What is a tracing, its types and use. Damikon - sale of any technical paper transparent paper and its purpose

What is a tracing, its types and use. Damikon - sale of any technical paper transparent paper and its purpose
What is a tracing, its types and use. Damikon - sale of any technical paper transparent paper and its purpose

At first glance, the topic of the article may seem strange, because the era of copier and other machines, which can do everything, especially copy drawings are moving and develops. And then suddenly we decided to tell about the tracing. No, it will not protest progress and certainly not a boycott against robots, just some things live for many years in narrow circles, even if the majority forgot about them. Okay, depart from the philosophical theme and talk about such a buddy subject, like a tracing.

Tracing - it's super thin paper, which is used to copy. Such a photocopier at those times when the xerox was not yet. Cutcu was invented in the 17th century. Most likely, people did it in order to save time and make life a little simpler (here is such a movement of progress). The principle of tracing is simple - with it, you can copy the previously drawn item.. It will be much faster than drawing again.

To understand what a carting looks like, imagine a baking parchment, it is something similar, only the carting is not intended to baking the lump with cinnamon. Magnifier made of fine cellulose. The original sheet on the structure is rather dense, but it is the density that allows you to make a tracker as thin as possible so that it performs its destination.

Now it is better to consider the mission of the trash and in general who uses it. Tracked and continue to use artists, engineers, as well as people whose work is somehow connected with drawings and drawings. Previously, almost no one knew about the existence of a tracing and its destination. Only enlightened people were awarded these knowledge. That is, those who dealt with the engineering case. But the most interesting thing is that to today most people know nothing about the procedure for the manufacture of tracing, this information owns only those people who make it. If only translucent matte carting was known before, it happens multicolored and textured.

With tracing, you need to work carefully, because a small error is minus several artist's nerve cells or architect. After all, these specialties are more often used by tracing. We will tell how to use tracing trading and technology.

Such here are simple manipulations of artists, engineers and architects are doing at the speed of light, but at the beginning we advise not to rush, but to "fill your hand." There is also a concept as "printing on a tracing", but this is a completely different story, which is familiar only by professionals.

The word "tracing" is translated from French as a "stencil", "copy". As authoritative sources indicate, the exact name of its inventor is not known for certain. This type of paper has emerged in the XVII century in Germany, due to the needs of architects, drawers, engineers who needed to copy one or another pattern or scheme. There is an assumption that the first modern track invented construction engineers in connection with the frequent need to accurately copy complex elements of the drawings.

Copying was carried out in the usual way "under the stencil", the trafficking was superimposed on the original, and the contour appeared on it appeared under its transparent surface. This copying method firmly entrenched in the activities of specialists of various professions and is sometimes used even now.

The very first "tracker" medieval masters were made as follows: the usual paper was impregnated with weak alcohol, kerosene or turpentine. So it became more transparent compared to its original state. But this method caused various inconveniences: the paper left the stains, it was problematic to draw something on it, etc., therefore, there was a need for that tracing, which is known now.

In Russia, the first industrial production of tracked was established in Peterhof on the first stateless paper factory in 1816. Over time, the manufacture of tracing was mastered by other enterprises.

Qualitative characteristics of paper tracing

Modern tracing can be manufactured either from sulphate white cellulose with the addition of wood pulp and cotton semi masses with adhesive substance, or from ready-made pergamine. Its main characteristics are density and thickness. To achieve the transparency of the tracing, one of two ways is used - calendering (skipping through special rotating shafts) or increase the degree of grinding. The last way is the most efficient, as it adds strength paper, but also more costly. It is possible to connect these two methods into one production line.

Types of paper tracing in the USSR

Matte tank without a glossy side, designed and copying a pencil, was made of non-steamer paper. Carticle, having a glossy side, was produced two species: tube and lavsanoy. Stagnaya tracing was characterized by its subtlety and was manufactured on a paper basis. Lavsannye carting had a transparent film base with a glossy side.

Pencil tracing without a gloss, manufactured in the USSR, possessed such abrasive properties that it was sometimes used as a girlfriend grinding material for copper, brass, and sometimes even steel and glass. For example, with its help, factory calligraphic feathers often communicated to the required smoothness of the slip. Also, with the help of matte cotton, the roundabilities of the outer angles of the pen were polished, which scratched paper.

Calca application now

Modern tank is used both for drawing with a pencil and ink, and for the implementation of digital printing on plotters, printers and grade structures. Made it in accordance with the norms and requirements of GOST. Also paper tracing is sometimes used in the food industry as a plug-in material or in sewing production in the manufacture of stencils, patterns, etc.

The appearance of the tracing refers to the 17th century. Before the appearance of paper traits wide used in the construction sectorThanks to this material it was convenient to view the "Thrust" plans of the floors of the drawings of different levels of the device, it was easier to check the compatibility of different sheets of the project. It can be said that tracing is an analogue of the "layers" on the computer.

Calca represents translucent paperThe composition contains finely discharged to the state of flour cellulose and wood. Filler - cotton or pergamine. Its density is quite large, which allows you to do it fine. There are also thicker types of carts, so that such a material passing through the printer will not replete.

Carticle can be not only matte and transparent, there is also a textured, color and even pearl carting.

Initially, carts were used for drawing workAccordingly, only experts knew about it. Now the situation has changed, and the tracing is used in many areas. Often it used for manual copyAnd even a schoolboy in primary classes will be able to answer what it is.

Artists, students of architectural specialties are unlikely to do without the use of tracing. But it is also used in the kitchen at the expense of exceptional properties: absorbs and does not miss fats, the dough does not stick. Using tracing, it is easier to turn the rolls of minced meat.

The advantages of tracing are its properties: it is not afraid of reusable additionThis material is quite durable, when stored does not require much space. Caching can be purchased in many stores. Treading in rolls or packs of standard sheets is available.

Ceing printing makes it possible to present the main color compositions, which is relevant for artists or designers. Designer tracing - Beautiful, but at the same time very capricious material. It must be remembered that not every type of carting is suitable for printing, so this process is best to trust the professionals of your business. Many copnins will gladly print the desired drawing on the trash.

The main property of the cart is its transparency, to achieve which in two ways: calendering and increasing the degree of cellulosic fiber grinding. A second way is considered to be more effective, besides, it allows you to make a cushion stronger. But this method is more expensive. Both methods can be combined - domestic producers are exactly what they do, due to which the high quality of the product is ensured and the price is acceptable.

Carticle appeared at the beginning of the 17th century. This translucent hard paper, which includes finely acidic cellulose. It has a big density by its structure, which allows you to make it as thin.

To date, in designer collections, it is possible to find not only matte transparent paper, but also textured, colored and pearl tracks. Something strange, but the technology of manufacturing this type of paper is still unknown to many people. Only products manufacturers are devoted to the secret of its creation.

Initially, the product was intended for intensive works. About Tom, tank knew, mostly, only the specialists of this area. To date, the product is used in many spheres. It is used for manual copying, and now even the schoolboy of the elementary classes with ease will answer the question what a carting.

However, not every artist will disappear to use this paper in his work, but all because sometimes the result may be completely unpredictable. Nevertheless, with the help of tracing, you can create a unique work of art, the main thing is to know how to properly use this product. In principle, tracing is a thing of essentials for creative people such as artists. A student of the architectural specialty will also not be able to do without tracing.

Art printing allows you to prevent basic colored compositions. This is relevant for both artists and interior designers. The use of this material allows multiple times to reduce the time you need to create multiple layouts. After reading what a carting is and deraiding in its structure, we can now understand why it is used for printing. This is not afraid of reusable addition, as well as this material is durable. Calca compact when stored.

Designer tracing - this is a very capricious material, but at the same time - extraordinarily beautiful. Do not forget that when printing, two problems may arise. Not all types of tracing can be used in print, as on some it is simply impossible to carry out high-quality transfer. Another problem is that it is not eliminated by the emergence of difficulties when serving sheets in a printing machine, as well as when the sheets in it pass at the time of printing. That is why this process is better to entrust professionals.

Many centers will gladly help qualitatively to print on a trap. The cost of the work will probably be very reasonable, and the level of services performed will delight any client. The main thing is to find out all the information about the center in which a person is going to turn.

Among other things, tracing in a roll is sold in many stores, experts will gladly answer all your questions.

So what is a carting and what it is needed is now clear to everyone. Do not forget about one interesting and important point. This type of paper responds to any changes in climatic conditions, which is why it is important that when working, as well as during the drying process of your work there was no drafts and humidity.

French - Calquer. Latin - Calx (limestone). In Russian, the word was distributed in the XIX century. It was borrowed from French, in which the initial importance had to "make an impression on wet lime". Etymological Dictionary Semenova

  • Cataca - tracing (semantic borrowing) - borrowing from another language by literally translating the structure of the word or phrase: the Russian "impression" from the French Impression, Russian "entirely and completely" from German Im Ganzen und Vollen. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
  • carticle - K'alka, tracing, born. MN. Calc, wives. (· Franz. Caique) (special). 1. Only units. Transparent paper or crankcore, imposed on a drawing or drawing to remove the exact copy. 2. Copy removed through such paper. 3. Ine. Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov
  • cataca - (Franz. Caique - copy, imitation). A word or expression that is a translation in parts of a foreign language word or speech turnover with subsequent addition of translated into one. Dictionary of linguistic terms Rosentyl
  • Cataca - I tracing (Franz. Calque) Transparent paper or cloth used in drawing. K. To copy the drawing of mascara and for obtaining blueprints - well calendered paper or fabric treated with film-forming salting substances. Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • ceing - tracing and, g. Calque m. 1. Transparent paper or crankcore, imposed on a drawing or drawing to remove the copy. Eras. 1934. There is a special prepared paper for calculation. Bulgakov Hood. ENT. What they are from<�панталоны 1923... Dictionary of gallicalism of the Russian language
  • carticle - tracing, r. MN. Cric, g. [FR. Calque] (special). 1. Only units. Transparent paper or crankcore, imposed on a drawing or drawing to remove the exact copy. 2. Copy removed through such paper. 3. Ine. Large dictionary of foreign words
  • carticle - South., Number of synonyms: 4 Paper 80 Borrowing 49 Copy 41 Photocast 1 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • - (FR. Calque) word or expression, built according to the sample of the corresponding words and expressions of someone else's language by the exact translation of their components with the appropriate words or morphs of the native language (Inter Ectio). Dictionary of linguistic terms Jerebilo
  • carticle - see in Art. Pergamine. Technics. Modern encyclopedia
  • carticle - tracing, and genus. MN. Cric, g. 1. Transparent paper or cloth for removing copies with drawings and drawings. 2. Copy of drawing, drawing on such paper. The new district is still in the tank (only planned, in the drawings). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • carticle - ORF. tracing, -y, r. MN. crop Specographic dictionary of Lopatin
  • tracing - tracing-and; MN. Rod. -Ad, dates. -locks; g. [Franz. Calque] 1. Specially processed transparent paper or fabric used to remove copies with drawings or drawings. 2. Copy of drawing or drawing on such a material. 3. Lingv. Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov