White race drills runs from black racism from Africa to Russia. Refugees from Africa will bring in Stavropol to half a million dollars

White race drills runs from black racism from Africa to Russia. Refugees from Africa will bring in Stavropol to half a million dollars
White race drills runs from black racism from Africa to Russia. Refugees from Africa will bring in Stavropol to half a million dollars
Then the Portuguese sailed on the merchants from the Expedition Bartolome Diash and landed on the local not too hospitable shore. The land was slightly populated, but local militant savages did not seem friendly. These places were not interested in merchants and they went on to search for India.
After almost 200 years, the Dutch expedition Jan Van Ribek founded the first colony on the Cape of Good Hope on April 6, 1652 called Cape Town. The Dutch, like the Portuguese, very quickly made sure that local tribes are completely deprived of commercial veins and trade and exchange operations prefer more pragmatic relationships - to fit with careless white skin or at a thin end - to dismantle some more accurate. But the benefit of the savages was a little, which made it possible to establish something with time - what relations with two local tribes on the principle of whip and gingerbread.

Over the course of two centuries, 17th of the 18th came here with a continuous flow of migrants from Netherlands, as opposed to their homeland here there was a lot and good quality. A lot of Huguenots from France arrived here in South Africa, the persecution and murder of heretics began.
And savage agriculture do not pack, nomadic cattle workers turned into a desert of the territory where they were held. (By the way, the desert of the sugar of human hand is the case, similar cattle breeders.) Moreover, they themselves were the colonists, the arrived here destroying and assimilating indigenous peoples ...
As a result, the ebony running from the north faced with Europeans from the south. After a series of collisions, the boundary was established.

Since the caphrais were militant tribes, they were not suitable for the role of slaves, and the lack of working hands was filled with the bridge of captives from Indonesia, Madagascar, Asia. Over time, they partially mixed with Europeans and two new people appeared: South African Race Color Cape Malays or Cape Coloured, and the most conservative colonists - farmers made up the backbone - the people of the boots, where, except for the Dutch and French, the descendants of German immigrants were joined.
Buras in the state - the colony of Holland calmly mastered the expanses of South Africa for almost a half century, while there were competitors in the form of a British East India company. In 1795, under the pretext of confronting the threat of Napoleon Bonaparte, English regular troops landed on the South African coast and captured weakly protected settlements of the boots. In March 1802, after the signing of the Amiens Agreement, when the Netherlands after the defeat of the Bonaparte became free, Britain returned to the captured. But after three years, I changed my mind and selected these lands again under the pretext of the return of debts of the British crown of the bankrupt Dutch company, which founded this colony ...
In 1815, the Vienna Congress legally secured these lands for Britain. Someone wants to argue with the Ladies of the Seas? No wishing?
First annexing these lands, then they also bought them and bought them, however, so cherry, which did not pay a penny in reality. However, this gave the right, Arthur Conan Doyle, write the following lines in his book about the English-Board War: "In our extensive meeting of countries, there is probably no other country, the rights of Britain on which they would also be indisputable like this. We own it on two grounds - according to the right of conquest and on the right of purchase. "
Soon the British created the closets of unbearable conditions for existence, banning training and office work in Dutch and declaring English by state. Plus, England in 1833 officially banned slavery. True, the "good" British appointed a redemption for each slave. But, first of all, the redemption itself was half the price taken, and secondly, it was possible to get it only in London, and it was not money, but by government bonds in which weakly educated borants simply did not understand.

By this time, a curious mix of national registry relationship has developed on the territory of South Africa.

The Negro population of Lyuto hated all whites without parsing and resided with them in a state of sluggish hostilities. The British, proud of their country and their nation, possessed exorbitant imperial ambitions and a sense of excellence over all the British, plus did not forget about the commercial interests of the East India company. That's what Chamberlain said to us: "First, I believe in the British Empire, secondly, I believe in the British race. I believe that the British is the greatest of imperial races, which ever knew the world "...

The storms of fanatically defended the moral and religious principles of Calvinism, namely, deep individualism, pastoral lifestyle, asceticism, self-sufficiency, closedness.

And in the first and main place there was an idea of \u200b\u200bhis new homeland as God's reserve, in which they, boorans, the Lord entrusted the care of the brothers of junior in faith and mind ...
The first half of the XIX century was marked in the history of South Africa with two ambitious shocks.

The first is associated with the appearance of imperial ambitions in the Zulussian nation. Since the king of Shaka Zulu combined the scattered tribes at its beginning, and then started a methodical cutout Unrelated neighbors and seizure of their territories.

Second: this is a great outcome - the refusal of the boots from urban life in coastal settlements, whose socio-economic life is entirely subordinate to the commercial interests of the British Empire, and the campaign of the country in search of freedom and independence.
Here's how the Mark Twain Mark describes, who visited the south of Africa: "The borants are very divesed, deeply ignorant, stupid, stubborn, intolerant, are unclean, hospitable, honest in relationships with white, cruel in relation to their black servants ... they are still quite the same, what is happening in the world".
The cornerstone for understanding the entire further history of South Africa became the tragedy of Petya Retiff, one of the leaders of the pioneers, whose squad collided on the endless plains of Nathal with Zulussia and their Chief of Dingan. He invited Retiff with comrades to his residence in Mgungundlov, allegedly for the signing of a peace treaty, and then gave his soldiers a team: "Kill these sorcerers!".
At first, the retif and 70 were killed - his associates. And then Zulussy suddenly attacked the other bers of the former camp. Pete Retif, his son, immigrants and their servants, a total of 530 people, were confused, and the remains of the retifa-senior thrown on a hill to be excited by wild beasts.
The borants were preparing the retribution for a long time, almost six months, but what crushing it was! On December 16, 1838, on the banks of the River NCOMA 470 droves, led by Andries Pretoriouis, crushed the army of Zulus in which was different estimated from 10 to 20 thousand warriors. The result of the battle has no analogues in world history: three wounded drills and three thousand killed Zulus! You ask, what about this? Crowd savages against trained shooters? And I will answer you what happened and vice versa. For example in battle
At the hill island 1397 English soldiers were destroyed by Zulusi lost a little more than 3,000 killed, survived only a few British who came pronounced, even the guns did not help them ...

Four days later, the dice of Pita Retiff was collected and buried on the Christian custom. It is curious that on December 16, holy coming in the years of apartheid as the day of the covenant, is celebrated after 1994 - the truth is, under a different name: as a day of reconciliation. Only strange whom with whom?
Whatever, after the battle on the bloody river, the borants finally and irrevocably got rid of the last illusions about the possibility of peaceful coexistence with tribes inhabiting South Africa, and aligned in two unique state entities in the country's depth - the South African Republic and the Free Orange Republic.
Who knows how the story would have happened, but in 1870, a huge diamond field was found in Kimberly, the British could not pass by any circumstances.

This cules 222 grams weighing and in 1111 carats, it is three times less than the Kulinan 3106 carat or Sergio 3167 carats right there.

And pay attention. The booms were not interested in this deposit, they were farmers and they remained, but huge flows of passing, bandits, adventurers from around the world, and first of all from England hung here. One of the newcomers was Cecil John Rhodes, the future founder of De Birsc, as well as two new English colonies, modestly mentioned in honor of him South and Northern Rhodesia. As a result, the number of diggers, it became equal to indigenous residents - the booms ... and of course under the auspices of Britain, these thugs and treasure seekers wanted to have citizenship and all the rights were available at the boards, and most of all their taxation setting in taxes ... foreigners have become more louder to demand For yourself civil rights. To this end, the human rights NGO "Committee of Reforms" was even created, funded by Cecil Rodz and other mining kings. A funnant addition - requiring citizenship in Transvaal, the suclanders, however, did not want to refuse from British citizenship.
De Birsa was able to become a leader and a monopolist in the diamond trading market only after received the support of the Rothschilds trading house.
And the new governor of the Cape Colony Alfred walks to the metropolis reports, strongly exaggerating the plight of the Whitelanders in Transvaal and sends a secret report of intelligence in which the borants are exhibited in a bad light. And then they found gold.

Damn Gold! In February 1886, Australian John Harrison, who mined a stone for the construction of a building at the Langlahte Farm in the South African Mountains Withersrand, accidentally discovered the breed he identified as gold-like ...

Gold, mined in Transvale, went straight to London banks, among the owners of which there were many Jews.
By the way, British politicians quite rightly noticed that "the Treasury does not receive a single fountain from transval or any other gold mines." These revenues received private owners of banks. It will soon be produced 40% of the entire global stock of gold!
Standerworth: Two English-Borsk Wars 1880-1881 and 1899 - 1902

Yes, the borants caused the British a number of unforgettable lesions, even actually won the first war, but in the end they lost ... and how could selfless farmers be taken against the British Empire who fell on them? Surprisingly, they were able to hold out for so long ...

Rudyard Kipling (in the first row right) among military correspondents in South Africa ...

And Britain to defeat themselves to strain, and even rebuild your military machine ...

Today you are in flame!
He "S Sad, He" s old and lame.

What "S Wrong With You, My Good Old Man?
And Why Are You So Sad?
I "M Sorry for My People Slain
And for My Father Land.

And Three Of Them Have Died
But Seven Others Still Alive
Continue Bitter Fight.

My Oldest Son - Grey-Haired Old Man
In Action Was He Killed,

My Youngest Boy - Thirteen Years Old
HE SAID: "I'll Join You! Please! "
But i Was Firm: "I Know You're Bold
But War Is Not for Kids! "

Or Else I'LL Go Alone!
I'm Young and Small, and That Is True
But Still My Hand Is Strong!

Please, Dad! You'll Never Be Ashamed
Of me - Your "Little Boy"!
For Our Freedom and Our Land
I'll Fight and Die With Joy! "

I Heard His Word, I Kissed His Head
And Took My Boy with Me,
And for the Battlefield We Left
For ur right to be.

Black Traitor Shot Him In The Head

Old Boer Said Once Again
May US Protect Our God's Strong Hand,
And Other Honest Men.

Here, for the first time, snipers and sabotage groups appeared here, the tactics of the partisan war were worked out. And this is not all the achievements of the drills. In addition, the military volunteers from all over the world were perturbed on the side of the drills, perturbed British bloodthirsty policies. Foreigners created 13 of their detachments. Of course, the Dutch, French, Russians and representatives of other peoples distinguished themselves. F. the Rannywis Colonel Wilboa-Morel, who received the title of a Brigade General, headed the "European Legion", consisting of thirteen foreign volunteer detachments. In these detachments, 650 Dutch, about 400 French, 550 Germans, 300 Americans, 200 Italians, 200 Irish and 200 Russians were fought.

Here for the first time showed their influence on the fighting rapid guns and store rifles, smokeless powder and the use of trenches, machine guns Maxim and other systems, there was a complete change of combat construction and the disappearance of bright uniforms.

Here in these wars were born new ways of warfare. For example, the British can boast armored trains, a new form of khaki color, as well as concentration camps and tactics of the scorched land ...

Especially the last couple of great achievements. The first was to burn out yields and farm houses, a vigorous scoring of cattle, poisoning of rivers and wells and the first still more timid experiments in the field of the use of biological weapons.


The honorary palm of the championship in creating the first in the history of mankind of concentration camps also belongs to Britain ... For three years, the second English-bursk war in death camps were destroyed, thanks to the hunger and diseases of 26 thousand 370 people, of which 24 thousand were children. And only 200 thousand women and children turned out to be in these camps. They were given poisoned flour, poured glass poured glass ...

Also, a new product was tested! Formation of public opinion using the media.
It was not only the first "attempt to bring freedom and democracy" to the countries rich in minerals. By the beginning of the 20th century, humanity was already able to be telegraph, photography and cinema, and the newspaper became the usual attribute of each house in civilized countries ...
Thanks to all of the above, the manual worldwide could learn about changes in the military situation literally within a few hours. And not just read about events, but also see them in the photos and screens of synemology.

Winston Churchill in captivity at the drills (extreme right).

British newspapers, and those belonging to different parties and directions, wrote about the same articles, drawing boots with savages, villains, cruel slave owners and religious fanatics and for greater clarity, illustrated beautifully painted pictures.
However, it is unlikely to accuse the Jewish-bankers alone in the unleashing war. Hysteria around the bers fell on fertile soil. The British sincerely believed that they were born to rule the world and any obstacle in the implementation of this plan was perceived as an insult. There was even a special term, "jingoism", meaning the extreme stage of the imperial chauvinism of the British.

Boers (African)

The word "Boer" comes from the Dutch "peasant". So the first migrants from Holland in South Africa called themselves. In the first quarter of the XX century. The other applies to the official, the name of the boots - Afrikaner.

In the 80s - early 90s. Our century African was most of the white population

South African Republic (60%) and Namibia (70%). Their settlements also exist in Zimbabwe, Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania, Zaire, Burundi and outside Africa - in Argentina and some other countries. According to the assessment, the total number of Africanners is about 3 million people, of which over 2.8 million live in South Africa and about 50 thousand - in Namibia.

The colonization of the boots of South Africa began with the creation in 1652 the Netherlands East India Company of the fortified settlement near Cape of Good Hope. The settlement laid the beginning of the Cape Colony and rose afterwards to the city of Beastad - modern Cape Town. After the cancellation in 1685 of the Nante Edict of 1598, guenoty-French appeared on the droughness in the Kapskaya Colony, which feared new religious persecution, followed by Protestants from Germany and other countries. By the end of the XVII century. The number of immigrants exceeded 15 thousand people.

The new colony has quickly expanded and fastened due to the capture of land in the indigenous population - tribes of Gottentots and Bushmen, as well as the conclusions with them "exchange" contracts, when metal utensils, alcoholic beverages, tobacco changed on live livestock. At the captured lands, the borants created extensive agricultural and cattle farms based on slave labor. Slaves imported from Angola, West Africa, India, from Madagascar, Ceylon. As its possessions and growth in the lack of workforce, the borants began to capture slavery and local residents.

During the life of one generation "Old-timers" - the Dutch - merged with new settlers - the French, Germans, and others. Their cohesion contributed to the generality of religion. The borants belonged to the Dutch reforming church, which arose as one of the directions of the Reformation in Switzerland and became the dominant in Holland in the XVII century. Based on the teachings of Calvin on predestination, the borants considered themselves the chosen people designed to manage and rule. Local non-Christian residents in their presentation were simply not people.

The generals of the boots became the language - Afrikaans, which arose as a result of mixing various dialects of the Dutch with German, English and French. Afrikaans experienced both the influence of local African languages, Portuguese, Malaysky, as well as the shortcomings, which spoke Sailors, merchants and imported slaves who visited South Africa. Initially, Afrikaans was only a spoken language and operated simultaneously with the Dutch, which remained a written language of the bers. At the end of the XIX century. Literary works appear on Afrikaans, and since 1925 he, along with English, becomes the official language of the country. In the mid-80s. Our century on Afrikaans spoke over 5 million people.

Moved to the east, the borax in the 70s. XVIII century We invaded the lands of the braid tribes, which they called the cafes (from the Arab Kafir - the wrong, unbeliever). The so-called Kafr wars protested for the whole century began, which were visited by braid at first only the borants, and then the British who were captured at the beginning of the XIX century. Cape colony. As a result of the boundary, the latter expanded noticeably.

With the transition of the Cape Colony in the hands of England, this is connected with a romantic story of a burst history as the "Great Track". The word "track" comes from the Dutch "resettlement". So called the beginning in the 30-40s. XIX century The movement of large groups of bers from the Kapskaya Colony to the north and east of the country, behind the river Orange and Waal, as well as in Natal. The borah, as they themselves talked, went in search of new lands, where "neither English missionaries nor English gothtotots would not do, where manual cafes, where you can find good pastures ... hunt to elephants, buffaloes and giraffe and Where a person can live freely. " One of the direct causes of the track was the abolition of slavery in the Cape Colony, which created a threat to the undermining of the economic base of burdens.

The "Great Track" reminded the development of the American "Wild West" by the White Migrants. Trekkers moved by groups, without cards, through the Sun and other signs. Hard covered wagons, in which he had elder family members, women, children and simple Skarb, were accompanied by armed riders.

The new lands of the borants faced with a stubborn resistance of the indigenous population - Zulu, Naddeel, Safuto and other tribes. One of the decisive battles between the boots and the Zulusami occurred at the Inkom River, which entered the story of South Africa called the bloody.

For the approval of the drills at the conquered territories, decades were required. Their opponents were not only Africans who defended their independence, but also the British - the main colonial rivals of the drills in South Africa. Created in 1839, the Bordeaux Republic of Natal was seized by England in 1843. The lives of the two other Bisk republics arising in the middle of the XIX century, - Orange, created in 1854 under the official name "Orange Free State", and Transvaal, founded in 1856 under the name of the South African Republic. In relation to the local population in these Bordean republics, half-working operations were practiced.

At the same time, the daily lifeguings of most drills remained until the end of the XIX century. Deep patriarchal. An ironic characteristic is interesting to Mark Mark Twain after his trip to South Africa in 1896: "Buras are very pious, deeply ignorant, stupid, stubborn, intolerant, unclean, hospitable, honest in relationships with white, cruel in relation to their black servants , skillful in shooting and horseback riding, fond of hunting, do not tolerate political dependence, good fathers and husbands ... Even until recently there were no schools here, children did not teach children; The word "news" leaves the drills indifferent - they are absolutely anyway what is happening in the world ... " Africans and colonists-British, facing them on the battlefield, were not so ironic ...

Many outstanding political and state figures, scientists, writers came from the rods. The names of some of them can be found on the modern Geographic map of South Africa: for example, the capital of South Africa Pretoria is named after its founder, the first president of Transvae Martinus Pretoriouus; The city of Krugersdorp and the Kruger National Park - in honor of the other President of Transvae, Stefanus Kruger.

In the mid-80s. XIX century In Transvale, in the Withersrand area, the world's largest gold deposit was opened. Subsequently, uranium ores were discovered here. This actually solved the fate of the republic. The powerful British monopolies and immigrant workers from Europe rushed to Transval. Began trade and industrial boom. England and her cap of the colony began the economic blockade of Transvaal, seeking not to give him a way to the sea, prevent its territorial expansion.

From the mid-90s. England takes a course for the preparation of direct aggression against the Board Republics. An attempt is to organize a coup in Transvaal and eliminate President Kruger. One after another follows British ultimatums and threats to Transvaal and Orange. Finally, in 1899, the Anglo-Board War broke out.

Bras foresaw war and prepared for her. In the Germans, the rivals of the British in Africa, the newest stores "Mauser", machine guns and guns were purchased. Under guns were delivered all men aged from 16 to 60 years. From among the most skillful, experienced and brave fighters, commanders are selected.

The first time thanks to more perfect tactics, the best weapons and excellent knowledge of the terrain of the borax had a military advantage. However, gradually from England in South Africa, significant forces were transferred - up to 250 thousand people against 45-60 thousand soldiers-boots. The British switched to the offensive, took the capital of Orange and Tranvahal - the city of Bloemfontein and Pretoria. The boras continued to be a stubborn partisan struggle, but in the end of England in 1902 won and captured the Borsk Republic.

Anglo-Board War 1899-1902. was the first cruel rehearsal of the First World War. In South Africa, for the first time, a new automatic weapon was applied, barbed wire, concentration camps were created, in which the British contained prisoners, including women and children.

The Anglo-Board War was unfair on both sides: both England and Buras sought to establish themselves as a dominant colonial force in the South African region. But the sympathies of millions of people in many countries of the world were on the side of the little fearless people who had a challenge of one of the most powerful powers of that time. Together with the boots, hundreds of volunteers from Germany, Holland, France, America, Russia were fighting. About the borants folded songs. In one of

they have become famous in our country, there were such words: "Transvaal, Transvaal, my country, you are all burning on fire ..."

In 1910, a new British Dominion emerged - the South African Union (UAS), which included the British self-governing colonies Kapskaya and Natal and the parties captured by England. The creation of UAS was a kind of compromise between local English financiers and industrialists, on the one hand, and rich boral farmers - on the other. It was based on the desire to resolve the Anglo-Borish contradictions by strengthening the exploitation of the African and the non-ferrous population constituting the majority in the country. The first prime minister of UAS became the former commander-in-chief of the brisk troops during the war of 1899-1902. Luis Bota.

After the formation of the UAS, the bundle in the bucket society increased, which began in the years of economic lifting in Transvaal and Orange. The number of poor and broken farmers who went to the mines and in the cities in search of work increased significantly. The political discrepancies among the drills were determined. Some of them, headed by Bota, performed for a close alliance between the "upper" layers of the Borc and the English population of the country. They were opposed to supporters of the restoration of the power of the boots in South Africa, recreation of independent Borski republics. They organized the anti-British conspiracies, created political and paramilitary organizations. In 1914, a nationalist party emerged, relying on the boys - "White Poor" and small entrepreneurs, and in 1918 - the Society "Afrikaner Bruedbond" ("Union of Afrikaner Brothers"), which became secret in 1921. In 1922, the Government of the UAS sank the rebellion of white miners in the blood, in the main drills, in Withartersland, who put forward the requirements of the introduction of the "color barrier" in the mines - the discriminatory system of hiring and remuneration of Africans.

In 1924, the Nationalist Party, supported by Brutebond, defeated the elections to UAS. The Government of James Duke, who came to power, one of the creators of the nationalist party, the former Brisk General, carried out an uncomplicated racist policy. After the merger of the nationalist party and the South African party, whose leader was Yang SMETS (also former Borsky General and Prime Minister of the UAS in 1919-1924, a supporter of "Dialogue" with England), an extremely reactionary African group headed by the famous politician Malan recreates In 1934, the "purified" nationalist party. From the mid-30s. A fascist movement is distributed in the UAS. In southwestern Africa, military-fascist organizations appear, such as gray shirts, etc. In 1939, the Duke stated that "the views of South African beads on a racial question coincide with the views of National Socialist Germany." In the same year, his decisive opponent of the war with Hitler, was replaced by the post of Prime Minister SMETTS, and UAS joined the second world war on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition. However, in the War years, many Afrikaners did not hide their proper sympathies.

After World War II, the nationalist party put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bapartheid. The country launched a national liberation movement, against the racist policy of the nationalist party was not only black and colored southern Africans, but also part of the white population, including large groups of Afrikaner. After the proclamation in 1961, the South African Republic, an external and inner opposition, apartheide intensified, deepened sideways in the Afrikaner community. In 1988, there was a split of the nationalist party. Peter Bota was shifted from her leader's post. In 1989, he resigned from the post of president of the country, his successor was the political leader of Afrikaner Transvaal Frederic de Clerk, who proclaimed the course to complete the liquidation of the apartheide system.

The official cancellation in the South Africa is most racist laws in the early 90s. It was supported by a significant part of the White South Africans, including many Africanners. The present and future of Afrikaner is determined primarily by their marked role in the economic and socio-political life of the country. In the Afrikaner environment, despite the continuing political differences, the understanding of the fact that racial isolation is a brake on the path of the economic and socio-political progress of the entire population of South Africa.

At the North Caucasus, at the beginning of July, representatives of the peoples of the boots will arrive. The delegation of the bers will head Dr. Yang Andrian Slebus. The descendants of the Dutch colonizers of Africa are planning to learn how to move to the region.

Guests from South Africa want to communicate with the Cossacks, with the local population, Stavropol politicians and religious leaders, reports the public activist Vladimir Poluboyarenko.

In the case of approval and support from the edge authorities in Stavropol for exercising agriculture, over 15 thousand drills can be transferred from South Africa, which are not satisfied with the current living conditions in their homeland. It is also planned that in case of success of the first batch of immigrants, other borants can be settled in the Crimea, the Krasnodar Territory and the Republics of SCFE.

Great Track

This is the name of the resettlement of the boots that began in 1835 to the central regions of South Africa. From the Dutch Cape Colony, which, by the way, was the first on the African continent, the Europeans began to rise above in the desire to leave from under the authorities of the Netherlands East Indian Kopania.

Resettlement of boots

Having a great superiority in armament and military training, the borer-nomads won the local tribes without much work and moved on, deep into the continent. One of these groups of "Trekbuzh" (a little more than 200 people) under the command of Andris Pogitizer in 1837 was attached to the village of Mosek and knocked out from there the Neddeel tribe. Immediately after the flight of the tribe tribe released the proclamation, which was spoken of the creation of a new state of the farmers. After that, many storms began to move into the country called Transval.

Andris Pogitizer

First settlements

Farmers almost immediately broke the village, which was named after their leader - Andris Orchigstad. However, soon it became clear that the place chosen for living was not suitable for farmers. They had to leave these lands and move to the elevation, to the city they called Lidenburg. At the same time, other borants under the leadership of Andris Pretoriouus were settled in the areas abandoned by the feather and his people.

Boers in Africa

On January 17, 1852, the United Kingdom at the request of Poghiter signed a contract, according to which the independence of about 5,000 bursk families in the Transval region was recognized. Two years later, on the map of Africa, another independent country of boots officially appeared - an orange free state. Between two small states immediately arose a lot of differences.

Cases of state importance

Since 1856, Transval has begins to be issued as a real state: the Special Assembly has created the country's Constitution, the official name of the Republic of South Africa was chosen, the legislative authority of the Volksrad was created. The Constitution, by the way, did not imply any equality for "color", all the rights were endowed with the descendants of Europeans. To strengthen their position, Martinus Pretorius (the son of Andris Pretoriouus), who became the leader of the Transvaltsev after the death of Poghiter, was even going to conclude an alliance with the previously hated orange free state, but for this he chose not the easiest way - he tried to unite states, invading with his Warlord Paul Kruger on the territory of the Orange Republic. The orange free state troops gave the Pretoriouus army resistant, he was forced to return to his country.

Paul Kruger - one of the presidents of South Africa

At about the same time, a settlement appeared in the Transvaal, which became the capital of the state. In honor of the senior Pretoriouce, the city was called Pretoria. Thanks to the efforts of their partisans, Pretorius, remaining president of South Africa, was elected president of an orange free state. Many citizens counted this appointment illegal and tried to ensure that Pretorius denied at least one presidential position.

Anglo-Board Wars

In 1877, the United Kingdom announced an annexation of the South African Republic, which was weakened by the war with Zulusami. However, the borants have rebelled after three years, and in 1880, Transvaal again gained independence. By the way, a large number of Russian soldiers who went for thousands of kilometers to restore justice fought on the side of the drills. The borants, concluding a peace treaty, received full internal self-government, but at the same time agreed to the UK suzenagate. However, the British did not yet allow the territories on which the active mining of gold remained outside their direct control.

English Captain Taus kills Russian Colonel Maximov

October 11, 1899, the second English-Board War began. After several months of primary success, the borants were defeated, and after a two-year-old partisan war, the borants signed the surrender. Transvaal stopped his existence as an independent state and became part of the British Empire.

The original is taken by W. opener_1974. In the borants against the British. (40 photos)

This war was the first war of the 20th century and interesting from various points of view. For example, on her both conflicting parties were massively used smokeless powder, rapid guns, shrapnel, machine guns and store rifles, which forever changed the tactics of the infantry, forcing it to hide in trenches and trenches, attacking it in rarefied chains instead of the usual building and, removing bright uniforms, Khaki ...
This war also "enriched" humanity with such concepts as sniper, commandos, a sabotage war, the tactics of the scorched land and the concentration camp.

It was not only the first "attempt to bring freedom and democracy" to the country rich in minerals. But also, probably, the first war, where the fighting, in addition to the battlefield, were transferred to the information space. After all, by the beginning of the 20th century, humanity has already been able to the telegraph, photography and cinema, and the newspaper became the usual attribute of each house.
The confrontation of the British and the bers began almost a hundred years before the events described when the UK laid an eye on the Kapan colony belonging to Holland. First annexing these lands, then they also bought them and bought them, however, so cherry, which did not pay a penny in reality.
However, this gave the right to one of the heavyweights of the information war, Arthur Conan Doyle, write the following lines in his book about the English-Board War: "In our extensive meeting of countries, there is perhaps there is no other country, the rights of Britain on which they would also be indisputable as On this. We own it on two grounds - according to the right of conquest and right of purchase. "

Soon the British created the closets of unbearable conditions for existence, banning training and office work in Dutch and declaring English by state. Plus, England in 1833 officially banned slavery, which was the basis of the boom economics.
True, the "good" British appointed a redemption for each slave. But, first of all, the redemption itself was half the price taken, and secondly, it was possible to get it only in London, and it was not money, but by government bonds in which weakly educated borants simply did not understand.
In general, the bores realized that their lives would not have lives, gathered the thing and rushed to the north, founding there two new colonies: Transvaal and the Orange Republic.

It is worth saying a few words about the borants themselves. The Anglo-Board War made them in the eyes of the whole world heroes and victims. But the borants lived due to the work of slaves on their farms. And they mined the ground under these farms, cleaning it from the local black population using rifles.
Here's how the Mark Twain Mark describes that at about this time south of Africa: "The borants are very divesed, deeply ignorant, stupid, stubborn, intolerant, are unclean, hospitable, honest in relationships with white, cruel in relation to their black servants ... Actually, what is happening in the world. "
Such patriarchal life could continue for a very long time, but here in 1867 on the border of the Orange Republic and the Kapskoy Colony found the world's largest field of diamonds.
The flow of passing and adventurers hung to the country, one of which was Cecil John Rhodes, the future founder of De Birsc, as well as two new English colonies, modestly mentioned in honor of him South and Northern Rhodesia.

England again tried to annex the bursk territories, which led to the 1st England war, which the British, in essence, lost. But the bells were not over the troubles, in 1886 gold found in Transvaal.
The flow of passing, mostly the British, who dreamed instantly enriched again. The boras, still continuing to sit on their farms, in principle, did not object, but they laid out the visitors of the Whitlanders (foreigners) of high tax.
Soon the number of "poning" was almost equal to the number of local. Moreover, foreigners have become louder to demand for themselves civil rights. To this end, the human rights NGO "Committee of Reforms" was even created, funded by Cecil Rodz and other mining kings. Requiring civil rights in Transvaal, the Whitlanders, however, did not want to refuse from the British citizenship.

However, it is unlikely to accuse the Jewish-bankers alone in the unleashing war. Hysteria around the bers fell on fertile soil. The British sincerely believed that they were born to rule the world and any obstacle in the implementation of this plan was perceived as an insult. There was even a special term, "jingoism", meaning the extreme stage of the imperial chauvinism of the British.
That's what Chamberlain said to us: "First, I believe in the British Empire, secondly, I believe in the British race. I believe that the British is the greatest of imperial races, which ever knew the world."

When in Stratford-on-Avon, the hometown of Shakespeare, a drunk crowd of patriots interrupted the glass in the houses of quakers who opposed the war, the writer of Christian novels and explanations to the Holy Scripture of Maria Correlee turned to the romers with the speech, in which he congratulated them with how well They defended the honor of the Motherland, and said: "If Shakespeare rose from the coffin, he would have joined you."
The confrontation between the boots and the British in British newspapers was presented as a confrontation between the Anglo Saxon and Dutch races and was kneaded around the honor and dignity of the nation.
It was announced that if England once again gave the booms, it would lead to the collapse of the entire British Empire, because people in Australia and Canada will stop respecting it. The old bike was pulled about the claims of Russia for India and "found" traces of Russian influence on the drills.

Of particular interest is the information war. Although the Bura themselves did not differ in it, but by that time Britain managed to acquire a considerable amount of ill-wishers around the world. First of all, these were Russia, France, Germany and, of course, Holland.
Their joint merit was that the future war was announced by the "war between white", which, in fact, was not so little, for the rules adopted on the war against these events of the Hague conference, convened against the "savages" By the way, on the initiative of Russia.

In the Russian press, throughout the war, the Burants wrote with a constant delight and even diligently emphasized their resemblance to the Russians, as was the high religiosity of the drills, their tendency to agriculture, as well as the habit of wearing eye beards. The ability to ride the ride and aptly shoot allowed to compare the bers with the Cossacks.
Lieutenant Erichin, who was seconded during the war in South Africa as the correspondent of the New Time newspaper (and, apparently, a former Russian intelligence officer), who wrote under the pseudonym vandam, already during the Anglo-Board War warned compatriots: "Bad of the Anglo-Saxum enemy, But God forbid him to have his friend ... The Russian people are the main opponent of Anglo-Saxons on the road to world domination. "
Such powerful information support led to the fact that the flow of volunteers from all over the world rushed into the army of drills. Most were the Dutch (about 650 people), the French (400), Germans (550), Americans (300), Italians (200), Swedes (150), Irish (200) and Russians (about 225).

After applying the "tactics of the scorched land" and concentration camps, the moral authority of Britain fell below the plinth. It is said that the Anglo-Board War committed to the famous Victorian era.
Finally, on May 31, 1902, the Bura, fearing for the lives of their wives and children, were forced to capitulate. The Republic of Transval and the Orange Republic were annexed by Britain.
However, thanks to his courage, stubborn resistance and sympathies of the world community, the Buras were able to overtake the amnesty to all participants in the war, to get the right to self-government and the use of the Dutch language in schools and courts. The British even had to pay compensation for destroyed farms and at home.
Also, the boras received the right to continue to exploit and destroy the black population of Africa, which was the foundation of the future policy of apartheid.

The descendants of the Dutch colonizers of Africa can move to the Stavropol Territory and other regions of the South of Russia and the North Caucasus. We are talking about the white population of the country - borants. Details on the ether of the Extreme Program on the Radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (105.7 FM in Stavropol and 88.8 FM in the KVM region) told the Assistant Commissioner for Human Rights in the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Poliboyarenko.

Representatives of the bers turned to me themselves after they found out that Last year, the family of Martens from Germany moved to Stavropol. They have been terrorizing in South Africa there for many years. They are moving to different countries of the world. But many borants want to us - believe in the future of Russia and Christian morality. Why in Stavropol? They have the heat there, in the east of Russia they genetically will not survive, "says hemboyarenko. - In early July, several representatives of this people will come to negotiations. They will present the authorities of the region, the Cossacks, the clergy.

According to Vladimir Poliboyarenko, a delegation that will arrive in a week, herself paid flight and accommodation in the hotel.

Yes, they do not ask anything at all! Moreover, each family brings with them to half a million dollars. They want only to give them a residence permit with the subsequent acquisition of citizenship, as well as land in the long-term rental or right to buy it away. 30 families are ready to leave in Stavropol at any time.

15 thousand refugees from South Africa plan to move to Stavropol. But do they need us? [discussion]

Decent workers

The journalist and public figure Maxim Shevchenko, a journalist and public figure Maxim Shevchenko, expressed his opinion on the possible crossing of the drills in Stavropol.

Boers are people with very big money, and non-beggar migrant workers. They are decent, conservative and hardworking. Russia would be glad to them. Our country has always been an ally of the drills during the Anglo-Board War. Even Russian politicians fought on their side as volunteers. This people always knew that Russia would protect them from the British expansion. But if they run from their own country, it means there is something really serious, "says Shevchenko. - Another question: why Stavropol, and not other regions? Here there are problems with the Earth. I can not even imagine where you can settle.

However, not all residents of the region are satisfied. First of all, the Stavropol worries competition in the labor market: in the region and not so many jobs. Others - land. Be that as it may, Stavropol authorities have not yet commented on the possible influx of refugees.

Actress Charlize Theron is one of the most famous representatives of the peoples of the boots Photo: Archive "KP"

Overheard to Radio "KP":

Valentine: - When the Cossacks of Nekrasovtsy moved to us, I was very glad! But there is another experience. After the Soviet Union has collapsed, the refugees rushed to buy plants and land from us. And the indigenous population has become practically in slaves. As if the story did not repeat, and all that we earned later and the blood did not move into the booms.

Sergey: - I definitely "for"! I am a migranet from the Luhansk region. I was taken here very well. Stavropol region takes all and all get along. Many denominations in the edge, different cultures, nation, live together. And you can walk with the boosels!

Elena: - I'm against. We have no work in the villages for your people. Not that to help your help! And we also want to shelter refugees. Well, and Christianity is different. Orthodoxy and Protestantism is very different. First of all in the lifestyle. Well, it is still unknown, what diseases they will bring to us there.

Anatoly: - Labor people are always needed! Boers - good and decent people! Let them come, work with us. And at the same time they raise the economy of Stavropol!

Who are such storms

Boers - descendants of Dutch colonizers in Africa. These are the first white migrants who settled in the south of the continent in the middle of the 17th century. During the Dutch East India Campaign, vessels stopped here for replenishing stocks. Bras are excellent farmers, many of them have a good education. They are Christians, profess Protestantism. In recent years, the boras are increasingly becoming victims of various nationalist gangs. According to foreign media, only for 2015 there were more than 200 attacks on the farms of the boots. Several dozen people were killed.


Listen to the Radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" at a frequency of 105.7 FM in Stavropoles of 88.8 FM in the KMV region, on our website or in Mobile Applications Radio KP for and.