Central problems of novel Fathers and children. Problems and poetics of Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children" I.S.

Central problems of novel Fathers and children. Problems and poetics of Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children" I.S.

Most often, the name of the work is the key to its content and understanding. This is happening with Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children". Just two simple wordsBut so much of the concepts that divided the heroes on two opposite camps. Such a simple name reveals the essence of the novel "Fathers and Children" in difficult issues.

Home Problems of Romana

In his work, the author not only raises the problem of colliding two opposite generations, but also trying to find a solution, specify the entry from the situation. The opposition of two camps can be viewed as a struggle between old and new, radicals and liberals, between democratism and aristocratism, purposefulness and confusion.

The author believes that it is time for change and tries to show in the novel. For the change of old representatives of the noblestry, young and restless seekers and fighting are coming. The old building has already outlived itself, but the new one has not yet formed, and the meaning of the novel "Fathers and the Children" appeared clearly indicates the inability of society to live in an old one or in a new way. This is a time, a kind, transitional, border of the era.

New Society

The representative of the new generation is bazaars. It is him that he is given the main role, which creates the conflict of the novel "Fathers and Children". He presents a whole pleiad of young people who took the form of a complete denial for faith. They deny all the old, but nothing brings nothing to this old one.

A very bright conflicting worldview is shown between Pavel Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov. Straightness and rudeness against manner and sophistication. Images of novel "Fathers and children" are multifaceted and contradictory. But, the system of its values \u200b\u200bis clearly indicated by the bazaarov, does not make it happy. He himself marked his destination for society: breaking old. But how to build a new on the destroyed foundation of ideas and views is no longer his business.
The problem of emancipation is considered. The author shows it as a possible alternative to the patriarchal system. But just female image Emancipe is given an unsightly, absolutely different from the ordinary Turgenev girl. And, again, this is done not by chance, but with a clear intention to show that before destroying something established, it is necessary to find a replacement. If this does not happen, then the changes do not succeed, even something that was unambiguously intended for a positive solution to the problem may change to another channel and become a sharply negative phenomenon.

The novel "Fathers and Children" is relevant today, the characteristics of the heroes in it, a peculiar confirmation of this. This work gathered the most a large number of The problems that the author puts before its generation. But today, many questions of the Turgenev novel did not find a response.

Materials posted on this page will help students of 10 classes in the preparation of the essay on the topic "The meaning of the novel" Fathers and Children ".

Test on the work

The conflict between fathers and children lasts from the beginning of time to this day. Especially acute it is felt in periods of change public LifeWhen the generation of the past acts as a conservative, and youth totals for novelty. This situation is characteristic of Russia 60s. 19th century, she found his reflection in the Romana I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children." The collision of the old I. young generation overcomes the framework family conflict And affects the socio-political structure of the country - the Social Democrats falls on the struggle with aristocratic liberals.

Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich

Yevgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov, Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov opposes the nobleman Aristocrat Pavlu Petrovich Kirsanov. The difference of generations is already expressed in the appearance of heroes.

Bazarov - man huge power Will, a person's word, a little removed from people. Turgenev special attention focuses on the living Hero's mind. And Kirsanov is described only externally: wears white linen, starchy collars, varnish half-boots. Being in the past famous secular person, Pavel Petrovich retained his habits and brother's rustic estate - impeccability and elegance of the image.

Kirsanov does nothing, has no duties and aspirations, lives in his pleasure. Bazarov is active, all that he does is useful for society, for science, for the people.

The life positions of the heroes are extremely opposite. They argue constantly and argue about everything in the world: about how to continue to develop Russia, about real and irrational, about the usefulness of science and art, about the patriarchalness of the people. The bazaarov argues that all the old should be destroyed, and Pavel Petrovich is confident that all this should be saved for future generations. Kirsanova perturbates the fact that the concrete plan for the conversion of the world order at Bazarov and its followers are not. They call only to destroy, and they are not going to create. In response to the reproach in this, the bazaarov says that at first it is necessary to clear.

Bazarov and his parents

In the relations of the Bazarov with his parents, the conflict of generations is also clearly visible. Bazarov loves father and mother, but at the same time he has contempt for their stupid aimless life. Despite each other's misunderstandings, parents love Eugene. Love does not stop exist even after the death of the hero. In the end, it turns out that only bazaar parents were truly roads.

Arkady and family

In the family of Kirsanov, the confrontation of generations is not so obvious. Arkady Kirsanov gradually turns into a copy of his father. In life, he appreciates the same as he: the house, family life, peace. It is much more important for him than the struggle for universal global well-being. Arkady just imitated Bazarov, and it caused small parties in the family. And when Bazarov leaves the field of view Arkady, and there are no conflicts.

The topic of "fathers" and "children" in Russian literature

The relationship between fathers and children is one of the primary and significant in Russian literature. This problem is reflected in the comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit", in the drama "Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky, in the creations of A.S. Pushkin and MN. Dr. Authors as people creative stand on the side of the younger generation. However, Turgenev does not occupy a certain position, and provides the opportunity to the reader to choose the right ideology. I think it was important for Turgenev to show that only in the world and harmony society will be able to develop correctly in the future.

Works on literature: Noman problems "Fathers and children" Roman "Fathers and Children" was created by Turgenev in Russia hot for Russia. The growth of peasant uprisings and the crisis of the serf system forced the government in 1861 to cancel serfdom. In Russia, it is necessary to produce peasant reform. The society split into two camps: in one there were revolutionaries-democrats, the ideologists of the peasant masses, in the other - the liberal nobility, which was standing for the reform path. The liberal nobility did not grow up with the serfs, but the peasant revolution was afraid. The great Russian writer shows in his novel the struggle of the worldview of these two political trends. The plot of the novel was built on opposing the views of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Yevgeny Bazarov, which are bright representatives These directions.

Other issues are rising in the novel: how to treat people, to work, science, art, which transformations are needed by the Russian village. Already in the title is reflected one of these problems - the relationship of two generations, fathers and children. Disagreements on various issues always existed between young people and the older generation. So here, the representative junior generation Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov can not, and does not want to understand "fathers", their life credo, principles. He is convinced that their views on the world, for life, the relationship between people hopelessly outdated. "Yes, I will pamper them ... After all, it's all pride, lion habits, fondness ...". In his opinion, the main goal of life is to work, produce something material.

That is why the bazaar belongs to art disrespectful, to the sciences that do not have a practical base; To the "useless" nature. He believes that much more useful to deny the fact that, from his point of view, he deserves denial, which does not care if, not deciding to undertake anything. "In the present time, the denial is useful - we deny," says the bazaars. For his part, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is confident that there are things in which it is impossible to doubt ("aristocracy ... Liberalism, progress, principles ... art ..."). He appreciates habits and traditions anymore and does not want to notice changes occurring in society. Kirsanov and Bazarov disputes reveal ideological banner novel.

There are many in these heroes. And in Kirsanov, and in the bazaareas is strongly developed proud. Sometimes they cannot quietly negotiate. Both are not subject to otherwise influences, and only experienced and experienced themselves forces the heroes to change the views on some questions. Both the dismocrat-democrat of bazaars and the Aristocrat of Kirsanov have a huge impact On others, and in the power of character can not be refused to be neither the other.

Nevertheless, despite such similarity of natur, these people are very different, due to the difference in origin, education and image of thinking. Discrepancies appear already in the portraits of heroes. The face of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova "is unusually correct and pure, as if derived by a subtle and light cutter." And in general, the whole appearance of uncle Arkady "...

was elegant and thoroughbred, hands are beautiful, with long pink nails. "The appearance of the bazairov full opposite Kirsanov. He is dressed in a long halochon with brushes, he has red hands, a long and thin face, with a wide forehead and not at all an aristocratic nose. Portrait of Pavel Petrovich is a portrait of a "secular lion", whose manners should be an appearance. The portrait of Bazarza undoubtedly belongs to "Democrat to the end of the nails", which is confirmed by the behavior of the hero, independent and self-confident. Eugene's life is full of cycling activities, he gives every free minute with natural and scientific activities. In the second half of the XIX century, natural sciences experienced lifting; Materialist scientists appeared, which are numerous experiments and experiments to develop - whether these sciences were followed by the future. Bazarov is a prototype of such a scientist.

Pavel Petrovich, on the contrary, holds all days in the straight and groundless, amelessly thought-minded memories. The opposite of the views of the arguing on art and nature. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov admires works by art. He is able to admire the starry sky, enjoy music, poetry, painting. Bazarov also denies the art ("Rafael Bundas is not worth the copper"), to nature suitable with utilitarian measurements ("Nature is not a temple, and the workshop, and a person in it worker"). Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov also disagree with the fact that art, music, nature - nonsense. Going to the porch, "...

he looked around, as if descending to understand how you could not sympathize with nature. "And here we can feel like Turgenev through their hero expresses their own thoughts. A wonderful evening landscape leads Nikolai Petrovich to the" silent and pleasant game of lonely doom ", brings pleasant Memories, opens to him " magic world Dreams. "The author shows that the denying admissance by nature, the bazaarov depletes its spiritual life. But the main difference between the dismocratic dismoccient, which was in the estate of the hereditary nobleman, and the liberal lies in views on society and the people. Kirsanov believes that the aristocrats - driving force public Development. Their ideal is "English freedom", that is, the constitutional monarchy. The way to the ideal lies through reforms, publicity, progress.

The bazaars are confident that the aristocrats are not capable of action and there is no benefit from them. He rejects liberalism, denies the ability of the nobility to lead Russia to the future. Disagreements arise about the nihilism and the role of nihilists in public life Pavel Petrovich condemns the nihilists for the fact that those "no one do not respect," live without princes, considers them unnecessary and powerless: "You have only 4-5 people." It is responsible for this to the bazaars: "From a cordless candle, Moscow burned down." Speaking about the denial of all, bazaars means religion, autocarete-serf system, generally accepted morality What do Nigilists want?

First of all, revolutionary actions. And the criterion is the benefit for the people. Pavel Petrovich glorifies the peasant community, family, religiosity, the patriarchalness of the Russian man. He claims that "the Russian people cannot live without faith." Bazarov also says that the people do not understand their own interests, dark and ignorant that there is no honest peoplethat "a man is glad to beat himself in order to just get drunk in the Kabaska." However, he considers it necessary to distinguish the population interests from popular prejudices; He argues that the people in spirit are revolutionary, therefore Nihilism is a manifestation of exactly people's Duchet. Turgenev shows that, despite the lunizing, Pavel Petrovich does not know how to talk with simple people, "wrinkles and sniffs cologne."

In short, he is a real barin. And the bazaars proudly declares: "My grandfather the earth smelled." And he can arrange the peasants to himself, although he touches them. The servants feel, "that he is still his brother, not a barin."

This is exactly because the bazaars had the ability and the desire to work. In Marino, in the estate of Kirsanov, Eugene worked, because he could not sit without a case, in his room there was a "some kind of medical and surgery smell". In contrast, representatives of the older generation were not distinguished by the ability to work. So, Nikolai Petrovich tries to host in a new way, but he does not work. He says about himself: "I am a soft man ,.Lesy, spent my own age in the wilderness." But, in Turgenev, it can not serve as an excuse. If you can't work - do not try. And the biggest thing that Pavel Petrovich did, "he helped his brother with money, not deciding to give advice, and" I didn't joke myself with a suitful man. "

Of course, most of all the person is manifested not in conversations, but in the affairs of his own. Therefore, Turgenev, as it were, conducts its heroes through different tests. And the strongest of them - the test of love. After all, it is in love a man's soul reveals full and sincerely. And here is hot and passionate nature Bazarov dare all his theories. He fell in love as a boy, in a woman who appreciated highly. "In conversations with Anna, Sergeyevna, he even more former expressed his indifferent<йрение ко всему романтическому, а оставшись наедине, он с негодованием сознавал романтика в самом себе". Герой переживает сильный душевный разлад.

"... Something ... it was allachanced in him, which he did not allow anything, what he always drowned, which was outraged all his pride." Anna Sergeevna Odintova rejected him. But the bazaarov found the strength with honor to take a defeat without losing his dignity. And Pavel Petrovich, who also loved heavily, could not leave with dignity, when he was convinced of the indifference of a woman to him: ".. I spent four years in other people's edges, then chasing her, then with the intention lost her out of sight ... I could not get into the right rut. " And in general, the fact that he seriously fell in love with a frivolous and empty secular lady, says a lot. Bazarov - a strong nature, this is a new person in Russian society.

Krasnogorsky MOU SOSH №8.

Subject: Literature.

Topic: "Actual problems of fathers and children"

(According to the novel "Fathers and Children" Turgenev I.S.)

Grade 10 student

Boylina Dmitry.


Khokhlova Zoya Grigorievna

2003-2004 academic year.

Entry "fathers and children."

Bazarov and Arkady.

Vasily Vasilyevich Dolkov about the "fathers and children" of Turgenev.

G.A. White "fathers and children" Turgenev - a modern novel.

"Exactly and strongly reproducing the truth, the reality of life - there is the highest happiness for the writer, even if this truth does not coincide with his own sympathies"

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

Fathers and Sons.

Writing the novel "Fathers and Children" coincided with the most important reforms of the 19th century, namely the abolition of serfdom. An eyelid banned the development of industry and natural sciences. Ented contact with Europe. In Russia, they began to accept the ideas of Westernity. "Fathers" adhered to old views.
The younger generation welcomed the abolition of serfdom and reform. A number of episodes who begin Roman I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children", - the return of Arkady Nikolayevich Kirsanov to the estate of his father Marino.
The situation "return home after a long lack" is predetermined by the reader's attitude to what is happening as a new stage in the life of a young man. Indeed, Arkady Nikolaevich finished training at the university and, as any young man, facing the choice of a further life path, understood very widely: it is not only not so much a choice of social activities, how much to determine your own life position, your attitude to the moral and aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof the elder generation.
The problem of the relationship of "fathers" and "children", reflected in the title of the novel and the component of its main conflict, is a timeless problem, vital.
Because Turgenev marks the typicious "small awkwardness" that feels
Arkady Before the first after separation of the "family dinner" and "which generally seizes with a young man, when he just stopped being a child and returned to the place where they were accustomed to see and consider him a child. He stretched his speech without need, avoided the words "dad" and even replaced him by the word "father", spoken, however, through his teeth ... "
Bazarov, nihilist, represents "new people", as the chief opponent, he was opposed to Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Pavel Petrovich-Son of the combat general of 1812. He graduated from the Prazi Corps. He had a nasty beautiful face, youthfulness. Aristocrat, Engoman, was ridiculous, self-confident, his own. Living in the village of Brother, retained the aristocratic habits. Bazarov - grandson of the decek, son of the county gear.
Materialist, nihilist. He says "Lazy, but courageous voice," gait "hard and rapidly brave." Speaks clear and simple. Important features of the worldview of Bazarov are its atheism and materialism. It
"He owned a special ability to initiate confidence in the people of the lower, although he never picked up and accounted for themselves casually." Views of Nigilista I.
Kirsanova were completely opposite.

What is the essence of Nihilism Bazarov?
What is the essence of Bazar Nihilism? Roman "Fathers and Children" is directed against the nobility. This is not the only work of Turgenev, written in such a spirit (remember at least the "Hunter's Notes"), but it is particularly standing out by the fact that in it the writer did not imply individual nobles, but the entire class of landowners, proved its inability to lead Russia forward, completed his ideological defeat. Why exactly in the early 60s of the XIX century this work appears? The defeat in the Crimean-needer, the robber reform of 1861 confirmed the decline of the nobility, and insolvency in the management of Russia.
In the "fathers and children" and it is shown that the old, degenerate morality is inferior, although with difficulty, the place is new, revolutionary, progressive. The carrier of this new morality is the main character of the novel - Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov.
This young man from the allocates, seeing the decline of the dominant classes and the state, becomes the path of nihilism, that is, denial. What deny the bazaars? "Everything," - he says, and all - this is what refers to the minimum needs of a person and to know nature through personal experience, through experiments. Bazarov looks at things from the point of view of their practical benefit. His motto: "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker." Eugene does not recognize authorities, conventions, love, religion, autocracy. But he is not looking for followers and does not fight against what he denies. This, in my opinion, is a very important feature of Bazar Nihilism. This nihilism is directed involved, Eugene still, whether it will be understood and recognized or not. Bazarov does not hide their beliefs, but he is not a preacher. One of the features of nihilism is generally denial of spiritual and material values.
Bazarov is very unpretentious. He takes little about the firmness of his clothes, about the beauty of his face and body, he does not seek any way to get money.
What is, he is enough. The opinion of society about his material state does not care. Neglecting Bazarov to material values \u200b\u200belevates it in my eyes. This worm is a sign of strong and smart people.
The denial of spiritual values \u200b\u200bby Evgeny Vasilyevich disappoints.
Calling the spirituality of "romanticism" and "nonsense", he despises people - her carriers. "A decent chemist once every twenty useful of a high poet," says Bazarov. He mocks the father of Arkady, playing the cello and reading Pushkin, over the Arkady, who loving nature, over Paul
Petrovich, who threamed his life to the legs of his beloved woman. I think,
Bazarov denies music, poetry, love, beauty on inertia, without understanding the sense in these things. He discovers complete ignorance of literature ("Nature brings silence of sleep," Pushkin said, and so on) and inexperience in love.
Love for one, most likely the first in his life, was not agreed with the ideas of Eugene, which led him to rage. But, despite the fact that it happened to him, the bazaars did not change their former views on love and even more opposed her. This is a confirmation of stubbornness
Evgenia and his commitment to their ideas. So, the values \u200b\u200bfor the Bazarov does not exist, and this is the cause of its cynicism. Bazarov likes to emphasize their underprivitation before authorities. He believes only that he saw and felt himself. Although Eugene also declares that he does not recognize other people's opinions, he says that German scientists are his teachers. I do not think this is a contradiction. The Germans, about whom he says, and the Bazarov himself are like-minded people, and the others do not recognize authorities, so why Eugene do not trust these people? The fact that even in such a person, as he, there is a teacher, naturally: everything itself is impossible to know, you need to rely on the knowledge already acquired by someone. Bazavar warehouse of the mind, constantly looking for, doubting, adding, can be a model for a person seeking knowledge.
Bazarov - NiHist, and including this we respect it. But the words of the hero of another Roman Turgenev, Rudin, "skepticism always distinguished by infertility and powerlessness." These words apply to Evgeny Vasilyevich. - Yes, because there is no need to build. - This is no longer our business ... First you need to clear. The weakness of the Bazarov is that he, denying, does not offer anything in return. Bazarov is a destroyer, not a creator. His nihilism is naive and maximalized, but nevertheless it is valuable and needed. He is generated by the noble ideal of Bazarov - the ideal of a strong, intelligent, courageous and moral man. Bazarov has such a feature that it belongs to two different generations. The first is the generation of time in which he lived. Eugene is typical for this generation, like any smart difference, striving for the knowledge of the world and confident in the degeneration of the nobility. The second is the generation of a very distant future. Bazarov was a utopian: he called on to live not according to the principles, but for sensations. This is a completely faithful way of life, but then, in the XIX century, and now he is impossible. The society is too corrupted to generate unspoiled people, and only. "Correct society, and there will be no diseases."
Bazarov in this is absolutely right, but he did not think that was not so easy to do it. I am sure that a person who lives is not in someone invented rules, but in its natural sensations, according to conscience, is a person of the future. therefore
Bazarov and belong to some extent to the generation of its distant descendants.
Bazarov acquired fame among readers due to their unusual views on life, the ideas of nihilism. This nihilism immatched, naive, even aggressive and stubborn, but still it is useful as a means forcing the society to wake up, look back back and think about it, where it goes.

Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

In order to realize the conflict of the novel in all its completeness, all shades of disagreements of Evgenia Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova should be understood. "Who is the bazaars?" - Ask Kirsanov and hear Answer Arcadia: "NiHist".
According to Pavel Petrovich, the nihilists simply admit nothing and do not respect anything. The views of the Nihilist Bazarov can be determined only by finding out its position. The question is what to recognize on what the reasons to build your beliefs is extremely important for Pavel Petrovich. This is what the principles of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova: the right to lead the leading position in society, the aristocrats were won by no origin, but the moral advantages and affairs ("aristocracy gave the freedom of England and supports it"), that is. Moral norms produced by aristocrats - the support of the human person. Without principles, only immoral people can live.
After reading the statements of the Bazarov about the uselessness of loud words, we see that
"Princepi" Pavel Petrovich will not relate to his activities for the benefit of society, and the bazaarov accepts only what is useful ("I will tell me- I will agree." "In the present time it is useful than just a denying - we deny"). Evgeny denies the state system, which leads Paul
Petrovich to confusion (he pale "). Attitude towards the people of Paul
Petrovich and Bazarov Miscellaneous. Pavel Petrovich's religiosity of the people, life according to the ordered grandfather, the orders seem to be original and valuable features of the people's life. Basarovoy these qualities are hated: "The people believes that when Thunder thunder, it is Ilya-prophet in the chariot drive around. What is going to? I agree with him?" The same phenomenon is called differently, and its role in the life of the people is estimated differently. Pavel Petrovich: "He (people) cannot live without faith." Bazarov: "The gross superstition is stupid."
The disagreements of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich regarding art, nature are viewed. From the point of view of Bazarov, "read Pushkin - lost time, to make music ridiculous, enjoy nature - ridiculous." Pavel
Petrovich, on the contrary, loves nature, music. The maximalism of the Bazarov, believing that it is possible and necessary to rely only on their own experience and its own feelings, leads to the denial of art, as art is just a generalization and artistic understanding of someone else's experience. Art (and literature, and painting, and music) softens the soul, distract from the case. All this is "romanticism", "nonsense". Bazarovoy, for which the main figure was a Russian man, crushed by poverty, "gross superstitions", seemed to be a blasphemous "interpret" about art,
"The unconscious creativity", when "the case goes about the bread of urgent." So, in the novel Turgenev "fathers and children" collided two strong, vivid character. In his views, the convictions of Pavel Petrovich appeared in front of us as a representative of the "Scriming, Glaring Force of the past," and Evgeny Bazarov - as part of the "destructive, liberating force of the present".

Bazarov and Arkady.

After entering the light in 1862, Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children" caused

literally a flurry of critical articles. None of the public

the camps did not accept the new creation of Turgenev. Liberal criticism ne.

could forgive the writer that representatives of the aristocracy,

the offacarious nobles are shown ironically that the "plebey" of bazaars

all the time mocks them and morally turns out to be higher.

Democrats took the main hero of the novel as the evil parody.

Critic Antonovich, who collaborated in the magazine "Contemporary", called

Bazarov "Asmode".

But all these facts, it seems to me, just talk in favor

I.Turgenev. Like a real artist, creator, he managed to guess

the trends of the era, the appearance of a new type, such as a democrat-mischief,

who came to replace the advanced nobility. The main problem,

posted by the writer in the novel, already sounds in his name: "Fathers and

children. "This name has a double meaning. On the one hand, it is

the problem of generations is the eternal problem of classical literature, with

another - the conflict of the two socio-political forces acting in

Russia in the 60s: Liberals and Democrats.

Acting faces of the novel are grouped depending on

which of the socio-political camps we can attribute them.

But the fact is that the main character of Eugene Bazarov turns out

the only representative of the camp "Children", the Camp of Democrats

mernels. All other heroes are in a hostile camp.

The central place in the novel occupies the figure of a new person -

Evgeny Bazarov. It is represented as one of those young figures,

who want to fight. Others - older people who

do not share the revolutionary-democratic beliefs of Bazarov.

They are depicted with small, weak people with narrow,

limited interests. The novel presents noblemen and

the differences of 2-generations - "fathers" and "children". Turgenev shows - as a democrat-dispenser operates in someone else's environment.

In Maryna Bazarov - a guest who is different

democratic appearance from landowners. And with arkady he

diverge in the main thing - in the presentation of life, although at first they

they are considered friends. But their relationship is still impossible to call

friendship because friendship is impossible without mutual understanding, friendship

could not be based on subordination of one other. On the

the length of the novel is observed subordination of weak nature

stronger: Arkady - Bazarov. But still Arkady gradually

acquired my opinion and already stopped to repeat blindly

Basareas judgments and opinions of Nigilista. In disputes he does not stand

and expresses his thoughts. Once their dispute came out almost to the fight.

The difference between heroes is visible in their behavior in the "Empire" Kirsanov.

Bazarov is engaged in work, studying nature, and Arkady

siberates, nothing does anything. The fact that the bazaars is a person is visible

immediately on his red nude hand. Yes, really, he is in any

the atmosphere, in any house tries to do business. The main thing is his case

Natural sciences, study of nature and verification of theoretical

discoveries in practice. Passion for sciences is a typical feature

the cultural life of Russia of the 60s, it means that bazaars keeps in foot with

time. Arkady - perfect opposite. He is nothing

does, from serious cases, it does not truly enthrace him.

For him, the main thing - comfort and peace, and for Bazarov - do not sit back,

work, move.

Completely different judgments are formed in relation to

art. Bazarov denies Pushkin, and unreasonable. Arkady

trying to prove him greatness of the poet. Arkady is always accurate,

omaciented, well dressed, he has aristocratic manners. Bazarov is ne

considers it necessary to follow the rules of good tone, so important in

noble house. It affects all his actions, habits,

manners, speeches, appearance.

Large disagreement arose between "friends" in a conversation about the role

nature in human life. Arkady resistance is already visible here.

views of Bazarov, gradually "student" comes out of power

"Teachers". Bazarov hates many, and Arkady has no enemies. "You,

gentle soul, smearing, "says the bazaars, realizing that Arkady is already

can not be his associate. "Student" can not live without

principles. This is very close to his liberal father and Paul

Petrovich. But bazaars appeases with us as a new man

generation that came to replace the "fathers" not able to solve

the main problems of the era. Arkady - a man belonging to the old

generation, generation of "fathers".

Pisarev very accurately assesses the causes of disagreements between

"student" and "teacher", between Arkady and Bazarov: "Attitude

Bazarov to his comrade throws a bright lane of light on his character; W.

Bazarov is not a friend, because he did not meet another person who

i would not save before him. The identity of the Bazarov closes in his own

because outside of her and around her almost no birth to her

elements. "

Arkady wants to be the son of his century and puts on the ideas

Bazarov, who resolutely can not grow with him. It

belong to the category of people, forever guarded and eternally not

nothing custody. Bazarov refers to it is a patronage and

almost always mockingly, he understands that their ways will disperse.

The main problem in Roman I.S. Turgenev becomes the problem of "fathers and children", which always existed. Children cannot obey and indulge in the parents, because it is so laid in all of us. Each of us is individuality and everyone has its own point of view. We cannot copy anyone, including parents. Most more that we can do for greater similarities with them - it is to choose the same way in life as our ancestors. Some, for example, serve in the army, because their father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc., and some people treat, as well as their father and like Eugene Bazarov. The problem of "father and children" in the novel is only a reason for the conflict, and the reason is that fathers and children were representatives of different ideas. Already describing the heroes, Turgenev opposes the dirty balachon of the Bazarov, which the owner itself is called "clothes", a fashionable tie and half-boots Pavel Petrovich. It is believed that in communication between Paul Petrovich and Bazarov, a complete victory remains for the last, and meanwhile, the share of Bazarov falls a very relative celebration. AND
Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich can be accused of love to argue.
Kirsanov talks about the need to follow authoritations and believe in them. BUT
Bazarov denies the intelligence of the other. Pavel Petrovich claims that only immoral and empty people can live without principles. And Eugene believes that the principle is an empty and non-Russian word. Kirsanov reproaches
Bazarov in contempt for the people, and he suggests that "the people deserves charity." And if you trace throughout the work, there are many areas in which they do not agree. So, for example, the bazaarov believes: "The decent chemist is twenty times more useful than a poet."

Doves about "fathers and children" Turgenev I.S.

Extremely difficult was the socio-political situation in which Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children" was created and published.

Just five years have passed since Turgenev printed a novel
"Rudin", but these five years (1856-1861) were marked by very large changes in the life of Russian society. Over the years, the folk mass is extremely strengthened, deaf fermentation associated with the expectation of "Will", the cases of peasant uprisings increased, and even the royal government after the Crimean defeat began to understand the need to eliminate old, serfdom.

Large shifts took place in the cultural layers of society: the "contemporary" and "Russian word" were held among the magazines, and the voices of Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Pisarev, and Pisarev, were louder.
Nekrasova, wider and deeper, their influence on young people became more. In the country, according to the testimony of contemporaries, a revolutionary situation was created. Every year, social struggle aggravated. Former like-minded people who have recently stood next in the fight against serfs, now, when it was necessary to solve the question of the further economic and political path of Russia, partitioned into different directions and broke in general two camps: on one side there were revolutionaries-Democrats, and on the other - Protectors of antiquities and liberals, supporters of moderate reforms.

In front of Turgenev, always reflected, according to his own words, the "spirit and pressure of time", and this time the question arose about the artistic show of the brewing public conflict.

Turgenev approached this task not as a third-party observer, but as a live event participant who played an active role in public life.

All the main events of the novel take place within two months:
Bazarov arrives in the estate of Kirsanov at the end of May, and at the end of July he dies. Everything that happened to the heroes before or after these two months is told in the retreats of the biographical order (so we learn about the past Kirsanov and Odintova) and in the epilogue: it creates the reader with the reader that he familiarized himself with his life hero.

The main events are distributed evenly between the three main centers of action: the estate of Kirsanov, single and bazaaries; The fourth place of action, the provincial city, has a secondary meaning in the development of the plot.

In the "fathers and children" - 30 actors (including in this number of such a third-haired, as General Kirsanov, Father Nikolai Petrovich), a literally a few words are said about many of them, but the reader about each of them remains quite a clear idea. For example, Katya, Anna sister
Sergeyevny Odentova does not belong to the main actors: her
Turgenev has a total of 5 pages: near the page in the 16th chapter (the first day of stay of Bazarov and Arkady in the estate of one) and several pages in the 25th chapter (Explanation of Arcadia from Katya) ...

The same, extremely bully, but expressive artists draws Turgenev in the "fathers and children" and the image of a modern Russian village, the peasantry. This collective image is created by the reader through a number of details scattered throughout the novel. In general, the village in the transition period is 1859-1860, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom, is characterized in the novel by three features. This is poverty, poverty, breastless peasants, as a terrible heritage of their centuries-old slavery. On the path of Bazarov and Arkady in
Maryino came across "villages with low spots under dark, often up to half with placed roofs, and the crushed threshing pegs with wicker from the twigs walls and yawning sticks near the empty Gumen ...

The special feature of the peasantry, shown in the novel, is the complete alienation of the peasants from the Lords and distrust of them, in whatever the appearance of the Lord in front of them did not speak. This sense has a confused sometimes readers of the Bazarov's conversation with peasants in the 27th chapter.

G.A. Biala "fathers and children" of Turgenev.

It is difficult to call such a literary work that would argue so much and fiercely, as about the "fathers and children." Disputes These began before the coming out of the novel. As soon as the chosen circle of the first readers got acquainted with the manuscript of "fathers and children" immediately arose hot contractions.
Editor of the magazine "Russian Bulletin" M.N. Rollers, the fierce enemy of the democratic movement came to indignation: "As not ashamed
Turgenev pull the flag before the radical and give him the honor, as before the well-deserved warrior ... "

It was possible to think that a novel in a democratic camp
Turgenev with respect and appreciation, but this did not happen. In any case, the unnecessant was not there. M. Antonovich, the critic of the "contemporary", reading the novel, angry no less than the rinks. "He despises the main hero and his buddies and hates from the whole soul," he wrote Antonovich about

DI. Pisarev, unlike Antonovich, on the pages of another democratic magazine, the "Russian Word", arguably argued that the bazaars were not only a caricature, but on the contrary, the right and deep embodiment of the type of modern advanced youth. Under the influences of all these sense and disputes, Turgenev himself was confused: "Wanted to wrap a bazar march or except him? I do not know this myself, for I don't know if I love him or hate it. "

In the article "Regarding the" fathers and children "(1869), explaining," What is happening in the author's soul "," What exactly is his joy and sorrow, his aspirations, good luck and failure, ".

It is not surprising that "fathers and children" have great influence and literature, and - wider - to the life of Russian society in different periods of its development.

The meaning of "fathers and children" is not lost in our day. Roman Turgenev lives a new life, causing, wakes thoughts, breeds disputes. Smart and courageous bazarov can not not attract us to their harsh, albeit a somewhat sullen honesty, with its impeccable straightness, hot enthusiasm of science and labor, disgusting to an empty phrase, to all sorts of lies and falsehood, and a fragile mild temperament.

Roman Turgenev arose in the thick of the "real", in the atmosphere of the political struggle, he was soaked in the living passions of his era and therefore became non-pointing past for our time.

"To the 150th anniversary of the birth of I.Sus Turgenev."
"Exactly and strongly reproducing the truth, the reality of life is the highest happiness for the writer, even if this truth does not coincide with his own sympathies," Turgenev wrote. In Bazarov, the most important, the most interesting was "real life", although it was in this case that she did not fully coincide with the sympathies of the writer. Some emphasising the extremes, vulgar cigarettes of Bazarov's materialism were caused by the fact that Turgenev was divided into views with revolutionary democrats, with Nekrasov,
Chernyshevsky and, as you know, with a group of friends of writers gone from
"Contemporary". And nevertheless, and the extremes of the Bazarov are not extended, and Lios pointed by a writer, maybe something overly. The bazaars - strong, non-reverie, boldly, although directly thinking - was typical and basically a positive figure, although Turgenev himself treated him critically and, of course, it was not by chance.

The democratic movement of the 60s was very wide and varied.
Pisarev was correctly noticed that the Bazarov was the early Forerunner of the movement of a discharge democratic integence, when its revolutionary activity was not yet fully clarified.

On the entire warehouse of its nature of the bazaarov, in opposition to people, the personality is acting aspiring. But also according to the censorship conditions and for the fact that the events of the novel belong to the summer of 1859, Turgenev could not show his hero in revolutionary activities, in revolutionary ties.

Pisarev noted that the readiness of the Bazarov to the case, his fearlessness, the fortress of His will, the ability to sacrifice brightly appeared in the scene of his tragic death. "Bazarov did not slip and the meaning of the novel was out of such, - Pisarev said," the present young people are fond of and falling into extremes, but in the most attractions fresh strength and incorruptible mind are affected; This is the power and this mind without any extraneous benefits and influences will bring young people on a straight road and support them in life.

Who resulted in Turgenev's novel this excellent life, he could not not to withdraw him deep and hot appreciation, as a great artist and a honest citizen of Russia. "


1. "Schoolboy's brief reference book" Publisher "Alma Press".

2. V.V. Golubov "Fathers and Children" Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

3. G.A. Fathers and Children

4. To the 150th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.


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The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children" arose from the writer in the pre-reform 1860 year. A year later, serfs will be canceled in Russia. And in the work the author transmits the atmosphere of the time of fracture and troubled. We will talk about the problem of this work in this article.

The serfs are no longer so willingly perform the orders of their landowners. A large number of young people with radical glances and ideas appear. The ideological conflict of revolutionaries, the differences and liberals is brewing. In the novel, the bazarov is a revolutionary distribution, and Pavel Petrovich is a liberal nobility.

At this time, people of a new generation, nihilists already appear in Russia, the views of which shares the bazaars. The main character perfectly realizes that the time of such people has not yet come and directly declares this: "... Yes, there are more children. The clever they will be that they will ride in time, not what we are with you. " Nihilism is the denial of all that is recognized in society: love, family and other values.

Against the background of the beliefs of Bazarov, he arises ideological conflict with his friend's uncle Pavel Kirsanov. The first dispute between them occurs on the topic of science and art. In it, the main character drops the phrase that Emko exposes the focus of his views: "A decent chemist is more useful than a poet for twenty times." This spore gave rise to the first wave of misunderstanding between the bazaar and Pavel Kirsanov.

After some time, their quarrel resumed with a new force and reached its climax. This time, the subject of the disagreements of Paul and Eugene became questions about the people, laws, public strictly. The bazaars sees the need to "clear the place", which is a minimum program, but in this plans there is no program-maximum. In the question of the people of the bazaars, the opinion is adhered to that the people should be educated, and Pavel Petrovich, on the contrary, is inclined to adhere to the opposite point of view. When discussing laws of bazaars, it argues that they are not fulfilled, while Pavel Petrovich is confident in the opposite.

Bazarov with his nihilistic glances should be alien to the feeling of love, but suddenly he realizes his feelings for Odse. This confuses and annoys the main character, but he still decides to express his sympathies, to open up, but in response receives a refusal, because for Anna Sergeyevna "Calm ... is best in the world."

At the end of the novel, we see how the day after day the disease depletes the forces of Bazar. At this time, he thinks about many in his life. When Odintova arrives to him in the last minutes, he argues: "I need Russia ... no, you can not need." Perhaps Eugene understands that his beliefs are still born in the minds of young people, ahead of the time of new, progressive events. There are no such people like bazaars, society does not accept and does not consider their worldview seriously. But to some extent it can be argued that Nigilism prevented Bazarov to live a full life that should be filled with real feelings and experiences.

Philippov Anastasia told the problems of novel "Fathers and Children"