Whatever they say, and Ziga is a Nazi greeting. If I often welcome my hand, it means I throw a zigu

Whatever they say, and Ziga is a Nazi greeting. If I often welcome my hand, it means I throw a zigu
Whatever they say, and Ziga is a Nazi greeting. If I often welcome my hand, it means I throw a zigu

In the matter of the semantic load of the Runic Occult Symbolism and greetings, there is a certain confusion. A huge negative experience accumulated by mankind in his entire history, and especially in the XX century, put a kind of taboo on many gestures and signs. Not only their application, but also any conversations about them in many countries under the ban. However, then there, then there is a swastika on the wall, and Ziga is used as a greeting. It always causes protests most of society. Maybe the thing is that the gesture is impulse wrong? Or is it wrong to execute?

Historical primary sources Ziga

In ancient Rome and legionnaires, and ordinary citizens often welcomed each other with a raising right hand, attaching it to her heart. The initial meaning is the wish of health, well-being and tossing respect by directions to the Sun from the heart itself. At the same time, the ordinary people talked energetically, and high-ranking "cartridges" answered less diligently, only raising her palm on a semi-bent hand. Traditional Ancient Roman greeting can be seen captured in the statue of Mark Avrellium. Slavic peoples Also greet a similar way. For example, the semi-handed hand of Dmitry Dolgoruky (monument in Moscow) - perhaps, also a kind of ridge. This does not mean that there is some hint of Nazism, nationalism or fascism in the gesture. By the way, on numerous Soviet monuments and Lenin, and other prominent figures of the Communist Party also pulled out the right upper limb.

Ziga and fascists

The Third Reich was conceived as a successor of previous empires with ancient Roman traditions. Its official symbolism included a swastika (distorted, with the opposite direction of rotation) and the imperial eagle holding the mentioned sign in the claws. Instead of the usual "Guten Morgen" or "Guten Tag" by members of the NSDAP, and later and the whole population of Germany used Ziga. This greeting, like a symbol of eternity - the swastika - also underwent changes. Now the palm was not applied to the heart, but went straight from the hip. In addition, the difference, there was a certain semantic load, unknown to the ancient Roman traditions. Gesture "Ziga" expressed higher degree Personal devotion to him, "Great and infallible" Adolf Hitler, and the National Führer. About this in Germany, a verbal appendage to the greeting was reminded: "Zig Khail - High Hitler!" To always remember, in honor of whom they rush. To the wish of prosperity gesture no longer had anything.

Surveys are different

Both in ancient Rome and in fascist Italy, and B. nazi Germany The subordination existed, and very clear, manifested, in particular, and in greetings. If the ordinary party member had to pull the hand from all his strength at an angle of 45 degrees, then the bonsis, depending on the rank, could use a long, medium or short gesture. IN last case He only slightly raised his palm, as if scaring from the too annoying fans of their own genius. Average - for Field Marshals, generals and high-ranking officials Reich. Long Ziga is the fleet of plebeian, whether they are at least three times with representatives of the highest race.

Who rises today

Raised up hand in modern era Causes unambiguous associations with a Nazi greeting. In many countries, it is forbidden to greet such or similarly: too much trouble has brought Hitlerism to the peoples of Europe. However, there are ultra-right organizations that use symbols and gestures (sometimes slightly modified "for blossom"), borrowed in the terrible past. Sometimes members of neo-Nazi structures even pretend that the concepts do not have about what the riga means, and be written on an ancient Roman or the Vine Slavonic sense of the gesture. In fact, they are adherents of the Hitler's methods of "restrictions of the population" of migrants and foreigners. They should remember that all people have an equal right to life simply due to the fact of their birth, and they cannot be killed. Such already happened and led to very uncomfortable consequences.

In addition, psychologists claim that the head raised above the hand indicates that the speaker promises knowingly more than it can fulfill, and he himself knows perfectly.

Greetings used by the German Nazis in the 1930s - 40s and extent among the neo-Nazi movement. This gesture looks like a sprinkled up at an angle of 45 degrees straightened hand. The fingers are collected together, palm is directed down. As you can see, the television is very squeezed and noticeable - together with the "Smirno!" Body and Cry "Heil Hitler!" ("Long live Hitler!") It has added solemnity to communicate in the Nazi military structures.

The Neofashi movement Manera "SIGHT" adopted from its predecessors very willingly. True, the transfer of accompanying curies on native language Nobody concerned, so the words "Haile Hitler!" The Russian-speaking analogue did not receive.

The gesture itself was one of the elements of the cult of the personality of the Fuhrera, he officially introduced into state institutions Nazi Germany, in obligatory Used to NSDAP and SS. He fell in love also in the sphere of unofficial. Inscription "Heil Hitler!" There are at the end of acts, orders and even personal letters. As for the ridge, its full version described above was not always used. For cases when greeting and farewell passed not with Hitler himself or the highest military command, they used the middle and small signer. In the first case, it is parallel land extracted hand with lowered palm, in the second - not fully raised hand with bent elbow. Small Ziga is very similar to the usual greeting with a raised hand. Neonazists use all the variants of these welcome gestures, although the most solemn of them (big ridge) passed on the best.

As in the case of anyone remembered humanity or gesture, the roots of Zigi are trying to search in the history of the ancient than the interwar period of the twentieth century. Relying on the love of Hitler to the ancient symbols and on sources of different doubtfulness, Zigu is alternately attributed to the ancient Romans, Celts and Slavs. The last concept is especially warming up the soul to Russian neo-Nazis, emphasizing its Slavic-Aryan origin. Their concept proclaims the celebration of the White race, and the ancestors of Slavs call "Ariyev" - a tribe that moved from Slavic lands to Europe and giving life to other white peoples. According to neo-Nazis, during World War II, Hitler had nothing against the Slavs, also receive himself to the white race, and the "Ost" plan did not exist, since the original document was not preserved to the present day, in other evidence were forged. Thus, neo-Nazists explain their admiration for the ideologists of Reich and Hitler: they were gone for the purity of the White race and tried to clear the territory for her development.

Often with the movement of neo-Quarters are associated and the subculture of skinheads is associated, but it is not entirely true. Skinheads arose in the late 1960s as non-formal hippie antagonists who denied the position of peace and love and sought for a hard statement of their position. Only NA Skinheads are close to neo-Nazi ideology - one of the late branches of subculture.

In Russia, skinheads and neo-Nazis are practically not separated, as the nationalist vision of movement is more developed in the country. Russian neo-Nazists not only "throw zigu" on illegal parades and meetings, but also use one of its options in everyday communication, replacing the greeting by the Zyoy and the words "Sieg Heil!" ("Viva victory!"). The latter is also adopted from the heritage of the Nazi Reich and the modern Nazis are used more often than the glorification of the Fuhrer. One of the most popular cripples of the Russian NA skinheads and neo-Nazis is "Zig Khile! Zig Khile! We will build a new paradise!" Under the construction of Paradise, in this case, the celebration of the White race and the physical extermination of representatives of national minorities, in particular the Gypsy, Jews, Caucasians, Azerbaijanis and other emigrants with a tinge of the skin are darker than that of the Slavs.

In the ranks of skinheads and neo-Nazis, sporty radical young people most often fall, therefore it is logical that their destructive energy is leaving not only on the fight against the threat of a white race, but also on a football field. Often neonazists and skinheads replenish the ranks of ultras and participate in urban scuffle after football matcheslosing in the most real pogroms and clashes with representatives of other radical groups, subcultures and nationalities. And in the stadiums during the game you can see the fans who throw ridges.

NA skinheads can be found not only in greeting-rye, but also by other signs, as that the availability of accessories or decorations with a swastika or Slavic symbolism. Distinctive sign Representatives of the subculture of skinheads is shaved headlays or very short haircut. Most neo-Nazis hides their face with a bandage or neck scarf stretched from the chin to the eye.

Nat Zinkevich

5 If, someone told our grandfathers that 70 years later, some young people would take themselves with the Nazis, he would be amazed to the depths of the soul. However, before proceeding, I would like to advise you a few sensible articles, for example, who is such a skinhead, which means Cooking, what is a wallboard, which means numbers, etc. Russian people who fought with brown plague for 4 years suddenly I discovered this infection in your heart. So what does Ziga mean? How to throw a sip? These questions are interested in our youth and in this article we will try to give answers to these questions. Word " Ziga"It was borrowed from german language "sieg."And translated into Russian as" winnings "," victory". This is the most ancient greeting gesture of the sun. He is made by raising the right hand, while left hand Located in the abdomen, thus forming a special zig-rune. Whatever " prerendel"They did not write out German hands, whatever gestures were made in the intention to destroy Russians and make from all their slaves, but their end was predetermined. Therefore the gesture" Ziga"You can associate with unsuccessfulness, a lumber, because, in fact, the Germans lost all wars, which led with other nations.

Ziga- This is a special greeting that arose in the fascist Germany and the Nazis used to the end of World War II

If we look into history, it turns out that this gesture was used the ancestors of Slavs, although there are no exact evidence to this, but many citizens with foam in the mouth prove the truth of this theory.

The emergence of the gesture "Zigi"

Greeting your tribesmen in the ancient peoples

Greeting the Slavs of the God of the Sun

Greeting political and military leaders

What do Russian fascists want? They believe that you need to drive all " black"From Russia-Mother. However, for a start, it is necessary to identify the borders of Russia. After all, where the skins are going to drive out Tatars from Kazan? After all, this is their land, and they always lived there. Probably fascists want to establish Muscovia, with several areas located around the capital. They do not need the rest of the territory, Siberia? No, I did not hear!
Another detail is interesting as the Bandera began to kill the Russians in Donbas, the Russian fascists immediately went there. Do you think they decided to protect the Russian people of Donbass? Not there was, they were, they became enthusiastic to destroy women and children and post in instagram killed civilians.

So, Russian fascists, kill Russian people. Why and why? Yes, not all. One thing is clear if they courses in Russia, millions of ordinary Russian citizens will die, and these gaps will die on blood. Someone doubts that they will meet with the colors of the troops NATO? Me not! These are real Russians. " patriots"that are killed in the dark alley of the Armenian girl, and then rent their country under the occupation troops.

Army Ziga

IN lately I am increasingly seeing how young guys raise hands up in a greeting of each other - throw a zihu. Powerful psychological action. On the older generation It brings fear and horror, as it is associated with fascism and white general. However, on a variety of forums, this gesture is attributed to our ancestors to the Slavs. But there is no obvious historical evidence of this.

This is exactly what fought me in search and systematization, let the rude, but uniting all the theories about the appearance of Ziga!

Actually, what is this for the concept of "ridge" and how to "throw" it?
"Ziga" (from him. "Sieg" - Victory, Win) - This is a greeting gesture of the sun: from the heart to the Sun, the right hand is expensive; The palm of the left hand is at the inside on the stomach, forming a zig-rune.

Description: Open palm of his right hand with his fingers folded to each other concerns the left side of the chest, where the heart is an anatomically located, then rushes sharply and up, and the person's glance rushes up, in the sun, since it is his such gesture a person welcomes and binds with him energy expensive through his right hand. It was a description of the gesture "from the heart to the Sun", with the throw of Ziga and the establishment of high-quality energy relationships is also important and the formation of the Zig Runes is also the formation of the head of the left hand should go to the inside of the belly

Now we understand what the ridge mean and how it looks. But! It turned out to be Ziga not alone. They are 3 types: large, medium and small.
Conditionally, the types of Sieg can illustrate the following type:

- (sources are indicated at the end of the document)

Now, I think everyone has become clear and we can move to the issue of occurrence.
To begin with, I will define all the versions found by me:




We collect Krupitsa Knowledge and answer questions in order.

1. Greeting God of the Sun (gods?) Slavs

As already described above, Ziga is a greeting of the sun. When our hands are formed by the runa when throwing rung, we, through the palm we give part of the energy of the sun. I praise him! Thank you for heat and light! So we express our love for our father. IN slavic tradition Left hand taking (to her heart), right - giving (from himself, from the heart). That is why, with a greeting gesture, we apply the right hand to the heart first, and then take it up!

In confirmation of this hypothesis, I would like to celebrate another gesture. When contacting the gods, we take up both hands up! Thus, we form the body rune Algiz, the rune of life:

I think we all have not seen once in films and frescoes as priests take up both hands towards gods! This gesture means fully open circulation, recovering. Therefore, it was used only to the deities or sorrow and sadness to their "king". By this we entrust yourself to them.

However, if you turn this rune - then we will get the rune of death. And if you put them on each other, then we get the letter "g". That in Staroslavlyansky means "life." As you know, there are no analogues in the German peoples.

Therefore, a simple greeting happens only by hand, giving right! From the heart to the sun! Greeting life!

But still it is worth remembering that our grandfathers and grandparents, their parents, all our ancestors welcomed strangers with a bow and gesture inverse ziga !!! Right hand from heart to Earth!

1. Greeting tribesmen Ancient peoples

In the chronicles of the ancient peoples, customs have a mention of the greeting of other people with a right hand up. What meant a peace-loving attitude, lack of weapons in hand.

And now remember how you welcome your friend when you see him from afar? All right! You raise your right hand with an open palm facing it. Nothing reminds? Exactly. This gesture is striking similarity with medium and low zygy! But these gestures thousands of years. They still used the Indians for many years before the arrival of Hitler, a bloody general!

So that you do not doubt these words, I want to give examples of swastika, which Hitler borrowed from other nations.

Everyone knows that the one whose name cannot be called, created a special division - Aneserbe.

Which was engaged in finding ancient magic artifacts and symbols, alchemy and weapons of the gods. That is why the pride teams were sent to Tibet Mountains in search of Shambhala. The interests of the ancient Sumerians were also addressed. Interest was and information about God Torah. And he knows the god of war.

In this image, Indian Peru in national clothing. 1910.
See this symbol, swastika? So, this symbol is associated with the Sun (what, again the sun?).
Still would! Ancient Slavs used a similar sign to designate their people - Koklet, Sol Coat:

From here we can move to the stripes of the soldiers of the Red Army of 1918:

Only later, these data were changed or destroyed so that there were no coincidences with the Black and Bloody Policy of Germany 40.

Now you know that the gesture of greetings, Ziga, and the Swastube, were still long before the appearance of fascism in Germany.

1. Greeting of military and political leaders

It is said that the greeting of Zyoy's leaders came from Rome. In Italy, and only then to Germany.

According to this sculpture, the body form Zig Rung. But the right hand is slightly bent and relaxed brush. But there are no clearer sources of information. Therefore, it is not necessary to argue that Romans threw the Romans.

Well, we got to Mussolini and Hitler.

And now think carefully and remember: how did Hitler welcomed, how did Hitler himself throw Zigu? Well?

The fascist movement welcomed his leader with a sharp wave of a straight right hand from the hip! That is not from the chest, not from the heart, but from the Earth! This species Zigi Hitler used to increase psychological pressure on ceremonies. It is also possible that this greeting equated him to God, to the highest race.

Epilogue .

Now we see and know that Ziga and the Swastube is not the personification of fascism and his brainchild. They only borrowed and changed a little appearance Ancient gestures and images. And the propaganda of the highest race, blood and camp under the crumbs "Zig Khail!" And the swastika reduced no our memory. And censorship soviet authorities, Church Inquisition destroyed the last crumbs of knowledge and memory of our peoples. All that little really resembled fascism /
And only in the ancient temples of India and Tibet you can see the swastika as it was before!

What would you think when they saw a group of strong young guys, who, stretching the right hands, shouted: "Sieg Heil!"? Are these stupid milk people, not understand anything in life? Or maybe all these people do well know Russian history, once give the Nazi greeting. After all, the phrase "Sieg Heil!" (Zig Khail), in the people of "Ziga" - this is the most that neither there is a popular saluting that had bought in Germany from 1933 to 1945. And for sure, young people do not know how many grief moved the people of Russia from the attacks of those whose Maner behavior did they take over? But no, under the clue it turns out that these guys and girls know perfectly well the history of Russia. In addition, there are many people with a very decent age. And, "throwing off Zigu," that is, welcoming each other in a German-fascist style, they do not praise the actions of Germany, and approve of the Wehrmacht's policies. Basically, this adoption concerns only internal politicians. Actions Adolf Hitler and others like him in foreign policy spheres even at the most unfinished romantics of fascism in modern world Causes rejection. Although not everyone.

"Sieg Heil!" or Zig Khail, Lee "High Hitler" or just "Haile" as a greeting takes his beginning from Ancient Rome. In a similar way The Romans greet the senior or rank and wished him health. In the 20th century, it was copied by the Italian fascists, and they adopted the German national socialists (Nazis). The difference consists of the fact that both the Romans and the Italians threw the right hand forward, pre-pressing it to the chest in the heart. And the "Roman greeting" was a kind of cordial, benevolent gesture. The Nazi action carries more aggression and call and it is performed from the bottom, from the right thigh. The author of the phrase "Zig Khail" spoke Rudolf Hess, at one time offered on behalf of the German leadership Prime Minister Winston Churchillus of the deparation world against Russia on behalf of the German leadership. After the refusal of Churchill Hess and did not think to retreat and suggested the same government of Great Britain, but with the condition of removing from the post and arrest of Churchill himself. But here he was not with cases. The Government of Great Britain Following his Prime Minister refused to join Germany and any "guests" from its territory to negotiations.

As always and everywhere in similar situations, when the personality of one person, as a rule, the ruler is identified with the identity of God or close to him, in Germany "Zig Hail" in the very end of World War II has become mandatory for everyone. If at first it was used only by employees of special services, police and members of the National Socialist Party of Germany, then later it began to apply all residents of German-speaking countries without exception.

At the same time there were groups of the population that refused to welcome each other. Most often they managed a religious feeling, because people believers in God, in their opinion, should not praise a person. Such people revealed and betrayed the court of Gestapo. "The benefit" that in Germany, the desire of some people to report others to the competent authorities was openly encouraged. And any evasion of the generally accepted code of conduct instantly became known to relevant persons. With ses, measures are immediately applied, most often punitive.

Russia and others, once almost completely European countries, today are subjected to total settlement by other races. This is impossible not to see. Obviously, in the very near future white race It will cease to exist as an agreed due to their depravity. So Rome died, so the Byzantium died, many nations, countries, and even civilization ceased to exist. Today it feels many people. But someone agrees with this, tolerantly tolerance of the Inomemian dominations in their countries, and someone protests as non-trivial ways as Nazism, one of the bright manifestations and the indispensable attribute of which today is "Ziga".