Math game to add a shape from triangles. Tangram: schemes and shapes

Math game to add a shape from triangles.  Tangram: schemes and shapes
Math game to add a shape from triangles. Tangram: schemes and shapes

Equal shapes are added using both blue triangles and triangles of other colors. The help of the black lines is not great; blue figures and figures of other colors are arranged by placing next to each other; figures of equal area are placed next to each other and surround them with a border of ribbon, thus separating them from other figures. The matching ribbons are in baskets in boxes with structural triangles; find other shapes by moving and overturning figures; add arbitrary geometric shapes from all triangles; fold a geometric figure of the largest possible area; form as few quadrangles as possible. Lessons with triangles provide ample opportunities for knowledge due to the numerous relationships of individual figures with each other;

    drawing, coloring, cutting shapes; ordering figures that have equal area; ordering shapes that have the same color and shape; colored triangles are placed on a nearby table, blue ones are on the carpet. The child leaves a mark next to a blue triangle and brings the corresponding colored triangle.
Oral lesson. The names of the figures have already been given in the exercises with the geometric chest of drawers, since the figures of the material constructive triangles are always composed of two or more parts. Application:
    the well-known collective game with other tasks, for example: "I see what you do not see. It is triangular, it is square, it is rectangular"; the child chooses a quadrangle and looks for an object of a similar shape in his environment, for example, he takes a rectangle and finds a rectangular table surface; flat figure with the help of ribbons breaks into triangles.
The child understands that a rectangle can be made up of two triangles. Similar exercises should be carried out with figures from all the other boxes. Triangular box. How to work with the material. The triangles are interspersed on the carpet. The teacher puts a gray equilateral triangle in front of the child. He asks the child to choose from the remaining triangles those that are the same in color and shape and put them together. The teacher takes two green triangles and folds them in black lines towards each other. Then he does the same with the yellow and red triangles. The child learns how to build an equilateral triangle from right-angled, obtuse and equilateral triangles. Finally, he puts a gray triangle on each of the constructed triangles and shows by this that they are all equal. Control over errors. Black lines and a gray equilateral triangle. Further exercises:
    add one large equilateral triangle from all triangles; fold other large figures, for example, a trapezoid, rhombus, parallelogram; put the compound triangle on the colored one and circle it, then removing the small triangles of which it consists one by one. Run a pencil along the vacant sides each time. Cut the resulting triangles; circle and cut out the gray equilateral triangle. Individual parts, for example, red triangles, can be circled and cut out. Experiment with them and find shapes that have equal areas, but different shapes. Large hexagonal box.
How to work with the material. All triangles are mixed on the table. The teacher places a large yellow triangle in front of the child. He draws along the black lines and asks the child to attach other yellow triangles to the large triangle according to the black lines. It turns out a hexagon. The teacher then removes the large yellow triangle. The child places other yellow triangles in the vacant space. The red triangles add up to each other. It turns out a rhombus. The child tries in various ways to superimpose it on the hexagon. Then the child puts gray triangles close to each other so that a parallelogram is obtained. It can be compared to a rhombus and a hexagon. Creates a hexagon from triangles and rhombuses. Control over errors. Black lines and comparison with compound shapes. Further exercises:
    fold large figures, for example, a triangle, a trapezoid; combinations with figures from a triangular box; by turning and overlapping, find figures that have equal areas, but different shapes. Small hexagonal box
How to work with the material. The triangles are interspersed on the carpet. The child sorts them by color and shape. The teacher places a yellow triangle in the middle of the rug. He proposes to attach three red triangles to this triangle. This makes a hexagon. Then the teacher removes the yellow triangle. The child fills the vacant space with other red triangles. Then the teacher asks the child to put the gray triangles together. The child compares two hexagons. Finally, the child folds the green triangles together along the black lines to form a trapezoid. The child tries in all possible ways to impose this trapezoid on the red and gray hexagons. From equilateral red triangles, the child makes a rhombus and in various ways imposes it on the red and gray hexagons. Control over errors. Black lines and comparison with compound hexagons. Further exercises:- combinations with all boxes. It is possible to compose more figures the same shape eg hexagons, squares, rectangles. Construction of hexagons from triangles, trapezoids. 3.4.4. GEOMETRIC BODIES Material: Basket, shawl, 9 blue geometric bodies: ball, ellipsoid, egg, cylinder, pyramid, cone, parallelepiped, cube, triangular prism. A box with plates in the form of the bases of the listed geometric bodies: 3 squares, 2 circles, 2 rectangles, 1 equilateral triangle 1 isosceles triangle. Direct target: emphasize on geometric bodies and them characteristics. Indirect goal: preparation for stereometry. Age: about three years. How to work with the material. The teacher chooses different bodies, for example, a ball, a cone, a cube. He turns them in his hands and tries to clearly show the differences between them, rolling and overturning them. You need to pay attention to curved and flat surfaces. Gradually, all bodies are included in the exercise. Error control occurs when working on material. Oral lesson. Roll - overturn. It is advisable to conduct this oral lesson before further exercises. Further exercises:
    the bodies lie in a covered basket. The child puts his hand into it, feels some body, says whether this body rolls or overturns, and pulls it out; the child closes his eyes. The teacher gives him some kind of body. The child feels it and returns it to the teacher, who places it among other bodies. The child opens his eyes and must now recognize this body again without feeling; the child forms a set (groups) of bodies that can only roll, which can stand, which can stand and roll. A game that clarifies the concept of sets. The dividing set!
    the child looks for objects from his environment that roll or overturn, and arranges them in accordance with these properties; on two rugs there is one geometric body each time. The child is looking for an object of a similar shape: for example, a ball, a bead, a ball of yarn look like a ball; on a cube - a children's cube, some kind of box.
How to work with the material. For the introduction of the boards, which have the shape of the bases of geometric bodies, the teacher takes the boards from the box and puts them on the table. He chooses some geometric body, compares its lower base with the planks and selects the corresponding plank. He does the same with all other geometric bodies. Three planks remain superfluous, since one geometric body can have different bases. They must then be additionally positioned near the corresponding bodies. Control over errors. Planks that repeat the shape of the bases of the bodies and the corresponding bases of the bodies must match. Oral lesson. The names of the various bodies are reported in a three-step lesson. They start with well-known bodies, for example, a ball, a cube. Further exercises:
    put on one foundation all the bodies that correspond to it; find a set of bodies with a rectangular base or side face. A game in which ideas about sets are clarified; find a body with rectangular and square side faces; build a row of all bodies so that two standing next to the bodies had something in common; bodies are distributed to children. One child pronounces their names, other children bring bodies; bodies, the names of which are known to the child, are placed in a basket and covered with a handkerchief. The child feels the body, names it and takes it out of the basket; name the body and find it in a closed basket.
Application. Two rugs. Each has one geometric body, for example, a cylinder and a cube. The child selects similar bodies from Montessori materials and arranges them. The child discovers that geometric bodies are often found in Montessori materials. 3.5. MATERIALS FOR DIVISION OF STRUCTURAL SURFACES AND MATERIALS 3.5.1. KEYBOARD (ROUGH - SMOOTH) Material: A board (24 cm x 12 cm), which is divided into 2 squares. One square is smoothly lacquered, the other is covered with rough paper. A board (24 cm x 12 cm), which is divided into 9 equal strips. They are alternately lacquered or covered with rough paper. Direct target: development of touch. Learn the different qualities of surfaces. Indirect goal: development of fine motor skills, preparation for writing. Age: about three years. How to work with the material. The teacher takes the first board. He shows how with the fingers of one hand with a relaxed wrist, slowly and easily from top to bottom, first, first along one, then along the other surface. Does this several times. The child repeats the exercise. Then the teacher takes the second board, again lightly touches the surface, but now only with the index and middle fingers, since the gap is very narrow. It starts from one edge of the board and then goes from one gap to the other. Fingertip sensitivity can be improved by washing your hands in warm water. The touch should be light, as if the fingers are hovering above the surface. Error control: different qualities of rough and smooth surfaces. Further exercises. First touch all rough, then all smooth surfaces. Oral lesson. Rough - smooth. The teacher closes his eyes, touches the rough surface with his fingers and says: "Rough." Better concentration when touching. Then he touches a smooth surface and says, "Smooth." He does this several times and encourages the child to repeat (1st step). "Show me rough, show me smooth!" (2nd stage). The teacher asks the child, "How does this surface feel to the touch?" The child answers: "Rough." "What does the other surface feel like?" - "Smooth" (3rd stage). Application. The teacher asks the child: "Find something rough in the room!"; "Find something smooth!" 3.5.2. FEEL BOARD (LARGE - SMALL) Material: a box with 10 boards (10 cm x 9 cm), which are covered with 5 grades of rough paper. They are the same in pairs. Direct target: development of the sense of touch, learn the different qualities of rough surfaces. Indirect goal: development of fine motor skills. Age: about three years. How to work with the material... The teacher places both series separately on the table. He selects a plate from one series, feels it, then searches by feeling for a suitable plate in another series and places it next to it. This is what he does with all the other tablets. Then he invites the child to repeat the exercise. For an untrained child, the number of couples can be reduced. The kid does this exercise with open eyes very quickly, since each pair also differs from the other in color. In further work, the teacher takes one series of boards and mixes them. Now he searches for the board with the coarsest grain surface and places it aside. From the remaining boards, he again selects the board with the coarse-grained surface and places it next to the first. So the exercise is continued until a uniformly ordered row is obtained. Error control: through repeated control with the help of touch and visually. Further exercises: Graduation begins not with contrasts, but in the middle of the row. Oral lesson. It is dedicated the following concepts: large - small, large - larger - the largest, small - smaller - the smallest, larger than - smaller than. Application. The teacher takes the board, shows it to the child and suggests: "Find something bigger!"; "Find something smaller!" (Preparatory environment!) 3.5.3. BOX WITH PIECES OF FABRIC Material: the drawer contains a number of pieces of tissue that are identical in pairs. They differ in the quality of the fabric, color or pattern. Blindfold. Direct target: development of touch. Indirect goal: development of fine motor skills. Age: about three years. How to work with the material. The teacher takes pieces of fabric from the drawer and places them on the table, arranging them in pairs. He puts two pairs of very different fabrics in front of the child, takes the pieces one by one in his hand and feels them with a large and forefinger... Invites the child to do the same. Now he mixes the pieces, gives one of them in the hands of the child, the child must feel it and choose the same one among the rest of the pieces. Gradually, one after another, other pairs are withdrawn. Fabrics can also be distinguished visually. the child should do the exercise quickly with closed eyes... This results in better concentration on the touch. Error control: by re-comparing pieces of tissue using touch and visually. Further exercises:- the child is asked to put together pairs of fabrics that are similar to the touch; - the child arranges the fabrics according to the type of weaving. Oral lesson: smooth fabric - rough fabric, hard fabric - soft fabric, thick fabric - thin fabric, coarse weave - gentle weave, loose weave - strong weave. These concepts are communicated in a three-step lesson. Distinguishing between materials such as silk, wool, cotton and man-made fibers. Application:
    the child examines the properties of the fabrics from which his clothes are sewn (smooth - rough, thick - thin, etc.); the child checks what material his clothes are made of; the child is trying to determine the properties of other textiles in the room.
3.6. MATERIALS FOR DISTINCTION OF WEIGHT 3.6.2. HEAVY PLATES Material. In a drawer with three shelves, there are 3 series of 6 cm x 6 cm plates. Each series is made of wood of the same species, different from the wood species of the other two series. Therefore, they have different weights and different color... Direct goal: the development of a sense of heaviness. Age: about three years. How to work with the material. The teacher selects a limited number of tablets from the lightest and heaviest series and places them in a pile on the table. Now he shows the child how to weigh the plates. Stretches out his hand slightly forward. The hand should not touch the body and the table. Places one of the plates on the loose ends of the fingers, and easily moves his hand and brush up and down. Then the teacher does it with the other hand. The tablets must be placed very carefully on the fingertips, otherwise the feeling of heaviness is lost. Now the child takes a tablet in each hand. He weighs them and compares the weight. At first, this happens with open eyes. The actual exercise is carried out with closed eyes. Due to the difference in wood species, the child can also visually distinguish the plates. The teacher asks the child if he noticed the difference. "Were the signs equally heavy?"; "Was one harder?" He invites the child to put all the plates of the same weight together. Then encourages the child to weigh and arrange the next two tablets. This continues until all the tablets are sorted. Now the child can do the exercise with two full series. Error control: by re-comparing the labels by weighing and visually. Further exercises
    the teacher shows the child how to weigh several plates at the same time. Each time the child compares an equal number of tablets from each series. The difference in weight is stronger and clearer; the child exercises with two series that have less difference, for example, with series 1 and 2-f; with series 2 and 3; - to master the middle series. The teacher takes a tablet from it and compares all the other tablets with it. He puts the lighter ones on one side, the heavier ones on the other, and the equal in weight in the middle.
Oral lesson. Heavy - light. The teacher takes one of the light and one of the heavy tablets, weighs them at the ends of the fingers and says: "Of these two tablets, this one is light and this one is heavy." He puts the tablets in the hands of the child and offers to weigh them. Then he says, "Which plate is light?"; "Which sign is heavy?" Can be repeated with two other plates of the second series. The teacher points to the tablet and asks: "What is this tablet? What is that tablet?" The child calls the properties heavy - light. Now the child compares the middle series with any other and learns that the concepts of heavy and light are only relative. Hard - Harder - Hardest. The teacher places a heavy and light tablet in the child's hands and asks him to say which tablet is heavy. Then he replaces the light plate with a slightly heavier one and asks the child, "What is heavier now?" It is important that the exercise is carried out with a different number of plates of the same series. He puts a lot of heavy tablets on his hand at the same time and asks: "What's the hardest thing now?" He does this each time with different stacks of heavy tablets, until the child is confidently oriented in terms of heavy - heavier - heaviest. Lightweight - lighter - lightest. The teacher puts the child in his arms a certain amount of- about 6 plates of heavy and light series and offers to determine through weighing which plates are light. Then he removes the heavy plates and places about 3 light plates on the child's hand instead. He asks: "Which is easier?" Then he puts a single light plate on the child's hand and offers to determine through weighing what is the easiest. Repeats similar actions until the child learns the concepts easy - easier - the easiest. Application: - the child brings a set of objects and puts them on the table. Selects one of them and compares its weight with the weight of other items. Arranges them according to the concepts of lighter - harder - of the same severity. These exercises can be done with weights; - the child arranges objects by arranging them in a row. The weight of objects in a row decreases or increases; - children weigh and determine what is lighter, heavier or of equal weight. At the same time, the child clearly understands the relativity of the concepts light - heavy. The child weighs individual plates on a scale and compares their weight. In doing so, he puts them on different scales; - the child weighs the plates using weights. He compares the weight of the individual plates. If he can, he records their weight; - the child puts several plates on the scales at the same time; - the child tries to balance a certain number of plates of one series with plates of another series. 3.7. MATERIALS FOR Distinguishing Noise and Sounds 3.7.1. NOISE BOXES Material. It consists of two boxes of 6 boxes each. The pod noise scale covers noises from low to loud. On one side, these boxes have a red or blue lid. They are filled various materials and make different noises when shaken. Each box with a red lid is identical to a certain box with a blue lid. Direct target: perception and differentiation of noise differences. Indirect goal: motor training, development of auditory memory, preparation for the perception of music. During this preparation, you need to pay attention to the various noises in the surrounding world. Age: about three years. How to work with the material. Boxes of the same series were taken out of the box and placed on the table. The teacher takes the box, shakes it up and down, and listens carefully to the noise. This is how the child is taught the shaking technique. When repeating, he closes his eyes. The child's interest will be drawn to the action. Now the teacher takes the boxes from another box. Boxes with red lids are placed on one side of the table, the series with blue lids on the other side. This way a higher concentration is achieved. He picks up one box from each episode. Through alternate concussion, he compares them to each other. Completing the assignment. If the noises of both boxes do not match, he puts one box back a little apart from the others. The exercise is repeated with other boxes of the same series. This continues until a box with the same noise is found. Places a pair of selected boxes in the middle between two series. The teacher continues until all the boxes are paired. The teacher encourages the child to repeat the exercise, mixes the boxes and then invites the child to work while he watches him closely. Establishing the final situation has the character of motivation. With an untrained child, exercise is limited to two, three or four pairs. Error control: acoustic or by markings on the underside of the boxes. Further exercises:- mark one box. The child chooses a box from another series with the same noise; - the child puts a series of boxes on two different tables, takes one box, shakes it and puts it a little aside from the series. Using auditory memory, he finds a suitable box on another table and organizes them. This game can also be played as a game of partners with each other; - boxes of one series are distributed to six children. The teacher shakes a box from another series. The child who holds the box with the same noise brings it to the teacher; - all 12 boxes are distributed. Each child listens to the noise of his box. He tries to find a child whose box makes the same noise; - the teacher chooses from any series the box with the quietest, loudest and intermediate noises. He puts them next to each other on the table. Achieving a distinct sound and comparing noises, it demonstrates the gradation of loudness. The following exercises are line drawing exercises. First of all, it looks for the loudest, then the quietest noise and determines the average by comparing it with the first two noises. Constant comparison is important to understand the problem. It prevents purely mechanical ordering. The teacher checks again, mixes the boxes again and asks the child to repeat the exercise shown. If the child has learned to classify 3 boxes, then you can enter the rest one after the other. Each new box is compared with all boxes already classified and ranked relative to them. The number of boxes for classification is determined according to the child's ability and interest; - gradation of another series and its comparison with the first series. Three-step lesson. 1st stage."Give me a box with a quiet noise!" 2nd stage."Give me a box with a loud noise!" Before answering, the child checks the noises of the boxes by shaking them again. "What is this noise? What is that noise?" 3rd stage. The teacher chooses another pair and says: "Give me a box with a loud noise out of these two." From here the child should learn the relativity of the concepts loud - quiet. He puts the boxes next to each other in front of everyone else and repeats the exercise. Loud - Louder - Loudest. Quiet - quieter - quietest. The teacher selects the boxes with the three loudest noises. He compares the quietest of them with some noise, which is clearly quieter (the last one is chosen from the three remaining boxes). He shakes both boxes in turn and says: "This one is loud!" (1st stage). He leaves the quieter box aside. Now he compares the first box with the other two and says, "This one is louder. This one is the loudest!" The second and third steps of the lesson can only relate to the growth of forms. They come from a basic form that expresses the concept of loud in comparison to the previous box with slightly different loudness. Other noises can be named only by comparison with the first noise. In a similar way, the concepts are introduced: quiet - quieter - the quietest. Louder than - quieter than. The teacher selects three boxes. It compares the average noise to two other noises. He says, "This one is louder than this. This one is quieter than this." Error control:

Regular polygons have been considered a symbol of beauty and perfection since ancient times. Of all polygons with a given number of sides, the most pleasing to the eye is a regular polygon, in which all sides are equal and all angles are equal. One of these polygons is a square, or in other words, a square is a regular quadrilateral.
There are several ways to define a square: a square is a rectangle with all sides are equal and a square is a rhombus with all angles are straight.

From school course geometry is known:
1 the square has all sides equal,
2 all corners are straight,
The 3 diagonals are equal, mutually perpendicular, the intersection point is halved and the corners of the square are halved.
4 The square has a symmetry that gives it simplicity and a certain perfection of form: the square serves as a standard when measuring the areas of all figures.
This is a small part of what can be revealed in this question, because modern mathematics knows a lot of interesting and useful properties square. Therefore, the goal of this abstract is an:
1 to study in more detail the properties of the square,
2 consider geometric methods cutting a square,
3 justify the possibilities of transforming figures by cutting a square,
4 find various options for constructions that can be reproduced by folding a square sheet of paper, and identify the advantages in this type of constructions.
When studying this topic, we used articles from books and magazines devoted to specific issues of metatics.
VF Kagan "On the transformation of polyhedra". This book provides a proof of F. Bolai's theorem using the example of a square.
In the book "Amazing Square" B.A. Kordemsky and N.V. Rusalev, the proofs of some properties of a square are presented in detail, an example of a "perfect square" and the solution of one problem on cutting a square by the Arab mathematician of the 10th century Abul Vefa are given.
In the book by I. Lehmann "Fascinating Mathematics" collected several dozen problems, among which there are those whose age is estimated in thousands of years. From this book in the abstract were used problems for cutting a square.
Books by Ya. I. Perelman are among the most accessible of the books on entertaining math... The book "Entertaining Geometry" popularly expounds the question of figures with the largest area for a given perimeter or with the smallest perimeter for a given area.
For a complete understanding of the construction by bending a square square of a sheet of paper, the book by I.N. Sergeeva "Apply Mathematics".

The square has two practical properties:
The perimeter of a square is less than the perimeter of any rectangle of the same size,
The area of ​​a square is larger than the area of ​​any rectangle with the same perimeter.

Fig. 1
In his book "Amazing Square" B.A. Kordemsky and N.V. Rusalev describe in detail the evidence for these properties.
To prove the first property, the perimeter of the square ABCD, with side x, of a given area (Fig. 1) was compared with any rectangle BEFG, with a larger side y, of the same area. Obviously, y is greater than x,; then the other side of z is certainly less than x. The drawing shows that ABEK is a common part for both a square and a rectangle; there remain two equal rectangles AKFG and KESD, i.e. AG.FG = DC.KD. But since FGKD or y-x> x-z. Hence, y + z> 2x and 2y + 2z> 4x, that is, the perimeter of any rectangle equal to the square is greater than the perimeter of the square. This means that among all rectangles of equal size, the square has the smallest perimeter.
To prove the second property, the authors of the book used a method when they prove converse theorems - by contradiction.
Given a square whose perimeter is p and whose area is q. Suppose there is a rectangle whose perimeter is also p and whose area is Q> q. Then the authors built a new square, equal in size to this rectangle, that is, with an area that is also equal to Q, and, therefore, greater than the area of ​​this square. But according to the previous theorem, the perimeter of the new square p These properties can be considered practical, because they can be used in life situations... For example, if you need to enclose a piece of land with a hedge, fence or trellis a certain area so that the length of the fence is as small as possible, and the fenced area should be rectangular, but with any aspect ratio. Translated into exact, mathematical language, this means: which of the rectangles of a given area has the smallest perimeter?
In the book "Entertaining geometry" Ya.I. Perelman provides examples and popular questions about figures with the largest area for a given perimeter or with the smallest perimeter for a given area

A square inscribed in a square has some peculiarities.
a) b) v)
Rice. 2.
If we connect in series the midpoints of the sides of the square ABCD (Fig. 2, a) with segments, we get a new square EFKL, the area of ​​which is half the area of ​​this square ABCD.
If you cut off four right-angled triangles located at the corners of the square ABCD. The sum of their areas is also half the area of ​​the square ABCD. If we take the area of ​​the square ABCD as a unit, then the sum of the areas of the cut triangles is equal to Ѕ.
If you inscribe the square A B C D in the remaining square EPKL in the same way (Fig. 2, b) and again cut off the four triangular corners. The sum of the areas of the cut triangles is Ѕ the area of ​​the square
EFKL and, therefore, ј the area of ​​the square ABCD. Repeating this technique (Fig. 2, c), four more triangles are obtained, the sum of the areas of which will be ⅛ of the area of ​​the square ABCD.
Applying this technique any number of times, all new fours of right triangles will be obtained, with which you can again lay out the original square. The sums of the areas of the fours of triangles represent an infinite series of numbers.
Ѕ, ј ,⅛…

This curious problem was not solved for a long time, and many thought that it was impossible to solve it.
In terms of content, this is the problem of making a square from several squares, but this time without cutting them into pieces and further complicated by the requirement that the sides of the squares be expressed by non-repeating integers. The number of these squares is irrelevant.

Fig. 3
Dividing a square into a finite number of non-overlapping squares, no two of which are equal, is called perfect squaring, and a square made up of non-repeating squares is called a perfect square.
Some mathematicians have suggested that perfect squaring of the square is impossible. One of these mathematicians was G. Steinhaus, who argued in his book "Mathematical Kaleidoscope" that "it is not known whether it is possible to break a square into non-repeating squares."
Since this was only allowed by mathematicians, but was not proved, the search for a solution continued, and a little more than ten years ago, in foreign mathematical journals, finally, squares composed of non-repeating squares appeared. In his book "Amazing Square" Kordemsky BA and Rusalev N.V. presented a square, consisting of 26 unequal squares (Fig. 3). (The numbers in the figure indicate the lengths of the sides of the corresponding squares). Kordemsky and Rusalev write that you can also make a square from 28 non-repeating squares, etc.
The question of whether 26 is the smallest possible number of squares to form a perfect square remains not entirely clear.

A square is very similar to a mechanism with well-fitted parts, which can be disassembled and a new mechanism assembled from the same parts.
In order to compose it again from the finished parts of the square or to compose several other, pre-specified figures, no calculations and constructions are needed.
From the finished parts of the square, you can add not only polygons, but also make a right-angled or equilateral triangle, regular pentagon or hexagon, three or five squares, etc.
In the language of geometry, this means: to find those geometric constructions with the help of which the square is cut, and to prove that the required figure can be made from the obtained parts.
This formulation of the question immediately turns each puzzle into a more interesting, but also more difficult geometric problem of "cutting" figures. The originality of this kind of problems is in their certain uncertainty. For example, let us formulate the puzzle from the book "Fascinating Mathematics" by I. Lehmann as the following geometric problem: to show how to divide a given square with straight-line cuts so that by arranging the parts obtained, it would be possible to make three solid squares equal to each other.
In this problem, nothing is said about how to cut a given square and into how many parts - hence the uncertainty.
It is desirable that the number of cuts be as small as possible, although this number is not known in advance, and it is also unknown whether it can be established by any preliminary calculations. Usually, the number of divisions depends on the cutting method, that is, on those geometric constructions that were used to solve the problem.
In search of the smallest number of divisions, you can use a variety of construction techniques and thereby obtain different solutions to the same problem of cutting a given figure. Thus, when solving such problems, a wide opportunity opens up for the manifestation of resourcefulness and initiative, the development of geometric intuition.

The tasks of transforming one figure into another by rearranging the cut parts have been dealt with in ancient times. They arose from the needs of practitioners, land surveyors and builders architectural structures the ancient world... Practical techniques and rules appeared that were not substantiated by evidence, and it is natural that many of them were incorrect, erroneous.
One of the most remarkable Arab mathematicians, Abul Vefa, who lived in the 10th century, solved a number of problems related to the geometric transformation of figures. In the essay "The Book of geometric constructions”, Which has come down to us not completely, in the lists of his students, Abul Vefa writes:
“In this book we will deal with the decomposition of figures; This question is necessary for many practitioners and is the subject of their special research. We come to such questions when we need to decompose the squares so that we get smaller squares, or when we need to make a large square out of several squares. In view of this, we will give the basic principles that relate to these issues, since all the methods used by the workers, not based on any principles, are not trustworthy and very erroneous; meanwhile, on the basis of such methods, they perform different actions. "
At one of the meetings of geometers and practitioners Abul Vefe, a problem was proposed:
Make a square of three equal squares.
Abul Vefa cut squares I and II along the diagonals and attached each of the halves to square III, as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Then he connected the vertices E, F, G and H by line segments. The resulting quadrilateral EFGH turned out to be the required square.
The proof immediately follows from the equality of the formed small triangles HLK, EKD and the rest of the same (HL = ED; the angles HLK and EDK are at 45є and the angles HKL and EKD are equal).
The above solution, according to Abul Vefa, "accurately and at the same time satisfies the practitioners."

Solving puzzles and tasks on transforming a square into another figure of the same size by cutting or, conversely, some polygon into a square, thereby establishing the possibility of such a transformation.
Questions arise as to how far this ability of a square can be reshaped into another figure without any loss of area.
Is it possible to reshape a square into any desired polygon of the same area, or, which is the same, - can any polygon be reshaped into a square of the same size?
The answer to these questions is given by the following theorem:
Any polygon can be turned into a square of the same size. This theorem is considered only for simple polygons.
In the book by V.F. Kagan "On the Transformation of Polyhedra" describes in detail the proof of F. Bol'an's theorem.
The main steps in the proof of the theorem on the possibility of transforming a polygon into a square can be formulated in the form of several lemmas:
1. Any polygon can be cut into a certain number of triangles.
2. Any triangle is scissor-congruent with some parallelogram (two polygons are said to be scissor-congruent if one of them can be cut into parts that, when folded differently, give the second polygon.
Thus, each of the triangles into which the polygon is cut can be turned into a parallelogram.
3. Any parallelogram can be turned into a square.
4. If two polygons separately can be turned into the third, then the first can be turned into the second ("transitivity property").
Lemmas 2, 3, and 4 imply the fifth:
5. Any triangle can be turned into a square of the same size.
6. Every two squares can be turned into one.
Turning every two squares into one, you end up with one square, which will be equidistant with this polygon.
This is the proof of the possibility of transforming a polygon into a square, which is described in the book by V.F. Kagan.


Among the many possible actions with paper, a special place is occupied by the operation of folding it. One of the advantages of this operation is that it can be performed without having any additional tools at hand - no ruler, no compass, or even a pencil. By folding the paper, you can not only make funny or interesting toys, but also get a visual idea of ​​many figures on a plane, as well as their properties.
The practical properties of paper give rise to a peculiar geometry. The role of lines in this geometry will be played by the edges of the sheet and folds formed at its folds, and the role of points will be the vertices of the corners of the sheet and the points of intersection of the folds with each other or with the edges of the sheet. It turns out that the possibilities of folding the sheet are very great. There is no doubt that they include all the geometry of one ruler, but to a certain extent they also conceal the capabilities of a compass, although they do not allow direct circular arcs.

a) b)

Let's explore some properties of the square. The fold line passing through two opposite corners of a square is the diagonal of that square. The other diagonal is obtained by folding the square through another pair of opposite corners, as shown in Figure 5a (the lines inside the square are the fold lines). Each diagonal divides the square into two coinciding triangles when superimposed, the apexes of which are in opposite corners of the square. These triangles are isosceles and rectangular, since each of them has a right angle.
If you fold the paper square in half so that one side coincides with the opposite to it. You will get a fold passing through the center of the square (Figure 5b). The line of this fold has the following properties:
1) it is perpendicular to the other two sides of the square,
2) divides these sides in half,
3) parallel to the first two sides of the square,
4) itself is divided in half in the center of the square,
5) divides the square into two coinciding rectangles when superimposed, 6) each of these rectangles is equal in size (that is, equal in area) to one of the triangles into which the square is divided by the diagonal.
If you fold the square again so that the other two sides coincide, then the resulting fold and the one made earlier will divide the square into 4 matching squares when overlapping.
Using these properties, you can perform various constructions and transformations. For example, get a regular hexagon. Figure 6a shows a sample of an ornament of equilateral triangles and hexagons obtained by folding a square sheet of paper. These many other constructions are described in detail in the book "Apply Mathematics" by I.N. Sergeeva.

a) b)
Fig. 6.

It is possible to divide a hexagon into equal regular hexagons and equilateral triangles, making bends through the points dividing its sides into three equal parts. The result is a beautiful symmetrical ornament. Also, by folding a square sheet of paper, you can build the bisector of the corner.

Fig. 7
Bend the paper along straight BC and AB (not on the front side), and then bend the folded edge BC with the folded edge AB. The resulting fold BD will be the bisector of the angle ABC. (Fig. 7)
By folding a square piece of paper, rather complex constructions can be made. For example, produce “ golden ratio»The sides of a given square piece of paper using only folds.
By the way, on the basis of folding a square piece of paper, the art of origami arose - folding paper figures (Fig. 8). Ancient art came from China, from where Japan drew spiritual wealth. The square acts as an original constructor; it is transformed endlessly.

History of the Tangram puzzle:

Puzzle "Tangram" - a square cut into 7 parts of which various silhouettes are formed. It appeared in China at the end of the eighteenth century (figure). The first image of it (1780) was found on a woodcut by the Japanese artist Utamaro, where two girls put together figurines "chi chao tu" - this is the name of the tashram in his homeland (translated as a mental puzzle of seven parts "). The name tangram originated in Europe more likely all from the word "tan" (in Cantonese - Chinese) and the often encountered Greek root "gram" (letter). a legend from start to finish invented by inventive puzzle author Sam Loyd.
Probably, these parts of the square originally served to demonstrate figures, because you can easily make up a rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, etc. from parts of a square. Over time, it was noticed that many silhouette figures can be made from these parts (Fig. 9) the most bizarre shape, using all seven parts of the square to compose each figure. The image is schematic, but the image is easily guessed from the main characteristic features object, its structure, proportional to the ratio of parts and form. Silhouettes are difficult to compose. First you need to find the similarity of elements with objects, letters, etc. Then you can create silhouettes of toys, furniture, vehicles, animals.
This is how the fascinating tangram puzzle game was created, which has become widespread, especially in its homeland - in China. There this game is known as widely as, for example, we have chess. Even special drafting competitions are arranged with the least amount of time.
Drawings composed of parts of a tangram:

Fig. 9
Pentamino This game was invented in the 50s of the twentieth century. American mathematician S. Golomb. It consists in adding different shapes from a given set of pentominoes. The set contains 12 figures, each of which is made up of 5 identical squares.

The square is an inexhaustible figure that is used in many fields and has properties that are interesting for anyone who wants to expand the scope of their geometric representations.
As a result of the work done, several conclusions can be formulated:
1) the perimeter of a square is less than the perimeter of any rectangle of the same size;
2) the area of ​​a square is greater than the area of ​​any rectangle with the same perimeter;
3) with the help of cuts, you can make the transformation of various polygons into a square. It was found that exercises in cutting a square and constructing figures from the resulting parts are not only useful geometric fun, but also have practical meaning: they can help future and present innovators of production, in rational cutting of materials, in the use of scraps of leather, fabric, wood, etc. etc., to turn them into useful things;
4) by bending a square sheet of paper, you can perform various constructions without having at hand any tools - not a ruler, not a compass, not even a pencil;
5) there are entertaining games that use a square.

1) B.A. Kordemsky, N.V. Rusalev "Amazing Square". Moscow-Leningrad, 1952
2) V.F. Kagan "On the transformation of polyhedra". Gostekhizdat, 1933
3) G. Steinhaus "Mathematical Kaleidoscope". Gostekhizdat, 1949
4) E.I. Ignatiev "In the kingdom of ingenuity." Moscow "Science", 1981
5) Z.A. Mikhailova "Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers ". Moscow "Education", 1990
6) I. Lehman "Fascinating mathematics". Moscow "Science" 1978
7) I.N. Sergeev "Apply Mathematics". Moscow "Science", 1989
8) "Kvant" 1989. No. 5 - P. 40.
9) R. Honsberger "Mathematical highlights". Moscow "Science", 1992
10) Ya.I. Perelman "Living Mathematics". Moscow "Science", 1977
11) Ya.I Perelman "Entertaining geometry". Moscow "AST", 2003

It is noteworthy that the very word "tangram" is actually old English word, composed of two parts - "tan" - Chinese and "gram" - in Greek "letter". In China, the game is called Chi-Chao-Tu (7 cunning figures).

The essence of this puzzle is the addition of 7 geometric shapes tanrama of various silhouettes, as well as in inventing new ones. Imagine, it is calculated that 7000 different combinations can be made from tangram elements. When solving the puzzle, only 2 rules must be observed: first, all 7 tangram figures must be used, and second, the figures must not overlap each other.

What is the use of tangram?

Folding in tangram patterns contributes to the development of perseverance, attention, imagination, logical thinking, helps to create a whole from parts and foresee the result of their activities, teaches to follow the rules and act according to the instructions. All these skills are necessary for a child during school, and in adulthood.

Tangram: schemes for younger students

Small children are better off offering simple and interesting schemes tangram, such as animal silhouettes. We offer to bring a cat, carp, camel, fox, turkey and duck together with the children. Please note that one picture can be changed quite a bit by moving several figures, and the assembled animal changes position, that is, it seems to come to life.


Carp and camel


Duck and turkey

For you detailed description schemes of tangram with the image of a hare.

1. The first figurine of our hare will start from the head - a square. Attach the ears to the head: a medium-sized triangle and a parallelogram. We will make the body from 2 large triangles, and the legs from small ones.

2. Our bunny got scared of something and changed its shape: pressed its ears, folded its legs. Lay out the body from 2 large triangles, connecting them in the form of a parallelogram. We attach a head from a square to the body, and ears from a parallelogram to the head. It remains to make legs from 2 small and 1 medium triangle.

3. The hare stopped being afraid and decided to look out from behind the bush: he pricked up his ears (parallelogram and middle triangle), and he also had a tail - a small triangle.

And this is what a fox looks like chasing a hare.

Tangram schemes for high school students

A fifth-grader can already boldly tackle more complex tangram schemes - images of people in motion. Also, children of this age will surely like the intricate silhouettes of numbers and letters.

Tangram develops abstract thinking well, therefore it will be useful for preschoolers who are preparing for school and.

Tangram in design

Adults can not only play tangram with children but also go further - use the technique of this puzzle in design. You can decorate the interior in an original and beautiful way bookshelves in the form of tangram figures.

Embody your most interesting ideas, it all depends only on your imagination.