The fate of the most famous connoisseurs of the "What?" reference

The fate of the club's most famous connoisseurs
The fate of the most famous connoisseurs of the "What?" reference

And on September 4, this domestic TV game, the license for which is bought even abroad, celebrated its 35th anniversary. Four teams will take part in the current games: Alexey Blinov, Mikhail Barshchevsky, Elena Potanina and Viktor Sidnev.

How did the fate of the most famous experts develop?

Nurali Latypov

Recently I presented my book "A guide to convolutions. Training of the intellect" in Moscow. Known as a journalist, political and scientific consultant. And - the player of the team of Andrey Kamorin, the owner of the first Crystal Owl in the history of the club.

Graduated from Rostov State University (Faculty of Biology and Physics), postgraduate studies at the Department of Philosophy of Natural Sciences, Moscow State University. He worked as a political observer for the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, advisor to the head of the government of the Russian Federation, vice-president of the Bank of Moscow, adviser to the mayor of Moscow on innovative technologies. Winner of the literary prize "Golden Calf", 12-time winner of the Grand Prix of international exhibitions of cartoons. Author of inventions in the field of electronic communications.

Alexander Druz

In "ChGK" - since 1981. Five-time Crystal Owl winner (1990, 1992, 1995, 2000 and 2006). In the finals of the 1995 winter series, he was awarded the honorary title of Master, awarded the Great Crystal Owl and the Order of the Diamond Star as the best player in 20 years of the club's existence.

Education - systems engineer, graduated with honors from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers. He played 65 games in total, won 39 of them. The club calls him the Great Combiner. Daughters of Alexander - Inna and Marina - also play in the club. Both received the Crystal Owl.

The leader of the "Transfer" team in the sports "What? Where? When?" and 1994 He twice won the "Own Game" program (1995 and 2003). Today he directs the program of the "STO" TV channel (St. Petersburg).

Alexander Byalko

In the club since 1979. The first owner of the club's unique award - "The Sign of the Owl". Graduated from MEPhI, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. In 1984 he graduated from the Institute of Journalism at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. But MIINYaz them. Toreza never graduated. Nevertheless, he taught at MEPhI, in 1999-2003. worked as a deputy director of the company "Brener" (auto cosmetics and car services). Since 2003 - Deputy Director for Science of the experimental chemical and metallurgical plant "Giredmeta" in Podolsk.

In 2008-2009. was the dean of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations. In 2006-2007. hosted the program "Bialko-show" on radio "Culture", which in 2007 was nominated for the title of the best radio program in Russia and entered the top three. Participant of the third season of the show "The Last Hero". Has 40 scientific papers in the field of nuclear physics and information theory. Author of five fiction and popular science books, including "The Origin of Humanity".

Boris Burda

The polymath-Odessa publishes his 12th book "The Origin of the Tunic" (not to be confused with the Tunic). In 1990, the owner of the Crystal (three times) and Diamond owls became a player of the "ChGK" club (this is the abbreviated name for the game "What? Where? When?").

Graduated from the Odessa Polytechnic, heat and power faculty. Author of a number of cookery books. In the newspaper "Interlocutor" leads a culinary section. His program "Vkusno" has been broadcasted on Ukrainian and Belarusian TV for a long time. He is also known as the author and performer of bard songs. He also shoots plots for the "I Want to Know" program with Mikhail Shirvindt (Channel One). He publishes essays on historical figures in Story magazine.

Fedor Dvinyatin

He played his first game in "ChGK" in the team of Alexey Blinov in 1990. Owner of four "Crystal Owls" (in 1991, 1994, 2000 and 2002). In 2002 he became the world champion in the sports "What? Where? When?" as part of the team of Alexander Druzya. The KVN team from Stupino near Moscow is named after him.

Graduated from the philological faculty of the St. Petersburg State University, philologist-Russianist, candidate of philological sciences. Associate Professor at the Department of Russian Language, St. Petersburg State University, as well as the Canadian College, St. Petersburg State University. Specialist in Russian literature of the XI-XIV and XIX-XX centuries. Author of a number of scientific publications. Leads the cultural program "Alpha, beta, gamma, delta ..." on Radio Russia.

Andrey Kamorin

He played actively in the Club from 1978 to 1986. Winner of the title "Best Club Captain".

In 1981 he graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism of MGIMO. International journalist, worked as a correspondent for Izvestia for 15 years in different countries. 1996-1997 - Director of the Program Directorate of NTV Television Company for Foreign Broadcasting. 1998 - 2001 - Executive Director, as well as producer-coordinator and chief consultant of the NTV-Kino company.

Since 2001 - General Director of LLC "New Russian Serial", where he produced the television series "Streets of Broken Lanterns", "Secrets of the Investigation", "National Security Agent", "Children of the Arbat", "Taxi Driver", "Cop Wars", "Airport" and others. Since 2006 - General Director of LLC Forward-Film, producer and co-producer of the series Katerina, Zashchita Krasin, Schedule of Fates, Spetsgruppa, Cop Wars-3, Web, Cop in law "," Highway Patrol ".

Member of the Union of Journalists and the Guild of Producers of the Russian Federation, the Academy of Russian Television. Awarded with a diploma of the 5th International TV Forum "Together" "For his contribution to the development of television art" (2004).

Nikita Shangin

In "ChGK" - since 1981. Owner of the Crystal Owl. In 1976 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute. He worked in "Mosproekt", was engaged in the restoration of the historical buildings of Zamoskvorechye. Today - the chief architect of projects in the architectural studio "Kurortproekt".

Member of the Union of Architects, Honorary Architect of the State Construction Committee. Among the implemented projects is the memorial complex "Katyn", marked as the best Russian landscape project in 1999. The author of the project for the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater, a monument to TV presenter Vladimir Voroshilov at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Andrey Kozlov

He became a ChGK player in 1986, owner of the Diamond (2008) and Crystal Owls (1992, 1994, 2008), master of the game, winner of the title of "Best Club Captain". Graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Donetsk State University, taught at the Zhdanovskiy (now Mariupol) Metallurgical Institute.

Since 1990 - on TV in Moscow. Director-director of the TV programs "Brain Ring", "Program Guide", "How to Spend a Million", "Cultural Revolution", "Songs of the XX century", "Life is Beautiful", host of the "Brain Ring" program, general producer of the TV company "Game-TV" ...

(In preparing the material, materials from the RIA Novosti news agency and open sources were used)

Andrey Kozlov? Reviews about him, his biography and personal life are of interest to fans of the intellectual casino. All information is presented in the article.

A family

Andrei Kozlov ("What? Where? When?") Lives in Moscow today. Born on an airplane flying from Germany to the USSR in 1960, December 25. Luhansk was indicated as the place of birth - his family lived there at that time.

Father is a military man, mother is an economist. There is a younger sister, Galina, and a younger brother, Alexander. Andrey Kozlov ("What? Where? When?") Did not become an example for them in choosing an occupation. My sister works as a manager in a travel company, my younger brother is a television administrator.

Dreams come from childhood

Andrei Kozlov ("What? Where? When?") Until the age of 12 dreamed of working as an announcer on television. But he himself admitted that in childhood he lisped and lisped terribly. The answer to the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" turned out to be very funny, which forced him to study with a speech therapist and speech defects were eliminated.

How hopes are shattered

In high school, Andrei Kozlov ("What? Where? When?"), Whose biography is covered in the article, already wanted to be an actor and at the age of 16 left for Moscow, telling his parents that he had gone to rest.

The young man applied to all theatrical higher educational institutions, but eventually entered the Shchukin Theater School. I called my parents, wanted to make them happy, but they were categorically against such a career. The next day we arrived in Moscow. Under their pressure, I had to write a letter of expulsion, and he was sent back home.

Two opinions: "The plight of an actor" and "It's not serious for a man"

At first, Andrei Kozlov ("What? Where? When?") Hoped to return, because the university promised to take him straight to the second year. However, later, commenting on this situation, he said that he was even glad how life turned out. After all, the actor has a difficult fate, he is addicted and forced to look the director in the eye with ingratiation. He had this opinion because his grandmother was an actress, and knew all the intricacies of this profession. She believed that taking on this profession is worth it only if you can become a people's artist. Parents generally did not consider her a serious occupation for a man. In addition, in the 80s it was difficult to find a job after graduating from the Shchukin Theater School.

Found my way in life

The biography of Andrei Kozlov ("What? Where? When?"), Was determined when, following the will of his parents, he entered the chemistry department of Donetsk State University. However, following the call of his heart, he worked as a correspondent on Donetsk television on the program "Kino and Us".

After graduation, he worked for two years as a chemistry teacher at the Zhdanovskiy Metallurgical Institute (currently Priazovskiy State Technical University). He does not deny that he got this job through an acquaintance, and considers it quite successful, because in those days the salary of 105 rubles was quite large.

When the money depreciated due to the events of the late 80s and 90s, he began to earn money as a chemistry tutor, which allowed him to earn decent money.

Television career

Despite his first work experience, most people know Andrei Kozlov as the TV host of the Brain Ring game and the captain of the team of experts in the What? Where? When?". Andrey Kozlov's team works harmoniously and amicably, although there are misunderstandings. He still managed to make a career in television.

In November 1985, he sent a letter to the editors of the game “What? Where? When?". In one of the interviews, Andrei admitted that he expected to receive an answer immediately, but he waited two months, and the invitation to the game did not come. They answered him only a year and two months later and invited him to the qualifying round, which he passed on February 23, 1986.

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Andrey claims that he did not specially prepare for the qualifying round, he believes that ingenuity is more important in this game. In the filming of the television program “What? Where? When?" took part already on March 6, 1989. Since he immediately began to take on the role of coordinator in the team, he acts exclusively as the team captain at the game.

Career development

After that, Andrei began to be invited to other projects on television. As a result, by 1990 he had to quit his teaching job, which was a surprise for many. His career began on Moscow television. According to Andrey, many of his Mariupol colleagues simply did not believe in the reality of this venture, and this news shocked the parents. On the next shoot, he just realized that he would not return to Mariupol. But, having moved to Moscow, he always came to his parents on holidays and on birthdays to relatives.

Success and failure in an intelligent casino

In 1991 he became the host of the Brain Ring program, as well as the producer of the intellectual television game What? Where? When?".

Andrey's successes as a player in this program are quite great. He earned his first "Crystal Owl" at the summer games in 1992, the second - in the winter of 1994. In 1992 he received the title of "Immortal Club Member", but gave it up in 1993, not wanting to leave his team. He never left the club.

In 2001 he was awarded the title of "Best Club Captain". In 2008, having correctly answered three questions of the super-blitz round, he brought the team a victory and he liked such a prize - the young man loves to drive a car. This victory also played a decisive role in the 2008 season of games, and as a result, all the players on his team won the Crystal Owl award (for him - already the third). In addition, she brought Andrey the title of Master of the Club and the Diamond Owl award.

There were also negative moments in his club game. He repeatedly got into conflict game situations, and in 1996 he was removed from the hall for a hint. It has become a fly in the ointment.


Most of all, Andrey is proud of the "Brain-Ring" project, in which he has been both the director and host since 1991. First, the program was aired on Channel One, then on TVC. In 2000, the program ceased to exist due to low ratings. However, the desire to restore the project was so strong that in honor of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the game and the 50th anniversary of Andrey, the game was resumed in 2010 on the STS channel.

The program is currently being broadcast on the Zvezda channel. The popularity of the game is only growing, in 2011 it was awarded. In 2006 Andrey also participated in the filming of the games "Brain-ring" and "Teen-ring" on the "Inter" channel.

What today

Andrey Kozlov ("What? Where? When?"), Whose personal life is not advertised anywhere, currently holds the post of the first deputy general director of the Igra-TV shopping center, and is also vice-president of the International Association of Intellectual Clubs. In addition, he is now also a director and producer of many television programs. Among them: "Creative Life", "Cultural Revolution" (TV channel "Culture"), "Life is Beautiful" (previously - "Songs of the XX century", TV channel "Russia", and since 2010 - TV channel "Domashny") and others. He also participates in the project of the television show “What? Where? When?" in Azerbaijan.

Kozlov is a teacher again

Andrey is a lecturer at the Academy of Russian Television. In September 2015, he held a master class for students of the Higher School of Television at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, where he talked about the intricacies of a television career using the example of his life experience. His career is special, because he started without special education in this industry.


Thanks to a successful television career, Andrei has become a fairly wealthy man. In an interview, he said that several years ago he bought a plot of land, the value of which has increased 18 times since the moment of purchase, but he is not going to sell it.

Andrei himself admits that he has a rather sharp and difficult character. It is easy to see this on the TV games of the intellectual casino, where he often shouts at his colleagues, argues, and gets annoyed. To fight these qualities, at first he even asked his assistants to help him, raising signs with the words “Don't shout!”, “Smile”, etc. Once, he got so nervous at the game that his blood pressure jumped up and had a microstroke. He found out about this within a few days and went to the hospital. Since then, he has been taking blood pressure pills on a regular basis. Despite this, his morning in Moscow begins with a cup of strong aromatic coffee. In his opinion, it is difficult to come up with another better start to the working day.

Relation to religion. Hobby

Andrey Kozlov ("What? Where? When?"), Whose biography is presented in the article, considers himself a Christian. He says that he, as a baptized and Orthodox person, is pleased that by participating in intellectual games, he does not come into conflict with the Orthodox Church.

He has few hobbies, in his free time he watches TV, reads books. Andrey calls Rex Stout as his favorite writers, and In one of his interviews, he admitted that he had re-read Sergey's books so many times that he noted that Kozlov knows such details of the plots that the author himself does not remember.

He really enjoys cooking. Andrey says that he always celebrates the New Year with his team of connoisseurs and prepares several different options for barbecue and soups for his guests.

Loves to travel. During a trip to Israel, they even tried to get an autograph from him, but no one had a pen and paper at hand.

Kozlov Andrey ("What? Where? When?") - family and personal life of a famous television personality

Andrey has a very close relationship with members of his team of experts, primarily with Alexei Kapustin. He even became the godfather of his son Igor. Alexey is his friend since his life in Mariupol, since 1984.

Despite his authoritarian leadership style, the team is very fond of him. None of them grumble. Everyone jokingly calls him "dad", and the team itself - a family. They have many traditions. Since they live in different cities, and some in different countries, they get together just before the game. On this Saturday, they first go to a restaurant and then to a movie. Moreover, they like to watch films stupider, it is easier to relieve tension before the game.

Big loss

In 2013, his mother died of cancer, it was a heavy shock for Andrey, because they were very close. He spent the last few months of her life next to her, took her to Israel for treatment, rented an apartment for her on the seashore, and when he was on the set, he called twice a day.

More about personal

Fans are interested in Andrei Kozlov himself ("What? Where? When?"), The player's wife, children. He rarely speaks about his personal life on the set of a television program or in an interview. Andrey Kozlov is married. His wife's name is Anna. Have no children.

Participant's name: Andrey A. Kozlov

Age (birthday): 25.12.1960

City: Lugansk

Education: Donetsk University, Faculty of Chemistry

Family: married

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With this article read:

The official birthplace of Andrey Kozlov is the Ukrainian city of Lugansk, but it should be noted that he was born in rather unusual conditions - on board an aircraft flying from capitalist Germany to the socialist Soviet Union.

The parents of the future television star were not easy people for that time. Dad is a colonel, and mom is a top-level trade worker.

Their upbringing, of course, had an impact, but the greatest effect on the boy was made by his grandmother Maria Nikitichna, who was a People's Artist of Ukraine and a famous theater actress. Grandmother often took an active precocious grandson to her performances, showed him theatrical rehearsals and life behind the scenes.

Thanks to this experience, the young Andrey dreamed of performing and actively participated in competitions dedicated to amateur performances.

Parents did not know anything about their son's aspirations, and when, after graduating from school, he asked to “see Moscow,” they let him go without any problems.

In fact, Andrei went to the capital with one single goal - to enter the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute.

A lively and artistic boy from Ukraine managed to pass the entrance exams, but as soon as mom and dad found out about it, they demanded his return home in an ultimatum. The young man could not disobey.

In the same year, Andrey entered the Chemistry Department of Donetsk University, which he successfully graduated from. At the same time, the energy beat over the edge and Kozlov directs it to a part-time job.

At the time, he was a train conductor. Having received a diploma, the young man goes to Mariupol. Here he teaches at the Institute of Metallurgy and moonlights as a tutor.

It was at the time of his work as a university teacher that Andrey tried himself as an author of questions for “What? Where? When?".

Over time, he was noticed and in 1989, Kozlov first appears on television as a connoisseur.

Oddly enough, his career began with the captain's title, and only in this capacity did he always appear in an elite club.

The odious captain has such awards as:

  • Crystal Owl - three times;
  • The Diamond Owl;
  • The title of "Best Club Captain".

Among other things, it was Andrei Kozlov who became the successor of the incredibly talented Natalia Stetsenko as president of the International Association of Clubs “What? Where? When?". This event marked the fact that Andrei Kozlov became the manager of an elite club.

In many interviews, Kozlov notes - game "What? Where? When?" became an unconditional authority for him.

On its site, he is ready to hold even such significant dates as a birthday!

The only reason that led to the connoisseur's refusal to participate in the next game was a micro-stroke, which happened to Kozlov literally on the eve of the broadcast.

In parallel with his participation in the filming of the ChGK, this connoisseur managed to light up as a TV presenter. So in 1990 he became the face of the Brain-ring TV show, then the programs “Man in the Big City”, “Fulfillment of Desires, or How to Spend a Million”, “My House, My City, My Country”, “Cultural Revolution”, “ Life is beautiful ”,“ Songs of the XX century ”,“ Man in the Big City ”,“ We ​​and Science. Science and We ”and“ Program Guide ”.

It should be noted that Kozlov was happy to direct and produce these projects.

This successful man does not like to spread about his personal life., but fans know - he is married, his wife's name is Anna.

Potashev Maxim is one of the most famous players of “What? Where? When? ”Is also her master. Has been playing for over 16 years. Currently, he combines the game with work in the company of the manufacturer of a well-known antivirus for computers.

Childhood of Maxim Potashev

Potashev Maxim Oskarovich was born in Moscow on January 20, 1969. Father - Oskar Potashev was a candidate of technical sciences, as well as the head of the laboratory in Balabanov, wrote many scientific works.

From childhood, Maxim was fond of sports, in particular football, basketball and biathlon. In all sports, he was constantly rooting for CSKA. Also, from an early age, I regularly watched everyone's favorite TV show “What? Where? When?".

Maxim Potashev about success

In 1991 Potashev graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Management of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. During his studies, Maxim was already thinking that it would be interesting to take part in the famous intellectual game.

Career of Maxim Potashev and the beginning of the television games, “What? Where? When?"

After graduating from the university, Maxim Potashev was invited to teach at the same institution at the Department of Applied Economics. He worked there for many years.

After the career that he created at the university, in 1989 Maxim took part in the selection for the famous TV show “What? Where? When?". In 1990, not being satisfied with what has already been achieved, he took part in the game "Brain-ring", which is also somewhat similar to that game. It so happened that it was then that the game was first filmed for showing on television.

Thus, the period from 1989 to 1994 was the time when Maxim Potashev got involved in the world of intellectual television games. In 1994, the famous polymath also entered the elite players' club in What? Where? When?". After that, no games were missed. It was a huge success, because in those days, out of thousands of players around the world, only a few got on the TV screens.

Later, Maxim Potashev got a job as head of the analytical center of the well-known company "Kaspersky Lab" for the release of anti-viruses for computer software.

Potashev also worked in several consulting and marketing agencies in high positions.

Hobbies of Maxim Potashev

Since childhood, Maxim Potashev was fond of watching sports games, including basketball, football and biathlon. Then he began to root for his favorite teams. After starting an independent and adult life, I tried to bet on sports games. Many admired the famous player's versatile talents, and even took advice on sports analysis. Maxim himself claims that he hardly makes bets, but he loves to win.

Everyone knows that Maxim Potashev is also fond of intellectual games, and this is not only the game “What? Where? When?". For example, several years ago he won the Moscow tournament in the game "Svoya Igra". This game is watched and loved all over the world. As a true professional of intellectual shows, Maxim did not miss the opportunity to play. However, he later admitted that this game was not at all his type. He believes that the tournament was won by accident.

Maxim Potashev is an extremely versatile person. He has his own opinion on any event or expression. For example, when asked about the usefulness of television games, the player also answered in a rather peculiar way. He believes that TV games do not benefit TV viewers. They are useful only when a person, or especially a child, plays it himself. Thousands of gambling clubs are useful in all cities of the country. Thousands of children have already grown up on intellectual games, and this did not harm them in any way.

Personal life of Maxim Potashev

Maxim Potashev is a very calm and intelligent person. In life, he makes any decisions, having thought everything over well. However, this does not prevent him from being successful in a game where decisions must be made quickly and correctly. Maxim Potashev believes that intellectual games help him a lot in life, when he needs to make a quick and only correct decision.

Potashev also has his own opinion about the Internet. Most recently, Maxim used the Internet only as an assistant in his own business. However, now I found it very entertaining for myself to just surf the Internet resources and absorb information, communicate with new people and just have fun. He is glad that thanks to this he can freely communicate with friends who live abroad.

Presentation of the title of master to Maxim Potashev, 12/30/2000

Being a gambler does not mean being a gambler. The well-known Russian player of intellectual games is firmly convinced of this.

Maxim Potashev wants to be cool. He believes that only with sound thinking, cold-bloodedly and without panic, you can safely get out of a situation of any complexity. The same principle is used in the game. However, he wants to appear sociable and relaxed on the screen. This gives him confidence.

The intellectual is fond of reading. Loves poetry, including such great poets as Pushkin, Blok, Pasternak or Voloshin. He also likes to read prose. Lately he has been fond of fantasy books.

Potashev considers laziness to be the main disadvantage. But he is actively fighting her.

Always strive to solve any problems without quarrels and conflicts. Very peaceful.

Potashev never complained about the crowds of fans in Moscow. This is because in a big city people do not look around and do not notice the player of a famous intellectual show. He often feels guilty about never answering fan emails. Maxim considers it ugly and unethical.

In others, he values ​​decency, intelligence and kindness most of all. These are the main qualities that must be present in a person. To a loved one, Maxim can forgive absolutely everything. He believes that living this way is much easier.

Family of Maxim Potashev

Maxim Potashev is married with a second marriage. From his first marriage with Elena Alexandrova, he had twins Roman and Andrei. He played in the same team “What? Where? When?" together with his wife in 2010-2013, however, he was expelled from the team after he left his wife and went to another woman, who in 2014 gave birth to Potasheva's daughter Anna.

Maxim Potashev now

At the moment, Potashev leads a very versatile and active life. He successfully combines work with the game. Maxim achieved such success in the intellectual show “What? Where? When? ”That in 2012 he was invited to come up with questions for experts himself.

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- Andrey, is it not a shame that viewers perceive you differently than you really are?

What difference does it make to me how strangers evaluate me. Now, if a loved one thinks that I am suddenly bad, then yes. It is worth considering.

- Once you were noticed at the "Mariupol Beauty" competition and invited to the "Brain-ring".

It was 1988 - 1989. By that time I had already played "What? Where? When?"

And work in the TV company "Game" (known for the programs "What? Where? When?", "Brain Ring", "Love at First Sight", "Program Guide", "Toys") the first congress of the International Association of Clubs (IAC) "What? Where? When?" in Mariupol, where I lived.

- Why exactly in Mariupol?

To prepare for such a grandiose event, it is very important to have a person who knows the city and lives in it.

- But besides you, there are many good experts from other cities. Were you some close to Voroshilov?

Best of the day

A year before that, an advertisement appeared on television, my new, let's not say talents, abilities appeared. As a manager. I started offering ads on "What? Where? When?" from the Mariupol enterprises. And, obviously, this interested Vladimir Yakovlevich. But in general, everything is a combination of accidents, rather than some patterns. Well, how ?! A guy from Mariupol accidentally writes a letter: "I want to become a member of the club" What? Where? When? ". After a year and a half, the answer comes to him:" Come to the qualifying round. "

- So long?

Yes, in a year and a half. Now, when I see the amount of daily mail, I understand that it is quite the opposite. By and large, I am generally surprised that they paid attention to my letter. Here's your first coincidence.

- There must have been something like that in the letter?

Nothing special. Passport-sized photograph and page of text. I did not try to bribe the TV group with something, to draw something about myself. It was just luck. Then I was lucky that I passed all three qualifying rounds. In the end, a whole chain of coincidences and coincidences led me to the IAC "What? Where? When?" Again, a small creative competition was held, and I won it.

- Did you also get to the "Mariupol Beauty" by chance?

After graduating from Donetsk University in 1982, I worked as a teacher at the Mariupol Metallurgical Institute, was the deputy secretary of the Komsomol for educational work. Such a leader in life. And at some point the idea was born - to hold a beauty contest. One of the first in the Union.

- In the wake of the emerging Moscow competitions?

On the wave of the desire to make money.

- And it worked?

Relatively, of course. In fact, I've always made good money. He was a very popular, fashionable tutor in the city. In chemistry. When your girls and boys completely enter the most prestigious medical universities in the country and a queue forms for you, then, naturally, you start raising prices.

- What was the "dachshund"?

Twenty rubles an hour. For one three-hour lesson with a group of three people, I received 180 rubles - with my official salary of 105 rubles. There were peak months when I was making up to ten thousand. By that time, everything was already pretty tired. Actually, I later left the institute and accepted Voroshilov's offer to move to Moscow for one simple reason - it became boring. There was a period - it's just a disgrace! - I came to students for laboratory work, opened newspapers and ... read.

- What did you do with such fabulous sums?

I began to seriously help my mother. Having received an apartment as a young specialist, he renovated and furnished it. Traveled around the country. Took to rest at my expense friends and female friends.

- They say money spoils a person.

Thank God, I didn't have that kind of money that could ruin. Nevertheless, one story took place. During my student years, I worked as a conductor for Yasinovataya-Moscow passenger cars. It was possible to bring two or three hundred rubles from the flight. Summer, "hares", everything is jam-packed. (I'm afraid in this interview I will look like a person talking only about money. In fact, this is not at all true! ..) So, I always went out at the junction and bought whites. For myself and the guys. Naturally, I never took money from anyone. Well, what did they cost there -18 kopecks. And suddenly at some point I caught myself thinking that I felt sorry for ... "Well, these are my two rubles! And there will be everything." Then I just bought twice as much - "stepped on" myself. And it immediately became easy.

- An illustrative case.

Yes, I remember it for the rest of my life. It's funny, of course - to measure everything with whites, but since then I realized: you need to constantly control yourself. Greed is a very terrible vice! ..

- You can say that it is not wealth that corrupts - poverty corrupts?

I think both are corrupting. Fortunately, I have never lived in poverty. Dad is a military man, finished serving with the rank of colonel, earned well, mom worked in trade. Although it happened - the last ten kopecks remained in my pocket. And I thought: buy a pie with peas now or wait until the evening, when you will want to eat even more? ..

- And who played a decisive role in your upbringing?

Probably my grandmother, Maria Nikitichna, People's Artist of Ukraine. Two years ago she died ... Parents traveled a lot around the country and often - on vacation or just - I was sent to her in Lugansk. Family history tells me that at the age of four I first went on stage. He played with his grandmother at the local drama theater. But I remember more - I was already six years old - how I took part in festive collective concerts, in the summer we went to collective farms. I read poetry. It was not that our Soviet Robertino Loretti, like Seryozha Paramonov, was in popularity, but nevertheless he always made an impression on the public.

- What poems? Adults or children?

To a greater extent, of course, children. "Soldier of Peace", then about how the Americans dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Further - amateur performance at school, amateur theater. When I became a student - student evenings, skits.

- Why didn't you enter the theater then?

Entered. On the acting in "Pike".

- Did you do it right away?

Yes. This is from the opera that so far everything in my life has taken shape. Passed the exams, already passed the points, called, joyful, home. I thought that I went to Moscow just to unwind on the eve of entering the university. It was then that they showed character, contacted relatives in Moscow. Tomorrow at eight in the morning there was a knock on the door, I opened it - Aunt Katya was standing. "Hello." - "Hello". And off we go. I was forced to write a letter of expulsion, and I was escorted to Vnukovo and sent to Donetsk.

- And you just gave up?

And what did I need - to arrange a strike? Boy, sixteen years old. Of course, I tried to persuade. But they also tried to persuade me: "You will cripple your whole life." And I am very grateful to them. Nothing good would come of my idea. Well, how many people have graduated from Shchukinskoye, Schepkinskoye, GITIS over the years? And where are they?

- Now there is no desire to enter? To the directing department, for example, as Voroshilov did in his time?

- And hanging notes on the refrigerator is also a habit from your distant past?

First there were the signs that appeared during the Brain Ring broadcast. "Don't shout!", "Smile, you bastard!" The tablets were written at my request, so as not to get carried away. This is the control that I gave into the hands of Natasha Stetsenko, the general producer of our television company, and Igor Kondratyuk. Now somehow "ethereal" plates have replaced my refrigerator. Two weeks before the start of filming, he begins to dazzle with instructions: “Don't teach them (the players) to live,” “Don't be afraid of them!”, “Don't say the word“ great. ”The latter is also crossed out. It is too often used on television. "Don't say the word" like ".

- Another of your "Program Guide" - what does it mean to you?

In fact, a lot. It would seem such a trinket in the morning. But, in my opinion, this is a much larger event than the "Brain Ring". On the "Program of transmissions" we observe living, real people, placed in extreme conditions.

- You look at your heroes, and it seems that you have all natural-born artists.

O! Imagine, a man was walking down the street, suddenly raised his hand, said something and appeared on the stage. For the first time in my life, maybe the last. This is where the interest in human observation begins. And what does television do? It is watching. I even say to connoisseurs: "There is nothing more interesting than watching a man from the street when he reads the program guide. So much is happening on his face - you can't tear yourself away! Sometimes I may not watch" your discussion minute "because of a bad discussion, but I've never been bored here yet. "

- One gets the impression that everything in your life is safe and wonderful. But for some reason, notes of sadness are felt in the voice. Are you a lucky person?

Very happy (laughed) and extremely lucky. At least until today. Another conversation, that in the current life glows with happiness, probably only a cretin. And the very ability to "glow", sadly, goes away with age. You more understand that not everything is so cloudless and simple. I became very sad after the death of my grandmother. I began to lose loved ones ... And fatigue accumulated. But even somehow more laziness, not fatigue.

- Too lazy to enjoy life?

Laziness in general. I don’t want to work, I don’t want to do something. Leave for a year or three and do nothing. No, this is not a blues, but normal human laziness. Although it is possible: if we were to talk to you in a week or two, I would speak completely differently.

Source of information: magazine "Litsa", October 1999.

my opinion
Marina 22.04.2007 02:50:27

Hello! I simply want to express my deep sympathy and respect to you. I love watching you while playing - you are so alive and real !!! Your intellect and temperament delight me! You are very interesting to me as a person, and therefore I am interested (with your permission):
1 What books and films turned your soul upside down?
2 How would you characterize the concept of "love"?
3 What makes you angry about people?
4 What do you dislike about yourself? What would you like to get rid of and what to add?
Thank you. Sorry for the immodestness of the questions.