Dark Aura. Blue Aura - the meaning of the celestial tones in the man's biofield

Dark Aura. Blue Aura - the meaning of the celestial tones in the man's biofield
Dark Aura. Blue Aura - the meaning of the celestial tones in the man's biofield

The physical body of each person has an intangible shell, aura. According to her form and color, you can say a lot about the state of his health and mood. You can say what color aura, such a person, it is a pity that it can not see her.

How to determine the color of the aura person?

Have the opportunity to see Aura, but the rest of the people it is not available. True, there are alternative ways to determine the color of the aura, the most accurate of which is photograph using the film of the highest level of sensitivity. A slightly less accurate method of testing aura with a special questionnaire. The smaller accuracy can boast a way to determine the prevailing color of aura with the help of paints. To do this, take three tubes with yellow, red and blue paint. Squeeze a little paint from each tube on a white sheet (it can be limited to two colors or stop at one) and mix them. Continue arbitrarily mix colors until you feel the inner heat and comfort. After that, wear an impenetrable bandage for the world and drive the palms over the tubes with the paint until you feel how heat starts from them, choose the one that will seem warm to you. Remove the dressing and add any number of paint from the selected tube to the previously obtained spot, mix evenly evenly. The resulting shade and will be the color prevailing in your aura.

Value of human aura color

The person has 7 main chakras painted in the colors of the rainbow, the lowest is red, the oldest is purple. In a highly developed person, all these chakras work with the same force, so the color of his aura will be white, but all other chakras are unevenly developed, so in its aura there is one or more predominant colors, which will disclose the main features of a person at this stage of development.

When deciphering the flower values, the human aura needs to consider the intensity of the shade than it is darker, the more negative emotions own a man. "Dirty" shades can talk about diseases, lack of energy, excessive development of bad character damnings or the complete absence of interest in what is not related to the satisfaction of physiological needs. Thus, the dark aura is always an unfavorable sign, but let's talk about the meaning of the flowers of man aura in more detail.

Red colorspeaks about the tendency to nervous disorders, and the dark shade of red means that there is some hidden illness and love for dominance over other, decisive actions. A light shade will mean a very active, nervous and impulsive person, possibly prone to egocentrism. The pink or coral color of Aura means immaturity, it is usually observed in young people, an adult will mean the presence of guys and infantilism.

Orange color Aura indicates attentive attitude to others. The golden shade of orange will talk about composure and viability, and the presence of browned tones - about carelessness and ambition. You can also assume the depression of a person with any events, but most likely it's just a sign of laziness.

Yellow Auras with a golden tint speak of strong health and well-being, such people can take care of themselves, easily learn and are little worried. They are friendly, have a living mind and are always ready to help. The reddish tint speaks of shyness or inferiority complex.

Green color It reports that a person can easily adapt to circumstances, sentimental and compassionate. Such people appreciate friendship, but tend to perceive life too easy, with failures tend to blame everyone with the exception of themselves. Their strength increases gradually, but it will be impossible to keep it. Color shades play a big role - the greater the yellow, the less stable the effect of color. Approach to blue - strengthens quality.

Blue color Aura means vigor and good human health, desire for high ideals and spirituality. But this is relevant to a rich color, the pale shade of blue speaks about the weakening of the quality, about indecision and the small development of talents, although a person undoubtedly tries and strives for self-improvement.

Blue aura Will talk about inspiration and wisdom, such people live in harmony with nature and by themselves. The light shade of blue means the desire of a person to perfection, primarily the spiritual, and the rich blue (without gray impurities) indicates that the person completely gave himself to his vocation, it can be said that he fulfills a certain mission.

Purple Aura is peculiar to people who are in search of their vocation, but a pure bright shade will mean a person truly spiritual, which material values \u200b\u200bdo not consider the main idea of \u200b\u200bexistence. If there is a pink in purple aura, then such a person loves power, the darkened shade can speak of a lack of energy.

When evaluating the aura, it should be borne in mind that her color may vary under the influence of strong emotions - the angry person will have Aluu Auru, but in a calm state color can be completely different.

Figure 1. Human aura.

Today we will talk about what a human aura is. And, like most articles on our site, let's start with the most important issue of this topic. In general, is there a aura of a person? After all, like the chakras of a person, almost no one sees it.

YES! Undoubtedly, it is every person. Moreover, you also felt the aura of other people. The only problem is that you did not give it any value. Let's run on several issues that will help us understand more.

Did you feel when another person is watching you? Did you feel that, being close to certain people, do you have a feeling of irritation or the opposite of joy? Can you be comfortable / not comfortable depending on the room in which you are?

I think that for most people at least one of the questions is familiar. And these are just some situations where we can feel aura.

For me, Aura exists, as for most people who are engaged in their spiritual development. I hope that you will not have questions about its existence.

Since the aura is not material, science does not consider and denies the existence of any kins around the person. Nevertheless, this concept is found in many pseudo-teaching directions, for example, in bioenergy.

The human aura is an energy field around man. If you take a more extensive concept, the aura is an energy field that surrounds all animated and inanimate objects. In a healthy person, it has the shape of an ellipse or egg.

On average, this energy field extends 2.5 meters from the human body. In some people, it can apply to a very long distance, but for this you need to make tremendous efforts in terms of spiritual development. Perhaps you have noticed that often the great people were portrayed with a nymb (part of the aura, which is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head). By the way, this glow around the head makes it easier to see a person.

Figure 2. How to see a man's aura.

In order to see a man's aura not need to be a mystic. Unfortunately, since childhood, most people did not come across the concept of subtle energies. Or simply know them very little. Learning to see a man's aura is not difficult, but for this you need exercises.

It is very bad that in modern society the ability to see aura of a person equates to a well-developed imagination. Let you not stop such false prejudices. Train, exercise and everything will turn out. Even if it takes a lot of time. As for the time, everything is individually in this matter. If you are sure that the auras do not exist, then this task will be difficult to do.

To exercise, you do not need to go somewhere, because you can see a man's aura at home. Let's start with the simplest. But first you need to perform one important condition. You need to fully relax. The fact is that such a state increases your sensitivity, which is extremely necessary for the perception of the energy field.

YouTube. How to see aura of man

Video 1. How to see a man's aura. Exercises for the development of aurition. Nikolay Peichev.

I hope you get to achieve what is said in this part of this article and you can find out how the human aura looks like.

The properties of aura

  • Each Aura has its own unique frequency.

    It is impossible to find two completely identical people, it is impossible to find two identical energy fields. There are only very similar. If the energy fields are approximately the same in frequency, the harmony arises between them. Such people are pleasant to each other in communication. But, as there are similar, so there are completely different auras. Such people hate each other, being discomfort, dislike. But this does not mean that the frequency of human aura cannot be changed. It can change with time. Moreover, you yourself can change it. Thus, it is possible to find a common language with absolutely different people.

  • Energy exchange between people

    When you come into contact with another person, then exchange not only with words and physical contacts, but also auras, or rather energy. If you interact with a large number of people throughout the day, and by the end of the day you feel very bad, then, most likely you do not know how to interact with other people in the energy level.

  • The interaction of the energies is not only between people, but also between animals and plants.

    I did not meet people who embrace trees. Thus, they are trying to balance their aura. It is also effective, as well as interact with animals in the energy plan. Communication with nature and alive objects contributes to the harmonization of your aura. This also includes stones and crystals that we will talk later in this article.

  • The longer you interact with the subject and man, the more you influence it with the help of your aura.

    You may see how things you use for a long time have become native for you. At the time of interaction with them, you also exchange energy. The accumulated energy of these objects can serve in the future of your recharging. Such an Aura property can help psychic to tell something about a person, having only one of his thing. It is desirable that this thing is as long as possible with him. It also manifests itself between friends and companies. If you communicate with a person whose aura is stronger than yours, it can lead either to a positive consequence if your auras will interact in resonance, or vice versa to negative. The influence of the company is much more than the influence of one person. Therefore, people around you (friends, acquaintances) can greatly affect you. There is much more influence with intimate relationships on the aura of two people. The process of connecting AUR on this issue is much stronger than the usual communication. Often prints on the energy fields of two people in this case remains for a long time.

  • The property of the volatility of aura.

    Constantly your energy field changes. The prevailing colors are changed, their intensity and the general shape of the field. Even throughout the day, significant changes can be seen. Your field will display the manifestation of external situations during the day. Aura varies depending on the significance of the event.

Figure 3. How to restore man aura.

Color, shape, the size of the energy field around a person depends on its physical, emotional, spiritual component. The more time you pay physical health and spiritual life, the more powerful will be your aura. Even throughout the day, if you get strong emotion, perform a large number of mental or physical activity, the energy field will change.

With the help of or personal skills to see your energy field, you may notice that after different actions you can change the aura. For example, after you embraced the tree, played with the pet, listened to the rock, drunk alcohol, danced, engaged in yoga, etc. Different actions can bring both benefit and harm.

Every day you can be subject to external forces that will take your energy. These may first include energy vampires that violate the symmetry of your biofield. Often asymmetry Aura can talk about the imminent illness on the physical plane.

Aura protects a person when reflecting a negative impact on the part. But for this you need to keep it in good shape. It is best to help restore man aura can a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, fresh air, moderate physical and psychological load. In addition, to restore and strengthen the aura of various sodes can be restored. The wear of your aura is influenced by stress, anxiety, fears and other negative feelings. Try to limit them.

The value of the flowes of Aura.

Figure 4. Value of aura colors.

The color of the man's aura points to his physical, spiritual, emotional state. It is necessary to be able to understand what the specific color of the field means. Next, you will understand why it is not so easy.

We know the seven main colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. But the aura can be seen in different shades. Moreover, one shade can smoothly go to another.

It is even more difficult to determine the color of the human aura. This means that when you look at another person, then see the energy field through your own. For example, you prevail yellow, and in a person in contrast - blue. What will happen if mixed two of these colors? We get green. This is a very important point that will help correctly recognize the color of the energy field of another person.

I will have to upset newbies, but to understand what the colors of the Aura of a person need a lot of experience. This article will consider only basic values. But this may not be enough, because the location, intensity, shade, shape of the energy field also plays a role.

What does the red auura mean

Hot red color indicates to us on the will, mind and passion. Love is also associated with red. In addition, this color can talk about anger and hatred. A large amount of this color in a man's aura speaks of anger and irritability, aggressiveness and quick-temperance, or about violation of the work of sexual energy.

What does the orange color of the human aura mean

Orange color points to us on a joyful, creative and sociable person. If the color has some shade, then it can talk about instability. Dark shade can mean arrogance, pride and anxiety.

What does Yellow Auura mean

Yellow is one of those colors that can be seen first. The location of this color of the aura over the head of a person indicates optimism. In other places, it may indicate life and mental activity. Light yellow color can talk about spiritual development or about strong imagination. But on the contrary, a large amount indicates a large load on mental activity.

What does the green aura of man mean

Green is a soothing color that talks about a calm, responsive and compassionate man. People with this color are often straightforward and have great confidence from the outside people. Muddy shades indicate uncertainty in their own strength, miserism and indecision.

What does blue color aura mean

Together with yellow, blue is one of the first colors that we are able to notice in a man's aura. It means equilibrium and silence. People with such color aura can have a gift of clairvoyance and telepathy or developed intuition. The bright color speaks of honesty or that a person is looking for its purpose in life. Thick blue may indicate that a person spends a lot of time alone. Very thick may mean that a person is strongly inclined to religion. Bad or muddy blue color Aura reflects fearlessness, anxiety and slow perception.

What does violet color aura means

People with purple aura have a connection between the mind and heart, physical and spiritual component of man. Like yellow, purple means well-developed imagination. Purple tint can talk about realistic look at the surrounding problems and affairs. The shade of red and purple can say that a person should work more than himself. Dark purple colors talk about obstacles that a person needs to overcome. In addition, muddy color have people who are prone to superiority over others.

Other colors of aura

On this we will finish with the main. But the colors of the aura are different from 7 colors of the spectrum, such as gold or black. Let's look at the remaining colors.


Pink color primarily means love and mercy. Distinguishes a person with a pink aura that he is calm, prone to beautiful and can engage in art. In addition, this color can mean a period in which a person is in love or chooses a new look at the world. Muddy shades of pink may indicate that a person will underdesect something.


Spiritual man has a golden aura. This color indicates inspiration and harmony inside a person. Muddy shades mean that a person is close to the source of his inspiration.


White color means truth and purity. Awakening creativity inside a person. In addition, it will be the first color that you may see in aura.


A gray aura may indicate a person who deals with its internal abilities. In the female, this can manifest itself in the form of intuition and imagination. In the event that this color is very close to the physical body, it may indicate physical deviations. A large amount of gray in aura indicates a hidden man of an extrovert.


Brown is found in the aura of people very often. In most cases, this indicates a violation of the balance or about the lack of energy. It is not always that way. In some cases, the brown Aura points to new beginnings and human development. If you see this color near the face, it may mean the inability to understand people. The presence of brown in the chakras of a person speaks of their pollution.

Silver color aura

This is not even a color, but some flickering aura. Sparkling lights in the energy field can talk about the great creative potential of a person. Often they have silver color. This can often be found in pregnant women.

The black

Perhaps this is the last color that we will understand. It is quite difficult to determine what the Black Aura means in humans. Some people are confident that the black color of Aura speaks about the approach of death or severe illness. However, this color also symbolizes protection and secrets. Like a brown color, black can talk about deviations at the physical level, if he is visible close to the human body. If black spots are on the outer layers, it can signal holes in the energy field. Such traces can leave bad habits (tobacco, alcohol, drugs) or very severe situations in a person's life, for example, violence. As you understand, it is very bad, because a person begins to be subject to physical, emotional, mental exhaustion.

The human aura is an important and necessary concept for psychic. Knowing the color of the aura, you can find out the power of your intuition and many other qualities, as well as to see a person in time who wishes you evil.

Every person, according to psychic, is a special Aura, which he radiates. There are several types of them. Usually, the auras are inextricular, but there is a major tone. Each color of the aura reflects some characteristic of a person.

Aura red color

The red color is the most active of all, therefore, a person with aura of this color usually turns out to be developed leadership skills, and there are almost always powerful energy for all sorts of accomplishments. They also have a strong sexual potential and show themselves beautiful lovers.

Aura of one of the red shades indicates more clearly developed specific qualities. The dark red aura points to the tendency to manage people. Usually they are not in order nervous system. They act strongly and do not sit in place. If the Aura is scarlet color, then it shows the external selfish manifestations of a person. Not rarely, this color indicates showing pride. The Light Red Aura, closer to pink color, is peculiar to people who can love sacrificial and possessing very good communication skills.

Orange color aura

In the traditional interpretation, orange color is called the color of vital activity and forces. It usually endorsed very humane people who belong to each person. When golden or yellowish shades appear in the orange color, you can talk about a person as a perfectly controlling personality. But, despite the very high self-control, they are often involved in conflicts or even cause them.

Yellow Aura.

It is one of the most favorable colors that reveals such an aura of an optimist in the owner. Corresponds to the number 3. Most often, people having a yellow aura are very healthy at least physically. They know how to establish contacts with people and have good intellectual abilities. But if there are redfish in yellow in the aura of yellow, we can talk about serious person's majority.

Human Aura Green

Aura green gives his carrier care, a good character and a big life force. Often they are endowed with such human quality as compassion. In the man's aura there are also some shades of green. For example, if he is close to the emerald, then the person most often turns out to be an open person. The most faithful and reliable people often have an aura of the color of the sea wave. Dirty and muddy green is talking about the qualities of personality as jealousness and even a tendency to betrayal.

Blue aura

Traditionally, this color is associated with human spirituality and wisdom. People with aura of this color are in harmony with life and nature. Light blue and blue auras point to a person who lives on high ideals and seeks to perfection. The dark color of the aura in this case speaks of his vocation commitment. The man found his place in life and fully devoted himself to him.

Aura purple shades

Definitely talks about the developed and strong intuition, as well as the positive aristocratic nature of a person, for whom there are concepts such as honor and conscience. Such aura have people in finding themselves and seeking to develop. The top of the development of the personality can be seen when a gold or silver adherence is present in purple aura. Dark purple shade can talk about low levels of vital energy.

Auras are also white and black. It does not require extensive explanations here, since both of these colors have clear principles and associations. Aura of black is talking about aggression and destruction, while White indicates perfection and clean spirituality.

Experts say that the aura can be seen even without appliances using the mirror. Watch out for the cleanliness of your inner energy and do not forget to click on the buttons and

09.08.2016 01:05

Aura is what each of us has. Someone is stronger, at ...

Aura is a halo around a person who can tell about his moods, desires and even goals. What does Yellow and Orange Aura testify about?

In the article:

Orange and yellow aura - what will tell the color of the thin body

Orange Aura - the value of the solar color of the thin body

What does the orange color of the aura say? This is a color of sadhisans, attractive and repulsive. Orange proud, sometimes excessively, but this is due to their independence. Independence in everything - opinions, life positions, actions. Such people often have a deep influence on people around them. Even a mimolet meeting with such a can leave a deep mark.

that is inseparable from orange, talks about ambition. It is limited, so the vanity is far away. Orange in general - the color of high goals and great hopes. Orange lies to communicate, due to which success is trying to achieve. Find out people for future people, bring contacts, links. Sometimes they are too compliant, literally climb out of leather. It can push some people. May cause mistrust and doubt.

Marriage and work Orange Aura refers as to any other business. With full self-dedication. They literally invest in them all their souls. Some such things can be considered as signs of concern. And it is worth saying that this feature of the face is a frequent companion of Orange Aura. Before nervousness, turning into irritability.

Often, their desire for testing can be turned orange in the risky adventurer. By braving with your courage, they love to compete. Especially in those sports where physical danger is present. These are people close to reality. In their adventures of orange, natural ingenuity and an inventory helps. They are always on the verge, ready to run away from a quarry at any time.

If Orange and find the second half, then the same as they themselves. To go to the adventure together to come together, find an equivalent companion in each other. And if there are children, then you should not wait for a large emotional response. It is difficult for them to establish a connection with the child. Orange can confine themselves to maintaining purely physical comfort.

In general, the Orange Aura and its meaning say that you are extremely energetic person. It often acts only on intuition, ill thinking about the next steps. If the colors are clean, then it is also high goals. Little pays attention to short emotional influences - great ambitions close them.

There is little about shades of this color while little that can be said - the topic is poorly studied. The thing is that orange is so powerful that literally displays everything else. It bubbles the energy that breaks through and into real life.

Website Typing Info continues to talk about the colors of the man's aura and in line - a story about the aurah of a blue spectrum: blue, blue and purple.

Blue color has a strong vibrating effect, which determines the expression "faithful supporter" and at the same time setting far from such limits. The sky is blue, but it changes its color from a light shade of the lazuri to almost black at midnight. The mood of blue vibration is also changing. But not only this, it is difficult to find a person whose blue aura would contain a permanent shade. It can descend to the depths of "Handra", and then rise to inspired heights, which happens "Once with a Blue Moon" (very rarely). Therefore, if blue is your color, you should try to find the most suitable shade and stick to it. In general, all blue colors indicate some degree of devotion. You willingly raise friends, but often formally. Blue is a cold color with a certain independence, but people with this aura understand the value of joint efforts and are guided by this in their lives. Red answers the warm primitive motivation, green absorbs the vital forces of nature, while Blue appeals to the sky and the sea for inspiration. In search of the highest depth of blue becomes the prevailing color in modern life. In business, social and educational circles, blue is much superior to red as motivating color, making a blue favorite color of many thinking people.

Blue.The color of Vishudhi, calm and silence, accuracy, prudence, dedication, rationality, discipline, truthfulness and seriousness. This is a color wonderful.

People with radiated blue love freedom and variety. Love to travel, change the place of residence, the circle of communication. In the soul always remain young. Sincerely, honest and usually they say what they think.

These people are intuitive. They can know in advance the course of further events.

Blue life is a continuous search for knowledge that there is God. They crave to be loved and can arrange checks. Do not love compliments, do not want to disturb others and create inconvenience. They often live the memory of the past without seeing the present.

Prefer to do business alone. These are spiritual people, devotees, mandatory and lonely. With children, they need an emotional connection, love to read, play, hug and be involved in their lives. Temperament melancholic.

Pure deep blue talks about religious feelings, but varies depending on the depth of these feelings: they can be sincere and double, full of egoism or nobility. Light blue means devotion to some noble spiritual ideal. It goes into a lilac-blue, which characterizes high spirituality and, as a rule, is accompanied by gold glowing stars representing high spiritual aspirations.

Dirty tones indicate a painful abnormality, cut-off from reality, melancholy, depression, contiguity, dependence, emotional coldness, about various personality disorders, often very deep and irreversible.

Blue in combination with green indicates that difficulties only strengthen the power of the will of this person.

Blue.Ajna color. The color of infinity, eternity, dreams and supplies. Specifies to the longing of the wonderful and transcendental. Maximum intravercy, search for rational start.

Pure tones indicate constancy, loyalty, tenderness, peace, seriously to life, honesty, kindness of feelings, compassion, charity. Blue is characteristic of selfless natur sacrificing his "I". Sign of piousness.

Clean tones detect calm, satisfaction, pacification, affection, faith, purity, chastity, spirituality and intellectuality.

Blue is connected with mercy in Judaism and with wisdom in Buddhism. In Europe, it means loyalty, in China - education and happy marriage. The presence in the aura of pure blue can indicate the ability to clasp and telepathy.

Dirty shades indicate the presence of a strong irrational beginning in a person in the clouds, cut-off from real life, blocked or upset perception, anxiety, despotic, reliability, forgetfulness, vulnerability, melancholy, sexual license, psychosis.

On the eve of the disease, the body feels the need for blue color.

Light shades reflect good intuition, active imagination, darker - feeling of loneliness, sadness, which only at a certain level reflects the search for the Divine. Even more dark shades reflect the levels of comprehension. Azure shades - honesty, sober judgment. May indicate a person who is about to find his chosen activity.

The combination of blue and green colors in Aure may indicate a person who has a need for a relaxed atmosphere, who wants to free themselves from conflicts, disagreements, to produce a pleasant impression and receive approval from others. Dirty blue and green tones talk about contusion, light vulnerability, experiences due to the feeling that a person underestimate, needs in unauthorized admiration, approval, support, recognition. This is finely felt people who do not miss small details that can make every effort to solve the situation and the problems associated with it. However, overvoltage may cause escaping from the existing situation.

Azure or Heavenly - Blue Color - Truly Heavenly Shade, who choose those who go ahead of the world and devotes to noble deeds. This is a symbol of non-selfish personality, as well as those who seek spiritual achievements. Dark blue color - a dark strong shade showing devotion, trust and consistency of the target. In this darker shade there is independence, but always in collaboration. This color characterizes power and reliability. Indigo or ultramarine - borderline colors with a purple tint. They have the basic qualities of blue, but prone more than love than to devotion, finding their ideals in helping other people. Attacks of bad mood are inclined to master such people rather than those who love light shades. The impurities of other colors violate the unshakable blue.

Proximity to black or brown indicate painful and egoistic addictions. Strong shade of gray creates uncertainty and even fear. Proximity to green, as in some shades of turquoise color, indicates impulsiveness.

Blue color has anticarcinogenic properties.

Purple. Sakhasrara color (red + blue), heat color and conversion, repentance and contemplation. The most mysterious and attractive. Goethe in the "color theory" qualifies it as creative as possible. This is the color of the combination of heart and mind, physical (red) and spiritual (blue), reflects independence, intuition, search. Purple shades indicate the ability of proper and practical business management. Pale and light tones can reflect humility and spirituality. Red-purple - a strong passion or great will, but may indicate the need for more significant individual efforts.

Purple meets in persons with a violation of sexual and identity, in pregnant women, homosexuals, old people. Dark shades can reflect the trend towards the lifestyle, power, the need for sympathy, the feeling of painful loneliness, misunderstanding, sadness, sadness, the pressure of heavy memories from which you want to leave. A person may experience the need to remove from worldly life.

Pure purple and red tones point to a person who is easily and quickly fond of everything that excites (exciting, exciting, be it erotic or any other excitement). She strives for success without undermining confidence in him. The combination of purple and yellow meets in people with a developed imagination loving dreaming, fantasy, dream, compose. These people can like others (pure tones) sincerity of their interest in others. A strive not only to an exciting, but also interesting.

The combination of dirty purple and red indicates stress (than dirtier tone, the stronger stress) caused by unpleasant restrictions and prohibitions, dissatisfaction, excitation, alarm that cannot be suppressed. In this case, the feelings are blocked, distrust, imperisibility, suspicion, fear, jealousy appear. A person is afraid that his gullibility can take advantage, all the time controls family members, and partners. Does not tolerate interference, restrictions, it comes only from its own beliefs.

The combination of purple and green - pure tones - indicates an aesthetic and original person who tries to produce a pleasant impression. Dirty shades indicate alarm, stress caused by disrespect (present or seeming) and misunderstanding from others. A person is dissatisfied with his position, it seems to him offensive; broken a struggle with difficulties; Inhibits what I want to get rid of this situation, but there is not enough strength of the Spirit.

Pure purple and blue tones point to a person, thinly feeling the beauty capable of penetrating the feelings of another. Strive for good, pleasant, cardiac coupling and to the state of perfect harmony.

Dirty tones indicate anxiety caused by emotional dissatisfaction, which oppresses a person, it makes it difficult to concentrate, clear thinking, causes intolerance, irritability, breaking sleep.

Purple - the color of splendor and importance, so often too strong on the effect. It seems his intensity itself affects people with this aura, and many avoid it as a beloved color, perhaps for this very reason. Like blue, this color has high ideals, but purple is more inclined to rituality than devotion. The feeling of self-esteem is so pronounced that people configured to this vibration, respectively, try to influence others. Sometimes it gives results, but often purple vanity is the cause of its own failures. Usually people who love purple color are not aware of their own flaws, because They excite critics by habit. They turn their idealism in the doctrine of moral improvement, living in their world illusions, often to their full satisfaction. For purple color expression "from the eye, from the heart," applies to everything that they do not like.

These people are extraordinary, strive for freedom, independence. Space is very important. These people during their lives are experiencing ups and downs. Their life is replete with surprises and zigzags. Brightly dedicated leadership abilities. Intellectual and spiritual communication are preferred and often experiencing a deficit in such communication. All the mysterious, inexplicable and always try to find a randering of such phenomena. Possess high intelligence, but weak physically.

Purple is soothing, harmonious color with his contemplative and mystical side. People with purple aura often have literary, artistic or dramatic abilities. Often they are gifted by a rich imagination and ability to work. This increases their complacency, and once realized their talent, they tend to advertise it. In no case, they do not seek to keep in the shade, the expression "timid violet" refers only to the flower, and not to the color. This aura enanies fewer people than any other, but this is another reason why purple people consider themselves exclusive, if not the only one in their kind. Often they are prone to mysticism, since this is the shade of twilight, meaning the transition from the day to the dark. The usual purple occupation is the transformation of fantasy into reality. Poor - lilac color represents a soft side of purple nature. People with this aura have a pleasant temper, but manners and punctual. They are selfish, persistent in managing their small ownership, trying to make small things to pass only with benefit for their main affairs, which in itself is often also small. The consequence of this will be their tendency to demand and care. Pale - purple is often a sign of affection.

Purple color is a royal shade, here purple in his full strength, with a predominance of pomp and solemnity. There is no limit for heights that a person with this aura is trying to achieve. Indeed, many people who have achieved success are deliberately take a purple aura, as it satisfies their feeling of superiority. With sufficient prestige and power, they will lead such a lifestyle. But if all this is just a spraying, then such people stay in the world of empty magnificence. Fucene or other colors, where purple or purple have a strong shade of red, often indicates practical, as well as full self-self-nature. Such people pay attention to earthly affairs, which makes it capable of elevated concepts with practical results, despite their tendency to expose their importance.