Map of Greece is a geographic full screen. Map of Greece in Russian

Map of Greece is a geographic full screen. Map of Greece in Russian
Map of Greece is a geographic full screen. Map of Greece in Russian

Greece is a state in the south of Europe with the capital in. The country on the Balkan Peninsula and 3,000 islands is washed by the waters of the Aegean, Ionian, Mediterranean and Cretan seas. Ground borders - C, and. Of 132,000 square meters. km Square 25,000 square meters. km falls on the islands.

Mountains and plateas covers 80% of Greece. The relief consists of alternating naked rocks, valleys, islands, bays and straits. Plain spread in the east of the mainland, coasts and Peloponnese Peninsula. Mount Olympus (2 917 m) is the highest point of the country, the second vertex - Parnas (2 457 m).

Peloponnese Peninsula with the mainland connects Corinthian End. Pinda Mountains continue on the peninsula and form bays and capes. Eastern is the Argolide Peninsula. On the north shore of the Aegean Sea - Thrace with the Rhodope Mountains and Greek Macedonia. Peninsula Chalkidiki with Mount Athos (2,033 m) goes to the northern shore of the Aegean Sea. The major Greek islands - Crete and Eviea, together with numerous small islets, constitute 20% of Greece territory.

There are sites with Mediterranean, alpine and temperate climates in the country. The influence on the movement of the air masses on the mainland is the mountains - west of the ridge a lot of precipitation, from the eastern side of the climate is dry. Center of Mainland Greece, East Peloponnese, Crete, Cyclades and Dodecanese Islands Groups belong to the Mediterranean climate with soft winter and dry hot summer. Alpine climate reigns in the mountainous areas.

Greek rivers are distinguished by a short and rapid flow, with waterfalls and thresholds. Alialymon - the largest river, 300 km long. In addition to her, Evros, Strimon, Aheloos, Nestos flow around the territory. Also in the country there are more than 20 lakes, including large ponds Trichonis and Vegritis.

Popular Resorts of Greece, Greece Map, Interesting Facts about Greece

In Greece, so many islands that even the Greeks are confused in them! That is why the map of the resorts of Greece for a tourist is not a whim, but a serious necessity. It will help to navigate on any terrain and do not confuse Zeus with Aphrodite.

Such a country like Greece, a rich historical heritage. In addition to the beach holiday, you will find acquaintance with hundreds of monuments and archaeological sites.

A detailed map of Greece for a tourist is all roads, cities and resorts in one place. It is enough to click on the selected mark to learn more information and navigate the area.

Resorts of Greece

  • Peloponnes

    Peloponnese is a paradist corner of Greece, which is drowning in grape flavors, olive groves and oranges. It embodies the ancient greatness of Greece thanks to such cities as the ancient Sparta, Mycenae, Epidavr and Argos. Peloponnese is a very quiet resort, so it will suit fans of a calm, measured rest.

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  • Chalkidiki

    Halkidiki is continental, not island Greece. The peninsula is divided into three parts, which are called Poseidon's "trident". And what did you want - what kind of Greece without myths? Halkidiki are suitable for tourists who, in addition to the relaxation on the beach, want to see the country's places. For example, Mount Olympus, the city of Thessaloniki and Athens, Meteor and Dion.

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  • about. Rhodes

    Rhodes belongs to the island part of Greece, is washed by a calm Mediterranean and violent Aegean seas. From the port of Rhodes you can see Turkey - to Marmaris from here only 12 kilometers. Most of the Rhodes are suitable for youth recreation. Rhodes for every taste and wallet, there are many casinos and available food programs in local cafes. Almost every street has a nightclub and disco. For excursions, September is most suitable - at this time not so hot. Be sure to visit Mount Fileurimos!

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  • about. Santorini

    Santorini Island is not in vain called a white and blue fairy tale. It is incredibly beautiful, harmonious and affordable. Santorini is the main supplier of Greek wine. With children on Santorini rest rarely. Still, this resort is more suitable for couples with couples: No children's attractions, and a special menu for a child in a restaurant is a big rarity.

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  • about. Corfa

    Corfu or Kerkira is the northernmost island in the Ionian Sea. All who have chosen tours on Corfu, is waiting for acquaintance with the famous Ionian Academy, a quiet and inexpensive vacation, visiting a variety of cozy coves, theater and museums. Among the tourists are in demand due to its soft climate. This is the second area of \u200b\u200bthe island of Greece, in the territory of which a thousand restaurants!

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  • about. Cos

    Rest on the spit is somewhat different from other islands. Here is your international airport, receiving charter flights. Locals are called Kosher Island Hippocratic. You will greatly benefit your health and enjoy the amazing Mediterranean cuisine. Kos Island is located between the Islands Nisiros and Kalimos, combines an exceptional climate and rich nature. It is considered a tourist resort of international class.

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  • about. Crete

    You must have to visit the largest island of the country - Crete. According to myths, it was here that Zeus was born, Minotaur was conquered, and Ikar rose into the air on the wings. Every year, Crete is visited more than 2.5 million tourists from around the world. Stopping on the island, be sure to visit the beach of elafonisi with the sand of an amazing pink color. There are many museums and memorable places in Crete, including the legendary Palace. The island is optimal for resting the whole family thanks to a soft climate and a small depth of the coast.

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  • Athens

    Athens is a city of romantics, which was able to accommodate the charm of ancient times and the rapid pace of modern life. The city was named after Athens, the goddess of wisdom. Sometime she was able to defeat the Poshondon himself and became the patroness of the city. Today, the capital of Greece symbolizes democracy, associated with art and freedom.

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  • Loutraki

    Most tourists go to Loutraki to fix their health. Thermal springs of the resort are known all over the world. Hotels are relatively few (about 40), but they are all equipped to the highest level. The distance from Athens to Loutraki is only 84 km away. The city itself is very beautiful. The most attractive places for tourists - the embankment of Loutraki Embankment, one of the largest casino in Europe. You can also order an excursion to ancient Corinth or Mycenae.

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  • about. Zakynthus

    On the island of Zakynthos Over 100 hotels, from Athens can be reached by ferry or plane. This is the 3rd area of \u200b\u200bthe island in the Ionian Sea. Every year thousands of tourists come to Zakynthos, to fully enjoy the amazing nature and splendor of these places. First of all, at Zakynthus it is worth visiting the incredibly beautiful Bay of Navao and blue caves. In its own way, Askos Stone Park in the northern part of the island. More than 170,000 species of animals and plants live in it.

Greece is a state with the official title of the Greek Republic, located in the south of Europe.

The territory of the country is located on the Balkan Peninsula, as well as scattered through the islands. A detailed map of Greece makes it possible to explore the geographical features of each of them. The capital of the state is Athens.

The area of \u200b\u200bmainland Greece is 132 thousand km 2. On more than three thousand islands united in the archipelago, there are about 20% of Greece Square.

The entire territory of Greece is divided into mainland, island parts and Peloponnese Peninsula. Earthquakes often happen in the country.

Greece on the world map: geography, nature, climate

In the east of the shore of Greece, the Aegean Sea washes, in the West - Ionian, in the south - Cretan and Mediterranean. Greece on the world map borders with such states as Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Macedonia.

More than 80% of the territory of the state occupy plateau and mountains, of which 25% are mountain ranges. The average height of the mountains is from 1200 to 1800 meters. In the West of Greece there is a lot of karst funnels and caves. In the relief of the Peloponnese Peninsula, the plains dominate, but on its eastern part terrain develops into a rocky. In the center of Mainland Greece there is a mountain system of Pind. In the north of Pind is the highest point of the country - Mount Olympus, the height of which is 2917 meters.

Most rivers in Greece are concentrated in the west of the country. The longest one is the Alialymon River, which extends 300 meters. As for large lakes, they are about 20 in Greece. The largest is Volvi (95.5 km²) and Trichonis (95.5 km²). Yanine belongs to small lakes - this is a karst lake that feeds underground water.

Greek islands are divided into groups:

  • Ionian islands are located in the Ionian Sea near the western part of Greece. The largest of them is the island of Kefalinia.
  • The Northern Aegean Islands belong to the Aegean Sea, are located near the Turkish border. The largest square is the island of Lesbos.
  • Northern sprays are placed closer to the eastern part of Greece.
  • The minor islands of cikes from all sides was washed by the Aegean Sea.
  • Dodecanese Island Group is also washed by the Aegean Sea and is near the border with Turkey. The largest island in the group - Rhodes.
  • The largest island in all Greece - Crete. It is surrounded by a large number of small islands. Crete Square - 8261 meters.

A map of Greece in Russian gives you the opportunity to get to know you with all the islands.

In Greece, wild animals remained in very small quantities. These include foxes, brown bears, sacking and wild boars. Much more often you can meet lizards, snakes, dickelings, hares and mice.

The most common Greek plants - olives, cypress trees, planenes, McWis, Frigan. In general, more than 5 thousand species of plants are found throughout the country.

Greece climate Subtropical Mediterranean. Summer in the country is roast with high temperatures, and winter warm. The average temperature in winter is 10 degrees above zero, and in the summer - 32 degrees. Rain in Greece is a rarity, they are either in autumn or in spring. In the spring, the temperature may rise from 8 degrees in March to 26 degrees in May. The minimum temperature in the summer is 20 degrees, and the maximum is about 34 degrees. At the beginning of autumn, high temperatures are preserved (up to 29 degrees), by November, it is cold to 12 degrees above zero. The temperature in the winter never goes into a minus mark and fluctuates from 6 to 15 degrees.

Map of Greece with cities. Administrative division of the country

The administrative-territorial division of Greece from January 1, 2011 has undergone fundamental changes. They reflect a detailed map of Greece with cities in Russian. The previously existing 13 regions, 54 prefectures and 1033 municipality decreased to 7 decentralized administrations, 13 regions and 325 municipalities. Autonomous Region Athos, the center of world pilgrimage, has retained its status.

Ancient city of Athens It is the capital of Eldlas. It is located in the south-east of the country and from three sides is surrounded by mountains: imitos, Pendoto and the guy. Because of this, the climate in the capital is hotter than on the southern island of Crete. From the seaport of Piraeas, the center of the capital separates only 8 kilometers.

Second place in magnitude takes the city of Thessalonikiwhich is located in the north-east of the Balkan Peninsula. It is also called the northern capital of Greece. The Sea Port of "Thessaloniki", located in the Gulf of Thermicos of the Aegean Sea, is the second largest in the country.

Closes the top three of the largest cities of Greece port city of PatraLocated on the shore of the Bay of Patraikos. It rises above sea level at 21 meters in the west of Peloponnese. The distance from Patra to Athens is 177 kilometers. Patras are divided into two parts: upper and lower city.

Greece or the Greek Republic is a state located on the Balkan Peninsula and Numerous Islands. Satellite map of Greece shows that the country has land borders with Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania and Turkey. The country is washed by the Aegean, Ionian, Thracian, Cretan, Libyan and Mediterranean seas. Country Area - 131,957 square meters. km.

Greece is rightfully considered a cradle of Western civilization, the country where the theater originated, philosophy, physico-mathematics, democracy, body cult and much more. Today, Greece is an industrial-agricultural country, the economy of which is based on the service sector, tourism, industry and agriculture.

The largest cities of Greece are Athens (Capital), Thessaloniki, Pats, Heraklion and Larisa. Since 2001, the country is included in the eurozone, and the euro is used on its territory.

Interesting fact: the Greeks never call their country with Greece. For them, her name is Ellade.

Ionian Islands (Zakynthos Island)

Brief history of Greece

2100-1100 BC. - Mycenaean civilization

1200-800. BC. - Dark Century Greece

776-323 BC. - Ancient Greece, polls. Period to the death of Alexander Macedon

323-146 BC e. - Hellenistic Greece

146 BC e. -330 - Roman Greece

330-1453 - Byzantine Greece

1453-1821. - as part of the Ottoman Empire

Volcanic island of Santorini

1821 - Independence from Ottoman Caliphate

1919-1922 - Greek-Turkish War and the defeat of Greece

1946 - Civil War

1967-1975 - the power of "black colonels" - a junta junta

1981 - Greece as part of the EU.

2008-2010 - Mass riots and strikes

Corinthian canal

Sights of Greece

On a detailed map of Greece from the satellite, you can see the numerous sights of this country: Peloponnese Peninsula, Crete Islands, Lesbos, Corfu and Cyprus, Mount Olymp (2917 m), Nestos River and Corinthian Canal.

Monasteries Meteora

Among the main attractions of Greece, who remained from the ancient period, it is worth highlighting Acropolis, the Theater of Dionysus and the Temple of Zeus Olympic in Athens, the ancient city of Knossos on the island of Crete, the sanctuary of Apollo in Delfa. In Greece, numerous places of pilgrimage of Christians are preserved - a monastery on the Holy Mountain Athos and monasteries in meteors.

Greece is especially popular as a beach tourism center. The islands of Zakynthos, Rhodes, Santorini, Paros and Crete are very popular.

Monastery Grigoriat, New Athos

National currency of Greece since 2002 - Euro (EUR). Few know which currency in Greece was before the introduction of the euro. The answer is Greek drachma. The Greek government does not exclude that drachma may return, but so far all payments in the country are carried out in euros. What money to take in Greece is to solve you, but it is better to choose the euro, because the dollar rate is very unprofitable, and

In Greece, many religious (Orthodox) holidays. New Year and Christmas, Epiphany, Apokrises and other dates are widely marked. There are national holidays, and government, and place of festivals and carnivals. For Christmas in Greece, the head of the family cuts the cake, leaving one piece for St. Vasily, another for Jesus, the third - for the Virgin Mary, the rest of the pieces are distributed

For the most part, the Mediterranean climate with hot dry summer and soft rainy winter reigns in Greece. Greece is ideal for those who love the sun, since more than 2/3 years here is a clear, sunny sky, and long rains are a rare phenomenon. In Greece, two seasons are distinguished - hot and dry period from April to September; Soft and wet since October to March. OD

Mobile communications in Greece is excellent quality, the signal is even in the subway athens. The network covers the entire territory of the country, with the exception of very small islands. You can purchase a local SIM card in the office of the mobile operator, the tourist center, a store or street kiosk Peripetro, you must have a passport with you. There are prepaid tariffs (by 5, 10 euros or more), can be put on account

Greece - Country No. 1 from many travelers who want to get at once and the sun, and the sea, and unique excursions, as well as try fantastic dishes of Greek cuisine. There are at least 5 reasons to buy a tour to Greece: 1. Budgetly relax at sea 2. View Christian shrines Greece 3. Visit thousands of excursions in a thousand islands