Singer Glory: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. What a real name of the singer of glory is the first clip of the singer of glory

Singer Glory: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. What a real name of the singer of glory is the first clip of the singer of glory
Singer Glory: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. What a real name of the singer of glory is the first clip of the singer of glory

Packing behavior manner, bright appearance and undoubted singing talent contributed to the fact that the singer of Glory, the biography of which we will be considered today, became the center of public attention. Interestingly, before seeming on stage, the girl tried himself in psychology, and in linguistics, and in tourism, and even worked in the casino by the administrator. The biography of the singer of glory is full of interesting accidents, which led it to glory. Let's find out what!

Biography of the Svetiy Fame: Childhood and Youth of the Artist

In 1980, a girl called Anastasia was born in Moscow in the family of Slenevsky. It happened on May 15th. Nastya from childhood was fond of sports - she was engaged in volleyball, and he also loved to sing in karaoke, knew a lot of foreign and Russian songs by heart. Parents of the girls divorced when she was barely two years old, so she always lacked fatherly love. According to the singer, she all the time felt a guffic duckling, often fought with the boys and thought that no one would love her in this world. At that time, she could not even imagine that she would soon have a lot of fans and admirers of her talent.

Biography of the singer of Glory: Difficult times

Despite the fact that the artist since childhood knew how it was to live in she repeated the fate of her mother. With the first husband, Anastasia divorced and left one with a child in his arms. The singer recalls that they were very hard to live on her salary of the casino administrator. At that time, awareness came to her what actually she needs to do in life. She wanted to sing, and not at all in Karaoke, but on a big stage.

Singer Glory: Biography - Family

Close to the musical Olympus girl helped her secured earlier, with whom she met once in the restaurant. As she recalls, then they came with his girlfriends in an expensive place to just relax. Acquaintance with Danilitsky Anatoly, co-owner of Aeroflot, fully changed her life. He not only gave her expensive things, from diamonds to real estate, but also helped to fulfill her dream. Thanks to financial support, Anatoly Antonovich Anastasia became the singer with the scenic recently lovers became spouses, and they do not prevent much older than the Glory at all. Together they raise two daughters: the older daughter of glory from the first marriage Alexander and the younger, common - Antonina.

Biography of the singer of Glory: Career achievements

The first hit in the performance of glory became the song "I love and hate", which blew up all the charts. For the first two years of his creative activity, Glory gave hundreds of concerts, released the first album called "Povetchitsa". In total, three albums are already in her arsenal, nine clips, role in the film "Paragraph 78". The singer has repeatedly participated in the annual concert called "new songs about the main thing." For the song "Cool" Glory received a "golden gramophone", and for "loneliness" - the award "Song of the Year".

In parallel with the work of Glory is engaged in charity: it regularly participates in promotions and events dedicated to help HIV-infected people.

The biography of the singers of Glory brightly demonstrates how the passion can completely change the future of a person, and the career does not necessarily prevent happiness in his personal life. Thanks to the chance and love for singing, the girl received his chance to become a star and did not miss him. But a legitimate husband, despite the presence of children, did not get glory, because freedom is more expensive than a meaningless stamp in the passport. Such a belief does not prevent 37-year-old artist happily live with her daughter and a civil husband.

Carier start

Anastasia Slanian was born on May 15, 1980 in the capital of Russia in a normal family. Mom worked all his life in an economist, and Father Vladimir Driver. From early childhood, Stasya showed love for music, which called and fascinated by the young singer. With the appearance in the technical world the possibility of singing under the "karaoke", the girl began to actively develop his voice and perform songs in clubs and bars, on the streets and in the cafe. The girl talent the girl was inherited from her grandmother, who performed Pyatnitsky's chief.

In the spring of 2002, which became a regular customer of the Moscow club-karaoke, Stasya performed her favorite compositions, not paying attention to the audience. On this day, the director Sergei Kalvarsky came to the club at all, on whose account was working with such famous people as Kirkorov and Pugachev.

Singer glory in childhood

The girls admired by the vocal data, the man offered her a contract and promised to bring her show business to a large scene.

The first creation of the famous director became the composition of "love or hate", who came to the world together with the clip, which was shown on all the music channels of the Russian Federation and in 2004 received the RMA award. The song flew to the first positions on orders in the radio and became a hit, giving singer instant glory and awareness.

Sergey Kalvarsky decided not to stop on the achieved. Having lifted all my connections from 2002 to 2003, he organized the speeches of the singer of Glory at famous musical festivals, where the girl performed songs from his not yet released album. The fame of the song "I love and hate" the artist began to fade on the covers of a popular gloss with the release of the collection "Poptchitsa". After loud advertising, this album, released in 2004, became one of the most anticipated and discovered throughout the CIS.

Solo Career Singer began with the Karaoke club

Creative development

In 2005, the singer Glory took part in the Eurovision Contest, where I spectacularly performed the song "I Wanna Be The One". The bright and memorable girl attracted the attention of the director Mikhail Herborodov, who invited it to shoot in the art film "Paragraph 78" on the main role of the fox, the only girl in the special forces detachment. To get into the image of glory, I had to sacrifice with my long black hair and trimmed. After entering the screens of the film that took high ratings and received positive feedback from critics, singer and actress Glory soared to a new stage of the career ladder. Her face was recognizable, and the popularity began to grow with geometric progress.

In 2006, a new album "Cool" was released on the basis of his own recording center "Glory Music". The presentation of the long-awaited disk has become for journalists and critics with a bright and memorable spectacle. Glory invited the popular British trip-hop group "Kosheen" and the world famous Paris club show "La Rex". Over the songs of Glory worked with the best musicians of Russia and Europe. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost all of them became singles, taking the first positions in the ranking on listening to the radio. Together with the songs, unusual and professionally decorated clips came out.

Frame from the film "Paragraph 78"

In the fall of 2007, the singer Glory, whose biography and personal life was actively interested in the public, surprised her fans with the release of the album called "The Best", gathering his most popular songs in it.


In parallel with the performances with new hits, the artist began to actively engage in charity, paying special attention to children and people sick. And also recorded the second one for the year Eclipse album in London in English.

In 2010, Glory released a new single "loneliness." And it began to actively participate in popular shows and transmissions. The famous artist fans saw in the show "Rental" and as an actress in the continuation of the film "Diamond Hand 2" as Anna Sergeyevna. But the new album, the artist postponed to 2013, temporarily taking a break in creativity due to maternity and decree. In the following years, Glory was awarded prizes and nominations as a singer, the performer of the best duet and noted more than once at the Golden Gramophone Festival. Now the young mother began to develop not only as an artist, but also as a charming TV presenter.

Glory not only sings, but also tries to take a movie

Since 2013, Glory became the mentor of the Rostov Chora, by taking part in the show "Battle of Chorov". In 2015, appeared in the show "Dancing with the Stars" as a jury. In 2016, participated in the program "While all at home" on the Russia-1 TV channel.

Family and Children

Singer Glory - a man whose biography is continuously connected with the career, and personal life is surprising in principle. After all, despite the fact that the girl is already twice Mom, she never was officially married.

The first civilian husband, from whom Glory on January 4, 1990, was born Alexander's daughter, was a businessman Konstantin Morozov. At one fine, the spouses realized that they had few common interests and therefore, when the feelings began to cool, young people began to often quarrel due to household moments. Ultimately, Glory and Constantine decided to break their relationships.

Singer Glory with his husband Anatoly Danilitsky

The famous businessman Anatoly Danilitsky became the second civilian husband of the singer. They met in 2002 in the chic Moscow restaurant, where the glory came to have dinner. At first, the lovers tried to hide their relationships due to the fact that Anatoly was married and brought up three children.

The knife rose was for him a "fleeting intrigue" for which it is not necessary to divorce with his wife.

The result of perennial relations was the fact that Anatoly gave a divorce and began to live with glory under the same roof. December 24, 2011 they had a daughter called in honor of the father Antonina. While the pregnancy of Glory, a decent businessman called the girl married, but she refused to associate himself with a legitimate marriage. And only in 2016 lovers made an advertisement in the press on the preparation for the wedding.

Singer all free time pays his family

But a year later, when publishing the magazines were published with amazing interviews of the artist on preparing for the wedding, she announced that the celebration would not take place. The wedding decided to cancel the glory itself, having considered that the trip to the registry office takes away from her and Anatoly all the bright, which happened in 15 years of their civil marriage. According to the singer, it is better to stay free, because it will give the opportunity to assemble the suitcases and go at any time, not afraid of a heavy marriage process with the section of the property.

Glory with her daughter

In connection with this announcement, journalists expressed suspicion that the singer of Glory broke up with his spouse. But in fact, everything is different. Couple so far together. In January 2018, they together with her daughter, which was 6 years old, rested in Maldives. Happy parents regularly lay out their photos on social networks, where they smile and enjoy fishing on the warm islands.

Slenevskaya Anastasia Vladimirovna or simply glory - not only an incredibly beautiful woman, wife and mother, but also a talented singer. She not only sings out perfectly, but also filmed in the clips and films, she is engaged in a dubbing and invariably take part in a variety of talent show.

Anastasia could become a model or professional athlete, however, began to engage in music and constantly hold prizes in all musical contests.

Slenevskaya - successful, extraordinary, bright and insanely talented woman who gives his fans a positive and bright mood.

Growth, weight, age. How old is the glory (singer)

Currently Nastya Slanevskaya takes up top places in musical ratings, while fans want to know its physical parameters, including growth, weight, age. How old is the glory (singer), it is also not difficult to find out, because on the Internet there are data on the birth date of beauty.

Glory was born in the distant 1980, so she has already been thirty-seven years old. At the same time, such a sign of the zodiac as the calf, gives the famous actress and singer such character traits such as hard work, patience, independence, nobility, artistry, willpower, attractiveness.

According to the Eastern Horoscope, Anastasia refers to contact, sociable, bright, open, perky, shavy monkeys.

Her growth was revealed for walking along the podium and amounted to a meter and seventy-seven centimeters, and the weight reached a level of fifty eight kilograms.

Biography and personal life of glory (singer)

Biography and personal life of glory (singer) are closely related to creativity and is always interesting for fans. Little Nastya was born in the capital of our Motherland, so it discovered with limitless opportunities for the development and improvement.

Nastya was engaged in music and sports, she was masterfully played in volleyball. The girl adored such a way of progress as karaoke and sang clocks. She studied pretty badly at school, constantly slammed classmates to strive classes, but constantly participated in amateur time. Nastya was a moving girl, active, but very adventurous. Problems with academic performance were written off on a disorder, which is called dyslexia and is due to the fact that the child cannot write and read, read and competently express its thoughts.

At the same time, Anastasia knew that he grows his beauty, so nineteen went to conquer the model business. The girl had success, and she was able to get into the Clip Vladimir Presnyakov, she was referred to a great future. However, Nastya quickly realized that he could not constantly sit on a diet and spend money on traveling to failed castings.

Girl sang with a sister in a karaoke bar, a talented young people noticed the famous director Sergey Sing and offered to cooperate. This meeting was significant for Nastya, which was rapidly popular. At the same time, her first clip immediately became known and popular, and the girl with an unusual name of Glory won the hearts of the whole army of fans.

For two years, the girl has already shot a few tens of clips, released a debut album, performed at hundreds of concert programs and festivals. She could not get to Eurovide-2005, gave way to Natalia Podolsk.

At the same time, Anastasia was not upset at all, but began to work with tripling efforts. The girl released four more albums, about twenty clips. She became a real star of television show "Battle of Chorans", "Wife for rent", "Three Chords", "Dancing with the Stars."

Glory constantly became the winner of the Golden Gramophone premiums, "Muz-TV", "Chanson of the Year", "Song of the Year" in the group "Neangels". Then she was not enough to her, and Anastasia was in the world of cinema, his debuting in the film "Club" as herself. After this picture, the filmography was filled with such works as "paragraph 78", "Diamond Hand-2", she voiced the penguin in the cartoon "Do Foot-2".

The personal life of Anastasia Slanierevskaya was stormy and bright, since the stylish and beautiful woman simply adored representatives of the male part of humanity. Parents did not have enough time to talk with a girl in souls, so she early began to send sex life, trying to find love and understanding there.

Back in school years, she twisted the boys as he could, generously giving her love to them, so he was heard of his own and an authoritative girl in these issues. She calls girls not to imitate such experienced girlfriends as herself. Anastasia said that it was later understood that it was not to be exchanged on trifles, but to look for their true love.

First love came to her still at school, and Kostya was much older.

Family and Children of Glory (singer)

Family and kids of glory (singer) are very creative, bright, unexpected, because they arose in life suddenly and brought a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy. The girl was born in the family, where everyone was creative.

At the same time, her father - Vladimir Slanian - worked as a simple driver, although his relatives were famous artists. Mom worked as an economist, while she adored sing and often spoke with a twin sister in various show programs with the songs of the Liverpool Four.

At the same time, almost all the relatives of Slanienevskaya were somehow connected with the work, for example, her grandmother sang in Pyatnitsky's chore. Nastya has a sister who also sings.

Glory gave birth to an older daughter, when she herself was still young and unreasonable, therefore he considers it to be his little sister, a girlfriend, assistant, companion. She simply adores her daughter, although Coruse himself for having deprived her father and his attention, as the girl brought up her grandmother.

The second child of Anastasia made her understanding that motherhood is designed to give all her baby, often sacrificing personal life and career.

Glory's daughter (singer) - Alexander Morozova

The daughter of Glory (singer) - Alexander Morozova - was born in 1999, when her famous mother was barely seventeen years old. The father of the baby became a random acquaintance and the first love of Nastya - Konstantin Morozov.

The girl could not be born because Glory was going to make an abortion because it was too young for motherhood. After the first ultrasound, the girl realized that the kid had already lived, so I decided to give birth.

Little Sasha could not cross the family, her parents diverged when the baby was only six months old. Father fully took a duty to ensure it, so Alexander graduated from the Gold Medal of the prestigious Moscow Lomonosov School.

The girl lives separately from the parents with a young man of Dima and is studying in the theatrical higher educational institution. She hates secular parties and engaged in sports, and still perfectly get along with the younger sister.

Glory daughter (singer) - Antonina Slenevskaya

The daughter of Glory (singer) - Antonina Slanevskaya - Born in 2011, Her Father became a civilian husband of Nastya Anatoly Danilitsky. Little turbine is a very smiling and bright child, she is the desired baby, which mom's mother and grandmother raises.

The girl visits a private kindergarten, she draws perfectly, dancing, engaged in vocals. It is worth noting that parents do not regret the time and means so that the baby develops and grew up healthy.

Antonina adores the eldest sister, who is affectionately calls her with Toshka and trusts all its secrets.

Former Husband of Glory (singer) - Konstantin Morozov

Former Husband of Glory (singer) - Konstantin Morozov - was the first love of the girl. A twenty-five-year-old guy lived near the apartment of the best school girlfriend Nastya.

The guy was not against meeting with a young beauty and even make love with her, but just awkwardly, having learned that she was hardly fifteen. The most interesting thing is that Seventeen-year-old Nastya managed to return the guy who escaped from her, and his misfortune, I realized that it was waiting for a child.

Parents insisted that young people get married, but permanent quarrels and problems destroyed the family completely.

Civil husband of Glory (singer) - Anatoly Danilitsky

The civilian husband of Glory (singer) - Anatoly Danilitsky - was older than his wife about twenty-eight years. The couple met when both sides were not free, while Anatolia was growing up with two children, and in Glory - a daughter.

Anatoly at that time headed the National Reserve Corporation, therefore was quite rich, powerful and famous. He managed to divorce, while paying for children alimony.

Stock Foto Singer glory in Maxim magazine

The photo of the singer of glory in Maxim magazine, as well as, in numerous male magazines arise with enviable constancy. At the same time, Glory claims that he never shyned to show his luxurious body. The fact is that she worked as a fashion model and starred in fairly extravagant clips, designed to excite interest in the male part of her fans.

At the same time, nude glory feels like a fish in water. However, it is worth remembering that the majority of nude photographs of the singers are nothing more than high-quality photoshop.

Recently, Nastya's photographs appeared on the Internet and her daughter Sasha in a bikini type swimsuit, which they did in one of the hot countries. At the same time, very beautiful and modest photographs were called spicy and shameful. Glory, on the contrary, indicates that such photographs bring from vacation every fifth Russian family.

Instagram and Wikipedia Glory (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia Glory (singer) are available at the Star Singer for quite a long time. At the same time, on the page dedicated to Anastasia Slanierevskaya in Wikipedia, it is possible to find data that is connected with its creative family and children, personal and family life, husbands and career growth. It should be noted that all information is reliable and available in open sources.

More than 700,000 fans are signed on the singer's profile in Instagram, who are the first to learn about where and when an event associated with glory occurs. It is there that there are photos and video materials that are taken from the personal archive of the singer.

Anastasia Vladimirovna Slansevskaya

Born on May 15, 1980 in the city of Moscow.
Introducing popularity as a singer under the pseudonym "Glory" at the beginning of the two thousandths, now Anastasia debuts in movies with very serious work. Suitable by the end of the first full-length picture of the popular Russian clipmaker Mikhail Hleborodov "Paragraph 78", filmed on the plot of the same name fantastic story of Ivan Okhlobystin.
Anastasia Slanevskaya performs in the film the main role of the Fox girl (emphasis on the first syllable), the fighter of the special purpose team - the only woman in the detachment of 8 superprofessional, which will have a dangerous mission on a super secret missile database. Together with the young actress in the new high-budget film process of MB Productions, such well-known artists as Gosha Kutsenko take part, Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Anatoly White and others.
The role of fox in the film Mikhail Herborodova can be considered a film of the singer of glory. Despite the numerous offers from famous directors who Anastasia could not accept in connection with the tense touring schedule, before that she had to be removed only in small episodes. So she starred in an episodic role in the omnoyable detective TV series of Ernest Yasana "Mole" with Dmitry Nagiyev and Viktor Merezhko, and a fragment with the participation of Slenevskaya in the sensational picture "Fall up" Sergey Ginzburg and Alexander Strizhenova, in the final version of the film, unfortunately , not entered. For filming in the "paragraph 78" actress had to crash under zero their long hair.
It is already clear that "Paragraph 78" is a project in many ways unprecedented. Professional film crew, current acting, relevant and impressive special effects, as well as quite adequately adequate budget fantastic triller genre. A futuristic fighter will be released in a wide range of 2006 in the spring. At the same time, the release of the second album of the singer of glory under the work name "cool", over which it works in parallel with the shooting.

Anastasia Slanevskaya is a better known under the pseudonym of Glory - the Russian singer who made a rapid career. She released a large number of hits, which for a long time occupied the top positions in the charts and remained in the rotations of radio stations.

From model podium in show business

Anastasia was born in Moscow, where he spent all his childhood. Music girl started with childhood. This was facilitated by Mom and grandmother who had outstanding vocal data. In addition to art, Anastasia seriously engaged in volleyball while studying at school.

Some time after the end of the middle education, the girl decided to try himself in the model business. She possessed an attractive appearance, thanks to which it was easily settled in a modeling agency. But after a few months, Anastasia left him and tied up with a model business.

Subsequently, the singer said that he adopted such a decision made due to disagreements with other models. Also, the girl did not like strict power regime, tedious workouts and a small salary. But Anastasia did not think about a serious career in show business, but the unexpected meeting changed everything.

An unexpected meeting and a fateful offer

Career Singer for Anastasia began unexpectedly. The girl loved to visit the karaoke bars, here she was noticed by Sergey Kalvarsky - Producer Megasvest of the Russian Show Business and offered cooperation. The first song "I love and hate" became a megahit, she as a whirlwind swept over all Russian hit parades, sweating the leaders.

Glory and Irina Allegrova receive the musical award "Golden Gramophone"

Then it begins just a crazy tour. Slenevskaya for two years from 2002 to 2004 is circulating around the whole Russian Federation with concerts, its popularity is growing like on yeast. At this time, the singer released his first studio album, which becomes a bestseller, and the song "Fire and Water" again excites a chart-parades. Such success allows the glory to become a representative of Russia at the Eurovision contest in 2005, but the performer did not achieve serious success.

Glory on the set of video "Red"

Glory in the clip "Ripe mine"

Next year, Slanian records the next album called "Class". And again songs from it become megapopular. In 2006, there is a sign for the singer's album The Best. He became a certain frontier in the work of glory and marked the new round of the development of a performer career. In 2010, she records the third album in English. At the same time, the next hit "loneliness" is coming. This song is again rapidly takes off on top of the charts and keeps there for a long time.

Irina Allegrova and Glory in the clip "First Love - Love Last"

After 3 years, the same album is released, which includes songs, sung with Gregory Leps, Stas Piehe. At the same time, a joint song with "Love First - Love Last" is recorded. Singer Glory is in the zenith of popularity. By this time, it is the owner of several Russian prestigious music premiums.

Glory on stage

Anastasia Salonevskaya and acting experience. She played a special forces girl in the film "Paragraph 78". According to the singer, the scene itself was the scene, the code had to be naked to appear before several men. On the film it was in the shower on the aircraft carrier.

Gosh Kutsenko and Glory

Personal life singers

Anastasia early married. Her first spouse became a businessman, but the marriage flew quickly. From his future singer, Alexander's daughter remained. Then Slansevskaya met at the start of his career with a millionaire Anatoly Danilitsky, who was married. But for the sake of the young singers left the family.

Glory with her husband Anatoly Danilitsky

Anastasia and Anatoly began to live together, but did not hurry to put stamps in the passport. In 2011, the pair was born the daughter of Antonina. During pregnancy, Daniecksky did the fame of the proposal, but she refused to legalize relations. After a few years, the situation was repeated up to the opposite, but this time Anatoly Danilitsky refused to register marriage.