Russian history in faces. Description of the painting Viktor Vasnetsova "Nestor-Chronicler"

Russian history in faces. Description of the picture Victor Vasnetsova
Russian history in faces. Description of the painting Viktor Vasnetsova "Nestor-Chronicler"

Municipal state-financed organization additional education "Desh.
Pochinkovsky district
Lecture course.
Picture history.
V. Vasnetsov "Nestor Chronicler".
History visual arts.
Developer: Lecturer of the Art Branch
MBU to "Deshi Pochinkovsky District"
Kazakova Inna Viktorovna

18851896 Vasnetsov V.M. "Unsellovets"

This picture of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsova was written between 18851896.
The product is performed by watercolor on cardboard. The picture is in the Domémusee V. M.

Nestor, monk of the Kyiv-Shcherystsky Monastery (about 1056-1114), spiritual writer,
thinker, chronicler, author of the Tale of Bygone Years. From written by Nestor
"Lives of Feodosia Pechersk" we learn that he was tonsured at igument
Stefan (Yugmentees of which - 1074-1078) and erected in "Deacon San"
and that even before "Life Feodosia" they were written "Reading about Boris and Gleb."
"Reading about life and about the crevice of the blissful passion of Boris and Gleb" is written
Nestor by Canon Lifemaliyria. The stories of the death of the Sons of Vladimir
Svyatoslavich Nestor Purses extensive historical introduction in which
reflects on the eternal struggle of good with evil. On Northor, Russian history is
fighting good with evil, eternal good began human soul with demon temptation
forces evil. Boris and Gleb protrude in "reading" as active chases of Christian
ideals - humility and britative, and the Svyatopolk appears as a devilish gun
goat. "Reading" is inferior in fame and prevalence anonymous "Legend
about Boris and Gleb. "
After "reading", Nestor writes "Life of the Rev. Father of Our Feodosia, Hegumen
Pechersk ", in which the life and acts of one of the founders are narrating
monastery. How it is typical for the lives of righteouss, hung in the monastery,
"Life of Feodosia" is distinguished by the liveliness of the characteristics of the monks and the laity. Nestor
reaches the illusion of lobbies in the description of creative Feodosius miracles, skillfully
depicting household detailsNaturally transferring the characters' dialogs. Special
it stands out in "Life" the image of Mother Feodosia: Contrary to tradition, Nestor depicts
not deprived of some individual damn the pious christianity,
pose in the conditional role of Mother of Saint, but, on the contrary, depicts a woman
power, harsh, decisively opposed to the religious aspirations of the Son, not
stayed before brutally beat or put on a random chain,
dreaming only about godly affairs and tonsure.
Complicated and, perhaps, close to its prototype and the life of the Feodosia itself:
differing in the monastery everyday humility, Feodosius nevertheless
knuckle condemns the non-resident actions of Prince Svyatoslav. Researchers were found
in "Life" plot motifs, as if borrowed from the Translations of Byzantine
life, but it is likely to say only about the similarity of situations: Nestor always
fills the story with specific features of the Kiev life and monastery life of the XI century. IN
this relation is interesting to such an episode: the prince who was somewhere outside the city,
rejects a certain tag to take Feodosia on the cart in Kiev. Seeing slaughter dressed
Feodosia, young man accepts him for a simple monk and, condescendingly reapplying
permanent idleness, proposes to change in places: the young man will sleep in the cart, and
Feodosius let it rule the horse. Faithful to his customs, Feodosius Sperno
agreed. But when the travelers approached Kiev, the young man notices an extraordinary
help, rendered by Feodosia, and with fear understands its oversight. In that
episode In addition to a purely moral idea - the glorification of the humility of Feodosia -

many living details: and mention of distant from pious respect
attitude to monks and household peculiarities Princely life, and purely
realistic image of the game itself, which walks next to the horse, when
begin to stick the eyes.
In 1113-1018, the ancient chronicle of "Tale of temporary
years, "which was later included in almost all the chronicles.
In the "Tale of Bygone Years" earth life considered by Nestor as
confrontation of good and evil, and not only as the struggle of the messengers of God and servants
satan, but as opposition to good and evil people. The last more dangerous demons, for
"Beams of God are afraid of God", and evil person Neither God is not afraid of nor a person. Exactly
by means there will be a world evil.


Description of the painting Viktor Vasnetsova " Nestor-chronicle"

In 1885 - 1896, the artist-Mobile Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was invited to painting the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev. For this work, they were created a huge set of sketches with the image of the saints. One of them was the chronicler Nestor, one of the authors of the "Tale of Bygone Years" - the main source on which they are based modern ideas about early period Russian history. Recognizing the merits of this educational person of his time, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized him in the liberty.

In 1919, Vasnetsov again returns to a religious topic. Nonor's personality and especially his invaluable contribution to Russian culture causes deep respect. No wonder he depicted the chronicler in orthodox tradition, with a lug of his head, emphasizing his holiness and greatness. Nestor is depicted at work in his small cell in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, on a high desk, a written scrolls are kept, in his hand he has a goose feather. Behind on a special stand is a handwritten bible. On the wall of the icon with the image of the archangel. In a semicircular window, Kiev is visible - three-headed Vladimir Cathedral and other buildings. The chronicler appears in front of us in the form of a high old man with a long gray beard. He is in the monastic robe, his view of his attentive eyes is directed away, as if he thinks about written and picks up further words. The expression of his face is rather good, he gives the impression of honest and very smart man, conscientiously capturing all the events on paper. In the picture Vasnetsov, we see not saint Rev. Nestor, which became the legendary author of the ancient manuscripts for subsequent generations, and it seems ordinary person, aspiring to righteous life and embodying his desire in practice.

Chief Russian Chronicler
"The Tale of Bygone Years" retains its relevance and nowadays

Alphabet, literacy, enlightenment - without these concepts it is impossible, perhaps, neither the development of spirituality, nor, especially, civilization. These are methods that are transmitted from generation to generation both sacral and moral, intellectual, aesthetic knowledge. All holiness and book in Russia went, first of all, from Kiev, Mother of Russian cities, now undergoing severe trials

V.M. Vasnetsov. Saint Nestor Chronicler. 1885-1893

One of the most famous monks who spell in the neighbor (Rev. Anthony) of the Caves of the Kiev Lavra - Nestor Chronicler (honored by the church on November 9 for new. Art.), Who left us the "Tale of Bygone Years" - the most famous from the old Russian chronicle writings of the XII century, describing in The main story eastern Slavs.where the narrative begins from World Flood, covering historical and six-year-old events that happened in ancient Russia. Otherwise, the monument is called the chronicles of Nesor or the original chronicle.

It is here that we read the exciting heart of each Russian orthodox man Words about how the Holy Apostle came to the earth of the future Rusi. "When Andrei taught in Sinop and arrived in Korsun, he learned that he learned that near Corsun, the mouth of the Dnieper ... and sailed at the mouth of Dneprovskoye, and from there went up the Dnieper. And it happened so that he came and began under the mountains on the shore. And in the morning I got up and told the apprentices to the former with him: "Do you see these mountains? On these mountains, the grace of God will excite, and the city will erect a lot of churches." And while going on these mountains, blessed them, and put the cross, and prayed to God, and came up from the mountain of this, where will be Kiev later, and went up the Dnieper. And came to the Slavs, where today Novgorod is ... ".

Tale of temporary years, "on the verb

But another fragment from the story: "After time, after the death of the brothers of these (cius, cheek and choriv), he began to oppress Polyala Doodle and other surrounding people. And they found their Khazars sitting on the mountains of these in the forests and said: "Pay us tribute." Polyana, having granted, gave them from smoke on the sword, and attributed their Khazars to their prince and to the elders, and told them: "Here, new Dan. We found. "The same asked them:" From where? ". They also answered:" In the forest on the mountains above the Dnipro River. "Again, they asked those:" What did they give? ". They also showed the sword.

And they said the elders Khazar: "This is not a good tribute to this, prince: we got it weapon, sharp only on the one hand, - sabers, and these weapons are double-edged - swords. They are destined to collect tribute and with us and other land."

And all this came true, for they did not speak, but according to God's command. So it was with Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, when Moses led to him and said the elders of Pharaoh: "This is destined to humiliate Egyptian land." So it happened: the Egyptians died from Moses, and at first they worked on them Jews. Also these: first rule, and after they rule themselves; So there is: own Russian princes of Khazari and this day "

Rev. Nestor Chronicler. Icon. XIX century.

This year - 900 years from the day of death outstanding writer and the preservator of Russian history, the devotee of faith. "Kiev-Pechersky Catema" argues that the St. Nestor Chronicler was born in the 1050s in Kiev. The young men came to the presence of Feodosia, the founder of the Kiev Pechersk Assumption Resident, and became a novice. Towing Nestor The successor to Feodosia, Hegumen Stefan.

Rev. Nestor said: "The Great is the benefit of the teachings of the book, the books are punished and the ways are taught to repentance, because they acquire wisdom and abstinence from book words. These are rivers flying the universe from which wisdom proceeds. In the books, unfortunate depth, they are comforting in sadness, they are the abstinence. If you diligently look for in wisdom books, you will acquire great benefits for your soul. For the one who reads books is talking with God or Holy Mudes. "

Nestor Chronicler. Reconstruction of Skull S.A. Nikitin.

Recall that this was said in those times when the book was truly only the source of spiritual wisdom and enlightenment. For a thousand years a lot has changed.

The Machine of Guttenberg printed, alas, Megatonna is also the most unfounded literature, when the book has included "secular" literature, sophisticated and perverted to mind and demonstration.

Rev. Nestor carried in the monastery obedience to the chronicler. In the 1080s, he wrote "reading about life and the crevice of the blissful passion recorders of Boris and Gleb" - in connection with the transfer of the relics of the martyrs brothers in Vyshgorod in 1072, we recall that the princes brothers became the first in Russia, they were canonized in the face of saints - As the intercessors of Russian land and the heavenly assistants of the Russian princes.

Nestor Chronicler. Beresta. V. Churilov. Kharkov.

At the same time, the Monk Nestor was the lives of the Rev. Feodosia Pechersk, and in 1091, on the eve of the prestinal holiday Pechersk monastery, Igumen John instructed him to clarify from the Earth to transfer the holy relics to the temple of St. Feodosia (the acquisition memory is celebrated on August 14). Historians argue that solemn opening Receives Pre. Feodosia (1091) Ink Nestor was one of the main acting persons, and on the great authority of Nestor among the brethming of the Pechersk Officer, indicates the story of the Kiev-Pechersk Catering Candidage of Demo from the Black Town Nikita Nikita: here, along with such devotees of faith and piety, like Igumen Nikon, Pimennik, Agapit Legal, Grigory, Miracle, Isaac Pechechennik, Grigory, Creator Canonov, Onisiphor, Torzorota, - stands Nestor, "Ince it is written by the chronicler", then even relatively young ink.

Monument to Nestor Chronicler in Kiev. 1988 Sculptor F.M. Syan. Architect N. Sterie.

Big biographical encyclopedia Approves: " The main work - The life of the Feodosia Pechersky, compiled in a period of time between 1077 and 1088: it can give some point of support in judgments about Nestor, as a writer. Taking advantage of great popularity in old Russian writing, Life is prep. Feodosia has a rather complicated literary historywhich can be traced at a more or less attentive attitude towards various editions of the Kiev-Pechersk Catering, as part of which this life has long been occupied by a prominent and honorable place. how literary work, Nestorovo Life It has significant advantages and clearly talks about a large readiness and outstanding education of the author: good tongue (Weathered Church Slavonic style), intelligent and in places an entertaining presentation ... ".

But the main feat of the life of the Rev. Nestor was still the preparations of 1112-1113. "Tale of Bygone Years." Based on those historical and literary data, which there is a science at present, there is reason to believe that the proposal of the non-beauty chronicles included "the legend that sake Pechersk monastery"," The Word about the first black-workers of Pechersk "; "The word about the transfer of the relics pre. Feodosia, as well as several small notes.

Lisher. Monument to non-chronicler.

"Becultage of the time of time, from where there is a Russian land, who in Kiev initiated the first of the reign and from where the Russian land began to eat," so from the first lines determined the goal of his work Rev. Nestor.

Nestor was definitely a Russian patriot, which can be judged at least about the events that he dedicated the pages of his narration. He talks about the first mention of the Russian people in church sources - in 866, with the Holy Patriarch Konstantinople Fothy. It also tells about the creation of the Slavic diplomas with the Holy Equal-Apostles "Teachers of Slovenian" Kirill and Methodius. It is from him that we will learn about baptism in Elena Saint equal to the Apostles Olga In Constantinople.

The chronicle of the Reverend Nestor retained us a story and about the first orthodox church In Kiev (945), about the confessionality of the Holy Varyagov-Martyrs (983), about the famous "Ver" Test Saints equal to the apostolic Vladimir (986) and redeeced after this baptism of Russia (988).

We are obliged to Nestor and information about the first Metropolitans of the Russian Church, about the emergence of the Pechersk monastery on the Kiev Naddneprian Hills, about its founders and devotees. Rev. was an eyewitness of the defeat of the Pechersk Resident in 1096

Spiritual depth, historical loyalty and patriotism "Tale of Bygone Years" put it in a row highest creations Our national and world writing.

Rev. Nestor The chronicler died around 1114, having taught Pechersk-chronicles to continue their brainchild. In general, in the final form, the "Tale of Bygone Years" is the cumulative labor of several monks of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The successors of Nestor in the chronicles were Igumen Sylvester, giving modern view "Tale of Bygone Years", Igumen Moses Vestubitsky, who has extended it until 1200, Igumen Lavrenty, who in 1377, the oldest of the lists that had reached us, who retained the "story" of Reverend Nestor ("Lavrentievsky Chronicle").

Lavrentievsky chronicle, 1377

Canonized (Rev. Nestor Chronicler) in Russian orthodox church; Memory - October 27 in the Julian calendar. Relics are cleaned in the neighbor (Anthony) caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Nestor under the name Nestor Chronicler, Pechersky is included in the list of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

The chief Russian chronicler is immortalized in the sculptural monuments of many cities of Russia.

Monument to Nestor Chronicle in Priluki

First of all, the famous monument M. Mikishhin "Millennium of Russia" (1862).

On June 10, 1988, a monument to the Church of the Chronicler was discovered near the Kiev-Pechersk monastery - as the gift of the sculptor F. Sgorian (architect N. Solyan) The city, due to the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia.

There is a monument to Nerontar Chronicle and in Novgorod-Seversky, and in Prilukow, where he was installed in honor of the 900th anniversary of the city on the territory of the old shaft.

In Lishche, a monument to the chronicler has a remarkable compound: it was established in 1997 in honor of the famous first congress old Russian princesThe Russian Disorder of the Topic, as we see, is already painful for almost a thousand years.

Holy Father Friend, the moth of God about us!

This picture of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsova was written between 1885-1896. The product is performed by watercolor on cardboard. The picture is located in the house-museum V. M. Vasnetsov.

Nestor, Monk Kiev-Pechersk Monastery (about 1056-1114), spiritual writer, thinker, chronicler, author of the "Tale of Bygone Years". From the Peodosius Pechersk, written by Nestor, we learn that he was tonsured with the igume. Stefan (the years of whose need - 1074-1078) and was erected into the "Deacon San" and that even before the "life of Feodosia" they were written "Reading about Boris and Gleb."

"Reading about living and about the crevice of Boris and Gleb, Boris and Gleb, written by Nestor on Canon-Martyrian Canon. The history of the death of the sons of Vladimir Svyatoslavich Nestor is a monitant of an extensive historical introduction, which reflects on the eternal struggle of good with evil. According to North, the Russian history is a struggle of good with evil, eternal good began to human soul with the demonic temptation forces of evil. Boris and Gleb protrude in "reading" as active chases of Christian ideals - humility and brother-in-law, and the Svyatopolk appears as a tool of the devilish goat. "Reading" is inferior in fame and prevalence anonymous "Legend of Boris and Gleb."

After the "reading", Nestor writes the "Life of the Revereter Father of Our Feodosia, Heguman Pechersk", which tells about the life and acts of one of the founders of the monastery. As it is characteristic of the lives of righteous, launching in the monastery, "Life of Feodosia" is distinguished by the liveliness of the characteristics of the monks and the laity. Nestor reaches the illusion of lobbies in the description of the creative Feodosius miracles, skillfully portraying household details, naturally transmitting the characters' dialogs. Especially standing out in "Life" the image of Mother Feodosia: Contrary to the tradition, Nestor depicts not deprived of any individual traits of a pious Christian, which appears in the conditional role of Mother of Mother of Holy, but, on the contrary, depicts a woman with a powerful, severe, resolutely opposed religious aspirations of the Son that does not stop before In order to be cruel to beat or put on a chain of a randar that dreams only about life-friendly affairs and tonsure.

It is also complex and, possibly close to its prototype and the life of the Feodosia himself: differing in the monastery life of an extraordinary humility, Feodosius, nevertheless dramatically condemns the non-resident actions of Prince Svyatoslav. The researchers were found in "life" plot motives, as if borrowed from the transfer of Byzantine life, it is likely to talk only to the similarity of situations: Nestor always fills the story with specific features of the Kiev life and monastic life of the XI century. In this respect, such an episode is interesting: the prince, who was somewhere outside the city, entrusts a certain tag of the Feodosius on the cart in Kiev. Seeing the slaughter of Dressed Feodosia, the young man accepts him for a simple monk and, condescendingly reappointing for a permanent idleness, it proposes to change in places: the young man will sleep in the cart, and Feodosius let him rule the horse. That faithful to his customs, Feodosius humbly agrees. But when the travelers approached Kiev, the young man notices the extraordinary respect, rendered by Feodosia, and with fear understands its oversight. In this episode, in addition to a purely moral idea - the glorification of the humility of Feodosia - a lot of living parts: and the mention of distant from pious respect for the monks, and the household features of the princely life, and a purely realistic image of the Ihuman himself, who walks next to the horse when the eyes begin to stick .

In 1113-1018, Nestor was compiled ancient chronicle of the "Tale of Bygone Years", which was later included in almost all the chronicles.

In the "Tale of Bygone Years", earthly life is considered by Nestor as the confrontation of good and evil, and not only as the struggle of the Messengers of God and servants of Satan, but as opposition to good and evil people. The latter more dangerous demons, for "Beams of God are afraid", and the evil man is not afraid of God, nor a person. It is through their world evil that will multiply.