Ryazan Russian folk choir named after Popov. State Academic Ryazan Russian Folk Choir named after

Ryazan Russian folk choir named after Popov.  State Academic Ryazan Russian Folk Choir named after
Ryazan Russian folk choir named after Popov. State Academic Ryazan Russian Folk Choir named after

Folklore of the Ryazan land

The Ryazan distance is wide and immense. The endless Meshchera forests are tenderly whispering about something with a light breeze. Among the flowering meadows streams its clear waters unhurried blue-eyed Oka. How many talents this land has endowed and surprised, and what songs live in the soul of the people here, in the heart of Russia!
All distinctive features song tradition The Ryazan Territory is carefully preserved by the Ryazan Choir, the basis of the repertoire of which is made up of old songs. The soul of the people resounds in them - sometimes sad and pensive, sometimes tender and loving, striving for happiness. The choir and soloists manage to convey the flavor of each tune with great accuracy and precision. And today, as before, the creative credo of the collective remains unchanged - the revival, preservation and development of the richest folklore traditions native land and Russian folk singing culture.
The choir was created in 1946 based on folklore ensemble the village of Bolshaya Zhuravinka Ryazhsky district of the Ryazan region. Its founder and first artistic director Irina Ivanovna Kosilkina managed to create from amateur team professional choir of Russian folk songs. Since 1950, Evgeny Grigorievich Popov, a native of the Starozhilovsky district, a graduate of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, has become the choir director, whose name was later given to the collective. E.G. Popov subtly and carefully treated the origins of the songwriting of his native land. He recorded and processed hundreds of melodies that were included in the golden fund of the Ryazan Folk Choir's repertoire. The sound of the choir is unique and original. It is characterized by warmth, sincerity and soulful lyrics, so characteristic of the Russian soul. And just as unique are his songs - part of the musical treasury of Russia, songs that are composed in the "country of birch chintz". The choral and dance traditions of the native side are carefully preserved. Ryazan folklore forms the basis of dances and vocal and choreographic pictures.

Kosilkina Irina Ivanovna, a native of the village of Bolshaya Zhuravinka, a self-taught musician, a woman with great creative will and organizational abilities, led the Zhuravinsky choir, and then the Ryazan folk choir

The 30s are not close, Ryazan hinterland. And here, in the village of Bolshaya Zhuravinka, Ryazhsky district, local peasants gather for rehearsals. Yes, not on the heap. Not outside the outskirts in a round dance. Not at gatherings, but in the choir. Time so predetermined - the Russian song did not stop then. For the sake of fairness, it is worth saying, perhaps, that at that time in the Ryazhsky region there were many other rural choral groups: Fofanovsky, for example, Yegoldaevsky ... "Sound, with colorful echoes and a unique repertoire - from" my village ".
In those years, a small number of nugget singers, natives of the village, “played” in the choir (in many Ryazan and Russian villages they still say not “sing”, but “play”). And the first public performance of the Zhuravinites took place in 1932 and aroused the keenest interest.
And since the 30s, this distinctive team has been headed by Irina Ivanovna Kosilkina, a well-known singer and songwriter of ditties in the village. She determined his further fate. Throughout the pre-war years, the choir was noticeable (and was celebrated more than once) at various regional shows, often invited to Moscow to creative olympiads (there were such before), where Zhuravinians, representing the Ryazan land, showed their deep-Russian folk performing arts.
And then the Zhuravinites were called artlessly - "the choir of the collective farm named after Karl Marx."
In those years, the choir's repertoire was based on the favorite songs of the village of Bolshaya Zhuravinka: “Oh, the red sun has set,” “The girls sowed flax,” “Rowan-ashberry”. They also readily sang the author's songs of those years, as they would say now, the period of collective farm construction: such was the way of life ...
During the Great Patriotic War, the Zhuravinsky choir singers Gorbunov and Korolkova with the accordion player Letaev as part of the concert brigade drove a lot along the front roads, performed for several months in front of the Red Army soldiers in often difficult conditions, with a risk to their lives ...
... And now the 46th year, which can be called fateful (I'm not afraid of this word) in the life of the choir! On October 27, 1946, by the decision of the Regional Council, the Zhuravinsky Choir of Russian Song was "transferred" to the number of professional ones, becoming the State Ryazan Russian Folk Choir. And his first professional artistic director became Irina Ivanovna Kosilkina. For her now a difficult and responsible task arose: to lead the team along a previously unfamiliar path - professional performance.
From the first days, she took the most respect to local singing traditions. However, this in a new role for her, of course, frankly, was not enough. It was difficult for her to master the musical literacy, but she, realizing the need for this in her work, was persistent and tireless. Goes to Tula region, to the city of Venev, studying there at music education courses ...
Irina Ivanovna travels a lot around the villages at this time, collects songs, authentic folk costumes Ryazan region - everything for the formation of a native choir. At the same time she recorded Russian folk songs that we now know and perform, such as "Oh, yes, the forester is on the edge", "Oh, walk, girls, time", "Sleep is sitting," "A sparrow is under the roof" and many, many others: round dance, wedding, comic, dance! And now 90 years, it turns out, from the day of her birth. And on my desk in my office there are still Irina Ivanovna's field notes - notebooks with musical scores of Ryazan songs, which she made during her travels, as "desk books".
I cannot fail to mention how peculiarly Irina Ivanovna Kosilkina worked with the choir, according to the principles of folk improvisation. In the classroom, she asked the singers to "look for their voices." This is typical for traditional folk singing.
The traditions of collecting song folklore, begun by Irina Ivanovna Kosilkina. In the early years of its creative work in the choir, Evgeny Grigorievich Popov invariably turned to folklore material collected by Irina Ivanovna. She at that time, while remaining in the collective as a consultant on folklore, in every possible way supported his interest in the origins folk performance... And those of her notebooks, which are now in the cultural baggage of our choir, were constantly leafing through them.

Recorded by Nikolay Reunov, Ryazanskie Vedomosti, 05/22/2001
(From an interview with A.A.Kozyrev)

"Verses from the main song of Arina Kosilkina" - documentary about the life and career of Irina Ivanovna Kosilkina. The film was first presented as part of the Seventh Gareto Readings and is dedicated to the upcoming 100th anniversary of Irina Kosilkina.

Evgeny Grigorievich Popov - choral conductor, composer, People's Artist of the RSFSR, student of K.B. Birds, artistic director of the Ryazan folk choir

His fate can be envied. In the village of Gulynki, in the Ryazan region, where he was born into the family of the rural paramedic Grigory Aristarkhovich Popov, the song was honored. They sang in the house, sang in the winter at gatherings in the neighboring hut, sang at the outskirts in the spring and summer nights... Judging by family memories, the culprit was a neighbor - a carpenter, the first dancer and musician in the village. As a sign of deep respect for the local paramedic, he made a three-string balalaika for his four-year-old son. Parents were surprised not childishly serious attitude little Zhenya k new toy... But, noticing how, having matured, the boy is more and more drawn to musical instruments, can listen to the singing of village women for hours, the parents realized: their son is forever lost to medicine, technology, science and many other spheres of human activity. It was a happy loss: the song won from it.
The joyful discovery of Russian song richness accompanied E. Popov both in his native village, at the Ryazan School of Music, and at the Moscow State Conservatory. But not everything was easy and joyful. On the very day when E. Popov passed solfeggio and harmony at the entrance exams to the conservatory, a girl ran into the audience and exhaled: "War ..."
And Popov put on a soldier's overcoat. He served in the Far East, took part in the war with Japan. And, having demobilized from the unit, the next day he appeared at the conservatory. He was reasonably remarked: "It's February outside, classes began in September, so come back next year." A fluke helped. The deputy dean of the conductor-choral faculty entered the educational part: “Popov? I remember you very well from the pre-war entrance exams. Find your old exam sheet in the archives. But the course has been taking place for five months. Can you catch up? "
Popov did it. I studied 14 hours a day. Practice took place in The Bolshoi Theater, which became for him a real school of Russian singing culture.
Having received a diploma with honors, a talented conductor, young composer E. Popov refuses a flattering offer to study teaching activities at the Saratov Conservatory and gladly agreed to lead the Ryazan Russian Folk Choir, unknown to anyone in those years. The choir was going through a difficult period at that time: there were no rooms for rehearsals, no housing, there was not enough foundations musical literacy... The collective was based in the village of Zhuravinka, Ryazhsky district, and came to Ryazan as if on tour. The chorus was melting. By the time of E. Popov's arrival, 14 people remained in it. Thanks to the organizational skills of E. Popov, a week later the choir received a hostel in Ryazan, the stage of one of the factory clubs for classes. V a short time the team was completed. They began to study musical notation, the history of music.
Folklore expeditions organized by Popov follow one after another.

Evgeny Grigorievich collected about 300 songs of the Ryazan region. More than 100 songs were processed by the composer and performed by the Ryazan Choir, delighting the audience. And today they sound "Are you a mountain ash?"
In 2001, the Ryazan State Academic Russian Folk Choir was honored with the name of its legendary artistic director - Evgeny Popov. Evgeny Popov entered the history of Russian musical culture forever.

“Happy is the person who one day turns from the highway to the lane, sees an overgrown pond near his native outskirts, a house blackened by the weather, where every knot in the white-washed floorboards is familiar, and suddenly feels, understands in his heart that it is impossible to serve Russia without serving his native places "- said E.G. Popov.

The pearl of the repertoire Ryazan choir, the hallmark of not only the choir, but the entire Ryazan region was the song by Evgeny Popov to the verses of Sergei Yesenin "A month over the window"

In the choir's repertoire, a special place is occupied by songs based on poems by Sergei Yesenin, music for which was written by E. Popov. Here is what he said: “Sergei Yesenin is not only a great Russian poet for us, but also a dear, close fellow countryman. Our Ryazan nature is uniquely sung by him. In his poems there are a lot of our Ryazan words, phrases, expressions, and most importantly, the soul of the people lives in Yesenin's poetry, every line of his poems is permeated with love for his native land. "
And the fire of the dawn, and the lapping of the waves, and the silvery moon, and the rustle of the reeds, and the immense heavenly blue, and the blue surface of the lakes - all the beauty of the native land over the years has been molded into poetry, full of love for the Russian land.
From heartfelt poems about the "country of birch chintz", the width of its steppe expanses, blue lakes, the noise of green oak forests to disturbing reflections on the fate of Russia in the "harsh terrible years", every Yesenin image, every Yesenin line is warmed by a feeling of boundless love for the Motherland.
Yesenin knew Russian poetry, especially appreciated the poems that became folk songs, dreamed that his poetry would be "absorbed into the flesh of the people." Many composers have turned and are turning to Yesenin's poetry.
A significant part of the Ryazan Choir's repertoire is composed of songs based on poems by Sergei Yesenin - this is not only a tribute to the great compatriot, but also an inexhaustible source of inspiration for composers, performers and listeners.
The first song by E. Popov to poems by S. Yesenin "Birch" appeared in 1956. The composer recalls: “This is one of early works poet, created by him at the age of 15. It depicts Russian nature, I would even say Ryazan nature: a winter landscape in very light, soft colors ... And I tried to write music, too, light, lyrical, so that the birch would be ours, Ryazan not only in poetry, but also for music ".
Songs to verses by Sergei Yesenin are both a tribute to the Ryazan choir to the great compatriot and an inexhaustible source of inspiration.
“One of the most poetic miracles of S. Yesenin,” says the composer, “is the mature poetry of a man who has seen a lot, traveled far from his homeland, but retained in his soul a living and quivering love for his native land. Creating a song to these poems, I tried to carefully preserve all their charm, rich poetic overtones. "
Glorified by the great Russian poet, the beauty of the "country of birch chintz" beautiful people found a second musical, stage life in the art of the Ryazan Russian Folk Choir. These are traditional folk songs Ryazan Territory in excellent musical arrangements of the legendary choir leaders - E.G. Popova and A.A. Kozyrev. Magnificent song lyrics to the verses of Sergei Yesenin by the composers of the Ryazan land - Evgeny Popov, Alexander Ermakov, Georgy Galakhov, the brightest musical heritage of our fellow countryman, composer Alexander Averkin.
The choir performs all the songs written by our Russian poet from the Ryazan region, Sergei Yesenin. The choir from Ryazan sings the songs of their great compatriots! And also near Ryazan is the village of Konstantinovo, where Sergei Yesenin was born and raised.

“There is a month above the window. The wind is under the window. The poplar that has flown around is silvery and bright ... ”- the song comes from the receiver. And from the toes, hands, from the hair roots, from every cell of the body, a drop of blood rises to the heart, pricks it, fills it with tears and bitter delight, you want to run somewhere, hug someone alive, repent in front of the whole world or hide in a corner and vomit out all the bitterness that is in the heart, and that which still remains in it. " Having poured out the feelings that flooded him with the song, the author concluded his confession with the words: “Hats down, Russia! Yesenin is being sung! "(Victor Astafiev)

The Ryazan State Academic Russian Folk Choir named after E. Popov is a pearl of Russian culture

Today the collective is a synthesis three directions folk performing arts: vocal, choral, dance and instrumental, where each performer is a professional artist and has special training and education.
The creative credo of the choir is the preservation, development and revival on the stage of the richest heritage of folklore traditions and modern author's music in the genre of folk performance.
Much creative activity in the status of the state folk choir is aimed at preserving the local original manner of singing, recording and processing Ryazan folklore and searching for new works that meet the criteria of genuine art.
Among the new numbers - "Ryazan Holiday", the song of the Saraevsky region "Bochenka". Dynamics and enthusiasm added vocal and choreographic pictures on the themes of Ryazan crafts, prepared for the "Slavic Round Dance" festival. Coopers, blacksmiths, carpenters, Mikhailovsky lace-makers appeared in the performances ... Most of all, I was impressed by the number of "Potters". Clay, a potter's wheel, the process of birth under the hands of a master of a work of art - it's amazing that all this can be shown through dance. The composition once won the hearts of the audience and now has returned to the stage. Constant search for new expressive means, led to the creation of compositions based on elements of folk crafts: "Mikhailovskoe lace", "Skopinsky potters".

Singer from another land Vladimir Soloukhin wrote: “You can take the song of another birdie for the trills of a nightingale, until you suddenly hear true singer Russian forest. It is impossible to make a mistake here. The trills are so perfect and unique. "

November 10 on stage Nizhny Novgorod Theater The State Academic Ryazan Russian Folk Choir named after Evgeny Popov will perform for the first time in opera and ballet.

The Ryazan Choir began to play songs, and it was as if the juicy Antonov apples in the garden were crunching - the original sound of the choir is so loud and joyful!

In the Ryazan region, the songs were “played”, and the first part of the program is devoted to the song and dance folklore of the Ryazan land and its historical artistic crafts. Skopino potters are brightly and unusually presented in a dance composition (staged by B. Sokolkin), a melodious lyrical round dance "Mikhailovskoe lace" immerses the viewer in the magic of lace-making, and Ryazan barrels will sound powerfully and fervently in the vocal and choreographic composition "Full, full of you, guys, alien beer piti "

Historically Ryazan is the borders of Russia. And the military theme will be reflected in the comic soldiers' songs "From behind the forest, from behind the grove" and "Young hussarik".
And Ryazan wedding songs with their poetic symbols truly touch the soul! The vocal and choreographic composition "Like hills, mountains" in new costumes that preserve the flavor and originality of Ryazan wedding ceremony, will captivate the viewer with the beauty of the game. The unique performing style of the choir can be fully felt in the heartfelt sounding a cappella of the lyric Ryazan song "Are you a mountain ash".

The second part is filled with that lyricism and soulfulness of Yesenin's poems, for which the Ryazan Choir is so famous. She includes songs famous composers who wrote for the choir - this is the "Meshchersky round dance" by E. Popov, and the famous "On a visit" by A. Averkin, and "Dissuaded the grove" by G. Ponomarenko.
The band's business card, the song "A month above the window", written by Evgeny Popov to the verses of Sergei Yesenin, has been performing for six decades at all concert venues in the country.

At the end of the concert, "Ryazan Lady" will thunder - an exciting action, amusing the soul and heart, filled with a sparkling ditty and virtuoso tricks, which will make the viewer sing and dance together with the choir artists!

The concert of the Ryazan Russian Folk Choir named after E. Popov always attracts the attention of numerous connoisseurs of Russian vocal folklore. After all, this team has become a recognized and unique legend of the genre.

The vocal group is a prominent promoter of Ryazan folk singing. He sacredly honors Russian folklore traditions and for many years has not ceased to acquaint the public with them. The history of this project began back in 1946. His birth took place in the village of Bolshiye Zhuravinki. Therefore, from the first days of their activity, these vocalists had an excellent opportunity to perform truly folk and very rare works. Real glory came to the choir after the renowned Soviet musician and composer Yevgeny Popov became its director in 1950. Thanks to his activities, the artists have perfectly mastered the unique Ryazan folk style of singing, which has centuries-old traditions. Also, their repertoire has been enriched with many rare and unique masterpieces... In addition, the brilliant composer created for this group many songs based on the poems of Sergei Yesenin, which sound almost like folk. Over time, the performances of the choristers began to accompany and ballet troupe, which made it possible to create large-scale performances. Therefore, it is not at all strange that over the years tickets for the concert of the Ryazan Russian Folk Choir named after E. Popov began to enjoy incredible demand not only in home country but also abroad. He has taken part in famous competitions and festivals many times. The team has become an integral part of many events of national importance and national holidays. Various prominent figures culture and art.

Currently, the choir group is an example of the highest professionalism and truly folk culture... He conducts constant concert activity in Russia and abroad. Artists take part in the recording of records with choral folk and author's music. Sometimes they also successfully work in some other genres of vocal art.

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