Drawing lesson: how to draw roses correctly. How to draw a beautiful rose with a pencil

Drawing lesson: how to draw roses correctly.  How to draw a beautiful rose with a pencil
Drawing lesson: how to draw roses correctly. How to draw a beautiful rose with a pencil

Spring is coming. Everything blooms in the spring. Also at the beginning of spring there is a wonderful holiday - March 8th. It is customary to give flowers and gifts to women on this holiday. The most popular flowers are roses.

Today we will learn how to draw once with a pencil. But since we have already touched on the drawings, the lesson is perfect for children who can draw a rose for their mother on March 8, step by step and easily. Step by step instructions lessons are so accessible that any beginner can easily draw a rose.

Watch the lesson and do the same. Begin.

Step 1. Place the sheet of paper vertically. Draw an oval at the top. Draw a curved line at the bottom of the oval. Please note on initial stage drawing a rose, press the pencil lightly, since these are auxiliary lines that we will erase later.

Step 2. Draw the outline of the rose petals on the sketch. As you can see, any child can handle this. Let's move on to the next step.

Step 3. If you are an aspiring artist, be careful, here we will draw the preliminary outlines of the rosebud. Draw a sepal under the bud.

Step 4. Now draw the rose petals in more detail. We also show the thorns on the stem and draw the leaves.

Step 5. Now we need to be very careful, as now we will draw the main outline of the flower. We start with the bud. If in the previous steps the bud was not drawn very neatly, then it's time to fix it. We draw beautifully the outline of a rose bud, looking at an example.

Step 6. Draw the petals in the bud. Problems for beginners and children when drawing a rose should not arise, but if something does not work out, then look at the sketches of the lesson.

Step 7. We draw beautifully around the sepal under the bud with a pencil. Moving on.

Step 8. Now, carefully and slowly, draw the main contours of a rose petal with thorns. We circle the leaves.

Step 9. Take an eraser and delete all the auxiliary contours in the picture. If you touched the main contour, then just circle it with a pencil again. You should have such a graceful rose.

Step 10. If you wanted to draw a rose for mom on March 8, or even just like that, then you should definitely paint it. We paint the bud in scarlet, and the stem and petals in green.

Step 11. If you are far from a beginner in drawing, Tom can color the drawing of a rose more realistically.

Watch another short video tutorial. The video shows how else a child can easily draw a rose with a pencil.

This concludes the lesson. In the comments, share your impressions and post your work with us

1. The outline of a rosebud is easy to draw

First you need to draw the outline of the petals of the rosebud. To do this, it is not difficult to draw a circle at the top of the sheet of paper. It is not necessary to draw it perfectly even, it is important to take into account that the rose flower will be inside this outline, so immediately draw the appropriate size for the outline of the bud. Do not forget that bright lines are secondary and we will remove them in the next steps of the drawing. Rose to draw continue in the next step, but for now add the stem to the bud.

2. How to draw rose petals

First, draw the still unopened part of the bud in the very center of the rose. After that, divide the bud into two parts with a line (in the figure it of blue color). Now it will be convenient and easy to draw the lines of the petals of the left and right parts of the bud.

3. Draw the leaves and details of the bud

Now we need to draw the rose petals in detail. The contours of the petals do not have to be copied exactly from my drawing, they may have a different shape.

4. We continue to draw the petals

First, draw a stem of a flower with leaves. Draw the number of twigs and leaves at random. Above all, do not make the leaves too large. Note that the leaves of the rose are veined. For more realism, they also need to be drawn. It remains to remove unnecessary contours and draw the petals in detail. In the correct image of the petals, all the beauty of the rose pattern lies. The top outline of each petal is drawn with two lines connecting at the edge of the petal. This gives the impression that the edges of the petals are curved. This will also help us in the next step to create shadows in the bud, which will make drawing rose voluminous.

5. How to shade a rose with a simple pencil

At this stage, you have already drawn a real rose, it remains only to add shadows to the flower drawing will become voluminous. Imagine which side the source will be bright light to determine which side of the rose will be brighter. Where there are indentations between the petals, you need to draw the shadows "thicker", pressing harder on the pencil. Shadows should be at the junction of the petals. Lightly rub all the shaded areas with a pencil with your finger. This smooths out the sharp lines of the pencil, and drawing rose will look softer.

6. Drawing a rose on a graphics tablet

The drawing will look much more spectacular if, instead of toning simple pencil paint the rose with paints or crayons. Be sure to consider lighting and coloring with a colored pencil. Without the shadows, the rose will appear “flat”, two-dimensional. A picture of a rose with a simple pencil can even be slightly "tinted" with colored pencils. This is how I made a drawing of a rosebud (see below).
Coloring the rose drawing with paints would be just perfect, but only if you have them, and if you know how to use them.

A rose can be drawn different ways... In this way, it is convenient to draw an open bud, detailing each rose petal. Do not forget that bright lines are secondary and we will remove them in the next step of the drawing. This step of the drawing lesson is without comment, it is an addition to the main lesson. At each stage, you need to add highlighted lines with a pencil. They are colored blue.

After you learn how to draw a picture of one rose correctly, you can proceed to a more difficult lesson - draw beautiful bouquet of roses. Notice how real roses stand in a vase, some of them have small, not yet opened buds, the stems are inclined, the leaves have different sizes. Most The best way to draw a bouquet of roses is to sketch a living bouquet, first with a simple pencil, and then paint with paints. But even if you don't have a real bouquet of roses, you can sketch roses from a color picture or photo.

My very first painting with roses. Still life completed oil paints... Please do not criticize too much, I was only 12 years old.

The lesson on how to draw a ballerina is designed for those who already know how to draw quite well, since it is not easy to draw a person, all the more so to be able to convey the grace and grace of dance. Ballerinas are given flowers, so you can draw a bouquet of roses lying on the stage.

Almost all drawings of flowers on the site are made in stages on graphics tablet. Color picture you can use to color a flower drawn by you step by step with a simple pencil.

There are millions of flowers on our planet, there are several hundred varieties of roses alone. When drawing a bouquet, you can add tulips or several roses to it, the main thing is that the color of the rose is combined with other flowers. The bouquet in the picture can be decorated with ribbons, leaves from other flowers.

Drawing a chamomile is the simplest task and any beginner can learn to draw. Try to draw a chamomile, if this task is not difficult for you, then drawing a rose will also be "on the shoulder".

If you are drawing a rose, drawing a butterfly can beautify and complement the drawing of a rose. Draw a butterfly flying up to the rose or sitting on the top leaf. You do not need to draw a butterfly on the bud itself, since this is the main object of the rose drawing.

The house can be drawn in different ways, such as making a roof with tiles, drawing double doors, or adding a brick chimney for the fireplace. To liven up the landscape next to the house, you can draw roses growing on a flower bed.

Rose is the recognized queen of flowers, loved by millions of people. Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of love, sung by poets, artists and great composers.

At first glance, draw beautiful rose not difficult at all, although, of course, it depends on your level of training. However, almost everyone encounters difficulties when drawing, some - at the stage of creating a contour with a pencil, others - at the stage of drawing shadows with paints.

How to draw a rose step by step for novice artists will be discussed below.

How to draw a rose - step-by-step instructions for children and their parents

Stage 1. Outline drawing... To begin with, draw the outlines of the future flower with thin interrupted lines. Outwardly, these outlines resemble a polygon. Draw 2 or 3 broken triangles on the sides - they will later become rose petals. Draw a circle in the center of the polygon without bringing its ends together (see image 1.1).

Stage 2. Draw the petals. The creative part of creating a drawing. The petals inside the outline are drawn in a chaotic manner and of any size. We also advise you to depict them with thin dashed lines in order to further correct the sketch, if necessary, without leaving traces (see image 1.2).

When finished with the petals inside the outline, add splendor to the sketch by drawing similar petals, but outside it.

Petals can be depicted with smooth curves, curls, and roundings - as you like. Feel free to experiment by periodically comparing your sketch to a template.

After the petals, move on to the design of the leaves. Give the outlined triangular contours smooth shapes, not forgetting to draw the leaves inside (see image 1.3).

Stage 3. Creating shadows with a pencil... The painted flower lacks shadows to look natural. Select small areas of the drawing, among which be sure to include the side petals, core and leaves, and create shadows on them with light dashed lines (see sketch 1.4).

The picture is ready.

How to draw a bouquet of roses in a vase

Have you learned how to draw a rose in the way described above? Then it will not seem difficult for you to draw a bouquet of these flowers.

Usually bouquets are depicted in vases, so we will give just such an example. To create a sketch, we will take as a basis a bouquet of three roses (see image 2.1).

Let's start with the bottom flower. Use the steps outlined in How to Draw a Rose to create a full blooming bud.

Draw the remaining two buds in the same way, one a little higher and to the right, draw the other above them (see image 2.2).

After creating the blossoming buds, move on to the stems and leaves. Fill the space between the flowers with them, giving the picture volume. Pay special attention to the leaves of the lower rose as they will hang over the vase (see image 2.3).

Now we start drawing the vase itself. To do this, visually determine the middle of the lower bud and draw a small straight line down from this point. Draw a straight line to the right in the same way, keeping the proportions so that the vase looks natural. Two straight lines define the neck of the vase. After two drawn arcs, create its shape. The straight line connecting the arcs will serve as the bottom of the vase (see image 2.4).

The sketch is ready. The last step is to create shadows with light shading. Try to vary the pressure on the pencil to create a natural shadow. The leaves should be shaded with a darker shade, the petals with a lighter shade. Do not forget to shade the vase to add dimension to the image (see image 2.5).

The picture is ready.

How to paint a rose with watercolors

The first step to painting a flower in watercolor is to create a sketch. You can either draw it yourself, or purchase a ready-made one.

Determine for yourself a palette of colors, and to paint over the petals, choose two or three shades that are in harmony with each other. In the process of drawing, first apply one color, then another. This is done for a smooth transition and a realistic picture.

Before starting work, slightly moisten the drawing with water and then start applying the first layer of paint to the petals, carefully painting over them. Before starting a new petal, wait until the previous one is completely dry, so as not to accidentally ruin the drawing (see image 3.1).

The most popular shades of flowers are pink, orange, purple, blue and cherry mixed with each other.

When the first layer is dry, start creating the shadows. To do this, define the darkened areas (most often these are the bends of the petals and the core) and carefully add darker colors there. Then choose two or three petals for yourself and add saturation to them. Finally, do not forget about the leaves and the stem, which should also stand out in color (see image 3.2).

If desired, add a background while drawing details using a similar palette of colors. In this case, paints should also be applied to paper damp from water (see fig. 3.3.).

The picture is ready.

Having learned how to draw roses on paper, many continue to improve and ultimately are able to depict them even on their nails, which, of course, requires exceptional skill. If the described methods seemed difficult, try first to depict the flower you like in the cells with a pencil, pen or felt-tip pens. This will require a notebook and an example for drawing, which you can either create yourself or purchase in a store.

The Rose. How beautiful this flower is, embodying love and devotion! The flower symbolism of the rose goes deep into history. Indeed, even in ancient times, people were different and gave them to each other as a sign of love and respect. So one gift of a rose was equated with a heartfelt confession. While twelve roses, according to biblical traditions, symbolized strong for life.

This tendency to express feelings and emotions with the help of flower arrangements has survived to this day: in Paris and Rome, in Moscow and Amsterdam, instead of a thousand words, people give each other these incredibly beautiful flowers.

There are many varieties of roses, and all of them, without exception, are popular with our kids. Without being imbued with symbolic meaning, kids draw roses on postcards, older crumbs make crafts and applications. And all because even the smallest artists are convinced that such unearthly beauty a flower simply cannot fail to please mommy, grandmother or beloved teacher. Of course, the first children's masterpieces are touching with their simplicity and spontaneity, but it is in our power to help the child improve his skills and teach him how to draw roses correctly and beautifully.

Actually, this is what we will do. So, we present to your attention a master class on how to beautifully draw a rose in stages.

Option 1

To begin with, let's look at how easy and correct it is to draw such a beautiful rose with a pencil step by step.

First of all, we will prepare everything you need: clear sheet paper, eraser, simple pencil.

So we figured out how to draw a rose in stages with a pencil, it remains to decorate it with paints or colored pencils.

Option 2

Drawn flowers, perhaps, lose in beauty to the real ones, but not if they are drawn with children's pens. Such gifts are priceless and will never be compared to even the most luxurious bouquet. So let's show your child how to draw such a beautiful rose with a pencil.

Let's prepare everything you need and get started.

Here, in fact, the sketch of our rose is ready, it remains only to decorate. As you can see, it turned out to be quite simple. And if you practice a little, you can easily and without any problems be able to draw the same graceful rose in stages, both with a pencil and with paints.

the Rose is a classic. The flower of extraordinary beauty will not leave anyone indifferent. Is it possible to draw it so that the drawing looks like a real one? Of course, a professional can do it, but can a beginner do it? Thanks to our advice, you can draw yourself an amazingly beautiful flower!

In this article, we will look at two options for drawing a rose:

1. How to draw a rose with a pen.

2. How to draw a rose with a pencil.

How to draw a rose in stages?

So, let's begin!

1. Let's start with the outline. Clearly draw an irregular circle at the top of the leaf and a slightly curved stem.

2. Now let's outline the bud in the middle of the rose. Divide the bud into 2 parts. In the picture, this part of the picture is drawn in blue. Outline the future petals with light strokes. And outline the bud like the top of a cylinder.

3. Now detail the petals. It is not necessary to repeat everything, as in our picture, you can get creative and add other elements.

4. Add a couple of petals on the stem. Choose the number of them yourself, so that your rosette acquires its individuality. Draw the bud more clearly by drawing line by line.

5. The leaves of the rose have small veins, so add these to the drawing as well. Now erase the unnecessary elements and carefully draw the petals. Make the outline at the top consisting of two lines. So it will look like the petals are slightly bent.

6. Here is the rose and is ready. Now you only need to finish drawing the shadow, which will give the picture volume. Imagine that one of the sides is lit and then you will understand which side to darken. In the recesses of the petals, the shadow should be denser. After that, simply rub the drawing with your finger.

7. If you have crayons or paints, you can color the flower. To do this, be sure to use the shadow effect so that the drawing does not turn out to be flat.

8. So, having learned how to create one flower, you can make a whole bouquet. To do this, draw roses. different sizes and from different angles, this will give the picture a natural look.