Composition based on Levitan's painting “Evening Bells.

Composition based on Levitan's painting “Evening Bells.
Composition based on Levitan's painting “Evening Bells.

Russian nature inspired I. I. Levitan to create masterpieces throughout his creative path... In the 19th century, admiration for the beauty and pacification of certain corners of the Russian hinterland was inextricably linked with the religious perception of reality. Both the landowner, the peasant, and the soldier believed in God with equal strength, and the king was considered the anointed of God. Orthodox Russia several times a day it was announced with the blissful ringing of bells, which filled all earthly existence: from violent green herbs to human soul... Working on the banks of the Volga, Isaac Levitan painted his famous painting “ evening call, evening Bell».

The central part of the painting is occupied by a river. Its blue-gray shades gently affect the beholder, as if calling to enjoy the serenity and magical charm of the summer landscape. The main emphasis falls on the monastery and the bell tower, immersed in greenery, the contemplation of which raises a person above the bustle of the world. One wants to linger on the peninsula flooded with the evening rays of the sun: the holy monastery, the domes' crosses melting in the sky, the wide road to the gates of the monastery. It is no coincidence that II Levitan portrayed two monks dressed in black right by the river. They are so small that it seems impossible to overcome the path to the sparkling white arch. And yet, the road to God, far from the temptations of the light, is quite spacious, and only the one who walks can master it.

The upper part of the picture is the sky. Almost white over the forest, a little higher - with air clouds and in the upper left corner - blue, the sky is striking in its piercing beauty. The skill of the painter allowed Levitan to fill the picture with the evening ring. Music is heard in the heavenly heights depicted by him church bells flying over the treetops, a river with a boat with people floating downstream, a tiny wooden pier and a man sitting in a small boat near the shore, whose figure you do not immediately notice.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan was able to find extraordinary depth in any landscape, harmoniously combining complex philosophy human life with the pristine purity of Russian nature.

The famous painting by Levitan "Evening Bells" was written in 1892. In this picture, the painter did not set himself the task of accurately depicting a specific place. It was created after visiting two monasteries - on the Volga and near Zvenigorod - and reflects the state of mind of a person who sees the monastery in the rays of the sunset and hears bell ringing

Nature is solemn and majestic in the rays of the setting sun: and a motionless wide river, and a pinkish-blue sky with silvery clouds floating on it, and a dense grove on the distant bank. The serene peace is not disturbed by a boat with a group of pilgrims slowly gliding along the river, not by two monks strolling along the distant bank, or a boatman in a boat on foreground.

The white-stone monastery surrounded by a green grove is solemn and majestic. And even his reflection in the wide river is motionless and serene. The monastery and nature seemed to have merged into one whole and became an integral part of each other. If there was no temple in the picture, the landscape would have lost a huge part of its charm.

The day is over. We seem to hear how in the clear evening air floats along the coast - and disappears somewhere in the distance - the mellifluous ringing of church bells, calling people to evening service... And the end of the day brings back memories and some sadness.

The painting "Evening Bells" is one of the most significant works of Levitan. We see the brilliant writing technique of an experienced master, but this is not the main thing in it. In this picture, the artist completely trusts not the skill, but the mood. Levitan was worried about the endless beauty of his surroundings, and in all this beauty, in everything around him, he saw God. AND magical music the artist's soul through the picture is transmitted to the viewer, in the same way his heart is enchanting.

In addition to the description of II Levitan's painting "Evening Bell", our website contains many other descriptions of paintings by various artists, which can be used both in preparation for writing an essay on the painting, and simply for a more complete acquaintance with the work of famous masters of the past.


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One of the most outstanding Russian landscape painters. But, paradoxically, his very famous painting, « evening call, evening Bell", Which the artist created in 1982, is not a landscape from nature, as it is a kind of creative combination of two monasteries that inspired the artist for a masterpiece - Savvino-Storozhevsky and Krivozersky. The Krivozersky monastery no longer exists today; by 1955, it fell into the flooded zone of the Gorky reservoir. The painting itself (a canvas measuring 87 cm by 107.6 cm) is kept in Moscow, in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Levitan taught his contemporaries and followers to subtly feel nature, to perceive and reflect in painting its states, so consonant with the states and moods of people. The artist was subject to a wide range of feelings - from attracting the audience to a close, attentive study of the phenomena and objects of nature, to creating a broad, general perspective of the world, which requires distance and detachment to realize the scale.

The idea of ​​a serene landscape depicting a monastery in the rays of the setting sun first inspired Isaac Levitan in 1890. At that time, the artist lived in Slobodka, near Zvenigorod. The result was the painting “ Quiet abode". Two years later, the painter visited Yuryevits, where he saw a small Krivozersky monastery (several photographs of this structure have survived to this day). The interweaving of the images of the Krivozersky and Savvino-Storozhevsky monasteries revived Levitan's idea to depict the sunset landscape anew. This is how the painting "Evening Bells" was born.

Levitan perfectly managed to convey his own spiritualized feelings to the landscape. The clouds in the painting are colored bright colors summer sunset, they also illuminate the tops of mighty trees, are reflected in the serene smooth surface of the wide and calm river, play on the golden domes of the monastery church. The day with his worries and worries is coming to an end; a bell ringing over the river, calling for the evening service.

evening call, evening Bell

I.I. Levitan, the most talented Russian artist of the nineteenth century, has always loved and felt Russia both with his heart and soul. On his canvases, imbued with a deep tenderness for native land and its nature, magical landscapes are depicted, catching to the depths of the soul.

In front of me is the painting "Evening Bells". The painting, painted in 1892, depicts late afternoon on the banks of the Volga River and we have a view of two beautiful white-stone Orthodox monasteries - Savvino-Storozhevsky and Yuryevtsev.

In the foreground, the Volga lies majestically. The cool, magical tones of the water caress your eyes. The sun has already dropped quite low and we can observe sun bunnies, scattered on the surface of the calm and peaceful mirror of the river, which reflects the twilight skies, along which cumulus lambs-clouds float slowly. The sky, painted in yellow, blue, blue and purple pastel tones, does not seem cold at all, rather, on the contrary, beckons and delights the gaze of the observer.

The shore, covered with silky summer grass, barely sways from the gentle breeze. At the old pier there are two old fishing boats. A man is sitting in one of them. It seems as if he is pensively looking at his reflection in the evening waters and enjoying the coolness and freshness, resting from a hard day at work.

In the middle of the river on a third boat, the oarsmen are rowing with zeal, perhaps they want to cross to the other side to the slender birch thicket, which carefully sheltered Orthodox churches... The trees and bushes, towering over the waters in a lush green wall, are reflected in the mirror-like surface.

Two in black robes are waiting on the bank by the road to the holy monasteries.A high white arch opens the way to God, straight to the holy abode, where a person, having left the bustle of the world, can bow his head and raise his prayer to heaven.

The domes towering over the forest, nobly shine with the golden crosses of the churches, as if merging with the bluish-turquoise sky.

The canvas breathes with peace and tranquility. Unprecedented charm, breath spirals, and the viewer freezes for a moment, as if letting into his heart the exciting overflow of church bells. Ringing with a harmonious melody pouring over the forest and river expanses. Everything is mesmerized by a miraculous phenomenon.

Looking at the picture, it seems that you are about to feel the freshness of a summer evening, inhale the intoxicating smell of herbs and flowers, cool water, you just have to open the shutters of the windows and plunge into the rural measured flow of life.

Composition based on the painting Levitan's Evening Bells

Canvas "Eternal Ringing" is one of outstanding works famous Russian artist who lived such a short but wonderful life... During this time, he wrote many wonderful creations.

There is no specific place on this canvas. The artist realized his views of nature in his paintings. This canvas was painted at the end of the nineteenth century.

There is a river in the central part of the canvas. Its waters are framed on one side by a sandy shore, and on the other side of the river, the bank is covered with green trees and grass. On the sandy shore on the water there are two boats, one of them is a man. Further down the stream, a boat floats, in which there are rowers and vacationers. The waters of the river are calm.

After that, the gaze of the person looking at the picture moves to the opposite bank of the river. On this bank there is a monastery, to which a wide winding road leads. Two monks are standing by the water on the road near the shore. The monastery shimmers in the rays of gold, reflected in the calm blue-gray waters of a quiet river. On the left to the monastery gates and the monastery itself, like a wall joins the forest. Above all this beautiful view is the same beautiful sky. It is like a blue tent, illuminated sunlight... Light, fluffy clouds float across the sky, as if on a river.

Looking at the picture, you feel how everything freezes inside. Not only people and nature in the picture stand, as if bewitched by the ringing of monastery bells, which spills over the surrounding forests and fields, over the smooth surface of the wide river are enchanted by this bell ringing. But the person who stands in front of this picture, too, seems to feel this chime as if spellbound.

When you look at this picture, words do not appear intrusively in your memory. famous song"Evening call, evening Bell". It feels like, imitating the words of this song, everyone thought: people, the sky, the river and the surrounding forest, they heard the sounds of chimes.

This canvas stuns the viewer bright light sun, coolness blowing from the river, from the wonderful forest. Looking at this canvas, there is a feeling as if you are breathing in the revitalizing air, you can distinguish a bell ringing. And it becomes so easy and calm in my soul.

4th grade; 8, 9 grade.

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Unfortunately, the fate of Isaac Levitan, the world-recognized master of landscape, was not easy. He lived a short but very fruitful life, leaving behind a great artistic legacy.

The painting "Evening Bells" appeared from under the painter's brush in 1892. It was painted under the impressions received on the artist's train along the Volga. The beauty of monasteries, bell towers and churches became the basis of this unusually lyrical and poetic picture.

In the painting "Evening Bells" Levitan depicted a quiet warm summer evening. The bright rays of the setting sun highlight the snow-white walls of the church, the melodic bell ringing of the evening prayer is heard over the calm river, giving rise to peace, pleasant melancholy and light sadness in the hearts. The landscape is full of grandeur and solemnity due to the light contrast of the already dark earth and the still light, with a pink tint, the sky, clearly and clearly reflected in the immovable surface of the water. The river is also full of calm, a small boat glides along it, in which people are ferried to the other side. Two more boats tied to the shore with a bored boatman are depicted near the near shore.

V calm waters the rivers are reflected and white buildings with golden domes, hiding behind dense foliage of trees and bushes. The place depicted by Isaac Levitan in the painting "Evening Bells" unites the spiritual and natural principles, becomes a kind of source of the human soul, its peace and self-contemplation.

The work "Evening Bells" is one of the most famous and significant canvases of the artist. It perfectly combines both the skill of the author, who loves and sees the beauty of his native nature, and his mood, lyrical and somewhat sublime. The ability to convey the music of his soul makes Isaac Levitan one of the most outstanding landscape painters.

Year of painting: 1892.

Dimensions of the painting: 87 x 108 cm.

Material: canvas.

Writing technique: oil.

Genre: landscape.

Style: realism.

Gallery: State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

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