Where to start church life. First steps (advice beginning Christian)

Where to start church life. First steps (advice beginning Christian)

Currently, in front of a large number of people, the mind that felt or the heart felt that God are aware of, let it be unclear, their belonging to the Orthodox Church and those who want to join her, the problem cercuryism, that is, entering the church as a full and full-fledged member.

This problem is very serious for many, since, entering the temple, an unprepared person is faced with a completely new, incomprehensible and somewhat even frightening world.

Clothes of priests, icons, lamps, chants and prayers on a small language - all this creates from the well-found feeling of his own alien in the temple, leads to reflections on whether all this is necessary to communicate with God?

Many say: "The main thing is that God be in the soul, and in the church it is not necessary."

This is rooted incorrectly. Folk wisdom reads: "To whom the church is not a mother - God is not a father." But in order to understand how much the right is this saying, you need to find out, and what is the church? What is the meaning of its existence? Why is it necessary to mediate a person with God?

Rhythm of christian life

IeriaDaniel Sysoev

Let's start with the simplest. Each type of life has its own characteristics, his rhythm, its own order. So and the new Christian should appear his rhythm and the kind of life. First, the routine of the day is changing. Waking up in the morning, the Christian becomes icons (they are usually put on the eastern wall of the room), lights a candle and lamp and reads the morning prayers from Prayer.

How to pray in the text? Apostle Paul writes that it is better to say five words than a thousandtongue (1 Cor. 14.19). Therefore, praying should understand every word of prayer. SVT. Feofan advises to start with the fact that, sobering a part of the rule, praying these words, gradually add new prayers, until it starts to understand the utmost. During the prayer, in no case cannot be a saints or Christ. So you can go crazy and spiritually damage. We must be able to carefully close the words of prayer, seeking the heart to remember that God is everywhere and sees everything. Therefore, the hands are more convenient for prayer to keep pressed to the chest, as they say the liturgical charter. No need to forget to protect yourself with the procession and putting bows. They are very useful for the soul.

After the morning prayers, the prosfora fell and drink holy water. And go on your affairs. Before you have to sit, a Christian reads the prayer of the Lord:

Our Father, illegally, for Heaven, will hurt your name, and the kingdom will come, and there will be the will of yours, Yako in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

And then it falls as a congestion food with the words: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." After the meal, we do not forget to thank the Lord:

We thank you, Christ God, Yako sat on the earthly wonts of us; Do not lish us and the heaven of your kingdom, but Yako, through your disciples, you came to eat, save, the world give them, get to us and save us.

It is worthy to eat Yako Valitinna Bunitia, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major. (Bow.)

During the day, Christians try to keep in mind God all the time. And so we often repeat the words: "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with me, sinful." When we are hard, during temptations, we appeal to the Virgin Mary with the words:

Virgin Devo, Having rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

Before all kinds of good matter we ask for help from God. And if it's a big, then you can go and order in the Church of Prayers. In general, our whole life is devoted to the Creator. We are sanctifying at home and apartments, cars, offices, seeds, fishing nets, boats and much more to get grace through it. If you please, we create around themselves the atmosphere of holiness. The main thing is that the same atmosphere in our heart. We try to be in the world with everyone and remember that every business (whether, family, cleaning an apartment) can serve both saving and death.

In the evening, before bedtime, we read prayers for the Sleep of the coming, asking God to keep us in the night. Every day we read the Sacred Scriptures. Usually, the head of the gospel, two chapters of the epistles of the Apostles, one cafiapsaltiri (but the measure of reading is still determined individually).

Every week we will post on Wednesday (remembering the betrayal of Judas) and Friday (remembering the Calval Multi of Christ) and keep big posts (Great, Petrovsky, Uspensky and Christmas). On Saturday in the evening and Sunday morning we are always in the temple. And we try to pass no less than once a month (and the more often the better). Before the communion, we will usually post three days (so, if we are involved once a month and less often, and if more often, we define the measure of the post together in the confessor), read the rule from the prayer (three canon: the revenue, the Virgin and the Angel Keeper, and the following to holy communion). Be sure to come for the evening service, we are confronted into sins of their own and on an empty stomach in the morning on Liturgy.

It is very helpful to find yourself a confessor - a priest who helps us to go to Christ (but in no way to yourself - take care of falsehead!). No need to rush to the first oncoming father. Positive from different, pray, and if you have a heart understanding with someone, he gradually, it can become your spiritual father. Just learn first, whether his life is sobbier, whether he should be the fathers of the church, whether he obeyed the bishop or not. They advise also to look at how he makes worship. The reverence in the face of God will tell you whether he can help you come to Christ. Ask the confessor's explanation based on the Scriptures and the writings of the Holy Fathers, after which they follow their advice. Not because it must be done that you do not trust him, but because you need learning, which is impossible when blind obedience.

From the book of Jerey Daniel Sysoeva "Why aren't you baptized?"

My first prayers

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.
Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Prayer of the Lord

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, it will hurt your name, yes yours, you will be the will of yours yako in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

Symbol of faith

I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the one-piece of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, is irrelevant, the father is unique, right away. We are for the sake of a person and our sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest. Crucifago the same as Pilate, and the suffering, and buried. And resistant on the third day by Scripture. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father. And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end. And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-gate, and from the father outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spoklans and Svalivim, Glagolavsha, the prophets. In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.

Virgin Devo

Virgin Devo, Having rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.
Worthy is

It is worthy to eat Yako Valitinna Bunitia, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God. Honestly cherub and nornyless seraphim without comparison, without the injury of God the words talked, sowing the Virgin Major.

Church etiquette

Before entering the temple, it is necessary to put themselves three times with a congestion with bonds.

To do this, in order to properly make a criste, a large, index and middle fingers of the right hand are connected in such a way that the ends of them are folded necessarily exactly, the other fingers are non-name and a little finger - flex to the palm. Three connected fingers touch the forehead, stomach, to the right shoulder, then to the left, portraying the cross on itself, and lowering the hand, we bow.

The service should come in advance in order to quietly, without fuss, enter the temple and be a member of the service from the beginning before the kissing of the cross. Before you need to approach the festive icon lying on an analogue in the middle of the church: twice crossed out, bow and attach, that is, to kiss the holy icon and twist and bow and bow.

Enter the temple it is necessary quietand reverently, as in the house of God. Noise, conversations, walking, and even more so laugh insult the holiness of the temple of God. In the temple of a man of any age, they shoot hats and should stand on the right, women are praying with a head-covered head, being in the left side of the temple. Entering the temple and leaving it, you need to cross three times and bow the belt towards the altar. Powers do with prayers: "God is merciful to me, the sinful (oh)", "God, cleanse me, sinful (s), and a lot of me" and "Created by Me, Lord, forgive me."

In the notes of health or whatever names and only baptized people are written. For unresolved church does not pray. Names are necessarywriting completely, in the parental case.

In the temple we can pray for yourself, about our relatives and acquaintances, about their health or rest. To do this, go to the desired icon. Holding a candle in front of an icon of a saint, you need to be able to turn to it with a prayer, asking, thanks. Going to the icon, cross, mentally gather and say to myself: "Holy Father ( the name of the saint), God's moths about us. " Then burn the candle, apply to the icon with the same words and, standing in front of the icon with a lit candle, say your prayer. Who knows, can read the tropar. Holding a candle for yourself or someone, you can pray like this: "Holy Hedge of Christ and Father ( holy Name)Help me, sinful, in my life, the mind of the Lord give me health and salvation and the forgiveness of my sins, help the children of mine. .. " etc. Holding the candles in front of different icons, especially during the service, try not to walk throughout the temple, as it distracts the praying.

The church has rules of behavior during the Cathedral Prayer. When the priest falls on a praying cross or a gospel, a way or with the holy gifts, everyone barefaches, kneading his head. When it falls as candles, blesses with hand or cells, you should not be baptized, you just need to tilt my head.

Before the communion, everyone makes earthly bow and get up, saying to themselves: "Be the cock to the immortal king and our God." In front of the holy bowl of hand, it is crucifiable on the chest, and the right hand from above left. This replaces the gloor sign, since before the bowl before and after the communion it is impossible to be baptized, so that it is not accidentally hurting it and not shed holy gifts. Approaching the priest, call their name. Coming, each kisses the edge of the bowl. After that, a little warmth is accepted: diluted wine and a piece of prosphoras that are on a separate table. After communion on that day, the knees no longer stand.During the liturgy on his knees, it is usually three times: when there is a sanctification of gifts (from the exclamation "We thank the Lord" until the end of singing "We sing" ) when the holy bowl is taken for admission and when the priest falls the holy bowl of the people with the words: "Always, now and dream of centuries." When the priest is thrown in our direction, reads the gospel, says words "Peace to all" , accepted to bow the head. At the end of the liturgy, believers go to worship the cross, who holds the priest in his hand, and kiss him. TO west without bows:

  • In the middle of Shestopsalmia on Allilouia - three times.
  • At the beginning, "faith"
  • On the release of "Christ True God"
  • At the beginning of reading St. Scriptures: Gospel, Apostle and Parenti. Flies with a waist bow:
  • At the entrance to the temple and the outlet of it - three times.
  • With each position of the objects.
  • Under the exclusion of the clergy, which pays the glory of St. Trinity
  • Under the exclosed, "Press, Fly", "write from Belie" and "yours from yours", "Holy Saints"
  • When words: "Corporate"
  • With each word: "bow", "worship", "Flip"
  • During words: "Alliluia", "Holy God" and "take, bow",
  • at the exclusion "Glory to you, Christ God",
  • before released - three times
  • On the canon on the 1st - 9th songs at the first calling to the Lord, the Mother or Holy
  • On lithium, after each of the first three periods of the Secttion - three bows, after two others - one by one.Putting with earthly bow
  • In the post at the entrance to the temple and exit from it - three times
  • In the post after each chowder to the song of the Virgin "Ka Majesty"
  • At the beginning of singing: "worthy and righteous"
  • After "We sing"
  • After "worthy there" or the wanders
  • When chosen: "And the controversy of us, Vladyko"
  • With the removal of holy gifts, with the words: "With the fear of God" and the second time - with the words: "Always, now and confesses"
  • To the great post, on the great vortexes, with the singing of the "Most Oblasty", on each verse; When reading the "Virgin Delo, rejoice" and so on. At the Supreme Supper - Three Down
  • In the post with the prayer of "Lord and Vladyko's belly of my"
  • In the post with the final singing: "Remember me, the Lord, probably in your kingdom." Just three terrestrial bowsBelt bow without procession: Under the words:
  • "Peace to all"
  • "The blessing of the Lord is on you"
  • "Grace of the Lord of our Jesus Christ"
  • "And may the grace of the great God"
  • With the words of Diacon: "And in the eyelids of the centuries" (after "Yako, the light of Esi, God") It is not allowed to baptize:
  • While reading psalms
  • In general during singingIt is necessary to baptize and put the pounces at the end of singing, but not at the last words. Earth bows are not allowed:
  • On Sunday days,
  • on days from Christmas to baptism,
  • from Easter Supportiethnitsa,
  • In the days of transformation and exposure (this day, three terrestrial contest). Bowers stop from the evening entry to the "Speedback, Lord" at the evening on the very day of the holiday.


  • Epiphany. A symbol of human joining church. Completed by the faith of the baptized person (adult) or by faith parents of the baby. This is the only sacrament that is not only a priest, but (in case of need) any layman. Baptism is made by water (symbol of the spirit of the Spirit), but at extreme necessity snow or sand can be taken.
  • Miropomanazing. The sacrament of the spirit of the Spirit of God on the newly worked member of the church. Usually performed immediately after baptism.
  • Repentance. The sacrament of the reconciliation of a sinner with God through confession and permission given to the priest
  • Eucharist, or communion. Participation in the ever-committed secret evening of Christ. The Eucharist is the embodiment of Christ under the guise of bread and wine, the adoption of which means the communion of atoning secrets.
  • Littleness, or cobble. The sacrament committed on patients for their healing
  • Marriage. The sacrament of consecration of married life ..
  • Priesthood, or ordination. The sacrament of the transfer of the apostolic grace from the bishop to the bishop and the right to holy from the bishop to the priest. There are three degrees of priesthood: bishop, priest, deacon. The first makes all seven sacraments, the second is all other than ordination. Deacon only helps when making sacraments. Patriarch, Metropolitan, Archbishop is not San, but only various forms of Episcopal ministry.

Church calendar


Two-month passed holidays
Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem - Sunday;
Easter Christ - Sunday;
Ascension of the Lord - Thursday;
Day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost) - Sunday.

Two-month non-transmitting holidays
Epiphany - January 6, 19;
Presentation of the Lord - February 2/15;
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - March 25 / April 7;
Transfiguration - August 6/19;
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - August 15/28;
Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - September 14/27;
Introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin - November 21 / December 4;
Nativity - December 25 / January 7th.

Great holidays
Circumcision of the Lord - January 1, January;
Christmas of John Forerunner - June 24 / July 7;
Saints of the First Apostles Peter and Paul - June 29 / July 12;
Condition of Head of John the Forerunner - August 29 / September 11;
Pokrov to the Blessed Virgin Mary - October 1, October 1.

Church calculus is kept according to old style. The second date indicates a new style.


In a year, four long posts. In addition, the church has established post days - Wednesday and Friday throughout the year. In memory of some events, one-day posts are also installed.

Multi-day posts
Great post - Prepass, a total of seven weeks continues. Fast strict. Very strict weeks - The first, fourth (creston) and seventh (passionate). In the passion week, the post stops after the liturgy in a passionate Saturday. According to custom, only after the Easter utility, i.e. On the night of St. Resurrection.

The great post is associated with the transition range of holidays and therefore in different years falls for different numbers, depending on the day of the celebration of Easter.

Petrov post - Before the feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. It begins from the day of all saints (Sunday after the Trinity Day) and continues until July 12 of the new style. This post changes its duration in different years, because it depends on the day of the Easter celebration. This post is the least strict, normal.

Assumption post - Before the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God. He always falls on the same numbers: August 14-28 a new style. It - strict fast.

Christmas (Philipp) post - Begins the day after the celebration of the Apostle Philip, always falls on the same days: November 28 - January 7 new style.

One-day posts

Wednesday and Friday - Throughout the year, in addition to continuous weeks (weeks) and the shin. Fast normal.
Epiphany Christmas tree - January 5, January. Fast very strict (There is a folk custom on this day not to the star).
Condition of Head of John the Baptist - August 25 / September 11. Fast strict.
Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - September 14/27. Fast strict.

Very strict post - Drying. Eating only raw vegetable food without oil.
Strict post - Eating all boiled vegetable food with vegetable oil.
Normal post - In addition, they eat in a strict post, eat more fish.
Related post (For weak, located in the way and eating in the canteens) - eat everything except meat.

How to remember the deceased.

The custom to remember the departed is already found in the Church of the Old Testament. With a particular clarity on the commemoration of the departed, the decrees of the apostolic. We find both prayers for the deceased when performing the Eucharist and the indication of the days in which it is especially necessary to remember the deceased: third, ninth, forty, annualIn such a way, the mismatch of the deceased is the apostolic establishment, it is observed in the whole church and liturgi for the deceased, bringing about the salvation of their bloodless victim is the strongest and effective means to bring the mercy of God's mercy.

Church remembrance is made only about those who were baptized in Orthodox faith.

Immediately after death, it is customary to order in the church Sorokoust. This daily reinforced commencement of the newly represented during the first forty days is to a private court that determines the fate of the soul behind the coffin. After forty days, it is good to order annual commemoration and then renew it every year. You can order and more long-term remembrance in the monasteries. There is a pious custom - to order reconciliation in several monasteries and temples, (the number does not matter). The more prayer prayers for the deceased, the better.

The commemoration days must be modestly, calmly, in prayer, the beneficiaries of poor and relatives, in thinking about our death and future life.

The rules for filing notes "On the restoration" are the same as notes "On Zeravia"

Panhides serve before the eve. The eve of the Kanoon (or the Wannik) is a special table of a square or rectangular shape on which there is a cross with a crucifixion and arranged holes for candles .. Here you can put candles and put products for commemoration of the departed. Believers bring various products to the temple so that the servants of the church remember the deceased for the meal. These offices serve as a donation, alms for the presumptive. In the old days in the courtyard of the house, where he was deceived, in the most significant days for the soul (3rd, 9th, 40th) were covered with remembered tables, followed by the beggars, homeless, orphans, so that there were many prayer books for the deceased. For prayer and, especially for alms, many sins are forgiven, and faithful fate easier. Then these memorial tables began to put in the temples in the days of the universal commemoration of all from the century of the christians with the same purpose - to remember the deceased. Products can be any. It is forbidden to bring meat food to the temple.

Panhides on suicides, as well as on unresolved in the Orthodox faith, are not committed.

But besides all of the above, the Holy Church creates at certain times the special mission of all from the century of the praying fathers and brothers in the faith, who had been involved in the Christian death, equal to those who, that would be caught up with a sudden death, were not tanned in the afterlife of the prayers of the Church. Panirhides are called universal.
On Saturday meat, before the cheese week,on the eve of the memories of a terrible court, we moli of the Lord so that he revealed his mercy to all the departed per day when a terrible court comes. This Saturday, the Orthodox Church prays about all the departed in the Orthodox faith, when and wherever they live on Earth, whoever in their social origin and the situation in earthly life.
Prayers are ascertained about people "from Adam to fit the deceased in piety and right faith."

Three Saturdays of the Great Post - Saturdays Second, Third, Fourth Weeks of the Great Post - Installed because during the paid liturgy there is no such mercy, which is accomplished at all other time of the year. In order not to deprive the deceased Saving Representation of the Church, and these parent Saturdays are established. The church during the Great Post applies to the dead, so that the Lord will forgive the sins and raised them into eternal life.

In Radonitsa - Tuesday the second week for Easter - With the deceased, they share the joy of the resurrection of the Lord, in the hope of resurrection and our departed. The Savior himself went to hell to preach the victory over death and failed from there the soul of Old Testament Righteous. From this great spiritual joy of this commemoration, the name "Radunitsa", or "Radonitsa".

Troitskaya Parental Saturday - On this day, the Holy Church encourages us to make mercy of the deceased, so that the savory grace of the Holy Spirit clear the sins of the sin of all from the century of the deceased forefathers, fathers and the brotherhood of our and, petitioning about the meeting of all in the kingdom of Christ, praying for the atonement of living, about the return of the prison , asks "to bust the souls before those who have departed at the site of cooling, Ioko is not dead, I praise the Lord, below the judge of the confession to bring you: But we, living, bless you and molim, and the cleansing prayers and victims we bring you about our souls."

Dimitriev Parent Saturday - This day commends the commemoration of all Orthodox killed warriors. It was established by the Holy Prince Dimitri Donskoy on the suggestion and blessing of St. Sergius of Radonezh in 1380, when he won a glorious, famous victory over the Tatars on the Kulikol field. Pouring is made on Saturday before Dimitriye afternoon (October 26, old style). Subsequently, this Saturday, Orthodox Christians began to create a lot of fooling, for faith and fatherland, put their lives on the field of Brahi, but together with them for all Orthodox Christians

Be sure to remember the deceased on the day of his death, birthday and name.

Most importantly, it should be remembered by a person who goes to the temple is what the usual people serve, who are always happy to tell me that. If you have a mental impulse and you want to go to pray, then you will definitely go and do not be afraid of anything.

However, it is good in advance to the visit. To do this, you should first get acquainted with the Scriptures, that is, with the Bible. It is better to start her read from the New Testament, as the Old Testament is quite complicated for perception. According to, many laity, who began acquaintance with the Bible from the Old Testament, so on it and "stuck". This is explained by the complexity of the book of the book.

The next step is prayer. Pray should be learn. In this assistant, the prayer will be, acquired which is possible in any church shop. First, define small prayers, the main thing is to try to pray focused, thoughtfully reading in the meaning of the written. For example, it is possible to start teaching yourself to prayers from the morning and evening rules that do not have large volumes. Gradually, the number of readable prayers should be increased.

To church - without fear

Then you need to go to the courtyard. For a start, it is not possible to defend not all worship, which lasts about 4 hours, and an hour or one and a half. The main thing is to sincerely pray and be attentive to what is happening in. Be prepared that, perhaps, at first, I will understand what you will see from the priest because worship is conducted in Church Slavonic language. It will not be unlike if you read the appropriate literature before visiting the service to know its order.

The next stage of acquaintance with the Church will be an acquisition for its sacraments, such as communion, compassion.

There are also Sunday schools for adults. It will be useful to these classes, as the convicts tell about them about the lives of Christ, the wonders, the features of worship, about confession and many other things. The main thing is that in the classroom every parishioner can ask the question of interest and get exhaustive.

It is important to understand that Christianity is not easy, it is primarily everyday life. And such a life is impossible without church, without knowledge and reverence of its main canons.

How to start us, never engaged in the study of our hearts? Standing out, we will knock the prayer and fasting, as the Lord commanded: "Fat, and cures to you."

PS Macarium Great

Often, new people ask such a question: "Why should I pray for someone else's words on an unfamiliar language?" The question must be said essentially. Indeed, why, opening the prayer, we read the words of other people, and many of them are completely incomprehensible.

The prayer rule should be understood as a way to acquire a prayer skill. The rule is the reflection, the correction of our spiritual life, because it is necessary, and in this only its necessity and consists. Saint Ignatius wrote: "The soul, the beginning of God, is immersed in deep ignorance of the whole Divine and spiritual, at least and was rich in the wisdom of this world.<…> To prevent infant soul, the Holy Church set a prayer rule. The purpose of the rule, to deliver the soul to the missing number of prayer thoughts and feelings, and the thoughts and feelings of the right, saints, the God of you, ".

Often we are mechanically pronounced the words of prayer, absolutely not aware that we speak with God. But the word is not an empty sound, it is alive and effective. When a person starts to God and begins to say something to him - this is a great coup. In order to tell God the words real, sincere, alive, you need to have some reason for this. After all, empty words God can not say. Meaningless words that do not weigh anything, do not stand anything, they will not turn to God.

When we open prayers, there are amazing, correct and simple words: "Before you start praying, wait a bit, silent, make sure that all your spiritual feelings calm down, die, and then only from silence say:" God, gracious Budy me Sin "," presenting himself now before God standing. " It is not necessary to imagine God, because no one has seen God and never imagine him, is an erroneous and dangerous phenomenon when a person to set himself on prayer, begins to represent the image of God. Only you can imagine yourself before God, it must be done - to appear before the invisible and living God, in the presence of which you are, and from this depths to start something to say.

And what can you say to God? And there is nothing to say, except: "God, gracious Budy I feel sinful." And therefore, to learn how to talk with God, the church invites us prayers written by the Holy Fathers. Their prayers are alive, from the heart of outgoing words, not invented specifically. The inner spiritual tool of the holy person is very harmonious, so his words are consonant with God. This is a real spiritual song.

The soul of each person is like a musical instrument, she always sings the Creator. The man is so arranged by God to always praise him, only our tool is upset, and it is impossible to listen to this false. And the Lord is patiently listening. We do not know how to listen to each other, as the Lord listens to us. But when we read, say, the prayer of Vasily the Great, something amazing happens - we tune our soul tool on a very high prayer way, if we are these words, the words of the saints, say truly deeply, try to take them in our heart, make them their own words. It is very and very hard, this is the greatest exercise. There is nothing more difficult, as the saints say than pray. There is a Russian proverb that the two are the most difficult things - patronage of the elderly and pray. This means - blood shed and in that, in another case.

Reading the prayer rule is similar to setting up a musical instrument. But not only the prayer we configure your soul to God. For many years of life, a person sets himself up and repentance, and participating in worship, and good deeds. And finally, the prayer acquires some quality, over time, the sound of words: "Pom", God, "begins to resemble what it was for the King of the Prophet David.

Path to God - Prayer

The path to God is prayer. Learn to pray to God correctly. Having learned to pray correctly, pray constantly - and conveniently inherit salvation.

SVT. Ignatius Bryanchaninov.

The prayer rule should correct us, but it should not be an obstacle to the prayer for us. We subtract a large number of prayers, without understanding what we do why it is necessary, and thereby not a prayer rule becomes necessary for us, and we, we become slaves of the prayer rule.

The execution of the rules that are not meaningful by us, not perceived as our spiritual forces leads to the fact that what should serve a person for salvation, sometimes becomes the cause of braking and even spiritual dying. It is impossible to become slaves of a certain authorized intentible content, otherwise you will lose all prayer. For those who reject the experience of the prayer of the Holy Fathers, the saint of Ignatius Bryanchaninov hardly wrote that a person should not pray from himself. "Do not bother to pronounce the God of multicolor and eloquent prayers, to the works of those who are strong and touching. They are the work of the fallen mind and, being a victim of defiled, cannot be accepted on the spiritual altar of God. And you, admiring the elegant expressions of the prayer united by you and recognizing the sophisticated effect of vanity and solvents for the consolation conscience and even grace, will pass away from prayer at the very time when you will be praying that you pray and have already reached a certain degree of barefoot. "

But the saint Feofan The rejupping writes exactly opposite things: what to pray only on the prayer room is about the same thing that talking to God on a phoner. And it is also completely true. Do we really have no one for the Lord your own words? If we believe in God, how can we only limit our prayer life with the rules? So, we must simultaneously go and secondly, we must look for words to express our spiritual life, their needs in God.

But it happens, unfortunately, he read the most morning rule and exhaled reliefly - you can not remember about God until the evening. It's horrible. Spiritual life, if it is real, alive, this is that a person cannot remember a moment about God. He must constantly be in communicating with the Lord, all the time before God walk, whether he sleeps, whether he says that he would do.

About this Apostle Paul says: Mustrally pray(1 Fes. 5, 17). It is clear that it is impossible to continually read the rule, then take an Akathist, the Psalter - and so in a circle. It is not about this. When the Apostle Paul talks about the unceasing prayer, he says primarily about the state of the human soul, how much his soul is abides.

If a person has no words for God, this is a very dangerous phenomenon. Very disturbing, if a person lives a spiritual life, it is confessing, commits, posts adhere to, and he does not have words for God. Therefore, our spiritual life is primarily in the acquisition of prayer skills.

The goal of the prayer rule is that the desire to pray in a person does not fully press, so that the prayer in it is always present in any form, even when it is not expressed in words, there is such a form of prayer. When a person prays a truly, he no prayer rule is no longer necessary.

Archpriest Alexy Uminsky.

For readers, the delicent Unzyense district of Samara Archpriest Oleg Kitov is responsible for the questions of readers.

When I was twelve years old, my parents were cried with me, but they did not teach the church. I believe, but in the domestic sense of the word. I always understood that it was wrong, I felt the need for a spiritual mentor, but I just didn't know where to go, because no one could tell me anything about this issue. Now I am 27 years old, I am married, and my husband and I plan to start a child. I really want to go to the church, confessing and generally, so to speak, to join the church life. But I just do not know where to start and where to go - in the nearest church to home, to whom to contact? Maybe I should read something about this?


Your question is simple, and the answer should also be simple and understood, without excessive wise. The question and the answer, although simple, but relate to the most important in the life of a person, the spiritual side of our existence. And we can only understand everything for yourself only in the church.
The Lord founded our Holy Orthodox Church, taking their apostles to everything that we need to know about faith and God. He consecrated and installed the holy sacraments in it so that we, using our souls in the salvation of our souls, received the gifts of the Spirit of the Saint. And so, living in the fence of the church, were in the security of the spiritual, were Chads of the Father of Heaven.
So why do you start your spiritual life in the church?
First of all, gain determination and start regularly attend the Orthodox church closest to you. By tradition, Sunday Day is dedicated to Christians from the Cathedral Church Prayer. So come on Sundays to the service. In each temple on Sunday service, the priest utters a preaching, and it is very important to listen to her carefully. Come, find out the schedule of services. Find out from employees and parishioners when the beginning of the liturgy, when the confession is held when prayers serve. I advise you to look at how to dress correctly, visiting the temple, and to how other parishioners behave during the service, as there are special moments in it, when there is a daughty reverence, like: reading the gospel, small and great entrance With the singing of the Cheruvimskaya, the moment of sanctification of gifts, when the choir starts singing: "We sing to you, you bless ...".
And of course, find out the name of your parish father. If you have any questions, then after the service or between them, do not hesitate to approach the priest and, taking my blessing, ask what you want to find out. And also be sure to tell about your desire to become a parishion bowl and ask him prayers for you. Any shepherd will be warm and sincerely prayed for another sheep who replenished the Lord of the herd. The fact that you do not know or do not understand, will explain everything over time and will reveal. First, the Lord himself through your church and home prayer will enlighten you, secondly, you will be brought to your conversations with shepherd and, thirdly, your reading of spiritual literature for the newcomers.
Also advise you to read the holy gospel at home - at least one or two chapters every day. Until you know good church-Slavic language, read the gospel in Russian. Prayer home (morning and evening rule) Ideally should be read on the prayer completely, but for newcomers, who is not used to, can be started with the so-called Serafimov rules (three times ours ", three times" the Virgin Delo, rejoice "and one Once "Symbol of Faith"). It takes time, constancy and work. And if you do not retreat, but you will go this thanks, then the fruits will be truly wonderful. But start gradually. This also applies to the prayer rule, and the complexity of the readable, and the household lifestyle. Start and make it with the blessing of the priest and with wise reasoning. Without showing neither tannies, nor "jealousy do not happen."
If you are not crowned with my husband, it will be necessary to say, and if it will not oppose it, try to pray together, especially about the gift of you. Be sure to carefully write back, remembering your sins from the moment of baptism. And when you clean my soul with repentance, prepare and pass the Holy Taine of Christ. And all you will be thank God. Peace to you.

60 simple tips for beginners of spiritual life. Of course it is impossible to fulfill them at once, but you can probably begin ... Blessed, lengthenka, without darling. God to help! 1. In bed awakening first of all remember God, and the sign of the godfather is set.

2. The prayer rule, what you have, do not leave, and they start a walk of the day.

3. During the day, with each case, they say brief prayers. Prayer - Soul Wings; Prayer makes the soul with the throne of God.

4. In order for God to hear prayer, you need to pray not by the tip of the tongue, but with a heart.

5. None of those around you will not remain in the morning without your sincere attitude.

6. Do not throw prayers when the enemy catches insension; Who forces themselves with dryness of the soul to prayer, the abovely praying with tears.

7. The new covenant you need to know the mind and heart, to beat in it constantly, incomprehensible not to interpret yourself, but to read the patristic interpretations or ask clarification from the fathers of your spiritual.

8. Without confession and communion there is no salvation. Water holy with the thirst for consecration of the soul and body Do not forget to drink.

9. Greeting Queen Heaven: "The Mother of God is rejoice ..." pronunciation more often, or at least for every hour.

10. In his free time, read the Scriptures of Orthodox fathers - teachers of spiritual life, and if you do not have, then they are persistently asking for what they have.

11. In case of temptations and misfortunes, the firm is greater than the psalter and read the prayer canon to the Most Holy Mother of God: "Many are attacked." She has one intercession.

12. When the demons dreamed of arrows on you, when sin is approaching you, then sing the face of the passionate Seventies and the Holy Easter, read the canon with the Akathist to the Sweet Jesus Christ, and the Lord will allow the bonds of the darkness of the gap. Also appeal to the Most Holy Virgin and the Guardian Angel. Read many times "Virodok, Delo, Rejoice ..."

14. At first time, complying, but know that God is not only an abstinence of the womb, but also abstaining the ears, eyes, language, as well as abstaining the heart from passions.

15. A man who starts spiritual life must remember that he is a sick, his mind is in delusion, the will is more prone to evil, rather than good, and the heart remains out of the purity of the bubbling passions, so in the beginning of spiritual life everything should be directed for Acquisition of spiritual health with humility.

16. Spiritual life is a constant uncleated war with enemies to save the soul. Never sleep the soul, your spirit should be cheese, certainly always for helping calling in every breakthrough the Savior of His, God's Mother and Guardian Angel.

17. Fear to agree to sin and connect with sinful thoughts, suggest to you, starting your enemy. The agreed already created what was thought of. If you grabbed in thoughts, then crushing the heart and see, the enemy will inspire: "You have already sinned by thoughts, the creation of sin in fact." Answer a mental killer: "I have sinned before God, before Him. And who are you?"

18. Remember, God wishes your salvation and did everything for your salvation, so to die, you need to be negligent.

19. Ask constantly the Lord: "Your fear of your own in my heart." Oh, as Blessed, the one who has a permanent thrill before God.

20. All heart without a balance give God and feel paradise on Earth.

21. The faith of yours should be strengthened from a frequent residence to repentance and prayer, as well as from communicating with the people of deep faith.

22. Take yourself a snan, write down all the hated and offended you, as well as the sufferers of our century and those who have no one to pray, daily remember them.

23. Looking for constantly and tirelessness of mercy and love is suffering. Without these cases, it is impossible to please God. Be a sun for everyone, the mercy is above all the victims.

24. Without the need for urgent, do not go anywhere, do not fuss and at home. The desire for wealth, multi-proposal - the trick of the enemy for our time.

25. Speak as little as possible, laugh, curious, celebrate.

26. Do not stay without affairs, the holidays of church and Sundays are read by the fulfillment of the affairs of God, and not sinful lips or idle pastime.

27. Love Holy Privacy.

28. All the insults of the terpie first silently, then by the root of herself, and then prayer for offending.

29. The most important thing for us is to learn patience and humility. We defeat all demons, and the patience we defeat the passion, fighting on our soul and body. Asking in prayer of humility, we ask God to paint some kind of man to crumble. Humility and love of enemies will not come by themselves. They must be cut, carrying properly ukrizna and humiliation.

30. Do not show on your prayer, anyone except God, his tears of lunia and his jealousy of salvation.

31. Orthodox priest read the angel, an adolescent sent to please you and bring you a deliverance.

32. Contact people as carefully as with the heirs of the Great Kingdom, but also carefully, as with fire. Remember the words of the Savior, that everything you do neighbor do it yourself. In our neighbor, our salvation or perfection.

33. Everyone is goodbye to everyone and everyone sympathize with them. -

34. Do not be worn with it, like chicken with an egg, forgetting about the neighbor.

35. Who is looking for peace here, it can not be the Spirit of God, there is no love for God and neighbor.

36. The longing and embarrassment attacks the lack of prayer.

37. Always and everywhere call for the aid of the guardian of his guardian. The suggestion of his heavenly peace is brought into the soul, and from the evil - the confusion of the Spirit, at least thoughts and seemed correct to us.

38. I will always cry heartfelt about your sins. When you confess them and get saints of the Holy Tyne, you are happy about liberation.

39. Disadvantage and disadvantages knew only their own, and strangers carefully carefully. Do not ruin yourself with the condemnation of others, condemning is an antichrist. One court of God, the other is human. About the bad other crying, and forever will not die. The crying about himself does not condemn others, but loves them, wishes them, like themselves, eternal salvation.

40. Do not believe in any, even good wishes for your experienced by your experienced confessor. Do not believe your heart, check yourself with the Scriptures of Orthodox Holy Fathers.

41. Every evening confess to God in all his sinful matters, words and thoughts that were former during the day. Previously, in the monasteries every night, the newcomers opened their thoughts.

42. Before bedtime, murred with all the heart.

43. There should be no dream to tell others and do not believe them yourself. Not once, the devil deceived and even ruined the faithful dreams. *

44. In the monitor with a congestion and Jesus prayer.

45. Night prayer is more expensive than daylight.

46. \u200b\u200bDo not lose touch with your spiritual father.

47. Thank God for everything

48. He always needs to be divided into the enemy: Avoid what your inner enemy wants.

49. Inner sorrow of sins of their saving all bodily exploits.

50. There is no better word in our language than "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a lot of sinful. Lord, save me sinning. "

51. Lubbie All Charters of Church and closer with them their lives.

52. Highlights are vigilantly and always follow yourself, especially with your external feelings. Through them, especially in the soul enters the enemy. Stand carefully for your thoughts.

53. When you know the weakness of my and impotence to the creation of good, I remember that you do not save yourself, saving you savior of your Lord Jesus Christ.

54. The wrong one should be faith, because it does not sleep a lutty enemy, wore your every step. But God loves a courageous soul, who always believes on him.

55. Nobody entered the sky, living cool.

56. We are brought together with the God of grief, works and illness; Do not poss on them, do not be afraid of them.

57. As often as possible, with the lion and the crushing of the heart, bring the holy secrets of the body and the blood of the Lord of our Jesus Christ. Alive you are only by them.

58. Never forget that death can kidnap us every minute, do not forget that soon the court and reward. Remember that you are always in the presence of God and under ovifying his eyes.

59. I remember something that I made the Lord who loves him, and the commandments of him creative.

60. Read the alphabet of this, at least once a week.

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