Employed in English. Hardening case of nouns in English

Employed in English. Hardening case of nouns in English
Employed in English. Hardening case of nouns in English

The noun in English has two cases: common (Common Case) and Press (Possessive Case).

Common case have all nouns; This is the form in which it is given in the dictionary. In general, the existence does not have a special ending.

Noun B. pretty case Indicates belonging, answers the question of whose? - Whose? and performs the function of determining relative to another noun.

Form pretty case Usually there are animated nouns denoting a living creature to which some subject, quality or sign belongs. It is formed by ending -s.Before which the apostrophe is worth: The Girl girl - The Girl 'S. Bag. bag Girl. If the noun is expressed in multiple numberformed by the classic way, namely by adding the end -s. or -es.then only added apostrof -': her Relatives' House. - House of her relatives.

According to the rules of English grammar, the nouns in the attractive case takes place in front of the nouns to which it serves as a definition. It is transmitted to Russian through a genitive case or adjective adjective. Below are the various ways of expressing a drawing case in English.

If the noun ends on -s.then two options are possible

Dicken. s. novels \u003d dickens. s. Novels.

dickens novels

If the noun in the multiple number ends on -s., then the attractive case is formed by adding apostrophe

worker. s' Caps. caps workers,

cat. s' Paws. paws cats,

nurse. s' Toys. toys Nycycons

Nouns that do not have in the multiple -s., in the attractive case, becomes the end -s.facing the apostrophe

children. 'S. Toys. children's Toys,

mEN. 'S. coats. men's coat

women. 'S. Umbrellas. women umbrellas

If the subject or feature belongs to several persons, then the apostrophe and the end -s. put after the last of them, if each separately, then after each

Ilf and Petrov. 'S. Novel
roman Ilf and Petrov
(i.e. Roman written by them together) ,

Shelly 'S. Andron. 'S. PoEMS.
poems Shelly and Byrona
(i.e. written by them separately)

In complex nouns apostrophe and ending -s. put after the last element


art teacher room,

bag daughter-in-law

Inanimate nouns usually do not have a possessive case

the Roof of this House

roof of this at home

However, cases of consumption of inanimate nouns in a drawing case

a Mile. 'S. Distance distance in Mileu,

a MONTH'S HOLIDAY holiday on the month,

a Five Days' Trip five-day the trip,

the World 'S. Resources.world resources,

the Earth. 'S. Rotationrotation Earth

Absolute consumption of a drawing case

a Dog of My Friend 'S. dog mine friend,

aT HER GRANDMOTHER'S w. ( her) grandmas,

aT The Baker 'S. in Boolean

The noun can serve definition To another noucent and in the case when it is in front of him in general case, i.e. without any change in its form. Such a noun is translated into Russian adjective or nouns in one of the indirect cases: Cane Sugar. cane sugar, sugar. Cane sugarcane, life. Insurance life insurance, payment Agreement payment agreement, cotton. Market. cotton market, tIN Trade. tin trade.

In many cases, the noun is not one, but two or more nouns in the role of determination. In Russian, some of them are translated adclusiveAnd others Nouns in one of the indirect cases: home Market. Prices. prices of the domestic market, meat Price decrease reducing meat price. Accordingly, if a sentence is a few nouns in a row, the latter is the main one, and the previous ones are its definitions: State Power system.system State power.

Noun with preceding nutritious, serving by definition, usually stands in the form of the singular: The five-year. Plan. five-year plan, A. tEN-YEAR. Old Girl ten-year-old girl, A. tEN-POUND. Note. banknote in ten pounds.

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Possessive Case

Pressing case in English is used to indicate accessories.

If the noun is in the singular, then the ending "-" S "add to it is added to it, and if the apostrophe is added in the multiple, then the apostrophe is added.

Using a drawing case

1. Animate items.

Pressing case is consumed mainly with noun, denoting animated objects.

The Student "S Room - Student Room;
The Students "Room - Student Room;
The Student "S Books - Student Books;
The Students "Books - Student Books.

Pressing case can relate not only to a separate noun, but also to the entire group of nouns.

My Girlfriend "s Family - My friend's family;
The Russian Pressident "S DECREE - Decree of the President of Russia.

Frequently used by a possessive case with names.

Jack "S Coat - Jack Coat;
Donald "S House - Donald House;
Maxwell "S Equations - Maxwell Equations.

If the name ends on "s", then the drawing case can be formed either in the usual way, i.e. Add "-" s ", or add only apostrophe.

Doris "[DɒRɪSɪZ] Dress - Doris dress;
Doris "s [DɒRɪSɪZ] Dress - Doris dress.

The name DORIS "and DORIS" S in the attractive case is read equally, with the end of [ɪz].

2. Inanimate items.

Nouns denoting inanimate objects can also take the form of a drawing case. Below are some of them.

2.1 WORLD, NATURE, WATER, EARTH, and others.

The Earth "S Gravity - Earth Gravity;
Water "S Edge - water drever;

2.2 cities, countries, seasons, months.

Moscow "S Streets - Moscow Streets;
Summer "S Day - Summer Day;
Germany "S Policy - German policy.
January "S Frost - January Frost.

2.3 Distance, time.

Yesterday "S News - yesterday's news;
A Kilometer "S Distance - a distance of one kilometer.

Absolute form of a drawing case

Absolute form of a drawing case Example:

I SPENT THE SUMMER AT MY GRANDMOTHER "S. - I spent the summer at my grandmother.

After the noun in the absolute form of a drawing case there is no other noun.

The absolute form of a drawing case can be used when specifying the place.

At My Grandmother "S - grandmother;
AT The Hairdresser "S [HɛɛˌDRɛSəZ] - in a hairdresser.

"S or of apply?

Pressing case indicates belonging. In the assignment case, the end is used "-" s ". But the belonging can be specified with the help of" of "forms.

Ann "s bag
The Bag of Ann

There are no clear rules when applying "-" s ", and when" of "form to indicate an accessory. In general, options with" - "s" look more natural.

Often apply "-" s "shape when the existing owner means an animated object. This is the norm in cases:

1. When the real possession is indicated:

2. Action or quality indication:

The Student "S Work Is Excellent.

Both examples can be rebuilt with the help of the "OF" pretext, it leads to the logical allocation of the noun "Pencil" and "Work":

The Pencil of Ann.
The Work of The Student Is Excelent.

An option with "of" is used necessarily if the form C "-" S "gives a different sense of the sentence.

What is a case? This is a category in grammar, which displays the connection of the nouns with other words in the proposal. About what role plays and how the spelling case of nouns is formed in English - we speak today.

Language history

Padege is an integral "attribute" of the noun. In the distant times, the ancient English language was rich in case. It was attended by nominative, genitive, dative, accusative and efficient case. However, his descendant is modern English, it does not boast so much. In his "Arsenal" there are only two cases - a common (Common Case) and a PRESSESSIVE CASE.


It is not difficult to guess the value of the attractive case. The name speaks for itself: "attract" - belong. In other words, it reflects the belonging of any object, quality or a sign to another subject:

  • The Boy's Ball - the ball of the boy (the boy belongs to the ball);
  • The Doctor's Pen - Doctor's handle (handle belongs to the doctor);
  • The Driver's Car - the driver's machine (the machine belongs to the driver).

It should be noted that only animated nouns have a drawing case in English (Boy - boy, Doctor - Doctor, Driver - Driver). If we are talking about the belonging of one subject to another inanimate subject, it uses a design with a pretext of (The Door of the Car - the car door).


As can be seen from the above examples, drawing nouns in English are formed using apostroph (') and end (-s). The rule is simple and understandable, but not without features and nuances. They are described in detail in the following table:



If the word ends on the letter S, then two options for attaching the apostrophe and ending -S

Robert Burns's PoEMS - Poem of Robert Burns

Robert Burns' PoEMS - Poem of Robert Burns

Nouns in the plural form form a drawing case with one apostrophe

Pupils' Desks - Party Students

Sisters' Hats - Sisters Hats

DOGS 'Tails - Dog Tails

A number of nouns that relate to exceptions and form a multiple number not according to the general rules, the apostrophe and ending "acquire"

Men's SUITS - Costumes Men (Men's Costumes)

Women's Dresses - Women's Dresses (Women's Dresses)

People's Passports - Passports People

If it is necessary to say that the subject is simultaneously belonging to two or more persons, then the apostrophe and ending - s are used after the last

Father And Mother's House - Father and Mother's House (they own the house together)

If the subject belongs to two or more persons, but each separately, the apostrophe and ending - s are used after each noun

Tolstoy's and Dostoevsky's Books - Books of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky (they wrote them separately from each other)

Complicated nouns consisting of two lexemes attach apostrophe and ending

S to the basis of the last element in the group

ticket Inspector's Rules - Rules Controller

Inanimate nouns, denoting distance and time, may have a form of drawing case (Six Monhs' Trip - a six-month trip, a Night's Walk - Night Walk). The exceptions also include combinations consisting of the names of cities, countries, words Earth (Earth), World (Peace), Nature (Nature), Ship (ship): World's End - End of Light, Nature's Protection - Nature Protection.

If you expect a case in English similar to the Russians, you will be disappointed. But you will definitely not be disappointed that everything is very simple with cases in English. English nouns have, not counting the general case, only two case And one form has more.

In English, you can allocate only three cases (Cases), while the first and second coincide in the form of all nouns:

  1. Subjective (subjective) or nominativewhen the noun or pronoun performs the function of the subject;
  2. Object (Objective) or accusablewhen the noun or pronoun performs the function of supplement after the verb or the pretext;
  3. PRESSESSIVE)which shows possession of something.

In the case of noun (nouns), the first and second case are usually united in one - common Case (Common Case). But pronounced (pronouuns) are changing in shape in all three cases.

Subject case

Subject case is used to identify the proposal.Nouns in the subject's case do not change and remain in their original form. The same applies to pronouns:

I. I
You. You you
He. It
She. She is
IT. It / that
We. we
They They are
Who Who


THE TREE FELL ON MY CAR - The tree fell on my car.
Paul Owns This Web Site - Paul owns this site.
I Hope to Finish My Homework Tomorrow - I hope to finish your homework tomorrow.
She Enjoyed Her English Lessons - She enjoyed English lessons.
HE IS Very Bad Person - He is a very bad person.

Objective case

Refers to the addition. Supplement is something to which subject to directly sends its action. In English, the noun or pronoun, which is an indirect or direct addition, always stands in the object.

Nouns in the object case in shape do not differ from the subject, but change:

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Me. Me, me
You. You / you, you / you
Him. Him, Him
HER. She, her
IT. It
US. Us, us
Them. Them
Whom Kom.


Robert Fixed The Car - Robert repaired the car.
I WANT A NEW BOOK - I want a new book.
All My Friends CelebrateD Thanksgiving Day - All my friends celebrated Thanksgiving.


The task of the assistant case (Possessive Case) in English - to show that someone or something belongs.

Nouns in the attractive case acquire a number of features:

  • show the object's belonging, answering the question "Whose?";
  • always stand in front of another, defined nouns;
  • always are animated (for inanimately used common case and preposition of OF).

Possessive Case education is true: At the end of the noun the apostrophe and the letter S ('s) is added in the singular:

IT IS GIRL'S Guinea Pig - This is a guinea pig girl.

If the noun in the only number ends on "s", then two versions of the formation of a masculine form are allowed:

  • add to the end of the word only apostrophe;
  • add apostrophe with letter 's.

However, the differences here are only written - orally both options sound the same:

James '[' Geimsiz] Wife Is a Pretty Woman - James's wife beauty.
James's ['geimsiz] Dog Bit a Rat - James's dog bit the rat.

To the noun in the plural with the end of "S" In the formation of a presumptive form, only apostrophe is added. In this case, pronunciation does not change:

Boys Play X-Box - Boys are playing in the X-Box.
BOYS 'X-BOX IS BROKEN - X-Box boys broken.
Alex 'X-Box - X-Box Alex.

If it is not formed using the endings "S" and "ES"The most attractive form is formed standard - with 's.

PEOPLE'S BEHAVIOR IS Very Strange - The behavior of people is very strange.
A BEARD IS AN Important Component of Men's Style - Beard is an important component of the male style.

Pronouns (PRONOUNS) in the attractive case take the following form:

MY. My
Your. Yours, yours
HER. Her
Its. His
Their Them
Whose Whose

How to read the end of a presumptive case

  1. After the deaf consonant sounds in the treachery - S:

  2. After the voiced consonants and vowels in the assignment case - z:

  3. After S, SS, J, SH, Z, CH and X (as well as the use of the apostrophe without s) in the asstensive case - IZ:
    Charles's, Waitress ', Sanchez's, Wings'

Common Case (Common Case)

The noun in the general case there is no individual endings. In the form of a general case, the noun is written in dictionaries. With in other words, it is associated with the help of prepositions and a place that occupies in the proposal. In general case, the noun can be without a preposition and with a pretext.

Noun without pretext

  1. In Russian, the nouns without the pretext are translated depending on the place that occupies in the proposal. Non-identity case (what? Who?) - a noun, which is facing the leakage, is translated into the nominative case, being subject to.

    THE PUPIL ASKED THE TEACHER - the student asked the teacher.
  2. The accusative case (what? Who?) - the noun, which is standing after the fag, is translated into a vinegenous case without an excuse, speaking as a direct addition.

    THE PUPIL ASKED THE STUDENT - The teacher asked the student.
  3. Conductive case (what? Who?) - a noun without an excuse that stands between the taught and direct addition, translates into a dutiful case without an excuse, being an indirect addition.

    The Teacher Showed The Pupil a Picture - The teacher showed the student drawing.

Noun with pretext

The noun with pretexts expresses relations that Russian indirect cases are transmitted without prepositions or with pretexts.

  1. Parental case (what? Who?) - Of, From. The noun here is the definition of the preceding noun.

    She Had Received A Gift From Her Boyfriend - She received a gift from his boyfriend.
  2. Conductive case (what? To whom?) - To, for. The noun here is an indirect addition.

    YOU GAVE THE BALL TO MY BROTHER - You gave the ball to my brother.
    SHE BOUGHT A CAR FOR HER SON - She bought the car to his son.
  3. Certificate case (what? "Who?) - BY, WITH.

    The noun with the pretext is still a proposed addition and denotes the current force (after the verb in the assistant pledge):

    America Was Discovered by Columbus - America was opened by Columbus.

    The noun with the pretext of WITH is a proposed addition and denotes the subject to which the action is performed:

    Molly Usually Eats With This Fork - Molly usually eats this fork.
  4. The proposed case (about which? Ov?) - about, of. The noun is a proposed indirect addition.

    HE TOLD US ABOUT THE PLAY - He told us about this play.
    Maggy SPOKE OF COMICS AND FOOD - Maggie spoke about comics and food.

Video about cases in English:

It is used in writing and oral speech, it arises more often from those who seriously engaged in the study of this subject. Now it has become necessary to own a foreign language. And it is possible to own them at a high level only if you thoroughly study the grammatical features of the language. Here we need information about how many cases have nouns in English, as they are formed and when they need to be applied. It is about this that we are going to talk in this article.

Concept of case

To begin with, let's deal with what are the cases in English. Table, examples of consumption and translation options will not give us a complete understanding of the topic, since everything is taken briefly, compressed and designed for an experienced user. It is necessary to carefully examine each case separately and understand the similarity and difference from the case of paders in Russian. It is necessary to facilitate the assimilation of the material. So, in English there are two pades:

  1. The shared case, which is named Common Case.
  2. Padge is a Possessive Case translated as Possessive Case.

What is the case in itself? This is a grammatical trick that helps express the ratio of nouns to other words in the proposal. Initially, in ancient English, there were several cases similar to the Russians:

  • nominative;
  • genitive;
  • dative;
  • accusative;
  • instrumental.

But over time, changes in the linguite, most of the case dropped, only two remained. We are dealing with them until now. This cannot but rejoice in the language, as the understanding and consumption of words in the proposal was significantly eradiced.

Common case

Discussing the topic of how many cases in English will appropriate to begin with a common case. This grammatical nuance does not affect the form of a word, while it is so foggy that words can be used in different situations and contexts. General case has two applications:

  1. As a subject of action, mainly performing the function of subject to the proposal: The Frog Jumps High. He Swims Fast.
  2. As an object of action, acting as a recipient. I GAVE IT to the MAN. HE CALLED US AT 4.

It should be noted that the noun this distinction does not have any influence. It stood in its form, so it will stand in the same form. But with the pronouns, the situation is different. From what function they perform are, they are object or subject, their form depends. This we will see clearly on the examples in the table.

I Bough A Car. I bought a car.

HE GAVE ME A BOOK. He gave me a book.

HE BOUGHT A CAR. He bought a car.

HE GAVE HIM A BOOK. He gave him a book.

SHE BOUGHT A CAR. She bought a car.

HE GAVE HER A BOOK. He gave her a book.

IT Bought A Car. It (Enterprise) bought a car.

HE GAVE IT A BOOK. He gave him a book.

WE BOUGHT A CAR. We bought the car.

HE GAVE US A BOOK. He gave us a book.

THEY BOUGHT A CAR. They bought the car.

He Gave Them a Book. He gave them a book.

You Bough A Car. You (you) bought a car.

He Gave You a Book. He gave you a book.

Here at such simple examples it is seen a difference in the form of pronoun. As for nouns, their form does not change. The meaning of the word and its attitude to other words in the proposal we define on the place in the order of words. This factor makes English one of the easiest to explore. In addition to the established order of words, there are also pretexts that help to understand what role the noun is playing in the sentence.

For example:

  • THEY MADE IT WITH A KNIFE. They made it a knife.The WITH pretext helps to correctly determine the function of the word "knife".
  • He goes to school. He goes to school.Preposition to also helps to correctly interpret the use of the word "school".


Next, speaking about how many cases in English, we go to the second case - the assistant. Already from the name it becomes clear to what question he answers: whose? whose? whose? whose? For the designation of this pronouction uses special attracted shapes:

Personal pronoun



John Kissed My Hand. John kissed my hand.

I Saw His Mother. I saw his mom.

HE MADE HER PHONE. He made her phone.

WE LOOKED AT ITS WINDOW. We looked at his (factory) window.

Our city is big. Our city is big.

This is your school. This is your school.

All Their Toys Are Broken. All their toys are broken.

So things are when it comes to pronouns. Another picture of nouns names. There are two options for the expression of this case:

  1. Using apostrophe and ending -s.
  2. Application of the pretext of.

If the noun is animate, then the first option is applied here. For example, mother Bag - Mother's Bag, book Brother - Brother's Book etc. At the same time, it is the apostrophe that shows that and to whom it belongs. If the noun is not alive, then use the first option incorrectly, and the preposition comes to the rescue, for example: the Door of The Room - the door of the room, The Part of the Story - part of the story etc.

Features of the case

Continuing to discuss how many cases in English, we should not forget about the peculiarities and exceptions that are so famous for English. So, there are several nuances that need to be remembered:

  • if the word consists of two or more parts, the assignment will be added only to the last: passer-by's Ticket - Persozhden Ticket;
  • if this form relates not to one, but to several words, the ending will also be added at the end of the phrase: father and Mother's Room - Mom's Room and Pope;
  • if the noun is in the plural, only apostrophe is added to it: sisters' Dinner - Lunch Sisters.


There are a number of inanimate words to whom it is possible to apply the assignment of -S:

  • time and distance measurement: today's Bus - today's bus;
  • cities, countries: Russian's Industry - Russia industry;
  • newspapers, organizations: Obsce's Car - OSCE Machine;
  • the words: nation, Country, City, Town, Ship, Car, Boat, Nature, Water, Ocean;
  • months, seasons: winter's Weather - Winter Weather;
  • planets: JUPITER'S LIGHT - Light Jupiter;
  • condemned phrases.

Speaking about how many cases in English, the number of exceptions should also be taken into account. This is the most important point. After all, everyone knows: it is not so important to learn the rule as its exceptions.

Application of predictions

Also, English cases in practice help express prepositions. There are several of the most popular predictions that transmit the value of the denational and

  • Preposition to. Shows the direction of action and transmits a denational case: She goes to Mike. She goes to the shirt.
  • Preposition with. Used in order to show the use of a certain object or tool, and transfers the cooling case: She Was Killed with a Knife. She was killed by a knife.
  • Preposition by. Indicates whom or what is the action takes: THEY SAW A BAG CARRIED BY A MAN. They saw the bag that man carried.

As you can see, with such disadvantages of English grammar, it is possible to transmit all the necessary information in both written and orally.