Prayer Saint Luke Crimean about the healing of the child. Strong prayer Luke Krymsky before surgery, about healing, recovery of the patient and toast

Prayer Saint Luke Crimean about the healing of the child. Strong prayer Luke Krymsky before surgery, about healing, recovery of the patient and toast
Prayer Saint Luke Crimean about the healing of the child. Strong prayer Luke Krymsky before surgery, about healing, recovery of the patient and toast

In the Lord's rustling for Russia, the Lord revealed the great many of the saints who supported the Orthodox Church in the period of persecution of their prayers and the fortress of the Spirit. One of these devotees was the saint Luka (War-Yasenetsky) Simferopolsky. His life, feat and ministry fell on the most difficult times - a revolution, persecution of believers, war.

Orthodox prayer SVT. Luke Crimean about healing saves in the most difficult situations when there is no hope of healing at all. And it's not by chance that he is graceful healing, because during the lifetime of Holy Luka Crimean was a famous scientist with world name, professor, surgeon, a specialist in purulent surgery. Not only the prayers of Luke on the soon healing of their patients, but also his art of healing was saved by muddy lives.

Prayer Luke Crimean helps healed during oncology

Holy Luka Waro-Yasenetsky, even being already in the sacred san, conducted the most complex operations. To the old age he is almost blind, but continued to consult young doctors, he left the feat of the ministry to people. During his lifetime, he saved people from cancer tumors, Gangren, and today Orthodox prayers Luke Crimean helps healed patients with oncology, hernias, cysts, pneumonia, other severe diseases.

Read the text of the prayer of St. Luke, as the victim of the faith of Christ (he spent in prisons for many years), and to strengthen faith, to instruct the true atheists on the path, about healing from alcoholism.

You can read the prayers of Saint Luke Crimea in various difficult life situations. One of the modern Orthodox Christians witnessed the case of the wonderful assistance of the saint, when they and her husband were in winter in a broken car, far from people. The woman frozen, but with faith read the text of the prayer of the Holy Luke, and in the grace of God, the car managed to quickly fix it with his own hands.

Prayer Saint Luke On Healing Patients

In modern hospitals and cabinets, doctors can often find a portrait or icon of Svt Luke War Yarenetsky. Luminous surgery, doctors of medical sciences know that the prayer of St. Luke about healing sick will strengthen the hand, will help to avoid complications during the operation and after it. There are also cases of the wonderful assistance of the saint when infertility - thanks to the prayers of Luke, women managed to get pregnant after a long years of unsuccessful treatment.

Listen to the video strong prayer of St. Luke Krymsky about healing and recovery of the patient

Read the text of the healing prayer to Saint Luke Krymsky

On the all-wide confession, the Holy Father of Our Lukuk, the great waters of Christ. With mild, the knees of the hearts of our hearts, and falling toward the chapter of honest and multi-purpose power, Yakshe Chad Father Molim Mray Immediately: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to merciful and. You are now in the joy of saints and from the face of the angel of the preston. Believe Bo, Yako, you love us by Love, Eyuzh all the neighbor was loved by Esi, staying on the earth.

We are as soon as of Christ's God, will approve of his own in the spirit of the right of faith and piety: shepherds will give the holy jealousy and the care of the rescue of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers observed, weak and weak in faith to strengthen, native to instruct, nasty pride. We all give the gift of Komujdotously well-consistent, and all the time for the life of the time and the eternal salvation is useful.

Grades of our statement, earth fruit, from a glad and a flock of getting rid. Sorrowful consolation, affecting healing, lost on the path of truth. Return, parent blessing, Chadam in the fear of Lord. Education and learning, sipham and poor assistance and intercession.

Give us to all your archpastor blessing, yes such a prayer petition of the property, get rid of the goose dunning and avoid any entrances and tricks, heresies and splits.

We will put us on the path leading in the village of righteous, and the moths about us are the All-Fivota of God, and in Eventernatively, you will advise with you incessantly, the sophisticated and inseparable Trinity, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Complete collection and description: Prayer Crimean on the healing of the patient for the spiritual life of a believer man.

2 strong prayers onion Crimean

Prayer Luke Crimean On Healing

(about healing cancer patients, before the operation, about the recovery of the child)

"On the All-Breeding Confessor, the Holy Father of Our Lukuk, the Great Harvester of Christ! With mild, the knees of the hearts of our hearts, and falling toward the chase of honest and multi-purpose power, Jackee Chad Father Molim Majm Everything: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and man-minded God, you are now in the joy of saints and from the face of the Angel of Prestigi. Believe Bo, Yako, you love us by Love, Eyuzh all the neighbor was loved by Esi, staying on the earth.

Socrapery from Christ's God's god: May the Spirit of the right of faith and piety will approve in the Holy Orthodox Church, she will give the holy jealousy and the care of the rescue of people entrusted to them: the right of believers observed, weak and weak in faith to strengthen, nasty nasty pride. We all give the gift of Komujdotously well-consistent, and all the time for the life of the time and the eternal salvation is useful. Grades of our statement, earth fruit, from a glad and a flock of getting rid. Skoping consolation, an affecting healing, lost on the path of truth return, the parent blessing, Chad in the Strass of the Lord. Education and learning, sipham and poor assistance and intercession. Give us all your archpasty and holy blessing, but you will get rid of Osseniami away from the goowa Lukavago and avoid any entrances and tricks, heresies and splits.

Give us an awry way to give the field of temporary life, to imagine us on the path leading to the righteous deeds, save us air solarms and moths about us of the All-Fivalo of God: Yes, in the everlasting life with you, we are incessantly softening the father and son and the saint spirit, he also applies any glory Honor and power forever. Amen."

Prayer Luke Krymsky about granting Chad

"Hear us, the merciful and almighty God, and by the mâching of our nice will be graceful yours. Be merciful, Lord, to the prayer of ours, remember your law about the multiplication of the genus of the human and be a gracious patron, but your help will continue to you installed. You will have a powerful power of anything from nothing and put the beginning of everything in the world of the existing one - created a person in the image of my own and high secretly consecrated the union of the marriage and prediction of the mystery of Christ's unity with the church. Proud, merciful, on the slaves of yours ( name) the union of marital connected and pleading about your help, and your mercy will be on them, and they will be fruitful and they will see the sons of their sons even before the third and quarter and to the desired old age will live and enter the kingdom of Heaven through the Lord of our Jesus Christ, who Any glory, honor and worship pleases with the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Saint Luke prayer about healing and health

It is to this apostle that Orthodox Christians are treated, wanting to heal from the disease.

Holy Luke helps to get rid of the witch intervention of an evil person.

Saint Luka Crimean and after his death helps the needy.

If you do not have his Orthodox icon, be sure to acquire it in the temple.

Light 12 church candles. Next, place the icon onions and a glass with a holy water.

With faith in the shower, imagine your own health and peace of mind.

Crossing, proceed to reading prayer lines.

Viguate holy water.

If the disease is running, pray for health up to complete recovery.

And Luca will definitely hear you.

We are as soon as the God of Our God will approve of his own in the spirit of the right of faith and piety: shepherds will give the holy jealousy and the care of the rescue of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers observed, weak and weak in faith to strengthen, native to instruct, nasty pride. We all give the gift Komujdotoft westweight, and all of the time for the life of the time and to eternal salvation useful: the rules of our statement, the earth fruit, from the glad and the womb, the riddling consolation, an affecting healing, lost to the path of truth, return, the parent blessing, in the ride Lord Education and learning, sipham and poor assistance and intercession. Give us all your archpastric blessing, yes such a prayer petition of the property, get rid of the goat Lukavago and avoid any entrances and tricks, heresies and splits. We will put us on the path leading in the village of the righteous, and the moths about us are omnipotentia of God, in etern day later, you will advise with you incessantly the Soviet and inhabitual Trinity, Father and Son and Saint Spain. Amen.

Strong prayer Luke Krymsky before surgery, about healing, recovery of the patient and toast

The Lord admits diseases to purify the soul of man. But faith is weak: barely felt alert, the patient feels fear, and I spent all the means to heal and not getting relief, falls into despair. Well, if the flour leads sufferers to God: he already has a strongest medicine that is only worth asking with faith.

Holy Doctor - Prayerman for sick

Patients of the XXI century can be called happy people. Medicine has advanced far ahead, the chances of recovery increased significantly, and before God appeared a new holy healer - Bishop of Luka Krymsky, Russian doctor, surgeon, which has passed all the misfortune of dashing times. All diseases are familiar with him, he feels the suffering of every patient. Prayer Luke Crimean about healing is a medicine that helps again find health.

When freedom could be lost for visiting the church, Saint Luka prayed before operations and read lectures to physicians, putting in the risas and a cross.

Saint Luke Crimean started medical activities when the surgery was a risky business. Being the head of the surgical department of a provincial hospital, he saw the death of some patients from the wrong drug made. This forced him to conduct research and develop methods of safe anesthesia. Any job aroused in the hands of a skilled doctor: hundreds of people healed by his hands spread the glory of the surgeon far beyond the city where he worked.

The secret of the professionalism of St. Luke was hidden in good formation, diligence and an Orthodox faith absorbed from childhood. Valentine (the worldly name of the saint) loved God often prayed, read the gospel and sought to lead to it and others. When faith was opposed to science, the scientist professor and the practitioner found the power to show the case that science without God is stupidity and superstition.

For works in medicine and St. Owka, the Stalinist Prize was awarded. He spent most of the money on children who remained orphan after the war, and the rest sent everyone who asked for help. A kindness and generosity of the bishop doctor was widely known. Once an unfamiliar woman from Tashkent sent a letter to Vladyka with a request to send good threads for embroidery. It was not embarrassed by the burdensome concerns of an elder: the request was performed.

The whole life of the Luke Crimean shows his deep faith and love for people. Having deserved glory in heaven, now he will heal patients more faithful than the scalpel, the tool - by the power of God. Is it really not hear prayers, raising and now weak and need?

Miracles on prayers of St. Luki, Healing of children and adults

Vladyka was pressed in 1961. In this anti-religious time, crowds of the people came to the last path, and the authorities could not impede it. But for a short time I had to lie in the grave: in 30 years he was glorified in the face of the saints and his power was moved to the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Simferopol. For these 30 years, the evidence of the wonderful assistance of the late bishop did not stop the doctor, although the authorities prevented their distribution. After the glorification of the holy and gaining relics, the history of miracles began to be recorded.

A woman from Georgia, who suffered migraine, spent all the means for treatment and did not feel relieved. The relative suggested her to ask for the help of St. Luke, brought the icon from the Crimea and the oil from the relics. The patient began to pray diligently, every day smeared with oil, read the akathist saint. A month passed, the migraine did not leave, but the woman did not despair, knowing that the saint Luka could not refuse her. One night in a dream she felt like someone makes her an operation on the head. Everything was "truly": both injection, and pain, and seam imposition, and burning wounds. The next morning the sufferer woke up completely healthy.

An unhealthy child was born in one family. To survive, he needed a lot of operations. The relatives were very worried, but no one had to pray to the Crimean Luke, they never prayed particularly. One day the godfather accidentally went into the temple and was amazed by the "alive" view of St. Luki from the icon as directed to her: "Why not pray?".

Having accepted it as a sign, the godfather began to read prayers and akathist. The first operations were successful, the problems as if disappeared by themselves. Ahead remained the most difficult, doctors did not turn for success. The parents of the child began to look for another clinic, but the godfather dissuaded them. She was clear to the words of St.: "I said that I would take care!". Leave the child from the former surgeon was the feat of the faith of the family of a little sufferer. And they received an award: the most difficult operation on the head passed without complications.

A large mother from the Moscow region, Yulia, often had to carry strollers and children on the fourth floor, as a result of which her bubble hernia had developed. The diagnosis was completely accurate: the woman was tormented by pain, the doctor prescribed an immediate operation. Julia was experiencing: not to whom was to leave children, they were going to go to the holidays in Crimea, to parents. Remembering the Holy Doctor, Julia prayed to him and decided to postpone the operation until the end of the vacation.

Arriving with children in Simferopol, the woman went to the Trinity Cathedral. On the eve, she learned the prayer to pronounce it before the relics of St. Luke, but when she approached the cancer, forgot everything words. The woman felt peace and calm in the soul, she did not want to ask for anything.

Arriving into the house of the parents, Julia found a local doctor who came to examine her father. At the same time, the doctor took inside and her hernia, after which it was surprised: "You have no hernia!" The second, more detailed inspection also confirmed the complete absence of the disease. Here Julia remembered that the pain was held at the moment when she approached the Cancer of St. Luke in the Cathedral.

A student of the Moscow spiritual seminary Evgeny, returning to the dark evening to the hostel, was brutally beaten by unknown. Bandits pushed him to the ground and beat on the head sticks. The miracle of Eugene remained alive, he was discovered by passersby and brought to the hospital. Doctors did not give any chance: many fractures of the skull, brain bruises. The fellow students of the young man and teachers of the seminary rose to the prayer to the Lord, the Virgin and St. Luka. As a result, almost hopeless operations on the head were successful. Soon Evgeny continued his studies in the seminary, and in his homeland, in Lyubertsy, was opened a house temple in the name of St. Luke.

How to ask for a saint about the successful operation and recovery of a child or adult

Prayer to St. Luka before surgery

On the all-wide confession, the Holy Father of Our Lukuk, the great waters of Christ. With mild, the knees of the hearts of our hearts, and falling to the chase of honest and multi-parties of your own, Jacins of Chad Father Molima Molim Everything: hear us, sinners, and bring our prayer to the merciful and human-loving god, you are now in the joy of saints and from the Little Angel of Preston . Believe Bo, Yako, you love us by the love of Love Eyuzh, the whole neighbor was loved by Esi, staying on the earth.

We are as soon as the God of Our God will approve of his own in the spirit of the right of faith and piety: shepherds will give the holy jealousy and the care of the rescue of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers observed, weak and weak in faith to strengthen, native to instruct, nasty pride.

We all give the gift Komujdotoft westweight, and all of the time for the life of the time and to eternal salvation useful: the rules of our statement, the earth fruit, from the glad and the womb, the riddling consolation, an affecting healing, lost to the path of truth, return, the parent blessing, in the ride Lord Education and learning, sipham and poor assistance and intercession.

Give us all your archpastric blessing, yes such a prayer petition of the property, get rid of the goat Lukavago and avoid any entrances and tricks, heresies and splits. We will put us on the path leading in the village of the righteous, and the moths about us are omnipotentia of God, in etern day later, you will advise with you incessantly the Soviet and inhabitual Trinity, Father and Son and Saint Spain. Amen.

In addition to the prayer, ordered in the temple, you can pray at home:

  • for reading akathist or prayer at home it is better to purchase a small icon of St. Luke Crimea and install it in the "red corner". There must be the icon of the Lord, because healing comes from him. Luka's saint - only a prayer book in front of him;
  • light the lamp or candle - the symbol of "burning of the Spirit" in prayer;
  • woman put on a golk, stand right in front of icons. For the peace of the feelings, holy fathers advise a little stand in silently, looking at the fire of the candle;
  • pronounce three times, "Lord, Pomemui" with a congestion, then read the text of akathist and prayer, thinking through every word and putting bowls with a congestion.
  • after reading the installed texts, you can ask the saint in your own words, for example: "The Holy Sacredness of Luko, Pray to the Lord, to direct the hand of the surgeon and give healing the servant of God (baby or tags) ...".

Attention! In the Holy Trinity Women's Monastery of the city of Simferopol, where the relics of St. Luki are stored, ordered prayers and commemoration are accepted. With an urgent operation, you can call the phone, in ordinary cases - write to email.

There you can also ask to send the oil from the holy power. Oil should be anxious after prayer, causing crucifably on the forehead or sore place to an adult or child. At the same time, the profits: "Holy Father, the moth of God about us!"

In the monastery, small things are consecrated: a believer, hats, which are transmitted to believers with a blessing from the saint.

Lyzh in the hospital, free time to devote to the reading of the book of Archbishop Luke War-Yasenetsky "I loved the suffering", the collections of his sermons.

At the end of life, being almost blind, Bishop Luka continued to take patients. Its diagnoses were surprisingly accurate, as they were already committed by non-professional skills, but by the force of God. Especially now, communicating with the Lord in Heaven, St. Luka will not slow down to help.

Prayer Saint Luke Crimean about healing and recovery

It is very difficult to fight alone with terrible diseases, and then to the aid of Orthodox Christians comes the prayer of Saint Luke Crimean about healing and recovery. She will help you and herself to heal, both of their children, and parents, and any close man, including her husband.

Who is the holy bows of the Crimean?

  • During the lifetime of Luke he heard the scientist famous for the whole world, professor of medical sciences and a surgeon, who knew everything about purulent surgery. He saved his life very much, thanks to not only his ability to operate, but also the prayer facing the Lord.
  • Later Luke dedicated his life Church and Lord.But even then continued not only to pray for the health of the people, but also conducted surgical operations even in seriously ill patients.
  • In the old age of Luka completely lost sight, but then continued to transfer his knowledge in the field of healing with young surgeons.
  • For the fact that I sincerely believed in Jesus Christ and served him, Luka was repeatedly punished with negligent officials. He did not once be in prison, where he suffered beatings and bullying. But even after such torment, he did not dismiss Christ from Christ, which he taught others.

Who helps Luca Crimean?

In what cases and under what diseases should be contacted to Luke Krymsky?

  • If you are hard on the soul, you grieve from the loss of a loved one or experience painful parting with your loved one, then you will definitely help prayer to Luke Krymsky.
  • Or, if your trouble happened, for example, the neighboring houses are burning, and the fire is about to overtake your home, then in this case Luka will be able Stop the fire if you read it a prayer.
  • If you are lost in the forest and can not find a way out, in this case, Luke will help and indicate the direction faithful.

If you have one of the following health problems, you will also help this holy:

  • hernia (anyone in any field of body);
  • gangrene;
  • malignant tumor;
  • cyst on any organ;
  • inflammation of the lungs of all forms and at any stages;
  • infertility;
  • alcoholism;
  • addiction.

How to pray to Saint Luke Crimean about healing?

Let the god and prayer of the Holy Luke Crimean about healing and recovery will help you to survive the disease and all difficulties.

Saint Luka Crimean is a deep-gifted doctor, a healer, a priest, striking the extraordinary depth of his spirit. Bright personality from the holy earlier period of history. Holy Luka graduated from the medical university, and he dedicated his fate for the benefit of sick sufferers. His practitioners include successes in surgical activities, writing works on the topic of medicine. Even when the saint lost sight, he still carried faith to people and continued to do good. To this day, the burial place of Luke is a section of healing and pilgrimage.

Being a leaving from a large family, Luka all his life was in the desire to benefit others, and he reached heights, realizing them as in moral and in the physical sense.

Compliance with the rules when reading the prayer onion Crimean

The prerequisite is to read the prayer not only the patient, but also to his relatives, close, friends. You can contact the prayer everywhere - both on the street, and at home, you can in the temple, if the patient is baptized. The prayer of the Holy Older should be read at least three times a day. Moreover, if you notice a noticeable improvement in the patient's condition, it is not necessary to stop immediately.

Prayer about the healing of children and adults

This prayer will be a real salvation for you. Three times say the words:

"O Great Luke, Bliss of People Giving! We will die and cover your knees in front of you. You are deep in our hearts, fall to your facility, we grieve over your mothers' mothers. Molim about healing and health. As the children from the Father, we ask hard, hear our mights, bring our prayer to God. Let the gracious and human-loving give us a blessing. We believe in your strength healing, eating troubles and illness from us, making our stay on earth. We ask the face of your angelic to save us from torment and temptations.

Pullings from God for the Chad of His forces of Spiritual Yes Fortress of the flesh. We are waiting for care and healings, we entangle our fates in your hands are your pious. Weak and weak treat you, please strengthen our faith, to improve our bodies. Nasty us on the path of kind, ebony ends, escaped from evil temptations.

Molim about salvation, giving the land of our fertility, give the villages to our hardness, give the tables to our abundance, give the grievous consolation, give the patients with healing, grab the lost light, give the parents wisdom, give the children with smircity, give your poor assistance and intercession. We hope for your blessing and pardon. Apply for us to the Lord, ask him to protect us from the evil, heresy and turmoil. We are sinful praying led by you, conquer your all-dry hand. In general, we will prank the inhabitant Trinity, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Saint Luka Crimean, who is it?

During the life of Luke was a great scientist, surgeon and professor in the field of medical sciences. He knew perfectly in purulent surgery. This person helped a huge number of people, operated on them and appealed to the Lord with the help of prayer.

Subsequently, Luka decided to devote himself to serving God, but even then he was engaged in surgical operations. Later onions completely blind, but continued to train young surgery skill. Luka was constantly punished by officials for the fact that he was sadly believed in the Lord, but it did not stop the man. He turned out to be in prison, where they suffered numerous humiliation and bullying. But even after that, he continued to teach others.

Who can turn to Luke Krymsky?

Luke is able to help everyone who is seriously ill or anyone has big problems in life. The prayer of the Holy can read a mother who lost her not yet born baby, or a child who has discovered a complex disease at birth. Crimean saint Luka helps everyone during the disease.

Surgeons can read prayers to ensure that the operations passed as successful as possible, and patients recovered. Prayer will help those who plan to go on a serious operation. Luke will help get rid of possible complications.

At what diseases will the onions help?

If a person in the soul lies the cargo from the fact that his close to the world went into the world, or he broke up with his beloved man, then the prayer Luke helps him survive the tragedy. If a fire occurred in the next house and can go to a person's dwelling, then you need to urgently read the prayer to the prayer so that the fire stops.

If a person drank in the forest and unable to find a way out, then the bow will definitely show where it is worth moving. It also helps from such health problems such as hernia, gangrene, cancer tumor, cyst, lung inflammation, alcoholism, infertility, drug addiction.

How should I pray onions?

In order to get help from Luke Crimea, you need to understand every word from prayer during its reading. You need to rewrite text on a sheet of paper and always carry it with you, in order to promptly ask for help from the saint. Best of all, if a person knows the text of the prayer by heart. Prayer needs to read as many times as possible.

What to ask for Luka?

Rev. Luka uses among Orthodox people with special popularity. It can be asked about the health of loved ones and native people, children and acquaintances, healing, conception, deliverance from cancer and other serious diseases.

When close people suffer, it is impossible to calmly look at it. A person tries to do everything in order to facilitate the suffering of another to save the lives of loved ones. Indeed, in such situations, each second, it is necessary to undertake something urgently.

It is necessary to solve the problem with any ways, contact good clinics to real professionals. It is also necessary to know that the Lord from Heaven sees all the suffering. If he is asked about help, he will definitely hear prayers.

Miracles of Luke Crimea

Very often, people consider unexpected recovery of incurably patient with a real miracle. Recovery is similar to the gift of the Lord, and not on simple healing.

Even if a person reported that he was cancer, it does not mean that it is necessary to start panicing and prepare for the ambulance. It is necessary to contact the Holy Luke, every day read his prayer and ask for help. Holy does not ignore the request, he will surely try to help. People who were able to heal from cancer are quite real, they prayed and managed to recover due to the help of the saint. Cancer is not a sentence, it is worth remembering.

Who can ask onions about help?

Contact Holy Luke can every person. Grandmothers and Moms pray for the healing of children, children pray for parents, young people pray for recovery of beloved and loved ones. Also everyone can ask onions about himself.

Conception kid

Children are the main treasures in the life of any person. It is they who are successors of the family, make life a happy and bright, make loveless, without demanding anything in return. However, not all women can without any particular problems to conceive a child.

Some years go on doctors, give a variety of analyzes, undergo a medical examination, but the treatment does not give any results. Then it is necessary to contact the Holy Luke and ask him for help in conception and the birth of a baby.

Prayer before surgery

Only units did not go to the operating table at least once in life. Even if the surgical intervention is assumed completely small, the person in any case fears all sorts of complications and difficulties. People are nervous and worried, whether everything will pass well, will the long-awaited recovery come. That is why the patients are recommended to contact the Saint Luke before the operation to ask for help.

It is also worth noting that doctors and themselves are often praying onions in front of complex operating interventions. After all, only they depends on whether everything will be fine with the patient. During the operation, relatives and relatives may pray for a person.

The Great Martyr of Luke Crimean will necessarily come to help to those who need it. He never leaves anyone in trouble. That is why it is worth thanks to the saint and pray to him as often as possible. It is also worth visiting the temple or church, and on June 11, it is considered official day of memory Luka.

Crimean Saint Luka refers to the righteous to which they most often appeal for help in diseases. Along with the Holy Panteleimon, this is the most fast assistant and a petition before God for all the ruins. On the way to recovery, it is important not to forget, in whose hands our life and all of the benefit. The saint prays the Almighty for all patients and those who are already on the way to recovery.

For the miracles of healing, the saint received still a lot of recognition - Professor of War-Yasenetsky headed the department of operational surgery and legends went about his talents. Saint Luka combined medical work with a priestly vocation, healing ailment not only bodily, but also spiritual. And just as the saint helped the sick during life helps now.

About Saint Luke

The prayer of Luke Crimean about healing will help the patient even in very difficult cases when it seems that there is no hope. Last saint, there was a reputation as a famous scientist, a talented surgeon, a specialist who wrote works on purulent surgery, which enjoyed now. There were legends about the high medical mastery of the saint - if he was given a book and said a certain number of pages cut into the scalpel, the saint was never mistaken. The saint suffered a lot of tests during his lifetime: because of the persecution of the church three times in the link, did not agree to the offer to lead the department in exchange for the refusal of the priesthood ministry, at the end of life after the transferred disease, blind onto one eye.

People treated prayer to the saint on his grave long before its canonization. Orthodox Christians felt that the archbishop helps them from the sky. The church ranked the healer to the List of Saints in 1995, and its relics are in the Cathedral of Simferopol.

About healing

The Orthodox man transfers the disease courageously as a medical agent for the atonement of sins, but is not considered to be acknowledged to ask the Lord to recovery. God will heal or not - it is definitely unknown, but a person, asking for help from the saints, can rely on His Holy Grace. Everything is the will of God, who, as he best, can deprive him.

Praying to the Lord for the sore, should be asked about the healing of St. Luka, as he will hear the patron saint of all those who suffer and the delightful rid. Visiting the church, you should order notes about the patient, put candles in front of the icon of St. Luke and pray for the need. In the temple, you can order prayers for the health of a certain saint that the priest reads. After reading the prayer, with the mention of the names of the sick and the holy water sprinkle.

The houses of prayer should be read daily, adding requests to the saint to the composition of the morning and evening prayers. The number of readings is not so important, although repeating the prayer to 40 times you can achieve greater results. Texts of prayer about recovery is better to read in front of the icon of the ashoth, you can freeze the church candle. Sincerity and perseverance in addressing the Lord will be raised by a prayer story. Before the prayer for healing, it is necessary to ask for the forgiveness of sins sining. So that the saint petitioned the patient should be rid of bad habits, foul language, avoid theft and deception. Often the disease is sent as a punishment, or to protect a person from imposing in more serious sins.

The most short, but strong prayer to the saint is the appeal: "Saint Father Luko, the moth of God about us"

Text of prayer from all diseases:

Before and after surgery

Those who have to surgical intervention must prepare themselves not only morally, but also spiritually. If the state of health allows you to visit the temple, it is worth using this, because the church offers many means to save the soul and well-being.

Before you go to the hospital, a Christian confesses, commits, asks the confessor of blessing to the operation. If possible, the special demand should be ordered - "Sorokoust" about health, which serves forty days with the mention of the name on the liturgy. Another trust on the occasion is prayer before the operation. All feed notes need to know that the church prayer is valid only when accompanied by the past of it ordered.

If the sick has Orthodox relatives or friends, they are usually asked to pray together. Such a common prayer for a certain need is called the Past of Agreement and is very effective.

Going to the medical institution, it is important not to forget to take the prayers, the icon of Christ, his heavenly patron and St. Luke. Presence near the icon will help create a prayer attitude and give confidence to the patient in heavenly support. In small tanks, you can capture consecrated oil and holy water. On the body there should be a native cross, as a personal shrine that protects and protects against diseases and troubles.

On the day of the operation, passing himself into the hands of doctors, you should read the prayers of "our own", the prayer of the Holy Luke and the Holy Panteleonon and the internal betrayal in the hands of God. The Lord does not require the sick of those daily appeals that are written in prayerfulness for healthy, so you can contact God in your own words or short prayers.

Prayer before surgery:

If the patient is formally cordious, but in practice it does not even know the main prayers, you should try to convince him to pray as it can, the main thing is to be a hot faith that his request will be heard, and hope for a prosperous outcome.

Upon completion, you need to thank God for a successfully passed operation, and St. Luka for the heavenly assistance rendered. It is customary to read special thanksgiving prayers.

Text of prayer:

It was the time of bloody wars. The country did not have time to recover from one slaughter, as was involved in another. Three revolutions, the death of the Russian Empire, the Russian-Japanese war, the first world, civilian, the Second World War led to millions of victims and crippled destinies.

The people needed healing, both spiritual and physical. And at this difficult time, the epoch presented the world of a man with a capital letter, fully dedicated his life to help those who suffer.

Who is Luka Crimean?

In 1877, Valentin Feliksovich Waro-Yasenetsky was born in Kerch, later known as Luka, Archbishop Simferopol and Crimean. This man managed to unite incompatible beginnings - science and religion, proving it on his life example.

He implemented its potential in full: Archbishop, Professor of Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, Surgeon, Lecturer, Scientist, published many works on medical and religious topics.

The experience of the interpenetration of ministry and medical practice has become useful, even though Valentin Feliksovich worked in the country in which religion was not gently saying. Surprisingly, but still, during his lifetime, he was famous and awarded awards.

The story of his life is a story about how a bad man carries his cross and gives people light. The geographical map of places in which practiced and operated patients Valentin Feliksovich, immense - Moscow, Chita, Tashkent, Siberia, Kursk and Saratov region.

Fate was not a pretty to such a worthy person, he spent about 11 years in prisons and references for political reasons. And if it was possible, in no matter how wilderness he was, he never forgot about his vocation of the doctor.

Doctor from God.

Tommy desire to help people end up the medical faculty of Kiev University. And this is despite the fact that an art school and painting training in Munich was already behind the shoulders. The artist's talent is still useful, but later, when he starts publishing books with his own illustrations.

The resulting education helped him become a successful military surgeon, Menytsky Dr., as he called himself. The time was politically troubled, and in the twenties, Luka was accused of espionage in favor of England and exiled to Siberia.

There, he continued to operate, using not only surgical interference in the patient's body, but also the sacrament. Before the start of operations, the saint prayed and drew iodine on the body of the sick cross.

With this, he did not deserve praise from the authorities, only subjected to interrogation and arrests. It was impossible to even put icons in the surgical department.

After long wandering around the cold edges, he was sent to the Crimea. But health was already undermined, there were interrogations lasted weeks. And yet it did not prevent the creation of many scientific papers. "Essays of purulent surgery", "Spirit, soul and body," and the autobiographical book "I loved the suffering ..." received tremendous popularity around the world.

He accepted his sacred san from the midst of religious persecution by the authorities, in Tashkent, then he accepted the monastic stop with the name of Luka, and in 1946 he became Archbishop and received the right to wear a diamond cross on the hood.

Examples of wonderful healing

Back with his life, legends went about it. Wherever he was, it was built to it from patients, booking a record for several months ahead. There is a case when he was able to restore the vision of the whole family. His medical contribution was awarded the medal for invaluable assistance in the Second World War and the Stalinist Premium of the first degree, most of which he translated into orphanages.

Before his death, he is blind, but continued to give advice, and in 1961, June 11, on the day of all saints, this great man died. His grave became the place of pilgrimage, where people came and prayed for health. Even after his physical death, he does not cease to help the suffering, talent passed to descendants. They went to his footsteps and dedicated their lives medicine.

In 1995, he was counted for the facial of the Saints of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and in 2000 and the Russian Orthodox Church. Now the relics of the saint are in the Holy Trinity Women's Monastery of Simferopol.

Prayer for recovery

On the all-wide confession, the Holy Father of Our Lukuk, the great waters of Christ. With mild, the knees of the hearts of our hearts, and falling to the chase of honest and multi-parties of your own, Jacins of Chad Father Molima Molim Everything: hear us, sinners, and bring our prayer to the merciful and human-loving god, you are now in the joy of saints and from the Little Angel of Preston . Believe Bo, Yako, you love us by the love of Love Eyuzh, the whole neighbor was loved by Esi, staying on the earth.

We are as soon as the God of Our God will approve of his own in the spirit of the right of faith and piety: shepherds will give the holy jealousy and the care of the rescue of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers observed, weak and weak in faith to strengthen, native to instruct, nasty pride. We all give the gift Komujdotoft westweight, and all of the time for the life of the time and to eternal salvation useful: the rules of our statement, the earth fruit, from the glad and the womb, the riddling consolation, an affecting healing, lost to the path of truth, return, the parent blessing, in the ride Lord Education and learning, sipham and poor assistance and intercession. Give us all your archpastric blessing, yes such a prayer petition of the property, get rid of the goat Lukavago and avoid any entrances and tricks, heresies and splits. We will put us on the path leading in the village of the righteous, and the moths about us are omnipotentia of God, in etern day later, you will advise with you incessantly the Soviet and inhabitual Trinity, Father and Son and Saint Spain. Amen.

How to pray onions?

Recall that in Christianity Holy Luke was the patron of doctors and artists. Surprisingly, because the owner of these two gifts was Valentin Feliksovich. Wonderful prayer for healing is famous worldwide.

Once in Greece, the boy believed in her power, which even put on the body a photograph of the saint and soon healed from serious illness. Prayer helps even in the most critical cases. Oncology, pneumonia, hernia - this list of misstains can be continued. It doesn't matter what aleak you have, most importantly, know about the healing power of prayer.

Read it every day, repeat without a break 40 times, sitting on the knees. In the room should be a lit candle and icon. There is another effective recommendation: should be in a state of mental equilibrium.

Fears make the disease progress and block recovery processes. Therefore, before reading it is necessary to calm down, relax and trust the healing word. Remember, full of miracles and pleasant surprises, and they come only to those who believe in them.

All about religion and faith - "Holy Luke's prayer about children's recovery" with a detailed description and photographs.

Saint Luka Prayer about healing (. Health, pregnancy, well-being in the house)

Saint Luka revealed the image of a kind shepherd, healing the ailments of mental and bodily. The miraculous prayer of health from the heart helps and supports the believer.

Orthodox prayer for healing from the ailments of Holy Luke by the Archbishop of Crimean

"Oh, the all-profit confession, the Holy Father of Our Lukuk, the great waters of Christ. With mild, the knees of the hearts of our hearts, and falling to the Hace Honest and Multi-Pone Poles, Jacins Chad Father Molima Molim Everything: Hearing our sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and human-loving God, you are now in the joy of saints and from the face of the Angel of Prestigi. Believe Bo, Yako, you love us, I love myself the whole of the neighbor was loved by Esi, staying on the earth. As soon as Christ's God will approve of his own in the spirit of the right of faith and piety: shepherds will give the holy jealousy and the care of the rescue of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers observed, weak and weak in faith to strengthen, native to instruct, nasty pride. We all give the gift of Komujdotously well-consistent, and all the time for the life of the time and the eternal salvation is useful. Grades of our statement, earth fruit, from a glad and a flock of getting rid.

We have grown up with an urgent healing, lost on the path of truth, the parent is a blessing, in the risk of the Lord. Education and learning, siema and poor assistance and a ace. Give us all your archpastric blessing, yes such a prayer petition of the property, get rid of the goat Lukavago and avoid any entrances and tricks, heresies and splits. We will put us on the path leading in the village of the righteous and moths about us the All-Union God, in the everlasting life, however, you will encourage with you incessantly the Soviet and inseparable Trinity, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. He also applies any glory, honor and power forever. Amen".

Very strong and effective prayer Mom on the health of her child in St. Luke

Akathist Holy Luke Confessor Archbishop Krymsky

"The Orthodox and Confession of the Holy Church of the Orthodox Church and the confession, the crazy countries in the ground of Crimesty, Yako Lightly Light, the good of the persecution of the Gracing, glorifyingly, glorifying the Lord's gloriously to you, giving you Novago Prayer and Assistant, commemoradily. You, Yako, have a keenness of the Leldice of Heaven and Earth, from all ails of spiritual and bodily freedom, freedom and good standing in the legal lavier of Ukrepi, yes VSI in the delight of call; Rejoice, the saint of the Crimean confession of Lukuk, the doctor of good and merciful. "

"Angels interlocuting and man mentor, the Music Lukuk, like the evangelist and the apostle Luke, Jesha Teso-Generates, from God

the gift of the Gotity of Nemless Human is the good of Esi, in the healer of the diseases of the neighbor, many of the works of the lifting, and, carrying the flesh, about the flesh, he did not glorify her good father of heaven. Thank you, in paving the call of TI; Rejoice, from youth by the mind of your IGU as conquer. Having rejoice, the presenter of the Trinity Trinity The village of the Five; Rejoice, the bliss of merciful, according to the word of the Lord, inherited. Having rejoice, faithfully, and the knowledge of the Bladed Many sudden healed; Rejoice, those who suffer from the ailments of bodily physician merciful. Rejoice, in the days of the brethren of leaders and warriors healer; Rejoice, all doctors mentor. Rejoice, fast in the need and sorrow by the visiting assistant; Rejoice, the Church of the Orthodox statement. Rejoice, the lands of our illness; Rejoice, Crimean fluffy praise. Rejoice, hail Simferopol decoration. Rejoice, the saint of the Crimean confession of the Lukuk, the doctor of good and alms! ".

There is an urgent need for an interreligious dialogue. Today it should be noted that one of the most positive changes over the past decades has become the emergence of interreligious dialogue, more and more meaningful.

As part of the Association "Abrahamovo Brotherhood", Jews, Christians and Muslims, so that, with full respect for their religions and religion, "realize all that since Abraham is their common spiritual and cultural heritage to work together for the sake of valid reconciliation of all descendants Abraham to free the world from the crimes born by hatred, from fanatical violence, from racial and generic pride, opening true, divine sources of the human fraternity. " This undertaking is imposed on very high hopes, and its influence increases.

Prayer Saint Luke

Holy Luka Evangelist is one of the seventy apostles (that is, students) of Christ, the author of one of the Gospels, the first icon painter. Alas, history did not save much information about the Holy Luke. It is only known that he was from the pious Greek family, perhaps was an artist and a doctor.

In Christianity, Holy Luka is considered the patron saint of all doctors and artists, because the first icon of the Most Holy Virgin was created by his holy arms.

Luka was the companion of St. Paul and until the end of his days, remained inseparable. He took part in all Missionary travel Paul, and after his martyrdom, he himself went to wander around the world and spread faith to Christ.

Saint Luka was waiting for the same fate - martyrdom in the name of Christ, as the last test on the hardness of faith.

Luke was hanged in the philas in 82 AN.

The relics of St. Luke are stored in Padua, in the Basilica of the Saint Justina. He is honored by Catholics, and Orthodox.

Saint Luke read prayers for well-being in the family, to eliminate conflicts between spouses, on establishing relations with relatives

Saint Luka Crimea

Valentin Feliksovich Waro-Yalenetsky was born at the end of the XIX century in Kerch in the family of noble spouses. Before becoming a bishop and archbishop, Saint Luka (or V. Waro-Yasenetsky) was a surgeon, a writer, a professor of medicine. In 1946 he

he became Archbishop Simferopol and Crimean, but before that, he left two links.

In anticipation of his death, which was the logical conclusion of the life of most repressed, he wrote a will, where he prayed to people to remain faithful to the church and not to condemn the Bolshevik authorities. In total, Saint Luka departed there for 11 years.

People read prayers about healing on the grave of St. Luke long before he was canonized. The people believed their archbishop. Later, the church ranked him for the face of saints and moved his power to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, where everyone who wishes can ask in their prayers of Holy Bow about health.

Prayers of the Holy Luke about pregnancy

Saint Luka was not only a shepherd, but also a doctor. He healed the souls and body of patients and prayers, and their skills. Many women, from whom doctors repaired for a long time, exhaust the highest gift for a person - a child, precisely thanks to the prayers about the pregnancy of Saint Luke.

Before reading the prayer, ask God forgiveness for your sins.

Remember, infertility - no, there is the will of God, which is capable of how to give you a child and deprive you of this miracle.

In order for the Holy Luka to ask God for you, you need to guide the righteous way of life, do not succumb to temptation and get rid of bad habits, do not fade, do not chat and, of course, be an exemplary Christian wife.

Saint Luka and getting rid of diseases

Saint Luka believed that the healing effect of prayers can be explained in scientific and spiritual.

First of all, sick, a person begins to panic and nervous: he is afraid that he will not cope with the disease that it will not have time to complete the work, will be dismissed because of his unsuitability, it will not be able to provide his family, etc. In such a state, the sick body is even more immersed in illness, and the disease can become "incurable." Saint Luke said that reading prayers from disease helps to balance the mental state of the patient, calm down, to dew, to encourage faith in it in recovery. In such a relaxed state, the patient can really overcome any ailment.

Prayer Apostle Luke On Well-Binding in the House

Prayer Saint Luke Crimean About Health

Prayer Saint Luke about pregnancy

WomanAdvice magazine - Tips for all occasions

Strong prayer Luke Krymsky before surgery, about healing, recovery of the patient and toast

The Lord admits diseases to purify the soul of man. But faith is weak: barely felt alert, the patient feels fear, and I spent all the means to heal and not getting relief, falls into despair. Well, if the flour leads sufferers to God: he already has a strongest medicine that is only worth asking with faith.

Holy Doctor - Prayerman for sick

Patients of the XXI century can be called happy people. Medicine has advanced far ahead, the chances of recovery increased significantly, and before God appeared a new holy healer - Bishop of Luka Krymsky, Russian doctor, surgeon, which has passed all the misfortune of dashing times. All diseases are familiar with him, he feels the suffering of every patient. Prayer Luke Crimean about healing is a medicine that helps again find health.

When freedom could be lost for visiting the church, Saint Luka prayed before operations and read lectures to physicians, putting in the risas and a cross.

Saint Luke Crimean started medical activities when the surgery was a risky business. Being the head of the surgical department of a provincial hospital, he saw the death of some patients from the wrong drug made. This forced him to conduct research and develop methods of safe anesthesia. Any job aroused in the hands of a skilled doctor: hundreds of people healed by his hands spread the glory of the surgeon far beyond the city where he worked.

The secret of the professionalism of St. Luke was hidden in good formation, diligence and an Orthodox faith absorbed from childhood. Valentine (the worldly name of the saint) loved God often prayed, read the gospel and sought to lead to it and others. When faith was opposed to science, the scientist professor and the practitioner found the power to show the case that science without God is stupidity and superstition.

For works in medicine and St. Owka, the Stalinist Prize was awarded. He spent most of the money on children who remained orphan after the war, and the rest sent everyone who asked for help. A kindness and generosity of the bishop doctor was widely known. Once an unfamiliar woman from Tashkent sent a letter to Vladyka with a request to send good threads for embroidery. It was not embarrassed by the burdensome concerns of an elder: the request was performed.

The whole life of the Luke Crimean shows his deep faith and love for people. Having deserved glory in heaven, now he will heal patients more faithful than the scalpel, the tool - by the power of God. Is it really not hear prayers, raising and now weak and need?

Miracles on prayers of St. Luki, Healing of children and adults

Vladyka was pressed in 1961. In this anti-religious time, crowds of the people came to the last path, and the authorities could not impede it. But for a short time I had to lie in the grave: in 30 years he was glorified in the face of the saints and his power was moved to the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Simferopol. For these 30 years, the evidence of the wonderful assistance of the late bishop did not stop the doctor, although the authorities prevented their distribution. After the glorification of the holy and gaining relics, the history of miracles began to be recorded.

A woman from Georgia, who suffered migraine, spent all the means for treatment and did not feel relieved. The relative suggested her to ask for the help of St. Luke, brought the icon from the Crimea and the oil from the relics. The patient began to pray diligently, every day smeared with oil, read the akathist saint. A month passed, the migraine did not leave, but the woman did not despair, knowing that the saint Luka could not refuse her. One night in a dream she felt like someone makes her an operation on the head. Everything was "truly": both injection, and pain, and seam imposition, and burning wounds. The next morning the sufferer woke up completely healthy.

An unhealthy child was born in one family. To survive, he needed a lot of operations. The relatives were very worried, but no one had to pray to the Crimean Luke, they never prayed particularly. One day the godfather accidentally went into the temple and was amazed by the "alive" view of St. Luki from the icon as directed to her: "Why not pray?".

Having accepted it as a sign, the godfather began to read prayers and akathist. The first operations were successful, the problems as if disappeared by themselves. Ahead remained the most difficult, doctors did not turn for success. The parents of the child began to look for another clinic, but the godfather dissuaded them. She was clear to the words of St.: "I said that I would take care!". Leave the child from the former surgeon was the feat of the faith of the family of a little sufferer. And they received an award: the most difficult operation on the head passed without complications.

A large mother from the Moscow region, Yulia, often had to carry strollers and children on the fourth floor, as a result of which her bubble hernia had developed. The diagnosis was completely accurate: the woman was tormented by pain, the doctor prescribed an immediate operation. Julia was experiencing: not to whom was to leave children, they were going to go to the holidays in Crimea, to parents. Remembering the Holy Doctor, Julia prayed to him and decided to postpone the operation until the end of the vacation.

Arriving with children in Simferopol, the woman went to the Trinity Cathedral. On the eve, she learned the prayer to pronounce it before the relics of St. Luke, but when she approached the cancer, forgot everything words. The woman felt peace and calm in the soul, she did not want to ask for anything.

Arriving into the house of the parents, Julia found a local doctor who came to examine her father. At the same time, the doctor took inside and her hernia, after which it was surprised: "You have no hernia!" The second, more detailed inspection also confirmed the complete absence of the disease. Here Julia remembered that the pain was held at the moment when she approached the Cancer of St. Luke in the Cathedral.

A student of the Moscow spiritual seminary Evgeny, returning to the dark evening to the hostel, was brutally beaten by unknown. Bandits pushed him to the ground and beat on the head sticks. The miracle of Eugene remained alive, he was discovered by passersby and brought to the hospital. Doctors did not give any chance: many fractures of the skull, brain bruises. The fellow students of the young man and teachers of the seminary rose to the prayer to the Lord, the Virgin and St. Luka. As a result, almost hopeless operations on the head were successful. Soon Evgeny continued his studies in the seminary, and in his homeland, in Lyubertsy, was opened a house temple in the name of St. Luke.

How to ask for a saint about the successful operation and recovery of a child or adult

Prayer to St. Luka before surgery

On the all-wide confession, the Holy Father of Our Lukuk, the great waters of Christ. With mild, the knees of the hearts of our hearts, and falling to the chase of honest and multi-parties of your own, Jacins of Chad Father Molima Molim Everything: hear us, sinners, and bring our prayer to the merciful and human-loving god, you are now in the joy of saints and from the Little Angel of Preston . Believe Bo, Yako, you love us by the love of Love Eyuzh, the whole neighbor was loved by Esi, staying on the earth.

We are as soon as the God of Our God will approve of his own in the spirit of the right of faith and piety: shepherds will give the holy jealousy and the care of the rescue of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers observed, weak and weak in faith to strengthen, native to instruct, nasty pride.

We all give the gift Komujdotoft westweight, and all of the time for the life of the time and to eternal salvation useful: the rules of our statement, the earth fruit, from the glad and the womb, the riddling consolation, an affecting healing, lost to the path of truth, return, the parent blessing, in the ride Lord Education and learning, sipham and poor assistance and intercession.

Give us all your archpastric blessing, yes such a prayer petition of the property, get rid of the goat Lukavago and avoid any entrances and tricks, heresies and splits. We will put us on the path leading in the village of the righteous, and the moths about us are omnipotentia of God, in etern day later, you will advise with you incessantly the Soviet and inhabitual Trinity, Father and Son and Saint Spain. Amen.

In addition to the prayer, ordered in the temple, you can pray at home:

  • for reading akathist or prayer at home it is better to purchase a small icon of St. Luke Crimea and install it in the "red corner". There must be the icon of the Lord, because healing comes from him. Luka's saint - only a prayer book in front of him;
  • light the lamp or candle - the symbol of "burning of the Spirit" in prayer;
  • woman put on a golk, stand right in front of icons. For the peace of the feelings, holy fathers advise a little stand in silently, looking at the fire of the candle;
  • pronounce three times, "Lord, Pomemui" with a congestion, then read the text of akathist and prayer, thinking through every word and putting bowls with a congestion.
  • after reading the installed texts, you can ask the saint in your own words, for example: "The Holy Sacredness of Luko, Pray to the Lord, to direct the hand of the surgeon and give healing the servant of God (baby or tags) ...".

Attention! In the Holy Trinity Women's Monastery of the city of Simferopol, where the relics of St. Luki are stored, ordered prayers and commemoration are accepted. With an urgent operation, you can call the phone, in ordinary cases - write to email.

There you can also ask to send the oil from the holy power. Oil should be anxious after prayer, causing crucifably on the forehead or sore place to an adult or child. At the same time, the profits: "Holy Father, the moth of God about us!"

In the monastery, small things are consecrated: a believer, hats, which are transmitted to believers with a blessing from the saint.

Lyzh in the hospital, free time to devote to the reading of the book of Archbishop Luke War-Yasenetsky "I loved the suffering", the collections of his sermons.

At the end of life, being almost blind, Bishop Luka continued to take patients. Its diagnoses were surprisingly accurate, as they were already committed by non-professional skills, but by the force of God. Especially now, communicating with the Lord in Heaven, St. Luka will not slow down to help.

Prayer Saint Luke Crimean "On Recovery and Healing" with comments

Remember, being a child, in moments of pain and bitterness, we stretched out my prayers with a moss and were sure that she would help. The prayer of the Holy Luke Crimean about healing and recovery sincere requests for help, and the confidence that we get it. The years changed a lot in our lives, but the need to turn to the eldest, wise, everything remained. Today we appeal to the prayer to God and we are looking for compassion.

Prayer Saint Luke Crimean about healing and recovery. How to read it correctly

So that the prayer was heard

There are only two, but such difficult conditions must be observed that the prayer would be heard:

  • faith in the limitless mercy of God
  • our interpretation in prayer.

Of particular importance and emotional painting takes the prayer in which we ask about the healing of patients. Knowing absolutely health values, we begin to appreciate it truly, when ourselves or our close begin to lose it. Trying, everything that is possible in the path of suffering from the illness, few who do not remember the Holy Prayer for Healing, recovery. Even the short-circuited atheists, without confessing anyone, never refuse the word of the question of God.

  • Repeat 40 times without stopping the word circulation every day
  • Before the icon and let the candle burns from the church
  • With forgiveness for sins of God Start talk

Saint Luka Crimean, who is he?

All who understand or do not know who, what, how to pray, remember the Saint Luke Krymsky. The only canonized holy, who combined is not possible! Materialist, because he chose a doctor's case and became an outstanding operating surgeon that believes in God. Humanism, fundamental knowledge and practical skills in the field of surgery did not enter into insoluble contradictions with the religiosity of this person. So strong was his sincere love for man and the desire to help always in everything: in the case of spiritual illness and bodily pain.

Outstanding Surgeon

The roots of humanity always come from a family tree. Family of the Saint never lived in luxury. But the father who hosted in the store with therapeutic pharmacist goods, provided children to get a good education. Youth years, the young man spent in Kiev, next to the Christian shrines of the Kiev Lavra, strengthened Valentine in Vera. The mother of the young men has always been distinguished by the desire for the beneficialness, and the Father - Catholic Piously. The conscious decision was the choice of the life path of the Confessor of the Orthodox faith. Many talents: the ability to draw and humanitarian sciences could determine its future professional activities. However, the need to be useful people every second and every minute leads to the choice of the medical faculty of Kiev University.

"Love for drawing and form turned into love for anatomy" - so he spoke himself.

Still, being a student of senior courses, he spends his first operations and makes it immaculate. He never tried to practice in some one industry. Today it is called a narrow specialization of the surgeon. During the distant surgeon, applied his talents, operating all possible cases: operations on the joints, brain, biliary ways, gynecological ... today it can not come to my mind! For many years, he selflessly combined work in the anatomical theater and the separation of surgical, where particularly heavy purulent diseases were treated. The archipersky ministry does not leave the doctor for a day. "My essays of purulent surgery were pleasing to God," he admitted himself. The sacred synod is at this time to build it in San Archbishop. The state also could not not recognize the outstanding merit of the doctor and 1946 receives the Stalin Prize for his book.

No, expensive, before us is not an idealized image of a person nor the infinite praise and delight. We have the life of a person dedicated to the salvation of people, spiritual and bodily.

Talent Theologian

The ministry of God supported the Crimean Luka throughout his life. Even in times, serious, not only for the whole of the Fatherland war, ruin, hunger, testing prisons, but also personally for him, writes the theological book "Spirit, soul, body." The words of a person who spent a huge number of operating interventions acquire a special sound and faith. An unusual look at the heart, as a body of the god-knowledge, which is a conspicuous for an intangible soul, offers to the reader. For many years, Archbishop Luka occupies the bishop department in Simferopol, but does not stop operating. Only full blindness did not allow him to continue medical activities. However, it did not observe the assistance to people and the ministry of the Church. Thank you, as a gift from God, the priest gained a priest in the treatment of people.

Vera in a miracle

Everyone can evaluate what is happening from the standpoint of their experience, culture, education. Some see, a miracle, as a coincidence, for other fairy tales, for the third - not disclosed pattern.

The extraordinary ability of the priest was celebrated by everyone who could observe. It was endowed with such force. Sincere love for those who hurt, poorly, who asks for help distinguished this person. Did not leave he needed help and now. Let prayer, convert to him, will be sincere and with faith, as to the Lord or the Blessed Mother Virgin Virgin.

Prayers onion Crimean about healing

People read prayers on his grave long before canonization. And without church recognition, they knew about his strength and ability to alleviate pain. For help and healing, the church ranked him towards the face of saints. People know that they can ask and receive help, if they are sick or go to the operation or ask for the highest gift of the child.

Text prayer

On the all-wide confession, the Holy Father of Our Lukuk, the great waters of Christ.

With mongings of the Knee of the hearts of our hearts, and falling to the fair of honest and multi-parties of your own, Yakshe Chad Father Pray Molim Everyver:

We hear us, sinners, and bring our prayer to the merciful and human-loving God, you are now in the joy of saints and from the face of the angel of the preston.

Believe Bo, Yako, you love us by the love of Love Eyuzh, the whole neighbor was loved by Esi, staying on the earth.

We are as soon as the God of Our God will approve of his own in the spirit of the right of faith and piety: shepherds will give the holy jealousy and the care of the rescue of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers observed, weak and weak in faith to strengthen, native to instruct, nasty pride.

We all give the gift Komujdotoft westweight, and all of the time for the life of the time and to eternal salvation useful: the rules of our statement, the earth fruit, from the glad and the womb, the riddling consolation, an affecting healing, lost to the path of truth, return, the parent blessing, in the ride Lord Education and learning, sipham and poor assistance and intercession.

Give us all your archpastric blessing, yes such a prayer petition of the property, get rid of the goat Lukavago and avoid any entrances and tricks, heresies and splits.

We will put us on the path leading in the village of the righteous, and the moths about us are omnipotentia of God, in etern day later, you will advise with you incessantly the Soviet and inhabitual Trinity, Father and Son and Saint Spain. Amen.

Kondak Saint Luke (War Ied-Yasenetsky) glas 1:

Jacques star and virtue shining,

There was a holy to St.

The soul is equal to the same way,

This sake the sake of sacrament

In exile, they suffered a lot from godless

And unshakable faith

Many people have healed the health of the wisdom.

Now your honest body from the earthly subsurfaced, the Lord of the Great

Yes, VSI Renivia's crying:

Having rejoice, the father of the Saint Lukuk,

Crimea lands praise and approval.

Peter and Fevronia

If you have any questions or you need help in the established life situation, you can consult with our experts.