What is the norm for the temperature in the workplace. What are the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season according to SanPin

What is the norm for the temperature in the workplace.  What are the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season according to SanPin
What is the norm for the temperature in the workplace. What are the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season according to SanPin

27.10.2017, 18:36

Do you want your staff to always work efficiently? Agree that it is difficult to think about business when a person is in discomfort. Therefore, the temperature in the workplace must be appropriate. After reading our material, you will find out what temperature standards in the workplace are established by SanPiN for 2017 and in the future, what it should be in the office in winter and summer, and also what the violation threatens the employer.

Why do we need SanPiN norms

Employers are obliged to create not only a safe working environment, in the office, but also to maintain a comfortable atmosphere. Including temperature, humidity level, etc. This follows from Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The relevant standards are established so that working 8 hours a day (40 hours a week) does not harm the health of the employee. In addition, comfortable conditions have a positive effect on the performance of staff.

When setting the temperature standards in the working room, they must also pay attention to humidity, air speed, surface temperature, etc.

The indicators of the standards under consideration may differ, since the degree of workload and types of work are usually different. For example, in foundries, the average temperature is around 35-37 degrees. And what should be the temperature at the workplace in the office?

Office temperature

The less physical activity a person performs, the warmer it should be in the room. Office workers spend most of their time at the computer, most of them move from office to office. Therefore, the temperature for such conditions is set taking into account these factors.

Of course, the temperature at the workplace in winter is different from the temperature at the workplace in summer. We will further demonstrate this clearly.

According to the norms of SanPiN 2017, the temperature at the workplace in the office during the warm season should be 23-25C with a relative humidity of 40-60%. In this case, the surface temperature is from 22 to 26C, and the air speed is up to 0.1 m / s.

In the cold season, the room should be from 22 to 24C (humidity and air speed are similar). The optimum surface temperature is 21-25C.

When making a decision, be guided by:

  • SanPiN<Гигиенические требования к микроклимату производственных помещений>(p. 5, 6, 7 and Appendix 1);
  • SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for physical factors in the workplace."

Employers need to know exactly what the temperature should be in the working area, since non-compliance with the standards can be brought to responsibility.

Consequences of violation of SanPiN norms

When working conditions deviate from the norms and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of the working day should be reduced. For example, office staff can work indoors at 13C for no more than 1-4 hours.

Responsibility for this violation of labor legislation is provided for in Part 1 of Art. 5.27.1 Administrative Code of Russia. Employers and officials are fined:

  • 2000 - 5000 rubles. for merchants;
  • 50,000 - 80,000 for legal entities;
  • 2000 - 5000 rubles. on officials.

Let us remind once again that it is the employer's duty to create and maintain the temperature in the workplace according to the SanPiN standards. To do this, use a variety of air conditioners, heaters, etc. Observing the established standards, you can avoid many conflicts, as well as downtime associated with diseases of workers.

In order to organize a normal working environment for his employees, to ensure their efficiency and functional condition, the manager must make sure that the temperature in the office is observed. If it deviates from the norm by even one degree, and it does not matter in which direction, labor productivity may decrease, as if your employees did not work for an hour.

In fact, this means that the air conditioner should work in the office space in the summer, and in the winter it should be normally heated.

Temperature standards in the office

There is a regulatory document - Federal Law No. 52-FZ. According to this document, office workers have the right to ensure a healthy environment in their workplace. The head of the enterprise must take measures to keep the working temperature in the office space for employees within strictly defined limits. She must be:

  • In summer - 23-25 ​​ºС.
  • In winter - 22-24 ºС.
  • The permissible deviation from the norm is 1-2 ºС.
  • Possible fluctuation during the day - 3-4 ºС.

There are also requirements for air humidity in the office - it cannot be less than 40% and more than 60%. And if you have to sit under an air conditioner, you have the legal right to demand better working conditions, because according to sanitary standards, the wind speed should be in the range of 0.1-0.3 m / s.

Implementation of sanitary rules and regulations

Along with temperature and other standards, it was established that if the air temperature at the workplace deviates from the permissible values, the manager is obliged to limit the time spent by employees in the office.

Only under the condition that there is no more than 28 ºС or at least 20 ºС, an eight-hour working day can be maintained. Any excess or missing degree must reduce the working day by an hour. By the way, the temperature should be measured at a height of at least one meter from the floor.

Any excess or missing degree must reduce the working day by an hour.

Employer's responsibility

It is the responsibility of the head of the enterprise to provide. Under the conditions dictated by Art. 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he can demand the fulfillment of the hourly production rate only when he has created decent working conditions in a rented office. At the slightest deviation from the temperature regime, the head must immediately take measures to eliminate this violation. Protecting workers' rights will help

The comfortable air temperature in the room depends on the sensations of a particular person. In addition, it is directly related to his subjective assessment and susceptibility to environmental conditions.

There is no such thing as a comfortable temperature in any regulatory documentation. Nor is it in technical vocabulary. There is only the so-called value of the optimum air temperature, which was determined using numerous physiological experiments.

Concept differences

The air temperature in the room should be at such a level as to provide the most comfortable conditions for the people who are there. But what should this value be? It is extremely difficult to answer this question, because each person is individual. And if one of us is comfortable even in the heat, then others do not close the vents even on frosty days.

However, scientists came to the conclusion that certain preferences are a criterion only for the concept of a comfortable temperature regime. But there are also standards determined as a result of research. The values ​​obtained take into account many factors, among which are the needs of the average human body. These values ​​indicate the optimum temperature and may vary depending on certain conditions.

It is very important to take into account the normative indicators in the room. Indeed, according to scientists, any overheating or hypothermia will certainly affect his general health. That is why the values ​​of the optimal air temperature in the room are not advisory in nature. They are enshrined in official legislative acts - SanPiNs, which reflect the requirements of sanitary standards.

What influences the room temperature?

Of course, first of all, these are external factors that depend on the season and the climatic zone in which the house is located. But, in addition, the air temperature in the room is directly related to the characteristics of each of the rooms. Let's consider these factors in more detail.

Climate subtleties

Temperature standards in the room differ depending on a particular area. They are different in the northern and southern regions, as well as in the western and eastern regions. The temperature standard in an apartment or in a production room depends on factors such as air humidity, air temperature and atmospheric pressure, measured outside the walls of the building.

There are differences in the microclimate in houses and depending on the change of the season. Thus, in winter, the indoor air temperature is lower than in summer. For example, for the climate of the European continent during the cold periods of the year, the average optimal indoor air temperature is around 22 degrees. In the hot season, its values ​​increase by three degrees.

Human factor

Temperature regimes in the apartment should provide maximum comfort for the people living in it. However, as mentioned above, such sensations are strictly individual. People of different sex and age perceive the same temperature differently.

For example, women are more thermophilic than men. But newborn babies do not have the ability to naturally thermoregulate at all and can quickly overheat or freeze.

Room temperature

The microclimate of various premises varies depending on their purpose. Consider the temperature regimes in the rooms of a residential building or apartment:

  1. Rooms for sleeping and rest. Here, the optimum air temperature should be at around 18 degrees. It is in such conditions that a person gets rid of poor health and insomnia.
  2. Bathroom. In this room, the air temperature should not be below 25 degrees. This is due to the humid microclimate of the room and its purpose. At low temperatures, the feeling of dampness and discomfort immediately arises here.
  3. Kitchen. There are many appliances in this room that emit heat. This is an electric kettle and a microwave oven, an oven and a hob. Therefore, the high temperature in the kitchen will be inappropriate.
  4. Comfort in living rooms and other rooms will be provided by temperature regimes ranging from 19 to 21 degrees.

However, here you need to adhere to one important rule. According to him, the temperature regime in the apartment should not have large differences. Ideally, when moving from one room to another, the differences in the readings of the thermometer should not be more than 2 degrees.

Human well-being

Despite personal preferences, the temperature in the apartment must still be respected. This issue becomes especially relevant in cold winters and hot summers. It was during this period that significant differences can be observed between the air temperature in the house and outside. If the temperature regimes are not observed, then such a microclimate will lead either to overheating, or to And this, in turn, is fraught with the appearance of cardiac problems.

Health effects of overheating

If an excessively hot atmosphere is created in the room, then this provokes the spread of bacteria harmful to the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that people in such a room develop infectious diseases. In addition, in hot conditions, the body loses moisture.

This leads to a thickening of the blood, which forces the heart to work hard. This condition is dangerous for those who suffer from cardiac problems. In addition, the loss of moisture by the body leads to an imbalance in water and electrolyte.

Influence of hypothermia

A similar condition is possible if the temperature conditions are not observed in the apartment and the thermometer falls below 17 degrees. What then happens to the human body? It enhances heat transfer, which causes hypothermia. This condition provokes pathologies of the nervous system and the appearance of acute respiratory diseases. Low temperatures are especially dangerous for young children. That is why compliance with the temperature regime is important if there are kids in the house.

Sometimes it happens that a person is constantly freezing even in those microclimatic conditions that must be created in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. This is something to think about seriously. Perhaps the discomfort is caused by a simple habit of high temperatures. In this case, you need to be patient and readjust to the normal feeling of lower numbers. But here, too, there are some nuances. A constant feeling of cold is sometimes the result of problems with blood vessels, heart or hormonal levels. And this makes it necessary to contact a specialist.


The microclimate in the premises of preschool institutions must be created in strict accordance with the legislation. The temperature regime in kindergartens should not depend on the wishes of the administration or the parents of the kids. Moreover, all the indications in the SanPiN have been developed on the basis of numerous scientific studies and are designed to ensure the minimum morbidity in children.

So, according to this document, the optimal temperature of the playroom should be in the range from 21 to 24 degrees. Moreover, the upper values ​​of this indicator should be maintained for nursery groups or for those areas that are in the cold climate zone. For children's bedrooms, the optimum temperature is slightly lower. It is in the range of 18-21 degrees.

School premises requirements

The optimal temperature in this educational institution is necessary to preserve the health of the children. Moreover, the indicators of the microclimate in the school are in direct proportion to the purpose of the premises. So, the thermometer can be at around 18 to 24 degrees in the library and foyer, dining room and assembly hall, in classrooms, as well as in small rooms where a psychologist or speech therapist conducts an individual lesson with children.

It should be a little colder in the workshops. In these rooms, where children are engaged in physical labor, the thermometer should be at around 17-20 degrees. The same rule exists for a sports hall. If the school has showers, then they should warm up to 22-25 degrees. But in medical offices and sports locker rooms, the thermometer may be at lower levels. Their value, required by the standards, ranges from 20 to 22 degrees.

The temperature regime at the school is allowed to be reduced during the holidays. During this period, when children do not attend an educational institution, the air here can be warmed up to 15 degrees.

Requirements for work areas

Production workshops or office rooms are the key to maintaining the health of employees. In addition, the optimal temperature regime in the room where this or that work is performed is clearly regulated by law. But it should be borne in mind that the standards provide for different indicators. What do they depend on? There are only three of them, and the differences between them lie in the intensity of the work performed.

First category

The optimal operating temperature in such rooms is within 21-28 degrees. These are facilities where employees perform their job duties in a seated position and have little physical activity. Such premises include watch and sewing industries, as well as workshops of automobile and instrument-making enterprises. The intensity of energy consumption of workers producing such products does not exceed 139 watts. In the category under consideration, a separate subgroup is distinguished. It includes production facilities where employees spend a greater amount of energy consumption when performing work (up to 174 W). The optimal temperature regimes for such industries are the limits starting from 20 degrees.

Second category

The industries allocated to this group require high energy consumption from their employees (up to 232 W). In this case, it is assumed that the employee is in a sitting position, but at the same time moves various loads weighing up to 1 kg. The optimal temperature conditions for such industries are values ​​from 18 to 27 degrees. If an employee, during such work, moves loads up to 10 kg, then his energy consumption will be 290 watts. In this case, the lower limit of the standard values ​​of the temperature regime can be reduced to 16 degrees.

Similar conditions are created in the premises of rolling, thermal, mechanized and forging industries, as well as at the workplaces of personnel serving conveyors, assembly shops and lines.

Third category

In some industries, an employee's energy consumption exceeds 290 watts. In such cases, we are talking about the third category of premises, which are most demanding on the microclimate created in them. This is due to the fact that the personnel involved in the production process have to make great physical efforts, walk and move weights over 10 kg. The most favorable temperature conditions for this category of premises are temperatures from 15 to 26 degrees. As a rule, these are workshops or workshops where manual operations are performed for metal processing, preparation of building structures, etc.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards

In order for the requirements for establishing a beneficial microclimate to be met, it is necessary to keep a temperature log. It should contain the readings of special devices used in offices and industries. The frequency of such measurements depends on the continuity of work processes and the characteristics of sanitary and hygienic provision. As a rule, such events are carried out three times during a work shift.

If the required temperature regime is not observed, it will be necessary to take a number of measures to eliminate the causes that led to this. These may include work on the thermal insulation of the room, as well as carrying out heating and ventilation in it. If it is impossible to carry out such activities, a recreation room should be organized in a separate room, the microclimate of which will be comfortable for the staff.

Do you want your staff to always work efficiently? Agree that it is difficult to think about business when a person is in discomfort. And for this it is necessary to observe at least the temperature standards in the workplace. She should be comfortable. In this article, you will find out what standards are established by SanPiN in 2019 and what the final temperature in the office should be in winter and summer, as well as what the employer's violation of these requirements threatens.

Why do you need SanPiN

It follows from Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that employers are obliged to create not only safe conditions at workplaces in the office or at work, but also maintain a comfortable atmosphere - temperature, humidity level, etc. (40 h / week) was not harmful to health. In addition, comfortable conditions have a positive effect on the performance of staff.

When introducing a temperature norm in a working room, officials must pay attention to humidity, air speed, surface temperature, etc. In addition, the indicators may differ due to varying degrees of load and types of work. For example, in foundries, the temperature is considered comfortable, which cannot be said about ordinary office premises.

Working cabinet temperature

The less physical activity a person performs, the warmer it should be in the room. Office workers spend most of their time at the computer, and most of them move from office to office. Therefore, a favorable temperature must be set taking these factors into account.

According to the norms of SanPiN 2019, the temperature at the workplace in the office during the warm season should be 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius with a relative humidity of 60-40%. In this case, the surface temperature is from 22 to 26C, and the air speed is up to 0.1 m / s.

In the cold season, the room should be from 22 to 24C (humidity and air speed are similar). The optimum surface temperature is 21-25C.

When making a decision, be guided by SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises" (clauses 5, 6, 7 and Appendix 1).

Employers need to know exactly what the temperature should be in the working area, since non-compliance with the standards can be brought to responsibility.

Consequences for violation of SanPiN norms

When working conditions deviate from the temperature limits, the length of the working day should be shortened. For example, office workers can work indoors at + 13C for no more than 1 - 4 hours (with normal sedentary work).

Violation of the temperature regime is classified under Part 1 of Art. 5.27.1 Administrative Code. A warning or a fine in the amount of:

  • 2000-5000 rub. - for individual entrepreneurs;
  • 50,000-80,000 - for legal entities;
  • 2000 - 5000 rubles. - for officials.

It is also possible forcible termination of activities for up to 3 months.

They can also be held accountable under Art. 6.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, providing for a warning or an administrative fine from 100 to 20,000 rubles. depending on the status of the perpetrator (individual, official, individual entrepreneur, legal entity). But usually inspectors are guided by stricter sanctions, that is, Part 1 of Art. 5.27.1 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Remember that it is the employer's responsibility to create and maintain a temperature in the workplace in accordance with SanPiN standards. For this, air conditioners, heaters, etc. are used. Observing the established rules, you can avoid many conflicts, as well as downtime associated with employee diseases.

A person spends almost his entire conscious part of his life at the workplace. It is for this reason that the requirements that govern the hygienic requirements of the microclimate in the premises where people work are natural. It is very important to comply with all these rules and regulations in office-type premises, where a person uses primarily mental activity. This type of work is characterized by relative physical inactivity. This leads to the fact that the negative consequences of an incorrect working regime are further exacerbated.

The legislation provides for a number of laws regarding the temperature regime in office-type premises, as well as the liability of the owner (employer) for non-compliance and violation.

Temperature regime and microclimate very strongly affects the performance and well-being of a person. A low or high air temperature that has a long-term effect on a working person not only negatively affects human health, but also greatly reduces the productivity of his work. People working in office premises perform a wide variety of activities, most of which require being in one specific position for a long period. This is mainly a sedentary and sitting position:

  1. Making decisions.
  2. Communication with customers.
  3. Paperwork.
  4. Computer work and other similar professions.

Physical inactivity and mental labor not very well coexist with the uncomfortable temperature regime of the air in an office-type room.

After conducting many experiments, the researchers found that even minor fluctuations in air temperature so strongly affect the efficiency of work in the office that, if it is impossible to provide the desired microclimate, it makes sense to shorten the working day.

It is very important to provide an appropriate temperature regime in the office. This is the obligation of the employer under the law, regardless of the level of subordination and the form of ownership of the organization.

Optimum or comfort

Everyone who works in the office wants to carry out their activities in conditions of maximum comfort... But this concept is highly subjective, since it is tied to the personal sensations of each individual individual. And these feelings, as you know, are different for everyone. What is an excellent option for one individual may simply be unacceptable to another. It is because of this that the concept of "comfortable conditions" is not used in regulations and office documents.

Instead of the subjective term “comfort”, a more definite and precise parameter “optimal conditions” is used in professional vocabulary. As for the optimal air temperature, this value is determined through complex calculations and physiological studies. The calculation takes into account the average human needs.

Optimal temperature requirements are legal. This is recorded in certain regulatory documents.

SanPiN on the protection of human health

All standards are collected in the special code of the Russian Federation. This code defines optimal health and hygiene standards for different spheres of human activity, including for employment. These documents relate to the technical and medical fields. At the same time, it is also legislative, it is for this reason that it is necessary to fulfill all these norms.

The abbreviation SanPiN stands for sanitary rules and norms. The document that regulates optimal conditions in the workplace is called SanPiN and reads as follows: hygienic requirements for the microclimate in production facilities. These SanPiN provide labor protection regulations for office workers and workers in production. These SanPiNs were adopted within the framework of Federal Law No. 52 of March 30, 1999 "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population."

Compliance with the requirements of SanPiN by the employer is supported by articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation No. 209 and 212. They talk about responsibility in case of non-observance by the employer of occupational health and safety rules, as well as about timely rehabilitation, treatment and prevention, sanitation and other similar measures. Article 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes that the employer must take a set of measures in order to ensure an optimal working microclimate.

What measures can be taken

The solution to this problem may be the following options:

  1. Equipment for the recreation of a special room.
  2. Transfer of a worker to another workplace.
  3. Earlier dissolution of houseworkers.
  4. Additional breaks.

If the employer refuses to comply with the requirements for optimal performance, then he can be charged with two offenses at the same time.

  1. Violation of sanitary norms and rules (room temperature norms do not correspond to normative indicators).
  2. Ignoring labor laws due to the fact that people work in inappropriate conditions.

If the boss is inactive in this situation and does not agree to provide employees with another job, then the time that he was in unfavorable conditions is equal to the shift (daily working day) in terms of duration. In other words, you can freely talk about employee overtime at the initiative of the boss with all the ensuing financial and legal consequences.

Seasonal requirements for air temperature in office premises

During warm and cold seasons, the optimal indoor temperature conditions are achieved in different ways. Based on this, we can conclude that the requirements for the indoor microclimate will differ. Accordingly, the measures that are provided for by SanPiN, in the event that it is impossible to ensure the optimal temperature regime or it is violated, will also have differences.

To keep it not too hot

Prolonged stay in a room where the air temperature is very high is especially detrimental to health and performance. In a closed working room, this heat and stuffiness can be aggravated by a large crowd of people, the presence of working office equipment and adherence to a specially entered dress code.

It is because of this that the optimal temperature values ​​and permissible maximum values ​​for the hot season were established by law. For office workers with an air humidity of 40-60%, they are 23-25 ​​degrees. A temperature rise of up to 28 degrees is permissible.

Excessive air temperature in the office during the summer

If inside the office the thermometer deviates from the optimum by at least 2 degrees, then it becomes much more difficult to work. The employer will need to provide air conditioning for the employees' premises and ensure that it operates well and is serviced in a timely manner.

If suddenly for some reason this is not done, then the employee should not resignedly endure the unbearable heat, while still trying to meet all professional requirements. SanPiN allow with good reason to shorten the employee's standard eight-hour day, for which they were designed the following temperature requirements:

Many workers note the negative impact of the air conditioner on their health, which in terms of harm is compared to stuffiness and heat. According to the same requirements of SanPiN, along with humidity and temperature indicators, the speed of air movement in the room is limited, which should be in the range from 0.1 to 0.3 m / s. From these requirements of SanPiN it follows that an employee should not be under the jet of a blowing air conditioner.

Cold is the enemy of work

No work is good in a cold room, especially in an office, when the body cannot warm itself up with movement. There are categories of blue-collar occupations in which it is permissible for a short time to lower the temperature of the air to 15 degrees, but this does not apply to those people who work in the office.

Inside the office space, in cold weather, the temperature regime must be observed in the range from 22 to 24 degrees. The fluctuation of these values ​​is possible, but not more than 2 degrees. For a short period of time, the thermometer can deviate from the permissible norm by a maximum of 4 degrees.

What to do if the office space is cold

Only if the air temperature does not drop below 20 degrees, the working personnel must be at the workplace for a full working day (8 hours). With each lowered degree, the working time is reduced:

Temperature measurements and their features

Accuracy of temperature measurements must be observed... This is due to the fact that each degree plays a special role in the duration of the working time.

If employees or the employer are unscrupulous, it may be tempting to understate or overestimate the true temperature values. It is possible that an error is made due to the wrong placement or faulty instrument with which you are measuring.

To avoid complications with the determination of air temperature indicators, SanPiN obliges to place the device at a distance of 1 meter above the floor level.

What is the responsibility of the employer if he does not comply with the requirements of the office microclimate

If for some reason the employer refuses to install an air conditioner (fan) in the summer and a heater in the winter, thereby maintaining the optimal temperature regime in the norm, then his subordinates should not tolerate it due to the fact that they can be fired. You can contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service. She will definitely come to your enterprise with a check. If during the inspection the complaint is confirmed, then the authorities cannot avoid responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements of SanPiN.

And also for non-compliance with the requirements, the employer faces a fine of about 12 thousand rubles. If, after a second check, the same violations are revealed again, then its activities will be suspended for 3 months in accordance with Article 6.3. Of the COAp of the Russian Federation.

Workplace temperature: sanitary standards and regulations from 2016

From 1.01.2017 all employers and employees must comply with the new requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service, which are related to physical factors in the workplace. This was approved by the decree of the chief sanitary state doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2016, Order No. 81. The updated sanitary standards and rules define the impact on the human body and its activity of such indicators as:

It is customary to call the standards the maximum permissible level of a factor, as well as its impact on a person who is at least 8 hours at the workplace, within the permissible limits. This impact should not lead to deviations in health or disease (SanPiN paragraph 1.4).

Due to the fact that new sanitary requirements were introduced, some of the old ones from January 2017 have ceased to apply. One of these is SanPiN o "Electromagnetic fields in industrial conditions".

Today, the question of what should be the temperature in the workplace according to sanitary rules is relevant for workers and employers.

Sanitary rules on air temperature in the workplace

Sanitary rules establish the optimal temperature readings in the workplace. These indicators include:

  1. Air speed.
  2. Relative humidity.
  3. Surface temperature.
  4. Air temperature.

Normal sanitary indicators for cold and warm seasons are determined separately. The cold season is considered to be the period when the average daily outdoor air temperature has approached 10 degrees and below. If there is more than this value outside the window, then this can be considered a warm season.

Thermometer readings in an office building are slightly different in winter and summer. At any time a person needs a heat balance with the environment.

In addition to all this, depending on the energy consumption of a person, there are different indicators of the thermometer in various fields of activity.

Requirements for methods of measuring and organizing microclimate control in accordance with sanitary standards

Measurements of microclimatic indicators in order to control their compliance with sanitary standards should be held during the warm season- on those days when the outside air temperature differs from the maximum average temperature of the hottest month by no more than 5 degrees, and in cold weather - when the difference from the coldest month is no more than 5 degrees. The frequency of such measurements is determined by the functioning of the sanitary and technological equipment, as well as the stability of the production process.

When choosing the time and measurement sites, it is worth considering all the factors that affect the microclimate of the workplace (the functioning of heating and ventilation systems, the phases of the technological process, and others). It is worth measuring microclimatic indicators at least 3 times per shift. If the indicators associated with technological and other reasons fluctuate, then additional measurements should be taken at the lowest and highest values ​​of the thermal load on the employee.

Measurements should be taken at the workplace. If your place of work is several production sites, then the indicators should be measured at each separately.

If there is a source of local moisture release, cooling or heat release (open baths, heated units, gates, doorways, windows and others like them), then the indicators need to be measured at points that maximally and minimally distant from a thermal source of influence.

In those rooms where there is a high density of workplaces, but there are no sources of moisture release, cooling and heat release, places for measuring microclimatic indicators, relative to the speed of movement and air humidity, should be evenly distributed over the area of ​​the room according to the following principle:

  1. Room area up to 100 square meters - the number of measured areas is 4.
  2. From 100 to 400 meters - 8.
  3. More than 400 - the distance between the sections should not be more than 10 meters.

Sedentary work movement speed and temperature indicators should be measured at heights of 0.1 and 1 meter from the floor, and relative air humidity - 1 meter from the working platform or floor. In standing operation, the driving speed and temperature are measured at heights of 1 and 1.5 meters, and the relative humidity is 1.5 meters.

If there is a radiant heat source, then at the workplace the thermal radiation is measured from each source, perpendicularly positioning the device to the incident flow. These measurements are taken at heights of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 meters from the working platform or floor.

The temperature on the surfaces is measured in cases where the place of work is at a distance of no more than 2 meters from them.

Relative humidity and air temperature in the presence of sources of air flows and heat radiation at workplaces measured by aspiration psychrometers... If there are no such sources, then the relative humidity and temperature regime of the air can be measured with psychrometers, which are not protected from the effects of the speed of movement and thermal radiation of the air. You can also use those devices that separately measure the indicators of humidity and air temperature.

Air speed is measured by rotary anemometers (cup, vane and others). Small values ​​of air speed (less than 0.5 meters per second), especially if there are multidirectional flows, are measured by thermoelectric anemometers, as well as spherical and cylindrical catathermometers, if they are protected from thermal radiation.

Surface temperatures measured by remote (pyrometers) or contact (electrothermometer) devices.

The intensity of thermal radiation is measured with devices that provide the sensor's viewing angle as close as possible to the hemisphere (not less than 160 degrees), sensitive in the visible and infrared spectral regions (radiometers, actinometers, and others).

The permissible error of the measuring instruments and the measuring range must meet the following criteria:

Based on the results of the study, a protocol is drawn up, which reflects general information about the production facility, placement of sanitary and technological equipment, sources of moisture release, cooling, heat release; all diagrams for the placement of measurement sites for all the necessary parameters of the microclimate and other data are given.

Ultimately, at the end of the protocol, the results of the measurements performed should be assessed in accordance with regulatory sanitary requirements.

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