What was the hero of the era of romanticism. Types of romantic heroes

What was the hero of the era of romanticism. Types of romantic heroes

"The Poets of the Silver Century" - Mayakovsky entered the School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture. V. Ya. Bryusov (1873 - 1924). D. D. Burluk. Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev was born on April 15, 1886. Ambamests. O. E. Mandelshtam. From 1900-1907. Mandelshtam studied in the Tenishevsk Commercial School. O. E. Mandelstam (1891 - 1938). Axism. V. V. Mayakovsky.

"On the Frontoviki poets" - from the first days of the war Kulchitsky was in the army. Simonov's fame acquired before the war, as a poet and playwright. Sergey Sergeevich Orlov (1921-1977). In 1944, Jalil was executed by Moabitsky executioners. The poem of Surkov "Beats in a cramped refrigerant" was written in 1941. Written during the war, Simonov's poem "Wait for me" became widely known.

"On poetry" - Indian summer has come - the days of farewell heat. Solar brilliance Your wonderful with our plays the river. And dawn cherry glue pouring in the form of a clock. And around the flowers of Lazorow, spread the waves spicy ... Journey through the poetic path. Bad fourths - burst the old rope ... Birch face - under the veil tank and transparent.

"Romanticism in literature" - a lesson - a lecture. Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich 1814-1841. Romanticism in Russian literature The end of the 18th early 19th centuries. The theme "humiliated and offended". Philosophical fairy tale. Romantic personality-passionate personality. Historical novel; "MTSI". Passion. Walter Scott 1771-1832. Causes of romanticism.

"On romanticism" - Larra. A.S. Pushkin. Eternal liquid. Sacrifice by saving others. "Legend of eternal Zehid". Composite features Story. "Legend of Moses." M. Gorky. Which of the heroes are close to the old woman Izergil: Danko or Larre? Who does nothing, nothing will become. Romantic Style Base - Image inner world man.

"Poets about Nature" - Alexander Yesenin (Father) and Tatiana Titova (Mother). Block Alexander Aleksandrovich (1880, St. Petersburg - 1921, Petrograd) - Poet. A.A. Block. Russian writers of the 20th century about native nature. Creative work. Landscape lyrics. Artistic and expressive means. S.A. Yesenin. Baby girl knew a lot of songs, fairy tales and chastushki.

Total in the subject of 13 presentations

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Romanticism in Russian literature. Three types of romantic hero.

Romanticism - direction in the literature, artistic type creativity characteristic sign which is the display and reproduction of life outside the real-specific relationships of a person with the surrounding reality.

The emergence of romanticism. Romanticism arose at the end of the 18th century. Motherland of romanticism - Germany, the originated aesthetics gave the world a number of philosophers: F. Shelling, Fichte, Kant. German romanticism I had a decisive effect on all types of art: ballet, painting, literature, park art gardening. Many romance were linguists, the language was interested in as an expression of the spirit of the nation, the expression of thoughts and feelings. Romanticism describes a bright, exceptional plot, sublime passion, feelings, love intrigue.

Romanticism has its own way to typing. These are exceptional characters in exceptional circumstances. Romantics are depicting human qualities Open from ordinary. From the origin of romanticism, there is a resurrection of telepathy, parapsychology. The birth of romanticism is a crisis of rational aesthetics. A new typology of the hero appears. These types have become eternal. .

The first type of hero. one . The hero is a wanderer, a fugitive, the Skitaletz (he was created by Byron, he was at Pushkin (Aleko), .. Strong is not a geographical, but spiritual, internal migration, searching unexplored. Search for higher truth. Strong - this is a strife metaphor in the unexplored, eternal search, Tomny in infinite, this Tomorrow leads to alienation from society, opposing himself to others, the world, God.

This type of hero spawned eternal images. The image of the sea ... (turbidity, throwing ...)

The image of the road ...

Don Quixote is a wanderer who is always looking for and cannot find.

The image of an elusive horizon.

The second type of hero is a strange eccentric, a vanity, not from this world. It is characterized by children's naivety, everyday inequality, on earth he is not at home, but at a visit. (Odoyevsky "Town in Tabakcoque", Pogorel, Dostoevsky).

Third Type Hero Hero - Artist, Poet with large letters. The artist is not only a profession, but the state of the soul. Creativity in Romantics, who is the main Creator? - God. His romance is called the Space artist, poetry is revelation for them. They decided that the creation of the world was not completed, and the Creator's case should continue the poet. They raised the poet to such a height ... and gave rise to symbolism.

Vision, hallucinations, dreams generated creativity. Romantics created a biography of Raphael. Article Zhukovsky on how he wrote the picture of Madonna. "He languished for a long time, but he did not get on the canvas. Rafael fell asleep, and there was a vision. He saw this image, woke up and wrote. The poet is a spiritual devotee.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

"The heroes of the early romantic stories of Gorky. Romantic pathos and harsh truth of life in the story of M. Gorky "Old woman Izergil" "

The purpose of the lesson: identify features early prose M. Gorky on the example of the story of the Staruha Ispergil. Zadachy lesson: educational: -Replice the problem of the hero in early stories Gorky; - Mark especially ...

Three days of "life" of the Hero of the poem M. Yu. Lermontov "MTSI"

Objectives lesson: 1. Assimulation of knowledge about the life and work of M. Yu. Lermontov.2. Formation of the ability to collect material about the hero of the literary work.3. Formation of the ability of expressive ...

Definitions of the term "romantic hero"

Romantic hero - one of artistic images Romanticism literature.

● Existence « two worlds»: The world of the ideal, dreams and peace of reality. This leads romantic artists in the mood of despair and hopelessness, " world grief».

● Appeal K. folk plots, folklore, Interest in the historical past, the search for historical consciousness.

To learn more about the theory of romanticism, use the presentation on this topic.

Typology of the romantic hero

Word cloud illustrating key specific traits romantic hero

Types of types romantic heroes can be presented as nationalor as universal.

For example:

Hero Chudak - ridiculous and ridiculous in the eyes of the townships and passersby

Hero Single - rejected by society, aware of his alien to the world

« Bayronic hero» - overtime, "Son of the Century", suffers from contradictory of his own nature

Hero-demonic personality - challenges the world, sometimes even God, the person is doomed to break with society

Hero - a man from the people - Opened by society

The cloud is based on articles "Romantic hero in Western European literature" from Online library publishing house "Lyceum" . Visually presented the main aspects of a romantic nature. Thus, the romantic hero appears as a person striving for the search for the world of a romantic ideal. This is an exceptional personality that challenges the environment that thirsting the moral revolution. Such a person contradicts everyday life and dreams of spiritual perfection.

Analysis of the character of heroes from different German authors

The romantic hero and society are opposing forces, as they represent two different concepts: spirituality and mediate. Novisa, like an innovator, a romantic hero is the eternal wanderer In search of your great ideal and aspirations for self-improvement, Göldderlin - lonely replacement and child of Nature., deified love, and Gofman with his weave with realism and romantic irony - several primbed comical chudak, able No less, at the children's delight and ingenuous faith in miracles. One way or another, all the characters binds the desire to surrender to the feelings, taking the cold mind at the same time. Exactly love All the best awakens in the heroes, she reveals their eyes to the beautiful, truly important things, love transforms the romantic hero, encourages creativity, he finds the dream embodiment itself. " Love is the main thing"- wrote shilling.

The main features of a romantic character combining heroes literary works on the different stages Displayed in the mental map.

The English Poet of Percy Bishi Shelley said that romanticism, Fatazina comparing him with the clouds: "constancy I don't know, forever a look I change, but I will never die .."

"The Poets of the Silver Century" - Mayakovsky entered the School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture. V. Ya. Bryusov (1873 - 1924). D. D. Burluk. Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev was born on April 15, 1886. Ambamests. O. E. Mandelshtam. From 1900-1907. Mandelshtam studied in the Tenishevsk Commercial School. O. E. Mandelstam (1891 - 1938). Axism. V. V. Mayakovsky.

"On the Frontoviki poets" - from the first days of the war Kulchitsky was in the army. Simonov's fame acquired before the war, as a poet and playwright. Sergey Sergeevich Orlov (1921-1977). In 1944, Jalil was executed by Moabitsky executioners. The poem of Surkov "Beats in a cramped refrigerant" was written in 1941. Written during the war, Simonov's poem "Wait for me" became widely known.

"On poetry" - Indian summer has come - the days of farewell heat. Solar brilliance Your wonderful with our plays the river. And dawn cherry glue pouring in the form of a clock. And around the flowers of Lazorow, spread the waves spicy ... Journey through the poetic path. Bad fourths - burst the old rope ... Birch face - under the veil tank and transparent.

"Romanticism in literature" - a lesson - a lecture. Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich 1814-1841. Romanticism in Russian literature The end of the 18th early 19th centuries. The theme "humiliated and offended". Philosophical fairy tale. Romantic personality-passionate personality. Historical novel; "MTSI". Passion. Walter Scott 1771-1832. Causes of romanticism.

"On romanticism" - Larra. A.S. Pushkin. Eternal liquid. Sacrifice by saving others. "Legend of eternal Zehid". Composite features of stories. "Legend of Moses." M. Gorky. Which of the heroes are close to the old woman Izergil: Danko or Larre? Who does nothing, nothing will become. The basis of the style of romanticism is an image of the inner world of man.

"Poets about Nature" - Alexander Yesenin (Father) and Tatiana Titova (Mother). Block Alexander Aleksandrovich (1880, St. Petersburg - 1921, Petrograd) - Poet. A.A. Block. Russian writers of the 20th century about their native nature. Creative work. Landscape lyrics. Artistic and expressive means. S.A. Yesenin. Baby girl knew a lot of songs, fairy tales and chastushki.

Total in the subject of 13 presentations

The basis of romanticism as literary direction It is an idea about the superiority of the spirit over the matter, the idealization of the whole mental: the romance writers believed that the spiritual principle, also called the truly human, must be higher and more worthy than the world around him than tangible. To the same "matter" is made to attribute society around the hero.

The main conflict of the romantic hero

In this way, chief conflict Romanticism is so-called. The conflict "Personality and Society": a romantic hero, as a rule, is lonely and incomprehensible, he considers himself above the people around him who are not appreciated. From the classic image of the romantic hero later, two very important archetype of world literature of superhumans and an extra person (often the first image smoothly turns into the second one).

Romantic literature does not have clear genre borders to withstand in the romantic spirit, you can both Ballad (Zhukovsky), and the poem (Lermontov, Byron) and Roman (Pushkin, Lermontov). The main thing in romanticism is not a form, but mood.

However, if we recall that romanticism is traditionally divided into two directions: "Mystical" German, originating from Schiller, and freedom-loving English, the founder of which was Bayron, can be traced by its main genre features.

Features of genres of romantic literature

Mystical romanticism is often typical of the genre balletwhich allows you to fill the product with various "otherworldly" elements that are as if on the verge of life and death. It is this genre that Zhukovsky uses: his ballads "Svetlana" and "Lyudmila" is largely devoted to dreams of heroines, in which death will see.

Another genre used for both mystical and freedom-loving romanticism poem. The main romantic author of the poems was Byron. In Russia, his tradition continued Pushkin the poems " Prisoner of the Caucasus"And" Gypsies "is customary called the Bayronic, and Lermontov Petzyri poem and" demon. " There are many assumptions in the poem, so this genre is particularly convenient.

Also Pushkin and Lermontov offer public and genre novel, Desposed in the traditions of freedom-loving romanticism. Their main characters, Onegin and Pechorin are ideal romantic heroes. .

Both of them are smart and talented, both consider themselves above the surrounding society this image of a superhuman. The purpose of the life of such a hero is not the accumulation of material wealth, and the ministry of high ideals of humanism, the development of their capabilities.

However, society does not accept them, they turn out to be unnecessary and incomprehensible in fake and false supreme LightThey have no place to realize their abilities in this way, the tragic romantic hero gradually becomes an "external person."