The most beautiful peoples of the planet Earth. Scientists revealed the most beautiful people of the world on aristocratic traits

The most beautiful peoples of the planet Earth. Scientists revealed the most beautiful people of the world on aristocratic traits

The first concept of perfect beauty was taken out of the ancient Greeks. At all times, this figure is somehow unified. According to the ratings of beauty, you can understand, representatives of which peoples are considered the most beautiful.

Latin American

Venezuelan representatives six times became the winners of the international beauty contest "Miss Mira". Many of the popular supermodels come from Brazil today, from there - world-famous mannequins: Marlon Teixeira, Francisco Lachovski, Gressely Bundchen (in the photo), Grassi Carvalo.

These and some other countries of Latin America, for example, Argentina, always fall into the leaders of the ratings of the most beautiful peoples of the world. The secret to succeed in the ethnic manifold of the population of these countries. There are also descendants of the indigenous population, and slaves from Africa (Brazil, Venezuela), and settlers from Europe; There is a large number of mixed marriages. All this formed an attractive look of modern Brazilians, Venezuelas and other Latin Americans. In the photo - March Wasquellos (Brazil) - Miss Universe 1968


Slavs are the largest group of peoples in Europe, combined with linguistic relations. In total, there are up to 350 million Slavs in the world. Among them, there are first representatives of Eastern Slavs in a variety of top-sheets of beauty, as Russians and Ukrainians.

Here is a similar story with Latin Americans. By virtue of the historical development of the country, the accession of a number of land during the Russian state, the Russian Empire, the USSR, the modern Russians also received a variety of appearance types. In the photo - Natalia Glebova (Canada, was born in Russia) - Miss Universe 2005.


European ladies have long been intrigued by the heroes of the Nordic Legends, the men of the Scandinavian type of appearance: high, physically developed blondes with blue eyes. Blond nigeons also worried the hearts and minds of foreigners. And in modern beauty ratings, Sweden, Denmark and Norway often occupy places in the top five. However, despite the fact that in these countries the number of natural blonds is still large, due to the current multiculturalism in Europe, more and more people have completely different appearance in the Scandinavian states. In this regard, the ethnographers predict in these countries a significant decrease in the population of the traditional Scandinavian type. In the photo - Army Kuousell (Finland) - Miss Universe 1952.


They are considered the most beautiful among the peoples of East Asia. They, as a rule, oval faces, almond-shaped eyes, as well as a more expressive nose compared to the Chinese and Koreans. In addition, white-skinned people are often found in Japan. The peculiarities of the appearance of the Japanese are largely due to the continuous closeness of the island state. Despite the fact that Portuguese navigators reached the Japanese coast back in 1543, Japan began to fully contact with the West only in the second half of the XIX century. In the photo - Akiko Codisim (Japan) - Miss Universe 1959


According to the theory of "Indoary Migrations", the Tribes of the same name penetrated into the Northwestern regions of the Indian subcontinent in the early II millennium BC. e. Gradually, they advanced to the south and east. As a result, they were assimilated with the indigenous population, transferred them the language and Vedi culture.

At the same time, an ethnic diversity was formed, the conservation of which was promoted by a centuries-old caste system. And today, in higher castors, the skin color is lighter than in the lower. Among the modern Indians are the oval faces, big eyes, large lips, black smooth hair. Often there are people with narrow noses. Growth rarely exceeds 185 cm, but there are Sikhs, whose growth is 5-10 cm more averages in the country. In the photo - Lara Datta (India) - Miss Universe 2000


These representatives of the Middle East also receive high marks in the tops of beauty. The bulk of the population of Lebanon is the Arabs, which in one of the ratings it was written "the most beautiful in the Arab world." In order to evaluate the appearance of the Lebans, it is not necessary to go to their homeland. Among celebrities a lot of immigrants from Lebanon.

So, Lebanque by origin is the spouse of the Hollywood actor George Clooney, lawyer Amal Alamuddin. It is also worth noting the model Rosarith Tavil, artist Hip-hop Massari and the owner of three AMMI awards, actor Tony Shaluba. In addition, half the Lebanks (along the Lines of Fathers) are actress Salma Hayek and singer Shakira. In the photo - Georgina Risk (Lebanon) - Miss Universe 1971

Two most ugly nations of Europe are named

The existence of "ugly nations" recently confirmed once again. The truthfulness of this fact proved the site, register on which only handsome and beauties can. As practice shows, the registration most often refuses residents of the two countries.

According to GZT.RU, only 12% of British men and 15% of women were able to undergo a registration procedure on this popular Internet resource, the main condition of which is attractive appearance.

According to the rules of the site, already registered users within 48 hours evaluate the appearance of each wishing to be a registered novice, which should send its fresh photo.

At the same time, the newcomers are evaluated by registered representatives of the opposite sex. After studying the photo, they must choose one of the four response options, from "Of course, yes," before, "there is no".

The most successful in a number of applicants for joining this virtual club are Swedish men who receive "skip" into the world of beautiful people in 65% of cases. Among the representatives of the finest, confident leadership hold representatives of Norway, who receive approval in 76% of cases.

Of the 295 thousand British, who tried to register on the site, only 35 thousand were able to do this in the end. was founded in Denmark in 2002 and became popular in many countries. Only in two recent weeks the registered participants of the site rejected 1.8 million applications received from 190 countries of the world. At the same time, only 360 thousand people became new members of the club - i.e. 17% of those who want.

In addition to Sweden and Norway, applications from Brazil enjoy the greatest favor. The largest failure is obtained, in addition to the British, also the Germans.

According to the experts of the publication, the lack of demand for the British may be associated with their unhealthy lifestyle. "While in many countries is promoted a cult of a healthy lifestyle, in Britain it is considered a rule to go straight into the beer, after the end of the working day," said the manager Greagg Hodge - also, by the way, the Englishman by nationality.

I removed the girls without constraint. Since I visited five countries for a week, it was not to use sin, and not compare Asianoks of different nationalities.

Thailand, Bangkok

1 Here, my journey began here, it's easiest to fly from Russia here, and many stereotypes go about Thai girls.

2 I can't be 100% sure that they are all real, but it seems to me that "LEDIBEEV" in my selection is not.

3 Please note that girls do not positive. Often they did not notice that I shot them, made it to do our own business. So honest and more objective to evaluate their beauty.

4 How are you in secret?

6 Girl in the subway Bangkok.

7 If your choice fell on Thailand, here there are always profitable tickets.

8 About the Burmese young lady I did not know anything at all. In addition, in their country, the civil war ended quite recently, which lasted more than half a century.

9 Young charming in the market got out of the bed - and immediately smokers traded, did not even change themselves.

10 on the faces of the Burmeok of all ages is often found "combat coloring". This is Tanaka, protects against the sun, the evil eye and everything else.

11 That Burmets love gold, you have already understood. Nishchebrudes - strangers!

12 This girl has a universal appearance, and could pass for Koreanka, Japanese or Chinese. But she is Vietnamese. (Like a girl with a capital photo)

13 In Ho Chi Minhine, we flew along with the queen of beauty. The girl returned from the competition, she met the press and fans, and I made Selfie. But in this post and prepressive girls will be, is not it?

14 flip flops are very different. But all of them unites one.

15 and rustic sharpeners.

16 and impregnable office madam.

17 They all love sex with foreigners. I did not check myself, but now I bite elbows! Vietnam, it turns out that the world capital of male sex tourism.

18 "remove" the girl here will not be difficult, first of all due to free morals. And interest in everything is foreign. Although some give it for the hot desire to flip flops to jump out to marry the European and dump out of the country. In reality, they just love sex.

19 Did you like any?

20 Once I saw a photo of the Lao girl, and was amazed in the heart. She was a metician, Pope Belorus, and Mom from Laos. I have never seen such a beauty before nor after ...

21 ... nor in life, real Lao girls turned out to be a little different.

22 But here you evaluate!

23 How do you like a la morning?

24 Try to present it with a smile.

25 This girl lives on a cemetery. She eighteen, the whole life is ahead, but the little bamboo bomik stands in the midst of the graves. In it is only one room, which is divided with mom.

26 Cambodian girls are smiling against the background of portrait of their king.

27 Due to the specifics of the country, this girl is also photographed into the ghetto.

28 Many girls turned out a little sad. I myself do not know why. Probably, it was necessary to ask them to pose, and not to remove the cheek. But this girl is well done.

29 In general, it was in Cambodia that was the most sad entities. But about the country and its tragic history, I will tell you in a separate report, in the near future.

30 And now - choose. Which country girls are the most beautiful?

The concept of beauty personally is very ambiguous for me. Many of the peoples of the world inhabit our planet, and each has its own unique beauty. How can I say, who is more beautiful, Asian or European, Latino or African? I believe that beauty should be inner, coming from the soul, then the face will radiate true beauty.

As usual, they decided to distinguish itself, and find out what the people are the most beautiful. A survey in the Facebook system was conducted on request of a national geographic society. Three and a half thousand people, from different parts of our planet, evaluated photos of contestants. And it was from what. Two hundred countries have provided for general estimation by one hundred photographs of residents of their country, of different sexes, age and even nationality. I imagine how difficult was the true connoisseurs of beauty, because these are simple Facebook users, review such a number of photos and give them an assessment:

  • Hurricane.
  • Attractive.
  • Pleasant.
  • Ordinary.
  • Nasty.

I hope that the last ratings were not put, because there are no ugly people. And here is the winner. Suddenly?

Indeed, the beauty and sexuality of the Kazakh residents were estimated at 4.67, though they were not far away from rivals:

  • The second place was taken by enchanting - 4.63.
  • The third place in Cubans is 4.11.
  • Fourth place in emotional Italians - 4.02.
  • The fifth place at the hot Spaniards - 4.01.

You know, it is probably interesting to conduct such polls, beauty contests, choose Miss World, but for me the most beautiful in the light of my beloved wife, let him not with the perfect figure, but with a surprisingly kind heart. She gave me the most beautiful children, and I don't care what others think about it.

The first concept of perfect beauty was taken out of the ancient Greeks. At all times, this figure is somehow unified. According to the ratings of beauty, you can understand, representatives of which peoples are considered the most beautiful.

Latin American

Venezuelan representatives six times became the winners of the international beauty contest "Miss Mira". Many popular supermodels come from Brazil today, from there - world-famous mannequins: Marlon Teixeira, Francisco Lachovski, Gisele Bundchen, Grassi Carvalio.

These and some other countries of Latin America, for example, Argentina, always fall into the leaders of the ratings of the most beautiful peoples of the world. The secret to succeed in the ethnic manifold of the population of these countries. There are also descendants of the indigenous population, and slaves from Africa (Brazil, Venezuela), and settlers from Europe; There is a large number of mixed marriages. All this formed an attractive look of modern Brazilians, Venezuelas and other Latin Americans. In the photo - March Wasquellos (Brazil) - Miss Universe 1968


Slavs are the largest group of peoples in Europe, combined with linguistic relations. In total, there are up to 350 million Slavs in the world. Among them, there are first representatives of Eastern Slavs in a variety of top-sheets of beauty, as Russians and Ukrainians.

Here is a similar story with Latin Americans. By virtue of the historical development of the country, the accession of a number of land during the Russian state, the Russian Empire, the USSR, the modern Russians also received a variety of appearance types. In the photo - Natalia Glebova (Canada, was born in Russia) - Miss Universe 2005.


European ladies have long been intrigued by the heroes of the Nordic Legends, the men of the Scandinavian type of appearance: high, physically developed blondes with blue eyes. Blond nigeons also worried the hearts and minds of foreigners. And in modern beauty ratings, Sweden, Denmark and Norway often occupy places in the top five. However, despite the fact that in these countries the number of natural blonds is still large, due to the current multiculturalism in Europe, more and more people have completely different appearance in the Scandinavian states.

In this regard, the ethnographers predict in these countries a significant decrease in the population of the traditional Scandinavian type. In the photo - Army Kuousell (Finland) - Miss Universe 1952.


They are considered the most beautiful among the peoples of East Asia. They, as a rule, oval faces, almond-shaped eyes, as well as a more expressive nose compared to the Chinese and Koreans. In addition, white-skinned people are often found in Japan. The peculiarities of the appearance of the Japanese are largely due to the continuous closeness of the island state. Despite the fact that Portuguese navigators reached the Japanese coast back in 1543, Japan began to fully contact with the West only in the second half of the XIX century. In the photo - Akiko Codisim (Japan) - Miss Universe 1959


According to the theory of "Indoary Migrations", the Tribes of the same name penetrated into the Northwestern regions of the Indian subcontinent in the early II millennium BC. e. Gradually, they advanced to the south and east. As a result, they were assimilated with the indigenous population, transferred them the language and Vedi culture.

At the same time, an ethnic diversity was formed, the conservation of which was promoted by a centuries-old caste system. And today, in higher castors, the skin color is lighter than in the lower. Among the modern Indians are the oval faces, big eyes, large lips, black smooth hair. Often there are people with narrow noses. Growth rarely exceeds 185 cm, but there are Sikhs, whose growth is 5-10 cm more averages in the country. In the photo - Lara Datta (India) - Miss Universe 2000


These representatives of the Middle East also receive high marks in the tops of beauty. The bulk of the population of Lebanon is the Arabs, which in one of the ratings it was written "the most beautiful in the Arab world." In order to evaluate the appearance of the Lebans, it is not necessary to go to their homeland. Among celebrities a lot of immigrants from Lebanon.

So, Lebanque by origin is the spouse of the Hollywood actor George Clooney, lawyer Amal Alamuddin. It is also worth noting the model Rosarith Tavil, artist Hip-hop Massari and the owner of three AMMI awards, actor Tony Shaluba. In addition, half the Lebanks (along the Lines of Fathers) are actress Salma Hayek and singer Shakira. In the photo - Georgina Risk (Lebanon) - Miss Universe 1971

Humanity at all times melted beauty. Especially succeeded in this ancient Greeks, which brought a special formula of the beauty of human body. Today, the most beautiful peoples have become easier thanks to the annual contests of the most charming participants from different parts of the world.

Latin American

Six times the Crown "Miss World" was delivered to the winners from Venezuela. Brazil presented show business many famous mannequins and supermodels. The peoples of Latin America are deservedly considered the most beautiful. The cause of leadership is lighted in an ethnic manifold.
The blood of the Latin Americans contains the genotype of the indigenous population, European conquistadors and African slaves. In addition, democratic views contribute to a large number of mixed marriages. So there were ideal conditions for the formation of an attractive appearance of modern Latin Americans. In the photo - Columbia actress Sofia Vergara.


No less often the title "Miss World" conquer excellent representatives of Slavic peoples. Slavic origin unites almost 350 million people in different countries of the world. Girls with Slavic roots often occupy the top lines of all sorts of beauty ratings.
Strict jury members allocate Russian and Ukrainians as the most attractive representatives of the Eastern Slavs. The secret of the beauty of these peoples is deeply rooted in the past, because the mixing of different genotypes in different periods of history led to the formation of diverse types of appearance. In the photo - Russian model Alena Shishkova.


Representatives of the Scandinavian countries are allocated by the characteristic appearance. High, blond, blue-eyed and celebround, they intriguity and fascinate. Representatives of Norway, Denmark, Sweden often fall into the top five beauty contests. In these countries, there are still a lot of natural blondes and blondes, although European multiculturality can radically change the appearance of the residents of Scandinavia. More and more carriers of a completely different genotype appears in these countries. That hour is not far when in the north of Europe, blue-eyed and blond people will be in the minority. In the photo - Swedish model of Elsa Hawk.


The Japanese have long earned recognition as the most beautiful people of East Asia. Almond-shaped eyes and finely defined nose on an oval face attract attention and beneficially distinguish them from Koreans and Chinese. Populations are not rare from the population. The Japanese are obliged to their appearance of the state in ancient times. Although Portuguese navigators opened the Japanese Islands back in 1543, the country of the rising sun did not show an invisible to the ingenians. The situation has changed only in the XIX century, when Japan began to establish external connections with the West. In the photo - Japanese actress Caico Kitagawa.


According to numerous ratings, Indians are the most beautiful people of South Asia. They attract the attention of exotic appearance, which is difficult to call the world characteristic of this part. Scientists suggest that the origins of the appearance of Indians lie in distant antiquity. At about the beginning of the II century BC. e. Indoary tribes settled in the north-west of modern India. Embroidered in neighboring regions, carriers of the Vedic culture mixed with the indigenous population.
Ethnicity has been preserved due to a strict caste hierarchy. Even today, representatives of higher castes have a brightest skin color than in the lower. For modern Indians, chubby lips and big eyes, oval face, iscin-black, straight hair. Usually they are low growth, rarely meet Indian above 185 centimeters. But Sikhi is somewhat allocated on a general background, because they are an average of 5-10 centimeters higher than the average resident of India. In the photo - Indian actress Ria Saint.


Lebanese beauties many times occupied the first places in prestigious international competitions: Miss Universe, Miss International and Miss Intercontinental. And it is not surprising, because the Lebanese is famous for their attractive appearance and has long been recognized as the most beautiful people of the Middle East. Among the immigrants from Lebanon, most of whose population are Arabs, many celebrities. Lebanese roots have a racita model Tavita and lawyer Amal Alamuddin, Shalba Tonny Actors, Salma Hayek, Singers Massari and Shakira. In the photo - the Australian model of Lebanese origin Gabriel Bow Rashid.