How to make a stencil on a window with toothpaste. How to draw snowflakes on the window with toothpaste

How to make a stencil on a window with toothpaste.  How to draw snowflakes on the window with toothpaste
How to make a stencil on a window with toothpaste. How to draw snowflakes on the window with toothpaste

By the New Year, they decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the apartment as a whole. The most popular place to apply various paintings and patterns are windows. The drawings on the windows for the New Year give a special festive atmosphere and look very beautiful. You can depict anything. It can be snowflakes, figures of such famous characters like Santa Claus and snowman.

How to draw New Year's drawings on the windows

If you are wondering what is the best way to draw New Year's drawings on the windows so that they look original and do not spoil the glass, we will help you choose an interesting option.

Drawings on the windows for the New Year with toothpaste

V last years simple improvised material is popular - toothpaste. Everyone has it in the house, and it is inexpensive. But the most important plus lies elsewhere - New Year's drawings on the windows with toothpaste dry very quickly, do not harm the condition of the glass at all and are easily wiped off with a damp cloth. In addition, if something went wrong during the drawing of the pattern, you can erase the pattern or part of it, and re-apply the pattern.

You need to apply drawings to the window like this:

  1. Plan what you want to see on your window: snowflakes, Christmas trees, houses.
  2. Collect in a specially prepared container a small amount of toothpaste white color.
  3. Prepare brushes and sponges (you can use kitchen scourers for washing dishes, cut into small pieces).
  4. Wipe the window dry, and you can start painting. To make the pattern look feathered, use sponges, and draw clear lines with drawing brushes.

If you do not have a talent for drawing, but you really want to decorate your apartment with drawings on the windows for the New Year, do not despair. Choose your stencils and use them to create your masterpiece. For example, take the patterns of a scattering of stars, cut out their outline for yourself, attach it to the window, and draw the empty space inside with a paste.

New Year's drawings on the windows with gouache and not only

Those who are fond of drawing and know how to create beautiful pictures, you can use another way to apply a pattern to the window. New Year's drawings on the windows with gouache look incredibly fabulous. Gouache dries well and is easily washed off with window cleaner. The main advantage of such paints is the ability to create a multi-colored pattern. If we use toothpaste, then all the images we have are only white, and with the help of gouache they can be green, and red, and blue.

Today in stores you can buy such a tool as liquid snow. It is sold in special bottles with a spray, like hairspray. Creating drawings with this product is incredibly easy.

Master class on creating a New Year's drawing on the window using liquid snow:

  1. Take a sheet of paper, fold it into a triangle and draw a pattern for the future snowflake with a pencil.

  1. Cut out a snowflake and attach it to the window glass.
  2. Shake the bottle of liquid snow and spray it directly over the snowflake stencil. You will get such a beautiful pattern.

Choose the most suitable way to decorate windows with New Year's drawings, and be sure to please your loved ones with such beauty!

The magical time of the New Year holidays is coming and every person wants his heart to be filled with warmth and tenderness at this moment. But at present it is so difficult to make your holiday truly warm and tender, as a sometimes childish, but cheerful soul wants. I confess, honestly, that for several years now I have absolutely not felt that festivity of the New Year, as it was in my youth. Perhaps, having matured, we lose this incredible opportunity, but what should we try to bring magic back into our lives and please not only ourselves, but also our loved ones.

I propose to start decorating the house for the New Year, in order to finally realize how wonderful it is to meet snow holiday in your home and with your loved ones. Let's start with decorating the windows - let's try to create wonderful drawings on the windows with our own hands. Someone will say what is relevant for the inhabitants of the first floor, but I personally, as a resident of the top floor, can say that all this window splendor should be done for your mood.

Well, let's start an operation called "Help Santa Claus in decorating windows", just prepare the things we need:

Gouache - different colors. Why gouache? The answer is simple - it is easily washed from window panes, this will come in handy after the long New Year holidays.

Toothpaste - white, you can take the cheapest.

Stencils - animals or snowflakes. You can cut them yourself from a sheet of thick cardboard or take ready-made ones.

Sponge, old toothbrush, brushes, and cotton buds

Option number one:

Most easy way decorate windows - draw window drawings, but it must be recalled that it is still desirable to be able to draw a little. So, to decorate the windows in this way, we take a gouache brush and, of course, good mood, multiplied by inspiration and start creating ....

Option number two:

This option is suitable for people like me who are not too skilled in drawing. We take a stencil (it can be printed on a printer), a sponge and gouache desired color. Then we apply the stencil to the glass and carefully translate it with a sponge ...

Option number three:

It is worth showing only a little imagination with the same stencil and voila - a completely different use of the same items. After all, you can take the same stencil, for example, a cut out snowflake, as well as toothpaste and a brush. Further actions are simple - a stencil on the window, and around it we sprinkle toothpaste, of course, using a toothbrush for this ...

Every adult has some kind of skin problem from time to time. For the treatment of serious skin problems, of course, you need to contact specialized doctors, but we can and must provide daily balanced care ourselves. In this article, we will tell you what emollient creams are and how they can be used to moisturize dry body skin.

Our dermis requires special attention during the cold period, including dry heating season. Unfortunately, with age, tightness and unpleasant discomfort can be felt by the skin already and regardless of the time of year. And it is very difficult to ignore the signals coming from the largest organ in our body.

Fantasize about Christmas trees and christmas decoration windows we start back in November. Moreover, the interior fashion in 2019 strongly recommends “gold” (or “silver”) the house. Modesty - down with. Decorated windows for the New Year using stencils - a ticket to festive mood and luxurious living.

December - time to prepare for new year holidays. Some, in order to feel all the magic of the holiday, buy gifts for relatives and friends in advance, others turn their home into a real fairy tale.

You can beautifully decorate both plastic and wooden windows. On stencils with New Year theme you don't have to spend a dime. It is enough to print and cut out a template with snowflakes, reindeer, snowmen or New Year's socks (boots) for gifts.

Using several stencils, you can create a completely unique look on the window. creative work or decorate the window glass around the perimeter with a border of a repeating pattern. A slight asymmetry will make the image as natural as possible. It is not necessary to observe mirroring when gluing templates - slight deviations will add dynamism and volume to applications on the window.

Example New Year's composition, which, if it does not claim to be artistic masterpiece but plunge headlong into childhood memories.

The top of the glass is decorated with spruce branches, on which openwork New Year's balls hang. In the middle of the composition, a sleigh with reindeer seems to be flying through the air. Santa Claus sits in them with a big bag of gifts. Light snow is flying by. On the glass below you can see snow-covered houses, funny snowmen and a beautiful Christmas tree.

(Initially, draw the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe location of the stencils on the window on paper)

Stencils for windows for the New Year 2019 for cutting

Glue templates for decorating windows with PVA dissolved in water.

Advice! Overly intricate shape New Year's stencils make cutting difficult. Therefore, if time is short, but cutting to the window is included in mandatory list preparing for the holiday, then opt for simple, but interesting figures and ornaments.

Decoration of windows with vytynanki for the New Year

The intricate, patterned vytynanki on the windows are nothing more than cut-out figures and patterns from white paper. The technique is simple and it is easy to make vytynanki with thin paper sheets, nail scissors (or a clerical knife) and a soap solution at hand - paper pictures are best attached to it.

How to make a soap solution for gluing decorations on windows?

Recipe for the preparation of the solution: put ¼ of a piece of (white!) Soap into a cup of water, pour water and stir thoroughly. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, it is applied with a wide brush from a set of paints on paper and carefully glued to the glass. When the vytynanki dry up, from above to create a “wow” effect, they are sprinkled with artificial snow, just a little bit.

Stained glass drawings on the New Year theme

New Year's stained-glass windows with Christmas trees, snowflakes, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and other thematic patterns are created using all the same stencils and a spray with artificial snow.

To make a New Year's stained-glass window, a paper stencil is moistened on one side with water and pressed tightly against the glass. Then sprayed artificial snow and, when the drawing dries up (it takes about 20 minutes), the stencil is removed.

White toothpaste is also suitable for decorating windows. To do this, it is diluted with water, thoroughly whipped until foam is formed and applied to a stencil glued to the window with a toothbrush. To make the paste splatter properly a finger is passed along the wet bristles up and released.

Paper window decoration for the New Year

To beautifully decorate windows for the New Year, you will need:

  • beads, beads, glass beads;
  • dry flowers or spruce branches;
  • Basic skills in working with scissors and paper;
  • threads.

New Year's window decoration: mobile "Ballerina in a snowy forest"

A sheet of white paper is folded in half and an outline of a ballerina (a bird or anyone you wish) is drawn.

On the pack of the New Year's ballerina, a cut is made at an angle and put on the "torso". A thread is threaded through the central fold, for which they are hung on a window garland.

Fashion trend of the season - organic style

The main element of eco-style is natural materials in the decor. Windows for the New Year are decorated with apples, citrus fruits and cinnamon. It is always fragrant and beautiful, and also, oranges, tangerines and cinnamon are reminiscent of mulled wine - the main winter wine drink.

Hand-made decor in organic style is easy to create with your own hands at home: you just need to buy bright fruits (tangerines, oranges or apples), tie them with a golden (silver) ribbon and hang them on a window frame on a thread (fishing line) in random order.

This decoration looks very atmospheric. And if you show imagination and add fragrant pastries to the fruits (for example, Christmas gingerbread), then you can add a whole New Year's ensemble on the window.

The theme of eco-style is continued by linen decor. With the help of textile elements on the windows, it is not only easy to create a cozy atmosphere in the house, but also to make a compliment Yellow Earth Pig- a symbol of the upcoming 2019. To do this, with simple fabric bows, ripe pomegranates or rowan twigs are hung on a twine (artificial ones can be used). It all looks very wintery.

The landscape outside the window will become part of the festive decor if you block the window with a long branch found in the garden and hang glass Christmas toys on it. To create the right atmosphere, the tree is effectively tinted with white gouache.

Christmas window decorations - candles

The tradition of placing low candlesticks on the windowsill is European. Live fire always looks romantic and beautiful.

The sparkle and glow of the snow-covered expanses are recreated in the decoration of windows, braiding them with lush spruce paws and placing candles on the windowsill. Burning in the twilight, they attract the eye and act as a symbol of something pure, new, giving hope for the future.

How to decorate candles for the New Year to decorate windows - ideas with photos

Finest hour - decorating windows with paper stars

Paper stars in green, white or red, like no other paper crafts are associated with the winter holiday. Enter them into the interior through window decoration, be sure to work with scale: large stars or snowflakes look especially advantageous.

How to make a voluminous paper star with your own hands?

Required: dense colored paper, scissors and glue. See the photo for a small master class on making an origami star. Everything is simple and step by step!

Option for the lazy! A garland of stars! We cut out stars of the same diameter from cardboard, glue them on a thread and attach them to the cornice above the window.

Cute cardboard boxes for window decoration

A little creative inspiration and it turns out that you can decorate windows for the New Year with the help of completely unusual items. For example, a gift box. The easiest way to create a New Year's box is this: we take matchboxes, a sheet of elegant red paper and a golden ribbon. We fill-fix new outfit tape and get New Year's decor.

For those who like to do everything according to the rules, we offer a master class on creating a real box.

Quick Poster Window Stickers

Vinyl stickers are suitable for a variety of hard surfaces, including glass. In the kit, as a rule, there is a large sticker itself, a card for smoothing and instructions.

The deer in the photo does not need to be assembled from separate small parts. A ready-made sticker is glued to the window. Fast and beautiful.

Florarium: fashionable New Year's window decoration

Exotic composition from indoor plants in a glass bowl will appeal to fans of eco-style design. Moreover, such compositions are able to live in transparent vessels. long years with minimal care.

While the whole world celebrates the New Year with pain in the liver and joy in the eyes, July will reign on your windows (thanks to florariums).

The photo shows tillindsia and succulents placed in a glass bowl.

Decorate the window with “live” balls by attaching them to a thick branch painted with white paint.

Cones for a bear - decoration of windows with cones

From mid-November to the end of December, most of us are overwhelmed by an unbearable desire to decorate the house for the New Year. We googling frantically on "how to decorate windows, and where to get cones." So hands itch to make something original.

Try to make a garland of cones first. Take fir cones, gouache and coarse twine. Look at the photo and repeat!

The material was prepared for the site

Snow-covered foam windows - simple and beautiful

Due to its plasticity, the foam plastic easily takes any shape, even as elegant as snowflakes.

An intricate decor that has the texture of snow is bought in stores or made at home, then to decorate the window with foam plastic figures.

If desired, the foam balls are replaced with cotton wool. A white thread or thin fishing line is threaded through a fluffy mass of cotton so that falling snow is obtained.

And even if it rains according to the forecast, it will snow in your house on New Year's Eve!

Openwork snowballs as a window decoration

What happens if you take knitting threads, balloon and glue? Christmas ball! How to make a ball for window decor? It's easy and you don't need to know how to knit.

  1. Inflate a small round ball, tie a ponytail and lightly grease with Vaseline.
  2. Moisten the threads in a pre-prepared solution of water (50 g), PVA glue (10 g) and sugar (5 teaspoons).
  3. Wrap the ball with threads, randomly, but not very tightly, but so that you get an openwork weave.
  4. Dry the ball by hanging it on the Christmas tree. When it is completely dry - pull out the ball (bursted, deflated or just crushed).

By 2019, it is easy to make such a miracle with your own hands.

A couple of chickens on the window will cheer you up and turn on the positive for the year ahead.

New Year's decor on the windows - a garland

Remove heavy curtains from the windows and hang a garland - a shining curtain on the window will create the right atmosphere, filling the room with anticipation of the holiday.

Snowflakes on glass from napkins - window decor from childhood

Snowflakes cut out on New Year- always different. Just like in nature, no two are the same. To beautifully decorate the window with snowflakes, try gluing them not randomly, but with a pattern: repeating the silhouette of a Christmas tree, a cloud or smoke coming from a stove chimney.

Windows New Year's paper: here's what the creatives came up with from paper snowflakes:

Christmas wreath in window decoration

by the most suitable tree to create a Christmas wreath on the window, fir is considered. She has a wonderful aroma, she does not crumble and does not prick. There are three colors in a traditional wreath: green (branches), red (bows) and white-silver (balls).

Window decoration with figures made of fleece, felt and felt

It is impossible to overdo it with the design of the window for the New Year. Therefore, if you have felt or felt in your house, and knowledge from school courses sewing, try sewing your own jewelry. Ideas on the photo.

Window decoration for the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig!

If you want to meet the New Year 2019 according to all the rules and traditions, then there is only one way - to decorate the house with the appropriate attributes. The yellow pig is not wasteful and disinterested in nature, so window decor should be minimal.

The easiest option for decorating a New Year's window is vytynanki of snow-white traces, which are easy to make with your own hands! You will need a paw template, scissors and white watercolor.

You can print a dog template in the desired scale using a printer, if you don’t have one, contact your nearest copy center.

According to Chinese astrology, the coming year carries the energy of the Earth, which means that all shades of yellow and golden gamma should be present in the interior. Wide choose Christmas balls of incredible cuteness remove the issue of decorating windows and focus the attention of hostesses on the decoration of the New Year's table!

Textile felt dogs on the windows will bring mood to the overall design palette of the room.

Figures of dogs made of plywood, painted in different colours will become a spectacular detail in decorating windows for the New Year.

White paws made of lace for sophisticated natures.

If there are children in the house, then pigs from sausage balloons will be an excellent window decoration. The symbol of 2019 will not burst if you are as careful as possible and do not bring the ball to the Christmas tree ahead of time!

The window sill can be decorated with plasticine or polymer clay crafts that children can then play with.

Best Ideas for decorating windows: pictures and patterns of a dog for the New Year

Method 1 - stencils

Method 2 - dog Christmas tree decoration ball

Method 3 - felt dog

Method 4 - crocheted dog

Method 5 - lollipop dog

To create a window composition (which will most likely be eaten after the New Year), you will need: candy dogs, spruce branches, cones and foam plastic (will serve as the basis for New Year's crafts).

With the help of children's plasticine, spruce branches, cockerels on a stick and cones are artistically strengthened on a small piece of polystyrene. If desired, rain, serpentine and other festive tinsel are added to the composition.

New Year's arrangement on the window will become soulful if you install a couple of decorative candles in the needles. Only in this case, you will have to monitor safety so that children do not burn their fingers while carrying their favorite sweets.

Window decoration for the New Year 2018 made of paper (paper applications) and paint drawings (gouache) on the windows

Applying various patterns on windows for the new year has already become good tradition in Russia. And it is right. It is worth it in any, even the most simple way, to decorate the windows - and the spirit of the holiday is already knocking on the house. As if from a fairy tale - patterns on the glasses, as if drawn by the hand of Santa Claus. And how children love to decorate windows - for them this is a prelude to the New Year's celebration.

The tradition of decorating windows for the New Year came from the deep past. Even the Celts decorated shutters and window sills with spruce branches to ward off evil spirits. For the same purpose, the Chinese hung ringing decorations in front of the windows - so that melodious bells would scare away demons with their sound.

In Russia, the tradition of putting pictures on the windows for the New Year appeared during the time of Peter I, who, by his decree, ordered not only to decorate Christmas trees, but also to decorate dwellings. This tradition took root most firmly in our country during the Soviet era. At that time, windows were decorated with snowflakes, fabric compositions and, of course, toothpaste.

Since then, technology has come a long way. Appeared special washable paints for painting on glass, you can find many original templates in order to draw even the most unusual drawings on the windows for the New Year.

New Year's windows: plots and compositions

New Year's drawings on the windows famous for their indescribable mood. A professional artist with the help of paints can create a real masterpiece on any window. What is most often depicted? Traditional New Year's stories:

  • snowflakes
  • Santa Claus with a bag of gifts
  • glittering Christmas trees
  • sleigh with reindeer harnessed to it
  • christmas garlands

But it is not necessary to be limited only to the New Year theme. An excellent addition to traditional subjects I can be:

  • various faces
  • funny little men
  • bears
  • houses
  • snow scenery
  • Christmas trees

And of course, Christmas stories:

  • angels
  • candles
  • presents
  • scenes from the bible

Required condition: New Year's drawings on the window should be light, even airy, cheerful and, of course, colored.

Samples and stencils

If you not professional artist, no problem. Now it is very easy to find a variety of templates for New Year's stories. Using them, it is easy to create a masterpiece on glass with your own hands.

Where to get stencils? The easiest way is to go and buy at the store. Stationery stores and supermarkets offer big choice templates for drawings on windows to the New Year.

Please note: templates can be purchased separately or as part of a set of paints

But what if the required samples are not found? Then we make them ourselves.

Stencil manufacturing technology

For this you will need:

  1. piece thick paper and plastic
  2. scissors
  3. stationery knife
  4. tracing paper or transparent paper, or "copy"
  5. pencil and eraser
  6. ruler and gauge

First of all, we find a sample, that is, a drawing. It can be "borrowed" from a book or magazine (any drawing or a special stencil), from the Internet, or draw it yourself. If you draw yourself, you can apply the composition directly to the drawing paper.

We apply tracing paper to the sample and redraw it. We cut out along the contour and apply it to the drawing paper, draw it. This stage can be bypassed if you use carbon paper and transfer the image directly to whatman paper.

We cut out the resulting drawing on whatman paper with the help of a clerical knife and scissors so that the outer part - the stencil - remains intact. Actually, the drawing itself can then be painted and attached to the window. with soap. The stencil is ready.

Preparing to draw on the window

Depending on how the drawings will be applied on glass for the New Year, you will need different tools. But be sure to get:

  1. brushes different shapes and thickness
  2. toothbrush
  3. scrapers and sticks
  4. window cleaning cloth
  5. jar for water

And, of course, you need to stock up on stencils, imagination and patience.

Features of the window painting process

New Year's drawings on glass can be applied using:

  1. stained glass paints
  2. toothpaste
  3. gouache

There are also quite exotic ways. For example, a pattern is applied to the glass with PVA glue, then sparkles and tinsel are stuck on it. It turns out funny fluffy drawings. But we will consider the features of the process of applying paint and toothpaste.

Drawings on windows for the new year are easier to apply using stencils. You already stocked them up, right?

We apply the stencil to the glass and apply with a brush paint or toothpaste. We wait until the paint dries slightly, then with the help of sticks we prescribe the details and remove the excess. With the help of a thin brush, we bring the drawing to perfection.

To achieve the effect of splashing, we moisten the toothbrush with water with a small addition of paint. Then use your finger to splatter the paint in front of the glass.

Tip: To make the drawing on the glass dry faster, you can use a hair dryer.

But the hair dryer can only be used in the weakest mode and with a cold air flow.

Draw on the windows with the child

Decorating a house with children is always a joy. This not only brings family members closer and gives moments of sincere joy. You can develop a real taste in children, awaken in them a talent for art. In addition, once the kid explains how to draw a New Year's drawing once, the next he will surprise you with his imagination and ingenuity.

Do not forget explain the safety rules to the child when painting windows: do not eat paint, do not open the window to paint outside, do not climb on the windowsill, do not lean on the glass. And then the drawings on the windows for the New Year will delight you and your guests!

Drawings on the windows for the new year 2015 - photo

Below is our photo selection of window design options with application to them New Year's drawings. To open the gallery with templates, just click on the image thumbnail.

We put drawings on the windows for the new year - video

We also invite you to watch the video on the topic of our article. The video provides instructions for applying snowflake patterns to windows using toothpaste.

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To the entry "Drawings on the windows for the new year: colorful decorations with your own hands" 8 comments

    We love painting windows with our daughter on New Year's Eve. For these purposes, I buy special stained glass paints, complete with them there are several templates with different images, but basically, we come up with the drawings ourselves. It turns out very colorful. But we never used toothpaste for painting on glass, great idea, worth a try.

    How well I read the article. Just wanted to paint the windows with the children for the New Year. It is a very good idea to paint them with toothpaste and gouache. I also really liked getting the splashing effect with a toothbrush. We ourselves would not have thought of this before. We will use with great pleasure your ideas for painting windows from the photo selection.

    I picked up a lot of interesting ideas, I especially liked the ideas with toothpaste and stencils that can be glued with soap. As a child, I did this, but over time I forgot, and with the advent of my children, I had to come up with something. Purchased, of course, conveniently and quickly, but how interesting it is to make all the decorations with the children. The children were very proud that they did everything themselves, because the whole yard looks at our balcony and envy!

    Very beautiful. I remember in the distant 90s, my sisters and I created similar magic on the windows. For this we used gouache paints, the drawings were taken not from the head, but from the plots New Year's cards. Thus, our windows acquired a fabulous look. They also decorated the doors, which were then painted dull white. Now there are a lot of means for jewelry!

If you want the whole house to look festive, fun and fabulous on the eve of some holiday or just to cheer up, you can decorate the windows with various stickers, garlands or draw frosty patterns on them.

The easiest and safest way to make patterns on windows is to apply them with toothpaste. Children can also be allowed to participate in this decoration method - they will like both the creative process and its result.

How to make patterns on windows

There are several ways to apply patterns on windows with toothpaste:

First way

  • Take pure white toothpaste and squeeze it onto your finger.
  • On a clean window, start drawing patterns with your finger. You can draw flowers, a snowman or flying snowflakes.
  • With this method, the lines of the pattern are uneven - at first wide and thick, and then thinner and more transparent. Keep this in mind when drawing.
  • This method is usually liked by young children - let little fingers dip into the paste and create their own pattern.

If you want the drawing to be more neat and beautiful, leave this method for drawing small parts(for example, the eye of a snowman or toys on a Christmas tree) and use the following method.

Second way

  • Prepare a brush and a small bowl.
  • Squeeze the toothpaste into a bowl, mix it well and start creating a pattern on the window, after dipping the brush into the paste.
  • You can practice with the drawing in advance by doing it on paper, and then repeating it on the glass.
  • For small details, use a thinner brush or your own finger.
  • If the toothpaste begins to dry out or becomes too thick during the creative process, add a little water to it.

If creativity and imagination are not your forte, move on to the next method of drawing patterns - use blanks.

Third way

Stock up on stencils of snowflakes, flowers or snowmen in advance - you can buy them ready-made or make them yourself by cutting out the necessary stencil from paper. Then prepare the following material:

  • toothpaste;
  • Sponge
  • Sprayer with water;
  • An old toothbrush;
  • Cotton clean cloth;
  • A small container for pasta;
  • Deep container with water.


  1. Take three peas of toothpaste and mix it with one tablespoon of water. Thoroughly knead everything to the consistency of a clerical touch.
  2. Dip the prepared snowflakes (or any other pattern stencil) alternately into a container of water, then shake off the snowflake a little to get rid of extra droplets.
  3. On the part of the window where the snowflakes do not stick well, apply a little water from the spray bottle.
  4. Attach the snowflake to the glass surface in the desired location. Blot the rest of the water with a cotton cloth so that there are no drips.
  5. Take a sponge and dip it in the toothpaste solution, and then, by lightly pressing it, apply it to the balcony window in the part where the snowflake is located.
  6. Take your toothbrush and dip it well in the toothpaste solution. Bring the brush to the snowflake and click on it a few times with your finger so that the spray scatters all over the glass. Spray the entire snowflake along the contour in this way, filling all the internal cracks.
  7. Wait a while until the paste dries, and carefully remove the stencil (snowflakes).

In the same way, you can create other drawings: snow houses, stars, angels, bows, Christmas trees, etc.

  • In order to achieve the realistic effect of natural snow, use only white paste, without the addition of colored particles.
  • If you're using a stencil, make sure that it lays evenly on the glass - smooth out all the corners and wrinkled parts of the picture.
  • Experiment with dry and wet sponges for drawing: a dry sponge paints more strongly, and a wet one creates a “streaked” effect.
  • For additional drawing(Christmas trees, Santa Claus or stars) use a thin brush and colored toothpaste.
  • When you get tired of the drawing on the glass, you can easily wash off the toothpaste using ordinary means. It will even benefit the glass - toothpaste will give it a shine.

You can apply patterns with toothpaste not only on the window - paint the balcony door with them. This will create a large field for activity and the whole family can participate in this.