What is the preface? We learn the points of view of writers, editors and literary criticism. The meaning of the word "preface why write preface

What is the preface? We learn the points of view of writers, editors and literary criticism. The meaning of the word
What is the preface? We learn the points of view of writers, editors and literary criticism. The meaning of the word "preface why write preface

According to the materials of the book Milchin, Chelt "Directory of the publisher and author"

Preface in the book. Why is it necessary?

Preface is an element of the pretext of the publication, which characterizes the work published in the publication (works) in order for the reader to have an interest in his topic and (or) content to be able to better prepare for reading, was able to effectively, taking into account the peculiarities of the work and publication Work with him. This is the prevention of the reader about the publication, the features of its content, construction, appointment, differences from other close on the topic and the content of publications. All this in order for the reader to know how best to use the publication to take into account, reading, studying or looking through it. M. V. Lomonosov in his "rhetoric" determined the purpose of the preface as the preparation of the reader to read the essay "inclined, diligently and understand."

Another, the additional task of preface in the book is to promote the promotion of the publication, so that it finds as much customer readers as possible. After all, according to the preface, the booksellers and librarians make up the initial, and sometimes the main idea of \u200b\u200bedition, relying on which can recommend his readers.

M. V. Lomonosov in the already mentioned "rhetoric" believed that the preface should, firstly, to explain, for which the publication was undertaken, i.e., to show significant for readers his goal; secondly, it is important to characterize the topic and content as an important, desired and useful for readers, i.e. show the importance of content for them; Thirdly, to disclose the very essence of the content.

Preface is an integral part of the GL apparatus. arr. Business publications: scientific, production, reference, training, etc. In the publications of literary and artistic, it is rare.

The appointment of the preface predetermines the range of issues that can compile its content. Most often it is:

The value of the topic and the content of the published work (works);

Features of its content and forms;

Literary and other sources;

Principles of material selection;

Principles of construction;

Unresolved and unlit problems with the explanation of the reasons;

Showing the new, which makes in the literature, science, practice work;

The differences of the published work from others on the same or close topic;

Show the most valuable in the publication for the OSN. reader and adjoining groups;

Notice that you need to keep in mind working on the publication so that this work proceeds more productive;

Tips, how to better enjoy the publication, make a certificate on it (a kind of algorithm for finding the necessary material, which is especially important in publications reference).

Template, however, should not be here. Each edition and his reader require an individual solution, although in some cases these decisions may coincide in something.

Preface can be copyrighted, editorial, publishing. Sometimes it is ordered by a third-party specialist. It happens when, for example, a book is published posthumously or when the publisher wants the book and its topic to be represented by the reader for greater persuasiveness by a person's authoritative, a kind of guarantor of its quality.

The publication of the preface of the publisher or editor (editorial board) requires the consent of the author of the book in the same way as any editorial changes in it.

Any literary work obeys the laws of the composition, one of the structural elements of which is a prologue. What is his function and what is a prologue in the literature? Below the definition of this literary concept.

Prologue is a composite part of the literary work, which is located in front of the main content; Translated from the Greek "Prolog" - preface. In contrast to the accession, the prologue is always written by the author himself. Prologue can prevail both art and journalistic work.

6 main functions of the prolobe can be distinguished

  1. a short view of the plot that will unfold on the pages of the work;
  2. acquaintance reader with events preceding the main plot;
  3. designation of the characters of the main characters;
  4. presentation in the general features of the ideological content of the work;
  5. explanation of the reasons that the author prompted to write a book;
  6. preparation of the reader to the perception of the plot.

The main one of these functions of the prolobe in the literature is to configure the reader to perceive subsequent events. In modern literature, the Prologue also holds the function to cause the interest of the reader to work and induce it to acquire a book.

As part of the literary work, the Prologue originates in the ancient drama. He was a direct appeal to the audience in order to prepare for the perception of theatrical action. In the literature of the 19th century, the prologue not only acquired a closer semantic connection with the main plot, but also assumed additional ideological and artistic burden.

Examples of the prologue in the literature

Examples illustrating the functions of the prolobe, its place in the structure of the work, ideological and artistic purpose, can serve:

  • two prologies in the tragedy Goethe "Faust";
  • "Prolog" to the poem A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila";
  • "Introduction" to the poem A.S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman";
  • prologi in Romanov I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky;
  • "Prolog" to the poem N.A. Nekrasova "Who lives well in Russia" and others.

The functions of the prologue often perform the initial chapters of the main narration, which introduced the prehistory of the life of heroes. Prologue is an optional element of the composition of the work. It may not be. In literature, the prologue is opposed to an epilogue.

Preface in books People often read diagonally, or even just skip. And in vain! It is in this part of the book that you can find important information that will facilitate understanding written in the main part.

We learn better what preface is.

What do the literary encyclopedia say?

What is the preface of the book? This question needs to contact the profile specialists.

Literary criticists thus explain the concept: it is part of the literary text (artistic or scientific nature), which precedes the main text. The author, as a rule, places the information in the preface that, by his conviction, will facilitate the understanding of the text, will give important additional information.

In this part of the book, the author, but also the editor, publisher or another person relating to the book can be set out in this part of the book.

Why write preface?

With the question that such a preface in the literature, we dealt out. But why do the authors write these introductory parts to their works? What are they needed for?

Often, the reason for writing is a negative attitude towards the book of critics or the main audience of readers. An example can serve as one of the novels of Turgenev "Smoke".

Of these samples, literary critters can find out what has changed the writer in the text, as affected by the novel, its social and political views.
Nihilists of the 60s before a last century to question: "What is the preface?" - They would answer that this is Shirma, behind which they hide their true intentions.

Satyrian preface

Answering the question of what the preface is, it is necessary to stop more and on antinigilistic works. One of these texts wrote Dostoevsky to the works of Chernyshevsky. The satire of the famous conservative was connected with the views of the famous Russian Democrat revolutionary.

Of course, the pricking words of Dostoevsky caused indignation among other feather workers. A few years later, the writer said that he was misunderstood, because he himself was once a convict-convict and could not be rejected by the same sorrow of another person. Some critics bribed these words.


How else can you answer the question what is the preface? "This is a literary manifest!" - Can answer professionals. And they will be right.

Some generally accepted geniuses were also pioneers of their style or traditions of tradition. A bright example is the preface of the Hugo to the play "Cromwell". It is in this text that we learn about the romantic drama, its distinctive features and principles.

Preface editors

Modern editions of the classic works of the past epochs can rarely meet without the introductory part of the editor. What is the preface in this case? This is an explanatory text that gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe era in which the author lived on the dominant form of public consciousness in those times. From such prefaces, we can get acquainted with a modern look at the problem, a critical assessment of the work.


preface, cf.

    The department of a literary or scientific work containing preliminary clarifications and comments (author, editor, publisher), entry into the text of the presentation. Preface to research. Preface to 2 publication. The last chapter "Eugene Onegin" was published especially, with the following preface ... Pushkin.

    more often mn. Entrance messages and explanations before presenting the creature of the case, advantages. In the expression: without prefaces (collapse). We ask without prefaces - closer to business. With the hero of my novel without prefaces, I will let you know you. Pushkin.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


I, cf. Introductory article to whatn. writing. * Without (all sorts) prefaces (talk.) - Getting to the essence of the case or conversation immediately, without preliminary preparations, clarifications.

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Opening part of some Works containing preliminary clarifications and comments.

    . What is said is accustomed to the main thing as less important as joining



Preface - Part of the literary or scientific work preceding the main text. The preface outlines explanations and comments both the author and editor, the publisher, possibly of other persons related to the work.

The preface may precede not only in all literary work, but also a separate part of it. For example, the last chapter "Eugene Onegin".

Sometimes the preface may be of great value for the researchers, since the author in it indicates or reveals unlit mainly, clarifies its position on them, talks about the intricacies and motives of creating their work. For example, the preface L. N. Tolstoy to the first edition of the "War and Peace".

Preface was widely used in Soviet publishing practice. In them, as a rule, the faithful, from the point of view of ideology, attitude to the work, criticized the false bourgeois assessments created in the past. In such prefaces, it was also explained by the reader, what works and for what reason were chosen and included in the publication.

Preface is especially necessary in the publication of unfinished or previously unknown works, publishing letters, memories, personal notes, etc.

Examples of the use of the word preface in the literature.

Of preface Ivan realized that his story was not just a story about Dappi, frightening peace travelers, whom they meet in abandoned places, and not a story about Anancy, a deceiving lion, tiger, Takumu and other animals.

TERTERYAN B. preface To both novels emphasizes that, according to George Amada, Grasilliano Ramos raised the novels to the height of unprecedented in Brazil.

IN preface To his memoirs, published in the United States, the Deputy Secretary of State Talbott frankly recognizes that Mr. Arbatov became a friend of America since the 70s.

Preface To which Ki-Burayuki first reviewed Vaka in the light of the laws of Chinese poetics, became evidence of the final recognition of Hollow as high art.

Senior Child Game, - Announces Fletcher announced on the Williamson without any preface- I do not want to offend you, but I will say honestly: I'm not glad to see you here.

Although Volkogonov notes in preface To his book about Trotsky, the help rendered by me, mention of my behalf and citing excerpts from my and Eighting appeals to the Central Committee of the CPSU of the Rehabilitation with me was not agreed.

It seems to me that it is difficult to find a more accurate and short definition of real values \u200b\u200bthan did the vonnegut in one of his preface.

And again vonnegut, in preface To her, talking to a reader confidentially and simply, as with the old friend, about himself, about his family, about how he perceives life.

True, in very short preface Hershonzov did not find the two-volume two times to repeat the ideas of his biography of Chayadaev and limited himself to a purely editorial remarks of texture and bibliographic nature.

You found out that Dresh was serving from his residence in Dialya at least three days ago - without any preface The start of copper.

Recall the words F, Engels, let me in preface - Only when this method of production has passed a significant part of its path on descending, when he largely outlived himself and t.

The next evening, Baron Munchhausen began so, without any preface: - South American Indians, who yesterday occupied our attention, wait with such an acidic meal, mostly to deep old age.

When I was preparing a clear eye of the superiors, Kochergin without preface Said: - Major Saddy ordered to provide you with fifteen-day leave.

Despite the hints of Laue, Stark cannot be klinzor, "he said without preface Tone, what are talking to a child who guessed.

Prunov wished the cover to decorate the drawing Madeleine Lever, preface Posted by Anatole France, and his own text was interlaced Rodinaldo Ana melodies.


forest, preface, cf.

1. The department of a literary or scientific work containing preliminary clarifications and comments (author, editor, publisher), entry into the text of the presentation. Preface to research. Preface to 2 publication. "The last chapter" Eugene Onegin "published was especially, with the following preface ..." Pushkin.

2. more often mN. Introductory messages and explanations before presenting the creature of the case, preim. In the expression: without prefaces ( .). We ask without prefaces - closer to business. "With the hero of my novel without prefaces, I will let you know the same hour." Pushkin.

Ethnographic Dictionary


Dear readers!

Before you the first in our country and abroad, a dictionary on ethnopsychology, which will undoubtedly be interested in you.

Modern ethnopsychology is a young and fast progressive science. Its development was not always simple and definitely. Interest in her showed many knowledge of knowledge, which in their own way studied and comprehended the content of the national psyche of people. At the same time, the development of ethnopsychology has always been associated with the needs of practitioners and public life in our state; the need to disclose the actual psychological patterns of the formation and operation of phenomena, which are its object; studying the features of the manifestation of the mental warehouse of specific peoples; harmonization of relations between people - representatives of different ethnic communities; With the removal of tension and the prevention of conflicts arising in national soil.

Today, the task of ethnopsychology in our country consists not only to explore and explain the differences that exist in the psyche, behavior, actions and actions of representatives of various peoples and ethnic groups, show the originality of their manifestations in the practice of interethnic relations, but also to develop recommendations for state bodies Management for the purpose of conducting scientifically based national policies, harmonizing communication and interaction between people on the basis of mutual understanding.

The formation of young science implies the development and continuous improvement of its categorical apparatus.

Knowledge and reflecting their contents accumulated in the previous period of development of ethnopsychology are now needed to be adequately interpreted to avoid uncertainty or ambiguity in their use. That is why the main goal that the author's team was haunted, who worked on the dictionary was strictly clarifying the semantic content of new concepts of new concepts reflecting the content and specifics of ethnopsychological phenomena and processes into scientific use of new concepts. The dictionary included terminology and a system of concepts adopted in psychological science and explained from psychological and pedagogical positions.

In some articles, the content of the methods and methods of research, in our opinion, most significant and important are revealed. The dictionary also provides characteristics of the characteristics of the national psychology of representatives of ethnic communities living in Russia and some foreign countries1. Communication between articles is carried out by reference to the corresponding terms.

At the same time, the dictionary is written by alive and intelligible language. It includes not dry and insignificant terms and concepts, but useful in all respects information: this is the history of the development of a young industry in knowledge, and interesting facts and phenomena, and very important information that first presented in generalized form.

Unfortunately, the dictionary included the characteristics of the national-psychological characteristics of only those ethnic communities, which were studied by the author's team.

(Krusko V.G. Ethnopsychological dictionary. M.1999.)

Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language



Dictionary of Ozhegov


Preport ABOUTVerse I, cf. Introductory article to Kakomun. writing.

Without (all sorts) prefaces (talk.) Getting to the essence of the case or conversation immediately, without prior preparations, clarification.

Dictionary Efremova


Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron


A note placed at the head of the book to give the reader a preliminary message about the composition of the publication, about its purposes or terms, about its external or internal history, etc. P. says not so much about the content of the book, how much about it, and in this His difference from the glittering form is the introduction, acquainting the reader with the circle of scientific data, to which the proposed composition is adjacent. P. The poetic works were, and partly and now remain in the French literature a popular form in which the writer sets out its theoretical literary views. Known, for example, such P. Cornell, Racina (to "British" and "Iphigation"), Moliere (to Tartufu), Voltaire (to "Edile" and "Merope"), Boualersche, Duma Father ("Un Mot "To Henry III), A. De Vigni (" Derni è Re Nuit De Travail ", to Chatterton, etc.), the famous P. Viktor Hugo to" Cromwell ", which plays the role of manifesto romanticism. In our classical literature, examples of P. Lermontov can serve as a "hero of our time", Dostoevsky - to "Karamazov".

Ar. G.