How many years of soloists of the group comma. Soloist "Outways Scammers", surviving after coma, said that his treacherously was not accepted back to the group

How many years of soloists of the group comma. Soloist "Outways Scammers", surviving after coma, said that his treacherously was not accepted back to the group
The official date of birth of "Otwe's fraudsters" is considered to be December 8, 1996, when the group gave its first big concert in Cherepovets at the Festival "Dancing City".

In St. Petersburg in early 1997, Sergey, Garik and Tom released a debut album, then everyone learned about the dangers of smoking: the song "Throw smoking." In December 1996, a video clip was removed on this song.

The group was noticed in Moscow, and the further fate of the "fraudsters" was practically solved.

A year later, the video appears on the song "I am learning to dance", and after another six months, "fraudsters" remove their third video "any-different", who visited the vertices of all possible hit parades.

This hit does not leave doubt about the success of the second album of the group under the same name, who saw the light in 1998.

In Kazakhstan, the group removes the clip to the composition "Khali-Gali", and in the breaks between the tour writes a third plate, which comes out in the summer of 1999. Before the release of the "garbage", the group has time to fly to Spain - on the shooting of the fifth video clips - "if tired".

In the spring of 1999, the video product on the lyrical composition "Love me love" breaks all records by the number of ethers and higher positions in the music charts!

In July 1999, a mysterious clip was filmed "I moved".

In the fall of 1999, "Outwovets" will shield the "mu-mu" - the story, "which Schurik told you."

From 1999 to 2001, 4 video clips were removed: "I love", "don't tell me anything," the clip was filmed in Spain on Canar. In the plot of the clip, materials, creative activities "Outwashers" filmed from 1996 to 2000, "girls are different," filmed in France, dir. A.Iigudin, "And the river" - while the last video clip today, dir. - Mironova.

The group consists of three people:
Sergey Amoralov, he is Surovlenko - a soloist, the author of many texts to the songs of "Sweet Scammers". S. Amoralov has the first adult rank of gymnastics and the discharge of a candidate master of sports in sambo. Dreams to jump with a parachute and does not miss a single football match, from time to time leaving the field itself - with friends the ball is driving. Loves "Formula 1", constantly looking on TV news releases to be aware of the domestic political situation in the country and the world.

Tom-Chaos Jr., he is the eldest, he also Vyacheslav Zinurov - the chief "sewing" choreographer, music and arrangements of almost all songs "Outwashing scammers" - his hands. Tom Chaos has a tremendous experience of scenic work. In 1996 he ranked first among St. Petersburg Roller. For five years, he worked in a teenager show "Neon boy" (danced and played a pipe). It makes itself felt and his Di-Jean past: Tom kept her reverent attitude to vinyl.

Garik, he, Igor Bogomazov - the author of the texts to the songs of "Outwashing Scammers", reading the beacon rap. 8 years old was engaged in the St. Petersburg School of Football Team "Zenit", 2 years old studied pop vocals at the Academy of Culture. A year and a half ago, Igor married, and a daughter was born, which Varvara called.

Awards and prizes:
1998 - Awarding the Golden Gramophone Prize in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses
1999 - the presentation of the "Foot Heath" award
1999 - awarding the second in the account of the Golden Gramophone Prize
1999 - Presentation of the Stylish Pieces Award
2000 - Presentation of the "Foot Hit" award (2nd)
2000 - the presentation of the third Gold Gramophone Prize
2000 - Popov's Award
2000 - Laying Star on Alley Stars on Arbat
1997 - 2000 - participation in the song of the year

Sergey Amoralov, Tom Chaos, Andrei Repnikov very much indulged, became mothers and reliced. However, the style of clothing (scenic costumes), and the manner of communication is all the same. "Sweet fraudsters" radiated energy and positive, with pleasure posed cameras and laughed a lot.

- How did the Rostov public met you?

Sergey Amoralov: Very positive. It seems that we are at all at home. We are far from the first time. We all liked, as always. We have many friends in Rostov. Everything's OK!

- Where did you resist in Rostov, where were you?

Sergey Amoralov: On the left coast! We love crayfish, we love beer, and we love Rostov!

- What do you think, why is the music of the 90s again becoming popular?

Sergey Amoralov: Because she is high quality. At one time, when we wrote tracks, they did not fit anything, did not imitate anyone. And now it turns out like this: "Oh, this is hit? Let's make exactly the same. " Watch all these shows, instead of creativity - karaoke. It is not right. I want to wish all people writing music: do your music, do not look at anyone.

- According to my feelings for Russia, zero in terms of music became failing ...

Sergey Amoralov: So strange, we are all attributed to the 90th, although in the 2000s most of our hits were recorded. Only "any-different" in the 1998th and "love me, love" in 1999.

Tom Chaos: Ours are zero! And we are referred to the 90s because the "star factory" is invited to the zero disco, and this is all artificially.

Sergey Amoralov: This is all karaoke!

Sergey Amoralov: When we go to the scene, we understand that this music is ours. We are kaifuh. She likes not only to us, but also to people.

Andrei Repnikov: Plus plastic surgery (laughs).

- What are the most nostalgic from the 90s?

Sergey Amoralov: I remember the institute, familiar female students. I was kicked out from there, because the tour began and could not learn. I liked to learn there, and in other words, this is the first sexual education.

- Have you lived in a hostel?

Sergey Amoralov: Not. I have been in the hostel, and sometimes lived there at night.

The sensations have changed, how did you feel on stage in the 90s and how now?

Sergey Amoralov: You know, probably, the audience has become a little more demanding. If earlier our site was one of the first on the Internet, now people know how to download music, watch, listen. We are good in this regard. We are always honest. Come, look at us - we are as it is.

Today's concert is timed to the Radio Day Record. I would like to know how you feel about your birthdays?

- To celebrate somehow?

Tom Chaos:We will congratulate, naturally, each other. But you will not drink alcohol to half dead.

Sergey Amoralov:Sad with my wife, I'll take a vinishka, put my music, and we will sit like a buzz. By the way, we have a lot of new music. By the way, now I will mount a new video on the song "I don't want to learn, I want to marry." Run it somewhere in the spring. Just everyone will fall in love, marry.

- What would you wish to Rostovchan?

Sergey Amoralov: Now heavier times. Patience to you! And the very best. And great real and sincere love!

- Over the years, life becomes better?

Sergey Amoralov: Over the years, the backpack, which is behind, becomes more.

The editors thanks the organizers of the event "Radio Record in Rostov" and personally Malvina Semynin for help in conducting an interview.

Sergey Amoralov

Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:
g. Leningrad

72 kg

175 cm

Biography Sergey Amoralova

Sergey Amoralov (Suverlenko) is a Russian artist, a well-known public as one of the participants in the group "Outways". Speaking in the composition of this team, this extraordinary guy managed to show himself as a talented artist, a good composer and the author of words. That is why it is almost impossible to imagine without it. But what else do we know about the life of our today's hero? The answer to this question will be this biography.

Early years, childhood and family Sergey Amoralova

Sergey Amoralov (then Sergey Surovlenko) was born on January 11, 1979 in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg). In the northern capital of Russia, all his childhood passed. There, the future artist first began to dream of a big scene.

Sergey Amoralov before he became the frontman of the sewer scammers was an artist

However, it was, nevertheless, not immediately. At first, Sergey dreamed of becoming a military pilot, and afterwards ... the locksmire, like his father. However, from these thoughts, our today's hero has completely refused. More serious passion in the life of a young guy was a sport. In the younger school, our today's hero began to engage in the Gymnastics section and even managed to get the first adult discharge. Perhaps once Sergey Surovlenko would have managed to grow to a professional athlete, but it was still not destined to happen. In adolescence, he received a serious back injury, and therefore was forced to say goodbye to sports. At first, the guy was very worried about this. However, at some point, it was still able to find another hobby for myself.

Such (as it is not surprising) it became painting. It is this direction in art Sergey Surovlenko discovered before all the others. The process of creating paintings and etudes is greatly fascinated by a young guy. But teachers (and he himself) never celebrated his special talent. Despite the fact that at some point Sergey still managed to achieve certain success in artistic art, his paintings, hardly, could be called real masterpieces.

The first songs of Sergey Amoralova

As for love for music, it always existed in the soul of the artist in parallel with other hobbies. Sergey liked the work of the groups "Prodigy", "Nirvana", "Cure" and some others. Around the same views of the music also adhered to His friend and the neighbor Garik Bogomazov. Together, they often gave improvised concerts near their entrance, however, they were frill predominantly obscene songs.

Sergey Amoralov - Outwashing fraudsters - do any

Just only much later, after Sergey Amoralov became a student of the Leningrad architectural and construction university, the love of music acquired more conscious features. Leaving the university after the first year, our today's hero began to prepare for admission to the Academy of Culture, but did not do there anymore. Everything has changed a random meeting with a young musician Vyacheslav Zinurov, who very soon became the "creative" base of the whole team. It was he who managed at first to send the energy of guys to a more or less decent line. So, in fact, the group "Outways". Sergey with Garick wrote simple texts, and Glory composed no less simple melodies.

As not paradoxically, it is this approach to creativity as a result and provided guys with the first real contracts. For producer of the group, the fairly famous producer Yevgeny Orlov took. From that moment on, in the life of Sergey Amoralov and other members of the music team, a perfect new stage began.

Sergey Amoralov and "Sweet Fraudsters"

The official date of education of the collective is considered to be December 8, 1996. On this day, the "Outways Scammers" group first appeared before the public as part of the Dance City Festival in Cherepovets. Soon, on all radio stations, Russia rang their first hit - "throw smoking". This composition made a group name, and also became the main walker on the first album of the collective - "from color plasticine". However, the real success was still ahead.

A truly well-known and popular group "Scammers" began after recording radio-hit "any-different". Perhaps it is precisely the wrongness and simplicity of this song and predetermined her success among radio listeners. After that, the group began to tour, appearing on various television projects, as well as to interview various editions. During this period, Sergey Amoralov nominated the leading position in the team and, in fact, became his face. In most clips, he played a central role. As a lead soloist, he also performed when recording songs.

Amorals married !!!

Perhaps it is his charisma and charm who brought a tremendous success to "sewer fraudsters". Their songs "Love Me, Love", "Girls are different", "Please note", "And at the river" once sowed fans throughout the post-Soviet space. That is why the group's concert speeches have always been held with the manschlage. For several years, six successful albums recorded six successful albums, and also removed the countless multiple clips. In different years, "Sweaty Scammers" became laureates of the Golden Gramophone premiums, the "Song of the Year", "Before Hit" and some others. The period from the end of the nineties and to the middle of the two thousand years became the golden time in the history of the group. However, subsequently, the case went to the decline.

Sergey Amoralov with Darya Yermolaeva on the set of the clip "My Star"

Sergey Amoralov today

In 2008, the group recorded its seventh studio album "called records", but he really did not become truly successful. The group has become less likely to appear on television. The last single team is at the moment the song "Rousseau Tourist". The composition was recorded in 2012, but did not become a certain breakthrough.

Personal life of Sergey Amoralova

In the early 2000s, Sergey Amoralov met for a long time with the soloist of the creation group Darya Yermolayeva. Their novel lasts about three years, but afterwards it was still collapsed.

In mid-2008, our today's hero married his new girl - the ex-model of Maria Edelweiss.

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In childhood, Sergey wanted to become a pilot, but it quickly passed. Sergey is one of the authors of texts and soloist.

Sergey's father works at the 5th category factory, the mother does not work.

At seven years, Sergey began to study in the Gymnastics section and even received the 1st adult gymnastics discharge. Because of the injury, Sergey had to stop sports. In childhood, Sergey was fond of painting. According to the recognition of people who had the opportunity to see his picturesque canvas - he painted quite a bit bad.

Musical education has no. When Sergey studied at school, he wanted to become a historian, his parents, they wanted him to become a specialist in the field of electronics, like his father.

Then he entered the architectural and construction university, but then he left. Sergey wanted to enter the Academy of Culture on the Pop Faculty (by the way, Garik studied there, but then the desire was gone.

Sergey did not forget the sports and therefore, if football, or "Formula 1", it is simply not to tear off the screen.

Sergey loves to drink beer "Baltika Troika", but he simply does not tolerate lemons and herring.

Sergey loves to listen to the group "Prodigy", as well as rock music, in particular: "Cure", "Nirvana", "Garbage", "DDT", "Spleen", "Alice", "Cinema", "Temilageazz", "Zero", "Beastie BOYS", "Portished" respects the same rap, and indeed listening to absolutely different music. As a child, he very much respected the group "Beatles".

Best days

Visputated: 427.

Visputated: 122.

Outwear scammers Moshenniki. Career: Musician
Birth: Russia, December 8, 1996.
What we do on stage is a cultural chaos ", and our music (if you can call it), we call" Hop-stop jazz ", or" criminal chaos-chastushki ". By and large, it is rap imposed on Some fashion sounds "(" Outwashing scammers ").

The merit of "sewer fraudsters" belongs to the so-called "indulging" of the courtyard. As an indispensable attributes: Elements of rap, stylization under the yard songs, indispensable dance and, most importantly, persistent exploitation of images of completed hooligans, which fill in show business and its tough rules.

"Outwashing fraudsters" is four people: Sergey Amoralov, Sergey Surovlenko, Garik (Igor Bogomazov), Tom Chaos Jr. (Vyacheslav Zinurov) and Producer Evgeny "Hitrovich" Orlov.

Sergey Surovchenko (January 11, 1979) is the only of the authors of the texts and the soloist. He has an initial healthy discharge on sports gymnastics. He studied at the architectural and construction university of St. Petersburg, but did not graduate from him.

Igor Bogomazov (August 31, 1975) Also writes for a group texts and sings. From five years, playing football under Zenit society. Musical education has no. In 1996 he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Culture on the Pop Faculty.

Vyacheslav Zinurov (October 20, 1971) writes music and comes up with dancing. He graduated from the music school in the class of the pipe. He studied in vocational schools in the specialty Cook. In 1990-1992 He served in the army, then what he worked as a dancer in the Neon Boy group. Then he headed his own dance school.

In the own interpretation of "comma" duties in the group are distributed as follows: "Tomham Jr. is engaged in small hooliganism on the stage, suggests a harmless chaos. Garik reads the vile (in the sense of belligent) rap and basic, Sergey Amoralov, carries out of the producer by producer ".

Career "Sweet Scammers" began in St. Petersburg without any special complaints. According to their own words, participants in the group, when they gathered together, they did not assume that there would be some kind of commercial plan.

According to the own assurance of "comma", there is no conceptual attack in their name. It was born by chance, and the musicians do not associate themselves with the same film. The only thing they can be deed with complete confidence is that they are really sewing fraudsters. "After all, what we do is fraud from music," say "comma".

"Scammers" do not doubt that they do not chase and sing only what they like. Apparently, just because the musicians were categorically rejected by the idea of \u200b\u200btheir Moscow producers about attracting another participant to the group. "Sweets" are confident that nothing will happen from this, because of the fact that the freshly fresh person will be a flawlessly strangers, alien to the ideas of the group. "Scammers" fundamentally exclude the likelihood of a solo career of the group participants. If this happens to someone, it will mean the automatic care of a person from "comma" and maybe the disintegration of the entire team.

Standard concert embodiment of "commander of fraudsters" - a performance with dances under the phonogram "-1". Naturally, the "plywood" happens and the advantage, from which the "fraudsters" do not disappear, explaining this by the low quality of equipment in clubs, where you have to perform. Some songs sound only under the phonogram. The reason, according to "comma", is that in these songs they have enough complex dance numbers and it is not difficult to hum, and to dance equally okay.

The first "popular" hit "Outwashing fraudsters" became the song "Any-Different", which received the Award "Russian Radio" Golden Gramophone "in 1998 they themselves believe that the fracture in their career occurred on the shooting of the program" Musical boxing ring". There, "fraudsters" together with Linda performed in the team "MUZ TV" against the team of "Europe Plus" ("Masha and Bears" and "Tea together"). It was during this concert that they felt something to achieve something.

Extensive exhausting tour as an indispensable attribute of popularity was not forced to wait for a long time. "Outwashing scammers" are unusually fruitful on all sorts of funny stories with tourists, friendly parties, clips. Sometimes it becomes a feeling that funny cases without jets are glued to musicians. Most of the stories are definitely due to numerous fans. "Scammers" modestly explain that in every city of Russia, where they toured, they have girls "Harem for a half each".

But despite all his glaring democratism in communicating with fans and fans, "fraudsters" scrupulously monitor their artistically. For no circumstances will they appear before the fans of the protruding immediately later, they are confident that there must be some kind of border between musicians and the public.

Nevertheless, during its existence, "sewed fraudsters" created themselves the image of finished hooligans. But in the spring of 1999, a lyrical wave appeared in their "divibian-dance" mood. She put it in the song "Love Me, Love" (Music - Alexander Kozlov, Keystroke "Agatha Christie") and a clip of the same name (director - Alexander Mexi, operator - Alexey Tikhonov). There was a touching story of modern Romeo and Juliet. Contrary to all fears and assumptions that the song perfectly does not correspond to the image of "comma", "Love, I love" For a long time, the top lines of the charts. "We are because we actually grow, we have some feelings, therefore music changes," said "scammers" about their new song, while not going to change decisively and irrevocably. So the image of musical hooligans, for the one that fought throughout the droplet stylized under the amateur clips "of any-different", "Khali-Gali", "if tired," "I study dance", etc., remained safe and preservation.

In 1999, "fraudsters" began to move away from video clip uniforms not only towards changing the mood of songs and their illustrations, but also the search for a new row of the video. They tried themselves on the path of visual minimalism (the clip for the song "I love", a cover version "I" M Blue (DA-BU-DI) "Eifel 65 groups). Then there was a series of" travel notes ". First, the musicians went to the Black Sea Tour In order to independently screenize the movie "Caucasian Captive" (clip "MU MU"). And after that, abroad began.

At first in Spain in Benidorm during the holidays, a video "If Tired" was shot - a kind of past about rest. In the spring of 2000, the "comma" went to France to Paris, where the local girls had a strange issue on the streets: "How Much Is The Fish?" The girls did not understand and confused what could be seen in the video for the song "Girls". By the way, the street is the paramount importance of the co-author of the songs "Scammers". At least, they themselves like to reproduce that they hear their hit phrases just on the street, and songs write on the principle of "what I see, I sing."