Scheduled show people actors. Weighted and happy people (season 4) Weighted and happy people dead

Scheduled show people actors. Weighted and happy people (season 4) Weighted and happy people dead
Scheduled show people actors. Weighted and happy people (season 4) Weighted and happy people dead

Recently, people increasingly began to follow their health, and the problem of unnecessary weight is acute on the medical agenda. "Weighted and happy people" are a program in which people, competing, throwing weight. On the Ukrainian TV there is an analogue called Zvazheni, which comes out on the STB channel.

According to the project rules, the participants of the show are divided into 2 teams and proceed to training work. Under the supervision of a group of specialists, people undergo physical trials, sit on diet and at the end of each week weigh. The team that has dropped a greater weight wins in an intermediate test. And the person who has lost less than other participants of his group - leaves the project.

At the following stages, people are already individually engaged in reset the extra kilograms. 2 of those who have lost weight less, nominate on the disposal and from the results of the voting, one of them leaves the show.

The winner of the program becomes the one who more than all threw the extra weight from the initial figure on the scales. The main prize of the transfer is 3 million rubles.

About new 4 season Realistic show "Weighted People"

In the new season, the project is waiting for big changes. The place of Yulia Kovalchuk, which was the leading transfer of several seasons to a row, will now occupy Anfisa Chekhov. A woman does not know how to lose weight and at the same time coming into a better form. Helping the transmission participants to sculpture their body will be fitness instructors in the face of Natalia Lugovsky, Sergey Parkhomenko and Sergey Baduka, and the name of the latter was held secret. Specialists are ready to fight fat and excess weight and together with the participants will strive for new forms.

The show is useful social importance, because the problem of excess weight is the Beach of the modern world. Watch the releases of the "Weighted and Happy People" programs and get valuable advice, you can on our website - site!

Rosovchanka Oksana Leonova held on the project of the CTC "Weighted People" channel 13 weeks and lost 38 kg. How she lived two years after the ether and what she was worth reaching today's weight, Oksana told Woman's Day. Perhaps her experience and combat mood will help the current participants.

Oksana came to the project with a weight of 118 kg

What did the project give you, what is new for myself?

The most important thing, I finally felt that the possibilities of my body are endless. How? My personal training with Irina Turchinsky lasted 1 hour 40 minutes and almost all this time I walked along the treadmill with a bias of 20 degrees! And before that I had a major training, which lasted four hours. You see, in ordinary life, we often regret ourselves and do not reach the point when you can say: "I did everything that could"! I was so much time that I am very glad. I am proud of this victory over yourself. I came to the project with a weight of 118 kg, and went from 80 kg.

What was the most difficult for you?

Perhaps the most difficult was the run! Does not come out of me Kenyan runner (laughs). It was still very difficult to "lose" friends. It is impossible to get used to the fact that someone leaves the project every week.

How has your life changed after the project?

Yes, I have a new job, a new way of life. I used to work in the field of catering, and now I am the administrator of the Center for Aesthetic Medicine. But most of all I like the new feeling of yourself. In 39 years I loved myself and accepted the one, and regard it as a big breakthrough in my own consciousness. So you understand thick people do not like themselves. I hated myself, and my body answered me the same. All changes occur first in the head. That is why work with psychologists was so important to me.

Returning from the project, did you continue to lose weight?

I was absolutely satisfied with my new image, and I actively enjoyed a new one. During these years, I lost it, I got better, but exactly three kilograms. Still, sometimes I made myself concern and seasonal oscillations took the top. But in the summer of 2016, the body gave a hormonal failure, and the weight began to increase. I immediately turned to an endocrinologist who found the reason for my weight gain. Now I'm going to therapy from the doctor. Comprehensive efforts (diet, sports and hormonal therapy) begin to give their fruits. According to the forecasts of doctors, I will come normal in eight months. But the most important thing is that after this term I want to fix the result of 75 kg! My life experience taught me that it doesn't matter how many times you fell, the main thing about how many times you could climb and go on to your goal. Now I get up and go further.

How much weigh now?

91 kilograms, but the weight is changing at a smaller side weekly.

What do you like most in the new figure?

Ability to choose things in the store, and not to sew for special order!

How do you support the form? Sports nutrition?

First of all, I adhere to proper nutrition. I have long walled anything for a long time, do not eat a flour, fatty, potatoes, pasta, very salty, mayonnaise (from him it was difficult to refuse everything) and everything that contains sugar. Fully abandoned semi-finished products, fast food and carbonated drinks. Alcohol almost do not use. What am I eat? All the first dishes, but without potatoes and on the second meat broth. I love stewed cabbage or buckwheat without salt and fermented milk fat. That is only enough to keep weight. Well, and to reduce weight, you need to add sport and not five hours before sleep.

How many times a week do sports?

I was lucky: Recently, a gym opened next to my house. Now I have the opportunity to train every free minute. Recently, I was mainly engaged in the house - a plank, a press, exercises with dumbbells, but this is now small. I am now at that stage when you need more intensively.

How many times do you eat?

As our nutritionist Julia Bastrygin said: "Want to lose weight - eat five times a day. Want to lose weight very much - eat seven times a day! " I have a golden middle, I eat six times a day. Moreover, kefir for the night is also considered for meals.

Do you allow yourself a day when you can eat everything? How often?

When I really want, sometimes let himself a piece of bitter chocolate. Apparently, he really brings happiness, and it is difficult to refuse him. From the forbidden I can afford a glass of red wine. But the next day should be discharge. To the cakes, cakes, kebabs do not pull me.

Favorite recipe?

I learned about this salad on the project. To lettuce leaves add 80-100 g of baked meat or boiled shrimp. Let's refuel the dish with a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil. For piquancy, you can add a mixture of spices and, at will, handful of cedar nuts. And tasty, and useful! Recommend. I also love broccoli soup. Missed through a blender cabbage, carrots and onions throw in boiling water, add two melted cheese and salt to taste. After 15 minutes, the soup is ready. This is delicious!

If you are 20 years old and you are not satisfied with the reflection in the mirror, go now in the gym or just outside. Move, do not lose time! If you are 30 and you understand that it is time to change something, change now! Do not wait a month, year ... start now! Not even tomorrow, but today. Consider that this day came when it time to start changing life for the better. If you are 40 and your appearance suggests despondency, you needed to start yesterday. And another advice for everyone. If you truly make every effort, and the result is not the one on which they were expected to consult professionals, listen to their opinion. In health issues, they made sure that if the weight relief should be significant, then only under medical supervision you need to get rid of hateful kilograms. Causes can be different, but the medicine is one of everyone - sport, proper nutrition and love for yourself. Be sure to believe in yourself and your strength!

"Weighted and happy people" are a unique transmission that allows many to understand that the power of will and strong desire is able to seriously change life. Participants of past seasons became an excellent motivator and proof of this.

Show about fat men

Recall that the first season of the project started in 2015. The TV viewers were waiterfully looked at how hard they manage to throw off hate kilograms. The transfer was able to get incredible glory and the love of millions. Therefore, the audience of the CTC channel was looking forward to when the new project season starts - "weighted and happy people." And now, on February 17, he appeared on the screens.

The fans were waiting for change - the change of the name - "weighted and happy people", replacing the leading and even coaches. As for the participants, they became the people for whom the desire to lose weight is not just a whim, and the only one is possible to return to normal existence. It is worth a little familiar with them.

Blue Transmission Team "Weighted and Happy People"

"Weighted and happy people" (season 4), participants in the blue team:

  1. Sasha Povagin is the most difficult participant for all seasons. Its weight is 250 kilograms. A man dreams to lose weight by half, because he has a cherished dream - to become a father.
  2. Katya Nikitina came to the program for his daughter. The weight of the girl is 130 kilograms, which seriously prevents her to lead an active lifestyle.
  3. Nastya Spiridonova dreams of finding real love. The main reason for chawning it to reconsider their views on the life of the husband's betrayal. Girl's initial weight -172 kg.
  4. Maxim Akimov. Permanent complexes and desire to create a family, two main motivating factor. The guy came to the project with weight - 161 kg.
  5. Anya Lezneva - weight 147 kg. Serious health problems have caused overweight. Today, the girl dreams, rejoice in his reflection in the mirror.
  6. Zhenya Khaytkulov because of its overweight - 205 kilograms, a man is difficult to establish a serious relationship. A strong desire to make a family prompted to become a member of the program.

The following project participants entered the Red Team:

  1. Anya Halyavka is afraid that the Son will go to her footsteps, and will have a problem with the figure. Therefore, I decided to say goodbye to my 151 kilogram forever.
  2. Lena Sadikova - a desire to enjoy life, the main reason for her arrival for the project. Woman weight 183 kg.
  3. Zhenya Vorobyov, the main thing for him for him. A man is engaged in the upbringing of three children, that's just 204 kilos seriously interferes with this. The wife put an ultimatum if he won't lose weight, she collects him with him.
  4. Andrei shivakhov wants to get reciprocity from the girl who loved him. Therefore, get rid of its 157 kg for him an important goal.
  5. Anton Avduevsky is a funny guy who because of his weight in 167 kg is forced to suffer with loneliness.

Participants in the Black Team "Weighted and Happy People"

The composition of the team, which competes in black T-shirts Next:

  1. Ira is cerema thanks to a pretty appearance and a mass of 148 kg, a girl took part in beauty contests for lush ladies. However, prizes did not bring the desired joy. So, beautiful has decided to lose weight.
  2. Nastya Idrisova - weight of 176 kg. Own business, the desire to actively develop became a reason for filing a questionnaire to participate in the project.
  3. Lisa Lautein The young participant has serious problems in communicating with the opposite sex, and all due to excess weight in 115 kg.
  4. Andrei Mishkin - Dreams of family happiness The most important reason to go lose weight. The man started from 161 kg;
  5. Igor Koshelev is a young member, with a weight of 188 kilograms. Because of it, the young man is constantly sitting at home, but thanks to the project, he had a chance to change his boring existence.
  6. Christian Bodrov One of the most ambitious participants. Cute appearance and sense of humor, strengths, but a weight of 202 kilograms becomes a serious counterweight.

Each of the participants has equal chances in order to not only become the owner of the main prize (3,000,000 rubles), but also a full, healthy life. The long-awaited season will be held in the sunny city of Sochi. Sea air, an excellent atmosphere will be an excellent assistant to the guys in achieving their goal.

Weighted and happy people: coaches

New professionals will work with project participants. One of them was Raper Serge. Of course, he is Sergey Parkhomenko for all ripples. The man has its own special method that has already been used in practice. The ability to enjoy his author's methodology fell to the participants of the "blue team".

As for the "red", they were lucky no less. In their chapter, beautiful Natalia Lugovskaya rose. Woman known as fitness coach and nutritionist. She is sure that her team will definitely won.

Delivery for three teams meant the general chances of winning. Therefore, the project appeared the third coach. They became Sergey Badyuk, known for many actor. The lack of a sports past did not prevent him from heading one of the teams. So the struggle promises to be bright.

The leading show and secrets of the project

Anfisa Chekhov has become a leading project. A woman on his own experience knows what works the perfect figure is achieved. She will be an excellent assistant and advice.

The project organizers have thought of a special program strategy. Therefore, participants will be especially hard. All competitions will be held at the stadiums of the city, built specifically for the Olympics. Many dream of these objects are dreaming. And thanks to professional support of specialists, it will achieve it easier.

Thus, the project has successfully started, and the total weight of all participants amounted to 2832 kilograms. Each of the guys has their own plans, they will do everything to reach victory. But only one lucky man will remain on the final.

2.5 million rubles received Timur Bikbulatov, as a person who dropped the most weight. For 16 weeks of the project, he lost 54 kg. Participation in the showiness show has fundamentally changed Timur not only outwardly, but also internally. About the show, relations with participants and how he managed to overcome the "psychology of the fat man", he told in an interview with AIF-Kazan.

Non-random accident

Daria Khodik, "AiF-Kazan": Timur, how did you get into this project?

Timur bikbulatov: Once I was visiting my best friend Artem Filippov, and the first season of "weighted people" was walking on TV. And Artem drew attention to the program, said it would be nice to get to this show. I say, not bad, of course, but the casting, how many thousands of people dream to get and in general it is incomprehensible whether the second season will be. It takes several months, a regular working day and suddenly calls Artem: "You have a few hours to come to a similar address. But does not say what. "Buddy, I'm at work," I say to him. "I at least once in my life failed or deceived? I would go to your place. " Intrigue was big. I arrived ... to the Kazan office of the STS. I managed literally at the last moment. We filled out the questionnaire, we took pictures and sent data to Moscow. A few days later I had an email with a request to come to the second stage of casting to the capital. Here the psychologists of the project communicated with us. Then they called me and reported that I passed the second stage, after which the medical examination remained, to pass the tests. And on August 24, there was the first shot in Gorky Park.

The show "Weighted People" is the Russian analogue of the world-famous realistic project The Biggest Loser. 18 participants from all over Russia, suffering from excess weight, receive a chance not only to radically change their lives, getting rid of boring kilograms, but also compete for 3 million rubles. Under the leadership of coaches and nutritionists, participants pass through physical trials, diet and contests. The leading project - Julia Kovalchuk, coaches - Denis SemiNechnic and Irina Turchinskaya.

- did not confuse that the whole country will see you?

At the start of the Timur project weighed 148 kg. Photo: PR Service STS

No, I decided that the accident in our life is not accidental. So I came to casting: in front of me. You can not open it and accept your condition or use this chance. Of course, the desire to change yourself tolerated. Moreover, at that time I was in a state of another attempt to lose weight. At the start of the project, I weighed 148 kg, and in May (2015) I weighed 164 kilograms. My son influenced me. Somehow he dropped the phrase: "You can't lose weight." These words hooked me greatly. I decided to prove that I can.

- Have you always suffered from completeness?

Since childhood. In the company one was Tolstoy. Being a 14-15-year-old teenager, I was engaged in a free struggle and then acted in the weight category over 83 kilograms (now I, by the way, weigh 84). Of course, there were attempts by weight loss, which did not lead to anything. The weight went and returned with a margin. As a result, I stopped trying to lose weight on my own. Years from 27 I conducted a countdown of life, although it would seem to be the opposite. There was fatigue from all some actions, movements. Knees began to hurt, spin, sports injuries began to be exacerbated. There were problems in communicating with the opposite sex.

Burned bridges

- How did the family react to the fact that you fall out of life for several months?

When I realized that I got to the project, I tied up with work (I was engaged in construction), dismissed all the workers, so that nothing remains that he connected me with the past life. I had to donate many, but I don't regret anything. After the project, many people from the past life stopped communicating with me and, on the contrary, there were many new friends. As the project psychologist told us, many people communicate with thick people and even build friends from themselves to assert themselves at the subconscious level. And as soon as a person changes, comes into shape, they tear the relationship.

Timur with family. Photo: from a personal archive

- Who on the project did you have the warmest relationship?

I treated all participants well. It is necessary a lot of strength to undress and show your "non-Isras" for the whole of Russia, realizing that you will be given as a bad example. This also needs to cross. They are all well done, they are strong people. I treated everyone well, but I had the warst relationship with Sasha Sasha Sasha from Chelyabinsk, with Yan (Samokhvalov) at first, and at the end of the project I was very surprised by Alena Zaretskaya. This is the only person who supported me very much. When I returned, I was talked negatively, and Alena said: "You do not deserve it." And by this explains my act when I gave her his earned kilogram on the prefinal weighing (more precisely, minus kilogram. - Prim.Avt.).

With finalists show and coaches. Photo: CTC Press

The turning point came when the team voted against you, Captain of the Blue Team. The audience did not understand why it happened.

There were several moments when I opposed my opinion to the opinion of the team. When I became the captain, I was forced to think not only about myself, I had a goal: I wanted the basic composition of the blue team to bring to an individual struggle. For example, I tried to do before the camera's arrival. I wanted not words, but to the actions to show an example. But, apparently, not all understood this.

- How did you build your life after you have left the project before returning?

I dropped out of the shooting process, but not from the project itself. I had the opportunity to compete for the second prize (500 thousand rubles). Several times a week I communicated with the coach Denis Semenichene, I was selected various training programs. Plus, I myself experimented with various loads. I read various literature, listened to the coaches, talked to sports doctors. Posted for myself a program adapted to my conventional life, which will allow me to engage in so that it is not a muscular mass, but fat. I didn't know that I would come back. Sport leads not only to improving physical activity, but also to improving the blood supply of brain cells, improving the state of the psyche. He helps me become strong in all respects.

Timur helped his coach Denis Seminin. Photo: PR Service STS

- How did you perceive the news that you return to the project and disappointed you a team's response?

It was a pleasant shock. I was asked: "Well, you have already managed to disassemble the suitcases?" I assumed that I would not be happy. Although I expected this reaction not from all who remained there. Well, that I gave me strength.

The team negatively perceived your return also because you spent the time at home, and they have not seen their families for a long time ...

There is more difficult at home, we must create conditions artificially. Everywhere seduced - you need to buy cottage cheese, and for this you need to pass by the baking department, which smells. And after the show all the receptors, the smell, Nyuh aggravated. Every time I had to keep yourself in your hands, driving past the same McDonalds. On the project, we were physically deprived of such an opportunity. I do not think it was easier for me.

- What moments remember you most?

Loads and moments associated with food, especially on the first two weeks. I could not adapt. What was my home the diet? Bread, meat, pasta. There were no vegetables, the greens did not recognize the zucchini and eggplant for food did not think. And then I arrived at all this "straw" and it turned out that it would not work without it. There was a shift of concepts about the "normal" food.

The competition associated with Buggy was remembered (the participant needed to pull the car weighing more half another). It was a horror, Yang was still sitting in Buggy with a weight of 170 kilograms. I remember, on the 4-5 week I really wanted to talk with my family, see her.

Do not be shy!

- Did you get 2.5 million rubles for victory in the competition, what will spend them?

I'm going to purchase simulators for yourself. Now I am engaged in the open air with a group, forcing them to fight with your complexes. I am preparing a joint program with a fitness center, we want to launch group classes for complete people. I want to tie my life with it, promote sports, zoom, proper nutrition. 80% of the fat men sit at home and do not want to go to the gym. But it is not necessary to shy mistakes, clumsy movements. It is necessary to shy your inaction.

- How has your life changed after the show? In social networks attack?

Attack. I am very many people ask me: Describe your diet, how much you ate and how they trained. I'll say right away: this mode is not suitable for everyday life. Under the end of the project, we fed at 600-800 calories per day, whereas in the usual life breakfast should be 600 calories. But we need more other functions to perform and all needed energy. The body needs to be learning to recycle fat into energy. And the body needs to learn long to learn long. After an emergency weight loss, the problem of weight retention arises. The body is accustomed to bad, and he seeks back to his old weight by giant jumps. The smaller we will come to the result, the greater the likelihood that the body will be able to adapt.

For the year Timur lost 80 kg. Photo: from a personal archive

- After such weight loss, stretch marks may appear, excessive skin. How to solve this aesthetic problem?

Well, I'm not a girl to pay attention to it. There are many different funds up to plastic surgery. Of course, there is an aesthetic problem, but it is insignificant compared to what I feel and how I live now.

- After the victory you continued to lose weight. Now we have 84 kilograms, don't you lose weight too?

After the victory, when I weighed 94 kilograms, I came home, took off the T-shirt and said myself: "I do not suit me." When I reached 85, I changed the workout program, it became more practicing the power exercises to replace fat muscles.

About life after the show

- Do you communicate after the show with the participants?

Yes, with Yan (Samokhvalov - approx. Auth.) Periodically communicate. With Alena Zaretsky, a very warm relationship, with Yashai (Yakov Povaryankin from Izhevsk), who took second place. I would like to fight in the final. He continues to lose weight and also engage in promoting a healthy lifestyle. We all this project is just « pereakhal » . Full people often suffer from consumerism. They cannot afford good clothes, but they can afford any food. These consumer moments have completely gone.

Now Timur himself teaches other proper lifestyles. Photo: from a personal archive

- And what hobbies came to your life?

In addition to the "sports dependence," I want to return to the car racing. I am pulling on extreme - quad bikes, motorcycles. I dream to go to Sochi and repeat the jump from 200 meters. I want bright emotions not from things, but from actions (Instagram Timur).

Timur dreams of repeating the jump, which carried out on the project. Photo: from a personal archive

Before that, we tried to start a child for three years with my wife and, as soon as the team was kicked out of the project, we did. Now we are waiting for the third child (a couple of two sons have 14 and 9 years old. - Prim.Avt.). See how much changed?

The new season prepared many surprises for the audience. The project not only received another name "weighted and happy people", but also a new coaching staff and leading will take part in the show.

At the television Russian spacious, the first "weighted people" showed in 2015. The project has become a versus version of the famous show "The Biggest Loser" in the USA.

Blue team

Red team

Black team

Starting from the launch of the show, "weighted people" are very popular with domestic spectators and have high ratings.

The main task of the participants of the program to reset excess weightBy adhering to the right diet, getting rid of old habits and doing in the gym. All of them have to compete for the main prize of the project - 3,000,000 rubles!

In the new season of the teleproject, the rules have become somewhat different, as is the case of what is happening. Participants, leading and coach, moved to the territory of the Sochi resort. Surrounded by a pleasant sea air, they have to become a team and to engage in the fight against extra kilograms.

The new coaching composition includes two completely different people with individual goggles of weight loss techniques. This is a rapper of Serega, he is known as coach Sergey Parkhomenko.

Artist already has a solid experience of training rich businessmen. Serega works exclusively according to the author's method. He fell out the honor to head the blue team of the participants on the project.

The head of the Red will become a fitness coach and nutritionist Natalya Lugovskywhich is also the current champion of Europe and the Russian Federation for fitness bikini. She has its secrets and special sports skills, and therefore the coach is confident that her team in the 4th season will be the best.

The lead show will be the famous Soskaya Lioness. She knows on his own experience how difficult it is to achieve a beautiful figure, stick to diets and attend sports workouts. Anfisa will be able to support the participants in good word and stimulate them on the best results.

Amazing for the audience of the project was the information that there will be three coaches on the show. The third will be a well-known actor.

The release date of the 4 seasons of "weighted people" was originally scheduled for March 2018. However, from February 17, the show will be broadcast every Saturday on the CTC TV channel at 19:00 Moscow time.

The project will take part 18 people with overweight. All of them are citizens of Russia and each of them has been tested for compliance with the established framework of the organizers.

The age of participants can be from 18 to 50 years, the weight of women should be more than 100 kg, and men have 120 kg and more.

Of course, the choice fell on the most interesting people for the show, as well as those who need help in the first place. Each project participant dreams forever to part with hated fat And get a chance to start a healthy life.

Participants will have to go through complex tests that prepared them the organizers of the project, which they assure that they have, what else to surprise the audience and the fattests themselves!

Competitions will be held against the background of Sochi stadiums and objects that were specifically lined up for the Olympics. These buildings could additionally motivate participants to win. The total weight of all applicants for the prize is 2832 kilograms.

Only one person will become the winner. On the open final, the results of the fruitful work of coaches and team members will be summed up, as well as named the name of one who deserved cherished money and vouchers into a healthy life!