How to win good money at rates. Sports rates: how to earn, strategies and schemes, types of rates and a choice of bookmaker office

How to win good money at rates. Sports rates: how to earn, strategies and schemes, types of rates and a choice of bookmaker office
How to win good money at rates. Sports rates: how to earn, strategies and schemes, types of rates and a choice of bookmaker office

How many people will be alive, so much will be interested in how to make money and receiving money, - preferably without much labor and strength. Lottery, disrupt the Kush in a casino or how to earn money at the rates - that's what is interested in and old, and young.

In this article, we will try to figure out than the desire for "easy profitable" is justified, consider legal ways to make money and real opportunities for funds.

Where is the desire to get light money

Perhaps there would be no reason to talk about, if our nation is universal confidence that everyone can win or get wealth. Recall our children's fairy tales. The whole generations grow on stories about goldfish, fulfilling all the desires, about the godfather-wizard and about the incredibly lucky Ivanushka-fool.

A little later, growing up, we face more stringent realities of life, sounded like this: do not work - do not earn. But still the faith in miracles does not pass, and the person before the death of Holy believes that one day a huge bunch of money may fall on him with this.

This is actively used by fraudsters, creating more and more advanced mechanisms of deception, based on the desire of a person to enriched, without doing anything. However, there are completely legitimate ways (even at the state level) to multiply their finances. This is such a popular game on "Forex", selling securities, rates on various events. Very popular today is the question of whether to make money at the sports betting.

Essence of any financial bet

Those who studied on the physics probably remember classes on probability theory. As you know, any event has two development options in the future - it either happens or not. Are you interested in earning at the rates? The answer here is very simple - you will get money if you rightly predict the outcome of a certain event. Lottery, roulette in a casino, all sorts of gambling, as well as games that require large intellectual abilities, such as earnings on selling currency, is the whole game "with the Universe in Bones," as the famous scientist and physicist said, who told the world about the theory of probability.

on the sport?

Meanwhile, it is impossible not to note that gambling fun is different. If when playing in the lottery you guess the numbers purely intuitively, then, by betting on the onset of a particular event, you connect your brain. This is called "Fundamental Analysis."

Since making money at the rates in supposed, the country is awaiting the presidential election. You know that there are two most likely applicants: A and B. Certainly, you can put blindly on one of them (which makes the percent of the sixty people put on this event), and you can think about it. For example, one of the running, let's say, and, before the election it was possible to raise the level of pension, and did it. In your country, there are a lot of retirees, and mostly support A. Also this potential president before the election developed the youth sports industry, therefore, a lot of young men will also support him. Thus, you analyzed and conclude that, and more likely to win the presidential race. What do you think, do you have a chance to guess? Of course, yes, besides, you have reinforced your assumption as such as reasoning. But, you will agree, it may be that and not so long ago it was noticed with his mistress than undermined his authority, and most of the country will support B. You missed an important point in the evaluation of facts and therefore did not guessed.

It is in this that the answer is to the question: "How to earn at the rates?" Having certain knowledge, you make an assumption about how the event is resolved, and or we win in the outcome or not.

Is it possible to win, making sports bets?

It should be noted that most of the Bookmakers are played out of political events, but sports. After all, the football, hockey matches, basketball and tennis tournaments, hockey matches are happening daily, jumps ... There is no more fascinating, than to watch how your favorite team is competing with the opponent's team - you are worried, worry and, of course, with some kind of probability you can Assume who won. Since the appearance of the first tournaments, enterprising people immediately understood that it is possible to receive round sums from gambling fans, promising to them in the case of the money remuneration correctly. And absolutely logical will ask: "And how to make money on sports betting?"

The algorithm is the same: you choose an event (or several), for example, a football match between England and France. You know that recently the British workshops are played by all rivals, and the French, on the contrary, is not lucky. And you put on the victory of England. You can choose any outcome of such a victory: that England wins that France will miss a certain number of balls, or you can even take a chance and guess the game account. If you are surely guess, then you will return your money with a percentage.

What is the probability of correctly guessing the outcome of the game?

If you are wondering how to make money on football bets, I will not be superfluous to see the movie "Money for Two". This film just tells the audience about the work of the bookmaker's office, the owner of which is Al Pacino, and McConahi is a former athlete who is very well versed in sports. After watching the film to the end, you make two outputs. The first - the office always remains in winnings, and it is in this that the essence of her work. The second verdict is: the probability is correct to guess the outcome is great, if you understand well in the subject of events, but even virtuosos can guess only nine out of ten. That is why truly enterprising people earn not at the rates, but on those who make them - gambling clients.

Who needs to do sports forecasts?

Of course, the greatest chance of guessing the outcome of this or that match - in people who are enthusiastically monitoring games. If you know who is a favorite, and who recently loses and loses glasses if you follow the transfers of players, new contracts, appointments of coaches, then you can qualitatively carry out a fundamental analysis. There is no like that you guess ten out of ten events, but it is likely that the same nine are yours.

Should I bet on the sport to those who are not interested in sports life and does not even know the names of the teams? We will be frank, you have less chances to win than people who are passionate about. But you can use the coefficients that give bookmakers to the victory of a team, as benchmarks, and also very successfully guess the occurrence of events.

Where to make bets - on the Internet or office?

And so, you still decided to bet. It should be noted that today there are many opportunities for this. For your convenience, the bet is accepted via the Internet, but you can also walk to the nearest office and deliver there.

If you are interested in how to make money on the interests on the Internet, then you need to take the following steps:

  1. Select the Internet Control. There are a lot of them, and the conditions for working with customers in most are very tempting. But the most important thing for you is that there were no problems with payments. So before issuing a bet, read the reviews on the forums, talk with gambling players, find out who can trust your money and get them back in case of winning, of course, with percentages.
  2. Register on the site.
  3. Explore all partitions carefully, read how the resource works. Very many Internet bookmertors are putting clients by offering various promotions.

How to make money at football rates

Each Bookmaker provides a gambling players in the sports line, which indicates the upcoming games on all sports and the coefficient. As for the latter, this is a digit showing the attitude of the bookmaker to the likelihood of event outcome. For example, a football team A has a coefficient of 1.2, that is, very small, and the teams b - 6. What does this mean and who is advisable to put? These figures are decrypted as follows: the bookmaker believes that the team has a rather high chance of winning. This is calculated from the fundamental analysis, news, forecasts and universal expectations. To find out how much you will win, multiply the rate on the coefficient.

Puting 10 dollars, in case of winning you can pick up $ 12, clean Navar - 2 dollars. In the fact that the B team will win, the bookmaker is very doubted, so promises you in case of victory to multiply your bet on 6. Such a high ratio says that the bookmaker is almost confident in defeating the team b, otherwise he would promise to promise you 60 dollars at Delivered 10? But in life there happens anything, and you can put on the team b if you have some kind of information that gives the chances of winning.

Algorithm Winning Guessing Sports Events

To make sure your experience make sure how to make money on sports betting, try different methods and game options. Most of the experienced players recommend such an action plan to achieve success:

  1. Choose a good match. This is no case to be a game of your favorite team, since in this case you will be impassive and you will not be able to soberly assess the chances of winning.
  2. Make a bet on that command to which the office gives the smallest coefficient (on average, this value should not exceed 1.5). The smaller the coefficient will be, the higher the chances of winning. On the second team, the bookmaker should give the coefficient very high, for example, its value should be in the area 3, but the more, the more, the better for you.
  3. Do not make a bet if the rule number two is not performed, since you risk losing more.

It is very easy to explain logically. For example, there is a game of an obvious favorite and the team, in the victory of which few people believe. The bookmaker office offers you to predict the outcome of the match. But since sufficiently confident in the victory of the favorite, it does not offer you a lot of money in case of winning. On the opponent, it will present a high coefficient.

How much can you win by doing sports bets?

The answer to this question depends on the two components: how successful you are playing and what amount is ready to take a chance.

If you win often, but you are afraid to put large amounts and make a relatively low bet, it is unlikely that the money received will be so serious in order to talk about them as serious earnings.

But, making high rates even on commands with small coefficients, you can receive sufficient profits. For example, you have 5 thousand dollars in the turn. After putting this amount on the winnings of the team with a 1.5 coefficient, you will receive 7.5 thousand dollars, the net profit will reach 2.5 thousand. In the case of loss you lose your 5 thousand, what you always need to remember.

Now that you know how to make money at the rates, you can try happiness in this matter. The risk is noble, and you may well be lucky. Many serious players create their own system and even leave official work, relying only by the will of the case and their own knowledge. Good luck!

  • Where you can bet
    • What is a tote
    • Bets
    • We make bets. Preparation
    • Choice of bookmakers
    • Bookmaker fork
    • Bet on obvious favorites
    • Strategy "Dogon"
    • Express bet
  • Getting income at rates: Tips for beginners
  • Conclusion
    • Watch the video: How to make money at the sports betting

Everyone dreams to build their financial pyramid, based on life interests, but not always fate presents such gifts to us. This article describes how to fulfill the dream, earning without leaving the house. One of the set methods of money is the receipt of income with the help of rates. And no matter what kind of hobbies are: sport, politics or even computer games. You can earn literally on everything. So, consider more about earnings in the bookmakers.

Where you can bet

Rates are carried out in two ways:

  • tote;
  • bookmaker.

The difference of the tote from the bookmaker

What is a tote

The tote is such a system that accepts rates on certain events occurring at a specific point in time. All player rates form a general piggy bank of the cash prize, from which the amount of the winners is paid. Here the participants compete with each other, and not with a tote, which, in turn, takes interest for services.

For example: 14 sporting events (hockey) occurs. It is required to guess the results of the matches (the success of the first team, draw, the success of the second team). The winnings receive those participants who guessed at least 9 events.

How to make money on betting on the Internet


The bookmaker office is a resource that makes bets on events (for example, sports games) and pays a win. The player knows the amount of payments in advance in case of victory, as the office exhibits coefficients multiplying the player's bet. This is the main difference between the tote from the bookmaker (the participating in the tote does not know the approximate win).

Example: football match between the explicit favorite and the outsider. The coefficient on the favorite 1.4, and on the outsider 8.4. If a player puts 100 rubles on the favorite and wins, then, accordingly, the amount of payments will be 140 rubles. From here, you can calculate the amount of winnings, in case of success of the outsider team.

How to make an online betting on the Internet

First you need to choose a bookmaker or a tote based on prestige and feedback about them. Next to register and log in. Also, to receive a win, the player needs to create its own online wallet. For this, such well-known systems are used as , or. In addition, you can make a bet via an SMS request.

An integral part is "Professional Betting". In order to increase the chance to win a large amount of money, it takes not only to know who the favorite and who is an outsider, also need to track the statistics of sports events, read analytical articles, watch matches of specific teams, and on the basis of all the above, develop their strategies of rates.

Earnings at bets in bookmakers

We make bets. Preparation

The Internet is an inexhaustible resource from which you can learn a lot of useful information. Find all about the necessary sports teams or athletes. Also look for bookmakers, cooperation with which will be promising and productive.

Look for as much as your desk and create accounts on each of them. This will allow you to play bookmakers (about the strategy "plug" will be discussed below).

It is very useful for information on good sports forums, since it is there that you can learn a lot of useful information about players and the likelihood on their gain in a particular sports industry.

Professional players often lead their diary. In it, they mark the places in which the bookmakers themselves met, and also write the results of the games. If you explore this diary in detail, then you can easily find similar gaming situations that can play on your hand.

Before playing in large, try to make bets on the sport for yourself. Go around the search for bookmakers, try to build guesses, and then look, whether you won the one who you expected. Such experience will allow you to learn more accurately analyze the games, and this is only positively affect your own game at the rates. (About earnings on games on the Internet without investments, see).

Choice of bookmakers

Most of the proven bookmakers have their own sites on which it is described as described how to bet. Therefore, even if there is a real office near you, then preference is better to give the Internet resource. It is much more convenient even because you do not have to go to the bookmaker. To display funds, it will be enough to simply indicate the bank account details or the webmoney wallet number.

If you doubt what bookmaker's office office is best to use, here's the top three:

  1. Leonbets. - Office with many positive reviews. This is due to the fact that controversial situations are solved in favor of the player, and not vice versa. Also, the withdrawal of funds is carried out quite quickly - for 2-3 hours. In general, this bookmaker office is friendly and executive.
  2. Booker It is distinguished by a simple and public interface. A huge advantage is the presence of a large number of matches that you can make bets. Well, the main drawback is the output of funds takes more than a week.
  3. Olimpbet. It very quickly displays funds, but the disadvantage is that much less lines for bets.

Conacts and strategy earnings at the interest rates on the Internet

There are universal strategies for sports betting. These include:

  • strategy "Fork";
  • bet on obvious favorites;
  • strategy "Dogon";
  • Express bet

Bookmaker fork

The main essence of this strategy of bets is that the player needs to find at least two who are successful, the bookmakers. Then choose a match in which the coefficients for commands will be about equal. Next, you need to bet on the victory of the first team in one of these offices, and in the second office there is a bet on the victory of the second team and wait for the result.

An example of a bookmaker fork

Let's imagine that the match is happening between two teams - Brazil and Serbia. Each match has its bookmaker coefficients, from them, in fact, depends on your earnings of your earnings.

In order to use the bookmaker fork, find such a duel where the winning ratio for each team will be greater than 2 (for example, 2.5 from Brazil and 2.7 in Serbia). Putting 100 rubles to Brazil, you will receive 250 rubles in the event of its winnings, and putting 100 rubles to Serbia, respectively, get 270 rubles.

Next, follow as follows: Go for two different bookmakers from your accounts. On one site, put 100 rubles for Brazil, and on the second - 100 rubles per Serbia. In general, you put 200 rubles. In case of winning Brazil, you will receive 250 rubles (50 rubles of net profit). If Serbia wins, then you earn 270 rubles (70 rubles of net profit). The more you put, the more you win. But do not forget that you need to find just such a match, where the coefficients of both teams were above 2.

Pros and cons of strategy "Fork"

The bookmaker fork is, of course, stability. But as elsewhere, there are their cons. For example, in order to earn good money, you will need a serious starting capital, which will need to disperson in several bookmakers. Also, this method of earnings obliges to closely monitor the fluctuations in the coefficients that are very unstable and can change even during the game.

Bookmaker forks may appear for a couple of minutes and if you did not have time to make a successful bid, then alas.

In any case, success is guaranteed by 90 percent. Many will ask the question why not one hundred percent. There are situations where the games are tied. But such cases are rare, so it is not worth upset.

Bet on obvious favorites

Another practically win-win is the bid on obvious favorites.

Why put on an explicit favorite if the coefficient is small on it? The answer is simple: if you bet on several matches, in which there are obvious favorites, then the coefficient becomes above. From here and win.

Strategy "Dogon"

The easiest and most effective strategy is the so-called "Dogon"

The essence of this strategy for sports betting is very simple. To do this, the player needs to have a certain capital in his wallet. And then you need to put on the same result constantly, but taking into account the increase in the subsequent bet in two or more times.

It should also take into account the coefficients in this strategy. An exemplary coefficient should be two. Using this strategy, permanent profit is guaranteed.

Express bet

The secret of this method is that you make bets on commands with the smallest coefficients. Only if you make these rates separately, then the earnings will be small.

For example, if you chose commands with coefficients 1.1, 1.5, 1.7 and put on each of them separately 100 rubles, then as a result, your winnings will be: 10 + 50 + 70 \u003d 130 rubles. If you make an express rate at once on 3 matches, then the overall coefficient will be 1.1 x 1.5 x 1.7 \u003d 2.805, and profit from 300 rubles will be: 300 x 2.805 - 300 \u003d 541.5 rubles.

Minus express rates - if at least one of three bets did not play, you lose all profits.

Earnings on sports rates

For some reason, many have earnings in sports rates to a row of gambling, most likely there is a stereotype. It is clear to everyone that never gambling will be safe, because they are gambling.

But do not confuse games in bookmakers online offices with a casino. These are fundamentally different things because you are not predicted to the roulette game, but you can bid.

Good luck - undoubtedly a good satellite, but betting you also have the opportunity to analyze, calculate the risks and possible outcome. With such a rational approach, the chance that your bid will play, very high.

Some experts earnings in sports rates resemble earnings on Forex. (Read also - what is it possible). Maybe they are right, but agree that it is much easier to make money on sports than on multi-purpose currency frauds that are not clear to a simple person.

Undoubtedly, you will be much easier to earn money if you are interested in sports and understand it a bit, but even in the absence of such knowledge, you can still receive money if you learn to find the so-called bookmaker forks.

  1. For very gambling people, earnings are not recommended at rates, as the loss of invested money in this case is inevitable. Azart is the main reason for all failures when analyzing events.
  2. If you do not want to lose all your money right away, then do not play the Va-Bank (do not bet on the amount of money for you), otherwise there is a risk to remain with anything. There are cases when you are lucky, but sooner or later you will all lose.
  3. To start earning in bookmakers, highlight the amount of funds that will not hit your own pocket and will not affect the overall picture of your financial condition. This money should not be sorry to lose! At the beginning, make bets for small money, if everything is intended successfully in your favor, then you can increase the size of the rates.
  4. Generate your strategies for sports betting. Using a long-term game strategy, since the bookmakers on such events usually give pretty high coefficients. It is also important, choosing its strategy, proceed from a personal financial budget. Long-term sports game rates are less popular than ordinary, but they can become very profitable.

These simple, but important rules need to be remembered and followed by everyone who decided to start making money at the rates.

Always remember that it is impossible to beat the bookmaker, since the outcome of certain events is calculated on the likelihood of their execution. The bookmaker's office does not have excitement, which is extremely rarely found at a novice player, and works for the long-term perspective.


Thanks to the presence of analogues of the real bookmaker's counterparts, earning becomes much easier and easier. Online bets are incredibly convenient, but you never observe profit if you are leaving sympathy to teams or players.

Remember that the game at rates is a type of investment, not a hobby, you can support your favorite team at home on the sofa without a loss for a wallet. It is clear that the investment is a certain risk, but after reading this article, you can minimize it.

If we correctly use the above information about receiving income from rates, you can forever forget about permanent torments on everyday work for pennies and, creating your budget!

Professor of the Uppsal University David Sumpter (David Sumpter) decided to experience his knowledge of statistics and luck in football rates, and at the same time to work out. Having £ 400 on the hands, the professor earned a clean £ 108.33 in two months, which is 27%. This is not a jackpot, but I can't do any mind how such a sum can increase better, remaining within the law.

According to the professor, the bookmakers usually put in a pocket of 5% (margin of the office), which corresponds to the coefficient of 1.90 to two equivalent outcome (for example, on the outcome of the tennis match). That is, if you simultaneously put 50 rubles for each of these two outcomes, then after the game in your arms, you will remain 95 instead of the initial 100 rubles at any result, and 5 rubles will fall from the BC. So rather soon you will stay without money. However, due to the competition between the bookmakers and the existence of low organizal bookmakers, the coefficients for individual sporting events may have a margin and 1.5%, and on top events like the final of the World Cup - and that is lower. In this case, you need to beat the bookmakers at least 2% in order to stay in profit in sports rates. This was the goal of a Swedish professor in his field research.

Mathematician used various statistical models, they used four of them in practice, and only one helped earn it. But first, I will tell you about the models of professors who did not meet expectations and did not bring profits.

Model # 1. There is an index of European football clubs, which is called - Euro Club Index. The index grows when the team wins, and decreases when the command loses. The details of the calculations of the professor in this model are unknown, but there is reason to believe that this is a kind of logistic regression equation Bradley-Terry. The projections on the basis of Euro Club Index at the professor in general were not bad, but the bookmakers were not able to beat - he suffered a stable loss.

Another tactic that did not justify itself was based on expert opinions - in this case, on the forecasts of the NBC journalist Joe Prince-Wright (Joe Prince-Wright), which previously successfully predicted the position of the EPL clubs in the final championship tournament. The result of the game on this model did not satisfy the professor. The mathematician soon changed tactics, simultaneously taking the conclusion: expert forecasts are not bad as entertainment, but usually do not help beat bookmakers.

The third model, more successful than the first two, used the distribution of Poisson ,. Each blow to the goal was assigned a certain value, which was determined by historical statistics of shocks made in the same position (for example, from within or outside the penalty area). This method helped the author at the beginning of the season to predict the failure of Chelsea, but led to the revaluation of the chances of Arsenal and Liverpool. He did not lose money, but the forecasts went out so bold that the professor decided - this model is hardly useful.

The fourth method was successful, which took place from the professor by the middle of the Apla season - identification of long-term tendency expectations. The scientist of the Uppsa University noted in different years a clearly expressed roll to the underestimation of the Favorites and major clubs. This was, for example, the season 2014/2015, when the bets on the victory of Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester City over teams with a lower position in the tournament table would be brought by a small income. That is, the top clubs of England won a little more often from the outsiders than the factors were told. Professor gave such an explanation: players in the pursuit of a major launcher neglected with a small winch, reluctantly doing rates on strong teamsWhat influence the coefficients. However, in the 2015/2016 APL season, an adjustment occurred, and this trend was changed to the reverse - large clubs favors were overvalued in the coefficients, which was crowned with the championship of "Leicester" with the coefficient to 5001.0.

At the same time, a scientist was discovered another long-term trend, which turned out to be the most survivors: the probability of drawback in the top matches is underestimated. There are reasons for this. The media and social networks injected passion and intransigence before the game, the players themselves do not like to put on a draw outcome. Famous English football hooligans also do not add peace-loving sentiment in the APL. It is long-term trends, including undervalued chances of a draw, allowed the professor to win at the rates often enough to prove the existence of patterns.

It is useful to remember this by doing bets on football battles Apple. About this and many other, Professor of Mathematics David Sumpter wrote in his book Soccermatics. . It can not be downloaded for free, but I think she is worth his money if you know English.

And finally secret Fifth Forecast Modelused by Professor And it is called - "Ask your wife" . However, as it turned out, the wife of Professor from Sweden also teaches mathematics and knows how to make rates. In any case, during the month she received £ 17 profits at the initial amount of £ 100. Perhaps this is a secret ingredient of a successful forecast strategy: to combine statistical methods and use.

Football is the most popular sport. Many millions of fans, professional and novice players, analysts, etc. They disassembled in it, they know the features of individual teams and athletes, follow the sport occurring in the world. Is it possible to make money on football betting, knowing only sports nuances?

Immediately make a reservation: fans often lose. They put on a favorite team, regardless of the real state of affairs on the field. It's good if you want to support the team, and when you luck a little earn. If you want to turn football bets in the main type of earnings, you will have to abandon "pets".

Game strategy

The main mistake of novice players is the desire to get everything at once, and with the complete absence of a clear strategy. A person puts on the outcome of large sums, without any priority, and is counting exclusively for good luck. Once it can work. For the second time the player will lose all the bank.

One of the safest strategies to make money on football rates, is called "Strategy Shchukina". The player makes bets on the number of goals scored. The essence of the method is as follows:

  1. The gaming bank is divided into parts (for example, 100 rubles).
  2. The player makes the first bet in the amount of 100 rubles by the coefficient of 1.30.
  3. If the rate wins, the next day the player puts 130 rubles (the amount of the first bet plus the amount of the win) on the same coefficient. The next day - already 170 rubles.

The main points player determines himself. For example, the period during which one chain works. Many choose the calendar month - in this case, the player must make 30 rates without a single lesion. Others choose a calendar week - the risk of lose decreases, but also the potential earnings of M. You can even further reduce the risk of loss: do not make one bet with a coefficient of 1.30, and three bets with CEF 1.10. The main thing is to select matches and remember - if you lose, you will lose only the sum of the first bet.

Another strategy with minimal risk is called "On Favorita". The essence of the strategy is to select matches with a clear favorite and an obvious outsider and put on the leader. When choosing a match there are two rules that must be observed:

  1. The favite coefficient must be no higher than 1.50. The lower the CEF, the smaller the risk.
  2. The outsider coefficient must be at least twice as more than the CEF on the favorite (ideally - 3.10 or more).

Ideally, you must develop your own game strategy based on my knowledge of football, bookmakers, analytical abilities and financial capabilities. At some time interval, even the Martingale strategy is a win-win - the problem is only that the game bank can end earlier.

Analysis of matches as the basis of successful rates

Many players neglect the premature analysis and make bets, focusing exclusively on the coefficients of the bookmakers. This approach is incorrect: the size of the coefficients depends on the set of factors, and the likelihood of victory of a team or another is only one of them.

To make money on football rates, you need to analyze matches.

Before making money on football rates, you need to pay time to the collection and analysis of information - about the selected football league, about teams and athletes. It is necessary to evaluate team readiness for the match, motivation and history of the latest meetings.

It is not worth spraying and analyze all the football matches that offer bookmakers. To get a stable profit in sports rates, it is enough to choose several major tournaments and thoroughly study everything connected with them.. For about a day for events - view data on a specific match. For a few hours - get acquainted with the final composition, draw conclusions and bets.

Contractual matches and paid forecasts

Another error of both beginners and experienced players is excessive confidence of contractual matches and paid forecasts. Each at least once came across the proposals of "one hundred percent veneers".

To answer the question whether it is possible to make money on football with the help of contractors, it is enough to understand what the contractual matches are. This is a game with a predetermined outcome. To make money on this outcome, it is necessary that the COFs are large enough. Consequently - that the outcome is unexpected, and there were few bets on it. Conclusion - people who know about the contractual match, simply do not need to post data on the Internet so that all who are not lazy did rates and hit the quotes. In addition, the contractors are tracked by sports officials, when they are detected, the results of matches are canceled, and individuals are removed from sports competitions. 99 percent of the "contracts from the Internet" at best are conventional forecasts.

Forks: put without risk

One way to make money on football rates without risk is the use of bookmakers.

The player makes the rates on all possible outcomes in several offices. Due to the difference in coefficients in different BC, the likelihood of profit in theory is 100 percent. In reality, it is always possible to cancel rates, changing the CEFs, etc.

Bookmakers usually arise in Live Betting mode, in the midst of a football match, when the situation on the field is changing rapidly. To keep up for the situation, you need to keep open sites of several bookmakers, instantly make the right conclusions, look for suitable copes and remember margin. The main condition of the bookmaker, in the absence of a draw - the coefficient to the victory of each command should be more than 2.00.

The choice of the bookmaker's office does not directly affect the success of the game. However, there are many indirect factors.

For stable earnings on football rates I need reliable BC

The diversity of bets in the line of the Bookmaker Office allows you to work out several strategies and develop your own, meets the requirements and capabilities of a particular player.

The size of the bookkeeper depends on the size of the bookmaker coefficients. At the same time, it is not necessary to chase record indicators: if the COFs in a little-known office are 2-3 times higher than the average market, this is a reason to abandon the services of this BC or read more information about the available information.

From the reliability of the bookmaker depends on the safety of earned money. If the office blocks the accounts of successful players, one day you can lose the bank.

The presence of an official license to work in the country guarantees an impartial analysis of all possible problems. Legal Russian bookmakers spend all calculations with clients through the CUU, and if necessary, the player can contact the relevant authorities. The offices without a national license work on the basis of the permission issued by one of the offshores. And in such office, the decision of the administration is considered final and is not subject to any explanation or appeal.

Almost all the offices specialize in Lyiv. When choosing the best company, it is worth familiar with how much Cafes and real-time line differ from Prematcha. Often, bookmakers are developing proposals for Lyiv.

There are offices that specialize exclusively on football, almost without paying attention to other sports. They offer good cam and painting, however beat such an office is very difficult.

Many large bookmakers are also developing for football lovers Special offers and promotions dedicated to various major competitions. Some of them, for example, BC Fonbet, act as official sponsors of the national team and use various benefits, inaccessible to competitors, expose larger coefficients to the victory of the national team, are played by prizes.


Before making money on football rates, it is important to understand: this is the job.

Players who want to raise big money without difficulty, in most cases lose.

Players who collect information analyze matches, are developing and modifying their own game system and do not seek to get a million for a couple of rates, as a result, they receive stable earnings.

The main thing - do not seek to play out: One of the main problems of novice players is random rates after several losers.

Is it possible to earn at the rates?
My experience
Your opinions

I'm interested in what place is the bets in your life, how much do you pay for this case of time and do you bring you some permanent income? What is it for you: just entertainment, excitement or a source of passive income? How do you think it is possible to really make money at the rates? And if so, what strategies do you hold, what is their effectiveness?

I hope that there will be those who will unprove both in the comments and shake their thoughts and experience. And in the meantime, I will share my own.

Engage in rates Seriously I started three and a half years ago. For the first time, I became interested in this case on the first courses of the university, when some of the important matches of the Champions League some of my classmates came with tickets from the bookmakers to these matches and discussed those on which rates made. I am immediately interested in this case, since my specialty is intellectual, and I have always been looking for sources of additional income that can be purchased simply due to our knowledge in a particular area. And the additional income was really necessary, since a lot of money went to study and a hostel in the capital, and my family was not wealthy. Therefore, I often asked those who deal with this to explain to me the rules of bets, the value of certain designations in the bookmakers, but initially everything seemed to be a "dark forest". Before I decided to figure it out seriously and independently through the Internet.

Very quickly, I began to delve into all the subtleties of the sphere of bets and it turned out that all the symbols in the lines of bookmakers are extremely simple and logical. I long endured the idea of \u200b\u200breally trying to make up betting, but did not decrease, because we all know what a stereotypical vision of this kind of classes in the countries of the post-Soviet space. In this regard, and I had doubts, and not if it was deceiving, not to pump out the money, since making predictions on matches, without betting, everything came in so beautifully and it seemed to me that everyone could calmly win a bunch of money from the bookmaker. However, if everything is so simple, then why never heard many people with this and had permanent income from rates.

So I pulled a long time, but one day I decided to throw my first 100 hryvnias in the online BC and make a bet with a coefficient close to two. Well, as they say, newcomers are always lucky, and the first rate turned out to be a winning, but passed with a large "Validol". This revived a lot of hope in me. The following pair of rates were also passed, but then one at one rate began to fly, often in the match matches began to prevent surprises. It turned out that it was easier to guess the events when you do not bet, and when you do something, something as if it should be specifically. At this moment you understand that luck is one of the key factors of success in the bets, and since in life in advantageous matters I am not lucky, then the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing this hobby began to disappear. In addition, by the turn of victories and defeats, I safely merged my first deposit.

On this day I decided that it was a bad idea and you need to forget about it. However, in my head I continue to think about what went wrong, where I calculated and what option bet has a lot of chances for winning. I stopped putting, after which all my forecasts on the matches began to safely come true to come true, which was pretty annoyed, because without betting, I missed good benefits. This thought did not give me peace.

While I reasoned, whether I need to try to make bets again, I began to give more time to view the matches of different European clubs, because before that I was not an avid fan of football. In any sport, I always had favorite teams or players, so I always watched only the matches with their participation, the pain for his own, but did not pay due attention to others, which in the world of rates is unacceptable, because making a bet on the game you need to know the level, potential , players and form of the opponent's team. Initially, I did bets on those clubs for which I was sick and knew, not specifically, of course, I just didn't know the possibilities of other teams. Already then it became clear to me that this is a wrong approach, the same as to put on my favorite teams. I have always been objective in all matters and balanced, never succumbed to Azart. I knew my goal of the racks and tried to find an approach that would bring positive results. To do this, it was necessary to learn.

I began to follow all football clubs of the leading Premier League, and in some leagues and for some teams of lower divisions. Also tried to delve into tennis and basketball. I read predictions and analyzes of sports experts, began to capture the strengths and weaknesses of those or other teams, get acquainted with football players with great potential, their skill and the potential of their contribution to the development of their clubs.

Watch matches were not enough, as I understood the importance of developing my strategy strategy, so I began to read articles of famous handicappers regarding the principles and discipline of betting, as well as get acquainted with various rates strategies. I made one of the most important actions that is key in any lesson - thoroughly mastered information.

At the time while he was engaged in informatization, I again began to bet, trying various strategies that managed to find out on the network. Each of them takes place for existence, each can be profitable on a certain segment. I tried absolutely different bets: at the Total, on the outcomes, with forami, special offers. Unfortunately, each strategy and style of rates is overstaving the crisis. And you, have undergone a substantial train of defeats, do not see a different way, how to go to another strategy. So I passed from one to another, to the third, fourth, and returned to the original. Then I understood that some kind of impeccable strategy that would work like a clock and really brought constant income - there is no.

For these one and a half or two years I won, lost, filmed small winnings (as I put minor amounts), which allowed to make any additional purchases (which created a positive effect on the occupation of betting); However, then deposits contributed again, I started again, and as such, there was no "big winnings" effect. Initially, I did not seek it, I thought because of the rates earn an extra hundred or two for simple daily needs. However, over time, she wanted more, but the analysis of winnings and losing over the years when calculating showed that I was actually in the minus. The minus was small (about 1-1.5 thousand hryvnias), which was not upset, because, in my opinion, for the acquisition of any experience, you somehow pay your price, and mine was not so big. At the same time, I understood that the final indicator is minus at the distance, so the passive additional income will not be able to build out of betting. I had to accept this fact and look for other ways.

Need for passive independent income rose at the moment when I set myself a new high goal, to achieve which a lot of funds need, which no salary today (taking into account all monthly expenses for life and needs) is not able to provide. In this regard, I tried to look for new schemes and ways of such an earnings that, as a result, did not come up, but played a role in the approach to betting and his perception.

An important role for returning to the rates was played by motivation, which came from outside. Of all I read and look, I always try to take something useful or motivating. Many interesting thoughts I get out of feature films, which are often based on real events, and shields various revenue acquisition options will quickly.

So, in one of the steep movie "On the verge" I grasped the phrase of one of the actors, which sounded about so "... I love my country for the fact that everything I had and lost, I can always return in two-time ..." Something like that. And this idea simply settled in my thoughts.

I immediately conducted an analogy with betting. After all, in the line on any match there are always good bets with a coefficient of 2 or approximate to it. It pushed me to divide your bank into several parts and play the principle of compensation. That is, if I lose my fixed rate, then I do the next with the coefficient. 2, but the size of the bet must be twice as much as the size of the lost one. Thus, in case of winning a new bet, you return the amount that I lost, and besides, you still go in plus exactly so much that the size of the first lost bet was equal. Such a strategy turned out to be pretty good, but soon I merged all my bank when the "black strip" came (which always happens to everyone). And so, after the 4 loss in a row, I simply did not have enough money for a new bet with compensation lost. As a result, I had to postpone this strategy.

At the same time, it is quite wealthy and profitable, but for this you need to have a lot of funds in stock, then you can guarantee that you not only do not lose your invested funds, but also solidly enhance them. I consider this strategy perfect for wealthy people.

The iconic and most motivational for the formation of a new approach to the betting for me became focus film , namely, the scene on a football field, where the smart and calculating hero Will Smith makes bets against an avid gambling player (Chinese rich, businessman) and loses all the time. It raises the rates until he disrupts a large Kush (winning everything he had + everything that Keetan put). Thus, Will Smith increased, seems to be 1.2 million, which he had, twice. And despite the fact that the last winning rate was a stay, to the question of his companion, what would he do if this time did not win, he answers that he would double to win.

This moment, the thoughts and logic of the main character forced me to pay special attention to the study of the theory of probability in the field of rates. No matter how you wanted, but you won't lose all the time. And if you decide what to put, then you need to calculate the percentage probability of implementing a certain event in the match.

Many other films and literature on a similar subject helped to form basic principles of betting . They are as follows: excellent awareness in a certain sport; discipline; lack of excitement; calm and patience; Development of a competent bank management (which will only leave 10% of the chances of what the bank is drained); fixed rate; Ban on the bets of the WA-Bank; focus on the profit at the distance; calculation of the probability of the rate of the rates (chances) and the feasibility of its use; Apply statistics.

Only following these principles, I really slowly, but correctly I get a profit from the betting bets.

Successful rates does not allow to take into account only its awareness In a certain sport, in a team, etc. By calculation also be sure to include statistics , Which is perhaps more often than any information on the coming match. In addition, you need consider current trends and team motivation , as well as evaluate the chances of implementing one or another event . AND all these items inseparable, they need to evaluate in symbiosis Since the estimate by one parameter makes your choice vulnerable.

For example, you may know that Barcelona is one of the top teams of the world, in its composition Star players (Messi, Neymar, Suarez, etc.), and you once watched the games of this team and believed that she does not have equal, but in a year waiting for the champions League's response match between Barça and Juventus, you make bets on the victory of Catalans and at least two clogged ball, at the same time wondering why the bookmaker gives these events such big coefficients. Based on its available information, you will miss statistical data that suggests that the team has a crisis with the implementation that in the first match "Barce" could not score Juventus as well as the opponent in excellent shape and Demonstrates the best game in defense this year. Ilight statistical indicators and current trends, you are obviously incorrectly being taken to count the chances of the team to which you are going to bet.

Based on the theory of probability, I chose the main position for its rates . I very rarely put on the victory of the teams, and then more often to win with the form (0), as I think that any game is unpredictable, the ball is round, the field is green, and you never know how the game script turns out: in recent seconds, the opponent can Draw a draw, or a red card can confuse all the setting and plans for the game. In those matches where the winner is almost always clear, the coefficients are so small that they do not allow to make a bet, and where is high, high and the likelihood that the team will not win.

Betting Total less (TM) i also never put it, because the practice shows that if I put on the TM in the match, where logically and with all the analysis there should be no more than 2-3 goals (such as in the RFPL), as I called a full basket.

In this regard, my choice fell on rates on goals and individual total . I consider it the most rational rate, as the essence of the football match comes down to the fact that if the team wants to defeat and pick up three points, she must score. The whole essence of football lies in the need to score more balls than the opponent. In connection with the foregoing, the rates on goals look the most rational.

Making rates on the line, I pay attention to matches where good coefficients are given on the goals of the teams that are the most likely in a certain confrontation. If the coefficients on the goal of the team are too small, then I often take a bet "More (1)", if I think that the team will surely be able to score a goal, but able to score and more. Often rates on such events are given when more or less equal rivals are found and the coefficient for the victory of one fluctuates around 2, and the second 3-3,40. If you are well able to understand the team's abilities, the skill of its key players and form at the moment, then such rates are always profitable, especially if you include several such in Express.

So, in my opinion, Voyna was the rate for more than one goal "Real" in the Champions League finals against Juventus. The coefficient was 1.70. I was sure that "Real" his one goal would definitely score, because the team for the year scored in every match and not one time. The restraining was the fact that "Barca" could not be able to score and go to Juventus's goal for two matches, but I'm also sick for Real, but in the issue of rates is always extremely objective, so I understood that the current "Barce" is not It was possible to score, because the team is lost with constant pressure of the opponent, it does not know how to play the second number, so the opposition "Juve" brought their fruits and dispersed the opponent. And if you are frank, in my opinion, "Barcelona" - a team of one great player, which may hope for a victory with a solid resistance only if her great player coincides with a miracle, will cost all the protection and give a goal on a "dish with a blue drive".

"Real", first of all, is a team, despite the great role in it in her Cristiano Ronaldo. Half of the season he was not noticeable, for which he fell under criticism again, but his team is currently so famous and each of the players is so masterful that they calmly confidently defeated and without him. Sometimes playing the backup composition, the results of the team were even better. Thus, I had every reason to expect that "Real" will still score "Juventus". If this did not make Ronaldo, it could make just anyone: both Marselo, and Benzema, and Modrich, and Art, and Hones, and Vasquez, and Ramos, and Asencio (what he did), and others. This is due to the high individual craftsmanship of each of the players of this club, inventiveness in the attack, and the most important lack of concern to play the match with the second number in order to sleep the rival's vigilance and "shoot" at that moment when no one expects.

As we all know, my assessment of this rate turned out to be more than justified.

In addition to pre-commission rates on line, I consider very profitable bets in Live . They come, probably more often than pre-aromatic. In Live, you can catch bets on the goals of the Favorites team, which during the match loses, and the coefficient on their goal rises, or bet in the second half for another clogged ball, if there is all the prerequisites.

All my bets begin with a 1.50 coefficient, otherwise they are simply impractical to accumulate profits. Each bet must be fixed, not more than 10% of the existing bank. No bet as much as it is "crowded" or "reinforced concrete" is not worth drawing a bet of Vasha Bank. As soon as you make a bid, it does not pass in a gift. Therefore, it is necessary to consider that the correct bank change is the basic rule of any earnings.

Having formed all the basic principles and rules of their betting, I decided to apply the approach and the relationship that mentioned earlier.

I i have identified a sport rate with bidding on stock exchanges which successfully earn brokers. As and here on the stock exchanges, rates are made to increase or decrease the value of shares, goods or currency. In turn, the stock exchanges seem much more complex and unpredictable, since certain global or smaller events in the world of economics, politics and corporate management can affect the fall or increase in the course. However, none of the courses, which at the distance goes to a decrease, does not guarantee that one day, just when the time of your bet expires, it will not solve the unknown reasons for a couple of seconds, and then continue his fall. In this regard, the betting is more predictable, predictable and appropriate investment.

Further, I came across the article of one person who offered a way to accumulate the necessary amount (up to a million) by means of a monthly postponus of minor amounts on his accumulative account for interest. An analysis of his method seemed to me very well, safe and rational, but unbearably heavy and long. To achieve its goal, it was necessary to postpone long-to-year years. In addition, this method did not take into account the factors that in the level of our life and wages, in which the month is not enough one salary, the idea will end early or later at the first lack of money, difficulties, etc. However, the very idea and direction seemed to me true. On its basis, I came to check whether my bank can function in the BC office the principle of "deposit".

To this end, I spent analogy with a real bank deposit.

Suppose I make a deposit on the bank in the amount of 10, 20 or 100 thousand rubles. The amount at the moment is not important, I will take 10,000 rubles for clarity. The bank opens deposits from 10% to 25% per annum (approximately) on the amount of the deposit. Thus, if you invested 10,000 p. Under 25% per annum, after a year you will receive only 12,500 p., or if it is a contribution for three months, then from 3% to 7% of the contribution. Your benefit looks meager, even if you had invested hundred thousand rubles in the ratio with your contribution, and financially does not bring any income.

In the same principle, I decided to conduct an experiment, and to invest 10,000 rubles. At the expense of the BC (conditional), to establish a goal and check for what time I can achieve it to achieve with accurate bets on your strategy, and whether it will be possible at all. The main rule was not to remove funds from the account before reaching the ultimate goal or before the failure, similar to the banking deposit.

Bets on the principle of "deposit".

Type of bets: line + live.
Coefficients: from 1.5 to 2.5 (on average).
The initial amount of the bet: 1000 rubles (10% of the bank).
Purpose of the size of the bank: 100,000 rubles.
Number of rates per day: from 1 to 7.

In the first month of bets, I made bets in size in 1000 rubles. The average rate ratio was 1.7-1.8. As a result, considering that during this period there were both a series of winnings, and not very successful days of bets, exactly in one month my initial bank increased by 120%, there was already 22,000 rubles on me (with kopecks).

Upon reaching the amount of size in 30,000 rubles, I increased the size of the fixed rate to 2.000 rubles, which was already less than 10%. I did not want to raise it up to 10 percent to make more chances not to merge the bank and go to age. As for me, it is better to go slowly, but without fears to burn. As a result, somewhere at a mark of 50,000 rubles in the bank, I raised the amount of fixed rates to 3.000 rubles and put this size of the bet in the flesh until my goal is 100,000 rubles (that is, the size of the fixed rate was 4-5% of the bank.

Thus, making rates on their clear rules and the system, I managed to increase my original bank for 3 months and a few days by 1000%. What bank will this bank offer? Yes, here you need a lot of patience and discipline, but this format is really able to help to save the solid amount in just one year. And our goals and dreams, I think, are worth postponing for one year some 10,000 rubles.

For my calculations for the year you can reach more than 1 million.

After spending many such experiments, I'm still inclined to argue that the sport rates with the right approach and composure can be a full-fledged source of income. Moreover, they can be the basis of your financial independence, but for this you need to pay for a couple of years. Although in this matter it all depends on the size of your original bank. The more the bank from which you start, the faster and more significant will look your profits.

Personally, I have no alternative honest way of passive income, which would be able to implement my goals and needs.

A streamlined system of rates with rational planning and maintenance is actually able to make money bring money;)

These are my thoughts regarding the discussion of the issue.

I have published this article here, because on the site intelbet there are a lot of people who have much more rates experience, and I would like to hear exactly their thoughts about whether it is possible to really earn at rates or it is just entertainment. If you have any examples from your own experience and life, do not be afraid to share and comment. I need to know the opinions of people who have been able to get to this for many years.

Thank you all for your attention! I hope at least someone will share their thoughts.