorry.