Bunin story analysis Clean Monday Summary. Fine expressive funds in the story I.A.

Bunin story analysis Clean Monday Summary. Fine expressive funds in the story I.A.
Bunin story analysis Clean Monday Summary. Fine expressive funds in the story I.A.

The story of the great Russian writer Ivana Alekseevich Bunin "Clean Monday" is part of his outstanding book of love novel "Dark Alleys". Like all works of this collection, this is a story about love, unhappy and tragic. We offer a literary analysis of the work of the Bunin. The material can be used to prepare for the EE for literature in grade 11.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1944

History of creation - Researchers of Creativity Bunin believe that the reason for writing "net monday", for the author it became his first love.

Theme - the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story clearly traced in the "Pure Monday" - This is the topic of lack of sense of life, loneliness in society.

Composition- The composition is divided into three parts, in the first one there is a familiarity with the heroes, the second part is devoted to the events of the Orthodox holidays, and the shortest third is the plot of the plot.

Genre - "Clean Monday" refers to the genre of "Novel".

Direction - neorealism.

History of creation

The writer emigrated to France, it distracted him from unpleasant moments in life, and he works fruitfully on his collection "Dark Alleys". According to the researchers, in the story Bunin describes his first love, where the author himself is the prototype of the main character, and the prototype of the heroine - V. Pashchenko.

Ivan Alex Alekseevich himself considered the story of "Clean Monday" one of his best creations, and his diary ascended the praise of God, for helping him to create this magnificent work.

This is a brief history of the creation of a story, the year of writing - 1944, the first publication of Novella was in the "New Journal" in the city of New York.


In the story "Clean Monday" Analysis of the work reveals a large love theme problems And the ideas of the novel. The work is devoted to the topic of genuine love, real and all-consuming, but in which there is a problem of misunderstanding with each other's heroes.

Two young people loved each other: this is fine, since love pushes a person for noble deeds, thanks to this feeling, a man finds the meaning of life. In the Novel of Bunina Love is tragic, the main characters do not understand each other, and in this they are drama. The heroine found a divine revelation for himself, she cleared spiritually, finding his calling in serving God, and went to the monastery. In her understanding, the love of the Divine turned out to be stronger than physiological love for his chosen one. She realized that, having joining his life with marriages with a hero, she would not get complete happiness. Its spiritual development is much higher than the physiological needs, the heroine has higher moral goals. Having made your choice, she left the worldly fuss, giving the ministry to God.

The hero loves his chief, loves sincerely, but he is unable to understand throwing her soul. He cannot find explanations to her reckless and shackled actions. In the story of Bunin, the heroine looks like a more alive man, it is at least somehow, by the method of trial and mistakes, is looking for his meaning of life. She rushes, throws from extreme to extreme, but in the end, finds his way.

The main character, throughout these relations, simply remains a third-party observer. He, in fact, there is no aspiration, it is comfortable and comfortable everything when the heroine is near. He cannot understand her thoughts, most likely, he does not attempt to understand. He just accepts everything that his chosen is, and it is enough for him. From here it follows that each person has the right to choose, whatever it is. The main thing for a person is to decide that you who, and what to go, and do not look around on the sides, fearing that someone will condemn your decision. Self-confidence, and in their own forces, will help you find a right decision, and make the right choice.


Creativity Ivan Alekseevich Bunin includes not only prose, but also poems. Bunin himself considered himself a poet, which is especially felt in his prosaic story "Clean Monday." His expressive artistic agents, unusual epithets and comparisons, a variety of metaphors, his special poetic style of the narrative, give this work lightness and sensuality.

The very name of the story gives a great meaning of the work. The concept of "clean," says about cleansing the soul, and Monday is the beginning of a new one. It is symbolic that the climax of events takes place on this day.

Composite structure The story consists of three parts. In the first part heroes, their relationships are presented. The workshop use of expressive means attaches a deep emotional color to the image of heroes, their time.

The second part of the composition is more built on dialogs. In this part of the story, the author leads the reader to the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe story. The writer speaks about choosing a heroine, about her dreams of divine. The heroine expresses his lost desire to leave a luxurious secular life, and retire to the village of monastic walls.

Culmination Moment is the night after clean Monday, when the heroine is determined to become an obedient, and the inevitable separation of heroes occurs.

The third part comes to the junction of the plot. The heroine found his goal of life, she serves in the monastery. The hero, after separation from his beloved, two years led a demandless life, dying in drunkenness and rag. Over time, he comes to himself, and leads a quiet, quiet life, in full indifference and indifference to everything. One day, fate gives him a chance, he sees his beloved among the obedients of God's temple. Having got a glance with her, he unfolds and leaves. Who knows, maybe he understood all the meaninglessness of his existence, and went to a new life.

main characters


The work of the Bunin is written in novelistic genrewho is inherent in a steep turn of events. In this story, it happens: the main character changes its worldview, and sharply breaks with his last life, changing it the most radically.

Novella is written in the direction of realism, but to write about love with such words, only the great Russian poet and the prose of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin could only.

Test on the work

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Class- 11

Objectives lesson:

  • to acquaint students with life and creativity I.A. Bunin, the book "Dark Alleys";
  • analyze the story "Clean Monday": to reveal the problem of love, find out the causes of the tragic fate of the heroes;
  • introduce the spiritual heritage of Russia;
  • develop the skills of the analytical reading of the epic work, the ability to make microvods and with their help is a general conclusion; develop critical thinking, scenic abilities;
  • educate spiritual culture, responsibility for their actions and the fate of the country;
  • condemnate relationships - hold parallel: literature painting, music, religion.

Equipment:exhibition "Who wants to know Russia, be in Moscow", Portrait I.A. Bunina, Music L.-V. Beethoven "Moon Sonata", Opera D.verdi "Aida", "Red ringing" of bells, candles, texts of the work and prayer E.Sirina, Custodian painting "Maslenitsa", LSH magazine - №2, 3, 1996, №3 , 1997, projector.

During the classes

I. Org. moment.

II. Preparation for the main stage.

The word of the teacher.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of I.A. Bunin; Find out what problems the author affects the story "Clean Monday" and as heroes they decide.

III. The assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action.

1. Presentation about I.A. Bunin. The followingness of the student.

2. Reading epigraph.

Is there an unhappy love?
Did the mournful music in the world does not give happiness?
All love is great happiness
Even if it is not divided.

3. Analysis of the epigraph. The word of the teacher.

In these words, the meaning of the entire book "Dark Alleys". The encyclopedia of love drams can be called it, a book from 38 stories about love created during the years of World War II (1937-1944). I.Bunin in 1947. So appreciated my work: "She speaks about tragic and much tender and beautiful, - I think that this is the best and original thing I wrote in life ..."

Love at Bunin is striking not only by the power of artistic pictoriality, but also by its subordination with some inner, unknown laws. It's a secret. And not everyone, in his opinion, is given to touch it. The state of love is not fruitless for the heroes of the writer, it elevates their souls. However, love is not only happiness, but also the tragedy. She cannot end with a marriage. The heroes of the Bunin parted forever.

4. History of writing the story "Clean Monday".

The story "Clean Monday" was written on 12.05.1944.

Why the writing date is specific, and the events described in the work belong to 1914.? 1944 In the years of heavy for the country, I. Bunin reminded people about love as the wonderful feeling that is in life. Thus, Bunin rejected fascism and exalted Russia.

5. The meaning of the name of the story.

1) The historical foundation of the holiday. Reading a textbook article.

Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday - Great Post - Clean Monday - Easter

2) Description of the net Monday in I.Sheleva in the novel "Summer Lord."

(On the background of Music Beethoven)

"Today we have a clean Monday, and everything in our house is clean ... dripping outside the window - how to pay. So I cried - Cap ... Cap ... Cap ... And the joyful something kept in the heart: everything is now, another. Now the soul will start ... "," I need to cook soul. " Check, fast, to get ready for a bright day ... A special day today, strict ... Yesterday was forgiven day ... read - "Lord - Mother of my belly ...". The rooms are quiet and desert, smells like a sacred smell. In the front, in front of the reddish icon, the crucifix ... lit a lean ... lampadku, and now she will burn back to Easter. When the father lights up, - on Saturdays he himself lights the lamp, - always sings pleasantly sad: "Your cruster will bow, Vladyko," and I sing after him, wonderful:

And sacred ... your resurrection


Joyful prayer! She shines in gentle light in these sad days! "

6. Acquaintance with the great prayer of Ephraim Sirin.

Ephraim Sirin is an outstanding figure of the Christian church of the IV century, the famous author of many theological works.

"Lord and Vladyko's belly of my, the spirit of idleness, love and celebrations are not gone. The spirit of the chastity, humble, patience and lubva give you a slave! She, Lord King, giving drani, my sorry, and not condemn my brother, Yako blessed by Esi forever. Amen".

7. Composition of the story.

The composition is consistent.

Winter at the beginning and at the end of the story is a syntax parallelism.

8. Conversation in content.

What is interesting plot?

What emotions caused your story?

What finals did you expect?

Why didn't your hopes come true?

How would you completed the story of this non-rude love?

Where is the action?

Name the holy places of Moscow, mentioned in the story. (Church of Christ the Savior, Novodevichi Monastery, Zaktyuvsky Monastery, Arkhangelsk Cathedral, Marfo Mariinsky Resident) (Explosives from poems from Moscow) sounded under the ringing of bells)

Here, as it was, and now -
The heart of all Russia is holy.
Here are her shrines
For the Kremlin wall!

The city is wonderful, the city of ancient,
You made in your ends
And pans and villages,
And chambers and palaces!
Oboyan ribbon passed,
All you are able to choose in the gardens:
How many temples how many towers
On seven your hills!
Flourish than the fame of the eternal
City of temples and chambers!
Hail of the middle, cordial hail,
Native Russia Grad!
(F. Glinka)

"This is Russia, which we have lost," is crushed by I.Shelev. And he ends I. Bunin.

The story is built on contrasts.

The artistic detail plays a huge role. This is a color.

the black yellow red
Black hair Shoes with gold clasp Pomegranate shoes
Black, like coal, eyes Golden dome Pomegranate velvet dress
Degtyar bang Golden Parch Brick-bloody walls of the monastery
Dark eyes Golden enamel sunset Red gate.
Coal velvet eye Amber of naked hands
Black board icons Golden Cross on the forehead
Black Liker Glove Amber
Black felt boots Book "Fire Angel"
Black velvet dress Yellow Hospipe Rus
Black glossy pigtails Amber cheek
Smolny hair Fiery pancakes
Indian Persian Beauty Gold iconostasis
Eyebrows like black sable fur
Black leather sofa

What is their function?

Yellow and red - traditional colors icon stock.

Yellow symbolizes the kingdom of heavenly.

Red - fire, i.e. a life.

Black - humility, humility.

What does she do?

(We listen to the music of Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata")

The theme of "Lunar Sonata" is she.

He is the topic of a march from "Aida". Prove.

(We listen to Verdi music)

"... the human life is all under the rule of the woman," said Maupassant.

Listen to their dialogue.

(Next - two chairs. She silently reads.)

She is: - You are terribly talking and restless, let me read the chapter.

It: - If I were not talking and restless, I will never, maybe I would not know you

She is: - Everything is so, but still silend a little, read something, smoke ...

It: - I can not be silent! You do not imagine the power of my love for you! Don't love me!

She is: - I imagine. And what about my love, then you know well, except for my father and you, I have no one in the world. In any case, you have the first and last. Do you have enough of this? But pretty about it.

It (to ourselves): -stranny love.

She is : - I'm not gung to my wife. Do not go coming, not gouring.

It (to ourselves): - it will be visible!

(loud) no, this is above my strength! And why, why so cruel to torment me and yourself! "Yes, after all, this is not love, not love ..."

She is: - May be. Who knows what love is?

It : - I, I know! (Exclaimed) and I will wait for and you will learn what love is, happiness!

What do his internal replicas talk about?

Do you think they loved each other? Prove.

Did he recognize it? Why?

And again, the whole evening was talked about outsiders.

So passed January, February ... Maslenitsa.

In forgiveness, Sunday, she ordered him to come in the evening.

What is this day?

He arrived. She met him, all in black.

Read their dialogue. (Reading dialogue)

Why does she want to go to the monastery?

Why didn't he know about her religiosity? What was blinded?

(Sounds "Moon Sonata")

In 10h. The evening is the next day (it was a clean Monday) he opened the door to his key. Everything was buried: chandeliers, candelabra, lamp ... and sounded "Moonlight Sonata". There was a piano in a black velvet dress.

They went to the "cabbage".

What is this entertainment?

How did she led himself? Why is unleashed? What is the oddity of her character?

What was the weather that evening? (Blizzard)

What role does the blizzard play?

Why did she leave him after the "cabbage", which did not do it before?

Why did you remove everything black and stayed in some swan shoes?

What role does the white color play?

Why, when he left her, there were no blizzards?

Why is she leaving in Tver?

What letter she wrote? Read.

Why did she go to the monastery?

Why did he not be surprised by this final of their meetings? (Did not look into the soul)

Re-read the final story.

When it was?

What led him to the monastery?

What did he understand?

Why did he turn and quietly left the gate?

Why is the narration from 1 person?

IV. Systematization and summarization of knowledge.

Conclusions by lesson.

Any real love is great happiness, even if it ends with separation, death, tragedy. To this conclusion, let it be late, the bunin heroes come, who have lost their love, who swore or themselves. In this late repentance, late spiritual resurrection of heroes, we see people of real, their imperfection, the inability to raise the fact that there is a nearby, as well as we see the imperfection of life itself, social conditions, circumstances that often impede the truly human relationship.

The story tells about the tragic collisions does not carry pessimism in himself. He, like music, like any big art, cleans, elevates the soul, claiming truly high, beautiful.

V. Summing up the lesson.

Vi. Reflection.

VII. Information about the homework.

How would you completed the story? Extract the love story.

Ivan Bunin always raised the problem of love in his stories, for he knew that this feeling was fleeting, as a result leads to tragedy, as it is not forever.

The work that deserves the attention of readers is "Clean Monday," where the wonderful feeling is shown, which in the end leads to a disaster.

Between the main character and his beloved there is an outbreak, spark, emotion, impulse of tenderness. The character and the heroine pierces the love that, as Bunin says, can continue for a long time, for all the excellent has the ability to end. The lyric hero appreciates the girl for being, for her magnificent figure, face features. However, all this is a carnal, and not sublime. The heroine, on the contrary, has other ideas about the relationship, for her love is not how much affection, how much pleasure and pleasure from each minute, which was held together.

She is a student. The character sometimes believes that the girl does not understand the meaning of the concept of "love", for him there is now, here it is in front of him, the whole world turns around, I don't want to think about anything, only about how to quickly get close to the girl, but true spiritual values There is no hero. It is too far from those ideas about the great warm feelings, which usually arise between the beloved. Character, if you get into the text, does not understand the girl who owns his own mystery to envelop the consciousness of a young man.

Unfortunately, the history has a sad end, for Bunin does not want to give a continuation where it is impossible, where in the end, everything leads to a crash, to a point not to return. Between the character and heroine, a huge abyss: one is interested in the girl's body, the other reveals spiritual values \u200b\u200bto the main plan, which are not subject to an understanding of the character. And when he opens his eyes to the morning and does not find a heroine nearby, it does not realize why she left. Why did the girl drank with the hero? What prevented her? And she left him from what he saw, was convinced of the invalidity of the hero's senses to her. Yes, love was, but not in the direction of what she dreamed.

Sometimes it happens that our desires do not coincide with real actions and actions. It happens that a person finds his lover, only afterwards, opening his eyes to what is really happening. But it is better to understand everything that ever. And Ivan Bunin gives it clear to understand that love happens to such tragic ends, from which no one is insured. That's life!

Thus, the writer showed his point of view on the consequences of such a pure feeling as love. No one argues that it wonders, forces to heal in a new way, but it is worth being ready for the difficulties that love leads. The main thing is to be for the fact that in life a person himself decides how to love him and for what: for the beauty of the soul or body. If the first for the reader becomes important, then, most likely, he is on the right track. Fate collapses him, because people with spiritual dreams are able not to be disappointed when the body in which they once fell in love, began to crack. For them, interest is the soul, which is mysterious and originally. Therefore, it is worth appreciating the beloved not for the appearance, but for the depths of the soul, despite how long love can last!

Analysis of the work Clean Monday for grade 11

1944 year. The World War I was more than ever before, has a detrimental effect on families, love and feelings in general. Bunin, being in modern Russia, perfectly understands the feelings of all soldiers, mothers and girls waiting for their beloved. At the same time, in his work, the topic of love and the author of Ryano is looking for answers to eternal questions.

The work "Clean Monday" is created at this time. It is noteworthy that the characters are not given - the author did not consider it necessary to give names, because such a story could happen many times with everyone. Instead, a man acts as a narrator, which makes it possible to read the words, feel experiences, understand what the young man in his actions are guided by the reader.

Heroes are antagonists to each other: he is of ditch, energetic and character reminds the Italian, and it is more restrained in the actions and words. The young lady is located in the center of the universe, and the author as if he is attached to her. He himself writes that neither wealth does not touch it, nor beautiful places or lunches. The girl takes all the courtship, but it remains cold.

During the Great Post, the hero notes that his companion is passionate about the monasteries. He could notice it earlier, however, it is quite possible that because of his concentration in his feelings, he could not think about her happiness. And what can desire such a nature, which is rich in spiritually, thinks about the essence of love and happiness? How much she slipped when attempts to get together turned the face of decency so much that he had no hero herself!

He was not given to understand the indirect signs that she did not want to tie his life with such a man. However, in the last night, the girl is given to him, which gives an illusion that they finally got closed. After that, she leaves for a monastery. In the projection on the modernity of the Bunin, such well-known names as Stanislavsky, Andrey White, Moskvin are given. Appearing for a moment, they make tempting offers or help to have a beautiful pair. However, values \u200b\u200bdo not represent.

After a week of zayny and idleness without her beloved, the author comes to the monastery and meets there the most, in the presence of a nun. Bunin shows that, despite the tempting proposals that are not carrying spiritual value and temporary adversity (the war), Russia will affect himself. As the heroine suffered, trying to understand his role, and the state experienced bad times. However, there will be that pure Monday, which will cleanse the country from the dirt that is now on it!

Sample 3.

Bunin writes a story in 1944, during the Second World War. As you know, during the war years, the Soviet power has opened many churches, with icons flew in Moscow, in order to protect the city. People could turn to faith again.

The action of the story is 1912-14, the period is also difficult for Russia, pre-revolutionary years, the proximity of the war. The period when the appeal to faith is relevant and very urgent.

The main character - as a reflection of the era, it is having fun, but these entertainment is not addicted and is not fond of, it seems to see the ephemerality of the entire existence and feels a brightest nature of his time. At the same time, Bunin specifically introduces in the narration of genuine historical personalities: Stanislavsky, Moskvin, Solerzhitsky, White, Kachalov - to some extent they are face of their time. The main characters are also in this light, moreover, they attract admiring views, often turn out to be in the spotlight, attract their own beauty and independence.

So, she is not alien to entertainment, but when a free evening or morning is issued, visits the cathedrals and temples. She studies the story and in this bunin emphasizes the desire for roots, to finding a genuine person and the essence of the people. Also, the main character is understood in the Orthodox tradition, but does not call himself religious. This is an interesting detail, the main character seems to be more distorted and analyst than just believer. She is experiencing warm feelings with religious topics, but also has feelings deep.

The same deep, but a bit of peculiar feelings to the chief hero, to which she resolves caress, but is not completely given. This manifests a certain chastity, which is not something intake, because he is "the first and last" for her and no one has anyone. Therefore, here we see more aspiration to save your own soul and soul of your beloved. He often asks if she loves him and requires confirmation, doubts. However, in the final story of the story, we see how she learns her beloved in complete darkness, already being a nun.

Bunin describes the relationship of these people as incredibly durable and towering over the party of the world. The protagonist is passionate and literally chas every detail of the heroine, admired all the tracks on the snow from her shoes. The main character is more silent and thoughtfully, it reflects on the books and above this world. As a result, the only way out that she chooses is to care for the monastery as a search for something true, something genuine in this world.

Option 4.

Bunin writes about the feelings between two people. They are characteristic representatives of their time, even the author does not call the author and at the same time achieves an amazing effect. Many readers do not notice the lack of names of the main characters.

The girl is rich and beautiful, as the narrator describes her, has some kind of Indian beauty. The young man has beauty and morals, too, southern, but more "Persian". He is also a person who is causing admiring glances.

Relations between them remain almost platonic, more accurately admit some physical intimacy, which never comes to its logical completion. The heroine always tactfully removes him, after which they go to walk around restaurants and theaters and so many days, or rather, in a row.

Nevertheless, as the reader recognizes later, the heroine is not alien to the Orthodox culture and even understands the subject of faith, although it never detects excessive religiousness and piousness. At the same time, it can make very accurate comments that emphasize her some removal from this world of "books, theaters and the rest" seems to be not needed at all. This fact emphasizes the narrator himself when describes the heroine, but it seems to be an impression, his some mockery above the heroine.

For example, he speaks of her phrase "I do not understand how people do not even bother to always dine and dinner" and after that describes the dishes quite in detail to which the heroine herself loved to attach. She possessed the "Moscow" taste, did not have enough simple earthly pleasures.

When the heroine speaks of his intention to leave in the end to the monastery, the hero also perceives such a lunge as not serious and even wants to say, they say, if it happens, he himself will do so to recover on a cautious or something like that.

As a result, the intentions of the heroine are fully serious. She seriously perceives stories about the Murom Prince Pavel and his spouse.

For the heroine, the history of her country is part of her own being, this mentions the Bunin "The story interests it". Moreover, this holiness, the originalness of Russia, which is now hidden under scare and worldly. It is not surprising when the girl in the end goes to the monastery, she sees the exit to these pre-revolutionary years only in order to turn to something true, higher than the earthly and idleness.

However, she remembers his beloved "first and last". It is she who finds out in the pitch darkness, being a monos.

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Clean Monday is considered the beginning of the post, this is the first day after the carnival, in which many servants of the Lord begin to observe the post. Bunin did not accidentally chose such a name to his story: here and adherence to the post, which obliges a person not only in front of him, but also in front of the Lord, here and the decision-making changing the whole of your life, which is in the honest framework of the existence, which he himself for himself " I invented "once. Bunin shows with what feelings, with what impatience, with what renunciation of the world and attachment to everyday life it meets its clean Monday. We will try to more fully reveal the meaning of the name "Clean Monday". The author could call the story "Cleansing", "rebirth", and everything would have been this clean Monday. The post implies the proof of faith in the human god, through the denial of its physical needs, a new discovery, the discovery of his true spiritual world, that is, rebirth. The heroine eventually reborn, found true himself, not suffering how he is about the loss of physical (earthly) ties. Her soul gained her place that, as she thinks, she was destined, and calmed down.

We will try to understand for yourself what feelings underlie the work. In the relationship of the hero and the heroine immediately, from the first pages, it is traced, then what the whole of their union is kept: "... and what to my love, you know well that, except for my father and you, I have no one in the world. In any case, you have the first and last. Do you have enough of this? But pretty about it ... ". She made a reservation: besides them, she has God, there is her inner spiritual world, with which she eventually retired. But she understands everything, he is enough for him, he is capable only to see in himself "... was for some reason the southern, hot beauty, it was even" indecently ", in it" ... And her beauty was That Indian, Persian ... "And even in the surrounding majestic things" ... and something Kyrgyz in the tanks on the Kremlin walls ... "" What he wants to see. A handsome man surrounded by beautiful things for some time happy by definition, and he also believes in his love. And there is no love! When she gave him to understand that he was waiting for happiness, but it would not wait that happiness like water in delusant - soon "... pull out - there is nothing." As nothing turned out to be after their night. He also dismissed: "Ah, God with her, with this eastern wisdom!" You might think that he really is blinded with love, but no, and subsequently, it will be finally prove. He could not hear her spiritual impulse. She was so happy when they were in the Novodevichy Monastery: "True, as you love me!". But he is blind and deaf. When she invites him to visit another abode: "I laughed:
- Again in the abode?
- No, it's me so ... "

For him, she is only a toy, the decoration with whom he is nice to appear in the world like to admire her. Even when she said to him rightly that he would go to the monastery (in the restaurant Egorov), he did not respond, all his thoughts at that moment from excitement, not caused by love, and what he himself does not know - and it seems that it bothers him this is. And the last, which proves that this is not blind love, but it is not clear what kind of feeling is that with blind love, the jealousy of cruel and endless, where she was when the heroine wrote out the "pretandee" with Sulezhitsky, when he insulted Kachalov in her presence: "And what is your handsome man? I hate. " A sense of property, aesthetic superiority - that's what makes the hero think that he loves. She does not like him, it immediately understands its hints, according to her conversations. "... Who knows what love is?". It is in vain trying to draw his attention to his inner world, first invitations in the temples, in the monastery, then tried to initiate jealousy, and remaining a mystery to him, even tried to prepare him for parting. This is what is the problem of the story: she is a thing for him, a toy, very expensive jewelry jewelry, she is trying to someone open himself, and everything is in the background of what they both are looking for love, which is not (youth knows how to fall in love, does not know how to love ).

Bunin, it seems to me, performs on the side of the heroine, prepares the reader to the future junction: at first she visits the cemetery, then churches, they eat pancakes on the carnival, and it means that there will be cleansing in a clean Monday. A skillfully constructed composition of the story based on the contradictions between his and its world: the beauty of churches and cemeteries - the dirt of the restaurants, drunkenness on the "cabbagedress". She time to live in his world, for example, she sometimes smokes a lot, having fun, and he is stranger in her world. Her world was saturated with the spirit of the divine meaning: "Lord Vladyko's belly of my ...", "... and two choirs, too, all the rebar ...", "was in the Russian land a city of Murom ...", etc. Comparing two worlds, of which the author himself chooses the world of heroine. At the end he is even forbid to enter the church, but for the money the doors open, apparently, so that he understands her mystery.

Now, if I were a singer and sang on the stage, I would have answered the applause by a friendly smile and light bonds to the right and left, up and to the parter, and he would have imperceptibly, but carefully removed the foot of the train, so as not to step on it ...
These memories are suddenly attending the hero, although he cannot comprehend them. She remained a secret for him, he never saw this train, and she played, but not on stage, but in life ... The only thing he was able to understand - calm found, and let go of her love, went into his worldly life.

"Clean Monday" I.A. Bunin considered his best work. In many ways, due to its semantic depth and ambiguity of interpretation. The story occupies an important place in the cycle "Dark Alleys". The time of his writing is considered May 1944. During this period of his life, Bunin was located in France away from the homeland, where the Great Patriotic War was walking.

In such a world, it is unlikely that the 73-year-old writer dedicated his work only the topic of love. It is more correct to say that through the description of relations between two people, their views and worldviews in front of the reader opens the truth of modern life, its tragic population and the urgency of many moral problems.

In the center of the story, the story of relations is quite wealthy men and women, between which feelings appear to each other. They are interested and pleasantly spend time, visiting restaurants, theaters, restaurants and MN. Dr. the storyteller and the main character in one person pulls to her, but the possibility of marriage is immediately excluded - the girl unequivocally believes that it is not suitable for family life.

Once upon a time on the eve of the net Monday for a farewell Sunday, she asks to call behind her a little earlier. After that, they go to the Novodevichy Monastery, visit the local cemetery, walk among the graves and remember the funeral of the archbishop. The heroine understands how a narrator loves her strongly, and the man himself notes a great religiousness of his companion. The woman talks about life in the monastery and herself threatens to go to the greatest of them. True, the narrator does not attach it to the words of particular importance.

The next day, in the evening at the request of the girl, they go to theatrical cabbage. A rather strange choice of place - especially considering the fact that the heroine does not like and does not recognize such a gathering. There she drinks champagne, dancing and having fun time. After that, at night, the narrator brings her home. The heroine asks to climb a man to her. They come closer finally.

The next morning, the girl reports that he leaves for a short time in Tver. After 2 weeks from her, the letter comes in which she says goodbye to the storytellor, asks not to look for her, since "I will not return to Moscow, I'll go to obedience, then maybe, resurgently."

A man performs her request. However, it does not happen to the pastime in dirty kabas and taverns, indifferent to the indifferent existence - "Spits, in every way dropping, more and more." Then it comes to himself for a long time, and after two years, it is decided on a trip to all those places that, along with her beloved, they visited Sunday for sale. At some point, the hero covers some hopeless humility. Having arrived at the Marfo Maryan monastery, he learns that the service goes there and even goes inside. Here, the last time hero sees his beloved, which participates in the service along with other nuns. At the same time, the girl does not see a man, but her glance is just sent to the darkness, where he stands the story. After that, he quietly leaves the church.

Composition of the story
The composition of the story is based on three parts. The first serves to represent the heroes, describing their relationship and pastime. The second part is dedicated to the events of the Sundays forgiveness and net Monday. The shortest, but important third part in the semantic plan completes the composition.

Reading the works and moving from one part to another, a spiritual adultery is seen not only the heroine, but also the narrator himself. At the end of the story, we are no longer a frivolous person, but a man who experienced bitterness of parting with his beloved, capable of worrying and comprehended his actions of the past.

Considering that the hero and the narrator is one person, you can even see changes in it with the help of the text itself. The worldview of the hero after the sad story of love is changing radically. Talking about themselves in 1912, the narrator resorts to irony, showing his limitations in the perception of his beloved. Only physical intimacy is important, and the hero himself does not try to understand the feelings of a woman, her religiosity, views on life and MN. Dr.

In the final part of the work, we see a storyteller and a man who understands the meaning of experience experienced. He appreciates his life retrospectively and changes the total tonality of writing a story, which speaks of the inner maturity of the narrator itself. When reading the third part, it seems that it is written by a completely different person.

By genre features, most researchers include "Clean Monday" to Novella, because in the center of the plot there is a downtime, which makes interpreting the work in another way. We are talking about the care of the heroine in the monastery.

Novella I.A. Bunin is characterized by a complex space-time organization. The action takes place in the late 1911 - early 1912. This is confirmed by the mention of specific dates and text references to real historical persons who have been known and recognizable at the time. For example, the heroes for the first time are found at the lectures of Andrei White, and on the theater cabbage to the reader appears the artist of the arts of Sulezhitsky, with whom the heroine is dancing.

The temporary range of a small product is quite wide. There are three specific dates: 1912 - the time of plot events, 1914 - the date of the last meeting of the heroes, as well as a certain "today" of the story. All the text is filled with additional temporary references and links: "Ertel's graves, Chekhov", "House where Griboedov lived," the Dopeprevskaya Rus, the concert of Shalyapin, a splitter Rogozhsky cemetery, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky and much more. It turns out that the events of the story fit into the overall historical context, turn out to be not just a specific description of the relationship between a man and a woman, but personify themselves a whole era.

It is no coincidence that a number of researchers urge to see in the heroine the image of Russia itself, and its act to interpret how the author's call is not revolutionary, but to look for repentance and do everything to change the life of a country. Hence the name of the novel "Clean Monday", which, as the first day of the Great Post, should be the starting point on the way to the better.

The main actors in the story "Clean Monday" are only two. This is a heroine and a narrator himself. Their names reader will not know.

The center of the work is the image of the heroine, and the hero is already shown through the prism of their relationship. Girl smart. It often speaks the philosophically wisely: "Our happiness, friend, like water in delight: pull - inflated, and pull out - there is nothing."

In the heroine, opposite entities get along, in its image there are many contradictions. On the one hand, the luxury luxury is liked, secular life, visiting theaters, restaurants. However, this does not interfere with the inner thrust to other, significant, beautiful, religious. She is fond of literary heritage, and not only domestic, but also European. Often quotes the well-known works of world classics, the living literature tells about the ancient rites and funeral.

The girl categorically denies the possibility of marriage, believes that he is not suitable for his wife. The heroine is looking for himself, often dwells in thought. She is smart, beautiful and wealthy, but a storyteller was convinced every day: "It was like that she didn't need anything: neither books, no lunches, nor theaters, nor dinners ..." In this world, it is constantly to some kind of Pores are meaningless looking for themselves. She attracts a luxurious, fun life, but at the same time she is fighting her: "I do not understand how it won't get bored by people all my life, every day dinner, dinner." True, she herself and "lunch and dinner with a Moscow understanding of the case. It was only good clothes, velvet, silk, dear fur ... ". It is such a contradictory image of a heroine Creates I.A. Bunin in its work.

Wishing to find something else for myself, she visits the church, cathedrals. The girl is able to escape from the usual environment, albeit not because of love that turns out to be so sublime and almighty. Find yourself helps faith and care from worldly life. Such an act confirms the strong and volitional character of the heroine. That is how it responds to their own reflections on the meaning of life, understanding the uselessness of the one that leads in a secular society. In the monastery, the guarantee of God becomes the main thing for a person, serving him and people, while all the vulgar, lowland, unworthy and everyday will no longer bother her.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday"

In this work, Bunin brings the story of the relationship between two people to the fore, but the main meanings are hidden much deeper. It will not be possible to unambiguously interpret this story, as it is simultaneously dedicated to love and morality, and philosophy, and history. However, the main direction of the writer's thought is reduced to questions of the fate of Russia itself. According to the author, the country must be cleaned of his sins and reborn spiritually, as the heroine of the work "Clean Monday" made.

She abandoned the beautiful future, from money and position in society. It was decided to get away from all worldly, because it was unbearably staying in the light, where the true beauty disappeared, and only the "desperate kankanes" of Moskvin and Stanislavsky and the "pale from Hop, with a large one on his forehead", barely held on the legs of Kachalov.

The work of Ivan Bunin "Light Breath" has a very confusing plot and a complex philosophical idea, affecting the problem of love relationships and hostility of society to a person.

The story of Bunin "Antonovskaya Apples" is devoted to the topic of shifts of epoch, the period of the nobility and new Russia, where the nobles have lost their authority, the bagatism and the meaning of existence.

You can continue the gallery of such images for a long time. Just in the description of the 1910s secular 1910s, in reflections on the act of heroine, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story becomes clear to the understanding of her own thoughts and statements. It is pretty simple and complex at the same time: someday the net Monday will come for every person living in Russia, and for the whole country as a whole. The narrator, having survived the parting with his beloved, spending 2 years in constant reflection, was able not only to understand the act of a girl, but also to stand on the path of purification. According to the author, only through faith and the desire for moral polls can get rid of the shackles of vulgar life, change morally and spiritually for a new and better life.