Prayer PRP. Ephraim Sirina, Poklons in the Great Post

Prayer PRP. Ephraim Sirina, Poklons in the Great Post
Prayer PRP. Ephraim Sirina, Poklons in the Great Post

The meaning of the post is not just a refusal of meat and making food, it is self-limitation, that is, a voluntary refusal of everything that constitutes a prominent part of our earthly life.

During the Great Post, first of all, it is necessary to take care of the purification of the soul and thoughts, and for this it is necessary to pray at home daily and, if possible, attend church services for all seven weeks of the Great Post.

The prayer of St. Ephraim Sirina is added to the home prayer during the Great Post. Prayer is pronounced daily, with the exception of Sunday and Saturday.

Rev. Efrem Sirin

Lord and Vladyko's belly of my, the spirit of idleness, despondency, lyrics and celebrations are not gone. The spirit of the chastity, humble, patience and lubva give you to Darui Mi, to your slave. She, Lord, King, Darui Mi Dari, and not condemn my brother, Yako blessed Esi forever. Amen.

At the end of the prayer, 12 times the river must be said "God, cleanse me, sinning," and bow in the belt.

Two twice read the prayer of Ephraim Sirin and bow to the earth.

Prayers to read in the Great Post in the morning and in the evening

Morning prayers in the great post

Lord, be merciful to his slave (name) !
I went my blessing yes not to donate your gaze. Give the power to resist evil, I am checking me, helping to clean the soul from sins, perfect by will and invisible. Amen.

Lord Almighty! Lord of my life. Refrigerated from me the spirit of idleness Yes, let's spend the time of the Great in humility. Protect from sinful thoughts, let's not get away from the path of the righteous, you have each inhabited. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. For the sake of the Virgin Mary, Mother's Mother's Mother, all saints, nice me (name), sinful. Glory to you, Lord, delightful and gracious father in the sky. Amen.

Evening prayers in the great post

Lord God, the creator of all living on earth and the king of Heaven, forgive me for sins, made me in a day or case. Even in a dream, I, the slave (a) of God (Iya), not losing faith in you.

I believe that you will get rid of me from sins and clean my soul. Every day I hoping your defense. Hear my prayer, answer my requests. Amen.

Guardian Angel, My Defender of My and My Body. If I sinned on this day, get rid of me from sins. Do not let the Lord be angry with me. Pray for me, slave (y) of God (s) (name), in front of the Lord God, ask him to let my sins and protect me from the harmony. Amen.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins for every day

I appeal, the slave (a) of God (Iya) (name)To you, Lord, and from the bottom of my heart I ask you to forgive my sins. Men by me, the king of Heaven, save me from mental torment and self-ruling. I will ask you, the son of God. You are for our sins and risen you to live forever. I hope you help your help and ask for a bless me. Forever you are my savior. Amen!

Prayer for the blessing of food and beytia

Lord, Jesus Christ, God, bless us, food and podium with prayers, the preching Mother and all saints, Yako blessed in the eyelids. Amen.
(And cut food and beide).

Prayer after meal

We thank you, Christ God, Yako sat on the earthly wonts of us; Do not lish us and the heaven of your kingdom, but Yako, through your disciples, you came to eat, save, the world give them, get to us and save us.

Cleansing prayer

God, my God! Give my heart to my ignorance of passions and worship the eye of my mind over the madness of the world, right from now on, the life of my life is not on your fellow and give me pity for me to chasing me.

For the joy of yours in the sorces of the knowledge, my God, and the direct soul will submit it, the fate of her from your face comes and there is no reflection of bliss of her. Lord, Jesus Christ, my God, the straight of my way on the ground.

Prayers during the Great Post before Easter

Prayers for Easter is an integral part of festive rituals and worship services. It is believed that the Easter Week has a strong energy atmosphere. It gives prayers for Easter on health and well-being of a special force and concentration.

Prayer to Lord Jesus Christ

Icon of Jesus Christ

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayer for the sake of the Mother of Mother and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

Icon of the Holy Spirit

The king of the Heavenly, the comforter, the soul of truth, the same everywhere and all of the fulfillment, the Sokwishche of Good and Life the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone's bad, and save, our soul.

Truce (Angel Song)

Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us.
Holy God, Holy Allifier, Holy Seeless, be merciful to us.

What prayers should not be read in the great post?

Often you can find the opinion that during the Great Post it is impossible to read acathists, except for one or more days.

On Saturday, the fifth of the week of the United States in all Orthodox churches there is a acafist of the Most Holy Virgin and the praise of the Mother of God sounds.
Also during special high-grade services - passions that serve four times for the post, the Akathist is read by the Divine Passions of Christ.

But as such a ban on reading certain prayers to the great post in the church charter. There is a tradition to pay a great post more attention to the repentant prayers. But a Christian can read Akathists Cemely (that is, at home).

The Great Post precedes the Easter holiday - in 2019, Christians celebrate the bright Resurrection of Christ on April 28.

The meaning of the post is not just a refusal of meat-eating meat, this is self-limitation, that is, a voluntary refusal of everything that constitutes a prominent part of our earthly life. But first of all, in deep self-knowledge, repentance and struggle with passions.

The post makes it possible to think about many ways and much spiritually rethink. This is the time when we can get ourselves to stop, interrupt the endless, daily run, look into your own heart and understand how far we are from God, from the ideal to whom he calls us.

But the post without prayer is not a post, but just a diet. During the post, first of all, it is necessary to take care of the cleansing of the soul and thoughts, and for this you need to pray at home daily and, if possible, attend church services for all seven weeks of the Great Post.

Prayer to the Great Post

Prayer to the Great Post should be given more time than usual. You can read ordinary morning and evening prayers or something else, for example, a psalter, but during the post to these prayers it is necessary to add another - a brief and capacious prayer of St. Ephraim Sirin.

The prayer of Rev. Ephraim Syrina refers to the most frequently uttered during the Great Post.

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"Mr. and Vladyko's belly of my, the spirit of idleness, despondency, lyrics and celebrations are not gone. The spirit of the chastity, humble, patience and love give you, to her. She, Lord King, Given Mii, my sorts and not condemn my brother, Yako blessed Esi forever. Amen. "

In the brief lines of the prayer of St. Ephraim, the Path of Spiritual Improvement of a person is captured, in which people ask for help from God in the fight with their vices - despondency, laziness, celebration, condemnation of others. And they ask to crowned them with the crown of all virtues - humility, patience and love.

Morning prayer

Mytar's prayer: "God, gracious Budy I feel sinful." (Bow). According to the gospel of Luke, this is the repentance of the prayer that Mytar pronounced in the parable of Mytar and Pharisees. In this parable, Christ led the prayer of Mytar as a sample of repentance and detaining the grace of God.

Presenter's prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Merchant Mother and all saints, have mercy. Amen. Thank you, God, glory to you."

Truce: "Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, merry us. (Read three times, with a cross sign and a belt bow). Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are also confessed and in the eyelids. Amen."

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity: "The Most Holy Trinity, Homes, Mr., Clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; holy, visit and heal our essentials, the name of yours for the sake of. Lord, Homes. (Three times) Glory Father and Son and the Holy Spirit , and now and confessed and forever. Amen. "

The prayer of the Lord: "OUR FAVE, OTHE IN THE SKY! YES WILL HAVE THE NAME WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL YOUR YOUR IN THE REGION AND ON THE EARTH. BREAGE OUR GOOD GIVE LADE MEEMENT AND WILL WILL WILL OUR DISTRICES, YOKERS AND WE HAVE OUR DEPARTMENTS. And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from the evil. Yako is your kingdom and the power and glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen. " This prayer can be read at any time, including before meals and in the evening.

Evening prayers

Prayer to God Father: "God's perpetual and king in any kind of creating, makeful me even at the time of this time, forgiveness of sins, you are so coordinated to this day, the word, word and thinking, and clean, Lord, humble my soul from all sneakers of the flesh and spirit . And Lying, Lord, in the newestness of this dream in the world, yes, with the Smrennago Mi Lodge, the widespread of the Holy Name of yours, all the days of my abdomen, and I apart from the enemies of the enemies carnivia and rarely. And save me, Lord, from thinking Sweet, defilementing me, and lustful things. Yako is your kingdom and the power and glory, father and son and the saint spirit, now and are confused and forever and the eyelids Amen. "

Prayer for the Holy Angel Keeper: "Angela of Christ, the Keeper my holy and the patron soul and the body of my body, all sorry, Elika Sushesty in the last day, and from all sledding of the Rotivnago Mi enemy to get rid of me, yes in no gres of my God; But moths for the sinners are not worthy of a slave, IKO yes deserves me showing the goodness of the grace of all the Trinity and Mother of the Lord of Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen. "

And right before bedtime, you should say: "In the hand of yours, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I am pretending my spirit: you are alone bless, you are me a little and the stomach eternal giving Mi. Amen."

O repentance

One of the greatest saints, Rev. Makariya Egyptian said, if it will be plugged into himself, then everyone from all his heart will have to say the words of prayer: "God, cleanse me sinful, Yako Nikolizh (that is, never) Socratic good before you."

It is possible to pronounce prayers not only during worship or houses - in the morning and in the evening. The laity can pray at any time - when negative and sinful thoughts occur. A short prayer will make it spiritually clear and tune into a positive way.

© Sputnik / Alexander IMedashvili

God, my God! Give my heart to my ignorance of passions and worship the eye of my mind over the madness of the world, right from now on, the life of my life is not on your fellow and give me pity for me to chasing me. For the joy of yours in the sorces of the knowledge, my God, and the direct soul will submit it, the fate of her from your face comes and there is no reflection of bliss of her. Lord, Jesus Christ, my God, the straight of my way on the ground.

The clergymen advise all four gospels on their own, as difficult to be a Christian, not knowing the Holy Scripture. It is recommended to read Scripture every day, in a relaxed atmosphere where you can focus, and after reading to reflect on read and think about how to relate the Scripture with your life.
The time of the Great Post is given by a specially church so that we can get together, focus and prepare for the meeting of Easter holidays.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources


Compliance with the Great Post is a voluntary act and is deeply individual. Mirians in order to fast on the church charter, it is necessary to get the blessing of the confessor because Christians should be spiritually prepared before entering the post in the post, to pass the sacrament of confession.

The great post is the strictest and long-term of all four multi-day posts established by the Orthodox Church will begin on February 19, after a forgiveness of the resurrection. The great post is the first of the multi-day posts of the year, the purpose of which to achieve domestic qualitative changes is not just a refusal of the sining, but also from the harmful passions and sinful thoughts.

The first day of the Great Post 2018 Prayer: Time of Decution from Mirdares and Communication with God

In the great post, like any other, the most strict ban from the products is superimposed on meat, as it is believed that the violent death of the animal, whose meat subsequently we eat, imposes your mark.

The Bible says that food for people in paradise was only vegetable, and that all animals created by God were needed by people. Based on this, the corresponding should have been the attitude towards them, so everyone was saved at the flood - "every whali pair".

Liturgically pure Monday begins on Sunday evening, February 18. After the evening, a special sorry is performed: the abbot of the temple speaks a parting word before the great post, the first one is caught by parishioners and asks for for forgiveness. Further, all clergymen and laity are asking for forgiveness from each other. This is done in order to engage in a great post with a clean soul, reconciled with all the closest.

The first day of the Great Post 2018 Prayer: A Great Prayer

Orthodox goes to meet Christ, preparing themselves for Easter, cleaning the body and soul from the earthly, which may interfere to get closer to heavenly. The post is not a strict diet, but the time of prayer. In itself, the restriction in food will not prepare us to the Great Holiday. But, if we liberate from past offend to the great post, forgive your enemies, as the Lord forgives us, clean the mind from bad thoughts - we will get closer to the state in which God would like to see us. This stay in love and divine grace.

Prayer to the Great Post should be given more time than usual. You can read ordinary morning and evening prayers or something else, for example, a psalter, but during the post to these prayers it is necessary to add another - a brief and capacious prayer of St. Ephraim Sirin.

The prayer of Rev. Ephraim Syrina refers to the most frequently uttered during the Great Post.

The prayer, which the legend attributes to one of the great mentors of spiritual life, St. Efrem Sirina, can really be called a great prayer, since it is especially allocated among all chants and prayers of the post.

Here is the text of this prayer:

Mr. and my belly of my belly,

The spirit of idleness, despondency, lyrics and celebrations are not gone.

The spirit of the chastity, humble, patience and love give you to your slave.

She, Lord, King!

Darui Rreti my preggie,

And do not condemn my brother

Yako blessed Esi forever.

Holy Week

Events of the passionate week (passionate week) Orthodox Christians will recall during the whole of the Great Post. Indeed, in the first four Sunday services served the evening with Akathist Passion Christ (Passasya). In a passion week, we remember the suffering and death of Christ on the cross. The first three days of passionate week are the days when the Mystery of the Eucharist is the last church year. On the release of the words "Grocery Lord for a free passion". This is a reminder that the Lord voluntarily accepted our sins and accepted suffering and death for our salvation.

The most strict post is respected in the Great Friday, on the eve of the Great Saturday. Great Friday is carried out in the strictest abstinence. In the worship service, the Great Saturday is read by the Canon of the Great Saturday before the Downturn. This is the time before the Easter Southwesign ... The Great Post ends, Easter is coming!

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In the great post, the laity should be cleaned not only their body, by means of abstinence, but also to clear their mind. These days, believers refuse to adopt heavy food, from bad habits and unrighteous thoughts. Daily prayers will help to keep the temptation and do not make sure during the post.

True believers try to rise spiritually on the eve of the brightest Sunday. For this, they read the Holy Scripture and turn to the Lord. Prayers can be read at home in the morning and evening hours. You can read prayers before meals or before bedtime. During the Great Post it is very important to keep the cleanliness of thoughts, do not be angry and not swear. Special prayers help prepare for the Easter day and meet him light and joyfully.

Morning prayer

The morning of the first day of the Great Post should be started with the appeal to Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Trinity. They are treated with special words, such prayers are called primary. With these prayers, the believer wants to show his willingness to experience himself, understand its meaning, to imbued with the words and acts of Jesus. This is the test of your spiritual forces.

Morning begins with prayer Christ, Psalm David, the third prayer of St. Makaria Great, praise and songs by the Virgin Mary. This is a list of major prayers, how to pray in the post of first day and before Easter.

Evening prayers

During the day, you need to contact God, with prayers and gratitude for the given bread pressing. Prayers are read before taking food and after grazing.

Before you go to bed, the believer should draw heart words to the guardian angel, thank him for their help and intercession. This is the most beautiful time to open your heart and handle prayer to God Father. A great prayer Jesus Christ should be permeated with a sense of gratitude and enlightenment. The Son of God climbed in Calvary for the sins of human. It is important to remember and understand.

An example of evening prayer:

Lord Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of the Mother of Mother and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Next, you can read church prayers, but you can talk to God as the heart tells. It is important to understand that the Lord will hear any words that pronounced sincerely and with the soul. It is impossible to be distracted during prayer. Think about problems, worldly bustle or indulged in unrighteous thoughts. If you pray, then the prayer should go from the heart itself. Otherwise, you just should not do this.

Prayer Ephraim Sirin

There are a lot of prayers, which in 1 day of the Great Post can be read by Miryanin, but special attention should be paid to the prayer of Ephraim Sirin. This amazing prayer is read daily (except Saturday and Sunday), it is believed that for the first time it said Great Righteous, St. Ephraim Sirin. Prayer is considered one of the most famous prayers and fasting.

The text of the prayer needs to be read literally. At first, you can read, spying into the text, but it is best to immediately memorize this prayer by heart. This prayer has a very big force, it must be treated sincerely and with respect.

This prayer is read twice after a great ministry from Monday to Friday. She is not read in the last two days of the week, since these days worship do not pass as usual.

In the first reading of the prayer of Ephraim Sirin, it is necessary to put the earthly bow after each individual petition. After that, twelve times mentally read the prayer "God, clearing me, sinning" and bow the belt. Then again read all the prayer and put one terrestrial bow.

Many laity are wondering why this prayer is attached to such great importance, during a great divine service. The thing is that it is a special surprising way to list all the negative and positive elements of repentance. This, if you can say so, the list of exploits of each believer will be determined.

In the first week of the Great Post, special prayers are raised, there is a strict abstinence. Almost all the temples and churches from Monday to Thursday they read the repentant canon of St. Andrei Crytsky. Read more:

Prayers to the Great Post

The second week of the Great Post is distinguished by relaxation for the food taken, but does not affect the spiritual state of the believer. All his thoughts should be directed to the internal cleansing and the desire to perfection of their thoughts.

Initially, prayers were created in order for each believer could talk to God. They included a special rhythm and a special syllable. Old Slavonic words are immersed in a certain state when praying is moving away from the whole earthly and caught in miseles, triumph spiritually.

The Great Post is a special time for all truly believers. These days it is necessary to comply with the prescribed rules of abstinence, strive for good acts and lead a pious lifestyle. It is forbidden to spend time in noisy companies, excessively having fun, drink alcohol, engage in carnal joy. Restrictions imposed on the body exempt the soul from the influence of his desires.

Every day, a person is experiencing many different emotions:

  • anger;
  • envy;
  • anger;
  • joy;
  • offense;
  • disappointment;
  • pride;
  • hatred.

All this is enjoying gradually by adding fatigue and irritation. The great post is given a wonderful chance to clean your soul from the severity of earthly sins, routine ordinary and petty interests. Prayer is a precious assistant to help remove all accumulated negative cargo per person.

Prayers for those who will fumble for the first time

In the post, a person completely changes the way of his life and does not significantly affect his well-being, work, everyday affairs. However, habits do not want to let and fight them every day becoming more difficult. It is especially difficult to subordinate to the desires of those people who first decided to fast.

While compliance with the post is allowed for those who are sick, for children, pregnant women and travelers. It is important to understand that the observance of the strictest lean diet is not an indicator of spiritual purity and righteousness. The refusal of protein and oily food should clean not so much the body as thought and feelings. Some people confuse a diet post. The goal of the post is to get rid of envy, hatred, sinful thoughts, and not clean the body from extra kilograms and slags.

What to do those who understand the true value of the Great Post, but with difficulty withstanding restrictions? In this case, you need to count on the Holy Word. It is a prayer that helps to overcome the feeling of discomfort, which begins to experience a person restricting himself in the food and the familiar lifestyle. During the prayer, an understanding of how crayons, fleeting and insignificant, the fussy desires of a person, thirsty of wealth, fame or honors comes. Life is very fast, what will be taken to heaven with me the people who did not work well, did not leave a bright memory after themselves? Understanding the higher truths of being comes during the prayer and appeal to God.

Never late to go through the righteous

Those who will quit for the first time do not know what prayers need to read and how to talk to God. If there is a desire to go along the path of improving your spirituality, all obstacles will be overcome.

Those who are not familiar with church prayers may have difficulty. This is a large number of unfamiliar text, and a complex language, and sometimes the lack of understanding of the meaning. Sometimes such a prayer can turn into an attempt to correctly pronounce words and not become sincere appeal to God. In this case, you can seek help from church ministers. There are many prayers, shifted on the clear and modern language, but the point in them is fully saved.

It is advisable to go to the Church to the Great Post. Prayer in holy place acquires an unthinkable force. A man feels an elevation and real faith, which is impregnated by the surrounding space. In the church, a special atmosphere that cleans the heart, forcing him to quarrel with kindness, joy and happiness.

It is believed that prayers are doing at this time, possess a huge force. Of course, if they are read sincere, with faith in the shower. How it should be accurately noticed in his famous statement by Francois Moriac: "You do not need to have faith to pray; It is necessary to pray to find faith. "

General rules

1. Abstinence from meat food must. Regarding everything else should be clarified with the confessor. In addition, it is good to choose any everyday thing and abandon her for these days, keeping abstinence before Easter.

2. During the post, you need to read all four gospels.

3. It is necessary to abandon all unnecessary meetings, cases - everything that disperses. Recreation, of course, is not canceled, but it needs to be elected such that would not disturb the world of the soul (for example, walking, traveling for the city, etc.).

4. Daily you need to read the prayer of St. , preferably meditative, i.e. Focusing the thought in words. It is necessary to reflect predominantly above one part (for example, the phrase "Lord, my belly of my belly"; the topic: Christ as Alpha and Omega of my life, her meaning, love and purpose. Feel this at least for a short moment).

5. In addition to reading the prayer of St. Ephraim Sirin must be devoted daily 10 minutes (this is at least, and in general, it is preferably half an hour) - 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening - prayer reflections. The main thing is not to miss a single day during the Great Post.

It is recommended to choose a comfortable place during prayer, a convenient position of the body, but if it is impossible to retreat. It is possible to reflect on the go, and at work, and in the evening, when everyone falls asleep, and in the morning - in one word, illegaling to the circumstances. It is very important that nothing "happened," did not worry the need to urgently do something, did not oppress too strong fatigue. Before starting prayer reflections, it is necessary to cross (if this happens at home) or mentally call on the name of God; To mend yourself to dedicated from worries (this is the hardest), to put yourself in the will in the face of God; Aware that, wherever we are, we are always with him and before his face. After that, we look at the icon or the cross (if we are not at home, semi-clutch eyes and call the image of the cross). It is necessary that the whole body come to the state of rest, the breathing was not rapidly, the movements do not need (except for cross-sign). After that, we mentally pronounce the phrase from the prayer or the Gospel (you can choose from Litania, Akathist, Liturgy - on the choice) and we try to keep it in consciousness as long as possible, pondering it, plunging into a depth, feeling its multifaceted connection with your life. At first it will work with difficulty. Perhaps only on the third week the case will go better. The main thing is not to retreat. And so every day the entire post, five minutes in the morning and five in the evening. As a last resort, time can be changed, but it is better to choose the same thing. You do not need to be surprised and disappeared, catching yourself at the absentment, on inability to focus: it is useful to consider itself a student with a newcomer, first starting to such reflections. The list of prayer rivers is good for them in advance for a week. We must try throughout the day to return mentally to the topic of thinking, as it were, preparing for the meeting. The underlying condition for success is the establishment of internal silence; This is the hardest thing in our noisy age.

6. After a five-minute reflection, it is necessary to sit or just stand in silence and focus, as if listening to silence, and then with this silence in the heart, trying to save her "sound" as long as possible.

7. All Sundays during the Great Post be sure to visit Liturgy, not late for the service. Before the service during the "Hours", well read prayer:

I believe, Lord, but you will approve the faith of my.
I hope, Lord
But you will strengthen my hope.
I loved you, Lord,
But you clean the love of my
And Ignote it.
I crush, Lord, but you do,
Yes, multiply the repentance of my.
CTU, Lord, you, my Creator,
I sink about you, I urge you.
You will guide me wisdom
Protect and strengthen.
I betray you, my God, my thoughts,
Yes, they come from you.
My matters will be in your name,
And my desire will be in your will.
Lit my mind, strengthen the will,
Clean the body, consecrate the soul.
Yes a narrower my preggie,
Yes, I do not deliver pride,
Help me win temptations.
Yes, I put you in all days of life,
Which you gave me.

The frequency of communion is installed together with the confessor, but you need to prepare for a common communion in the Great Thursday, the day of the secret evening.

8. In the days of the post, it is especially important to strengthen the prayer for others. Not missing a single case when someone is sick, is in despondency, it suffers difficulties, it is necessary to pray for him immediately, how many strength and time has enough.

9. It is necessary to draw up a list of particularly distinguished saints and within the course of the post more often contact them, as alive, as to assistants and friends, put them candles, pray before their icons.

10. It is necessary to beware of unevenness: take offs and disruptions. It is from this that will prevent calm and systematic prayer reflections. It should be borrowed at the manifestations of an excessive spiritual delight, remembering how often the spirit is not involved in it, but passion. It helps to protect themselves and from failures.

This week is dedicated to Holy Isihast (silence). I give a promise this week not to pronounce a single word. In Christian families, there must be a persuasion. Who is alone - let it try to implement it as it can. No conversations, even good, not to mention unnecessary. Only what is needed in everyday life. They say that when a minute of silence comes, "the angel flies." So, our task is not to let him go this week. Some silence will be difficult, but it is predominantly because we are all too speaking. To whom it will be very hard, let him take it as a cross and a dope.

Fourth Sadmitsa

Week Crest Blider

Dedicated to reflections on the cross and the meaning of our crocancy. Every side, if she meets from our side, a desperate protest, is not a cross. She becomes a cross when we try to carry it "with agreement," if not voluntarily.

Fifth saddemic

On the spiritual stairs, the most dangerous - it looks around and check if it rose far away. No "summarizing" is unacceptable here. For, if I have succeeded, please immediately appear, which immediately reduces all the efforts. We must always consider yourself on the first stage: God at any time can transfer to the tenth. The symptoms of complete failure are constantly depressed mood or sharp fluctuations from ecstasy to decay.

Sixy sadmitsa

Week St. Mary Egyptian

St. Maria Egyptian is the image of repentance. We will try to gather and write repentance for life. We will be strict to themselves, do not miss anything, look everywhere. Lazarev Saturday is good to devote to reflection about death.

From sermons for forgiveness Sunday.

Every day the Great Post, except Saturday and Sunday, read prayer: "Lord and Mother's belly of my belly." This prayer is written, according to legend, in the IV century in Syria, the devotee of Mar-Afre, or, as we used to call him, Efrem Syrin - Sirianin. It was a monk, poet, theologians, one of the glorious sys of the Syrian Church, who became the world literature as a famous writer.
The words of prayers, quite precisely transmitted by the verses of Alexander Sergeyevich [Pushkin], in translating from Syrian, so on church-Slavyansky: "Lord and Lord's belly of my", that is, the Lord of my life, the one who gave me life, who is who is Center and focus of my life. "Do not give me the spirit of idleness," that is, the lament, which, according to an old proverb, is the mother of all vices. Innocent sort of thing - tape, but it generates a lot of dark, black.
"Ugly" ... Christianity is a joyful teaching, and one who disappears - he leaves him. Rev., the great Russian holy start of the XIX century, said: "There is no way to lose heart, for Christ saved everyone."
"Chief" means powerful. It is everyone; Do not think that things like a cult of personality is only in politics: it may be in the family, and in any small community. Each person carries the grains of these aspirations: to suppress the will of another, strangle it, subordinate to himself.
"Celebration" ... I exclude children: children have the right to chat, but until 15-16 years old. When children chat, they learn to communicate, they exercise their language; But when this "children" is already more than twenty, and sometimes more forty ... It means: to be merciless to your life. Think (let's be honest): How much do we have to live with everyone? Very little. Therefore, I repeat, we must appreciate the life, to love the gift that God gave us, and remember that in eternity we will only take what we will have in your heart. And feasting, chatter is a terrible word, it means to kill time.
Further, in prayer it is said: "The spirit of the chastity ... patience and love give me, serving yours." Chastity is the purity of relationships to the world and people, the wholeness of the soul, without division, without the passion to be seized.
"Smilannomy" is the wisdom of a common man. Humility here, in this case, is to know what you have a hundred "are on the background of eternity. Do not inflate yourself as a frog in the Basna of Krylov, - she burst. No need to inflate, but you need to know your price. The wisdom of modesty is extraordinary, it is beautiful. The wisdom of modesty is not the humiliation of the smell of pride, and this is the health of the soul. Here is an example. When a person begins to imagine about himself what is not in him, several movements forward - and already making greatness. Magicia is a pathological condition, pride. As soon as someone declares that he is the Chairman of the Council of Ministers or Napoleon, he is put in a psychiatric hospital, and the one who does not claim that, he is not in the hospital, but he thinks in his soul that he is above all.
"Patience and love." What is patience? We formulate briefly so you remember. Patience is not at all the status of livestock that everything tolerates. This is not a humiliation of a person - at all. This is not a compromise with evil - in no case. Patience is the ability to maintain the imperturbability of the spirit in those circumstances that are impede this calmness. Patience is the ability to go to the goal when there are various obstacles on the way. Patience is the ability to keep joyful spirit when too much sadness. Patience is victory and overcoming, patience is a form of courage - that's what is real patience.
Finally, "love." Love is the highest happiness of man, this is the ability of our soul to be open, immanent, as they say philosophers, internally open to another person. When you go to the subway on the escalator, check yourself, you can love or not. When you look at those who go on the other side, and you disgust to look at these physiognomy - it means that all the pores of your soul are clogged and the sense of love is in the embryonic state.
But the power of the grace of Christ is able to rebuild a person in such a way that he sees people completely differently, so that he has a good reaction to be benevolentness, so that he immediately saw the beautiful - in a beautiful woman or a man, inspired - even where others do not notice; To see the suffering face, he felt compassion to be open. Here such a person is always happy, because he is in unity with people, he lives love.
And at the end of the prayer, it is said: "To her, Lord King (in translation: Yes, the Lord is mine and the king), give Darui Mi in my sorts and not condemn my brother." This is understandable to you. Great healing from condemnation is to be able to criticize himself. We are often extremely attentive, I would say, observant, and I would still say - psychologically sophisticated when it comes to sins of a neighbor, about the sins of another person. Here we show the maximum knowledge of all moral commandments and all subtleties. But we act here in the form of a strict judge, without having rights, for what we condemn other people to, and we are to blame.
You ask me: Or maybe there is a conciliation in this, compromise with evil? Never ever. We should always call evil with your own name. But the person who saved in this sin, we must compare.
Here is the essence of this prayer, which is read by the everyday greatest post with earth bows.

From the preaching about the terrible court.