Chishka - Signs about sneezing. Chishka on Saturday Day and Night in time by day, Truthful hours - recognition in love, for girls and women: list will take

Chishka - Signs about sneezing. Chishka on Saturday Day and Night in time by day, Truthful hours - recognition in love, for girls and women: list will take
Chishka - Signs about sneezing. Chishka on Saturday Day and Night in time by day, Truthful hours - recognition in love, for girls and women: list will take

The article will tell you how to use the "chihank" on Saturday and will give accurate interpretation.

Chishka is an interesting and easiest way to pay not only for love, but also for upcoming events in life. It is very easy to guess: just remember the day of the week and the time when you unexpectedly sneezed and look through the interpretation in the list of predictions.

For each day of the week there is a certain meaning of unpredictable chiha. Saturday, for example, warns you from incorrect actions, excessive waste of money and quarrels with close people. Carefully take advantage of the interpretations of chihelocks on Saturday to avoid many problems in life.

"Chishalka" daylight:

07.00-08.00 - Try not to think about your problems and difficulties. These problems for you are temporary and the "white strip" will come very soon. Be confident in yourself and not "lower your hands" is not before.

08.00-09.00 – Try to rest, you worked too much lately and it cannot but affect your relationship with loved ones. Dedote your day by being engaged in your beauty and health.

09.00-10.00 – Chishka advises you to think about the relationships in which you are currently. If you want favorable changes, you should "move on" and not be afraid to make decisions yourself.

10.00-11.00 – Ahead you will have a reason to sink, someone will offend you with a word or affair, envy or just won't notice. It is important not to take all these actions in the sneaking and close to the heart, so as not to disturb the emotional state.

11.00-12.00 – When was the last time you traveled? You should distract from everyday life and start living "for yourself." Plan your vacation outside the city or at sea. It will benefit you.

12.00-13.00 – The object of your admiration will be captive by your beauty nearby. Try to make a maximum effort to surprise it your appearance or a beautiful outfit. Make a purchase in the clothing store, go to the beauty salon.

13.00-14.00 – Dedote time close, because they have not experienced the heat of your attention and care for a long time. Spend a joint picnic, holiday or family dinner. Such a pastime will strengthen your relationship.

14.00-15.00 – Soon you will see a dream that will give you an answer to one of the most exciting issues. Try to interpret it correctly, remembering the smallest details of the seen.

15.00-16.00 – Very soon you can get a message from a loved one. In it, he confesses to you in his feelings. Do not reject sincerity and take it with all my heart. If you do not get a romantic relationship, the friendship will become even stronger.

16.00-17.00 – If it will seem for you that you cannot achieve the desired, in no case stop! Your luck is quite closely important only just to believe in yourself and your strength!

17.00-18.00 – The person you are experiencing sympathy, really wants to see you. Try to do something to delight it with a romantic meeting or a date. It will definitely benefit your relationship!

18.00-19.00 – You do not need to trust your secrets and secrets to a woman with blond hair. There is a possibility that she simply will not be able to keep them with him and substitute you because of what you will seriously affect.

19.00-20.00 – A stranger is waiting to meet with you, try to be "fulfillment" to always look good and attract male attention to yourself. Perhaps this stranger is your fate. Do not miss your chance!

20.00-21.00 – Unfortunately, the person with whom you are now in a relationship is experiencing a decline of sensuality and is not sure that still loves you. If you value relationships, you should send the strength to strengthen them, if not - start new ones.

21.00-22.00 – Chiselka foreshadows you a happy day and good changes in life. Try to take advantage of this in order to establish your relationship with close and at work. You will all get anything like never before you are guaranteed a great mood!

22.00-23.00 – If a man made you sad, do not worry on trifles. Try to move the offense or his leaving, without taking made or said close to heart. You will still have a chance to establish relationships, and if not, maybe it is for the better?

23.00-00.00 – You are interested in the interest of a friend of the man that you consider "the only and unique." If you are ready to change your relationship - risk, if not, do not give reasons to flirt with you the opposite occasion.

Silent love night on Friday by the clock for girls and women truthful

Night chiheliki will tell you the answers to love questions. Try to accurately fix the time when you sneeze, because it matters, exactly up to one hour. In the article you will find detailed interpretations, both caution and inspiring.

"Chishka" night:

00.00-01.00 – An unfamiliar man will give you his mark of attention. Do not treat him frivolous, because it is possible that this stranger will be promising and very good man who will be your husband.

01.00-02.00 – I do not want to upset you, but the thoughts of your beloved men are very often occupied by a completely different woman. In order to avoid separation, you should try to return the relationship to the dish and passion.

02.00-03.00 – Do not expect something special or spectacular from the planned plan or upcoming travel. Also, do not wait for a big gift, you will have a completely calm weekend without adventure and events, without dating and love intrigues.

03.00-04.00 – You should reconsider your attitude to loved ones, because you often have a rude and misleading, and this spoils your relationship with relatives and loved ones. Be careful and gentle, make gifts and invite everyone to a picnic, dinner, party.

04.00-05.00 – A person from your relative environment is experiencing a completely unfriendly relationship to you, so you should decide what you are waiting for: love or friendship. Both options are possible.

05.00-06.00 – You pay little attention to your beloved man. Because of this, a breaking of relationship is quite possible. Try to come up with something romantic and unusual, return the ferventness to the feelings and constantly talk about how important a man is important to you.

Saturday is a difficult day. It is more suitable for solitude than for rapid communication. On this day, it is good to freeze, to be alone with my thoughts. Try to arrange yourself at least an hour of silence - without music, telephone and outsiders. Such pauses give new thoughts, help to understand themselves and others.

On Saturday, it is better not to spend money - transfer shopping for tomorrow. The surning on Saturday promises a lot of good, because the energy of this day is clean and bright, although a little strict. Weigh your words today, do not scatter promises, be assembled! Dressed on Saturday is better in blue or gray clothes.

Surnoba Saturday - Day

07.00-08.00. Well spend time in a circle of friends. The sneezhanka promises a good moment to communicate, the fun will be able to fame.

08.00-09.00. In the evening do not go anywhere. There are moments when the best company for a person is he himself. Looks like today you have such a day.

09.00-10.00. A stranger loves you. How to find out who? Look at the guy right in the eye when conversation - a person in love is usually embarrassing.

10.00-1 1.00. You will have fun. Saturday, evening - it's time to afford to forget about everything and have fun!

11.00-12.00. He loves you. Excellent! And you?

12.00-13.00. The guy will explain to you in love. Well, if he does not have enough courage, he may show his love without words.

13.00-14.00. You are popular among your friends. The main thing is not to be applied.

14.00-15.00. Kiss. Chishka promises pleasant moments with a loved one.

15.00-16.00. Wait for invitations to the movies. Please note what kind of movie. By what films do you like a person, you can judge his character.

16.00-17.00. You have joy ahead. On Saturday or Sunday wait a pleasant event.

17.00-18.00. He wants to see you. Sometimes guys lack courage to say about it. In this case, it is worth paying attention to his actions.

18.00-19.00. Do not trust your friend. People can be very cunning, and we sometimes do not even notice this ...

19.00-20.00. A stranger is waiting for a meeting. It is so romantic! Do not hurry to talk about him friends.

20.00-21.00. He does not love you. Although it is still better to check. Look at him right in the eye when talking - a person in love is usually embarrassed.

21.00-22.00. You will be happy. Hurray, ahead of a happy day!

22.00-23.00. Do not gross about him, everything will pass. Sometimes we exaggerate advantages and do not notice the shortcomings of a person.

23.00-24.00. You like his friend. When you are in the shared company, make sure that you look at you in those moments when everyone laughs. This is he.

Sabbath Saturday - Night

00.00-01.00 - you are interested in an unfamiliar guy. It is not surprising, the main thing is that this person you have liked.

01.00-02.00 - Thoughts of your guy are busy with another girl. Ask him to name 4 female names. Fourth, he will call the name that worries him most.

02.00-03.00 - nothing special. Tomorrow will be an ordinary day.

03.00-04.00 - modesty will not hurt. Nobody like a closed girl, but in communication it is better to be friendly and balanced, without familiarity.

You can find out the future thanks to a simple fortune investment. Miscellaneous by day of the week will tell you what you fell on Saturday.

Surning on Saturday afternoon

6:00 — 8:00 . If you sneeze more than two times, then this day absolutely should be devoted to cleaning your home. Folk wisdom says that it will be most important.

8:00 — 10:00. Chicting once at this time, you are doomed to stay on this day alone. Noisy companies will not benefit. In the opposite when you sneeze more than once, you can meet with anyone.

10:00 — 12:00 . You are expected to have small health problems that can bring discomfort.

12:00 — 14:00 . Try to be as positive today today. Good thoughts will attract positive and good luck. Try not to pay attention to the provocations.

14:00 — 16:00 . Each of your step will be conjugate with great consequences. Today, mistakes are not allowed, so be careful in everything.

16:00 — 18:00. Your favorite people will experience a tide of feelings towards you tomorrow.

18:00 — 20:00 . If you sneeze at this time, then know that tomorrow you have a chance to meet your love or translate existing relationships to the next, higher level.

20:00 — 22:00 . Great time to relax and forget about all pressing issues.

22:00 — 0:00. Creative time. If you sneezed on Saturday at this time, you can safely invent or invent something new and original. Or even sit down and work intellectually.

Chiselik night

0:00 — 2:00. Avoid monetary risks during this Saturday. Otherwise, you can get into the financial pit.

2:00 — 4:00 . Dedote part of the time important purchases. If you sneeze more than two times, you can even exercise expensive acquisitions.

4:00 — 6:00 . This Saturday will be boring and sulfur, and the only thing that can change it for the better is your relatives and relatives.

Already very many people trust folk signs about what SIX means at a certain time of the day. This prediction came to us from people will accept, and it helps to attract good luck and success in life, making it a little easier. Happy Saturdays to you, and do not forget to press buttons and

Singing on Saturday predicts the near future and warns from errors. It is in this way that fate gives signs. Read below the interpretation of a specific time that will help to decipher them.

In the article:

General value

15:00-16:00 : Invitation to date. True, how much you will give you, the sign does not reveal.

16:00-17:00 : Fate prepared an unexpected, but a nice gift.

17:00-18:00 : The meeting, which gone waiting for a long time, will happen tonight. It should be prepared.

18:00-19:00 : Better friend can not be trusted today. It's not about her dishonesty. Most likely, she owns false information.

19:00-20:00 : Acquaintance with a person who will interest you with his unusualness.

20:00-21:00 : Sneezing warns from frivolity. Do not let the emotions to overpower the mind, otherwise there are no problems.

21:00-22:00 : Tomorrow wait for meetings with a person who has long been in love with you. Note assures - you will be happy with him.

22:00-23:00 : Do not be sad. The reason for the current sadness will soon disappear from life.

23:00-00:00 : Not all sneezing fans have honest intentions. Be careful.

Saturday night

00:00-01:00 : The interest of the new fan. It is unlikely that you are already familiar enough to meet the reciprocity.

01:00-02:00 : The person who likes you is related to relationships. Select a different bundle object.

02:00-03:00 : The coming day is not distinguished by bright events. You are waiting for a calm and measured day off, which will not leave reasons for laughter or tears.

03:00-04:00 : modesty will become your virtue. At least she does not prevent this Saturday.

04:00-05:00 : Someone from the neighbors is a secret fan. Look at the person you see every day.

05:00-06:00 : Manage attention towards your beloved. Otherwise, he will look at him on the side.

Saturday sneezing is full of warnings. However, it can not be called ominous, because sneezing our ancestors considered a good sign. Listening to the beliefs, you will avoid failure and set your life.

The simplest belief that came to us from the distant past about sneezing - signWhat if you sneeze after some words (your own or after strangers), it confirms the truthfulness of what has been said.

However, the signs about sneezing are very diverse. They link the time when a man sneezed, with the events of the future, which after that can be expected.

There is even a collection will accept, or sneezing by hours, by time of day, by days of the weekwhich predicts the future for sneezing. However, referring to the value of the chihanki, it should be remembered that you should not try to specifically sneeze at a certain time to get the right prediction, the result will not be truthful.

And, of course, will not be true and challenges about sneezing, which happens during the disease.

Signs of chiheliki "work" only if the person is healthy and sneezed by chance, not trying to coach it to a certain hour.

Sailing day

  • Sneeze in the morning - Speczing to good luck.
  • Sneeze in lunch - To a good rest.
  • If a sneeze exactly at noon - To empty troubles.
  • Sneezing in the evening until dinner predicts unexpected cash profit.
  • Sneeze in the evening after dinner - Snacks of the upcoming road.


  • Sneeze on Monday - Speczing to get or to spending money. Costs may be associated with health problems - you will have to spend money on doctors and medicines.
  • Sneeze on Tuesday - To the upcoming entertainment and fun. The incendiary party or noisy feast await you already in the near future. However, be careful - if you have a favorite, he can jerk you to someone from the participants of fun.
  • If sneeze on Wednesday, usually it happens to get the news, to the news. Check your email box, call familiar or relatives, look at social networks - Somewhere awaits interesting news.
  • Sneezing on Thursday foreshadows tests. If it turns out to go worthy of them, - you can expect a reward. And if not - you have to meet with disappointment.
  • Friday sneezing foreshadows a meeting or a love date. However, it can bring and disappear (however, it is completely optional). Therefore, if there are doubts about what exactly the scheduled meeting will bring you - joy or sadness - it is better to transfer it to a better time.
  • Saturday sneeze to the execution of desire. Best, sneezing on Saturday, make a desire associated with romantic relationships - it will surely come true.
  • Sneeze on Sunday - Speczing to a fun feast, entertainment, pleasant romantic dating, success in all matters and luck.

Chiselka by the clock

Turning to K. values \u200b\u200band interpretation of chihank by the clock It must be remembered that in some signs, not only the time of sneezing, but also the day of the week, when it happened: in different days, the interpretation of sneezing at the same time will be different.

Below are the general chains of chiheliks by the hour. And if you want to know the combined value - simultaneously on the day of the week and time - consult a special fortune Chishalka .

  • To sneeze early in the morning, from dawn to 7 am - signs for the disease.
  • Sneezing from 7 to 8 - to the meeting.
  • If sneezing time is from 8 to 9 am - it predicts difficulties.
  • Sneeze from 9 to 10 am - to profits.
  • If you sneeze from 10 to 11 am - signs to spending money.
  • From 11 to 12 in the morning, they are usually sneezing to happiness in love.
  • Sneezing from 12 to 13 foreshadows the upcoming party.
  • To sneeze from 13 to 14 - signs for a good trip.
  • If you sneeze from 14 to 15 - to in vain work.
  • From 15 to 16 sneezing predicts disappointment.
  • If sneezing time - from 16 to 17 - it throws tears.
  • Skish from 17 to 18 - to an unexpected award at work.
  • Sneezing from 18 to 19 foreshadows gift.
  • If you sneeze in the interval between 19 and 20 pm, this is a sign of a long way.
  • To sneeze from 20 to 21 - predicts an ambulance business trip.
  • Sneezing from 21 to dawn speaks about the upcoming troubles.

If it turned out that you were sneezed, and the prediction of the chiheliki was negative at that time, and did not like it, you can always make it so that it does not come true.

To get rid of the negative interpretation and prediction, the chihanki will spite, spit three times through the left shoulder and knock about the wooden door jamb or on another wooden surface. The main thing - the tree should be natural, not artificial.