How old is the pizza group. Interview: Pizza Group

How old is the pizza group. Interview: Group
How old is the pizza group. Interview: Pizza Group

The group with a delicious name "Pizza" is loved by young people just like this Italian delicacy. However, the creativity of the team cannot be attributed to the musical fast Fud. The genre ingredients of their repertoire are very diverse: hip-hop, pop soul, reggae, funk. Such a "steep knead" provides the original song song, giving them a special melody.

The history of creation and composition

The group was created in 2010. The leader of the musical trio - Sergey Clausers. He is the founder, soloist, songwriter and arranger. Also as part of the team - Nikolai Smirnov and Tatiana Claimchikova, the younger sister of Sergey.

Sergey and Tatiana Rod from Ufa, from the family of professional musicians. It is known that Sergey Customers-senior is the soloist of the Bashkir Philharmonic. The definition of children in the music school was in the family of solved. Tanya was given to the violin, and Sergey - to the guitar class.

After graduating from school, Sergey studied at the Ufa School of Arts. By this time, the guy was already eager to write and execute rap. Having worked with other musicians and acquiring a rich experience, Sergey in 2009 leaves his sister to Moscow to start a solo project. So in the biography of the singer, a new chapter begins under the name "Pizza".


Against the background of the beginning of a novice provincial musician in Moscow, Sergey wrote music without tired, made arrangements, walked on producers.

"Help came herself. There were people who were interested, then the contract. Then it turned out that my music is still needed, "said the singer in an interview with Komsomolskaya.

Above the name of the group, Sergey did not think for a long time. Pizza! Under this creative nickname they knew in Ufa as a young rapper.

"The name is bright, catchy. Everyone is asked: "Why pizza?!" I like it! ", - a musician admits.

In addition, with such a title it was possible to come up with a lot of ideas. Creative just shook. For example, discs with the first single "Friday", written in 2011, Sergey and producer were sent by radio stations in boxes with pizza. The addressees rated the humor, and the listeners are a new song. In a word, the track "Friday" immediately became a hit, "headlights", "weapons", "Who are you going to be so?".

Song "Weapon" Groups "Pizza"

In 2012, the debut album of the Kitchen team came out, the shooting of clips on the "Friday" hits, "Nadya", "Paris" took place. The first was removed in Los Angeles, the second - in Kiev, the third - in Paris. By the way, Sergey's wife was starred in Paris in the role of the main character, Dasha Eronova, who was at that moment a student of the Bashkir University.

The success of the next album did not make himself wait: In 2014, the second studio disk "On the entire planet Earth" came out. The cover of the album was decorated with a stylized logo in the form of pizza. And the content led to the delight of numerous fans.

"Elevator", "Tuesday", "Man from the Mirror" and other hits received a permanent "registration" in musical teleworkings, and from there moved to a large scene. For such a breakthrough, the group received a victory in the nomination of the "Oops! Choice Awards "and" Muz-TV ". And the track "Lift" in 2015 became the "song of the year".

Critics immediately began to strain the reviews on the new brainchilding of Clauses and lay out his music on genre components: rap, pop, soul and something else is incomprehensible, but caressing hearing. Sergey himself calls his musical product - Urban Soul.

"I could not join any style with my music. Help himself, I said to myself, and began to quietly write songs. Without framework, without styles. Collective creativity is not for me. My musicians are beautiful, but they only reproduce what I came up with. Otherwise, it would not be `Urban Soul`," says Sergey to journalists.
Song "Elevator" Groups "Pizza"

What he listens to the legislator of the musical style is wondering the fans.

The credo of the guys from Pizza is a lively execution. At the concerts, the recognizable vocals Sergey sounds under the accompaniment of the guitar Nicholas, and Tatiana combines the game on the keys and violin on stage. In the studio, Sergey plays on the tools itself:

"I just can't explain to others what exactly I want, and it is easier to do everything yourself."

In 2016, the premiere of the third studio album of the group with the optimistic title "Tomorrow" took place. The duet of Sergey became a gift for the listeners and, who fulfilled the song "Fly". In the same year, presented with another tandem - with a rapper pencil, the musicians removed the clip "Reflection".

Song "Fly" groups "Pizza" and Bianchi

Another face of the creativity of the team was the creation of soundtracks for films, serials and even cartoons. For example, the song "Who you will be like" sounds in the 3D cartoon "Our Masha and Magic Walnut".

Also, the compositions of Pizza sound in the series "", "Two Father, two Sons" and "deception, if you love", in the film "Unreal Love".

"Pizza" now

Creative team plans as always endless. Once Sergey argued with a friend, which will create at least three steep singles per year, and confidently goes to victory. The team members are constantly improving, experimenting, drive around with performances and tour, which are becoming more and more. Only in 2017 the guys played more than 150 concerts.

Please make fans news and the personal life of idols. Tatyana Clausechikova gave birth to a daughter. And Sergey, who was divorced in 2013 with Darya, met new love and also knew the joy of parental feelings. In 2018, a photo of the Faith's daughter, which was born in October 2017 appeared in the "Instagram" of the singer.

Now Sergey is busy arranged studio in a new apartment to create hits without leaving home.

  • An important point in the Rider of the Group is the presence of Kosolapiy Barshik.
  • The group draws inspiration on travels and has already traveled half airs. Sergey herself rest twice a year - in winter and summer.
  • The weakness of the soloist of the group is a wrist watch. He has already gathered a whole collection of Swiss specimens.
  • Musicians do not eat pizza. Tatiana is passionate as raw in.
  • In 10-11 years, Sergey sang grandmothers at the entrance of the song from the repertoire.
  • In adolescence, Sergey was not too an exemplary student, often fell into the police.

  • In his native Ufa, Sergey worked as an administrator of the gaming machines on the market.
  • The first album Sergey Clauses "Taking up Up" came out in 2004. It was a joint project of two Ufa Rapers Asman and Pizza.
  • The arrangement of the song "Weapon" is written and played by one person in the bedroom of the removable apartment.
  • The song "Nadya" was written in 2008 and is based on real events that happened to the author.
  • Grandmother Tatiana and Sergey sings well. She lives in the village, enjoys esoteric, growing vegetables and uses social networks.


  • 2012 - "Kitchen"
  • 2014 - "For the whole planet Earth"
  • 2016 - "Tomorrow"


  • 2011 - "Friday"
  • 2012 - "Paris"
  • 2013 - "Tuesday"
  • 2013 - "Weapon"
  • 2014 - "For the whole planet Earth"
  • 2015 - "Elevator"
  • 2015 - "Carousel"
  • 2016 - "Romance"
  • 2016 - "Fly"
  • 2017 - "You alone"
  • 2018 - "This is good"

I am always interested in who comes to music. Did you choose this profession or she?

I grew up in the family of musicians. Mom says that in a year and a half, I have not skittled yet, but I already performed "how my mother had accounted for me, here and my relatives came up." So I did not choose anything, but just took up this before learn to do everything else. But, of course, I am at the very beginning of my path, and my victories are still ahead. "Grammy" has not received, for example.

And dream?
In fact, everything happened by chance. In 2005, I was a little hip-hopper in big trousers, recorded the first studio album in Ufa. I was told: "Now you have to come up with a pseudonym, you can't be just for examples of Customer!" I agreed, although now it would be so called. We began to think that I love, and someone said: "Seryozha loves to eat!" This is true, I eat a lot and successfully, and it is somehow absorbed itself. They began to remember what exactly I like - dumplings, Lavash. Pizza, I say. Something clicked on it, so I became a pizza.

Moreover, you are called "Pizza Group".
Yes, although in Ufa I was a solo performer. And when he moved to Moscow and found a producer, he was doubtful: "Pizza" as a name is not clear if there was a group. I call my sister - she is on the violin, and playing the piano, I say: "Why are you still in Ufa? Focus, come to me! " Arrived. Now we still have a guitarist. Such a simple composition and expect. Very lying, very compact.

You spell a lot, touring. What is your brightest memory this year?
Presentation of the premium "Breakthrough of the Year" from "Muz-TV" in the Olympic. Never received awards, although the nominations were, and then suddenly handed it. For me it was a shock! I remember how I got out of place and the next moment was on stage, and how I got out - I do not know.

When you do not expect it, it is true amazing sensations. Didn't I catch an asterisk after this?
In Ufa, we were very famous, went with concerts on Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Yakutia. Then I happing this, of course. And when I went to Moscow and lived here alone, I slept on the floor in the apartment with friends, went by itself. There is no money, there is nothing, no one knows you, they absolutely do absolutely. And there allegedly was a celebrity, fan girls! I had a depression because of this, I even thought that I would never go to the scene anymore. Then everything was improved, but I don't feel the star.

What really does not happen zakidones like "I will not come out until you bring M & M" s! Only green candy "?
Probably not. The concert came people who paid for looking at us, and whatever Rider, we will still go to the stage and fulfill what they promised.

In the clip "Weapon" flashes your photos from Cambridge. Is this a real episode of life?
I myself was surprised when I saw this frame! Abroad, I did not study, graduated from the Art School in Ufa by classic guitar class. I did not do anyone else, now I regret. Reader, do not place at me, learn is very important. Now I understand it, but then I thought: "Why?" We have "Wow!" - We go on stage, and girls are frightened from delight.

Girls are pretty in your clips, too many. Is there a specific type that you always wade?
Not. I like all the girls. You, for example.

Thank you, but I still do not believe that you do not have preferences. Are there any qualities that you appreciate?
The girl should be smart, is the main thing. I do not agree with those who say that the perfect woman is beautiful and stupid. It is important for me that the girl was sincere.

Should she treat your creativity well?
Not necessary. She must ... But nothing she should! No one should do anything at all. Of course, it's great if it will understand and love my music or at least not hate it.

And now your heart is free? Is there a lover?
I don't know yet. I like how everything goes, but I do not want a relationship. It was already married once, and, who would say that, marriage changes a lot. Creative personality, drowning in everyday life, is a pitiful sight. Now dedicated himself to music. And when I see her and I will understand that everything is - here it is, I will say: "Forget everything I was talking in an interview with Cosmopolitan!"

You have a tattoo on your hand. What does it mean?
I have a lot of them, but on the forearms in English it is written "doubting betray." Eight years ago, I fought these words in the confidence that betrayal is bad. Later I had to, unfortunately, leave the old team, and, having committed that it was written here, I understood: oddly enough, but sometimes betrayal can save a common cause. If I did not make such a choice, there would be all what I live now.

In general, the tattoo has lost the relevance.
Not only she! There are a lot of such, I remove them, rework. If you do not have tattoos, don't even start, because then you just can not stop. And when there are two tattoos in the company of friends, cheerful parties become very dangerous. It begins: "Hey, let's come down, Tatukha Navi!" And everything rushed.

The draft Sergey Clausechikova "Pizza" does not fit into the usual style framework: it is soul-pop, and reggae, and funk, and even rap. Soul urban music with a clear text and a pleasant guitar sound could not be unnoticed. Barely appeared, the group fell on the top lines of the charts, and on the 12th annual National Music Prize "MUZ-TV 2014. Evolution" Pizza was named a breakthrough of the year

Photo: Pavel Dangzhev

Sergey Clausers were born in Ufa in the family of musicians. In childhood, he absolutely did not want to learn and spent all his free time on the street. After years, he understood: passion for music, which from fourteen years old became an integral part of his life, turned out to be saving. Sergey began writing poems and music, to perform with the group Via Chappa, and a little later decided to leave everything and go to Moscow. In 2011, the MTV came out a clip for the song "Friday", which his romanticism and simplicity instantly won the hearts of the girls, and then the song "Nadya" appeared. Three years she was waiting for her starry hour. Sergey wrote her when she lived in Ufa. "Song, in fact, autobiographical, these are my real experiences, and only the name is invented," says Sergey. - It contains a real story that happened shortly before parting with a girl. The most interesting thing is that this girl still does not even suspect that the song about our relationship with her. "

Sergey, you, like most children, have parents take a music school?

My parents are professional musicians, so my first public speech took place when I was a year and a half. I stood on a stool and performed something. When the question arose about being to give me a music school or not, my father asked me: "Are you sure that you want to do the music?" Parents tried to explain to me that this is a special profession, which may not bring such income, such as the work of a lawyer. But I stood on my, because I dreamed of doing music, and not thinking answered: "Yes, I agree!" ( Smiles.)

How much did it happen to you?

I was eight years old. I was an adult boy, I played Elvis Presley on the guitar, and by the way, it turned out well.

Guitar play your parents taught?

Yes, my father was constantly engaged in me. He plays a violin, guitar, bass guitar and, of course, on the piano. He still works as a musician in the Bashkir State Philharmonic, plays the registers, restaurants, jazz club. In general, wherever possible. ( Smiles.)

And you all childhood voluntarily engaged in music, while your friends chased the ball in the yard?

Of course not! ( Laughs.) I grew out on the street. Completely disgustingly studied at school, often visited the police ...

Even in the police!

You see, I lived in Ufa. This is not Moscow. This is a police officer here can stop you, say that you need to behave carefully, and go further. And there everything was different. If you were stopped, then immediately drove to the department. Fortunately, the guitar was largely helped me. It can be said, she saved me from participating in different bad stories, because I was always like and with everyone at the same time in my own.

Sergey, really parents did not take any measures?

Of course, they scold me, and punished, and the belt was given. They even tried to lock at home, not to release into the street. What they just did not do, but all this did not give any result. What guitar? What classes? If I wanted to walk, I did not need anything - just walk!

And the music school skipped?

And how! And school, and art school. On the street, it was still more fun - there was a hip-hop ... and in a music school what? Only passengers are sitting. ( Smiles.) And you know, now I understand that thanks to the fact that I so skillfully combined serious classes in a music school with street concerts, it turned out what happened. I am satisfied and no gram regret anything.

Well, did you still get musical education or not?

Not. I learned a lot, but I did not reassured. I was kicked out of the school of arts. By the way, a few years before that, from the same school, Zemfira was kicked out. I thought: "Well, since Zemfira was kicked out, then I can't disappear!" ( Laugh.) Certificate and diploma - all these pieces that do not matter for creativity. After all, there are very educated musicians, but in their songs there is absolutely no soul, thoughts and emotions. I have the opposite. I play on everything, but bad: a little bit on the piano, a little bit on the guitar, the arrangement for himself "Such" somehow, and that's it. But I have enough of this to reach the hearts of the listeners. Probably, in technical terms, education has a meaning, but I am one of those who cost him without it. I am largely self-taught.

Sergey, and when you realized that it is time to go to a higher level, which is enough to be just a street musician?

In 2005, we crushed the Via Chappa group. We had concerts, we even performed in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Our compositions twisted local radio stations, but I lacked freedom of self-expression. I realized that collective creativity is still not mine. I do not like when someone tries to help me make an arrangement or write music. I can call for help only if, for example, I physically fail at the same time to keep two tools in my hands. And then I call someone and say: "Here is a guitar, play like that and so." Man plays and leaves. And then I do everything myself.

Having achieved success in Ufa, you decided to move to Moscow, right?

Success appeared, and then disappeared. We recorded the song "By Waves (Memory of Michea)", which was very popular. And that's it. The song was alone. Relationships in the team became worse and worse, as a result, I decided to leave the group and go to Moscow.

To start everything from pure sheet?

Yes. From Via Chappa, I left the idea that I would never get on the scene. I wanted to be an arranger, sound engineer, as a last resort, sound engineer, but not by the performer. I had a very bad impression about show business in general. I went to nowhere. There was no work and, accordingly, money too. I lived in some familiar, slept on the jackets on the floor. I tried to work for some kind of kopecks: Say something, some kind of arrangement to write down. One of my Ufa friend, Vitaly Shechar, somehow told me: "You must write something else." I say: "I do not want." But he insisted and after all convinced me. I wrote the song "Nadezhda": "My hope is hopeless ..." And after it somehow, I somehow answered "Friday": "From Monday to Friday, it would be fond of time. We were anywhere, swam in muddy water, distinguishable barely in circumstances ... "( Sens.) He said: "Here it is hit!" "Come on, some is some absolute pop," I said. At that time, Vitalik worked by a video editor to TV, he showed my songs to knowing people. As a result, through friends, my disk got into the production company "Monolith". They called me and say: "We want to cooperate with you." Of course, I was delighted. "It's about you I heard stories about how you change the artists, tell them, what to sing songs, and then select their money?" - I joked. But they assured me in the fact that I can sing what I want and dress as I want.

What about money?

"And we will share money in half," they said. I liked this idea, and since then we are together.

And still money in half divide?

Yes. ( Smiles.)

But now, with overnight stays from friends and removable apartments, probably fined?

Yes, now everything is fine. Pah-pah-pah. ( Laughs.)

Sergey, you somehow said that you have a wife and what exactly she offered you to move to Moscow, in another interview you have already told that you have no wife and never happened. Where is the truth?

I really had a girl with whom we moved together to Moscow. We were not very related to relationships, but everything went on the rolled alone and in the end we got married. The marriage existed for long - probably less than a year. We divorced not because of moving to Moscow and not because of success, which appeared at that moment. Over time, it became clear that our interests do not match at all, "we did not have intersection points. Then I worried, but now I understand that everything for the better.

Do not plan to acquire a family yet?

No, it's too early.

You already thirty ...

No matter how old you are. It is important to feel that you already confidently stand on your feet and is ready to create a family.

So you still do not feel very consistently?

Still yes.

Probably the most frequent question that you ask: why is your group called "pizza"?

Yeah. ( Laugh.) In fact, this is my stage pseudonym since the time of Via Chappa. At some point we decided to come up with a nickname. And since I loved to eat very much, the guys began to sort out: Cheburek, Lavash, Borsch, Pelmeni, Olivier ... One of them said: "Pizza". I like it.

True, you sent your first clip to radio stations with pizza?

Yes. This was just a debut single "Friday". We removed the video in Los Angeles and sent our disc on TV channels and radio stations together with four cheese pizza boxes to please all, including vegetarians. And everyone said: "MM, it's interesting!"

Now you have a second album for the exit?

Yes. He will most likely come out in the fall, perhaps in October.

You say that you are doing everything yourself. That is, it turns out, your group is one. What do other members of the team do?

My younger sister Tatiana and guitarist Ramses played in my group. They help me at concerts and sometimes participate in the records of songs.

Of course, they can express their opinion, but the last word is always for me. ( Smiles.)

At the Rights of the Elder Brother, suggest the sister, how to play right?

I love my sister very much. When I was still in Via Chappa, she said: "I want to play with you. Take me, please. " And I always refused her. Now, when it became possible, I took it to myself, but at work I was not an older brother, but the musical producer of the project, so I do not suggest, but I demand from it the execution of what I came up with. Musicians must play as I said. Or improvise, and I listen and say: "Yeah, these are remembered and playing and playing." The project "Pizza" topics and important to me that I do everything myself in it.

Over the years, your attitude to show business has changed?

Changed. There are a lot of good, sincere people who support you. There are, of course, those who envy trying to insert sticks into the wheels. It happens that a successful artist comes to a radio station and says: "If you put these musicians here, I will not communicate with you." And he has a name, and for this station it is of great importance. This is all a business that is very far from art. I do not like this. I generally respect creativity, and not templates that create to earn money.

And if creativity does not bring money to what to live?

Then you need to leave and do something else. That is why I wanted to throw the scene.

Sergey, and whose opinion is now important for you?

I listen to everyone ...

But do it in your own way?

Absolutely right! ( Smiles.)

A group of pizza is a famous musical team that performs composition in the style of pop. The group includes three musicians, namely the soloist - Sergey Clausers, he also founded the team. Nikolai Smirnov and Clauses Tatiana, who is the sister of Sergey.

The group was created in 2010. To date, the team has released 3 full-fledged albums and 11 music clips.

Sergey and Tatiana Clausers were born in the city of Ufa. Father of future musicians worked as a soloist of the Bashkir Philharmonic. The guys also went to the music school, and after they continued to study in the Art School. In 2009, Sergei decided to go to conquer Moscow, and Tatiana went alongside the network.


In 2011, fame to the musical team came after the release of the Pizza track radio stations, which quickly became very popular and long held at the upper positions of musical ratings. After that, such tracks were released as "headlights", "Who will you be so?" and many others.

The first full-fledged album of the Pizza group was released in 2012. It includes such a popular composition as "Paris", "Friday". The album was called "Kitchen". In just 2 years later, artists will already have 2 records with an intricate name "for the entire planet Earth." The track "Lift", which entered the record in 2015 won the title of "Song of the Year".

The artists of the Pizza group probably decided to produce records at a frequency of every 2 years, because in 2016 the album "Tomorrow" was released to the courts of students. The duet of the soloist of the group "Pizza" Sergei and the famous performer of Bianchi entered the duet. The song is called "Fly". In addition, in 2016, artists presented the other tandem - with a rapper pencil, the musicians removed the clip "Reflection".

The group compositions can be heard as a soundtrack to a famous cartoon: "Our Masha". Also, the artists gave good to the use of musical material in Russian series. Songs can be heard in the popular Master Series "Molodechka", the series "Deception, if you like," and throughout the film "Unreal Love".

Personal life

Artists do not like to share details of personal life. However, it is known that the first spouse soloist of the group was a student of the University of Bashkir University, which even took part in the filming of one of the clips of the group.

In 2013, the spouses divorced. To date, the artist is married for the second time and raises the daughter of faith, which appeared at the end of 2017. Tatyana Clausechikova also gave birth to a daughter and son. The latter was recently recently year. Nicholas also carefully protects his personal life from journalists, so there is a third member of the group that is married, nothing is known.

  • Participants in the Pizza group avid sweet tooths, so in the rider of artists there is even an item about the presence of candies "Bear Kosolapiy".
  • At the very beginning, the career musicians sent discs with singles in a box from pizza. Although, according to artists, the dish is not their favorite. Tatyana is basic in principle.
  • The first album of the soloist of the group - Sergey Clauses "Taking up up" saw the light in 2004. It was the overall project of two Ufa rappers Asman and Pizza.
  • Another living in Ufa, the soloist of the group - Sergey Clausers, a short time he worked as an administrator of gaming machines on the market.
  • For 2018, the Pizza Group released 11 music video clips. Many of them starred abroad.

"Territory", 2016, №16 Photo: Maxim Markelov

The soloist of the Pizza group, Sergei Clausers, not only composes songs, but also makes arrangements and records in the part of the party of all tools. As a result, he is the face of the "Pizza" project and communicate with journalists, he has almost alone. The fact that it is not easy, we understood by defending a large queue from our brethren the day after the Pesok festival.

Are you not annoying journalists?
Annoying their unpreparedness. Although no, nothing can withdraw me. And I'm not angry with someone, but first of all on myself. After all, if something does not suit me, it means that I am guilty.

The journalist was not prepared for the interview, and you are angry with yourself?
Yes, because in my power to help him somehow bring everything, make a good interview with me. I could help him, but did not do it!

What do you think is the most inconvenient in the life of the artist?
Ride, fly, sleep. Sleep the most inconvenient - especially sitting on the plane, or on the bus or, God forbid, in the train. I also screamed, so ...

And why on the train worse than in an airplane or bus? There you can lie down, stretch your feet ...
It is inexplicable for me. I can not, all. On the plane sleep easier.

Pizza has many duets, mainly with artists of the Russian rap. Who to compose and write to it is easiest?
With L'One was the easiest, it is very ideological and active. Once he came to my apartment at the time of work on the new material. I already had shock and guitar. And he suggested jointly modifying the composition. His phone broke away from calls, which he answered: "I work!" It was very surprised of me, because I, for example, the process of writing does not consider work, it is rather for pleasure. He has a more serious approach. In general, he sat down and mowed a verse, inspired me, and I wrote my own. As a result, we created a composition in one day.

There was a period when Yuri Shevchuk was recorded in America, "Time Machine" - in the Abbey Road Studio, Alexey Vorobyev sides what works in Los Angeles, and your songs are written in the apartment. And the result at the exit is approximately the same as Vorobyeva. That is the idea of \u200b\u200ba high-budget, high-tech production of music herself?
I welcome the albums in a good Moscow studio, but I do all arrangements in my own - I write down the piano, guitars and everything else. Yes, the sound quality is of great importance, but for me the most important thing is a creative idea. Of course, you can write a perfectly sounding album on a good technique, but without idea it will not have any value for me. Therefore, I make focus on this factor, everything else is just an arrangement.

Please, please, musical projects, without which "Pizza" would not be such as now?
Their Beatles., Early Leonid Agutin, Bob Marley. And a lot of hip-hop.

What is now in your playlist?
My album, which will be released on October 7th. Now he is interspersed withTheir Beatles.more precisely with their album Abbey Road..

Pizza has a lot of clips in the rotation of music channels. Are these the stories that you would like to tell, or are these stories of the director they tell for you?
An excellent question. I have an audio and clips have a mediocre attitude. I can not be visualized simply because I'm blind in this matter. I have ideological people who work with competent directors. And they have it perfectly. I judge at the level "Like - do not like". But I can not explain why this or that video clings it or not.

And which of the stories told in the clips is closest to you?
Video "Tuesday". This story was invented by our PR manager Daria Jerin. By the way, she is from Saratov. From the idea that has found its embodiment in this video, I "Muradit". And this is the most important and song, and in the video. Gurabi is the criterion of internal success. I am absolutely not sure if they have someone else, but I make music first of all for myself.

In the studio you make all the music "Pizza" almost alone. And how many people are now included in your team?
On the stage we are three: I, my sister - she plays a violin and piano - and our guitarist Ramses. And accompany us a sound engineer and manager. We also have a PR specialist, the most important manager, and there are still a lot of all. Whole army.

It is difficult to go to the site without a group and sing alone?
I fulfill the "minus", sometimes I sing under the guitar. But this happens only on some thematic sets. We were on one countryway near Moscow: there was a bonfire, there were people around him, and I played a guitar. This will tell you the best performance! Many of my compositions, especially from the first album, the best sounds under the guitar.

It is believed that the later the album was created, the more perfect. But always the impression arises that the first and second were sincere. You do not have this?
The first album is always the most honest and sincere. Because you write it all my life, and the second one is one year, you are already waiting for it. And we have eternal concerts, nerves, and all this in my head is stirred. The second album was sufficiently suiced from the finger. But in the third, everything calmed down: I'm talking about the fact that the third album is the very first one, only better. He is more experienced and strong. I listen to him without ceasing. I have goosebumps from these songs, which is strange, because it would seem, the author. I wrote these words and sounds. But I do not let go. These are the best songs I ever wrote. But it seems to me so, I can not even suggest that listeners will say about him.

Fans "Pizza" are what people?

Some artists say that art should carry people joy, others - that it should make thinking, lead to suffering. What camp are you in?
Probably in both. It is necessary to make people think, sometimes even cry. But after tears, the feeling should remain that tomorrow will be only better. I hope such thoughts are born after many of our compositions, because they are more about good than about bad.

Ride with tours and speak with your own sister is not hard? The same person with whom you probably fought in childhood.
We never had confrontation in life, we are not so raised. In the family, we never quarreled - not with each other, nor with my mother, nor with dad. We have always had a world. And my songs are largely related to this topic. I'm not openly talking about this, but I hope it reads.

What are you talking about in music openly?
About love. I sing about her, because everything else is fine - today there is, and tomorrow there is no.

Do you have done a pizza for a long time?
Never! And I do not order it. Do not eat it at all: I don't really like, I have heartburn from her. I like dumplings or borsch - something homemade.