Ivan Slavic paintings of high quality. The most expensive artists of Russia

Ivan Slavic paintings of high quality. The most expensive artists of Russia
Ivan Slavic paintings of high quality. The most expensive artists of Russia
Petersburg artist, owner of the gallery "Slavinsky Project" - Ivan Slavic, according to critics, is considered one of the most expensive modern Russian artists. In this review, the story about how his formation took place, the search for his handwriting in painting and, of course, the paintings of this wonderful master.

Ivan Slavic was born in 1968 in Leningrad. Father - the artist-battalist Dmitry Oboznenko passed the inheritance to the son of the artistic gift of the painter. At 5 years of age, the boy has already ordered a pencil and paints well. The first skills in the visual art of Ivan received in an art school at the Academy of Arts. Father treated very critical to the first works of the Son. But soon he began to trust Ivan to prescribe small details on the edges of his crafts. And later I understood - the son is very talented, and he himself can create.

City at sunset day.

Lights of the night city.

During the period of the formation of a young artist, he was treated to realists, then to postmodernists, then to surrealists: it was very difficult, looking at Slavinsky's early works, to say that this is the hand of the same master. And only years later, gathering together on the canvas all these styles and art technicians, he created his manor, his unique unique hand writing.


At the first exhibition in 1991, arranged in the gallery of "Partnership of Free Artists", Ivan was recognized as audience, and artistic critics. The owner of a unique pictorial talent immediately became famous and recognizable in the city on the Neva, and later in Moscow.

Still life with a sailboat.

Once, having gone with my wife on a 4-day tourist visa to France on New Year's holidays, stayed there for the whole ten years. First of time, they and his wife had a friend in a tiny room overlooking the Eiffel Tower. Then they lived on an unfinished construction site, spending the night on the horses, chocked out of the boards.


The artist gradually began to make money on the life of painting: she passed his work to the small gallery for the implementation. As it turned out, the hostess of this gallery knew the work of the artist - saw his work on Nevsky. Cooperation was fruitful and brought money. The spouses were able to even remove a small apartment. The inspired artist began writing in different styles, which immediately became unclear to naive French: how it is possible that the painter can simultaneously write in several techniques. So the work of Ivan in the manner and style were different.


It was here that the revenue of the Russian moderator came to the revenue: a part of the work performed in another technique, the painter began signing the name of his wife. This was what the pseudonym "Marina Ivanov" arose. Friends who know this story gave Ivan's nickname "plum", which was derived from two surnames: Slavic and Ivanov. Some work signed by the name of the wife had a greater success, to which Ivan, as if jealous, said: "Masha, see what you're famous!"

Oddly enough, the Russian artist was all accepted for Parisian. Thanks to good French for the time of illegal living in France, Nobody asked the visa of Slavinsky. He even managed, without having any documents, buy a car and put on account. But soon he was declassified as customs and expelled from the country. But at the same time in his pocket already lay an invitation to France. And Slavic, spending all the documents through the consulate, returned to Paris already on legal grounds.

Vintage books and knight statuette.

And about eight years, he lived in Paris and worked on exclusive contracts of several European galleries. With personal exhibitions, he traveled almost all of Europe. The exposition of his paintings had a great success in Luxembourg, Dublin, Stockholm, Marseille and in Paris. All canvas of the Paris period were successfully sold out.

Santa Maria de La Salute. Venice.

His unique paintings replenished private collections of art connoisseurs in Italy, France, Holland, England, USA. The initial cost of the cauldron of Ivan Slavinsky was from twenty thousand dollars. Buyers impressed the "mixture" technician taken from Vrubel, Degas and Petrova-Vodkina, for that they were ready to pay good money.

Still life.

Another living abroad, he in 1997 received membership in the Union of Artists of Russia. And on his return to his homeland in 2002, settled in St. Petersburg. In 2007, he opened an art gallery under his name, through time that was renamed Slavinsky Art. And since 2016, a new painter gallery was opened in St. Petersburg - "Slavinsky Project".

Girl with lilies.

The genre of fantastic realism, based on metamorphosis, symbols, allegory, on the most complex compositions, and on the use of a rich paint palette, was reflected in classic still lifes, and in urban landscapes, and in the artist's impressionist portraits.

Ivan Slavic was born in 1968 in Leningrad. As a professional artist works for about twenty years. He began to draw in childhood, the further skills of the artist received in an art school that at the Academy of Arts. The talent of the artist, it is necessary to assume, took over Dmitry Obozenko from his father, who was famous in Leningrad by an artist-battalist.
In the 1990s, the first exhibition of works by Ivan Slavinsky in St. Petersburg in the art gallery "Association of Free Artists" was held. And the audience, and critics recognized the artist unique talent, after which he immediately became famous in the city on the Neva. Since then, he has begun to invite him to various galleries of Moscow and abroad.

Next, Ivan worked abroad, seven years lived in Paris. His canvas became a permanent decoration of private collections of Italy, France, Holland. In France, USA, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Holland, he is considered one of the best Russian artists.

The initial price of the paintings of Ivan Slavinsky - 20 thousand dollars. In his work, many notice at the same time something from Vrubel, Degas and Petrova-Vodkina. For such a powerful "mixture", many are ready to pay big money. Some critics reflect on him, decently called the artist with a genius during life.

Ivan himself tells about his artist ... He started not in the partnership of free artists, but on the so-called panel. It was at Katkin Garden. The artists themselves sold their work. From early morning, they came on fishing to take the "fish" place to hang pictures. And soon it went dry that everyone would be expelled, if not becoming a member of the partnership of free artists. Nobody then did not know what it is. But Ivan decided to enter the partnership so as not to run from the police ...

With regard to artistic studies ... He did not come from the Academy. However, at that time he taught his father - Lenigrad artist-battalist. And Ivan learned a lot with him. There were large orders of military paintings. Father has always been critical to the work of the Son. Almost never praised. But later I began to trust add something in my works. At that very moment, Ivan realized that something could write himself.

Wrote Ivan in the Father's Workshop. He taught him peculiarly. Suitable will adjust. He will ask if his son understood. He nodnet. And at that moment my father is erased: "Write!"

In France, Ivan Slavinsky fell in 1993. I went only to look for four days. But these days lacked. There was a new year. Cold walked. The first couple of days Ivan knew himself, looking with horror that she would not have time to see anything. Then everyone gathered to go back. And Ivan met his future friend, the Russian guide, who said to him: "Why do you want to walk with a headache? Come on, change tickets. " And he remained in Paris with an expired visa.

The new friend showed all those places that had to look from his point of view. And in the end, he invited to live to himself not to overpay for the hotel. He removed with his girlfriend a tiny cell 2x2. But the appearance was on the Eiffel Tower. There was a tiny window. But looking at him immediately understood that you are in Paris.

Ivan in Paris was with his first wife. The four of the room was very closely. The yield was found on the next construction site. Scotched there. In this regard, there remained a lot of memories.

Soon Ivan bought the paints, sat down in the corner and began to write something. Next, found a gallery, where the Russian girl was engaged in the implementation of paintings dined in Russia. It turned out that the girl knows his last name, saw his work in the gallery in Nevsky. And Ivan wrote her a small collection. From the first auction money earned. By the time the initial money was described. There was a couple of different canned food ..

Ivan tried to write in different directions. But, as it turned out, the French is very difficult to understand. If the artist wrote in a different manner, then this is, and their representation should be although stretched in time. As a result, the pseudonym Marina Ivanova was born. So his first wife was called. But the gallery did not want to take the work of the mythical author. Ivan said - here is the author, showing a wife. That was the work of a new direction, and at some stage the paintings by Marina Ivanovoy slightly eclipsed the work of Ivan Slavinsky. Ivan even envied himself. He said: "Mashka, see what you're famous!" Empty familiar artists gave Ivan's clicker, uniting Slavic and Ivanov's names.

For one and a half years of living in France, Ivan's visa asked. He even managed to buy a car and put on record, did not have any documents.

He explains the success in this ability to speak. He was taken for the Parisian. Plus, the French are very naive. If Ivan has asked the documents, he said that the visa was already over, and the documents are now issued. So for some time I lived with an expired four-day tourist visa.

But a little later declassified, at the customs point. A day in the French PPP. As a result, I had to return to Russia. But in his pocket there was an invitation to France. Next, all issued as it should be through the consulate.

A number of works of Ivan Slavinsky bought for Bila Gates. Maybe. Not for the Bill himself, but in their Swiss office they are definitely ... Also, his work has a famous rider of Formula 1 Schumacher.

Copies from their paintings Ivan does not. I think that you should always move forward. Does not understand artists who walked the walls of the house with their paintings. Ivan had several of their paintings, which he considered ingenious, but he sold them. Only left them in consciousness as paintings, to which the level should be strive. And then, in a year, when he saw them, he thought that somehow weak them. And if you hung before my eyes, it would be very braked ..

Pictures Ivan does not like to give. Not because it is a pity. Just does not like to adapt to the viewer. But if you give, then it is necessary that the man experiencing positive emotions, that is, to write under him ...

On the question of what he could still make money in the life of Ivan replied that the machines repair, children play tennis.

And cars could repair. It is easily. Well, probably, learn children to play tennis.

To the question of how Ivan is looking for a model for paintings, he replied that he originally had an image in the mind, and he needs such a girl for his portrait. In the street, invite it does not work, because they are afraid. As a result, hires professionals. Selects photos. But in the end solves all the plastic. There are beautiful, but not plastic, not convincing. Some sit right away so that the picture is ready, with other hours you have to look for successful plastic poses. And it is important that the person does not have a complex. Artists always wrote naked nature. And I do not want to spend an hour on the conviction of the model to undress ...

Ivan Slavinsky was born in 1968 in Leningrad. Forbidden diller and master of visual riddles began to draw since childhood, professional skills received in an art school at the Academy of Arts. The gift of the painter was inherited from the Father - the famous Leningrad artist Dmitry Oboznoenko.

The first exhibition of Ivan Slavinsky in St. Petersburg took place in the gallery "Association of Free Artists" in 1991. Spectators and critics unconditionally recognized the unique talent of the painter, and he immediately became famous in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Since 1997, he is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

Later, Ivan Slavinsky worked abroad, according to exclusive contracts of European galleries. His paintings were decorated with private collections of France, Italy and Holland. In France, Great Britain, USA, Germany, Italy, Holland is considered one of the best Russian artists.

Carnival, canvas, oil 2007

Verona, Canvas, Oil 2007

Iris, canvas, oil, 2007.

Lilas Rouge, canvas, oil, 2007.

Mask, canvas, butter, 2006

Palette, canvas, oil 2006.

At the mirror, canvas, oil 2005.

Flora, canvas, oil, 2007

Unnamed, canvas, oil, 2001.

Winter, canvas, oil, 1997.

Modern Russian artists. City in the road loop ... Artist Ivan Slavic

City in the road loop ...
Artist Ivan Slavica

Delighted from the paintings of Ivan Slavinsky for a long time.

Ivan Slavinsky in different periods of his work was attributed to realists, then to post-modelists, then to surrealists. It would seem that such different picturesque manners cannot be combined, but it is precisely in this that the artist's uniqueness, whose talent and skill allow you to speak freely in any genre currently necessary. Creative thinking of Slavinsky does not fit into the official artistic framework, and mixing genres as paints on the palette, he creates his own art handwriting, bold quintessence of the achievements of the preceding generations of painters.

Ivan Efimovich Slavic was born on April 26, 1968 in Leningrad. Ivan began to draw from 5 years, professional skills received in an art school at the Academy of Arts. Dmitry, the famous Leningrad artist Dmitry OboznoNenenko. The father - Dmitry Oboznoenko, an artist-battalist, honored artist RSFSR, and mother - Galina Patrabolova , art critic.

Lights of Rubens and Flash Light Vermeer, Precious Fabrics Velasquez and spirituality of Calphic, emotionality of impressionists and cultural being of postmodernists ... Connecting it, Slavician shows a new reality, in which we are surprised to learn such a friend and so different surrounding the modern world. In the conjunction of an elusive plot and plastic mysteries, an artistic direction is born, fully corresponding to the complex and sometimes confusing inner ego of a modern person, where contradictions, intelligence and the need for beauty reigns on equal rights.

The first exhibition of Ivan Slavinsky in St. Petersburg took place in the gallery "Association of Free Artists" in 1991. Spectators and critics unconditionally recognized the unique talent of the painter, and he immediately became famous in St. Petersburg. There were invitations and in the Moscow Gallery.

In 1993, he left for France, where she lived and worked under the contracts of European galleries. This time was held by his personal exhibitions in France, Ireland, Luxembourg.
His paintings were decorated with private collections of France, Italy and Holland. In France, Great Britain, USA, Germany, Italy, Holland is considered one of the best Russian artists. Professional activity of Ivan Slavinsky covers more than eighteen years.

In 2003, Ivan returned to Russia, opened his art gallery in St. Petersburg. He is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. We constantly live with the family and three children in St. Petersburg. A fantastic realism genre in which Ivan Slavinsky works. The materials are metamorphosis, allegory complex art compositions, rich palette of paints.

An interesting artist found a few years ago. At first glance, I reminded the manner of writing the artist Vrubel. After reviewing several more paintings, suddenly I remembered the artist Degas ... Yesterday I saw his job on the net. Viewed. The feelings from the work is not very inspired (not mine), but the technique of execution and the original manner really liked. Big talent. In addition, I liked some moments of his biography.

Slavic born In 1968 in Leningrad. As a professional artist works for about twenty years. He began to draw in childhood, the further skills of the artist received in an art school that at the Academy of Arts. The talent of the artist, it is necessary to assume, took over Dmitry Obozenko from his father, who was famous in Leningrad by an artist-battalist.

In the 1990s, the first exhibition of works by Ivan Slavinsky in St. Petersburg in the art gallery "Association of Free Artists" was held. And the audience, and critics recognized the artist unique talent, after which he immediately became famous in the city on the Neva. Since then, he has begun to invite him to various galleries of Moscow and abroad.

Next, Ivan worked abroad, seven years lived in Paris. His canvas became a permanent decoration of private collections of Italy, France, Holland. In France, USA, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Holland, he is considered one of the best Russian artists.

The initial price of the paintings of Ivan Slavinsky - 20 thousand dollars. In his work, many notice at the same time something from Vrubel, Degas and Petrova-Vodkina. For such a powerful "mixture", many are ready to pay big money. Some critics reflect on him, decently called the artist with a genius during life.

Biography Ivan Slavinsky

Ivan himself tells about his artist ... He started not in the partnership of free artists, but on the so-called panel. It was at Katkin Garden. The artists themselves sold their work. From early morning, they came on fishing to take the "fish" place to hang pictures. And soon it went dry that everyone would be expelled, if not becoming a member of the partnership of free artists. Nobody then did not know what it is. But Ivan decided to enter the partnership so as not to run from the police ...

With regard to artistic studies ... He did not come from the Academy. However, at that time he taught his father - Lenigrad artist-battalist. And Ivan learned a lot with him. There were large orders of military paintings. Father has always been critical to the work of the Son. Almost never praised. But later I began to trust add something in my works. At that very moment, Ivan realized that something could write himself.

Wrote Ivan in the Father's Workshop. He taught him peculiarly. Suitable will adjust. He will ask if his son understood. He nodnet. And at that moment my father is erased: "Write!"

In France, Ivan Slavica fell In 1993. I went only to look for four days. But these days lacked. There was a new year. Cold walked. The first couple of days Ivan knew himself, looking with horror that she would not have time to see anything. Then everyone gathered to go back. And Ivan met his future friend, the Russian guide, who said to him: "Why do you want to walk with a headache? Come on, change tickets. " And he remained in Paris with an expired visa. The new friend showed all those places that had to look from his point of view. And in the end invited to live to himself not to overpay for the hotel. He removed with his girlfriend a tiny cell 2x2. But the appearance was on the Eiffel Tower. There was a tiny window. But looking at him immediately understood that you are in Paris.

Ivan in Paris was with his first wife. The four of the room was very closely. The yield was found on the next construction site. Scotched there. In this regard, there remained a lot of memories.

Soon Ivan bought the paints, sat down in the corner and began to write something. Next, found a gallery, where the Russian girl was engaged in the implementation of paintings dined in Russia. It turned out that the girl knows his last name, saw his work in the gallery in Nevsky. And Ivan wrote her a small collection. From the first auction money earned. By the time the initial money was described. There was a couple of different canned food ..

Ivan tried to write in different directions. But, as it turned out, the French is very difficult to understand. If the artist wrote in a different manner, then this is, and their representation should be although stretched in time. As a result, the pseudonym Marina Ivanova was born. So his first wife was called. But the gallery did not want to take the works of the mythical author. Ivan said - here is the author, showing a wife. That was the work of a new direction, and at some stage the paintings by Marina Ivanovoy slightly eclipsed the work of Ivan Slavinsky. Ivan even envied himself. He said: "Mashka, see what you're famous!" Empty familiar artists gave Ivan's clicker, uniting Slavic and Ivanov's names.

For one and a half years of living in France, Ivan's visa asked. He even managed to buy a car and put on record, did not have any documents.

He explains the success in this ability to speak. He was taken for the Parisian. Plus, the French are very naive. If Ivan has asked the documents, he said that the visa was already over, and the documents are now issued. So for some time I lived with an expired four-day tourist visa.

But a little later declassified, at the customs point. A day in the French PPP. As a result, I had to return to Russia. But in his pocket there was an invitation to France. Next, all issued as it should be through the consulate.

A number of works of Ivan Slavinsky Bought for Bila Gates. Maybe. Not for the Bill himself, but in their Swiss office they are definitely ... Also, his work has a famous rider of Formula 1 Schumacher.

Copies from their paintings Ivan does not. It believes that it is always necessary to move forward. Does not understand artists who walked the walls of the house with their paintings. Ivan had several of their paintings, which he considered ingenious, but he sold them. Only left them in consciousness as paintings, to which the level should be strive. And then, in a year, when he saw them, he thought that some weak them. And if you hung before our eyes, it would be very braked ..

Pictures Ivan does not like to give. Not because it is a pity. Just does not like to adapt to the viewer. But if you give, then it is necessary that the man experiencing positive emotions, that is, to write under him ...

On the question of what he could still earn in the life of Ivan replied that the machines repair, but teach children to play tennis.

To the question of how Ivan is looking for a model for paintings, he replied that he originally had an image in the mind, and he needs such a girl for his portrait. In the street, invite it does not work, because they are afraid. As a result, hires professionals. Selects photos. But in the end solves all the plastic. There are beautiful, but not plastic, not convincing. Some sit right away so that the picture is ready, with other hours you have to look for successful plastic poses. And it is important that the person does not have a complex. Artists always wrote naked nature. And I do not want to spend an hour on the conviction of the model to undress ...