Ilona Novoselova Biography Man photo: Mysterious death and secret funeral. History of the life and tragic death of the Russian clairvoyant and medium Ilona Novoselovaya Ilona because of the operation on gender change

Ilona Novoselova Biography Man photo: Mysterious death and secret funeral. History of the life and tragic death of the Russian clairvoyant and medium Ilona Novoselovaya Ilona because of the operation on gender change
Ilona Novoselova Biography Man photo: Mysterious death and secret funeral. History of the life and tragic death of the Russian clairvoyant and medium Ilona Novoselovaya Ilona because of the operation on gender change

The life of the participants of the famous television project was full of contradictions. Everything was mixed here: a gender change, the war with the federal channel, the unbridled temper and the memorization of Muslim prayers.

In Moscow, the well-known participant of the "Battle of Psychics", 30-year-old Ilona Novosylov, died. She was found dead under the windows of the house on the Enthusiast highway. Extrasens lived on the sixth floor with his beloved. Neighbors tell that the couple often quarreled. Rugan for them became the usual thing. At some point, residents for the eccentricity of young people simply ceased to pay attention. Perhaps therefore did not give the values \u200b\u200bof the noise, which was in the apartment on the day of the death of Ilona Novoselova. But let's go about everything in order.

Fame Girl acquired thanks to superpopular transmission on TV channel "TNT". In the project "Battle of Psychics" she participated in 2009 and ranked 2nd. But the fame of the paranormal abilities of the 21-year-old sorcerer began to spread throughout Russia with an incredible speed. Ilona began to sign up for consultation, look with her meetings. According to friends, the girl took a fee from one client from 30,000 rubles. There could be no less than 8-9 each day. Folk love quickly assumes Ilona to Olympus popularity.

Four years after the TV project of Ilona enters criminal chronicles. Novoselov and her young man are abducted, demanding a redemption of 7.5 million rubles. Criminals receive all the money and free hostages. Psychic told the policeman, which knows one of the kidnappers. This is a builder who made repairs in her apartment. In the future, law enforcement agencies managed to catch intruders.
According to Ilona, \u200b\u200bshe was forced to drink beer, and in a drink, as she declared, mixed some drugs to suppress the will.

They poisoned me there. All the time they saw something, some nasty, after which I had cotton legs. I spoiled all right, "leads the words of Ilona Novoseliya site NTV.Ru.
In the footsteps of these events, the NTV television company in the Emergencies program stated that Ilona Novoselov actually changed the floor in 18 years - before that she was a guy by name Andrei. The presenter reported that the Mentor of Ilona Irina Bogdanova was trying to even dissuade the ward from the final operation to change gender. Confirmed this fact and Alena Selitskaya, who was at the "Battle of Psychics" with Ilona. Novoselova really differed from others. She did not know how to walk on heels, all the time he stumbled, with difficulty he turned with female things.

The reaction to NTV Ilona Novoselova was immediate. In social networks, she published a short video in which he refuted the information about changing gender.
- In connection with negative events, I would like to declare: I don't have any mentor, there was no. Irina Bogdanova - she did not pass and did not prove her abilities. Myth walks that I supposedly transsexual and I had a floor change. This is also not true. And who I communicate with and what my environment is my personal business, she said on video.
At the same time, she did not lead any evidence: children's photos, the words of close, acquaintances with whom she communicated from school age, explaining that it was too early to study.

At 8 years old I went to school. Classmates did not accept me, I did not understand them and kept the mansion. I could not blame with teachers due to the fact that I did not think that they were right. In general, from 12 years old I stopped attending school and began to work at home, more and more time paying my abilities, "psychic said about himself.

On his website, clairvoyant Ilona wrote that she had a gift from childhood, more precisely, even with a past life. Novoselova remembers its previous embodiment in the form of a girl Eleanora from Germany in 1800.
- In this life, the gift began to manifest itself from birth. Since childhood, I described my mother's mom who had never seen, as it turned out, they all died before my birth. Could say what the weather will be will give a salary or detain (in the 90s, Mom worked at the factory, which subsequently collapsed). I had a happy childhood, "Ilona writes about himself.

The big light on the life of the famous Russian psychic sheds her girlfriend Alsu Gazimianganov from Kazan in his post in the social network dedicated to the death of Ilona. Alsu calls the "Kuma" girlfriend.
- The period of our communication coincided with the time when I lived in Moscow the first years after I gave birth. Ilona shot me an apartment. And I worked out for this with a personal "television storage room." I saw her different and in different state, "writes Alsu Gazimianganov, who is also a member of the project" Battle of Psychics ".
Girlfriend reports that Ilona Novoselov used alcohol and prohibited substances. At the same time, she was at the same time "a good man could complaim, help people and could not live, without damaging, the proclosier often was completely inevitable and even unfamiliar people."

Alsa Gazimicanova says that for some time Novoselov lived in her family. I saw the other side of life. She had normal understanding of relationships and friendship. Ilona began to dream of a family and even wanted to adopt the child. Moreover, the girl quickly learned to Muslim prayers.

My mom, when she taught her, said that she was easy for her. I taught my own, and everything would be nothing if it were not for her other environment that did not give her peace. They knocked off the way, pulling out a dirty essence, - adds the interlocutor.
Alsu believes that Ilona was from those people who did not value their lives. Her hands are all in scars, but Novoselova hid it and interrupted them with tattoos.
- We did not communicate six years. I knew and know that Ilona periodically did the damage and slack the curse on me and my family, but my parents, in spite of everything, always loved her as a native, Mom always prayed for her and regretted, "adds Alsu Gazimianganov.
On the eve of Kazan extrasens, saw a dream in which she had dreamed of "men's hands." They are somewhere helping "leave" Ilona Novoselova. The interlocutor itself does not comment on the versions of the death of the girlfriend. She indicates that when the body was discovered, then it was dressed outdoor shoes.

Something I do not remember that Cuma in the house was walking in street shoes. Why was she in her when she fell from the balcony? - Worth the issue of Gazymiangan.
How contrivous to the death of Ilona, \u200b\u200bher craft colleagues converge in the opinion that the death of psychics became a huge loss for their professional circle.
- Many said that she is aggressive, but it is not. In life, she was like a child - very kind and open. She is my best partner. We had a good tandem. I think her death is a loss for an extrasensory world, "says Ziraddin Rzayev.

Another finalist of the teleproject - Vlad Kadoni - affirms that the last year of life for Ilona was a nightmare. On the Internet they discussed her past and questioned professional qualities. The girl was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Perhaps it is the last loud scandals that the next conflict in the house of Ilona provoked. As a result, Novoselov simply could not stand it and decided to leave this world. In the fatal day in the apartment she was not alone. She was her friend. In the evening, young people drank. The 30-year-old Ilona quarreled with his beloved and jokingly climbed on the fencing of the balcony. So she wanted to scare a man, but did not hold down and fell down. There was no chance.

Ilona Novoselova: the mystery of the death of the finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" is revealed

The life of the participants of the famous television project was full of contradictions. Everything was mixed here: a gender change, the war with the federal channel, the unbridled temper and the memorization of Muslim prayers

The life of the participants of the famous television project was full of contradictions. Everything was mixed here: a gender change, the war with the federal channel, the unbridled temper and the memorization of Muslim prayers.

Artyom Nikulin - Kazan

In Moscow, the well-known participant of the "Battle of Psychics", 30-year-old Ilona Novosylov, died. She was found dead under the windows of the house on the Enthusiast highway. Extrasens lived on the sixth floor with his beloved. Neighbors tell that the couple often quarreled. Rugan for them became the usual thing. At some point, residents for the eccentricity of young people simply ceased to pay attention. Perhaps therefore did not give the values \u200b\u200bof the noise, which was in the apartment on the day of the death of Ilona Novoselova. But let's go about everything in order.

Fame Girl acquired thanks to superpopular transmission on the TV channel "TNT". In the project "Battle of Psychics" she participated in 2009 and occupied 2nd place. But the fame of the paranormal abilities of the 21-year-old sorcerer began to spread throughout Russia with an incredible speed. Ilona began to sign up for consultation, look with her meetings. According to friends, the girl took a fee from one client from 30,000 rubles. There could be no less than 8-9 each day. Folk love quickly assumes Ilona to Olympus popularity.

Four years after the TV project of Ilona enters criminal chronicles. Novoselov and her young man are abducted, demanding a redemption of 7.5 million rubles. Criminals receive all the money and free hostages. Psychic told the policeman, which knows one of the kidnappers. This is a builder who made repairs in her apartment. In the future, law enforcement agencies managed to catch intruders.

According to Ilona, \u200b\u200bshe was forced to drink beer, and in a drink, as she declared, mixed some drugs to suppress the will.

They poisoned me there. All the time they saw something, some nasty, after which I had cotton legs. I spoiled all right, "leads the words of Ilona Novoseliya site NTV.Ru.

In the footsteps of these events, the NTV television company in the Emergencies program stated that Ilona Novoselov actually changed the floor in 18 years - before that she was a guy by name Andrei. The presenter reported that the Mentor of Ilona Irina Bogdanova was trying to even dissuade the ward from the final operation to change gender. Confirmed this fact and Alena Selitskaya, who was at the "Battle of Psychics" with Ilona. Novoselova really differed from others. She did not know how to walk on heels, all the time he stumbled, with difficulty he turned with female things.

The reaction to NTV Ilona Novoselova was immediate. In social networks, she published a short video in which he refuted the information about changing gender.

In connection with the negative events, I would like to declare: I don't have any mentor, there was no and will not. Irina Bogdanova - she did not pass and did not prove his abilities. Myth walks that I supposedly transsexual and I had a floor change. This is also not true. And who I communicate with and what my environment is my personal business, she said on video.

At the same time, she did not lead any evidence: children's photos, the words of close, acquaintances with whom she communicated from school age, explaining that it was too early to study.

At 8 years old I went to school. Classmates did not accept me, I did not understand them and kept the mansion. I could not blame with teachers due to the fact that I did not think that they were right. In general, from 12 years old I stopped attending school and began to work at home, more and more time paying my abilities, "psychic said about himself.

On his website, clairvoyant Ilona wrote that she had a gift from childhood, more precisely, even with a past life. Novoselova remembers its previous embodiment in the form of a girl Eleanora from Germany in 1800.

In this life, the gift began to manifest itself from birth. Since childhood, I described my mother's mom who had never seen, as it turned out, they all died before my birth. Could say what the weather will be will give a salary or detain (in the 90s, Mom worked at the factory, which subsequently collapsed). I had a happy childhood, "Ilona writes about himself.

The big light on the life of the famous Russian psychic sheds her girlfriend Alsu Gazimianganov from Kazan in his post in the social network dedicated to the death of Ilona. Alsu calls the "Kuma" girlfriend.

The period of our communication coincided with the time when I lived in Moscow the first years after I gave birth. Ilona shot me an apartment. And I worked out for this with a personal "television storage room." I saw her different and in different state, "writes Alsu Gazimianganov, who is also a member of the project" Battle of Psychics ".

Girlfriend reports that Ilona Novoselov used alcohol and prohibited substances. At the same time, she was at the same time "a good man could complaim, help people and could not live, without damaging, the proclosier often was completely inevitable and even unfamiliar people."

Alsa Gazimicanova says that for some time Novoselov lived in her family. I saw the other side of life. She had normal understanding of relationships and friendship. Ilona began to dream of a family and even wanted to adopt the child. Moreover, the girl quickly learned to Muslim prayers.

My mom, when she taught her, said that she was easy for her. I taught my own, and everything would be nothing if it were not for her other environment that did not give her peace. They knocked off the way, pulling out a dirty essence, - adds the interlocutor.

Alsu believes that Ilona was from those people who did not value their lives. Her hands are all in scars, but Novoselova hid it and interrupted them with tattoos.

We did not communicate six years. I knew and know that Ilona periodically did the damage and slack the curse on me and my family, but my parents, in spite of everything, always loved her as a native, Mom always prayed for her and regretted, "adds Alsu Gazimianganov.

On the eve of Kazan extrasens, saw a dream in which she had dreamed of "men's hands." They are somewhere helping "leave" Ilona Novoselova. The interlocutor itself does not comment on the versions of the death of the girlfriend. She indicates that when the body was discovered, then it was dressed outdoor shoes.

Something I do not remember that Cuma in the house was walking in street shoes. Why was she in her when she fell from the balcony? - Worth the issue of Gazymiangan.

How contrivous to the death of Ilona, \u200b\u200bher craft colleagues converge in the opinion that the death of psychics became a huge loss for their professional circle.

Many said that she is aggressive, but it is not. In life, she was like a child - very kind and open. She is my best partner. We had a good tandem. I think her death is a loss for an extrasensory world, "says Ziraddin Rzayev.

Another finalist of the teleproject - Vlad Kadoni - affirms that the last year of life for Ilona was a nightmare. On the Internet they discussed her past and questioned professional qualities. The girl was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Perhaps it is the last loud scandals that the next conflict in the house of Ilona provoked. As a result, Novoselov simply could not stand it and decided to leave this world. In the fatal day in the apartment she was not alone. She was her friend. In the evening, young people drank. The 30-year-old Ilona quarreled with his beloved and jokingly climbed on the fencing of the balcony. So she wanted to scare a man, but did not hold down and fell down. There was no chance.


Nonsense is a svoy kabya. PR stroke. And all the sorcerers are associated with Satan. Even if they are talking on behalf of Christ.




Alsa forever in every hole plot, as you can lie to lie and happiness at the expense of the death of a person!


Why did you indicate the name of this alo? So that in social networks found it? There is no frame with Ilona.



With a drug overbid.


How can you be kind, and at the same time do damages and slate curses? Contradiction…


She was given such a gift, which means it was not just that he was given it, and she did the damage for the children only

I agree, a kind person will not curse others and from Satan all this. For this.


I do not think that Ilona was a good person, it is a tragedy! (((

before someone to oversone, the more late one, I think that I would try to get on the battle and prove my oppofurealism


What do you really think that professionals go there? I feel sorry for you. All the essence you don't know

What are Muslim prayers? Witch, witches, clairvoyant and other charlatans and scammers are similar, are banned in Islam! Do not carry every nonsense!


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Case Ivan Kuznetsova: provocation or competent work of special services

Journalists of the Kazanfirst edition interviewed experts, talked to the deputy head of Kazan Executive Committee and collected in one material all that it is important to know at the moment about the attempt on a bribe of a high-ranking capital official

Journalists of the Kazanfirst edition interviewed experts, talked to the deputy head of the Executive Committee of Kazan and collected in one material all that it is important to know at the moment about the assassination attempt on a bribe of a high-ranking official of the capital.

Elena Melnik , Svetlana Burakova - Kazan.

Criminal case against the Supervisor of the Executive Committee of Kazan Ivan Kuznetsov It became the loudest in a series of corruption scandals, which recently shake the structure of the power of the capital of Tatarstan. A year ago Under the investigation, the head of the city of the Financial Executive Committee of the City Yulduz Garipov, lawyer Albert Mukhutdinov And the first deputy head of the legal administration of the executive committee Alexey Rybushkinwho are accused of embezzlement suffering from 74.5 million rubles from the urban treasury. And in April of this year, he was detained for mediation in obtaining a bribe in a particularly large amount of the deputy of the City Duma Nadir Khayrullin.

Officials began to take more often, - considers the deputy of the State Council of Tatarstan Rafil Nougumanov. - Unfortunately, corruption penetrated into the middle echelons of power, and to the higher. But I am pleased that law enforcement agencies work efficiently. Actively detect, actively attract criminal liability. On another it is impossible. If today such work will not be held, we will not receive any certificate without a bribe in any state organization.

Who is actually Ivan Kuznetsov - a victim or a hunter?

To serve in the mayor of Kazan, he fell almost from a student bench. In 2005, when the city administration was headed Ilsur Metshin, Kuznetsov only finished the Economic Faculty of KSU in the specialty "Management of Organizations". The next year, the position of the leading specialist of the department for ensuring the activities of the executive committee of the executive committee was taken, and in a few months he headed the Office of the Secretariat of the Head of Municipal Education. In 2008, he becomes an assistant to the head of the municipality, in the 2010 Advisor, and in October 2013, is appointed to the post of the head of the executive committee of Kazan on economic development.

Of course, this appointment is a serious advance. We hope that youth will be a key to success. We need young shots with creative ideas, "said the mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin, commenting on the new appointment of Ivan Kuznetsov.

Rapidly climbing the career ladder, the official managed to get several prestigious diplomas, including foreign educational institutions: it holds the MBA degree in Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo", held training under the program "Entrepreneurship and Innovation" in the Mit Sloan Business School at the Massachusetts Institute Technology (MIT). In 2013, Kuznetsov defended his thesis on the topic "Development of public-private partnerships on the basis of the distribution of permanent and variable costs" under Kazan (Volga) Federal University and received a scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences, and in 2015 he graduated from INSEAD International Business School Program for improving management skills and leadership for managers - Goal Programme, Fontainebleau, France.

Ivan Kuznetsov earned a lot of reference, thanks and awards for their service, including the medal "For the contribution of the development of intercity cooperation" and gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation. And in the official biography of the official posted on the site of the mayor's office, it is noted that he owns three languages \u200b\u200b- English, Tatar, Russian, is fond of music, reading books, adheres to an active lifestyle, manifests interest in Triathlon, plays hockey. And as a life credo, Ivan Kuznetsov chose the motto "the little things there is no".

It seems that he was guided by the same motto in his work. Under the leadership of the new head of the executive committee in Kazan, the mass demolition of small trade objects began. And the process of lease of municipal land under the trading pavilions began to pass through open auctions. Such a revolution did not like all entrepreneurs, and the Board had to be sued for dissatisfied. Already at this stage, the official gave a lot of enemies among representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

To correct the reputation, Ivan Kuznetsov became the curator of the so-called headquarters created under the mayor's office for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, who was intended to collect complaints of businessmen to the bureaucracy in the city administration and implement metropolitan business support programs, including with the help of preferential loans and preferential leases of municipal objects .

From the restaurant, in which it is difficult to wait for the ordered dish, the Board should turn into a kind of fast food, which came, saw, won, - spoke of his vision of the support of business Ivan Kuznetsov at one of the meetings.

The last event with entrepreneurs who Ivan Kuznetsov held on May 31, was a round table on the problems of improving the quality of municipal business services. It also was about new, pretty tough regulations for the coordination of street signs that began to operate from June. And on this occasion, the Deputy Head of the Executive Committee again had to hear a lot of complaints from representatives of small and medium-sized businesses to the city officials.

On June 7, the history with a criminal case against a high-ranking official Kazan began to unfold. The first information is about the fact that Ivan Kuznetsov became a person involved in a criminal case, published an anonymous telegram-channel "Hardware".

This page in the popularity of messenger is popular specializing in the so-called "political plums". The day before, on the head of the deputy head, the executive committee of Kazan knocked "the guys from serious structures", the channel spoke about the wife of the civil servant.

Husband works, and wife earns

Alsa Kuznetsova - a famous businesswoman in Kazan, which owns LEGENDA travel company, Provence cafe and the beauty house "Beauty".

The travel agency was the official operator of the Universiade-2013 Directorate and was engaged in the search for client groups of student games. The company was engaged in booking the rooms and the provision of hotel services. It is due to the fact that the "legend" was reserved by a large number of rooms, the travel agency was obtained to obtain the status of the official operator. One of the working circuits was as follows: customers appealed to the hotel, they talked about the fact that there are no free places, and sent to the decision to the partner of the Directorate, which was "legend." This episode even became a reason to investigate the case by UFAS staff on the Republic of Tajikistan. True, it never ended.

Judging by Instagram Alsu Kuznetsova, her beauty salon is an attraction place for famous Kazan.

If you believe the income declarations, which is published on the official website of the Executive Committee of Kazan, the wives of the official in business are not bad.

According to the data for 2016, Ivan Kuznetsov earned 1,397,595 rubles. Its ownership is two apartments of 202.5 square meters. M and 248 square meters. m, respectively. His spouse, in turn, received an income of 6 million 927 thousand 596 rubles. The amount is calculated taking into account the sale of the car in the amount of 4,500,000. The property of Alsu Kuznetsova has a Mersedes Benz Gle car.

"Do not worry. All right!"

The first half of the next day after the establishment of the case on the fact of the attempt on a bribe Ivan Kuznetsov spent in the law office in the city center.

The official went to the building at 11 am, after which there were representatives of the representative class, whose passengers on the street were met by employees of the lawyer's organization with different frequency. The negotiation process lasted about three hours. Of course, most of the details of the meeting remained in the walls of the office. However, the Kazanfirst journalist managed to find out some details.

So, according to the sources of the publication, in the office of Ivan Kuznetsov on June 7, a search was passed. Representatives of the special services seized part of the documentation and even took the Symma of the Department of the Executive Committee with all the contacts.

Ivan Kuznetsov himself, apparently, the philosophical refers to this situation. At the request of the journalist Kazanfirst, comment on somehow history with a criminal case, he pretty cheerfully and answered with a smile:

Everything goes in working order, do not worry. All right. No details yet, but I am sure that everything will be explained soon. It is still unknown, from where the statement came, but I think that soon everything will fall into place and the situation will clear up, "Ivan Kuznetsov concluded and hurried in his await.

« Three criminal cases do not tend»

Be that as it may, but the next case in relation to the representative of the authorities of Kazan treasured the public and made it talk about some regularity.

Over a year, more than a thousand corruption crimes are detected in Tatarstan, and three criminal cases initiated against the representatives of the urban power of Kazan are still not a tendency, "says the head of the management department of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on anti-corruption policy issues Alexey Pankratov. - According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, last year, in general, in the republic 323, persons were the defendants of criminal cases about corruption. And 89 of them are officials of municipal authorities and mupers. Therefore, three facts, four facts, even 10 facts do not indicate that the level of corruption has increased in the Executive Committee.

According to Alexey Pankratov, there is more a human factor in the perception of the situation. When the police detains a doctor or teacher for a bribe, people usually sympathize with them - they say, found a corrupt officer! And if the representative of the authorities comes across, people are happy to raise the topic that all officials are thieves and bribes.

As for the version of the City Hall, that in the case of Ivan Kuznetsov, provocation is possible, then, according to the publication interlocutor, such incidents are also there.

Attempts to blame some official, of course, meet, "he says. - One time to us was the whole shaft of anonymous "compromising" on heads of districts - that, they say, and steals, and bribes take, and so on. And only a small part of them was confirmed. Because attempting the title and the presence of the facts that can serve as evidence of the fault of the suspect - these are two different things. Although, on the other hand, sometimes purely externally, the act looks like criminal, but then there is a logical explanation. If a person comes to the police and says that he will extort a bribe and that I am now going to give, and on the operational record it is clear that the one who allegedly gives, for the first time about money hears, in this situation you can talk about provocations and that person is trying lay down And this in the process of investigation still turns out. And if it does not find out, that is, the prosecutor's office, which oversees the investigation and all procedural actions, as well as the court. And at the exit, all these structures give us enough objective information. And such cases when a person was planted, and then it turned out that he was not at all guilty, extremely rare in judicial practice.

Another expert of the Edition of Kazanfirst - Major General FSB of Russia in resignation Alexander Mikhailov He said that law enforcement agencies have now received a spent algorithm and a scheme for the disclosure of corruption crimes and proving identified facts. And secondly, such disclosures - as the effect of Domino: It is worth one dice to fall - everything is falling one by one, because caught by the hand, trying to get the condescension, willingly "knock" the accomplices.

Nowadays, the inevitability of punishment for the corruption crime becomes the norm - Alexander Mikhailov is convinced. - As they say, if the thief is still free, it is not his merit, but the flawlessness of law enforcement agencies. But at the same time, when we are talking about power, we must very clearly understand that a significant part of such people with power, by virtue of certain circumstances, becomes hostages of corruption manifestations and imperfections of economic legislation. Often, a person is forced to violate the law, because there is no other option to implement.

According to the Kazanfirst source, in the risk group, first of all, mayrars, vice-mayors and other representatives of the city administration leadership, who need to solve large-scale financial tasks, problems of entrepreneurs and so on.

All the people who come to the power under the cap from the special services, says Major General FSB. - especially those who deal with tenders, by any quotas, licenses. They are constantly in sight. And all those triggers with the help of which they are trying to escape from liability, long known. Every official sitting in his chair should know that he is considered literally under a microscope as an amebe. For each of them, it often originally happens a lot of information from people who are trying to solve any problems through them and do not decide. Special services will very carefully scan all these things. In addition, very often, officials fall under the coat of special services when they come into contact, in corruption relations with people who themselves are already in development - due to non-payment of taxes, illegal business, fraud and so on. And I am always surprised by an official who believes that if he and Minister drank vodka on a banquet, then they are already friends and he is already invulnerable. In government relations, the concept of friendship does not exist.

Provocation of ill-wishers?

If earlier, official urban structures refused to comment on the facts of detention for corruption of representatives of the Kazan authorities and give an assessment of the actions of criminal personnel to the court decision, then in the case of Ivan Kuznetsov, the leadership of the mayor's press service immediately distributed a statement that the official "repeatedly received various kinds Threats. "

It is possible that we are talking about provocations from unscrupulous entrepreneurs, "the report says.

One way or another, in all this now to be able to understand the special services. So far, according to the investigation, the following picture is obtained: "In May 2017, Kuznetsov demanded 500 thousand rubles for the unimpeded implementation of non-commercial activities of one of the organizations in the city of Kazan."

At the time of publication of the material, the publication had the data from the SU SC of Russia on the TSI that the issue of election of a 34-year-old branch of the preventive measure is solved. And at the time of the consequence of the deputy head of the Executive Committee of Kazan was removed from his position, but not fired.

On the program "Battle of Psychics" many surprised and struck Ilona Novoselov. The biography of the girl is also very interesting. After all, because of his gift, she could not finish even high school. But first things first.

Ilona Valentinovna Novoselova was born in 1986, November 2. She lives in the Moscow region, in the city of Pavlovsky Posad. She is a hereditary witch. Ilona Novoselova in childhood, even in an early adolescence, learned to contact his dead relatives with the spirits and look into the past. But these unique qualities did not bring the child of glory. On the contrary, they created problems. In the lessons, she was heard by the voices of the spirits, she could not answer, so came home in tears. Seeing all this, Mom girls took her from school at the age of 12. Since then, the lead has not studied. But clairvoyant does not regret it, she suggests that all the knowledge for her opened spirits. Ilona does not hide that resorts to black magic. It can be seen from her rituals.

What only rumors do not go about the magician in the yellow press. One guy writes that the extrasens of Ilona Novoselov, whose biography is interesting to many, generally a man. Balauser is confident that earlier the girl was Andrey boy. A person says that he grew up with Andrei in the same yard in the city of Pavlovsky Posad and then he made an operation and so Ilona appeared. But there are always rumors and gossip around the bright natures, such as the reverse side of glory. But Novoselova is now not the timid girl who sobbed because of trouble at school. Now she is a bold man and can give a repulse with any controversy claiming that she is transsexual.

Somehow on the street testing of the "battle of psychics", the girl tried to raise on laughter, but the emotions of the gathered on Arbat interrupted a strange thing that a young witch kept in her hand. It was a magic rod of the roar of the roe.

Ilona does not part with him, it does with the help of a unique attribute of celestial signatures and then the necessary visions come to it. This could be contemplate on one of the very first tests. Then the psychics were provided with a rope, looking at her needed to identify sad events related to this thing. Ilona immediately felt that this rope from the dead man. She told the right things. The parents of the boy still do not believe that the child himself hanged himself, thereby committing suicide. The witch told that a small man was involved in this. One of these suspects just lived next to this family.

In another difficult test, where drugs needed to find, Ilona is the only one who found heroin from one of the 15th and people. The girl repeatedly said that he could even punish those criminals who were not yet caught. Wearing an investigation into the death of the young man, on the spot of his death, the witch carried out an awesome rite, with his friend-spirit. After breaking the glass object, she wished those who committed a terrible fate.

Having finished participating in the "Battle of Psychic" program, Ilona continues to help people contacting it. She predicts the future, removes damage, evil eye, love spell. The viewers of the transmission are still interesting facts about the girl, many ask: "Ilonanovoselova is pregnant or not? " Not yet.

In order to finish with rumors, the girl recorded a video message. In it, she clearly says that he is not a transsexual and cautiously not to believe the deceivers who are trying to prove on her behalf.

In the video image of Ilona refutes and conversations about that, as if her mentor is a certain Irina Bogdanov. Novoselova says that no mention has no mention and will not. Warning people not to believe Irina, which acts on behalf of Ilona. Irina Bogdanova itself did not pass even the qualifying round, and Ilona not only overcame a lot of tests, but also proved its abilities.

Referring the views of people about the sorcerer, you can find very faithful. So, one woman noticed that clay little brushes and very feminine hands, and the figure of the maiden. Therefore, it becomes obvious that the rumor about her past life of a man is a ridiculous fiction. Ilona Novoselova, an increase in which approximately 1 meter 75 cm has a pronounced female voice, which also smashes in the fluff and dust all species about transsexualism.

The psychic declares that this is her business. She hides his circle of communication, does not tell with whom it is found, so Ilona Novoselova married or not just. And it is known that the girl is closely familiar with the participant of the new 14th season Alexander Shepps. This is eloquently testify photographs of young people, where they are sitting in a hug. Alexander and Ilona fit each other. They have similar energy, images, they both are the strongest psychics of the country.

Whether will Ilona and Alexander will show time together. While I want to wish the girl further success on her faithful way, so that she did not annoy the negative rumors gossip so that she would create a family and was happy.

After it became known about the death of the famous extrasens Ilona Novoselova, many interested in her mysterious biography and rumors about changing gender.

Clairvoyant, Medium, Healer, Finalist of the sixth and seventh seasons of the project "Battle of Psychics", as well as a participant in reality show "The battle of the strongest. Psychics are investigating"

Ilona Novoselova was born on November 2, 1987 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad, in the Moscow region. At birth, how it became known from the scandalous investigation of the NTV channel it was Andrei Novoselov. However, it is unambiguous to argue that Ilona transsexual It is impossible, since neither the NTV channel nor the public nor school comrades provided the facts of claiming gender.

She remembered the moment of his appearance and told the following about him:

I remember some seconds when I was in the womb. Rather, I clearly remember that feeling, as well as the moment of my own birth. As with all the normal children, the first sound published by me was crying. Moreover, not from the light of ultraviolet lamps or shifts of the situation, but from unusual cold.

The future head studied at school number 1, while she had conflict relationships both with classmates and teachers.

School difficulties led to the fact that from 12 years Ilona studied at home, when I realized my gift, since two years before it saw his grandmother in the mirror, which was no longer on this light.

Rumors that Ilona Novoselov changed the floor appeared after she was stolen with the fiance with the purpose of redemption.

The pair was released, however, in the CRR became interested in their documents. It turned out that the beloved Ilona Novoselova made a surgical operation on the gender change. They were Transexual Oleg Petrov from Yaroslavl, who became a woman, getting rid of the men's genital organs.

Investigators of the SCR, investigating the abduction of the television star Ilona Novoselova and her groom, found out that the victims of the crime - transsexuals.

Operatives who freed the finalist of the famous television show and her groom from captivity were very surprised: the young man clairvoying, passing on the documents as Oleg Petrov, in fact turned out to be a girl.

As it turned out, recently beloved by the 26-year-old Ilona Novoselova made a surgical operation on the gender change. Oleg Petrov - 21 Summer native of Yaroslavl - became a woman, thus got rid of the men's genital organs and began to call him Lana K.

At the same time, Ilona Novoselov herself on documents appeared as Andrei N. from the city of Sergiev Posad near Moscow.

The psychic itself has denied the information that it is transsexual And was born a man. Photos before changing the floor in the network it was not possible to detect. One photo goes to the Internet, on which Ilona is allegedly depicted as a teenager school age. But, first of all, the similarity of the person in this photo with the Ilona Novoselova is not. Secondly, the second member of the picture, which has not been manifested anywhere in social networks with the recognition that it is photographed next to Andrei Novoselov.

For today, everything that supporters of the version can offer that Ilona Novoselov transsexual is a high girl's growing growth, a low voice, a big foot foot, a few rude style of behavior. But these are just signs that Ilona was inherent in some transgenderness.

Recall that on June 13, Ilona Novoselova committed suicide, falling from the sixth floor of his apartment after a quarrel with the beloved.

The nearest sorceress girlfriend revealed the shocking details of the drama. She warned the transsexual about Kara.

It seems that Ahmetzhanova is a clairvoyant, the finalist of the sixth season of the project "Battle of Psychics" - was the closest girlfriend tragically deceased yesterday, June 13, Ilona Novoselova. In an exclusive interview with she told why in fact the black sorcerer jumped out of the window.

"Ilona was a frequent guest in my house," said it. "- Moreover, not one came to me, but with my mother. Psychics are always common with a different communication than ordinary people, and in recent months I have fallen that there will be something. That is terrible. "

"The fact is that Ilona was engaged exclusively black magic. She could drive into the coffin, break the family, imagine damage, evil eye. I told her many times:" Ilona, \u200b\u200bfinish with these black things, you will spoil your karma, they do not Drive. But the girlfriend was only dishwashed, "Ahmetzhanov sighs.

"Today everyone says that Ilona rushed out of the window because of a waving with his beloved. This is not the case. The man, with whom she lived, left her four times, but then he returned, so it was unlikely that it was a serious reason - continues the clairvoyant . - The matter is here in the other. Ilona told me that at 13 years old was an overwhelming power, this voice inside told her how to do, he was supervised to make an operation on the gender change. "

But after all the men's organs were cut off, the worst thing happened. "Ilona suffered from wild phantom pain, just went crazy," she believes it. "" The depressed was growing stronger, the breakdowns were increasingly, she could no longer work. She saws hormonal drugs without the end, but the pains were such a power that they were tolding her. up to madness".

"Novoselov all the time spoke about how he regretted that she became a woman. In a male case, as it seemed to her, it would be possible to easily meet a loved one and live happily. Now Ilona suffered from an internal contradiction," says clairvoyant.

"Ilona rushed out of the window precisely because he lost control over himself because of his pain, did not understand what she was to do, she simply had a clouding reason," it's confident. "- Her mother was in the next room, so did not prevent trouble when The daughter became on the windowsill and opened the window ... "



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