Moon and her boyfriend. New name: Ukrainian pop singer moon

Moon and her boyfriend. New name: Ukrainian pop singer moon
Moon and her boyfriend. New name: Ukrainian pop singer moon

In recent years, Ukraine will shock one revolution for another, and this time is not only not only about politics. For the revolution of dignity, when millions of Ukrainians encountered a question of national identity, simultaneously communicating it with European cultural code, followed, and now - also musical. We tell who the moon and why American Vogue called it the Ukrainian musical revolution.


The most interesting thing on the Ukrainian scene is now going on in new pop music. , PianoBe, The Maneken, Ivan Dorn - that confirmation. In addition, the producer center "Lrazheva", the founder of which is the husband of Christina Bardash - the very moon - Yuri Bardash, has been actively supplied by high-quality pop performers, musicians, photographers and producers, many of which we are obliged to the emergence of the phenomenon of the Ukrainian musical revolution .

One of these new pop performers and became the singer of the moon. The project has been two years old, and in 2016 about the moon as a breakthrough of the Kiev musical Andrim, justified everything - from the Russian Wonderzine to the Ukrainian gloss, and now - also American Vogue, which for the first time drew attention to Ukrainian music.

Journalist Liana Sainttenstein, specializing in the culture of the CIS countries and, in particular, Ukraine (this is the author of last year's article about), writes that Music Music is "This is a symbol of changes occurring in Ukraine against the background of a political situation, war and an unstable economy." Of course, a comparison of the music of the Moon with a similar direction in fashion is also suggested by itself - the fact that there are immigrants from the post-Soviet space and Gosh Rubarchinsky.

The moon itself characterizes his musical style as "spiritual pop" - it feels nostalgia in the post-Soviet 90th and zero, romantic passion, as well as the actual trend on the "Mode of Gopnik", exported to the west of the same Gvasalya, Rubchinsky, and other designers.

Christina Bardash is perhaps the most unusual person who ever became a symbol of the musical revolution,

- Writes about the moon Vogue. In less than a year, 25-year-old Christina thanks to his vocals, a music video recorded literally on the knee in the spirit of "new sincerity" and personal style gained the attention of musical and fashion critics and simply people who disassembled in modern music - and fashion, which is important.

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- Says the moon, while Liana calls her face "elven". After Christina, with his team, downloaded the first video on the song "Autumn" on Facebook, people began to distribute video themselves, and after six months all the tickets to Kiev concerts were bought.

According to the moon, the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s - the main source of its inspiration. And this is not by chance, since it is this period that is minimalism, a flourishing and access to the "big world" of various subcultures, feminism with his "new femininity" Phoebe FIBI, the era of supermodels, the peak of popularity and - most interests and modern fashion.

For Ukraine, the 90s became, according to the moon, "the time of the revolution in the heads of people and the awakening of Ukrainian youth."

In the article, Sainttenstein describes in detail the image of Christina Bardas during an interview: it was wearing a pink mini-dress Roberto Cavalli on buttons, which "would have come to the wife of Slavic mafios", but in Christine looked absolutely organic.

My style depends on the mood, and the same thing happens with my music,

- tells Bardas. And, indeed, before the Moon had the opportunity to buy clothes in the Kiev boutiques Helen Marlen and Asthik, she - according to her words in previous interviews - Dressed in second-Hand on the forest (who, by the way, the same Liana Sainttein calls Ranking the best places for shopping in Kiev), since all earned funds invested in a favorite business.

The lion's share of the popularity of the moon is obliged not only to his style and vocals, but also emphasized by amateur clips - many of them are removed on the phone. The moon supports the image of a "new sincerity", which opposes commercial music and mass culture, slowly killing real, living culture and art. The clip on the track "Autumn" Bardas took off spontaneously to a small pocket chamber, when she took the son to kindergarten.

I love Kiev. This is a beautiful city, although some people destroy the culture. But now a new generation of young guys have appeared, which change the situation - and I am one of them,

Says Bardas in an interview with Vogue. The phenomenon of the singer of the moon is that its music is definitely part of our peculiar, so let's say, cultural code with its bedroom areas, sad pop and infantile nostalgia along the past, which Christina Bardash converts into a high-quality modern product, an interesting West into a high-quality modern product. Thanks to the way she, Ukraine acquires a new person and after a few years will cease to be associated with the beggar, a dilapidated country of war, which is often shown in the news and in which something is not glory to God all the time.

On November 3, the moon was made in Moscow - the Kiev singer, which only lazy speaks of the last six months. The Village met with Kristina Bardash before and after the first Moscow Solnik to comprehend her phenomenon.

"The boy, you are snow that will not be, I will prove that you are blind, like other people," a thousand people in the club near the Tver Choir sing the song of the girl, about which a year ago they knew only in narrow circles. In August 2015, Kievanian Kristina Bardash posted a hypnotic clip on Youtube " Moon ", And after a couple of months - video" Fall ", Shot on the film chamber itself, posing in the frame with a three-year-old son. After just a year, I stand in the crowd of steamed Muscovites who have learned the simple texts from these clips from the first to the last line.

Journalists helped to learn them, undoubtedly, helped journalists: Over the past few months, Christina was interviewed by Ivan Dorn and the editors of all important Internet sites, it fell in love with gloss photographers and progressive English magazines - on the day of the concert I-D called the star of the Ukrainian musical revolution. I get acquainted with Christina in the dressing room of the Izvestiya Hall club and immediately feel that she was thinking from persistent attention, - strict and restrained, singer sits in front of the mirror and as if it would be imposed on the invisible distance, although it easily goes to you. "I decided not to give interviews next six months or a year, it ends with my thoughts. "I want to communicate with journalists to remain a mutual exchange." Ethnic music plays in the dressing room, there are flowers on the table and a large dish with nuts, a couple of hours remains to the concert.

Cristina Bardash 26 years old, and most of them lived in Kiev, except for early childhood in Dresden, where her father served, and two and a half years in Los Angeles, where at the beginning of the tenths she lived with her husband, producer and founder The most important Ukrainian pop label Kruzheva Yuri Bardas. In the US, Bardas gave birth and raised the son of Zhorik - the hero of the future clip on the song "Autumn". "Two and a half years have not tied me to the states," remembers the moon. - I did not inspire anything there, I went crazy a little bit. But a year after me it came to me that I learned there. The taste has changed, style appeared. You do not work for two years, but only you go to museums, at the exhibitions, the fairs of vintage things, look the last collections. In short, culturally convertible. Of course, travel is very important. But in Kiev somehow it is better to do creativity. " In Ukraine, Christina was engaged in photography and musical production, filmed the clips of Noggano and the singer I promising at the time of its cooperation with "lace". Anyway, all the last years of Bardas was closely connected with the label of his spouse, but it seems that now that the camera lens is directed to her itself, it is much more comfortable. I express this thought of Christine, and she confidently nods.

Bardash argues that the name of the "Moon" project has consolidated after they with the poetess Liza Gottric wrote the same song from the debut album "Mag Ni-You". After acquaintance with Christina, it seems that another name and could not be: she talks about his enthusiasm meditations and astrology, about four elements whose imbalance shortly after the first large solo in Kiev for a while deprived the bardash forces to create music. "I fought for a long time with this personal ways, which I do not want to tell," she says. In the middle of the conversation in the dressing room with a screech, the Kiev girlfriends Bardash are broken, with one of which, an energetic Mulatto Annette, we will talk behind the door. Annette tells that she lives in Kiev, it works as a cook, and with the moon made friends six years ago on the set of the clip of the main project "Lace" Quest Pistols, in which Yuri Bardas filmed Christina. "She has not changed at all since then. If it is characterized by one word, this is "space", "Annette arguments without a knockout.

The train around the rapidly debut singer's singer, woven from space and esoteric, low-budget VHS-videos, mounted on a kneel, light erotica and muted minimalist sound, could not not pose critics - just think the wife of the producer, successfully resetting the Quest Pistols group in Quest Pistols Show , begins to send to the right editors of handicraft clips, insistently calling himself a DIY project and talking about the primacy of sincerity in his music. The moon says that it will produce himself, but also from helping the team is not rejected. So, her saund-producer Alexander Voloschuk is responsible not only for the sound on the lunar records, but also for songs of 17-year-old R'n'B stars "Lace" Andro. whom journalists have not yet thought that the Gypsy The Weeknd. Voloschuk plays the concerts of the Moon on the bass. The rest of the musicians were collected in front of the first solo concert in Kiev in May of this year. Their two is the keyboard player Andrei Latic and Guitarist Alexander Karev. "Latic - Kiev version of Johnny Juela, who plays the Chromatics and Glass Candy. He collects old syntines, they have 12 of them, and everything is sharpened under such a sound, "says Voloschuk. "This is a Kiev party, here everyone knows each other. Guitarist Schurik is the best friend of Sasha Voloschuk, - continues the Bardas. - When we had a meeting about the first concert, Sasha told him: "You understand that this is a serious group? This is not just a chick ". Participation in the project of Christina's spouse denies, although in his community in Vkontakte, sometimes Yuri Bardas producer "Moon".

Simple and for a long time settling in the heads of Christina writes both itself and in co-authors: for example, the first album Ballad "Boy, you snow" and cold "airplanes" wrote a long-known author who works with "lace", whose name Christina Requests not to advertise. "He suffers from mental disorder and is generally a rather complicated person, but a common language easily found with me. Sometimes it comes and says: "Christine, throw money on medicines, and I will write a song?" I agree, and here the aircraft are obtained. Well, you heard "aircraft", yes? There is very strong text. He could write or I, or he. "

For the scene from Christina Bardash - armor from managers, PR agents, photographers and operators. All of them are fussy and move at an accelerated pace - unlike the audience accumulating in the hall, lazily walking by a bar with Pinacolates. I greet each third - everywhere journalists, photo edits, producers, creative students and simply pleasant faces from Facebook tape. "I often put the moon on my sets," tells the familiar commander and organizer of cheerful gay parties. - comes perfectly. The last time I put the song "The boy, you snow", so my friend burst out, walked and could not calm down. " A few minutes later Kristina Bardash in black bodies and a white lace dress making a compliment of her elven appearance, climbing the scene, the audience is deafeningly roar - and they are no longer mounted, the head of the songs with the same Azart, who issued that he played each of them In the headphones on cut this summer.

At the back of the moon, only three large solo companies: in Kiev - in May of this year, in Riga and Yekaterinburg - as part of the current tour "Eclipse". Knowing it, seeing impressive: musicians comfortably together, behind the back of Christina each other picturesquely replace video stations in the spirit of songs: astrological symbolism, night highway, scene from anime. In the final of the track "In the city of Modniki", Christina takes a smartphone into his hands and removes himself and fans on the front camera - the image is projected into a large screen. I closely looking with my big eyes into the lens, Bardas says with the hall: "I know that today real fashionists gathered here: all designers, all the most beautiful girls and their husbands." The Moscow public surrounds without recognizing itself in the listed layers of the population. Projibly naive phrases or something inadvertently broken, then if the infantile image is invisible: "The knife is wounded, like love," "Often the outside world prevents your dream, so you have to listen to your heart" - the real vision of Bardash in the end detects yourself not in the clips and interview, and in random words, abandoned from the scene.

Closer to the concert final, when the center of the hall sings together with the Moon, a new song, and the couples inspired by the romantic texts, I leave to consider Merch singer - sweatshirts, T-shirts and covers for iPhones. He, like any product of the production of the moon team, looks superactual: Cyrillic font on gloomy shades and simple shapes; Approximately so, with some discounts, the collaboration of Goosh Rubchinsky and H & M, who took the cover of the "Stars named the Sun" for the reference. "She has even a class", "the girl sighs nearby.

After the concert, as after a successful exam, Christina in Euphoria jumps on the stage, and then goes away, but for a while - a few minutes later, a enthusiastic guy swears past me: "She allows you to take pictures!" Success, luck, a new victory of Ukrainian music in the country of youth, treated on spiritual pop songs about the difficulties of love.

I am going to the afterparty concert of the moon in a popular club on Taganka. He is full, around a lot of people who melted a few hours ago in Izvestia. In the doorway, I come across a famous promoter and co-owner of the institution. Spoken about the heroine of the evening, he snorts: "Absolutely commercial project. Now these will begin to appear every six months. It is a pity that singers who try much stronger, do not get such attention. By the way, today I was asked me for the first time in my life to put the guard to the artist. Well, I put, of course - I have three of them, all the wonderful. "

The moon is truly often said by using the "commerce" and production project expressions. It is compared with Lana Del Rey, a bomb of 2012, a diva with an exquisite legend, which journalists were spawned around the world, but if Lana cried to the Estetian spirit of the American 60s, then the Moon today describe, resorting to Heylights from the post-Soviet 90s and sissible zero : Lights and projects of Max Max Fadeev, Linda and Total Group, Irina Saltykov and Angelica Varum. Christina Bardash and herself willingly lists these and related names when he tells about the beloved music of their parents, and firmly thinks firmly after the question of the music of today's important music - most likely, the matter is in an excitement before the concert. But in fact, after the Solnik in Moscow, it becomes clear that all the conversations about the sincerity or its imitation, about the independence or involvement of the moon to the producer center of the spouse are actually meaningless: when the full hall turns the chorus of the songs called "Sad Dance", and men In the hall begin to write with their former girls, what's the difference how many people were behind the production of Dance? The success of the Moon, which was ensured by the spectacular arrangements of Kievans, are better than many listening to Western trends, animal charisma Christina Bardash and infantile texts, which took the main thing from the songs about the playboev Natasha Vedlitsky and the Metric Perlov Ilya Lagutenko, is a consequence and continuation of the process of legitimizing music, which is several Years ago was considered a galloping. "The latitude of all the fields, the depth of all seas, the height of the clouds, the beauty of your coast does not blow to me" - such an ideal simple and affordable sensuality was more than Eva Polna and Yuri Usachev; In 2016, she only needed to give a form, relevant not only at home parties, but also in the club "Science and Art". It made the moon.

"It seems to me that this is a good example of myth-making," I'm talking about Christine Bardash with a familiar musical critic, in the past chief editor of an interesting musical publication. "We have no time to create a myth around the artist, in which everyone would believe, and finally it happened." On November 3, on the day of the Moscow concert, the moon releases a clip to the song "Knife", well illustrating her gradual exit beyond this DIY-myth, - he was withdrawn by the Moscow production group Great Fruit, also not indifferent to nostalgic aesthetics, and shooting video for the store "KM20", the fashionable brand of the Ked "Two Balls", the Swallow Festival and the Lay-Far producer. Whose hands would create himself as Christina Bardash, strangers or own, her rapid climb into the status of the most fashionable Russian-speaking singer intrigues - and it may well continue as much as teenagers who grown after the collapse will touch simple songs about partings on the sound of vintage synthesizers. That is, quite a long time.

"What is the difference, commercial we project or non-commercial? - A few days later I call Bardas and Voloschuk to Kiev, and we are discussing the results of the tour and plans for the future. - Well, commercial. For me, a non-profit project is a group of "Ludska". Often, the musicians say that they do not care about money. I love money, for smart people it is good. If they are inserted into development, it only helps to achieve excellent goals. And about
90s - I do not like what they are drawn in the past. We are not from the 90s, not from the past. I understand that there is a trend, and I don't have anything against anything, but our music is much wider. " "This is the operation of the trend," Cristina Voloschuk interrupts. - Whatever you do, say: "A, nineties!" Revolution in fashion, everywhere. By the 90th now tie everything in a row. " "Well, yes, revolution. - thoughtfully completes the thought of Bardas. - Do not rotate on the radio, do not shown on TV, and the full hall sings all the songs by heart. How so? This is a revolution personally for me. And I will continue to develop in this direction. "

Dasha Tatarkova

In the heading "New Name" We tell about promising newcomers: musicians, directors, artists and other creative people, - that is, everyone, whose name is increasingly appearing on the pages of magazines, in the tapes of social networks and in our conversations and who is clearly on the threshold of great success. Today it will be about the Ukrainian singer Moon, written how she herself calls, "spiritual pop."

For several years now in Ukraine, the Music Ball rules the production center "Lrazheva", which belongs to the notorious Quest Pistols project. But not with an outrageous one: "Lace" have formed a whole community of young and talented people around themselves: not only musicians, but also producers, photographers, directors, and so on, together with the Renaissance local pop music.

One of them is the moon, or Christina Bardash (it could be seen in the clips of the same Quest Pistols). Formally, it acts independently, rather adopted experience with the producers "Lace", rather than embaring with their system. The moon deliberately supports the image of a DIY project, removing the clips on the knee and posting their tracks "VKontakte". Christina records a dreamy pop, equally inspired by modernity and native 90s.

In "Laces", Bardas initially worked as a photographer and director with his husband, Yuri, founded the center. So, a couple of years ago, Moon appeared: Christina's friends called her to the studio and offered to try to sing on top of the track Angelica Varum. Over time, she decided to switch from work on other people's projects on his own. Since then, Bardash has passed the way from timid test records to the release of a full-fledged album, but the feeling that she still sings with a loaf to pop music of childhood remains.

The album "Magnets" sounds like a live entry of hits of the 90s, with amendment that now in the yard is still 2016. The singer itself calls his project with "sincere pop," says that Linda and "guests from the future" were strongly influenced, and it believes that this would be recorded "The Cure in 1984 based on the creative and places of erotic novel between Robert Smith and Alla Primaudon Pugacheva. "

The moon's debut album gradually recorded for two years. Although most things of the singer do on their own, during this time she found like-minded people who helped her to find her sound: Alexander Voloschuk helped with producing, and Igor Galart - with reference. "Magnets", in accordance with the name, album about the mutual attraction of people: on the one hand, those who recorded it, on the other - his lyrical heroes. The singer herself says that this is a plate about the difficult period in her life associated with problems in relations and postpartum depression: "Magnets are an attempt to comprehend the relationship between people through a natural attraction metaphor."

The moon supports the image of a new sincerity by all means: for example, she spontaneously shot on the track "Autumn", when her son did not want to go to kindergarten. Its slow, dreamy music also works out this principle: the texts are purposely operating with the naive images of the youthful love, which Christina sings simply and without delights. However, all this is so well adjacent to each other that it turns out exactly such a pop, which is very lacking in Russian (and not only). Listen to the songs of the Moon, it is possible not only in public "Vkontakte" - a living presentation of the album "Magnets" will be held in Kiev in a few days.

Louna is a Russian rock band. Some journalists refer to her "Side project" of another famous rock collective called the musicians themselves, however, refute this definition in an interview. They insist that Louuna Group is an independent project. The popularity of the team received in 2010, when the debut album was released called "Make Loupe!" Immediately the songs of this group were headed by popular "thematic" charts.

Group name

It happened, as it is not difficult to guess, from the word luna. The final stroke was the letter "O", added to the name guitarist Ruben.


The genre of this group can be defined as experimental alternative music. Some believe that this is an alternative metal. The creativity of the team is at the junction of a plurality of style directions and genres of recent times. LOUNA group is one of the most unusual projects today on the Russian scene. In her songs you can hear the echoes of an alternative line, which is the main one. At the same time, grunge notes (post-grunge - in the official version) sounds. It is safe to say that the genre that could be attributed to the work of this group until there is. Therefore, it does not make sense to build analogies. The assignment to such a genre as an alternative metal is somewhat contrived. It is possible to consider the work of this team by an experiment, which has already proven its consistency. The LOUNA group has thoughtful, bright texts. They are aimed at combating various vices of modernity, including social injustice and religious fanaticism.

Composition of the group

Vocalist LOUNA team - Lusinhe Gevorkian. It participates at the moment in the 2 teams at the same time, speaking also in the Tracktor Bowling team. Today, a large number of people believe that it is the foundation of the alternative vocal of our country.

The second participant is Vitaly Demidenko, who is known as Wit. This is a group bassist. He also participates in Tracktor Bowling. Vitaly has its own fan club.

Guitarist team is Ruben Kazarian. Partly, he acts as the author of texts in English. Ruben played in groups such as Ess Cogitans and Southwake.

Another guitarist is Sergey Pokratyev. It was also seen in working with the two above teams - Ens Cogitans and Southwake.

Drummer - Leonid "Pilot" Kinzburg. This is a talented drummer and long-standing fan of the Tracktor Bowling group.

Group creation

The creation of a team refers by September 2008. It was then that the participants of Tracktor Bowling, the Moscow alternative group, Vitaly Demidenko and Lusin Gevorkyan founded this team. Also, they were joined by guitarists Sergey Pokutyev, Ruben Kazarjan and drummer Leonid Kinzursky.

In the workshop of the team, the rate was immediately made on a powerful sound, as well as on the intellectual content of texts. The songs of the Louuna group are charged by a listener with energy, make it think.

First performances, first awards

On May 23, 2009, the first performance of the team took place. It is considered the date of his birthday. Speech took place in the club "Point" of the city of Moscow. The young and not very famous team in 2009 became the owner of the Ramp Prize, having received it in the nomination "Opening of the Year". The LOUNA rock band later won great fame in the musical environment. Louuna was a chadliner on different rock festivals. In 2009 - on Extreme Girlzz Fest, in 2010 - on Metal Summer Fest "and" Neighboring World ", in 2011 - on" invasions "and Kubana, in 2012 - also on" invasions "and kubana, etc.

Debut album

The debut album of the group "Make louder!", As we said, appeared in 2010, in the summer. He was released in the fall in the same year. In the history of the team, this event became a turning point. A pronounced irreconcilable social position and non-standard music provoked the interest of the general public as well as the media. Note that the leader of the "Tarakanov!" Took part in the record album (Russian punk group), as well as Erwin Khachikyan, keyboard player System of A Down.

Growing popularity

The team in February 2011 presented the single "Who do you believe?", Made together with a vocalist of Lumen Group Rustem Bulatov. In the summer of the same year, at the invitation of the Organizing Committee "Invasion-2011", Louna spoke on the main stage of this festival along with such stars of Russian rock, as "Alice", Gleb Samoilov, "DDT", "Kipelov", "Spleen", "Lyapis Trubetskoy" , "Pilot", "King and Jester", "Tea", "Bravo", "Bi-2" and others.

The Fight Club Composition included in the debut album in January 2011 entered the rotation of our radio. And a week later - and in the "charts of a dozen" (Rock Chart). This song rose to the second place and managed to hold out 16 weeks in Chart. In the future, in the summer of the same year, another song of the group - "Make louder!" - For a month, the peaks of the hit parade reached and during 2 weeks did not give up positions.

The expert advice of the "Charter dozen. Top 13" (Annual Prize) The LOUNA group was put forward to the final of the already in 3 nomadations - "Best Soloist", "Song of the Year" and "Breakthrough". In addition, the team was invited to perform at the presentation ceremony, which was held in Crocus City Hall on March 7, 2012. Louman became a winner of the award, winning the nomination "Song of the Year" ("Fight Club").

Second album

The second album of the group, "Time X", was released in February 2012. There were several tracks of protest topics into the disk. In addition, several lyrical compositions entered the album. In the same year, in March, solo concerts were played in St. Petersburg and Moscow, dedicated to the release of the second album. 14 new songs entered it. The record was attended by the leader of the well-known group as well as Alexander Ivanov, the leader of the group of "Naiv" (broken in 2009) and the current Radio Chacha project.

In an interview with S. Mikhalok, he said that he likes to cooperate with musicians from Louna. He noted that the main part of the duets in rock and roll is created on the stage when the producers want to extract some benefit from it. However, Louna is not a commercial project.

New assault "charter dozen"

The song "Everyone has the right" was in the rotation of Our Radio since February 2012. She lasted in a "charter dozen" for more than two months, reaching the third place. The composition "Mom" in August 2012 was headed by a hit parade for three weeks. In total, she lasted in it for more than three months.

By June 12, 2012 refers to the performance of the group on the "march of Milion". Along with the main studio activity is also being prepared by an entry of an English-speaking album. The team, according to musicians, there are plans for speeches on the largest rock festivals, including world-class events.

"People watch up" - a song that started on the air "Our Radio" on November 16, 2012. It was also filmed by the Clip Svyatoslav Podgaevsky, who earlier did the clips of this group on the song "Mom" and "Make Locker."

Louuna conquers America

In 2013, January 25, it became known that the first English album group will be released called Behind a Mask. In his edition will take part label Red Decade Records. Mama's song on March 22 first sounded on Chicago Radio 95FM W.I.I.L. On the air after that, 138 Americans called. About 75% of them stated that they liked the song. One even confused Louuna vocalist with a soloist in this moment. Single Business was released on March 26, and then followed a high-budget video with the same name, which was represented by Western spectators. Also in 2013, February 24, the English-speaking site of the group began to operate. Then the track list of the future debut album appeared.

Based on the national vote on February 24 of the same year, L. Gevorkyan recognized the best rock vocalist of Russia. She went around Helavis, Zemfira and Olga Kormukhin. Louuna's vocalist won the "best soloist" award, which she got from the hands of the famous actor.

The first English album of the collective was released on April 30, 2013 (Behind a Mask). In various online editions of the United States, he received positive reviews.

The tour of the US cities took place in the fall of 2013. Louuna played concerts in 26 cities of America together with The Pretty Reckless, a team of the United States, as well as Heaven's Basement, an English group. For 44 days Louuna passed 13 states. As part of the tour, except for living speeches, the group gave numerous interviews, spoke at the Chicago radio station with an acoustic network and was adopted with great interest American radio listeners. The songs of the group were in the rotation of the seven largest radio stations of America, and the composition called Up there in the Wiil FM hit parade occupied the 13th place. At American concerts, all albums and attributes were sold, which indicates a high interest in the creativity of the team.

Album "We are LOUNA"

Louna Group Albums have replenished their list December 1, 2013. The appearance of a new one - "We are Louuna." It was recorded with crowdfunding, that is, the money of the listeners. The fundraiser was recognized as one of the most successful musical crowdfunding in our country. In the fall of 2013, a large-scale tour of the United States took place.

2014 in the history of the group

In 2014, she was working on a clip on the composition "With You". He came out on June 30th. In May of the same year, the Group has played two anniversary concerts to their five years in the capital, and one in St. Petersburg. At the age of five, her friends appeared together with the group. Among them, you can celebrate Ilya Dam, Rustem Bulatova, "Tarakanov!", "Elizium", "Brigadier in a row", "Prince", "Stigmata", "fiction", etc. Also, a documentary film called "We are Louuna" .

2015 year

In 2015, the premiere of the composition "Road of the Fighter" in the "charter dozen" took place. The song immediately hit the sixth place, and a month later he headed the hit parade.

In February, the group returned to concert activities. Also intensified the interest in it from the media: the team has become more actively inviting various radio broadcasts. From January to May of this year, the group visited 40 Russian cities, covered almost all regions. This tour, which was called "even louder!", Is today the most large-scale in the history of the team. In almost all cities of this tour there were anchlags. According to the unanimous opinion of the metropolitan and regional promoters, Louna is at the moment one of the most sought-after ROC groups of Russia.

On May 30, 2015, the discography of the LOUNA group was replenished with the Best of the Best of, which entered the best songs. Bonus tracks - "path to yourself" and "freedom" (in acoustic arrangement). "In me" is a song that entered the album in the version written together with D. Rishko.


Christina's father was a military man, so he always held a girl in rigor. Also, Christina has a younger sister. Mom completely devoted himself to raising children.

In childhood, the girl was very interested in music, so parents decided to give it to a music school for training vocals and the game on the piano. After graduation, she entered the university at the Faculty of Journalism. She liked to learn, but in his profession she did not work out. While studying at the university, the girl was fascinated by the director and began to work by the operator.

As the musical career is developing, the girl starred in the clips taken on the famous "Bit" songs and "forget everything", whose producers are the Quest Pistols group. Fascinated with clipmere. He removed the video clips of Julia Nelson and group nerves.
In the late spring of 2016, the first solo album of the singer called "Mag Ni-You" came out. It was during this period that she took a pseudonym of the moon. On October 27 of the same year, the girl released the album "Sad Dance", which in one day ranked first in the top of the best songs of Ukraine.

After the stunning popularity of the released album, the girl spent the "Eclipse" tour. On November 3, 2016, the moon held great concerts in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga.

In early April 2017 there was a premiere of the single "bullets". In the middle of July of the same year, the second song was published from the Album "Spark", Christina immediately introduced his video clip to him. The moon calls his mind with spiritual, as she reminds her to the 90s.

Personal life Christina Bardash

The singer is the wife of producer Yuri Bardas. In 2012, the couple moved to Los Angeles. At first they lived in Hollywood Hills, and later moved to the Venice district. In the same year, they had a red-haired son of George. In America, she completely devoted himself to the child, leaving creative activities for a while.

In one of his interviews, the singer admitted, all the time she lived in Los Angeles, she studied to be free and independent from anyone.

In America, the spouses they lived two and a half years, after which they returned to their homeland in order to continue to develop the creative potential of the Moon at the expanses of Ukraine and Russia.

Regarding that her husband is engaged in the promotion of the group "Mushrooms", the moon says that he does not see anything wrong with it. She says that the audience of the Moon's singer grow gradually, so she will never have problems with the presence of listeners.

In one of the interviews, the moon admitted that the song "Boy, you snow" addressed her beloved, with whom Sora had occurred, and she felt offended. She meant his current husband and musician of the Mushroom Group Yuri Bardas.
Christina Bardash loves to cook her husband and son, she dreams of opening a bar-restaurant. She explains his craving for cooking by the fact that it is a vegetarian and in all vegetarian restaurants finding flaws, so it dreams of opening such a place that will meet the needs of all people who refused meat.

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Now the whole family of the singer leads a healthy lifestyle, and she is engaged in yoga every day and meditates.

The singer notes that its main goal is the happiness of family members and only in second place is creative activities. Although it is quite difficult to submit this girl who is not engaged in musical activities.