Nikolay Leontovich composer. Composer Nikolai Leontovich shot a Chekist

Nikolay Leontovich composer. Composer Nikolai Leontovich shot a Chekist
Nikolay Leontovich composer. Composer Nikolai Leontovich shot a Chekist

ZhZL: Nikolai Dmitrievich Leontovich

Even if you are absolutely confident that you never heard a single melody of this composer, do not rush to the conclusions. One of his melodies was so popular that you could not hear her. This is a very popular Christmas melody, which in different countries is called differently. In Ukraine, it is called "Shchedrich", and in the English-speaking countries "Christmas Carol of the Vells".

Talented composer Nikolai Dmitrievich Leontovich infinitely loved Ukrainian folk art, and devoted his life to his study and preservation. But his life was tragically. He was killed by security officers in 1921.

Nikolai Dmitrievich Leontovich

Nikolay Dmitrievich Leontovich is a talented composer, a choral conductor, a folklorist, a teacher and a public figure, a deep connoisseur of folk art, he entered a bright page in the history of Ukrainian music. Nikolay Leontovich was born on December 13, 1877 in the village of Monastery of Brazlavsky County on Podolia (now Vinnitsa region) in the family of a rural priest. Since childhood, folk singing loved. His father played on different musical instruments, the mother knew many Ukrainian songs and skillfully performed them.

According to family traditions, Nikolai was supposed to become a priest - so wanted his parents, so he was given to study in Shargorodsky primary spiritual school, and then - to Kamenets of the Podolskoye-Frung Seminary. In the School and Seminary, the young man first attracted a good letter and choral singing. Here, he first begins to record folk songs, sings in the choir. During this period, he insistently seizes the game on the piano and the violin, studying musical literature, meets the biography of outstanding composers. It is especially attracted to choral processing of Nikolai Lysenko's folk songs. The musical formation of Leontovich also influenced the rapid cultural life of the administrative center of the Podolsk province - Kamenets-Podolsky. Troupes came to the city on tour, Verdi, Biza, Glinka, Tchaikovsky operas were arrived. The leadership of the seminary was not encouraged by the passion of seminarists theater, but Nikolai used any opportunity to visit the performance.

The musical successes of the young seminarist were quite tangible, which gave him the opportunity even before receiving a diploma to take the place of regent of the seminar choir. Talent has developed rapidly. He was not only the head of the choir, but he tried himself as a composer - it was here that he began writing his first spiritual works. The singers of the choir, who were delighted with the young musician, at the end of their studies gave him the Claver Opera Peter Tchaikovsky "Cherevichki" with a grant inscription: "The future glorious composer, unforgettable regentsi. From the choir of singers ". After graduating from 1899, N. Lontovich's seminary refused to have a spiritual sanatorium and for several years he worked as a teacher of singing, arithmetic and geography in the Chukovsky Two School. But, as before, music remained in the center of his interests. He led the student choir, organized the symphony orchestra, the repertoire of which consisted of works by Western European and Russian classics, from the plays of Ukrainian composers, as well as the people's arranged songs. In 1902, Leontovich moved to Vinnitsa, where he set up a teacher school teacher. As in Chukov, he creates a student choir leading the spiritual orchestra. For chorists handles folk songs. These wonderful processing of Ukrainian songs entered the treasury of the Ukrainian musical heritage. Eternal teacher and eternal student - exactly these words can be determined by the position of Leontovich-teacher and Leontovich-artist. Special attention to the composer paid self-education. The need to systematize and strengthen the knowledge gained independently led him to the St. Petersburg court chapel, where during the school holidays of 1903-1904 he passed the exams for the title of regent church choirs.

Nikolay Leontovich became a teacher of a whole generation of Ukrainian musicians, because the power of talent was condensed in his work chorus and song practices of the people and the artistic opinion of predecessors and contemporaries. Folk art discovered him the finest features of a national character, the beauty of his creative spirit and forever determined the civilian credo of Leontovich. In some of his records, he emphasized that for a real artist, a life goal should be in full force under any circumstances. A personal example of the composer has proven the inseparable unity of the word and the case, an infinite dedication to which he devoted himself.

From the fall of 1904, Nikolay Leontovich works in the railway school at Grishino station (now Krasnoarmeysk) in the Donbas. In a short period, he organized there on singing there, created a choir and instrumental ensemble as part of railway workers and members of their families. In 1905, fate returns Leontovich to his native land. He settles in Tulchin, is arranged by the teacher in the Diocesan School. It works with amateur choirs here, continues to record and harmonize folk songs. By that time, he had already united his musical attempts in two printed compilation "Song from Podilya".

During this period, Leontovich was perfectly mastered the techniques and means of choral technology in the process of living singing. The composer did a lot to maintain for future generations the pristine of folk art, protect it from salon stamps. Turning to the same work for many years, Leontovich opened new facets of the song, rendered her a new unique flavor. The best samples of his choral treatments built on a song-song material is unforgettable "Shchedrich", "Dudarik", "Kozak is carrying", "Oh, because of the mountain stone", "Zashumil Loyshinonka", "have little to have one daughter." These and other treatments of Leontovich were widely popular, often carried out in concerts of people's amateur and professional choirs.

The creative credo of the artist could be formulated like this: folk art gave him their treasures, and he grinded them and returned to the creators in the form of precious stones. However, this bright, very original on creative style master of Ukrainian choral music was not known to the general public, and only after the successful implementation of the People's Song "Shchedrik" in his processing by the student choir of Kiev University under the leadership of Alexander Koshitsa, the name of the Podolsky teacher became known in the musical circles. In 1909, N. Lontovich moved to Kiev, where he heads the choral teams, teaches at the music and drama institute. Nikolay Lysenko, working in the music department of the Kiev Regional Committee and in the All-Ukrainian Committee of Arts, heads the created State Orchestra, communicates with well-known scientists, musicians (professor B. Yeortic, singer L. Sobinov, Calishers' conductor, I.Stepovsky, I. Kalishevsky).

Taking active music and organizational and pedagogical activities, N. Lontovich, however, does not leave composer's work. In addition to treating folk songs, he writes works for the words of modern Ukrainian poets: "My song", "summer tone", "ice", "legend", begins to work on the opera with a fabulous plot of "mermaids", which he never finished.

The Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1920, the moment of the formation of the Ukrainian state, Leontovich met with enthusiasm. It seemed that he was added even more energy and strength. Together with other outstanding musical leaders and composers - Kirill Stetsenko, Yakova Steppe, Alexander Koshits - Leontovich is immersed in the whisper of a stormy cultural and public life. It was at this time that state chores were founded by their efforts: the republican chapel under the leadership of Alexander Koshitsa, Capella "Dumka" (State Ukrainian Mandrivna Kapella) under the leadership of Cyril Stetsenko; new amateur choirs are organized; The activities of the Music and Theater Institute will be widely deployed. Lysenko; The concert, publishing and musical and educational activity is activated - all this was on the basis of the new stage in the development of the national musical culture.

Bolshevik occupation stopped these movements. In fact, Ukrainian revival was defeated: closed or "reorganized" newly used national institutions, outstanding figures of Ukrainian culture, science physically destroyed or physically destroyed. These were the measures of a new policy, the slogan of which was "culture national in form, but Bolshevik in content." In practice, this meant an end to cultural development, a national rise, the end of Ukrainian statehood. Since 1920, hitting the "black list" of the CC, Leontovich chased "authorities". He had to hide, often change the place of residence. Believing that he will be saved in the house of his father, settled with him. On the night of January 22-2 January 23, 1921, the Salad Chekist killed him with a shot in the chest.

True, it became known about this villainous murder, after the opening of the archives. And in Soviet times, officially historians made the fact of the death of Leontovich as a random death from the hands of an unknown bandit, as an accident. Immediately after the death of Leontovich, 1921, the Public Committee of His Memory was created in Kiev, which includes famous cultural figures - M. Verikivsky, Ya.Stepova, P. Dehuksky, D. Ravutsky, Molevka, representatives of the musical and scientific community of Kiev and Ukraine. Later, this committee turned into society. Leontovich, whose task was to study, issue, promote the work of an outstanding artist. His name is the streets, creative organizations, professional and amateur choral groups, conservatory. For the best students, the Leontovich scholarship was established, museums were created.

Public figure, teacher.

Nikolay Leontovich
Mikola Leontovich
basic information
Full name Nikolai Dmitrievich Leontovich
Date of Birth 1 (13) December
Place of Birth
  • Monastic, Monasticomic parish [d], Lipovetsky county, Kiev province, Russian empire
Date of death January 23(1921-01-23 ) […] (43 years)
Place of death
Genres opera
Audio, photo, video on wikisklad

The author of the well-known treatments of Ukrainian folk songs for the Choir "Shhechrik", "Dudarik", "Cossacks are carrying." His processing "Shchedrik" is known worldwide as a Christmas carol "Carol of the Bells".


At that time, created a lot of choral treatments, in particular the famous "Shchedrik", as well as "pіyut pivnі", "Mala Mati one daughter", "Dudarik", "Oh, Zіyshla Zorya" and others. In Tulchin gets acquainted with the composer Kirill Stetsenko. In 1916, together with the Church of the Kiev University, he performs its processing "Shchedrika", which brought him a great success from the Kiev public.


The basis of the musical heritage of Leontovich makes choral miniatures - processing Ukrainian folk songs, which are still unsurpassed and are fulfilled by all Ukrainian choirs of Ukraine and the diaspora. These are marked by the big talent of the composer of the pearl of National Melosa "Shchedrich", "Kozak to carry", "Dudarik", "Iz-for Gori Snіzhok flies", "Zemenka-Brenchik", "Gai, Gai, Green Rose" and many others. On the basis of Ukrainian folk melodies, Leontovich created quite original original choral compositions, comprehensively, artistically rethinking them, giving them a unique sound. Leontovich was one of the first among masters of Ukrainian music, which in a new way interpreted folklore, using musical achievements of European musical and choral culture. At the same time, the handwriting of Leontovich is allocated among other limit flexibility and naturalness of the movement of votes, jewelry grinding of parts. Leontovich successfully used the traditions of improvisation in the work of Ukrainian cobrands, which each new stroke of the lyrics was interpreted in a new way. Leontovich applied the timbre variability of people's rhapsodies in its treatments, providing the chip with an opportunity to reveal a huge variety of harmony, counterpoint. Consistently embodying the idea of \u200b\u200bharmonization and polyphonicity, Leontovich, having a deep and versatile musical education, has widely used the best achievements of world choir technology.

The topics of choral miniature composer is extremely diverse. These are ritual, church, historical, chumatki, comic, dance, game songs. One of the central places in the work of Leontovich is occupied by choirs for household topics. This, in particular, "Oh, in the road", "oh, a dark and invisible noise", "Mala Mati one daughter", "Oh, z-for burning Kam'yano". They are characteristic of the dynamic deployment of the plot, active dramatization of events and images. A sample of such a high dramatic lift can serve the folk song "Sitting", in which Leontovich reached the level of tragic ballad.

In the songs-requiem "Kozak to carry", "Iz-for Gori Snіzhok flies", "Death" Leontovich talentedly rethought the melody of popular crying, using the specific sound of individual votes and entire choral groups, applying various choral sound effects, such as singing with a closed mouth .

The highest achievements of the composer are the songs "Shchedrich" and "Dudarik", in which Leontovich reached the maximum rhythmic organization. The "Shchedrian" remained especially popular, in which the techniques of folk polyphony with the achievements of the classical polyphony are organically combined, and each voice plays a completely independent expressive role, reproducing the finest changes in the song, feeding every artistic image at the limiting end.


  • On February 1, 1921, a significant group of cultural workers, professors and students gathered at the Kiev Music and Drama Institute named after Nikolai Lysenko, to celebrate the Christian custom, to celebrate 9 days after the death of Nikolai Leontovich. Quickly, but with great responsibility, a concert was organized from the works of Leontovich, they spoke with the words of regret and grief. At this meeting, the Committee of Memory of Nikolai Leontovich was created, who later took shape as a music society named after N. D. Leontovich. This society included such well-known Ukrainian artists as Boris Lyatoshinsky and Paul Puchina, many of the members of society, such as the Kombas and Gnat Hotkevich, later divided the tragic destiny of Leontovich, killing from the hands of state security bodies of the USSR. The very name of Leontovich was "recognized as irrelevant for the Soviet era," and actually remained such until the mid-1950s [ ] .
  • Today, Leontovich's name is Ukrainian musical groups, in particular Kapella Bandurists and educational institutions (in particular, Vinnitsa School of Arts and Culture, Donetsk Music School No. 1, Pokrovskaya Music School, Kharkov School of Arts No. 4).
  • The name of Leontovich is named

"Natives were sitting in the next room with knitted hands and heard how Grishchenko shouted on a semi-conscious Leontovich" ... As the creator of the legendary "Shchedrika" lived and died.

"My father was not for a minute at home. Came only late evenings. My mother and I have not slept, listening to familiar steps on a dark empty street. Just having heard his quick step, Mom made us go to bed. Herself tried not to give excitement. The father, who was passionate about his works, was not afraid of the night streets in those hectic times, "recalls Galina in Kiev in the spring of 1919, the daughter of the composer Nikolai Leontovich.

Composer Nikolai Leontovich during work in the Tulchinsky Diocesan School, 1908-1918. Vinnitsa Regional Museum

"Leontovich externally stand out for his grace. I did not like to wear a service form and the entire executed, - writes the conductor Nikolai Pokrovsky in the sketch "from the pages of the past." - During the speeches, all his appearance has already been tuned by performers, and the hall. Dressed in a dark business card, a shirt with a hard-standing collar and a good tie, he, thin and slender, with a big forehead and a black-e-junk beard and briefly triggered mustes, as if towered over the elements of tender sounds. Nikolay Dmitrievich stablely fought with the difficult life of the teacher of singing of that time. His family barely reduced ends with ends. But he rarely visited the sad and gloomy, always joked and hoped for the best times. "

Live on Baggouta street in a two-room apartment. She left her mother sister, who went to the village with his family. The room is located almost on the edge of the city. Therefore, often walking over the overgrown ravines, listening to birds.

"In order not to tear the doctrine, the rehearsal of the Choir Nikolai Dmitrievich spent at night-time time. Classes started at 9 o'clock. Leontovich came to the 6-7th, when we were still sleeping, "Ivan Barchuk loved him in the article" We all loved it "Ivan Barchuk. "He went to the bedroom, filmed with us blankets and called for a rehearsal." In 8 drank tea. He also sat down with us. Sound sounded. There was no cases to someone who did not listen or expressed discontent. "

In addition to the seminary, he teaches choral conducting at the Music and Drama Institute named after Nikolai Lysenko and in the People's Conservatory. As the inspector of the Music Department of the People's Commissariat of Enlightenment is engaged in the State Ukrainian Orchestra and National Choir Chapel. He lectures in schools and gymnasiums.

"The deprivation of our family was deprived," said Galina Leontovich in his sketch. - It was clear that it was necessary to return to Tulchin (the town in the Vinnitsa region. - Crane). But we all felt like hard he would break with Kiev. Now that his talent entered the flourishing when he worked with his musicians close to him, had common interests with them, felt their support in his creative work, returning to Tulchin would be a dramatic event in his life. "

Mikola Leontovich - sitting in the third row of the fourth Reloruchi - Serdi participation of the first Ukrainian chorus in Kijvі, 1919 Rіk

Nikolay Leontovich - Sits in the third row of the fourth right - among the participants of the first Ukrainian choir in Kiev, 1919. Photo provided by Anatoly Zavaleku

Claudia's wife with daughters - 17-year-old Galina and 5-year hope - leave Kiev in the summer of 1919. The husband negotiates the places in the commodity train. Sits them and go to work.

"In the autumn of 1919, Nikolai Dmitrievich in the old summer halter on his shoulders and clumsy cap. Strongly laughed, sharpened, on foot came from Kiev to Tulchin and settled here again, "Ignat Yastrabetsky writes his friend.

Nikolay Leontovich with his wife Claudia and daughter Galina, 1905. Photo: Vinnitsa Regional Museum of Local Lore

The composer is taken for teaching in the labor school created on the basis of the Diocesan School. Manages amateur choirs and performs with concerts in military units. He supports relations with the Kiev colleagues and hopes for returning to the city. I joy responds to invitation to Kirill Stetsenko's composer to come to Kamenets-Podolsky for the organization of Ukrainian choirs.

"Night. Strong wind with cold rain. Military events. The city is laid by refugees who arrive and arrive. Our house has a wide road to the city. We cannot refuse hungry, exhausted people who stayed without bed. And then someone said that there is Leontovich, he wrote to the sketch "minutes from Olga Prikhodko, sister of choir conductor Alexander Prikhodko. "My sister Elena, who worked with him for several years with him in the Girl Tulchine school, immediately recognized him, although he was so emptied that she was barely stood."

The owners invite the composer into the room to relax.

- I am so dirty, with a swamp. Will not go. I am grateful that I have a roof over your head and a warm house, where the evil wind does not blow and does not cross the cold rain in the eyes, it refuses.

Other guests are heard about the composer. All together convince him to go, they want to communicate. He refuses.

"We were interested to talk to him. But they saw that he should immediately lie down and relax, "Olga Prikhodko further recalls. - I made him a bed on the sofa in the dining room. We all diverged in their corners. And in the morning it was no longer. When and where he left, did not say. "

At the end of October 1920, Leontovich in Tulchin is visited by the composer Kirill Stetsenko and the poet Paul Poochina. Both worked in the Wearing Chapel of the Dnieper Union of Cooperative Societies. After the speech in Odessa, the Railway team arrived at the station Vapnyarka - now Tomaspol district Vinnitsa region. Capell members learned that 18 kilometers was the author of "Shchedrik" and other works from their repertoire. We decided to wrap it with him.

"Nikolay Dmitrievich leaned his head against the wall, listens. The first slaps in your hands, "Pavlo Puchina recorded in the diary in the diary.

Leontovich shows and executes fragments of his Opera "on Rusalchin Great." Cyril Stetsenko praises and advises her to finish it as soon as possible to put in Kiev.

Leontovich wants to write a fantastic opera in three actions. To create a libretto addresses his student of the hope of Tanashevich, who lives in the village of Gerzhgorod - now the Teplitsky district of Vinnitsa region. The girl first refuses. Agrees when the composer says that the main thing is to write truthfully, and promises support.

"She put me a lot of songs," says the hope of a former colleague Akim's sin. - Maybe loved the old man-bald. Let love, it will be better to write text. Love is poetry, these are the best experiences of every person.

In the autumn of the 1920th, Leontovich family constantly lacks food and clothing. The Religious holidays are sent to Galina's daughter to swim to her grandfather in the mark. Calculate that it will bring some products.

- I must, Klava, somehow get to the Father, - says Nikolay Leontovich his wife in early 1921.

- How will you get this cold?

- During walking, not frozen. I can not calmly look like children undernourished, but to buy a piece of sala, butter or something else is missing. From the father of pork, flour and some croup can be brought. And potatoes and firewood. Calculates to go to the hope of Tanashevich, who lives near the Father. Wants to discuss further work on a joint work. On the road wraps to akim.

"It was after Christmas 1921. I was very surprised when Leontovich seeking me in the courtyard, "he writes sin in memories. - He was dressed in an old coat. On the head - the original hat, which his wife sewed from the old blanket. On the hands of mittens on one finger - also the work of the wife. And pants - gray-black color with large purple spots. He still rushed on a wand known in a big handkerchief a party for me - Kalachi. "

- Oh, mom! This line of life has completely ended, why are you wrongfully say, "Nadezhda Tanashevich is indignant, seeing her mother in his hand to the composer Nikolay Leontovich and says that his line of life" seems to be erected soon. "

- It means that when I go from you and from the forest will be released a gangster to kill me, I will tell him: "Eh, no! Stand Matushka Tanashevich I still rushed to live for a long time, "Guest laughed.

Hope leads him to another room and asks for no longer joking.

- The other day gave a concert in the barracks, "says Leontovich. - On the piano forgot his portfolio with documents. I was now "invited to a cup of tea," they took the documents, checked. Then - returned. Waiting for results, and maybe they will kill.

Four days later, he shoots him from the church of the hunting rifle Agent of the Gaysinsky county CC (Emergency Commission. - Krai) Athanasius Grishchenko. It happened in the parent house in the village of Markovka. Chekist asked to spend the night. With him - Riding Fedor Robchik, a peasant from Kiblch - now the Gaisinsky district of Vinnitsa region. The owners agreed.

In the conversation it turns out that the guest came to fight "banditry". Breasts the network of informants in the villages, which knows about everything that happens here. At midnight, men lay down to sleep in the same room. In the second - the mother of the composer Maria, Sister Victoria and the daughter of Galina.

In the morning, at 7 o'clock he was shot.

- Dad, dad! What is it? Explosion? - Nikolai Dmitrievich first responds first.

Father rushes to his son. He wants to rise from bed, but can not. On the right side - the wound. Blood flooded sheets. On the contrary, it is barefoot, a cheekist undressed to the linen. Holds a clip. Give the sleeves from it and lays a new cartridge.

- Stay from here! - shouts to the owner and pushes out the door. Orders Grabchak to associate all hands. To do this, removes a towel from the wall and ships the found skirt.

"The relatives were sitting in the next room with knitted hands and heard that Grishchenko shouted on a semi-dimensional Leontovich. They could not do anything. Meanwhile, the killer demanded gold and money. I took the tablespoons, the clock and the money found in the wallet and wardrobes. She sketched the host's casing, grabbed his son's boots and ran out of the house, "Jabrebetsky writes.

People coincide on the shouts of the father. Some rushes for a murderer, others - for a doctor in the heat, third to the victim.

"WATER," Nikolai Dmitrievich asks. When served, you can not get drunk. - Sveta. Give lights. Dad, dying.

A few minutes later his heart stops fighting.

The peasants catch up with a grabchak conjunction, but there is no Grishchenko. He is pursued by the police. He shoots, wounds the policeman and runs away.

"The Grenchenko's District Informant to the District Informant in such a business trip to such and exclude from the provincial and tea content from December 12," confirms his post found in the archive in Vinnitsa Help. - issued to him 5,000 advance payment on the secret costs to write on the expense of the arrival journal. "

Claudia's wife and daughter Nadezhda come to the funeral from Tulchka. Team, so the road is given hard to them. Near the house Leontovich gather people. The body of the deceased is put in the coffin of poplar. Bosyk buried, because it is not for what to put on - the boots took the murderer. On January 25, at about 17:00, the coffin is lowered into the grave.

The next day, from Starzhgorod brought the grave of a wreath from Hope Tanashkevich. It was the inscription: "Eternal memory. Sleep well".

"Leontovich killed. Mourning dry me. Wick, - recorded in the diary on January 27, 1921 Poet Pavlo Poochina. Later he also recalls the tragedy: "I write out notes for the choir. "Music Leontovich". Strange. All Ukraine sang Leontovich. And what does he, Nikolai Dmitrievich? Lies in the coffin, no one needs. You will be quiet - you will be killed. Strong - must kill. That is what the logic of life. "

"The bullet of the Checky Messenger consciously chilly in the heart of the recognized nation's nation-nation is Nikolai Leontovich. It was a sign of a terrible execution, which is waiting for every self-likeness, unrelated system, "art historian Valentina Kuzyk wrote in one of the publications.

160 Folk Song Processings created Nikolai Leontovich. The most famous - "Shchedrich", "Dudarik", "Sight", "Kozak to carry", "Zashumila Lyschinonka", "Oh, Zasy Gori Kam'yano". Of these, 50 works for the children's choir issued in the tutorials "Mooky grades" and "Solfeggio".

"Shchedrik", arr. M. Leontovich, "Shchedrik", arr. Yu. Potenko

Worked in the Donbas

1877, December 13 - Nikolay Leontovich was born in the family of the priest in the village of Monastery of Brazlav district - now Nemirovsky district Vinnitsa region.

Grandfather and great-grandfather were also priests. Father Dmitry Fefortanovich played a citre, balalaica, guitar, violin. Mother Maria Josephovna - sang well. Brother Alexander and Sister Maria became professional singers, Elena studied in the class of piano of the Kiev Conservatory, Victoria played on several tools.

1892 - entering the Podolsk spiritual seminary in Kamenets-Podolsky, which ended in 1898.

1901 - publishes the first collection of songs Podialia. Two years later, he comes out the second - with the dedication to Nikolay Lysenko.

Works teacher of a two-year school in the village of Chukiv. Playing the violin and flute. Organizes the school orchestra. For own funds buys five violins, cello, flute, cornet and trombone. With a monthly salary of the teacher, 27 rubles for each tool gives from 25 to 40 rubles.

1902 - Works Music Teacher in Tyvrov - Now the district center of the Vinnitsa region. Here gets acquainted and marries Claudia Zhovtkevich. She is 2 years older and arrived with Volyn. We worked in Tyvrov, then in Vinnitsa. There in 1903 the daughter of Galina is born.

1904 - Leaving to work on the Donbass teacher of singing and music in the railway school. Lives with family at Grishino station (now the city of Pokrovsk Donetsk region. - Country) in a barrack for railway workers.

During the revolution of 1905, organizes the choir of workers, which performs on rallies. Leontovich's activities attract police attention. He is forced to return to Tulchin. Teaches music and singing in the Diocesan School for the daughters of rural priests.

Since 1909 - takes the lessons of the composition, polyphonies from the professor of the theory of music of Boleslav Yavorski, who is periodically visited in Moscow and Kiev.

1916 - Together with the Church of the Kiev University performs its processing "Shchedrik".

1919 - During the seizure of Kiev, Denikins are forced to flee to Tulchin. It bases the first music school in the city.

1919-1920 - Works on the People's Fantastic Opera "On Rusalchin Greamen" in the same name, Boris Greenshenko's fairy tale.

1921, January 23 - KhCHK was killed (All-Russian emergency commission to combat counter-revolution and sabotage. - Crane) Athanasius Grishchenko in the village of Markovka - now the Teplitsky district of Vinnitsa region. The text of the report, revealing the name of the killer of the composer, was made public in 1997.

In Christmas days, each at least once heard the famous Melody "Caroll of the Bells" - she sounds everywhere. But few people know that its author is Nikolai Dmitrievich Leontovich - Ukrainian composer who died from the hands of an employee of the HCHK-OGPU-NKVD

Above the world famous option "Shchedrika" Nikolai Leontovich worked almost all his life. The first editorship of the song was written to 1901-1902, the second edition - in 1906-1908, the third - 1914, the fourth - 1916, and finally, the fifth - 1919. For the first time, "Shchedrik" was executed by the Kiev Choir University in 1916 - during the period when the composer worked in Kiev, where he managed the choral teams, taught at the music-drama institute. Nikolai Lysenko, he worked in the music department of the Kiev Regional Committee, in the All-Ukrainian Art Committee and headed the newly created state orchestra. The first execution brought a huge success to the composer. The name of Leontovich became famous in the musical circles, and among the general public.

"Natives were sitting in the next room with knitted hands and heard how Grishchenko shouted on a semi-conscious Leontovich" ... As the creator of the legendary "Shchedrika" lived and died.

"My father was not for a minute at home. Came only late evenings. My mother and I have not slept, listening to familiar steps on a dark empty street. Just having heard his quick step, Mom made us go to bed. Herself tried not to give excitement. The father, who was passionate about his works, was not afraid of night streets in those hectic times, "recalls life in Kiev in the spring of 1919 Galina, the daughter of the composer Nikolai Leontovich.

"Leontovich externally stand out for his grace. I did not like to wear a service form and the entire executed, - writes the conductor Nikolai Pokrovsky in the sketch "from the pages of the past." - During the speeches, all his appearance has already been tuned by performers, and the hall. Dressed in a dark business card, a shirt with a hard-standing collar and a good tie, he, thin and slender, with a big forehead and a black-e-junk beard and briefly triggered mustes, as if towered over the elements of tender sounds. Nikolay Dmitrievich stablely fought with the difficult life of the teacher of singing of that time. His family barely reduced ends with ends. But he rarely visited the sad and gloomy, always joked and hoped for the best times. "

Live on Baggouta street in a two-room apartment. She left her mother sister, who went to the village with his family. The room is located almost on the edge of the city. Therefore, often walking over the overgrown ravines, listening to birds.

"In order not to tear the doctrine, the rehearsal of the Choir Nikolai Dmitrievich spent at night-time time. Classes started at 9 o'clock. Leontovich came to the 6-7th, when we were still sleeping, "Ivan Barchuk loved him in the article" We all loved it "Ivan Barchuk. "He went to the bedroom, filmed with us blankets and called for a rehearsal." In 8 drank tea. He also sat down with us. Sound sounded. There was no cases to someone who did not listen or expressed discontent. "

In addition to the seminary, he teaches choral conducting at the Music and Drama Institute named after Nikolai Lysenko and in the People's Conservatory. As the inspector of the Music Department of the People's Commissariat of Enlightenment is engaged in the State Ukrainian Orchestra and National Choir Chapel. He lectures in schools and gymnasiums.

"The deprivation of our family was deprived," said Galina Leontovich in his sketch. - It was clear that it was necessary to return to Tulchin (the town in the Vinnitsa region. - Crane). But we all felt like hard he would break with Kiev. Now that his talent entered the flourishing when he worked with his musicians close to him, had common interests with them, felt their support in his creative work, returning to Tulchin would be a dramatic event in his life. "

Nikolay Leontovich - Sits in the third row of the fourth right - among the participants of the first Ukrainian choir in Kiev, 1919. Photo provided by Anatoly Zavaleku

Claudia's wife with daughters - 17-year-old Galina and 5-year hope - leave Kiev in the summer of 1919. The husband negotiates the places in the commodity train. Sits them and go to work.

"In the autumn of 1919, Nikolai Dmitrievich in the old summer halter on his shoulders and clumsy cap. Strongly laughed, sharpened, on foot came from Kiev to Tulchin and settled here again, "Ignat Yastrabetsky writes his friend.

Nikolay Leontovich with his wife Claudia and daughter Galina, 1905. Photo: Vinnitsa Regional Museum of Local Lore

The composer is taken for teaching in the labor school created on the basis of the Diocesan School. Manages amateur choirs and performs with concerts in military units. He supports relations with the Kiev colleagues and hopes for returning to the city. I joy responds to invitation to Kirill Stetsenko's composer to come to Kamenets-Podolsky for the organization of Ukrainian choirs.

"Night. Strong wind with cold rain. Military events. The city is laid by refugees who arrive and arrive. Our house has a wide road to the city. We cannot refuse hungry, exhausted people who stayed without bed. And then someone said that there is Leontovich, he wrote to the sketch "minutes from Olga Prikhodko, sister of choir conductor Alexander Prikhodko. "My sister Elena, who worked with him for several years with him in the Girl Tulchine school, immediately recognized him, although he was so emptied that she was barely stood."

The owners invite the composer into the room to relax.

- I am so dirty, with a swamp. Will not go. I am grateful that I have a roof over your head and a warm house, where the evil wind does not blow and does not cross the cold rain in the eyes, it refuses.

Other guests are heard about the composer. All together convince him to go, they want to communicate. He refuses.

"We were interested to talk to him. But they saw that he should immediately lie down and relax, "Olga Prikhodko further recalls. - I made him a bed on the sofa in the dining room. We all diverged in their corners. And in the morning it was no longer. When and where he left, did not say. "

At the end of October 1920, Leontovich in Tulchin is visited by the composer Kirill Stetsenko and the poet Paul Poochina. Both worked in the Wearing Chapel of the Dnieper Union of Cooperative Societies. After the speech in Odessa, the Railway team arrived at the station Vapnyarka - now Tomaspol district Vinnitsa region. Capell members learned that 18 kilometers was the author of "Shchedrik" and other works from their repertoire. We decided to wrap it with him.

"Nikolay Dmitrievich leaned his head against the wall, listens. The first slaps in your hands, "Pavlo Puchina recorded in the diary in the diary.

Leontovich shows and executes fragments of his Opera "on Rusalchin Great." Cyril Stetsenko praises and advises her to finish it as soon as possible to put in Kiev.

Leontovich wants to write a fantastic opera in three actions. To create a libretto addresses his student of the hope of Tanashevich, who lives in the village of Gerzhgorod - now the Teplitsky district of Vinnitsa region. The girl first refuses. Agrees when the composer says that the main thing is to write truthfully, and promises support.

"She put me a lot of songs," says the hope of a former colleague Akim's sin. - Maybe loved the old man-bald. Let love, it will be better to write text. Love is poetry, these are the best experiences of every person.

In the autumn of the 1920th, Leontovich family constantly lacks food and clothing. The Religious holidays are sent to Galina's daughter to swim to her grandfather in the mark. Calculate that it will bring some products.

- I must, Klava, somehow get to the Father, - says Nikolay Leontovich his wife in early 1921.

- How will you get this cold?

- During walking, not frozen. I can not calmly look like children undernourished, but to buy a piece of sala, butter or something else is missing. From the father of pork, flour and some croup can be brought. And potatoes and firewood. Calculates to go to the hope of Tanashevich, who lives near the Father. Wants to discuss further work on a joint work. On the road wraps to akim.

"It was after Christmas 1921. I was very surprised when Leontovich seeking me in the courtyard, "he writes sin in memories. - He was dressed in an old coat. On the head - the original hat, which his wife sewed from the old blanket. On the hands of mittens on one finger - also the work of the wife. And pants - gray-black color with large purple spots. He still rushed on a wand known in a big handkerchief a party for me - Kalachi. "

- Oh, mom! This line of life has completely ended, why are you wrongfully say, "Nadezhda Tanashevich is indignant, seeing her mother in his hand to the composer Nikolay Leontovich and says that his line of life" seems to be erected soon. "

- It means that when I go from you and from the forest will be released a gangster to kill me, I will tell him: "Eh, no! Stand Matushka Tanashevich I still rushed to live for a long time, "Guest laughed.

Hope leads him to another room and asks for no longer joking.

- The other day gave a concert in the barracks, "says Leontovich. - On the piano forgot his portfolio with documents. I was now "invited to a cup of tea," they took the documents, checked. Then - returned. Waiting for results, and maybe they will kill.

Four days later, he shoots him from the church of the hunting rifle Agent of the Gaysinsky county CC (Emergency Commission. - Krai) Athanasius Grishchenko. It happened in the parent house in the village of Markovka. Chekist asked to spend the night. With him - Riding Fedor Robchik, a peasant from Kiblch - now the Gaisinsky district of Vinnitsa region. The owners agreed.

In the conversation it turns out that the guest came to fight "banditry". Breasts the network of informants in the villages, which knows about everything that happens here. At midnight, men lay down to sleep in the same room. In the second - the mother of the composer Maria, Sister Victoria and the daughter of Galina.

In the morning, at 7 o'clock he was shot.

- Dad, dad! What is it? Explosion? - Nikolai Dmitrievich first responds first.

Father rushes to his son. He wants to rise from bed, but can not. On the right side - the wound. Blood flooded sheets. On the contrary, it is barefoot, a cheekist undressed to the linen. Holds a clip. Give the sleeves from it and lays a new cartridge.

- Stay from here! - shouts to the owner and pushes out the door. Orders Grabchak to associate all hands. To do this, removes a towel from the wall and ships the found skirt.

"The relatives were sitting in the next room with knitted hands and heard that Grishchenko shouted on a semi-dimensional Leontovich. They could not do anything. Meanwhile, the killer demanded gold and money. I took the tablespoons, the clock and the money found in the wallet and wardrobes. She sketched the host's casing, grabbed his son's boots and ran out of the house, "Jabrebetsky writes.

People coincide on the shouts of the father. Some rushes for a murderer, others - for a doctor in the heat, third to the victim.

"WATER," Nikolai Dmitrievich asks. When served, you can not get drunk. - Sveta. Give lights. Dad, dying.

A few minutes later his heart stops fighting.

The peasants catch up with a grabchak conjunction, but there is no Grishchenko. He is pursued by the police. He shoots, wounds the policeman and runs away.

"The Grenchenko's District Informant to the District Informant in such a business trip to such and exclude from the provincial and tea content from December 12," confirms his post found in the archive in Vinnitsa Help. - issued to him 5,000 advance payment on the secret costs to write on the expense of the arrival journal. "

Claudia's wife and daughter Nadezhda come to the funeral from Tulchka. Team, so the road is given hard to them. Near the house Leontovich gather people. The body of the deceased is put in the coffin of poplar. Bosyk buried, because it is not for what to put on - the boots took the murderer. On January 25, at about 17:00, the coffin is lowered into the grave.

The next day, from Starzhgorod brought the grave of a wreath from Hope Tanashkevich. It was the inscription: "Eternal memory. Sleep well".

"Leontovich killed. Mourning dry me. Wick, - recorded in the diary on January 27, 1921 Poet Pavlo Poochina. Later he also recalls the tragedy: "I write out notes for the choir. "Music Leontovich". Strange. All Ukraine sang Leontovich. And what does he, Nikolai Dmitrievich? Lies in the coffin, no one needs. You will be quiet - you will be killed. Strong - must kill. That is what the logic of life. "

"The bullet of the Checky Messenger consciously chilly in the heart of the recognized nation's nation-nation is Nikolai Leontovich. It was a sign of a terrible execution, which is waiting for every self-likeness, unrelated system, "art historian Valentina Kuzyk wrote in one of the publications.

160 Folk Song Processings created Nikolai Leontovich. The most famous - "Shchedrich", "Dudarik", "Right", "Kozak to carry", "Zashumila Lyschinonka", "Oh, Zasy Gori Kam \\ 'Janїї." Of these, 50 works for the children's choir issued in the tutorials "Mooky grades" and "Solfeggio".

Worked in the Donbas

1877, December 13 - Nikolay Leontovich was born in the family of the priest in the village of Monastery of Brazlav district - now Nemirovsky district Vinnitsa region.

Grandfather and great-grandfather were also priests. Father Dmitry Fefortanovich played a citre, balalaica, guitar, violin. Mother Maria Josephovna - sang well. Brother Alexander and Sister Maria became professional singers, Elena studied in the class of piano of the Kiev Conservatory, Victoria played on several tools.

1892 - entering the Podolsk spiritual seminary in Kamenets-Podolsky, which ended in 1898.

1901 - publishes the first collection of songs Podialia. Two years later, he comes out the second - with the dedication to Nikolay Lysenko.

Works teacher of a two-year school in the village of Chukiv. Playing the violin and flute. Organizes the school orchestra. For own funds buys five violins, cello, flute, cornet and trombone. With a monthly salary of the teacher, 27 rubles for each tool gives from 25 to 40 rubles.

1902 - Works Music Teacher in Tyvrov - Now the district center of the Vinnitsa region. Here gets acquainted and marries Claudia Zhovtkevich. She is 2 years older and arrived with Volyn. We worked in Tyvrov, then in Vinnitsa. There in 1903 the daughter of Galina is born.

1904 - Leaving to work on the Donbass teacher of singing and music in the railway school. Lives with family at Grishino station (now the city of Pokrovsk Donetsk region. - Country) in a barrack for railway workers.

During the revolution of 1905, organizes the choir of workers, which performs on rallies. Leontovich's activities attract police attention. He is forced to return to Tulchin. Teaches music and singing in the Diocesan School for the daughters of rural priests.

Since 1909 - takes the lessons of the composition, polyphonies from the professor of the theory of music of Boleslav Yavorski, who is periodically visited in Moscow and Kiev.

1916 - Together with the Church of the Kiev University performs its processing "Shchedrik".

1919 - During the seizure of Kiev, Denikins are forced to flee to Tulchin. It bases the first music school in the city.

1919-1920 - Works on the People's Fantastic Opera "On Rusalchin Greamen" in the same name, Boris Greenshenko's fairy tale.

1921, January 23 - KhCHK was killed (All-Russian emergency commission to combat counter-revolution and sabotage. - Crane) Athanasius Grishchenko in the village of Markovka - now the Teplitsky district of Vinnitsa region. The text of the report, revealing the name of the killer of the composer, was made public in 1997.

Navidnoye Misztsi Tourist Pickomnitva on Teplichichini is the Museum of Mikoli Dmitrovich Leontovich, the same grave in p. Markivka. Museum of Vіdkrito in 1977 Rotsi, to Southwee M.D. Lontovich. Architecture Project Museuma Tos Bronze Pumply to Mon'yatnik Vikonav Lvivsky Artist Yaroslav Ulgourskiy. Non_k Museum faced the grave MD Leontovich, on the yaki, the Granis Obelіsk is standing.

In Musey, Zіbrunsky Tsіkavі Materiali, Great Kilkіt of older photographers of Rodini Leontovichiv, Zagalne Photo Batkiv, Mikoli Leontovich's sisters. Veliky Intheres Vіdvіduvachіv Viklikyutvkazyitskії Rіdkіsniy Motherіvіv, Originalnі manuscript of scores, titled Oblotkov Pershio, such as Zbіrki Пісень з ділла, Піаніно, krigi, NOTI TA OBLIE LONTOVICH. Inіtsіâатор to the museum in p. Markіvka Buv Nowіshniy Dean of the Music-Pedagogian Faculty of the Vinnitsky Pedagogical Pedagogian University of Zavaleyuk Anatolіy Fedorovich і Artist Yaroslav Ulguruskiy.

Mikola Dmitrovich Leontovich. NEPPIVAN PISNA SPILS

1 (13) Breast 1877 ROCA in SIM 'Sіlskiy Bar Otzia Dmitrіya (S. Monastroca of the Nemiro-Nemirіvsky District) Non-Sin Micola, Maitatniy Composer Zi Svіtovim Іm'y, Spіvetsey Krasi Svіlskoї earth. In the center of Svіtovoy Muschitva Mustetva Leontovich Uzіyshov Yak, the author of the artist circle for the chorus of Ukrainian people Pisen (Blisko 200), and Torozhen Yak Creator Genre Witonchenoi Horovoi Mіnіthyuri on the basis of the text_v І melodіy people Pisen. SERIUM OF YOW LOOKING TRUE OF POISTS PIECEN VIEWS HAVE HIVE MELODINISTY "SHECHERCH", "Dudarik", "Plya", "Kozak to carry", "Пійют півні", "oh z-for burning", "Zashumila" Lyschinyka "Ta In.

Mikoli Leontovich's diet was held in the village of Selshnyh Vіnnitskoye Rayti (Ningі - Tivrіvsky District), de Batko Z 20 Chervnya 1879 ROCA Rejecting Parafі's rector of the rector. Malovnich Sadіlska Nature, Garmonia of Heavenly, Blikiti Ta Gold Lanіv, Spіvochi People, - All the price dispersed in Falging to the sound of Ryady, Pіsnі. Before that Batko, Gіtrі Tyoloncheli, and Mothers Garno Spіvali, and Mati Garno Spevala, who could not not be kicked by Sviya Vіdbittiki on the soul of the soul.

Kolya Calton Vipovnilitre 10 Rockіv, then Batki Vіdali yogoy to Nemirіvkskoi Gіmnazії (Sherry 1887 ROCK), de in Tsei Hour of Pratyuvali Druі Ta Ododumtsі T.G.Shevchenka: Mikhailo Chaili, Ivan Soshenko, Yulian Bєlkin-Kendzhitsky, Opanas Markovich. Zakіnichi pіd preparative class tsієї Gіmnazії, Leontovich that Roku Juggings to Shargorodsku Succіnchu, Yaka Zakіnchu, through Chotiri Rocky. Potim - Trivali Rocky Rocky In Kam'ynets-Pliskiy Duchini Semіnar. Having turned into semіnar Mikola Leontovich to reach modestly. So, the Person Clast Vіn Zavіn Lishe 25th after the list, before that Mav is overcooked by the Castle. And in the remaining class of gіmnazіїi, at the breaks of the boums on the other RIK. Obviously, it was given a crust of yogi the magnitude of the quantifier in Semnarskom Khorі (de Vine Bow Diriedant), and Torozhe Rishennia to devote himself to the Public Assistant.

Pіsl Zakіnchennya Semіnarії in 1899 Rotsi Leontovich Pricauє by the width of Creative Pratsi, arithmetica of the geographs in Chukіvskiy Dvoklasniy schools. About yogoyed in Chukovi Rospevіdyut the Protocols Square Podagogovoi for the Skoli for 1897-1901 Rocky, Yaki Zherіguyuhu in Museino at Missti Tulchini. Here, in Chukovі, Leontovich Z Silskiy Klottonv Tu Dіvchat organіzovuє Svei Person Chorus, Robing the records of Ukrainian people Pisen.

There is a knowledgeably meaning for Leontovich Yak in Creative, so І in the disoberbers of Bouv Tivrіvsky Perigod of Yogi (s 1901 to 1902 RIK). In the Tivrasi Mikola, Dmitrovich Vikladeє Musika, Tu Spіvi in \u200b\u200bthe Mishtsey Spiritual School, Organizuє cats. In Tsei, the perigod of the prison І Vikhіd yogo "Pershino zbіrki Пісен з ділля", Bagato Пісень з закоїния в и істерован. Torozhe at the tivrasi Mikola Leontovich leaned by Iz Klubdіuu Ferapontіvenya Zhovtkevich, the urgency of the Volinsky village Pіdlіstsi, Yaka Z 29 Veresnya 1901 ROCH STEє YOGO SUPTEVITE LAY.

Evest 1902 ROCA LONTOVICH PERSONNAYA TITIVE І REGIONE TO VINNITSI. Actitious hour here is Vіn Ptsyuє Vikladych Spіvіv in the church-teacher school of schools І one-sided Diriguє Outstanding Orchestra. Із Зим Leontovich Rockіv 1903-1904 Rockіv Vіdvіduє Lektії TU CONSTITUTION IN PETERBURYKIY KRUVVORNIY SPIVOCHIY KAPELІ І NOVDOVI SKLADEє ІSPITS TO SWANNEY DIRIGENTS Church Chore.

Promotional Episode in Zhisticti Young Composer Bula Tozheziya Vysomo Meter Ukrainian Classic Music Musiki M.V.Lisenka on "Friend Zbіrku Пісень з ділля" (1903 Рік). Zokrema, Mikola Vіtalіyovich Writing: "Come on your zbіrku Пісень, I'm a buoy of the Zrajdvaniy, Knowershi in Niy Samostіinі go, Ruhi Visitiv, and not Pіdkladannya Inthervіv Testa Harmoniino.

Once, in the Zhisticti Mikoli Dmitrovich Bouwlya і Nommmnі Momenti. Through the Rіznі accepted on yoma, I brought the hollow of Vіnnitzu I trivaliy for an hour to laugh without grappling to Insnuvanna. Bewish on Batkіvshchinі Druzhini, Leontovich Dіznovy, Shaho at Stanzії Grishine (Ningі-Krasnoarmіiska Donetsko region) ІСнає Вакасі и вещика в візниній скасі. My Mikola Dmitrovich since the buddy is going through the Donbas. The new height of the odds turn to the shit to the shit. Ale Sapeutvati Dovgo Leontovich is not in a distance. PІD HOUR DIY 1905-1907 Rockіv Vіn Viklikaє Pіdozru in Gendarmіv through sympathia to revolutionary meter, and I have been tavering for those who clarify him the chorus of Robytnikov-livіzniknikіv Vikonvav, Pіsnі antimonarhіn zm_st. Extrudes in Vіdovіduvan Gendarmіv, Leontovich Perecyd to Tulchina. C 12 ovand 1908 ROCA Mikola Dmitrovich Vikladeє Church of Spex in the Mishtsey єParchіal zhinochemia. Sudisy IZ Spogdiv Yoji-Kravchuk ("Culture І Zhittya". - 1991. - 5 Zhovt.), Leontovich's lessons were crossed by Nezmіnnimi Usikh Suridovanok School.

Package Z 1909 ROCA, Mikola Leontovich Bere Consultation from the theormal composition of the profession of Boleslav Yavorskoy, a teaching of the Rosіyysky composer Sergia Tangєva. The scrapbook of їx zunіchi was found in Moscow, and at Kiєvi. SPIKUVENNA IZ Javorskikh precomproof Leontovich thoroughly Outanuti a number of arrivals of choral phones, zokrema, from PoliFonії.

In 1918 ROTSI LONTOVICH PERFORMANCE POSTYINE AT KIEVA. Sedicient Ukrainian composer K.G.Sttsesenko, Z Yakim Leontovich Prognosing in Kijvi, so writing about a known known: "Vіn Nivi Rіzbyar in Muzitsi, SHO MUSE MUSIC MUSHNIY VARTOSTY, RECEMBLY LARGES SOVKA. Yogo Tehnikka, the rust of the Niemensho Speach Singles "Other", Nisby Think Rіzba іz gold, is gluable by self-combine caminy. " Prior to Rushi, Obuh Venetian National Culture, I was not elshing Muzichna Creative, Alya Schіlna Putzia in Galuzі Power Awearter for the hour of Central Fores: Oume of Music Vіdd Kirilo Mіnіstniy Noviti UNR (Kirilo Grigorovich - Head of Section, Mikola Dmitrovich - € Dіlovodom). OKRIM TSOGO, LEONTOVYCH NOT POLYSHEє І SUTU PROFITY DYYALNOSTІ: PRATSYUє VIKLADIKH HORODSE IP ISPORT IN MUSICAL-DRAMATURY INSTRUCTION OF THE STRUCTURE ІMENІ MV Lessenka, Organizuu, Occolence in Ranzi Komіsar Perers Ukraїnsk tape. In Tsei, the hour of Michael Dmitrovich Pische 4 Chorai Pepiemi: "Legend", "Littі Tony", "My Pisnya", "Lodocol". Once, the Creation of Pratsyu composer reaps Denіkіnsk Okupatsiya Kiєva. Pogrozi Rydomhop in the sickness of Leontovich Province and back to Tulchin. Here Vіn turns up to Pratsi, Bagate І Samovіddan Pricauє on Muzichniy Nivi. With the archivnya Jerell Torozh Vіdomo, Scho s 1 Serpnya 1920 ROKU LONTOVICH ZAIMAє POSADE ZARDUYUCHED SECHSІюU MUSTTVTVA in Bratslavsky, and zoddddіlі People's Ossiti, and a zerry - organizer of the Horing chorus in Tulchini.

Swan It is a composer, behind the author's jelly, Maintenance of the World-Fantastic Magnifier's Opera "on Rusalchin". For Togo, Zakіnchitii її Text (Slіv Author, Boris Ginchenka, vibrated for one DIY), Leontovich Vijijaє in the village of Strazhgorod, de lived in the village of Lіbrettist, the number of Vipusnitsya Tulchinsky єParchіial School Nadia Vasylіvna Tanashevich. In the guardiancorc of Mikola Dmitrovich, she has served in Fier 20, 1921 in Rock, Jacraz on the name of Old Tanashevich. "For the other day, in P'yatnitzia," writing the fersion Bіograph Leontovich V.P.Dyachenko, - Mikola Dmitrovich Maj Tsіliy Day Pridіv Z Opіj Vasilіvenu over Lіbretto. Vіn Daving Usi Nechkіdnі Vczіvki Tu Werezhannya і Turn the Nadvovecher at Marcіvtsi Schchavyviy І widras. Now right from the opera Bula Tsіlkom is inhabit. "

Day 22 Sіchnya Leontovich, Occlares Creation with Cottage, Provіv at the Badinka of Batka in the village of Marcіvka Ningіshnoye Teplice district. Chi knew Todi Sadіlski Orpheus, Shaho invilnaya hour Vzhzh Tsієї Mitі Nabuvav for ny Novych, especially Vimіrv? Hardware knewing, healthy ...

Zniski about those, Scho Nadіya Tanashevich in Kіntz, V.P. Dyachenka stolen the audience: "Stara Tanashevich 6th Jan. (St.S. Stil) Burned in Rutzі (Leontovich. - Avt.), Heroantic way gave way to traffic (Lynі. - Avt.) Life. Ale in Tsay moment pіdіislu to them Nadia. Immediately standing at the sin (Leontovich's collage on Tulchinskomi school. - Aut.). Won was released і said: "Oh, Mamo! Ta Lynіya Zhittya Zhsіm Skіnchwalo, Nacho, unfortunately Kazheh. A MD Right, Ta Ya Khat: "It's known, if I will be Viyde, I am Lіs Viida Bangit Mena Driveati, I will say that I will say: E, NI! Stiy. Matushka Tanashevich Meni made it made his remote zhi. "

The Pisil's Pisil, Scho, Pisil Tsoye, Lishe died to the Northvorotnіst Doli, Yaka Shtovka Geniv Mitzia Zazastrich Slessless. About the furniture of the tragedy, Zlebelі Mikoli Dmitrovich Vіd's hands of the pіdcessary WBIVTSI, Yaku Leontovichi lived to Hati, heated, gave fonts to Nikh, giving a bagato in Kravnavchi Lіterats. Пізніші с DOSELIAZHENNY, SHOPRAVUD, DELIVER THE SPEOBITI SPECIALLY, SHO, PLIVETSUE OF THE NATIONAL MUSIC MUSH GENІYA BUV Amens of Gaysinskiy K. Dzvolibimo SOCIAT TO PROTOPTUVATI TSY DOCUME (secret report of the head of the Gubernskoi St. Milіtsії Gubernskomi authorities in 1921 in the 1921 ROKO), Oskilki Pupil's Document Deloading sights of visunopas, Shahko's partment of the composer is not a bit of vipadkovy character (Crossing Rosіysko): " Gryshchenko's Agent of Gryshchenko PRIVLIK S. Markіvki, KIBLIKOCI Mikolosti Mikola Leontovich - 43rd Rockіv, in Jacob Gryshchenko overwhelming the 26th Schimnya Grishchenko, I am kinded to go in M.Telikiki, when I stopped by Gvintsky In Livіt Milіtsіoner, hard-chilliba "(Davo, F.R-195, OP.4, SPR. 28, ARC.116).

"Kulya Chekіstsky Naslantsya, - wrote in our Dni Mustetvannavinets from Kizva Valentina Kuzik, - Svіdomo Tsіlila in the middle of the Visnoy National National National National National National National North-Mikola. Tse Bow Sign of Scary Kari, Shcho Checaє on the skin cheating, a kind of not grandfather Systems. "

At the center of the Zoom Diamcity to reach promissions vibrate the undeopened document, Wivynaya by the author (Davo, F.R-2616, OP. 2, SPR. 8, Ark. 58, 63, 85). Mova in them Ide about the services of Kar'єru Agent Grischenka (Macia Gaisinsky Khc). Servely їhe text Movoy Originalu: "He is credited to the lists as a district informant of T.Grischenko Athanasius and on all types of allowances from the 4th of December (1920 p. - Avt.).

Help: report Art. Informant T. Pilate (Yak Krasnovna Pripzvische! - Avt.) And Secretary resolution T.kuptsova.

"Sewing on a business trip (visited by the author) of the regional informant Tov. Gryshchenko to believe in such and exclude from Provitansky, welded and tea content from the 12th of November (obviously, breast. - Aut.) ...

Associated 5000 advances to the regional informant. Grishchenko on secret expenses (visited by the author), write down on the expense of the receiving journal. "

І, Nasreshtі, Agava Gaysinsky Rititchek № 17 VID 21 Sіchnynya 1921 ROCA: "I received from the district informant T. Grishchenko 5000 p. On the repayment of the advances received by them in Gaysin. Politburo record on the arrival at the checkout "(Chi does not adapt to Grishchenko with such an order of their guys, clutching the zerry of the gross at the sister of Leontovich?).

Іmovіrno Torozhe, Shcho to Vіdomih Motivіv Punction of Mikoli Leontovich Minting І Yozho Namir Viїgati for Cordon, about Scho Sch_dykat Boris Ivanova.

Bolshimy Creek Vіrtrovich Leontovich's Zincovich Dmitrovich Leontovich on Viji Ukraїnі, sponacked ї region Cultural and Mr. Sili to Obe'єDannan in Kamiti Pam'yatі M.D. Lontovich (to the RUCH, SERIDY YOUHIV SUSTRIKHєMO І Fan Muzikantіv David Bertє Ta B'yaclavlava Merzlyakova). It was designed to diverge the "Sheshanvnі" Pam'yati of the Gluzanova Composer І Ofi Quitsine Vlad. So, nevovzі pіsl Mikoli's funeral Dmitrovich Tulchinskі officials (for that hour Tulchin Bouv, the center of the center) fit the risman about the vendor of the Vdovy M.D. Telontovich z їїsuqanya, and Torzheki-Kombatsіyu furniture. Lishe Zaduyaki Energian protest of the Kyivsky Gubernski Comititu profession of professional-techware, All-Ukrainian Committee Pam'yatі M.Lontovich, Tajani Organizatsiy Rada Publications Komіsarіv Ukraine 18 Leisure Falls 1921 ROCA Bula Smushen rejection by the decree on Vіdmin Rіshhen Body by Mishtsevo.

All Well, PRI TE, SHO "ІМ'YY LONTOVICH BOOLO VISNANIA INTORRIA FOR RADYANSKOY DOAP" (Istorіya Ukrainian Muziki, 1991, t. Iv, p.15), Charіvni Sounds of Music Music Creativity І Після салья воловые Creative audit. Palkі Invilnics of Yoy Cotture 1 Chernya 1922 Roca was lit up onto Pili Filiya Muschichnaya Comrade ІMENІ LONTOVYCH, YOGO IM I was torzor Vіnnitsy Khorova Drop. Пізніша, in 1946 by Rotsі Ursr Ursr Bulo, Schoraіchnі sipendії імені leontovich for Studentіv Kyivskoї Tu Lvіvskoi, and Kyivskyi Music School of Kyivsky Music. In Mіstі Tulchini, the composer for the project of the sculptor G.Kalchenko, the architectant A.F.Ignatetka well-equipped Pam'yatnik-Bust, and the Memorian doshki, Tulchin, Chukіv (Tivriv, Tulchin, Chukіv T.). Jogh g іm'ya z 1968 ROCH WORDS OF VINNITSKY DESHOOT MUSICHNY SCHOOL (NINІ - School of Culture, Mussettva). І Dopés Linutima over the union of the fields, the shares of the Ukrainian Schire, іm'ya Leontovich, the Creative District in the middle of Nazhshdkіv.

Svіt Melodії і Sky

Mikoli Leontovich embedding.

Olena Gerasimenko

Winter - and Sezu is not winter,

wike zaktil Meta Schend,

і Dallenіє Obryy Sivo,


according to pіdvіkonnyy to drab

absorrhea - Wike Yak ...

І pіdkradayuzhnoy, jak pamuy,

cubble in breasts in 'є M' Yak,

sіdaє zvikovo to Colline,

zіthaє verse on the shoulder -

polіna Trіschot in Kamіnі,

on Shibzі Vogennik Vіd Svіchі ...

Zakorushliveu, Billinn,

sneerily dіima

from Heavenly Pilo to Seryz Lina,

y Utiki Bіlshoi Maja.

Listen to the scenes

pictures, people, Vіtzhі.

Yak Streamin Svіtla in Tyche Kraplo -

so "Shchedrich" with a dzvonic in the shower ...

І lzha Panuє, having half

durose away, neutral

tudi, de Hug in the chest fiction,

the kingdom is the sound of І pіsen.

Svіt Melodi, Schasty, Sky -

before Jerela, Shah's strength yes.

Bo in Seryza є Taka Pottuba:

soon the idiot of his own.


on the center of the earth, svkin Otsih,

z jacket sideways

wheel - Orfeit of the WCDIG.

Наш ours, ours, want over the svіti

yogo melodiy divine

not rising, not tanya -

people are healed on SVIT.

Vona, Mov's Poskіshne,

in the Greater School of Tishi Dzvіn.

Vezhniki SPIV, HAIZHNI -

prayer - y Tych rushing at Vіn.

Clear ornament, Tlory sounded,

natural Grazіya alive!

Then vіntshivo-magnificent

and that is glybin shower.

About Leontovich! Wasy

at the hour Sginuli Vіtri,

scho Martz Kuleu fed,

that did not kill the pіsni rhythm.

Then hto ти - Titan I Geni,

Orpheus, chi just cholovіk,

okom Ukraїnskі Geni.

does Mozu Vyivnivі Navіk?

On Mogil M. Lontovich

At Tsiy Mogili, in the Tishi Tsyy,

on the center of the store kestovishi

deh dust to rest Martzіv

vіn - Seredi th tlіnіmy.

Singing here and brother, І friend -

over them Lina vіchnіst.

I scrape the soul, Yak Chornie Crook

the curl is important here.


vіn there, de Sky in Sonzі.

De Zhaivіr pіsen pіdіym

at the sky on Domaltsi.

Titlishly izvya Stlіlets

І kuli did not hang.

That death is not all, tse not kіnets -

є Muzika, Vіtchizh!

Fell Tіlo, that

breasts pierced.

I have a soul in the soul of Vіdpustiv -

lijah Ziculus his breast.

TІK-like. I Mita Rokova

movchannia Gusne verse.

Stisno Words

mіzh Pam 'Yatі i Likha.

From Risvo, Svolya Vasil -

combins і Shchedrivka

lettimut, їM

guardly Mandrіvka

Melody without sky th day

roskіshna i Barvista,

mіzh fatty one one -

by a mіtsyny namist.