Trial testing of the EGE Russian. EGE in Russian: detailed analysis of tasks with specialists

Trial testing of the EGE Russian. EGE in Russian: detailed analysis of tasks with specialists

Good morning, dear colleagues! Today we have gathered again to talk about the "sore" - about the uniform state exam in the Russian language. "The eyelid-eyelids learn!" - It's all about us, Russian teachers! Only we began to understand that we are required on the exam in general and how to teach children to solve such tasks, as it is necessary to get used to the fact that some changes are made in Kim's kim, and this means that we will not have to miss and necessary Learn and learn again. What to do? How to keep up with the times, take into account all the changes and not lose the most valuable when preparing for the exam - time? I would like to tell today about the simplest things that should be prepared for the exam, so that this process does not turn into some kind of incomprehensible occupation, but became the system and brought its results.

I believe that in 1 queue it is necessary to make a thoughtful plan of our work and step by step to follow him. Immediately make a reservation that we all understand and know that we are now not in an absolutely closed space with the complete absence of information, as in the first years of the exam, but on the contrary, these sources of information are now so much that the main thing is, perhaps not to confuse Maze, and choose the most necessary for the efficiency of work and more time to pay the work for preparing for the exam.

So, what should be taken into account when compiling such a plan?

  • 2 years of study (10 and 11 classes): We begin training in the 10th grade (this allows us to make a program and in this our advantage over other subjects) and be sure to take into account all changes and continue to prepare in grade 11;
  • activities in lessons and after lessons;
  • the clock of the mandatory and variable parts of the school curriculum (in the 10th grade it can be some hours, and in the 11th grade there are already others);
  • level of preparedness learning

What is the sequence of actions?

1) Acquaintance with official information

Official Information Portal of the Unified State Exam -eGE eDU

Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements

Tasks for preparing for the exam in Russian with sample solutions (15 new options monthly).
- Did you find the problem? We will train!
To create a specialized test, select the number of tasks from each partition or use the preset options by clicking on the appropriate button.
- You can make an option from the number of tasks you need for one or another partitions of a task directory.

Educational website of the teacher of the Russian language and the literature of Zakharian Elena

Open Bank Tasks EGE
(on the website of FIPI)
Vocabulary and phraseology
Morfemic and word formation
Grammar. Morphology
Grammar. Syntax
Language norms
Expressiveness of Russian speech
Information processing of texts of various styles and genres

There are many questions to the creators of such a task bank. For example: it is very uncomfortable for work and takes a lot of time, it would be better if it were built by type of tasks, but nevertheless, it is necessary to work with it. Now, for example, it has already contained 98 different texts. And maybe already more. All tasks with texts on the exam will be 4 species, this is 1 task, a large text about 450 words and questions on it (tasks 20-23), the text of the review (24 task) and 25 tasks. All kinds of such texts are in the Obz. Methodists advise when working with text, always respond to 3 basic questions:

What is the text?

Proper interpretation of the text and the choice of the problem give a child as many as 8 points! It is also necessary to teach children to read the entire text, and not pay attention to individual familiar words. Those, for example, to learn that the first word "nature" did not lead them to the idea that it is necessary to give arguments for the problem. "Nature". It may be completely different in the other.

For the advanced parsing of tasks 1 part, you can use a very good collection of complex materials.Drabkin and Subbotin and similar books.

Useful tips:

  • Before solving full options, be sure to conduct a detailed analysis of each of the tasks, incl. and tasks 25 on evaluation criteria.
  • Maintaining individual notebooks to solve tasks 1 and 2 parts of the USE version
  • Record of answers 1 part in table, analysis results every month to track typical errors
  • Acquaintance with the criteria for estimating tasks with an expanded answer at the beginning of the year and learning the ability to properly build an essay and track its result
  • Teach a student to consider your points and evaluate the job of a classmate
  • Tracking changes in Kim EGE in grade 11
  • Do not apply for preparation for the examinations options for assignments in the outdated form (it is more complicated than teaching again)

Well, at the end, let everyone say to you:

I wish you, dear colleagues,
good, smart, patient, talented and understanding students!

With such we will be able to overcome everything!
Let our efforts be in vainAnd ...
Give us God never after the end of the exam not reading such entries on the Internet:



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Unified State Exam in Russian to the issue of preparation for the exam - 2016

Teacher's Action Plan in preparation for the exam

What should be considered: 2 years of study (10 and 11 classes); activities in lessons and after lessons; hours of mandatory and variable parts of the school curriculum; Level of preparedness learning

Teacher's actions sequence: familiarity with official information - United State Unified State Exam Informational Portal - EGE. EDU. RU-Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements - FIPI .RU

The minimum number of points in the Russian language: for the receipt of the certificate - 24 points; For admission to university - 36 points. 3.5 hours (210 minutes) are given to the execution of the examination.

The structure of the examination work Each version of the examination work consists of two parts and includes 25 tasks that differ in the form and level of complexity. Part 1 contains 24 tasks with a brief answer. In the examination work, the following types of tasks are proposed with a brief answer: Open Types for writing an independently formulated correct answer; tasks for choosing and recording one correct answer from the proposed list of responses; Task for multiple selection from the list

The answer to the tasks of part 1 is given by the corresponding record in the form of a word, phrase, the number or sequence of words, numbers recorded without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Part 2 contains 1 Open type task with an expanded response (an essay) that checks the ability to create your own statement based on the read text.

EGE-2016 video recommendations. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TSYBULKO Irina Petrovna - Senior Researcher of the Center for Philological Education of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Institute for Education Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education", leading researcher at FGBNU "FIPI", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Help on planned changes in KIM EGE 2016 Russian language - no significant changes. The selection of language material is expanded to perform tasks 7 and 8. The wording of the task 25 is clarified. The criteria for estimating the task 25 are clarified. The maximum primary score increased from 56 to 57.

Demonstration version of the control measuring materials of the Unified State Exam 2016 in the Russian language

Codificator of elements of the content and requirements for the preparation of graduates of educational organizations for the unified state exam in the Russian language: Section 1. The list of elements of the contents checked in a single state exam in the Russian language Section 2. The list of requirements for the level of preparation verifiable in a single state examination Russian language

Specification of control measuring materials for a single state examination of 2016 in Russian: 1. Appointment of KIM EGE 2. Documents defining the content of KIM EGE 3. Approaches to the selection of content, developing the structure of KIM EGE

4. Structure of KIM EGE Part 1- 24 tasks with a short answer - 33 points Part 2 -1 Task with expanded response -24 point Total-25 tasks-57 points

5. Distribution of tasks KIM EGE on maintenance and types of activities 6. Distribution of tasks KIM EGE in terms of complexity 7. Duration of the exam in Russian 8. Additional materials and equipment Additional materials and equipment are not used

9. The evaluation system of individual tasks and examination work as a whole for the correct execution of each job of part 1 (except for the tasks 1, 7, 15 and 24) the examiner gets 1 point. For an incorrect answer or its absence, 0 points are exhibited. The performance of tasks 1 and 15 can be displayed from 0 to 2 b. The answer is the answer in which there are all the figures from the reference and there are no other numbers. 1 point is placed if: one of the numbers specified in the response does not correspond to the standard; There is no one of the numbers specified in the response standard. In all other cases, 0 points are exhibited. The order of recording numbers in response does not matter.

For the execution of task 7 can be displayed from 0 to 5 points. For each right specified digit corresponding to the number from the list, the examiner receives 1 point (5 points: no errors; 4 points: 1 error is allowed; 3 points: 2 errors are allowed; 2 points: 2 digits are correct; 1 point: correctly indicated Only one digit; 0 points: completely incorrect answer, i.e. incorrect sequence of numbers or its absence. The order of recording numbers in response is important.

For the execution of the task 24 may be displayed from 0 to 4 points. The answer is the answer in which there are all the figures from the reference and there are no other numbers. For each correctly specified digit corresponding to the term of the term from the list, the examiner receives 1 point (4 points: no errors; 3 points: 1 error is allowed; 2 points: 2 errors are allowed; 1 point: only one digit is true; 0 points: 0 points Completely incorrect answer, i.e.neser sequence of numbers or its absence. The order of recording numbers in the response is important.

Orphoepic Conditional Station in the Names of Adjective Status in the verb stations in some communations and verbalies - IMENTIFICATIONS - IMAINS OF NOUTINGS - IMAIN

I.P. Tsybulko, E.V. Buzina, I.P. Vasiliev, Yu.N. Gostev, S.L. Ivanov Methodical recommendations for teachers, prepared on the basis of the analysis of typical errors of the 2015 EGE participants in Russian

Drawing up a working program and calendar-thematic planning - however, the topic ends with the decision of training tasks in the format of EGE -Control work-in the format of the EGE -UROCO development

An example of a calendar-thematic planning of Russian lessons in the 10th grade one by one of the sections

Implementation of the Work Program Conducting Workshops for Filling Forms EGE Retertaining Exams Analysis of Results Working on Errors

What material can be used? "RUME EGE" - Dmitry's educational portal Gushchasina-Reshuege .ru

Tasks for preparing for the exam in Russian with sample solutions (15 new options monthly). - Found a problem? We will train! To create a specialized test, select the number of tasks from each partition or use the preset options by clicking on the appropriate button. - You can make an option from the number of tasks you need for one or another partitions of a task directory.

Educational website of the teacher of the Russian language and the literature of Zakharian Elena Alekseevna-

An open bank of the tasks of the EGE (on the website of the FIPI) Phonetics of vocabulary and phraseology morfemic and word formation of grammar. Morphology of grammar. Syntax Specography punctuation Speech Language norms Expressive Russian speech Information processing of texts of various styles and genres

Tutorial "Unified State Exam. Russian language. A complex of materials for the preparation of students." Drabkina S.V.

Useful Tips: Before solving full options, be sure to conduct a detailed analysis of each of the tasks, incl. and tasks 25 According to the criteria for estimating the maintenance of individual notebooks for solving tasks 1 and 2 parts of the USE version of the response record 1 part in the table, analysis of the results Every month to track typical errors. Acquaintance with the criteria for estimating tasks with an expanded response at the beginning of the year and learning the ability to correctly build an essay and track its result learn the student to consider your points and evaluate the job of a classmate tracking changes to Kim Ege in grade 11 not to apply for preparation for the examinations of tasks in the outdated form (it's more difficult to learn how to teach again)

I wish you, dear colleagues, good, smart, patient, talented and understanding students! With these, we will be able to overcome everything! Let our efforts are not in vain and ...


The educational portal "RTUM EGE" is my personal charity project. He develops with me, as well as my friends and colleagues who care about the formation of children more than themselves. Nobody is funded.

The remote learning system for preparing for state exams "RTUM EGE" (http: //reshuege.rf, was created by the Creative Association Center for Intellectual Initiatives. Head - Guschin D. D., Mathematics Teacher, Physics and Informatics, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, Teacher of the Year of Russia - 2007, Member of the Federal Commission for the Development of Mathematics Mathematics Materials for Mathematics (2009-2010) , Expert of the Federal Subscribed Commission of the EGE in Mathematics (2011-2012), Deputy Chairman of the Regional Subject Commission of the GIA in Mathematics (2012-2014), Leading Expert EGE in Mathematics (2014-2015), Federal Expert (2015-2017).

Services of the educational portal "RTU EGE"

  • For the organization of thematic repetition, a classifier of examination tasks has been developed, which allows you to repeat certain small topics and immediately check your knowledge on them.
  • To organize current knowledge control, it is possible to include in training options for the work of an arbitrary number of tasks of each exam.
  • For final testing, the passage of testing in the format of the current year is provided for one of the embodiments pre-installed in the system or by an individual accidentally generated option.
  • To control the level of preparation, the system conducts statistics studied topics and solvable tasks.
  • To familiarize yourself with the rules for checking the examination work, it is possible to learn the criteria for checking tasks with the detailed response and check in accordance with them with an open response task.
  • For a preliminary assessment of the level of preparation after testing, the prediction of the test examination score is reported.

Task catalogs are designed specifically for the Portal "Decis EGE" and are the intellectual property of the editorial board. The tasks of the open bank of the instructions of the FII, demonstration versions of exams, the tasks of the past exams, developed by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, diagnostic work prepared by the Moscow Institute of Open Education, tasks from literary sources are used in accordance with the licenses of copyright holders. Portal users also have the ability to add their own jobs to the catalogs, publish theoretical materials, create training courses, correspond with their readers.

All tasks used in the system are equipped with answers and detailed solutions.

If you plan to regularly use the site, register. This will allow the system to meet the statistics of the tasks you have solved and make recommendations for exam preparation.

All portal services are free.

Made in St. Petersburg, Norilsk, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Voronezh, Ozersk, Moscow, Penza, Novocherkassk, Paris.

Copying site materials including, but not limited to: rubricators, tasks, answers, explanations and solutions, answers to readers, reference books are categorically prohibited. Work on the portal means consent to these conditions. You can deliver a link to the project pages.

We inform!
The general director of the "Exam" LLC Degtyarev Artyom from Taganrog called the pages of his paid site "I decided the EGE". The deft and creative director explained that such a policy of his company. Inside the portal learning materials with errors.

  • free training
  • unique tasks according to the 2019 specification
  • various sets of tasks with each new testing
  • approximate to the real exam form testing
  • the most complete information on test results is the counting of primary and test points.
  • soon you can get individual recommendations with reference material based on testing


You are given the opportunity to go through the test compiled according to the 2019 specification, in conditions as close as possible to those that will be on the real exam.

First, it concerns the form of the exam. The procedure of a single state exam suggests a special form of filling forms, which is unusual for students. Usually, schoolchildren arises of fear of mistake when filling out the form. Our test is performed on electronic blanks, similar toes that will have to fill in the real exam. This makes it possible to work out the skills of rapid and unmistakable fitting of the answers to the place specifically designed for this. In the exam itself, thanks to this experience, you will not have to spend precious time for familiarization with bookcases of responses.

Now for the execution of examination work in the Russian language is given 3 and a half hours (210 minutes). Previously, it was even less and the participants of the previous years have complained about the catastrophic lack of time. The problem is that in the exam itself, no one will stand with a clock and control the degree of tasks. Therefore, it is important to work out the inner sense of time and fit into the data of three and a half hours. When executing the test on the site, a timer operates that controls the time of working with the test and provides information on the time spent on completing tasks. As a result of such a workout, the skills of the operational passage of the tests of the USE are produced.

Secondly, the site contains unique tests, designed in accordance with the requirements of EGE 2019, i.e. The exam will be similar tasks options. Regular training produces quick and efficient tasks skills, which is useful in the exam itself.

Third, the undoubted advantage of the presented test is that at the end when receiving test results (primary and secondary score), information about the time spent, the number of errors and the correct answers, you have the opportunity to get the reference material on the problematic material Places in Russian. This will free from the need to look for the desired material in numerous textbooks, reference books, the Internet.


The work consists of 2 parts. Part 1 contains tasks containing 4 options of the response, of which the correct only one. Part 2 contains tasks to be given an independent brief answer.

Carefully read each task and the offered answer options if they are. Answer only after you understood the question and analyzed all the answer options.

Perform tasks in the order in which they are given. If a task causes your difficulty, skip it. You can return to missing tasks if you have time. Try to perform as much tasks as possible and score the largest number of points.

We wish you success!

Start testing

EGE in Russian consists of two parts and 25 tasks.

First part Represents 24 tasks. They can be test, to choose from one or more answers, open type (to enter the pass).

The answer to the tasks of part 1 is given to the corresponding record in the form of a number (number) or words (multiple words), the sequence of numbers (numbers) recorded without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

The tasks of part 1 check the assimilation by graduates of educational material both on the base and at high levels of complexity (tasks 7, 23-24).

The second part of - consists of one task - 25. This task assumes writing an essay based on read and analyzed text.

The setting of part 2 (task 25 - an essay) can be performed examined at any level of complexity (basic, elevated, high).

210 minutes is given to work - 3.5 hours.

Distribution of tasks in parts of the examination work

Parts of work Number of tasks Maximum primary ball Type of tasks
1 part24 33 Short answer
2 part1 24 Detailed response
TOTAL25 57

Rablovka on tasks

Below I will give the "cost" of each task being performed.

For the right execution of each task first part (In addition to tasks 1, 7, 15 and 24), the examiner receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer or its absence, 0 points are exhibited.

For performing tasks 1 and 15 can be displayed from 0 to 2 points.

The answer is the answer in which there are all the figures from the reference and there are no other numbers.

For the execution of task 7 may be displayed from 0 to 5 points.

For each right specified digit corresponding to the number from the list, the examiner receives 1 point (5 points: no errors; 4 points: one error is made; 3 points: two errors are allowed; 2 points: the two digits are specified; 1 point: true Only one digit; 0 points: fully incorrect answer, i.e. incorrect sequence of numbers or its absence.

For the execution of the task 24 can be displayed from 0 to 4 points. The answer is the answer in which there are all the figures from the reference and there are no other numbers.

The maximum number of points that may receive the examiner correctly second Part , ranges 24 points.

For the right execution of all the tasks of the examination work, you can get the most 57 primary points .

EME Options in Russian

To easily prepare for the exams and correctly fulfill the examination work on the exam in the Russian language in the "Options" section included:

  1. In Russian.
  2. And what will be checked 27 tasks - an essay.
  3. A complete list of topics that will meet in this year's exam is specified in tasks.
  4. Collection of 10 training tests online with answers and solutions and with the ability to download in PDF format.

The exam tests in Russian 2019 consist of two parts:

  • Part 1 Contains 26 tasks with a brief response. The answer to the tasks is given in the form of a number or words recorded without spaces, commas and other additional characters.
  • Part 2 Contains 1 Open Type Task with Deployed Response (Essay), checking the ability to create your own statement based on the read text.

Points for scores:

  • "Two" - from 0 to 35 points;
  • "Troika" - 36-57;
  • "Four" - 58-71;
  • "Excellent" - 72 and higher.

Minimum Number of points for admission to university - 36.
Maximum Primary score - 58.
Duration The exam is 210 minutes (3.5 hours).
Maximum quantity points for the essay - 24. Disclosed in detail how many points is given for each criterion.

  • Decide the exam tests of the Russian language online - this will help to navigate in the tasks, control and eliminate gaps in knowledge. Theoretical material and practical tasks were picked up by teachers.
  • Download the demo for 2019, it will be useful in the process of preparing for the exam.
  • Decide every week 1-3 options.