Vladimir Mayakovsky - What is good and what is bad: verse. "What is good and what is bad" in

Vladimir Mayakovsky - What is good and what is bad: verse.
Vladimir Mayakovsky - What is good and what is bad: verse. "What is good and what is bad" in

Children's literature is full of a variety of poems and works for any age of the child. Parents S. early childhood Read and tell functions of fun and pestups, sing lullabies, read the night of fairy tales, teach short, but capacious on the content of the poem. the main objective And the task of children's literature is to form a child's basic concepts about nature, family, values, rules of behavior and what is good, what is bad. Mayakovsky gives an answer to this question.

Works for children

Promotes child learning good qualities, skills, explains any things from the point of view of children. Created great amount A wide variety of works and fairy tales that have a favorable educational impact on the child. In this article, we will analyze verse that is good, what is bad in which his author Vladimir Mayakovsky explained very clearly.

Contrast in literature

There is a kind of contrast when one concept can be perceived by a person only if you compare it with another concept. The main examples of such contrast are black and white, good and evil. You can infinite the examples, but we think that the essence is clear. In the same contrast in the literature, many works, poems are often built. "What is good and what is bad?" - One of these works. It is clearly opposed to the concept of "good" and the concept of "badly", this allows the child to understand and realize the writer's thoughts that he wants to convey to him.

Everyone knows - the child must receive knowledge from the literature. Vladimir Mayakovsky, despite the fact that he was not a children's writer, wrote several excellent works for children. The most famous of them - "Who to be?" And "What is good and what is bad?"

Analysis of the poem

The author leads a story on behalf of his father, to whom his crhar-son came and asked a question, actually, what is good and what is bad? Thus, the story of the boy's Pope, who explains his chad, on the example of a contrast about good and bad. Just like Lermontov in the work of "Borodino" reclaims the narration of the soldier, Mayakovsky allows you to answer the father to the children's question.

The poem consists of a quarter, in each of them the word "good" and the word "bad" so that the young reader can understand the meaning. Oddly enough, but it does not cause permanent repeat. In the bass, you can often see morality, but sometimes an adult is difficult to understand it, and the child and is suppressed. Therefore, the author reveals morality with ordinary life situations. First, in the poem Mayakovsky shows what is good and what is bad, on the example of weather conditions. In the following quitters, the author talks about the boys and gives the definition of them - "good" or "bad". Mayakovsky also explains to children the importance of personal hygiene - if the dirt has a child lying on the face, will grow from the son of pigs, if the son of the swine.

Features of Mayakovsky's creativity

In all verses, Vladimir Mayakovsky, you can track some of the features of Soviet times, for example, the October, which say the "bad boy". Nowadays, the child will be difficult to talk about who is October such, because soviet time Already in the past. But this does not affect the popularity of the poem. With its help, parents can easily explain to children about good and bad. At the end of the poem, the crumb did right choice - It will do well, it will not be bad. It was on such a choice and calculated the author of the work.

Baby Son.
To the father came,
And asked Kroch:
- What
And what is
I have
There are no secrets -
Listen, kids, -
Pope this
in a book.

- If the wind
roofs tear
if a
Grad Zagoded, -
Everyone knows -
This is
For walking
Rain shockal
And passed.
The sun
In general, light.
It -
very good
and big
and children.

If a
black night
Dirt lying
on the face, -
this is
very bad
For guys skin.

If a
Loves soap
and dental powder
This Boy
very cute,
It comes well.

If Bit
Dried Drachun
weak boy
I am
I do not want
Insert into the book.

This shouts:
- not a trick
who is less than the growth! -
This Boy
so good
Ploy just!
If you are
broke in a row
And the ball,
October say:
Blossish boy.

If boy
Loves work,
in a book
About this
Write here:
is he
good boy.

From Crows
Used, Zahav.
This boy is
Just a coward.
very bad.

Though himself with a top,
With a formidable bird.
Brave boy
in life
It will be useful.
In the dirt climb
And happy.
What is a shirt of a shirt.
About this
They say:
he is bad,
cleans the boots
Although small
But quite good.

this is
Each son.
Any child:
will increase
From son
If the Son is
joyful went
And solved the crumb:
do oK,
and I will not -

Analysis of the poem "What is good and what is bad?" Mayakovsky

The creative heritage of Mayakovsky includes not only causing complex works in the style of futurism. The poet applied in his work and to the most young readers. Bright examplenot lost the relevance and in our time, is the poem "What is good and what is bad", written by Mayakovsky in 1925

Children's literature Only at first glance looks like a simple and easy business that does not deserve serious authors. In fact, the appeal to the child understanding to him by the language requires significant efforts. Especially if the author claims that his work will really teach the younger generation of something good and important in life. Mayakovsky considered himself one of those who turned the "Wheel of History". In the upbringing of a new generation, which is destined to the best future, he saw his own duty.

The poem begins by S. simple question Father's child. In the children's consciousness, the world is clearly divided into two parts: good and bad. For a child, there are no distinguished and intermediate concepts. A clear answer to a similar question will be the basis of the formative concepts of good and evil, truth and lies, justice and arbitrariness.

Father's response begins with simple exampleRegarding the weather. Everyone knows that rain and wind is bad, and the shining sun is good. From this the author proceeds to a direct analogy: Dirt is bad, cleanliness is good. Therefore, a tidy child, coming by hygiene, is a good man.

Next, the father continues to list understandable to the child situations that characterize positive traits. Protection of weak, diligence, courage, tidiness is brightly opposed to cruelty, laziness, cowardice and rusty. The boy understands that all his actions can be considered through the categories of good and bad. From this will depend on the ultimate assessment of the child surrounding. The final caution is the statement that only "pigs" can grow from the "swine". Joking threat carries a large emotional impact. The child makes a firm conviction from the conversation in that it is always necessary to do only well.

Poem acquires special meaning in our time. Excessive passion for the "rights of the child" cries the emerging personality, it makes it difficult to enter the society. Recognition of the value of children's desires, of course, is necessary. But, in turn, it generates excessive conceit and permissiveness. The spoiled children, not scientific the basic rules of conduct, cannot find their place in society. Their life becomes difficult and painful.

"What is good and what is bad" Vladimir Mayakovsky

Baby Son.
To the father came,
And asked Kroch:
- What
And what is
badly? -
I have
There are no secrets -
Listen, kids, -
Pope this
in a book.

- If the wind
roofs tear
if a
Grad Zagoded, -
Everyone knows -
This is
For walking
Rain shockal
And passed.
The sun
In general, light.
It -
very good
and big
and children.

If a
black night
Dirt lying
on the face, -
this is
very bad
For guys skin.
If a
Loves soap
and dental powder
This Boy
very cute,
It comes well.

If Bit
Dried Drachun
weak boy
I am
I do not want
Insert into the book.

This shouts:
- not a trick
Who is less than growth! -
This Boy
so good
Ploy just!

If you are
broke in a row
And the ball,
October say:
Blossish boy.

If boy
Loves work,
in a book
About this
Write here:
is he
good boy.

From Crows
Used, Zahav.
This boy is
Just a coward.
very bad.

Though himself with a top,
With a formidable bird.
Brave boy
in life
It will be useful.
In the dirt climb
And happy
What is a shirt of a shirt.
About this
They say:
he is bad,

cleans the boots
Although small
But quite good.
this is
Each son.
Any child:
will increase
From son
If the Son is

joyful went
And solved the crumb:
to do well,
and I will not -

Analysis of the poem of Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad"

The poetic heritage of Mayakovsky, intended for small readers, is performed by optimistic intonations. Its young addressees opens huge world - Young, joyful, populated by hardworking and self-confident adults. Characters artistic text "Walking" becomes brave red army, smart Komsomol members, a worker and a peasant, a People's Deputy, fighting for children's happiness, affectionate nanny. Gallery of positive images anticipates the heroes of the work "", which appeared in three years later. The author gives an unequivocal assessment to all the characters, not bypassing the attention and disgusting idlers: stupid old marsomars, bourgeois, chatty lady. In an effort to be honest and logical to the end, the poet spreads even animals to different sides: he refers to the number of positive examples, and a dirty dog \u200b\u200bis negative.

In the textbook creation, created and published in 1925, there are also instructing and confidential intonations. Bright and clear figurative structure, sincerity, clear stroke, unique style - strengths The poetic text provided its popularity from modern readers.

The unusual long name of the work demonstrates the main antithesis, on which its composition is built. Abstract moral categories are interpreted from the point of view, a clear kid: "Good" and "bad." The right to tell about the moral benchmarks The poet trusts the father of the "crumbs of the Son" - a character, close and authoritative for young listeners.

Code of Conduct, like a mosaic, is made up of separate episodes that demonstrate options for commendable or reprehensible actions. A series of examples begins with a description of the weather, suitable or preventing walking. Then father appeals to the images of boys. Dirtny, Drachun, Svarukh, Cowards are placed on a negative pole. Hardworking and bold guys who comply with the purity and order, carefully related to things are proclaimed by an example for imitation.

The final episode is built, taking into account the peculiarities of children's psychology, not lost the relevance and in modern reading. Father finishes his speech by a generalization that has become aphorism: bad habitsarising in early years, tend to grow into adults. Honest conversation for serious topics causes gratitude and joyful satisfaction. "Krocha" assimilates a complex subject and acquires invaluable experience of an independent decision - to follow the life expensive marked signatures "Good".

It lies badly (talking) not hidden, not locked, it is in temptation to steal. The custom does not tear appals from trees growing on the road, commendable the usual to wipe off a stranger, badly lying kerosene. Saltykov Shchedrin. Bad do not put (talk) not ... ... Russian Language Phrase

From the hands of Won badly .. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions in the meaning of expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Bad 1. Bad, unsatisfactory, something like not the best way; It does not matter, it is impossible, from the hands of Won (bad), with sin ... ... Synonym dictionary

BADLY. 1. NARCH. To bad. 2. In the meaning SUM., NOT., Wed. School mark, meaning a very low, extremely unsatisfactory assessment of knowledge. Get bad in physics. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad; compared. Art. Worse (in the art. Speeches meet) ... Russian verbal emphasis

- (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm by A. A. Zaliznyaku") ... Forms of words

Take what lies badly. . Disappropriate Steal STP 2001, 61. Hold badly. Sib. Disappropriate 1. Reference to the matter unfair. 2. Moral to descend. FSS, 60. Bad lies. . About the fact that you can easily steal, assign. BTS, 491 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

Worse and (talk) is bad; I. NARCH. To bad (1 3, 5 7 zn). P. work. P. hear. P. learn. P. Sewing. P. look. P. speak English. P. Understand Russian. II. in function Tale. 1. Disadvantageously, unfavorable, hard (about the situation). ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Aya, oh; bad, bad, bad; Worse and (simple.) Bad. 1. Holding negative qualities or properties; not responding to its intended purpose; Antip. good. Bad weather. Bad handwriting. Bad conditions. □ Now our roads are bad. ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

badly - See: No, it just looks bad; Trying to live without a gun (hard, sad, bad) ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

badly - NARCH.; Hu / same and (talk) Po / She 1) to bad 1), 3), 5), 7) PO / HO work. Po / ho hear. PO / HO learn. Po / ho sleep. PO / ... Dictionary of many expressions


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