Healing buried, cases from real life. Terrifying stories of people buried alive

Healing buried, cases from real life. Terrifying stories of people buried alive
It is not by chance in almost all countries and all nations are accepted to bury the body not immediately after death, but only a few days later. There have been many cases when the "dead" suddenly came to the funeral, or that the worst, right inside the grave ...

Monsive death

Lethargy (from Greek Lethe - "oblivion" and argia - "inaction") is a nearly not studied painful state similar to sleep. Signs of death have always considered the cessation of heartbeat and lack of breathing. But during the lethargic sleep, all life processes also freeze, and distinguish real death from imaginary (so often called lethargic sleep) without modern equipment is pretty difficult. Therefore, earlier cases of the burial of people who are not dead, but who fell asleep with lethargic sleep, took place quite often, and sometimes with famous people.
If now the burial is already fantastic, then another 100-200 years ago cases of funerals of living people were not so rare. Very often, the burialers, digging a fresh grave on ancient burials, found in the semi-satiest coffins, curved bodies, for which it was clear that they tried to get free. It is said that on medieval cemeteries, each third grave was such a terrible sight.

Fateful sleeping bag

Elena Blavatskaya described the strange cases of lethargic sleep: "In 1816, in Brussels, the Dear Citizen fell into deep lethargy on Sunday morning. On Monday, when his companions were preparing to nail nails into the cover of the coffin, he sat down in a coffin, her eyes won and demanded coffee and newspaper. In Moscow, the wife of a rich merchant lasted in a cataleptic state of seventeen days, during which the authorities made several attempts to bury her; But since the decomposition did not come, the family rejected the ceremony, and after the mentioned term, the life of the imaginary was restored. In Bergeracke in 1842 the patient took the patient, but ... did not wake up. He was allowed blood: he did not wake up. Finally, he was declared dead and buried. A few days later they remembered the reception of sleeping pills and ruined the grave. The body was inverted and wore traces of the struggle. "
This is only a small part of such cases - lethargic sleep is actually quite frequent phenomenon.

Scary awakening

Many people tried to protect themselves from burial alive. For example, the famous Writer Wirker Collins left a note from his bed with a list of measures, which should be taken before it was buried. But the writer was an educated person and had the concept of lethargic dream, while many ordinary ordinary people did not even have something like that.
So, in 1838 an incredible case occurred in England. After the funeral of one respected man, a boy passed through the cemetery and heard an unclear sound from under the ground. The frightened child called adults who dug the coffin. When the lid was removed, then shocked witnesses saw that terrible grimace was froked on the face of the dead man. His hands were in fresh abrasions, and Savan rang. But the man was already really dead - he died a few minutes before salvation - from the rupture of the heart, without preparing such a terrible awakening to reality.
An even more terrible case occurred in Germany in 1773. A pregnant woman was buried there. When screams began to break out from under the ground, the grave was ruined. But it turned out that it was already late - a woman died, and moreover, a child died, which had just appeared in the same grave ...

Crying soul

In the fall of 2002, in the family of a resident of Krasnoyarsk, Irina Andreevna Maltina happened misfortune - her thirty-year-old son Mikhail died unexpectedly. A strong sports guy who never complained about his health, died at night in a dream. The body was revealed, but the cause of death could not be established. The doctor who concluded about death, informed Irina Andreevna that her son died from a sudden stop of the heart.
As it should be, Mikhail buried on the third day, melted a comment ... And suddenly the dead son had dreamed at the next night the mother crying. In the afternoon, Irina Andreevna went to church and put a candle for the rest of the newly promoted. However, the crying son continued to be in a dream during the week. Maltina appealed to one of the priests, who, having heard, said disappointing words that a young man may be devoted to the earth alive. Irina Andreevna cost an incredible effort to achieve permission to conduct exhumation. When the coffin was revealed, then a woman killed by grief in an instant he had sacrificed from horror. Her Hot Favorite Son lay on his side. Clothing on it, ritual bedspread and pillow were isolated in shreds. In the hands of the corpse there were numerous abrasions and bruises, which were not during the funeral. All this eloquently testified that the man woke up in the grave, and then died for a long time and painfully.
A resident of the city of Bereznyaki near Solikamsk Elena Ivanovna Duzhkin recalls, as one day in childhood, she saw the guys with a group during the spring spill of Kama unknown from where the sailing coffin. Waves knocked him to the shore. Frightened children called adults. People opened the coffin and with horror they saw a yellowish skeleton, dressed in elapsed rags. The skeleton lay a prick, pouring his legs. The whole darkened covers of the coffin from the inside was dressed in deep scratches.

Live Gogol.

The most famous such case was a terrible story associated with Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. During his life, he fell into a strange, absolutely immobile state resembling death several times. But the great writer always quickly came to my senses, although he managed to quickly scare around. Gogol knew about this his characteristics and most of all was afraid of the fact that one day he would fall into a deep sleep for a long time and he was buried alive. He wrote: "While in the full presence of memory and sound sensitory, I set out my last will. Wanted my bodies do not get buried until the explicit signs of decomposition appear. I mention this because, already during the disease, I found a minute of life numbness, the heart and pulse stopped fighting. "
After the death of the writer, he was not listened to his will and buried as usual - on the third day ...
These terrible words were recalled only in 1931, when Gogol was reburied from Danilov Monastery at Novodevichi Cemetery. According to eyewitnesses, the covers of the coffin was broken from the inside, and Gogol's body was in an unnatural position. At the same time, another terrible thing was discovered, which did not have a relationship with lethargic dreams and burials alive. The skeleton of Gogol was absent ... Head. According to rumors, she disappeared in 1909, when the monks Danilova Monastery restored the grave of the writer. Allegedly cutting it off for a considerable amount, they had a collector and Bahrushin's rich, whom she stayed. This is a wild story, but it is quite possible to believe in it, because Yves 1931 during the excavation of the grave of Gogol there was a number of unpleasant events. The famous writers who were present at the reburial literally remorserated from the coffin "for memory" who loskuts clothes, who shoes, and who and the edge of Gogol ...

Call from that light

Interestingly, in order to protect a person from the burial alive, in many Western countries in the morgue there are still a bell with a rope. The person who was found dead can wake up among the dead, stand up and call him. Servants immediately resort to his call. This bell and the revival of the dead are often played in horror films, but in reality such stories almost did not happen. But at the time of opening the "corpses" came to life more than once. In 1964, a man was opened in one of the New York Morgov, who died on the street. As a scalpel of the pathologist touched the belly of the "dead man", as he immediately jumped. From shock and fright in place died by the pathologist ...
Another similar case was described in the newspaper "Bii worker". In the article dated September 1959, he described how during the funeral of the engineer of one of the Biyan factories during the pronouncement of mourning speeches, the deceased suddenly sneezed, opened his eyes, sat down in the coffin and "almost died for the second time, seeing, in which atmosphere located". A thorough examination in the local hospital of the male coffin did not reveal any pathological changes in its body. The same conclusion was given to Novosibirsk doctors, to which the risen engineer was sent.

Ritual burials

However, people are not always alive buried not in their own will. So, in some African tribes, the peoples of South America, Siberia and the Far North, we exist a ritual, in which the names of the tribe kneading the relatives. In a number of people, this rite is conducted and the qualities of the initiation of boys. In some tribes they use for and flow from some diseases. In the same way, old people or patients are prepared for the transition to another world.
An important place is the ritual "Pseudopokhor" takes the ministers of Shamansky cults. It is believed that, lying alive in the grave, the shaman receives the gift of communication with the spirits of the earth, as well as with the souls of the dead ancestors. He in consciousness seems to be opened by some channels through which he binds to unknown simple mortal worlds.
Naturalist and Ethnographer E.S. Bogdanovsky was fortunate enough in 1915 to witness the ritual funeral of Shaman one of the Kamchatka tribes. In his memoirs, Bogdanovsky writes that before the burial, the shaman fasted for three days, did not even drink water. Then the assistants with the help of the bone drill did a hole in the temperature of the shaman, which then shut with bees wax. After that, the body of Shaman was fined incense, wrapped in the skin of the bear and under ritual singing was lowered into the grave arusted in the center of the generic cemetery. Shaman inserted a long reed tube into his mouth, which was brought out, and covered its fixed body of the earth. A few days later, during which rocks were continuously carried out over the grave, the buried shaman was removed from the ground, washed in three flowing waters and emphasized incenses. On the same day, the second birth of a respected tribesman was noted in the village of Pysno, who, having been in the "Kingdom of the Dead", took the top step in the hierarchy of the ministers of the pagan cult ...
In recent years, traditional mobile phones have appeared next to the dead - suddenly it is not death at all, and a dream, suddenly the dear person will come to himself and calls close - I am alive, dig me back ... But so far there has not happened in our Days, with perfect diagnostic devices, in principle it is impossible to bury a person alive.
Nevertheless, people do not believe the doctors and try to protect themselves from the terrible awakening in the grave. In 2001, a scandalous case took place in the United States. A resident of Los Angeles Joe Barten, scary afraid to fall into lethargic sleep, bequeathed to make ventilation in his coffin, putting food and telephone into it. And at the same time, his relatives could get the inheritance only on condition that they will call him in the grave three times a day. Interestingly, the Barten's relatives refused to receive an inheritance - the process of making calls to that light appeared too terrible.

19-year-old Angelo Hays (Angelo Hays) tragically died in a motorcycle accident in 1937. Rather, everyone thought. He crashed into a brick wall head. The insurance agent had certain doubts about the death of a young motorcyclist. Two days after the funeral, the body of a young man was exhumed.

Angelo was alive. He fell into someone - this is exactly what helped him to survive a monstrous test. The body consumed less oxygen. After the rehabilitation, Heis told the story of his imprisonment in the coffin. He became a French celebrity and even invented a special coffin equipped with a radio transmitter, a margin of food, a library and a chemical toilet in case someone repeat his fate.

Woke up in morgue


In 1993, Saifo William Mdletshe (Sipho William Mdletshe), together with his bride, got into a monstrous car accident. His damage was such heavy that he was taken for the dead, delivered to the morgue of Johannesburg and put in a metal container - to expect a funeral.

The man woke up after two days and discovered himself locked in the dark. His screams attracted the attention of the staff, and the man was released.
The relationship with the bride did not manage to restore - she was convinced that her former groom was now zombies and pursue her.

Old woman in bag for corpses

In 1994, 86-year-old Mildred Clark (Mildred Clarke) found in their own living room. She did not breathe, and her heart did not beat. The old woman was placed in a bag for corpses, planning to deliver the body into the morgue.

After 90 minutes, she woke up, shocked and frightening the morgue staff to Icotes. A woman lived another week before the truly conquer. We believe that this time the doctors paid more time to check.

Kid spent 8 days underground

In 2015, a pair in China was born a baby with a cleft sky. The guy and the girl were not ready for the child "with problems", rented and decided to get rid of an unwanted child in any way. So, they put it in a cardboard box and buried in a shallow grave in a cemetery.

Lu Fenglyan collected herbs in the vicinity of the cemetery and heard the crying ending from under the ground. By the time eight days have passed. She excavated the grave and found a baby there, which survived only due to the fact that the cardboard passed air and water. Unfortunately, for the lack of evidence, they did not succeed to arrest a couple - the parents of the baby argued that their own parents wanted to kill their sons. Nobody believed, but failed to prove the involvement of parents.

Official got out of the grave

A woman who visited the burial of relatives in 2013 in a small Brazilian town, suddenly saw a man ... who was chosen from the grave. His head and hands were free, but he could not pull out the lower part of the body from under the ground. The witness of the start of the zombie apocalypse led the workers to help a man to free themselves. They turned out to be an employee of the city council.

Before burning a poor fellow, he was badly beaten, so he did not even remember how he was buried (probably, and for the better).

Record: 61 day underground

In 1968, Mike Mini (Mike Meaney) broke the world record established by the American Digger O'Delle (who stayed under the ground 45 days). Mini allowed himself to bury himself in a coffin, where there were air holes with access to food and water, as well as a telephone.

After 61 days, the mini emerged from under the ground exhausted, but in a good physical form.

The wizard is barely died

The British "Wizard" Antony Britton (Antony Britton) presumptuously declared that he was able to repeat the feat of Harry Hudini, but instead of wonderful salvation almost died right under the ground. Britton insisted so that he was handcuffed and buried in raw loose land.

Despite the careful preparation that took 14 months, Britton was not ready for the real weight of the Earth. "I almost died," said Gudini, "I was literally a few seconds from death. It was scary. The tillage pressure literally collapsed on me. Despite the fact that I found the air bag, the Earth fell and poured on me. I almost lost consciousness and could not do anything. "

Indian girl saved in the field

In 2014, in North India, the spouses asked their neighbors to spend a little daughter at the fair, where she really wanted to get. And instead found itself in the grave. Neighbors took the baby in the field, where they dug the pit, and threw a girl there.

Fortunately, the scuffle noticed several people and, when a man and a woman came out of sugar cane without a child, witnesses were frightened and hurried to check where the baby was doing.

Fortunately, the girl almost immediately lost consciousness and did not remember anything about the tragedy.

As a rule, it is very difficult to find out, from which diseases known historical figures died. For example, to set the exact cause of the death of the great composer Frederick Chopin, it took 150 years. He died of the rarest complication of Pericarditis tuberculosis, which causes swelling of the fabrics adjacent to the heart. The reason was found due to the fact that the heart of the Great Composer was saved in a special vessel.

Fears of great people

Yes, you all understood correctly. Chopin's heart was carefully kept since his death in 1849. Before his death, he asked his heart to be carved and buried in Poland - a country where he was born. The historical phrase spoken by a great man, it became: "Sware that you will make me open me so that I am not buried alive."

Chopin suffered from a phobia to be buried alive. The great composer was far from the only famous personality suffering from such fear. In fact, Tafefobia was quite common for that time.

George Washington was so afraid to be buried alive, which wanted his dead body to lay three days before being buried. "So the surroundings could make sure that he really is dead," writes Sarah Murray in his book "Exit".

Writer Hans Christian Andersen and the founder of the famous Award Alfred Nobel were also tormented from this fear and wanted their veins to be opened after they seemed to move into the world of others. So others could make sure that they are really not alive.

Burial of living people in biblical times

Cases of burial of living people existed from biblical times. According to Kenneth V. Iserson, a professor of emergency medicine at the University of Arizona and the author of Death to Dust, Tafafobia was founded on historical reality, which has deep roots.

"We know that there is a fear of being buried alive from biblical times," he says. At the time when Jesus raised the Lazarus from the dead, it was customary to wind the bodies and bury them in the caves. Then after a few days someone went to check if there were no people alive. The reason for which a similar procedure was carried out was that such cases sometimes met.

In the past century, diseases were estimated differently

"In cases where people were mistakenly buried alive, we cannot judge with accuracy, what diseases they suffered," says Izeron. It is possible that in the 19th century the abdominal typhus, which is characterized by very slow development, led to some premature burials. In general, determine how famous figures died, only judging by historical records, it is very difficult, as the understanding of the people of past centuries is significantly different from how we regard them now.

Within a long period of time, the instruments for determining the functions of the organs were inaccurate, and the only correct way to establish that a person died or not, was to leave on some time on the surface of the body and see if it was not rotted.

"Think about it," says Istherson. - How could people in the past establish that a person is dead? Currently it is not difficult, since we are resorting to the use of modern technologies, for example, electrocardiograms. "

Cases of burial alive in the twentieth century

Interestingly, there are many real cases when some citizens buried alive even in the 20th century. A bright example is the shocking story of Essu Dunbar. The woman suffered from epilepsy, and in 1915 it became known that this resident of South Carolina died. Her sister arrived at the burial site after the coffin was lowered to the ground, and the burialers agreed to raise him again so that the relative could see the late for the last time.

"The screws were unscrewed, the covers of the coffin opened, and the deceased sat down in his coffin and looked at his sister, smiling," writes a medical professor Jan Bondeson from Buried Alive. - Grown people, including sister, counted that it was a ghost, and rushed from fear of flight. "

In the case of Essi, you can conclude that the woman probably suffered from attacks that made her lose consciousness. Therefore, people seemed to have died. After this strange case, a woman lived a few more decades and died with his real death only in 1955.

Burial of the Victorian era

Tafefobia reached its apogee during the Victorian era, when the masters began to benefit from the manufacture of "security coffins". Some of them mostly represented the above-ground graves with a hatch, which was a buried man could unscrew if he suddenly wakes up. Some of the deceased were attached to an overhead bell so that a person could call from his coffin if he would live.

Purchase of these complex coffins could have become a chance to get rid of fear of being buried alive, but Irson notes that proven cases in which these adaptations saved someone's life, was not fixed.

Cases that occurred in the twentieth century

The fear of being buried alive began to fade in the twentieth century, when a new funeral practice has appeared. After the cremation of the body or embalming it, it was possible to state with confidence that this man is dead.

But people are still waking up in the morgue, although it happens extremely rarely. In November 2014, the morgue employees watched a 91-year-old Polish woman who began to give signs of life. In the same year, two similar cases occurred: one in Kenya and one in Mississippi.

The chopin history can be perceived as very dramatic, as it takes into account the period of time when it happened. But recent cases in the morgue can be quite understood by readers.

What if you burned you alive in the September 12th coffin, 2017

Remember, we figured out, and there is another horror stroke.

The fate to be buried alive can comprehend each of us. For example, you can fall into a lethargic dream, relatives will think that you died, eat jelly at your funeral and smash the nail into the cover of your coffin.

The worst option - when a person is deliberately buried in a coffin to scare or get rid of him: for some rumors, he loved to do the famous Japanese.

Maybe therefore the whole "Bohemaya" and a hull so cute talked with him?

Many of us watched the film "Buried Alignment", where the main character comes to herself and discovers that it is buried alive in a wooden box, where oxygen gradually ends. The situation is hardly inventing the situation. And those who watched this film will fully agree with this.
The horror stories, how some people were buried alive, there are still from the Middle Ages, if not earlier. And then they were not horrid, and were real facts. Too low was the level of development of medicine and such cases could well happen. It is rumored that such a terrible situation happened with a great writer Nikolai Gogol, Da and NE with him alone.

As for our time, there is practically no chance to be buried alive. The fact is that some kind of curious doctors are extremely loved to clarify, and from what one or another person died, and for this we open it, investigate the organs and the completion is neatrately sewn. You understand yourself, wake up in a coffin with such a situation will not work, rather, the line "BCKpytyte showed that death occurred as a result of the autopsy" appears in the conclusion of the pathologist.

How to escape if you woke up in a coffin, and the capped lid and a couple of earth meters above you? How to get out of the coffin
First, do not panic! Seriously, panic can significantly reduce the time released to survive. In a state of panic, you will actively use oxygen. You can usually live in a coffin for one or two hours - provided that you are not a panic. If you know how to meditate - do it immediately. Try to relax as much as possible, it will help to clearly think.

Check if you have the opportunity to call. Nowadays, people often bury with cell phones, tablets or other means of communication. If in your case it is so, try to contact relatives or friends. As soon as you do it, relax and meditate to save oxygen.

No mobile phone? Okay ... Considering that you are still alive in a coffin with limited air supply, you have been buried recently. So, the Earth must be soft enough.

Occaste the cover with your hands in the cheapest coffins from the fiberboard you can even make a hole (wedding ring, belt buckle ...)
Cross your hands on the chest, grabbing the shoulders palms and pull off your shirt or T-shirt up, tie her knot over your head hanging on your head on your head, she will protect you from suffocation when entering the face of the Earth.

If your coffin is not yet damaged under the action of the gravity of the Earth, use your legs to do a hole in the coffin. The best place for this will be the middle of the lid.

After you have successfully hacked the coffin, with the help of hands and legs push the earth entering the hole to the edges of the coffin. Fill the coffin of the Earth as much as possible, tamping it, so as not to lose the opportunity to push the head and shoulders into the hole.

By all means try to sit down, the Earth will fill an empty place and will shift in your favor, do not stop and continue to breathe calmly.
After you have tamped inside the coffin as much earth as they could, use all your strength to get straight. It may be necessary to make a break in the lid more, but it will not be difficult in the case of a cheap coffin.

After the head turns out to be on the surface and you can breathe freely, do not hesitate, let yourself get a little, even shout if you need. If no one came to help you, pull yourself out of the earth, wriggling like a worm.

Remember the Earth in a fresh grave always loose and "fight it relatively easily", it is much more difficult to get out during the rain: wet earth is denser and harder. The same can be said about clay.

If your relatives are not souls and buried you in the coffin of stainless steel, the best thing to be done in this case is to try to extract the loud sounds from the coffin by pressing the cover in the places of its fastening or knocking on the coffin of the belt buckle or something like that. Perhaps someone still stands near the grave.

Please note the match or lighter, if you have them, is a bad idea. Open Fire will quickly destroy the entire oxygen stock.

Buried alcohol

It is not by chance that almost all peoples are taken to conduct the burial ceremony not immediately, but after a certain number of days after death. There were many cases when "dead", and there were such cases at the funeral, and there were such cases when they wake up inside the coffin. Since ancient times, a man was afraid to be buried alive. Tafophobia - fear of being buried alive is observed in many people. It is believed that this is one of the basic phobias of the human psyche. The intentional burial of the person alive by the laws of the Russian Federation is considered a murder committed with particular cruelty and punishable.

Monsive death

The lethargy is an unexplored painful state, which is similar to the usual dream. Signs of death in ancient times were considered the absence of breathing and cessation of heartbeat. However, in the absence of modern equipment it was difficult to determine where the imaginary death, and where is real. Now there are practically no cases of funerals of living people, but a couple of centuries ago it was a fairly common phenomenon. Lethargy dream usually lasts from several hours to several weeks. But there are cases when lethargy lasted months. From coma lethargic sleep is characterized by the fact that the human body supports the vital functions of the organs and is not under the threat of death. There are many examples of lethargic sleep and related moments in the literature, but they do not always have a scientific justification and are often inventions. Thus, the scientific fantastic novel of Herbert Wells "When Sleeping Warn" talks about a person, "I slept" 200 years. This is definitely impossible.

Scary awakening

Stories when people plunged into a state of lethargic sleep, quite a lot, let's stop at the most interesting. In 1773, a terrible incident occurred in Germany: after the grave of a pregnant girl, incomprehensible sounds began to be coming from her grave. It was decided to break the grave and all who was at the same time were shocked from what he saw. As it turned out, the girl began to give birth and came out of the state of lethargic sleep. She was able to give birth in such close conditions, but due to the lack of oxygen, neither the baby nor his mother was so survived.
Another story, but not so terrible, occurred in England in 1838. One official was always afraid to be buried alive and, as it was called, his fear materialized. Dear man woke up in a coffin and began to shout. At that moment, a young man was held on the cemetery, who, having heard the voice of a man, ran to help. When the coffin was dug and open, people saw the dead man with a frozen grimace. The victim died a few minutes before salvation. Doctors diagnosed him to stop the heart, a person could not withstand such a terrible awakening to reality.

There were people who perfectly understood what a lethargy dream was and what to do if such a misfortune would overtake them. For example, the English playwright of Willow Collins was afraid that he was buried during his lifetime. Near his bed always lay a note, which stated about the measures to be taken before His burial.

Method of execution

As a method of the death penalty, the burial was used alive by the ancient Romans. For example, if the girl violated Vets of virginity, her buried alive. Such an execution technique was used for many Christian martyrs. In the twentieth century, the princess Olga gave the order alive to bury the Treated ambassadors. In the era of the Middle Ages, the fate of people buried alive was waiting in the territory of the unrevious killers. Zaporizhzhya Cossacks buried the killer alive in a coffin with that man he had deprived of life. In addition, the foresters through the burial were used alive by the Germans during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Such a terrible method of the Nazis executed the Jews.

Ritual burials

It is worth noting that there are cases when people in their will turn out to be buried alive. So, in certain nationalities of South America, Africa and Siberia, there is a rite, in which people burn the shaman of their villages alive. It is believed that at the ritual "Pseudoprochor", the namesman receives a gift to communicate with the souls of the dead ancestors.


The death penalty [History and types of the highest penalties from the beginning of time to the present day] Moneta Martin

Burial zalway

Burial zalway

Two Galla, buried alive in 232 to P. X. Adolf Panoneacher engraving from Filippoto picture. XIX century Private count

The execution that convictedly was buried alive in the ground, existed at all times on all continents. In 220 to P. X. The Chinese emperor Huan-tee commanded to bury the living five hundred scientists whose writings went against the principles of his rule. Inci executed the Sun virgin in the violation of the chastity violation. Also went to Rome with Vestzakov, accused of negligent debt. The temple of the Vesta goddess gave the daughters of the most prominent and the most ancient families of Rome. Girls were placed in the temple at the age of six - ten years, so that, remaining chastity, they at least thirty years could serve the goddess Vesta. Violated vows and those whose fault of Gas entrusted to their concerns the sacred fire, burned alive on the "field of criminals". The Order of Vestorok existed eleven centuries and was abolished by Feodor in 389. It is known that so executed many Vestas. Svetoniy claims that this sad fate has suffered even the main priestess Cornelia.

Woman wicked together with a dead husband. Engraving. D.R.

The story of the founding of Rome begins with an instillation. Reya Silvia, the daughter of Tsar Alba of the numerator, for the coercion of his brother became Vestaska, but Romulu and Rem bore. She argued that they were the sons of Mars, but she was executed, buried alive in the ground.

Also executed Pope Caliksta I. He was elected in 218, at the board of Alexander North, and killed, dropping the well to the bottom of the well, which was covered with garbage.

Drop the captives into the sea, on the stones and to the tower, filled with ash. Biblical dictionary of Calma House. Private count

The Code of Hammurapi, acting in the Babylonian Empire, allowed to apply the law of retaliation. One of the texts said that if the construction of a bad architect collapsed, burking under the ruins of the son of one of the inhabitants, the son of the architect was to suffer punishment and undergo burial alive.

Persians have improved this terrible execution: Challenged to the huge bunch of ashes, he filled the lungs, causing a suffocation much more painful than a simple lack of oxygen with traditional instillation.

Choosing from the Gold Foil

In China, the guilty criminal offense could avoid punishment, finding a replacement and having agreed with the victim's family about the amount of damage compensation. So, after the mass extermination of the French in Qin-Qin in June 1870, the tangerines guilty of incitement could avoid punishment, offering Kuli five hundred - six hundred francs, a beautiful coffin and funeral on the highest category, if they agree to substitute their heads instead of them. But, if the death sentence endured the emperor, there was no salvation. Usually, the sovereign provided the choice of interruption with a public cut-off of the head and a quiet death at home. In the second case, they sent a bag with poison, a silk rope - yellow or white, depending on Sana, or a gold foil, from which a man chuckled. A special Chinese suicide method with the help of Golden Foil was that the sentence was placed the finest gold plate on the palm or on his mouth and breathed it. The foil climbed the throat, and the man littered. Good - free care from life, an analogue of Japanese Harakiri, took place on the eyes of several tangerines, who sent the emperor's report.

Galla and Germans came so with traitors and cowards. Goths buried for pederasta. Such practice has not bypassed and francs. Chlodomomer got rid of the king of Burgundy Sigismund and his two sons, lowering them on the bottom of the well, who immediately fell asleep the earth. At Peping, the Jews were convicted short so often.

Codex Carolina, published around 1530, became the first attempt to codification of criminal law among the German peoples and peoples of Central Europe. He envisaged seven ways to execute, including burial alive, mainly for detectivity.

Only for women

In medieval France, women did not hang out of the considerations of "decentship." It was considered indecent to look like a woman's feet convulsively twitch at the level of the audience. Women have buried alive. Legal and criminal archives keep documents of numerous processes that ended with such a sentence, in particular, in the case of a certain chopper de Saint-Germain, who had a fond of officer, for which she and buried alive in Abvile in 1420. Only since 1449 women began to send to the gallows: skirts tied to her knees. Religious wars gave rise to mass executions of this kind and Catholics and Protestants.

In Sweden and Denmark, the burial was alive by the legitimate punishment until the end of the XVI century. So usually executed women, the burial is alive by replacing the wheel, to which men usually sentenced. Basically, women accused of decaying and dressing were buried. In Gabon, Indonesia and on the Solomon Islands, the burial was largely existed until the XIX century, and in India - before the beginning of the 20th century: on the religious custom of some nations of wives had to be buried alive along with their dead husbands. In other cases, the religious law forced wives to boost to the fire in order to die in the fire near the dead husband.

For saving patrons

The burial is alive by some Nazi divisions of punishment of unprofitable residents and partisans, whose death was supposed to serve for everyone a cruel lesson. Such executions were marked in Poland and Russia. Special addiction to this barbarous remnant of the past, it seems to nourish Asians. In 1968, when the Americans defeated the imperial palace from Vietkogovkov, they found in the pits of the trumpets - more than three thousand people, alive by the Communists' buried in Nguyen Ziala.

From April 1975, until the end of the 1978th, red Khmers, the rules of Cambodia, organized mass executions of the population, including applying burial alive. Believing that their victims (more than two million people) are unworthy of execution and do not deserve to be spent precious cartridges, they practiced primitive ways to murder: a bunch of bubbin or hoe of the head and burial alive. Men, women and children were buried by whole families in those pits, which they themselves were digging for themselves.

With red Khmers, we are obliged to another "invention": the suffocation by a polyethylene package, which was put on the head sentenced, from which he died in terrible convulsions. The polyethylene package was intended mainly for adults, children stood, placing in jute bags.

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