Riddles for very smart. The most difficult mystery in the world

Riddles for very smart. The most difficult mystery in the world
Riddles for very smart. The most difficult mystery in the world

Mystery 1.
You are a pilot flying from London to Berlin with two transplants in Paris. Question: What is the name of the pilot?

Your last name (at the beginning of the riddle "You are flying ...")

Mystery 2.
You enter the dark room. The room has a gas stove, kerosene lamp and a candle. You have in your pocket boxes with 1 match. Question: What will you walgorize first?

Riddle 3.
Businessman bought a horse for $ 10, sold it for $ 20, then he bought the same horse for $ 30, and sold for $ 40. Question: What is the total profit of a businessman from these two transactions?

Mystery 4.
In the forest hare. Rain is coming. Question: By what tree the hare hits?

Under wet

Riddle 5.
Who goes to 4 legs in the morning, during the 2nd, and in the evening on the 3rd?

Human. In infancy on all fours, then two, then with a wand

Riddle 6.
She walked heavy rain. A bus was driving on the way. All people on the bus slept only the driver did not sleep. Question: What was the name of the driver and what license plate of the bus?

Because of the shower, the bus number is not to go away, and the driver of the roof (only (a) is only)

Riddle 7.
Two people go to meet each other. Both are completely the same. Question: Which of them are the first to say hello?

More polite

Riddle 8.
Dwarf lives on the 38 floor. Every morning he sits in the elevator, it will reach the 1st floor and go to work.
In the evening he comes into the entrance, sits down in the elevator, it takes up to 24 floors, and on his apartment goes on foot.
Question: Why does he do that?

Can not get to the desired elevator button because it is dwarf

Riddle 9.
Dog-3, Cat-3, Oslik-2, Fish-0. What is the cockerel? And why?

Petushok-8 (Cook-re-ku!), Dog-3 (GAV), Cat-3 (meow), OSLIK-2 (IA), Fish-0 (does not make sounds)

Riddle 10.
The 12-storey building has an elevator. On the first floor there are only 2 people, from the floor to the flood the number of inhabitants is doubled. On what floor in this house is most often pressed the elevator call button?

On the first floor, regardless of the distribution of residents on floors.

Riddle 11.
The peasant must be translated across the wolf river, goat and cabbage. The boat is so small that only one (passenger) can fit in addition to the peasant. But if you leave a wolf with a goat, then the wolf will eat it, if you leave the goat with cabbage, then the cabbage will be eaten. How to be a peasant?

The crossing must be started from the carriage of the goat. Then the peasant returns and takes the wolf, whom he transports to the other bank and leaves him there, but takes back to the first bank of the goat. Here he leaves him and transports to the wolf cabbage. And then, returning, transporting the goat.

Riddle 12.
Exam in a military school. The student takes the ticket, goes to prepare. The teacher smoked a cigarette and pounded the occasionally a pencil on the table. A minute later comes to the teacher. He not asking anything 5. Happy student leaves. Clear the situation.

The teacher in the Language of ABC Morse stuffed a pencil on the table: "Who needs a five approach, put it." Only one student was in military vitality and drew attention to the cipher of the teacher. For this he got 5.

Riddle 13.
What raises you up and lowers down, while constantly being in the same place?


Mystery 14.
Barrel with water weighs 50 kilograms, what do you need to add so that it becomes weighing 15 kilograms?

Riddle 15.
What do you think which stones do not happen in the river?

Riddle 16.
What do you think it is best to stir coffee with cream and sugar?

That hand in which a spoon.

Riddle 17.
Tell me, what can be held, not touching his hands?

His breath

Riddle 18.
The man fell under the rain, and he was anywhere else to hide. He came home all the wet, but not one hair on his head is not wet. Why?

He was Lysim

Riddle 19.
What word always sounds wrong?

The word "incorrectly"

Riddle 20
Two horns are not a bull, six legs without hooves, when flies - howls, sit down - the earth Root.

Riddle 21
On the edge of the table was put a metal jar, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 banks whistled from the table. After some time, the bank fell. What was in the bank?

Slice of ice

Riddle 22.
Imagine that you are a pilot. Your plane flies from London to New York seven hours. Airplane speed 800km / hour. How old is the pilot?

As much as you and you, because you are a pilot

Mystery 23.
The electric train goes in the wind. Where is the smoke?

Electric staff has no smoke

Riddle 24.
Why white bears do not eat penguins?

Bears live in the North Pole, and penguins on the southern pole.

Riddle 25.
When the chicken is on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will it weigh if he gets into two legs?

Riddle 26.
One egg is boiled 3 minutes. How many 2 eggs will be brewed?

Riddle 27.
When the sky is lower from the ground?

When you look into the water

Riddle 28.
What can not enter even the biggest pan?

Her cover

Riddle 29.
What teeth do people appear last?


Riddle 30.
Why does the cuckoo do not live nests?

Because he lives in hours

Riddle 31. Series of 4 mysteries
How to shove the giraffe in the refrigerator for 3 actions? The size of the refrigerator is huge

Open the door, shove the giraffe, close the door.

How to put an elephant in the refrigerator for 4 actions?

Open the door, pull the giraffe, shove the elephant, close the door.

The lion convened all animals to the meeting. There were all but one. What is this beast?

Elephant, because it is in the refrigerator.

You need to twist a wide river that is sisite crocodiles. How can I do that?

What is in Russia in the first place, and in France on the second?

(Letter "R")

To the edge of the table was put a tin can, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 banks whistled from the table. After some time, the bank fell. What was in the bank?

(Piece of ice)

90 apples grew on birch. Towing a strong wind, and 10 apples fell. How much is left?

(On birch apples do not grow)

You participate in competitions and overtook the runner, which occupies a second position. What position do you now occupy?

(If you answered that you are now the first - you are absolutely wrong. You overtook the second runner and took its place, so you are now in the second position)

Did you overtake the last runner, at what position you are now?

(If you answered the penultimate - you again are absolutely wrong. Think. How can you overtake the runner going last? If you run for it, it means it is not the last. The answer is impossible. It turns out that the use of the brain is not the strongest side)

Do not write anything and do not use the calculator, and remember - you must answer quickly. Take 1000. Add 40. Add a thousand more. Add 30. more than 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?

(Response 5000? Again incorrect. The correct answer is 4100. Try to recalculate on the calculator)

Father Mary has five daughters: 1. Chacha 2. Chechia 3. Chichi 4. Checho.
Question: What is the name of the fifth daughter? Think quickly. The answer is just below.

(Chound? Not! Of course, her name is Mary. Read once again the question)

When a woman's leg raises what you see? Five letters, on P begins, on but ends.

What is lengthened when it takes him in hand, skip between breasts and put in a hole?

(Safety belt)

What is a woman on the body, in a Jew on his mind, is used in hockey and on a chessboard?


What has the head, but does not have brains?

(Cheese, onions, garlic)

Run, run - not to reach
Fly, fly - do not fly.


Shiny Herb
The whole world covered.

Blue field
Silver sweated.

(Stars on the sky)

Blue handkerchief
Red Kolobok.
On the scarf rides,
People smiles.

(Sky and Sun)

White cat
Climbs into the window.

(The lights of a sun)

Scenariil boars all the field facilitated.

Without hands, without legs,
And the gate is answered.

Orlitz flies on blue sky:
Wings molten
Sun found.

I'll see the window:
There is a long Antoshka.

Red rocker
Through the river hung.

Without hands, without legs,
And it knows how to draw.

Tablecloth Belarus
All light dressed.

Flows, flows - not follow,
Runs, runs - does not run out.

The fire does not burn
In water is not sinking.

Not the sea, not the earth,
Ships do not swim,
And you can not walk.

What does Half Orange look like?

(On the other half)

When is the black cat best get into the house?

(When the door is open)

Two nails fell into the water. How is Georgian surname?


On the table there are two coins, in sum they give 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What are these coins?

(2 rubles and 1 ruble. One thing is not 1 ruble, but the other is 1 ruble)

There was white yes gray
Green came, young.

(Winter and Spring)

Two people are suitable for the river. The shore has a boat that can withstand only one. Both people crossed the opposite shore. AS?

(They were on different shores)

What is thrown when needing it, and raise when there is no need for this?

(Sea Anchor)

Two fathers went and two sons, they found three oranges. Began to share - everyone went to everyone. How could it be?

(These were grandfather, father and son)

Without work, hangs, when working it costs, after work - wet.

What's easily with raising land, but hard to throw far?

What stones in the sea are not?

What end day and night?

(Soft sign)

Who speaks in all languages?

Four birch grew,
On each birch of four large branches,
On each big branch of four little branches,
On each little branch of four apples.
How many apples?

(None. On Birch, apples do not grow!)

What is it: blue, big, with a mustache and completely naked with hares?


What hand is better to stir tea?

(In which a spoon, and if there is a spoon in both, then which is more convenient)

The room had 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 chicken. The owner came here with a dog. How many legs in the room?

(Two. In animals Paws)

How much do you need to make actions to plant hippo in the refrigerator?

(Three. Open refrigerator, plant hippo and close the refrigerator)

And how much do you need to make actions to plant a giraffe in the refrigerator?

(Four: open a refrigerator, get hippopotamus, plant a giraffe, close the refrigerator)

And now imagine: they arranged the race around the Kremlin, hippopotamus, giraffe and turtle participate. Who comes running to the finish line first?

(Hippopotamus, because the giraffe in the refrigerator sits ...)

Can an ostrich call himself a bird?

(No, he does not know how to talk.)

How many peas can enter one glass?

(None, because pea do not go)

Small, sulfur, on an elephant look like. Who!

(Baby elephant)

What makes the day and night?

(Soft sign)

As you know, all the original Russian women's names erected either on "a" or on "I": Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is a single female name that does not end on "a" or "I". Name it.

It is a woman on the floor, the opening of his hole.

What is: solid in soft inserted, and balls are dangling next?

What kind of woman first rub near you, and then requires money?

(Conductor in the tram)

The riddles are expressions in which one object is depicted through the other. To understand what this object is, a person should show not only the mind, but also the smelting. Some riddles are considered simple, they are aimed at the development of the intelligence of children of preschool and school age. Others are not even an adult person. About the most difficult riddles in the world and will be discussed below.

Top 10 of the most difficult riddles on logic and with trim for adults (with answers)

10. Pasha shoved a coin into a bottle and plugged the bottle of cork. Then he took out the coin, without removing the plugs and without breaking the bottles. Guess how he did it.

Answer: He pushed the plug inside the bottle.

9. Vite and seinery bought a box of candies. Each box lies 12 candies. Vitya from his box ate a few pieces, and Seryozha from his eaten ate as much as it remains in the box at Viti. Guess how much sweets are left for Two in Viti and Serezhe.

8. A person in life receives it three times: two times absolutely free, for the third time he has to pay for it. Guess what matters about.

7. Dima and Lesha played at home on a dirty attic without light. Then they descended into the room. In Dima, the whole face was evaporated with mud, and Leshi's face with some miracle remained clean. True, only Lesha went to the bathroom to wash the bathroom. Guess why he did it.

Answer: Lesha looked at Dima's dirty face and decided that he was so dirty, so I went washed. And Dima did not suspect anything, because I saw a clean face of Lesha in front of him.

6. In which case, looking at the figure 2, the person says "ten"?

Answer: When on e-hours 22:00.

5. Man drove on his truck. The headlights were not included. The moon did not shine. In front of a truck, a woman in black clothes crossed the road. Guess how a man saw her.

Answer: a woman was clearly visible, because it was a day, not at night.

4. The man hung his hat and, counting 100 meters, departed to this distance with his eyes closed. Then he turned around and made one shot into his hat from the gun, still not opening his eyes. And got. Guess how it succeeded.

Answer: He hung his hat on a pistol trunk.

3. One boy loved to boast that he delays her breath under water for 3 minutes. His friend said that he can spend under water and 10 minutes without special devices. The first boy did not believe and offered him a bet. The second boy agreed and won the dispute. Explain how he won.

Answer: The boy filled the glass with water, put it on his head and kept for 10 minutes.

2. The day before yesterday Ilya was 17 years old. Next year he will be 20 years old. Guess how this is possible.

Answer: If today is January 1, and Ilya's birthday is December 31. In this case, the day before yesterday (i.e., it was another 17 years old, yesterday (that is, on December 31), it turned 18 years old, this year will be 19 years old, and next year 20 years.

1. The man find the dead in his office. The body of the deceased is tilted above the desktop, a gun will be clamped in the hand, a voice recorder is lying on the table. The police include this recorder and immediately hear the message recorded on the film: "I don't want to continue to live. This is no longer sense ..." After that, a stunning shot is heard. How instantly guessed the murder, and not suicide?

Answer: The deceased himself could not rewind the dictaphon film.

If these riddles did not seem too complicated, try to find a solution for the most difficult riddle unanswered.

Once the sages asked the question:

"One dog was given a clear team to vive the tail only if she sees another dog that does not see the tail; and vice versa, do not watch the tail, if she sees a dog that wizes the tail."

The question is as follows: what will she do to not break the team if the mirror put in front of it?

Pretty children and preschool and school age in riddles is extremely important and useful. Gaggage puzzles they are perceived as a game, and at the same time they develop non-standard thinking, the horizons and perception of the world are expanding.

Today you know a huge number of riddles for children. They are divided into categories: joke riddles with multi-valued words, joke riddles with numbers, riddles, deckures, yes-no-ki, riddles on the smelling for the most intelligent and others.

We give examples:

1. Guess how best to stir tea: left or right hand?

Answer: It is better to stir with a spoon.

2. Guess what dodder sails from?

Answer: From the shore.

3. Milena loves animals. She has 5 cats, 6 dogs, 3 rabbits and 2 hamsters. Guess how many legs in the room when Milena and her pets gather together.

Answer: There are only 2 legs, because animals have paws, not legs.

4. Russia has this in the first place, but in Germany - on the third.

Answer: Letter "P".

But the riddles belong to the most difficult for children:

1. How does a man do not sleep for 8 days?

Answer: Sleep at night.

2. You are sitting on the plane, see a horse ahead, and the back is a car. Where are you?

Answer: on the carousel.

3. What sign should be put between 6 and 7 so that the result is less than 7 and more than 6?

Do not forget that the child should want to guess more complex riddles. This should not be a heavy mandatory test for him. Motivate the child, praise it, and in this case he will gladly try to solve all the tasks on their own.

It is known that when taking a child in grade 1, psychologists also conduct tests using riddles and puzzles. Therefore, train the memory, mind and the intelligence of the child, directing it in search of the right answer so that in the future it is not a serious problem for him.

Moreover, the majority of large companies are arranged tests for appeales for realization when admission to work. A part of the test is a logical riddles similar to those listed above. Therefore, to understand the principle and learn them to guess useful at any age.

- This is a way to show your smelter, develop logical thinking and how to have fun. With us you can find riddles with trick, but with the data on them answers. There are, very difficult riddles come across over which it will be necessary to think a little.

Riddles about school

Riddles for children 12-13 must be interesting, and funny, they must awaken fantasy, force the child to think and develop logic. So, directly the riddles themselves for schoolchildren are 12-13 years old.

  • At the dawn of his life goes on 4 legs, at noon his life rises to two legs, and three legs appear to the sunset of life.

It is about the life of a person, he crawls on all fours, adults confidently walks on his feet, and to old age takes a cane and goes with her.

  • If at midnight, the shower rushed at the window, then there is a chance that after 72 hours it will shine brightly.

It is not possible, since this time will again be night.

  • On the edge of the table lies a glass jar with hermetically screwed lid. With the edge hangs 2/3 banks. At first, the bank lay motionless, and then took and fell. What was the bank in the bank?

There was ice and he gradually melted.

  • Only 6 pears were crushed on the plum, but it turned out to be 8 on the cherry. How many pears were?

These trees are not intended for growing pears.

  • Little Dima lick together five pile of sand, then added there two more bugs and poured another big one. How much does he have a heap in the sandbox?

The boy poured one big sand bunch.

  • How many orange bones are placed in an empty tea cup?

Not at all, since the cup is empty.

  • How can I carry water in the sieve?

If it is freeze to freeze it into ice, you can quickly transfer with one place to another while the ice started to melt.

All listed charts with trigger are easily solved by children 12 years. They will help to distract boring studies, somewhat laughing and have fun, but at the same time the time spent on the guessing will be held with benefit.

Riddles for children 6-7 years. Learning to guess the riddles

Show Moekalku

Inserting a child to think and relate all the factors that are described in the task with reality and quickly find an answer. This is usually very cool tasks from which children never refuse. By the way, such funny exercises with a trim can be made to the scenario of the children's holiday, for example, for a birthday.

  • Not working - hanging, but it works - it is necessary, and after work is completely wet and dried.
  • Two barrel, four ears, it's soft ...
  • In the afternoon, they always have legs, but at night the legs disappear somewhere.
  • The owner lit five candles on the table, but unexpectedly blew a draft and hung one. How many candles will remain in the end?

There will be only one candle, as the four others will store.

  • Is it possible to be silent and talk at the same time?

You can, if you speak in gestures.

  • It goes through the forests and in the mountains, runs to the horizon, but as you do not look - always in place.
  • What tool for repair is solid or liquid?

Nails are liquid and metric.

  • There is a traffic jam, but it is impossible to plug the bottle?

Tube is the road.

  • How many years in one year?

One summer.

Merry riddles

Funny riddles can be made of birthday, in the breaks between the lessons and simply when children are 12 years old just have nothing to take. Such riddles with trick will help to support a good mood and rally kids if the company has not yet permanently.

Riddles about school

  • How many seeds can enter one empty glass?

Not at all will enter, as the seeds have no legs, and they do not go.

  • There is a man under a torrential rain, having no umbrella, no rainfacket, you are wet through, but it's not wet's hair.

Just a man was lys.

  • Decoration on the ears, which usually get downtrend?
  • You have half an orange in your hands, tell me what she looks like?

On the second half of the orange.

  • At home, Sidi is a black cat, she is waiting for, when she can go to the house. When will this time come?

When she open the door.

  • You have a glass of cappuccino, you just need to stir sugar. What hand will you make it right or left?

It is better to interfere with sugar with a spoon.

  • There is a certain item, but when it is needed, it is thrown, and if he is absolutely not needed, he is raised.
  • Who travels around the world, while staying in place?

Man sitting on the internet.

  • On Earth, only 6 billion people, what do they do at the same time?

About animals

To a little diversify the tasks, you can make a puzzle about animals they are very funny, but at the same time with peculiar trick, so they will like the children for 12 years. If suddenly your child has about 13 years old there was a bad day, offer him a little to have fun and poured with him, makes these funny challenges.

about animals

  • I flew an elephant on him, and a hunter ran on the ground, hoping to shoot an elephant and get greater prey. Having aiming, the hunter took and shot, the elephant fell straight to the hunter and pressed it. Who stayed alive in this story?

Only rhinos remained alive, he flew out later than an elephant.

  • Horse and needle, what are their differences?

To sit on a horse, you must first jump, and sit down on the needle you first sit down, and then jump.

  • The dog runs with a tinned tin can, bad children mock the dog. What speed should the unfortunate dog run so as not to hear the rumble of banks?

The dog must stand still.

  • Due to the corner, one eye is seen and one horn, what is this beast?

This cow looks out of the corner.

  • The beast was sitting on the window in a small house. He has a mustache like cats, and the paws like a cat, and a tail like a cat and a cat's face. But he himself is not a cat. Who it?

Riddles for children from grandmother Shosho

The most difficult riddles

There are also very difficult riddles with trick, they are designed for children about 12. Of course, our puzzles are accompanied by answers, but if you think a little, you can solve everything without them.

  • Two small coins were put on the table surface, their common sums are three dollars. But one of the coins is not 1 dollar. What coins lie on the table?

One coin is not 1 dollar, as it is two dollars. But just the second one - 1 dollar.

  • Driving car rides a man. He does not light the headlights on his car. But there is no moon in the sky. Little girl ran on the road behind the ball, and the driver took and stopped and ran in the girl. How could the car driver see the baby?

On the street was a day

  • We have two islands. And one is worth a man and in his hands two oranges. On the other island, the hospital with his sore daughter. Dad must bring both orange to the girl, but here is a task, between the islands there is a bridge, which will immediately roll apart as soon as a man passes. The bridge can withstand the weight of a man and only one orange. How daddow two oranges with her daughter?

Everything is simple, he juggled them, going on the bridge.

  • Olga really wants chocolate, but she lacks ten rubles to buy. She offered an earrings from the neighboring court to work out, but the children still did not have enough of one ruble chocolate. How much is a chocolate?

Oli had no money at all, and the chocolate costs 10 rubles. Sergey, respectively, was 9 rubles.

  • What increases in our life all the time, and never decreases?
  • Prison stands on the island on the river. Three prisoners are planning to escape, each separately and do not know anything about each other's plans. The first prisoner saw the lattice and jumped into the river, swam, but he ate him a big white shark. The second prisoner ran through the black move, jumped into the river, swam, but he noticed the guard and pulled out the hair from the river and arrested. Well, the third concluded escape was able, he escaped and disappeared. Attention, the question, where did I deceive you in my story? If you are going out, will you get a chocolate?

The river does not have white sharks. The prisoner can not be pulled out by the hair, they all shave their heads.

Chocolates do not see you.

  • Today is not Sunday, and tomorrow is not an environment. Yesterday was not Friday, and the day before yesterday was not Monday. Tomorrow is not Sunday, and yesterday was not Sunday. The day after tomorrow is not Saturday and not Sunday. Yesterday was not Monday, and not Wednesday. The day before yesterday was not an environment, and tomorrow is not Tuesday. Yes, and today is not an environment. What is the day today, if you consider that one statement is false?


These are interesting puzzles with answers that very much like children 12 years old. Handying the riddles every day, you can take a small brain workout and entertain the children of 13 years.

Riddles for children! check yourself

If you want to have fun with your friends, then pick up as entertainment riddles more complicated with answers. In order for them to guess your guests, you will have to break your head pretty. By and large, such riddles do not differ from ordinary mysteries. For their gaze you need just more time. At first glance, complex riddles may seem lungs, but it is worth considering them carefully, because in this lightness and lies. Having trained in the breakdown of complex puzzles, you will develop your thinking and creative imagination.

To guess sophisticated riddles also love children. For the smallest puzzles of the following type:

Without legs and without hands,
And the artist is still the same.

Answer: Frost.

Blue sky
Silver is falling asleep.

Answer: Starry Sky

Red bun
Blue handkerchief.
On the scarf rides,
People smiles.

Answer: Sun and Sky

Was gray and white
Came young, green

Answer: Spring and summer

Complex logical riddles with answers

It is easy to raise it, but it's hard to quit far.

Answer: Pooh.

What stones in the sea do not get?

Answer: Dry.

In France, this is in second place, and in Russia on the first. What is it?

Answer: Letter "P".

On the table stood a tin can with a lid. She was 2/3 hanging from the table. After some time, the bank fell. So that it was?

Answer: ice.

16 apples grew on the oak. Towing a strong wind and 10 apples fell. How many apples remained hanging on the tree?

Answer: Apples do not grow on ouba.

You are a competitor and overtaken the third runner. What account do you now run?

Answer: If you overtaken the third runner, then you have taken its position. Accordingly, you run the third.

You are a competitor and overtook the last runner. What position do you now occupy?

Answer: It is impossible to overtake the last runner, because it's the last one. The task condition is initially delivered incorrectly.

Decide this example, without using the calculator. To 1000, add 40, then - another 1000, then another 1000 another 30. I will add 20, 1000 and 10. What number did you do?

Answer: You should get 4100. If you have the number 5000 - you considered incorrectly, check yourself on the calculator.

Father Christie has five daughters: Chero, Chichie, Chech, Chacha. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

Answer: Christie.

Riddles with answers complex adults

What can be seen from a woman if she lifts his leg? On "A" ends, on "P" begins?

Answer: Heel

The most inquisitive will like the most severe riddles for children.

What increases in size, if you take it in hand, skip between breasts and shove into the hole?

Answer: Safety Belt

The Jew on the mind, in women on the body, is applied on a chessboard and hockey?

Answer: Combination.

He has his head, but there is no brain?

Answer: Garlic, onions.

Fly - do not fly
Run - not to reach

Answer: horizon

Blue shub
The whole world covered

Answer: Sky

Climbs into the window White Cat

Answer: Rays of the Sun

Gray boars all the field facilitated

Answer: Fog

Without legs and without hands,
And the gate opens

Answer: Wind

Russian complex riddles with answers

Looks out in the window,
Long Antoshka goes there

Answer: Rain

Through the river hung
Scarlet rocker

Answer: Raduga

In the water will not drown
In fire will not burn

Answer: Ice.

Not earth, not the sea,
Ships do not swim here
And you can not walk

Answer: swamp

What is like half a pear?

Answer: On the second half of the pear

Complex funny riddles with answers

2 nails fell into the water. Like the surname of Georgian.

Answer: Rusted.

What ends the night and day?

Answer: Soft sign

Who knows how to speak in any language?

Answer: Echo

Say what it is: with a mustache, big, blue, lucky hares?

Serious, small, similar to an elephant.

Answer: Elephant

Standing grandmother on the floor, reunaway his hole

Answer: Pechka.

Solid itself, and in soft are inserted. Near only balls dangle ...

Answer: Earrings

This woman will at first swell about you, and then will also require money ...

Answer: Conductor

Very complex riddles with answers.

10 complex mysteries with answers.

1. One girl during breakfast dropped her bracelet into a cup with coffee. Why did he stay dry at the same time? Answer: There was no water in the cup, there was only soluble or ground coffee.
2. This is given to us three times: the first 2 times is free, but for the third you will have to pay. Answer: Teeth.
3. When we look at the figure 2, but we speak 10? Answer: When we look at the clock, and the arrow shows for 10 minutes of some hour.
4. Imagine that you are two doors. At one of them, "Happiness" is written, and on the other - "death". Both doors are protected by two identical guards. One of them constantly says the truth, and the second is constantly lying. Which of them who are not known to you. Guarders you can ask only one question. What should it be for the question so that you are not mistaken in the choice of door? Answer: "If I ask you to show me a door leading to happiness, what door will the second guard point to me?" After this question, choose the second door.
5. The man scared apples 5 rubles per piece, but sold them 3 rubles per piece. After some time, he became a millionaire. How did it happen? Answer: He was a billionaire.

6. You have a lot of water, as well as a three-liter and five-liter bank. In a five-liter jar, you need to score exactly 4 liters of water. How to do it? Answer: In the five-liter bank, type water, take water from it into a three-liter jar. From three-liter banks, pour water, recover 2 liters of water from five-liter cans. Type water into a five-liter jar, pour water from it into a three-liter jar of water, where it remains just the required amount of space.
7. Imagine that you are sitting in a boat floating through the pool. In the spoon itself, there is a cast-iron anchor, which is not tied to it. If you lose anchor into water, how will the water level in the pool change? Answer: The water level will decrease. As long as the anchor lies in the boat, the boat itself displaces the volume of water that corresponds to the volume of the anchor, as well as its weight. If anchor is thrown overboard, it will ous out the volume of water equal to its own volume.
8. Father and went on a campaign with his two sons. On his way, they will meet the river with a raft on the shore. The raft can withstand either two sons or one father. How can you smear on the second bank of the whole family? Answer: First of all, two sons are departed. Back to the father returns one son, swimming together with him on the second bank.
9. From the board of the steamer, the steel ladder was lowered. 4 The lower steps are shipped under the water. Each of the steps has a thickness of 5 centimeters. There is a distance between the two steps, and it is 30 centimeters. The bottom of the sub statement began to increase at a speed of 40 cm per hour, because the tide began. How much do you think the steps will remain under the water turn two hours? Answer: After 2 hours, there will also be 4 steps under water, since together with the rise of the water level, the steps will also rise.
10. For 3 days, 3 chicken carry 3 eggs. How many eggs will demolish twelve chicken for twelve days? Answer: One chicken can be demolished for 3 days 1 egg, therefore, in twelve days it will demolish 4 eggs. We multiply 4 at 12 (the number of chickens) - it will be 48 eggs.

The most difficult riddles with the answers

Masha and Vanya played on a dark and dirty attic. After the game, they went down down. The face of Masha was clean, and the face of Vanya is dirty. However, only Masha went washed. Why?

Answer: Masha looked at the dirty face of Vanya and thought that she was also blocked. And Vanya looked at the pure face of Masha and thought that he had a clean face.

The day before yesterday was 16 years old, next year he will be 19 years old. How is this possible?

Answer: Day Birth of Mitya December 31. Today is January 1. Another day before yesterday, the boy was 16 years old, after which he was 17 years old on December 31. This year he will be 18 years old, and in a year - 19 years old.

Men found killed in their own office. In his hand, he was covered with a gun on the table - a voice recorder, and the body is tilted above the table. The police included the recorder on which they heard the following words: "I want to leave this life, for me she stopped having any meaning." After that he was shot. The police immediately realized that the man did not die himself, and he was killed. How did they guess about it?

Answer: The dictaphone film was rewound at the beginning.

5 complex riddles with answers.

1. In order for people to get to the underground communications, hatches are used. As a rule, the lids of hatches have a round shape. Why? Answer: The round lid never fail, but square or rectangular covers may well fail.
2. Is it possible to boil the water in a paper cup on an open flame. Answer: Water boiling temperature is smaller than paper ignition temperature. Boiling water does not allow paper to warm up to such an extent so that it caught fire. Based on this, water in a paper glass can boil.
3. You are going to drink a cup of coffee with milk, however, you managed to pour into a glass only coffee. For a few minutes you are asked to remove literally for a few minutes. How best to do so that coffee is hot with your return: pour milk after arrival or before care? Answer: The cooling rate is proportional to the difference in ambient air temperature and heated body. Based on this, milk must be pouring to care so that its further cooling happened slower.

4. Kola and Misha bought on one box of candy. In each of them - 12 candies. Kohl ate several candies from his box, and Misha - ate the same amount of sweets, which remained in the box from Kolya. How many candy can be left and Misha left? Answer: 12 candies.
5. There is an opinion that the bird's egg is not like a stupid end. Why? Answer: Oval and spherical bodies ride in a straight line. If the body has one of the ends of stupid, it will roll in a circle. If the egg is located on the mountainside, then have such a form for it is a big advantage.

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