Radimov, Pavel Alexandrovich. Radimov Pavel Alexandrovich Raw Evening ∞

Radimov, Pavel Alexandrovich. Radimov Pavel Alexandrovich Raw Evening ∞

Which space! Rus Great Beauty!
You can not forget you, and there is no power to believe.
Above the head of light, high heaven,
And the heart of the road, native, beloved, cute ...

The feeling of the motherland exists for each of us. And the native nature is not only what he involuntarily sees and the eye admires. We come to her understanding when reading the works of Pushkin, Turgenev, Feta, Privina, Powesta, Yesenin and others.
Adopting the picturesque canvases of Levitan, Shishkin, Polenov, Plastov. Creativity P.A. We perceive the Radima: as a poet and painter.
Father Paul Alexandrovich, dreamed that the Son would go to his footsteps of the priest, but the young man took art.
From children's years, two equally strong attractions appeared in it: poetry and painting. And although they have passed through all his life, like two jets, it can still be said that Radimov was a poet in painting and painter in poetry.
Nevertheless, learn the Radimov became in the spiritual Zaraia school, and then in the Ryazan spiritual seminary. And there Pavel Radimov, among voluntary students, the artist Shumov is selflessly given to painting and drawing. It was the time of the initial formation of the talent of the future artist and the poet. In Ryazan Radimov made etudes from nature, studying the visual arts.
In 1905, without graduating from the seminar, P.Radimov went to Moscow with a solid intention to receive art education.
But the picturesque workshop where he did to learn, his salon, far from realism art. Radimov leaves Moscow and in 1906 comes to study at the Historical and Philology Faculty of Kazan University. There he studied painting and drawing at the artist Feishin, which I.E. Repin called one of the greatest Russian painters.
At this time, the worldview of Radimov is being formed, the skill, melodic, understandable to a simple person, as his paintings, is improved. His poetry teaches to understand the beauty of their relatives, Russian nature.
Armed with a brush and pen, the Radimov went in search of the beautiful, and the Earth revealed his inexhaustible paints to him. Adopting the beauty of the native nature, writes poetic lines:

Do not go to the life of your life,
And love and happily glowed
Because the side of the native
I call the warm word: mother.

Persistent work, a relentless desire to excellence brought their results: In 1908, the first paintings of P.A.radimov appeared at art exhibitions. Along with the successes in painting, it reaches a lot in poetry, becoming an artist-poet, the singer of Russian Nature. The first collection of his verses came out in 1912.
Geographically Pavel Radimov - Poet and painter of the Moscow region. On foot, it was all near Moscow fields and meadows, making your way to Radonezhsk, then in Zagaisk, then in Zvenigorod, then to Zagorsk.
Singer of nature, Radimov most stretched to the middle lane of Russia. Living in Abramtsevo, near Moscow, he did not break the relationship with Ryazan land: it was often visited by his native land and wrote more than thirty sketches, reflecting the nature of Ryazanchin near him since childhood.

Forty Pluglet Padls from grooves,
To the frost pulls, winds in silver.
The arrogant day of the desert from the snow,
Windmill wing does not wave on the mountain.

Zaine paws in the snow cover traces.
In the blue haze in the morning the village.
Under the magnificent fringe of the gardens.
With the head of the paddle in the field coached.

The rest of the silence and oak are
Century stands at the crossroads.
Which space! Where and throw a look -
Mushki, ice cream, snow shine.

He said that the largest and beneficial effect on him, Ryazan fields and meadows, Poetry of Sergey Yesenin and friendship with the artist, countryman Abram Efimovich Arkhipov were reserved.
The scenic canvases and especially poems testify about this connection with the native clock. The nature of the Ryazan Territory reflected in them, his people, the historical past: "Princess Eupprakssee", "omut on the windier", "Ryazan", "Motherland", "House Pirogov", "Pavlov", "on the Oka", "Yesenin" and Others.

* Princess Eupraxia *

In Zaraysk - city in the old year
Death took you on the cover of snow
Under the tower was buried then
With his spouse Fedor, with Ivan, son gentle.

In winter, the horde burst,
And the flaming village was swaying with a rebel post.
As a black blizzard, he grew up trouble,
And the ruined edge of the scorch became vast.

To lust and shame cruel Mongol
Then you did not give up, the faithful wife,
From the patterned staircase lasted dollars
And the memory of the centuries is now surrounded,
Three stone cross, I remember the grave,
And in my heart I wear your bitter image cute.

* Outdoor on now *

Remember yourself alarming
I remember Glebovo and the river I drive.
Before me, the meadow is clear and untouched,

Locker, the Osiennik is young,
Glebova breakdown and black outer,
What is there under the dark water?

And the thought runs questions in order to meet
There are a clear time page to me,
Here gave the Donskaya first Tatars sch
With a squad of Moskvites, and blood of aley wine

Stocked in the pool one. Traces I do not notice
Old battles. The edge blooms. Spring.
And Marlevo wave ranges distant
And the sky is high a mute silence.

Back in 1914, Pavel Aleksandrovich on the recommendation of the artists of Repin and Polyenov already at the time of the artists and Polyenov was adopted as a member of the partnership of mobile exhibitions. In 1922, being the last chairman of the partnership, Radimov organized the 47th exhibition in the light. He was assigned art workshop in the Kremlin. He wrote a number of portraits of statesmen, created a large number of etudes of the old, ancient and renewed Kremlin.
Who visited the exhibitions of P.A. Repin, that unwittingly had to attract bright, lyrical and sincere scenery of the Moscow region and monuments of Russian Starina - Kremlin, cathedrals, churches, towers. His paintings are particularly known, dedicated to the days of the year: "March", "Early Spring", "Late Autumn", "Winter Sunset", "Birch" and others.
By painting, Radimov continued to write poems. He was a member of the literary association "Kuznitsy". Since 1912, Radimov had friendly relations with the greatest poet of Russia Sergey Yesenin, at the same time he lived on one apartment.
This is how Pavel Aleksandrovich Radimov wrote about her friend Sergey Yesenin's countryman:
"For the first time I saw him on the same literary evening in Moscow. Chairman of the evening was Valery Bryusov. I read my poems" Cranes ".

* Cranes *

The days of separation came with cranes,
Stretch their shoals over the fields,
Hear in the sky and cry and crook.
On the steep slope turns the grass.
His haze came fogs,
Justice Oak dropped to the clearing.
And on the river on nettle deaf
Wind conversation leads with Russian.
Herons can be seen in the far swamp
Drops are reluard from the sky.

When he left the pop, behind the scenes to me, stretching his hands, congratulating successfully approached smiling, cheerful Yesenin. Yesenin's eyes glowed with a cheerful gloss, he was all in motion. As a poet, he knew me: after all, the village of Khodiainovo from Konstantinov in forty versts. Already then I was with Yesenin and Solotche, and at the Fish station ...
Once we met with him at the Mosset. Yesenin said: "Come to me tomorrow at five, I will read the new poem" Anna Snegina ". At the appointed hour, guests began to gather: Vsevolod Ivanov, Leonid Leonov, Cornelius Zelinsky and others ...
Yesenin read his poem amazingly. We listened to him as shocked: Penetrated lines about a new life in the village sounded. I seemed to me Yesenin in Pushkinsky by the folk poet. "
Radimov was conquered by the extraordinary poetic talent of his countryman and retained the most kind memories about him. In memory of this friendship of Radimov, the poem "Yesenin" was written, where he calls the poet Ruskudryavy Young Lellem.

Begins to unfold sheet,
Soon the brush of the cherry in the garden
By the village walks with the song Harmonist,
Like Yesenin in the undummetent year.

These songs he learned the Motherland
Not one, he kissed the crane
To push his girl could not
And the cherry, like a boiler bloomed.

Where are you, the genius is unlucky Sergey,
The song Rus now became famous for your
Into the fields you wander among the valleys,
Rusokude young Lel, peasant son.

Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov for many years was the chairman of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia. Participated in the creation of this organization and E.A. Katsman, Correspondent Member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. He talks like that of our countryman:
"The brightest memory connected with Radimov is a trip in 1926 to Repin, Finland.
Repin fell ill. His daughter sent a letter to the artist Brodsky, and he showed it to us with Radimov. And all we went to the way immediately, in order to at least to help Ilya Efimovich. Repin was glad to our appearance, and we tried not to fully tire his conversations. Somehow, when Repin rested, we went, with Pavel Alexandrovich for a walk. And I look: the radios stands and the stick on the sand writes long lines. I approached him, and he read:

"Old artist by the sea
sedina rooted.
Trees boil into the sea
waves, how time is running.
The elder thinks Duma
about life,
noisy like the sea.
The wind is art
filty glory sings! "

I told Radimov that it was wonderful, like Homer, and we went to Repin. Radimov read him these lines. Ilya Efimovich was touched: "It's alloy, and how beautiful!" "
Radimov dedicated Repinos his verse "Sea", and the portrait of the Repin, created by the Radimov stored in the State Tretyakov Gallery.
Friends Paul Alexandrovich were famous Kukryniks. One of them, Nikolai Alexandrovich Sokolov, with great love responded about his friend:
"Radimov loved Russian land and wrote his lyrical landscapes always with the mood. He did not wisely, did not inlets some philosophical attitude towards nature: that he saw that he felt, he passed on the canvas. Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov was a sincere and honest artist and retained His, Radimovsky, face in painting. And in poetry too. "
A modest, sensitive and demanding master, Radimov portrayed many paintings on the canvas, which were taken to the Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of Revolution, the Museum of the Lenin and Museum of other cities. His paintings spread at exhibitions in Italy, Germany, England, America.
The artist painted outstanding figures of the International Communist Movement - Clara Zetkin, Saint-Katama, George Dmitrov, Vasily Kalarova, Negritan writer Klorda Mikkeya. In his works, he sought to show a contemporary - the leader of the revolutionary masses.
Loyalty to its topic. Through his native heart Rus Radimov saw the beauty and warmth of their homeland. In verses, he expressed it like this:

Oh how many cute beauty
And charms extraordinary
In everything: in deep loose snow,
In the stamens of the ones and bushes,
In the racing outstands and courtyards,
In the ringing screeching, a crunch run,
In the fishing line is barely.

The theme of the peasant life, the historical past of the Russian people is the main content of the poems and paintings by Pavel Radimov. The historical past was reflected in a number of poetic poems: "House Pirogov", "Kulikovo Field" and others

* Kulikovo field *

I remember you since childhood, weakening - Peresvet,
Monks - Icons of the disadvantaged power.
Stood fog in the meadows, flew from heaven a dawn.

And the sun camp under the beam gild.
And on Earth there was a great fellow.
Donskoy Silent Stan, before him a thunderstorm-horde.

Here is a fat bogatyr from it rushing
And the evil Epanchah in the riser herbs shoulded.
He brought Polon to Russia, and death, and cry.
He fiercely horses with a belt braid.

But death will find a frantic executioner.
He squeezed Pottle Spear and shifted the eyebrows sharp.
Here it was stupid, dust boils, horseshoe sparks of the sword.
The warriors are dead, and the battle is the trumpet.

At one time, Creativity Paul Alexandrovich Radimova highly appreciated Maxim Gorky, distinguished by the nationality of his poems and paintings. Until the end of his days, Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov wrote the book of memoirs of the "in the morning of the painter", which tells about childhood and youth, as well as meetings with outstanding people.
Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov was a man, passionately in love with life. And on the slope of the years, he, strong and calm, hit everyone who got acquainted with him, with energy, cheerfulness, latitude of interests and hobbies.

Trees in More, and there is no snow at all.
Winter thought about the pole road.
Radimov Pavel I, artist and poet,
The Soviet citizen and the man is non-stirred.

In the Kolomna region, his sonnet wrote his
Stone near Oka, where the shores of the field,
Where it took the time of my guys years,
Where drove many times drunk on the road.

I remember I remember you walking meadows!
Here on the river steam, here are the catches, whom,
Here is a brickeleton Brochka and with arc dumplings.

Here are a slide on the tar and under the mountain ohut.
Below we are strict, and the greenery is not the edge,
Give us wide, breathe your face, native side!

Paul Alexandrovich was not February 12, 1967. On the eightieth year of life from us, a bright talent was left, which combined the rare giving the painter and the poet.
When you reveal the book of poems by Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov, supplemented with colorful illustrations from his paintings, a holistic impression of the amazing diversity and the beauty of his native nature and an unusually talented Russian people is a creator. And anyone who in recent years has met with a poet artist, conquered the hospitality of a gray-haired old man who all exactly glowing the joy of life and creativity. For half a century, the brush of the artist and the word of the poet of Radimov served people who appreciated and appreciate his beautiful creativity.

Honored Artist of Russia, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Department of the WTO "Union of Artists of Russia" (Mosch Russia), member of the WTO "Union of Artists of Russia" since 1998, a member of the All-Russian public organization of the historians of art and artistic critics AIS since 2011

Read more:

Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Department of the WTO "Union of Artists of Russia" (Mosch Russia)
Honored artist of Russia

Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts

Member of the WTO "Union of Artists of Russia" since 1998,

member of the all-Russian public organization of historians of art and art critics AIS since 2011


Diploma of the WTO "SHR" (2004, 2005), Medal "50 Years of Mosch Russia", 2009, Diploma TSKHR (2010), thanks to RAH, 2010, Gold Medal of SHR "SKR" (2011, 2013 .), Honorary diploma of the permanent representation of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) under the President of the Russian Federation, 2011, 2011, the medal of the decent, 2012, Golden Medal Rah, 2012, Scholarship of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, 2013, gratitude to the Deputy Minister of Education and Science For participation in the jury of the competition of children's and youth creativity, 2017

Creative activity:
As an artist engaged in decorative art and jewelry design, I am the author of a series of cabinets, decorative objects, interior decorations.
Participated in a number of major exhibitions, such as: All-Russian Exhibition "Russia X", Moscow, TsDH, 2004. All-Russian Exhibition of Decorative and Applied Arts, Moscow, Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts, 2005; All-Russian exhibition "Fatherland", Moscow, TsDH, 2008; Exhibition of artists in the Moscow region "50 years of Mosch Russia", Moscow, MGVZ "New Manezh", 2008-2009; All-Russian exhibition "Russia XI", Moscow, TSH, 2009; Exhibition of RAH, Mosch Russia, TSHR "Art today", Moscow, Begovova, 7, 2009, 2010, 2011; International Exhibition "Meeting of Friends", Harbin, PRC, 2012, All-Russian Exhibition "Russia XII", Moscow, Central Committee, 2013, All-Russian Exhibition of Jewelry Art "Retrofuturism", Moscow, 2015
From 1998 to the present, he is engaged in organizational and administrative work in the Moscow department of the WTO "Union of Artists of Russia" (Scientific Secretary, Organizecretary, Deputy Chairman)
From 2001 to the present, he is part of the expert artistic council of the Mosh Russia, I am engaged in expertise and evaluating works of sculpture and decorative and monumental art.
From 2000 to the present, I cooperate with the Monumental-Decorative Art Plant LLC as a compiler of the estimated contractual documentation, artist-performer, PTO chief, etc.
From 2000 to 2015 Collaborated with the Moscow Artist's newspaper as the answer Secretary, editor, author. The compiler of the illustrated reference book of the Moscow of Russia, 2003, the information reference book "Mosch Russia 50 years" (together with N.I. Richannaya), 2008, the compiler and editor of the collection of articles (together with N.I. Anikina) "Avant-garde discurses in the Soviet The official art of the 2nd half of the twentieth century, h. Report "Non-traditional materials and innovative technologies as an artistic technique in the author's jewelry art", RAH, 2013, article "Problems of destruction and damage to monuments of monumental art 1960 - 1980s", 2016, article "Soviet technical aesthetics 2- th half of the twentieth century ", 2017

Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov is an artist, a public figure, the life and creativity of which are associated with the formation of Soviet Fine art. He was one of the last representatives of the partnership of mobile art exhibitions and one of the founders and the first chairman of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (AHRR). Radimov entered the history of Soviet art primarily as a master landscape. Thin lyric paintings of Russian nature, as well as the types of old cities with monuments of Old Russian architecture - the main topic of his work.

The future artist was born in 1887 in the village of Khodiainov Ryazan province. His great-grandfather, grandfather and father were rural devils. Pavel Radimov also refer to the spiritual career. He was given first to the spiritual school in Zaraysk, and then to the Ryazan seminary. In the seminary of Radimov begins independent practicing drawing and painting. Already at this time, art becomes its main passion. Radimov throws the seminary and leaves for Moscow, dreaming to enroll in the Moscow School of Painting, Drainy and Architecture. However, he arrived in the capital with a delay - the entrance exams in the school were already over. But the visit to Moscow was not in vain. During the year of the Radimov, painting lessons in the private studio Bolshakova. However, in 1906, Radimov enters the Kazan University, at the Faculty of Historical and Philology, after the end of which teaches the history of art and literature in the Kazan Art School. All these years, he does not throw painting classes. The beneficial effect on his formation as a professional painter was acquainted with acquaintance and creative communication with the artist N. I. Fešin, a graduate of the Academy of Arts.

The early works of the Radimov - landscape and genre etudes of a small format ("Autumn Bazaar", 1911; "Kukushkino village under Kazan", 1912; "Bashkiria. Near Sterlitamak", 1913). Fragmentality, "Accident" composition, generalization in the image of figures, large strokes imposed on the canvas plane, like a mosaic, distinguish the works of the radism during this period. Already then the artist exposes his work at the exhibitions of the Mobile, and then becomes a member of the partnership of mobile art exhibitions.

In the first years after the October Revolution of Radimov, the cultural construction is actively included in cultural construction. In conjunction with comrades, he organizes free exhibitions of paintings, in 1919 it becomes the head of the arts department of the People's Commissariat of the Tatar Republic. In the 20s of Radimov, one of the initiators of the unification of the artists of the realistic camp, which was seen by the future of Soviet art in an inseparable connection with the life of the people.

In 1922, the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia was created, which included former mobile phone and young Soviet artists. Radimov was the first chairman of AHRR and a member of the Board until the end of the unification. The members of AHRR set themselves the task "documented the great moment of history in his revolutionary impulse." During this period, the artist creates a series of portraits of the heroes of the revolution - M. V. Frunze, S. M. Budenny, K. E. Voroshilova, A. V. Lunacharsky. The rigor, the limiting conciseness of the figurative interpretation and composition distinguish these portraits, which became peculiar etudes for a large web on the historical and revolutionary topic "Speech by V. I. Lenin at the IV Congress Comintern in 1922" (1927).

In the 20s of Radimov, in their painting appeals to the subject of national holidays, rites and customs ("dance", "Bride", "Herbanovna", all 1928). For these webs, the ethnographic accuracy of the playback of the details of life is characterized and at the same time the free scenic manner, a bright saturated flavor. They trace the proximity to the work of the painters of the older generation - F. Malyavina, A. Arkhipov.

Radimov traveled a lot. Back in the 1910s, he visited Tatar villages, in Bashkiria, lived among Mari and Chuvash. He wrote that "the artist travels is necessary - Zurcha sees his eye, clearer Mind, smarter than desire." In 1934, Radimov joined Turkmenistan. There, the painter creates portraits in which the psychological characteristics of the characters are combined with interest in the detailed transfer of the features of the national costume, jewelry ("Portrait of Yusupova", "Dervish in Khiva", both 1935), as well as landscapes, juicy color gamma of which is consonant with the southern paints themselves ("Khorezm. New Urgench", "Bazaar in Tamause", "Morning in Firyuz", all 1935). Ancient Central Asian architecture, majestic and monumental ("Mausoleum of Turab Hanoi", "Mosque in Anna,", both 1934, was captured in the Radimos canvases.

Ohn was an approach when creating paintings dedicated to the native Russian nature. So, in the landscape "River Troy" (1935) the artist seeks to pass the barely causing states of autumn nature, using thin combinations of silver-gray, pearl tones. The nature of Russia has never been for Radimov separated from its history. The theme of the glorious past domestic culture has acquired crucial importance in the artist's work during the Great Patriotic War. It develops by Radimov in the Starny Monuments series, in the scenery "Spring in Zagorsk" (1943), in many other canvases representing the architectural monuments of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, Zagorsk, Zvenigorod. Zagorsk and its surroundings inspired the artist to the last days of his life. Radima himself wrote: "From childhood, I have addiction to the monuments of domestic history, and the highest pleasure for me - to go to see a small town of Moscow or neighboring area ..."

The creativity of Radimov was inextricably linked with Russian realistic art, the loyalty to which he kept his whole long creative life.

O. Lyzyov

One hundred memorable dates. Art calendar for 1987. M.: Soviet artist, 1986.

The rivals of the marinist in the competition "Great names of Russia" were Empress Ekaterina Great, Admiral Pavel Nakhimov and Surgeon Valentin Waro-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luka)
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    Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov (September 11, 1887, Village Khodiaynovo, Zaraysh County, Ryazan province - February 12, 1967, Khotkovo, Moscow region) - Russian Soviet " peasant poet"And the artist, the last chairman of the Mobile Partnership and the first Chairman of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (AHRR) in 1922 and 1927-1932, as well as the last chairman of the VSP (All-Russian Union of Poets) - an organization that existed until 1929.

    The most memorable feature of the poetic creativity of the writer was poems on the peasant theme written by a gecmeter; In painting preferred a landscape topic.

    Born in the village in the Ryazan province.Father - a rural priest in the Ryazan province. He graduated from the spiritual seminary and the Historical and Philology Faculty of Kazan University, at the same time took drawing lessons. In 1912 he participated in the exhibition of mobile artists with genre paintings on the theme of peasant life; In 1914, on the Recommendation, Polenov and Repin joined the Association of Movie Artists.

    He taught the history of art in the Kazan Art School. At the same time, he made his debut as a poet: in 1912 published the first poetic collection "Field Psalms", which N. Gumilev, and V. Bryusov, noted as promising. Two years later in Kazan, the second book P. Radimov - "Earth Riza" generally disappointed critics. "We can conclude that we are dealing with the poet who wished to celebrate a small area and continue to turn the nose to them," wrote N. Gumilev, who was particularly celebrating a long poem in Popiad Hecmeters (the history of the seminarist, traveling along with the Father on the parishes to choose yourself bride).

    In the future, P. Radimov often exploited the reception found by them: domestic pictures of the Russian village, described by the solemn "antique" size, gave the effect of the unexpected modern stylization of the "work and days" of the Gesiod. Later, the poems were collected by him in a single book, in a different amount of published several publications (Kazan, 1922; Revel, 1923; Berlin, 1923; Moscow, 1924 and 1926).

    After the revolution on the side of the victorious power, he was involved in cultural and agitation work first in Kazan (headed the art department of the drug addict of the Tatar), then in Moscow. As an artist attended party congresses, making sketches to the portraits of the leaders, created pictures "Session in the Kremlin", "Speech by Trotsky at the II Congress Comintern".

    Friend with Lunacharsky, Voroshilov and Buden. He was elected chairman of the All-Russian Union of Poets. In verses, it remained faithful to himself, telling in hexameters, sonnets and octaves about how the woman is batted in the bath and how it is necessary to stove pancakes.

    P. Kogan in 1926 wrote: "Radimos poetry needed, perhaps the most necessary poetry in our time ... The revolution rested in the problem of the peasant." Soon the "peasant problem" was solved at the state level, and P. Radimov came under the campaign of the "Decrapping of Kulatsky Poets", after which he switched to a scenery-descriptive lyrics with elements of the socialist butaforia (red flag on cart arcs, etc.).

    Published from a dozen books; The final collection "Pilot Road" came out in 1959.