Solemn opening of the competition of harmonists »Play harmony! Scenario of the competitive program "Play Harmony Favorite scenario of the theatrical presentation for the feast of the harmony.

Solemn opening of the competition of harmonists »Play harmony! Scenario of the competitive program
Solemn opening of the competition of harmonists »Play harmony! Scenario of the competitive program "Play Harmony Favorite scenario of the theatrical presentation for the feast of the harmony.
Holiday "Fun Harmony", dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, held on September 29, 2013 in the village of Cherepovetsky region of the Vologda region.

1. Opening word leading. Congratulations to the elderly, a story about popular in Russian villages tool - Harmony.
2. Game for children and adults "Guess the melody".The performance of the harmonist sounds popular melodies that guesses children and adults (sang).

"Baryn" (folk)
"Lilac Branch" (V. Zaklkin)
"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"
"I got drunk" (folk)
"Darkovanka" (J. Swedov, A. Novikov)
"Young" (E. Amiramov)
"Oh, frost, frost" (folk)
Lambada (Kaoma)
"Clouds, Belogriti Horses" (S. Kozlov, V. Shainsky)
"Your Honor, Mrs. Luck" (B.Okudzhava, I. Schwartz)
"Blue Pockets" (K. Galitsky, E. Petersburg)
"Here someone came down from the board" (folk)
"Let run awkward" (A.Timofeev, V.Shinsky)

"Old Maple" (M. Matusovsky, A. Pakhmutova)
"Besame Mucho" ( Consuelo Velasquez )
"I stand at the half-time ..." (I. Kitaev, M. Ancharov)

3. Game "Love Drozdov"
Everyone gets into a circle, calculated on the "Forest" and "Drozd of the second", after which the "first" are squatted, the "second" flashes wings. Under the sounds of harmony, the "second" go ahead, inside the circle, and the "first" crowds to each other. The first to face the second, forming an inner circle. When the harmony is playing (for example, the "dance of small ducklings"), circles go to different directions. Music stopped - the circles stop.

On the team, everyone starts to pronounce words and show on that part of the body that we are talking about. The words are as follows: "You're a thrush, and I have a thrush, you have a nose and I have a nose, you have scarlet brushes and I have a scarlet brushes, we are two friends with you (sick hands), we love each other (hugging)."

4. Entertainment for children and adults "Zabachkaya game"

Those present form a large circle, two participants are obtained by zucchini. To the music of the zucchini begins to throw in a circle when the music stops those who in their hands turned out to be vegetables, go inside the circle. Those who dropped the zucchini during the transmission are published. Those who are inside the circle, the presenter gives the tasks that those must be performed:

andcall cats on a hot roof (song "Black Cat")
dancing elephants (song "Hey, you are there, upstairs!")
dancing Dmitry Medvedev (under the song "American Fight")
women who are going to the theater (song "Is I" guilty ")
krivonogii footballers (football march)
excerpt from the ballet "Swan Lake"
babius, whose geese was missing (Babasi lived under the song)

drunk guest at the wedding (song "Ah, this wedding-wedding")

5. Creative workshop for children.
In advance on the holiday site, it is necessary to hide paper birds performed in the origami technique from ordinary white paper. We invite children to find the birds flewing on the sound and paint them at the table (paints, pencils, markers are cooked in advance). Birds with wishes will then be presented to those present to the elderly.

6. Comic quiz for adults "I know about the harmony everything!"
Three participants are called from among guests who choose the "red buttons", in the role of which one of the audience is. A pairs of players are formed. In order to give an answer, the participant presses the head of the "red button", which makes the sound "BIP", after which the answer sounds. The participant wins, who gave more correct answers (highlighted in bold).

1. The word "harmony" happened from the word
A) harmonious
B) hormone

C) harem.

2. Which words does not indicate the type of harmony?
A) Mehovushka
B) Cherepanka
C) Talyanka

3. The name "Chastushka" means
A) honest
B) frequent
C) carcass per hour

4. Right part of the harmony, on which the keys are called
A) vulture
B) Planck

C) fur

5. How is the harmonious affectionately called people?
A) Harmonica
B) Harmonyuchka
C) Garmoshka.

7. On the poems of which poet is written the song "Lonely Harmony" ("Everything was frozen again before dawn")?
A) Mikhail Tanich
B) Athanasius Fet
C) Mikhail Isakovsky

8. In which of the cities of the Vologda region, the harmonic of very small dimensions was designed, which had a neck, oblong keys and did not have chords. This melodic harmonica has been particularly popular with professional performers.
A) Cherepovets
B) Ustyuzhna
C) Vologda

9. Family Dynasty of the leading transfer "Play, Harmony Favorite" on 1 channel
A) Zabolotsky
B) Zavolokina
C) Sanigaykin

10. What is the name of this Russian folk song, traditionally observed under the harmonica? (music sounds)
A) "I am guilty"
B) "Child Mountains"
C) "Corobeinists"

Awarding a couple of winners (participant + man- "Red button"), which is invited to perform the song "Child Mountains".

7. " Battle of Chausthechkov "- The most active participants are awarded, the guest becomes the winner, the greatest number of chastushki.
8. "Battle of Dancersov"- The most active participants are awarded, the winner of the battle is the most incendiary dancer.

9. "Battle of Pevtsov".
Guests are divided into two teams and take turns performed their favorite songs.
10. Congratulations to the elderly.
We invite children to show painted birds and tell about their grandparents. Under the song "Blue Wag", children are built in the train and run for the leading snake, choosing, who from the elderly to give their painted birds.

11. Conclusion.Gratitude to the active audience and the organizers of the holiday.
12. Tea drinking.Samovar tea, sweets .

Characters:Leading. House. Club. Harmonist.

Scenario of the humorous program "Sowing in the Club"

Sounds the cracker russia. It turns onto the scene Club.

Club. Oh-ho-ho! Yes, oh-ho-ho! The case is not easy!

The phonogram is mixed. To meet the club under the Russian dance comes out House.

House. Great, neighbor! What do everyone sigh?

The phonogram ends.

Club and House Sit on a bench that is standing on the side of the scene.

Club. Yes, they do not give me a club, peace. Nowhere to me calmly browse the head.

House. So you live in such a call, but you're waiting for any rest!

Club. Did I chose a place for myself? So life has developed. Previously, I was also home. Everything is somehow quieter for me.

House. And what was retrained?

Club. You know, not my will. We can not break away from the space. The house was demolished, the club was built. It was, it means, the houses, but became a club.

House. Again, it became, the fun in your home is shown?

Club. Turns out.

House. And here I love for the holidays to come to you. Fun!

Club. Fun well in moderation, and I almost every day.

House. And what holiday is expected today?

Club. Harmonists will stop with all the volosts, singers and chastishes.

Behind the benches on which they sit House and ClubAppears Harmonist. It begins to play.

House. Eh, a chastushka I love! (Begins to sing.)

Myself would sing yes danced,

Yes, old I became.

Better Sydney Shot

On people I will see.

Club (picks up).

Old grandfather sits on a bench,

Sits, everything is blowing around.

And the people look at it

Yes, everything is surprised.

Harmonist, quietly playing, leaves the scene.

House. What are you sang here?

Club. What happened, then sang!

House (surface). Are you me, what, called?

Club. And I did not name, it means that I didn't call you!

House. Always you ClubWill turn out!

Club. You know HouseWhat did I think?

House. Well, what did you decide?

Club. They are going to enjoy the people here, and they don't know anything about the chastushka.

House. But really. The chastushka, in our eyes, the chastism was becoming. After all, we have long live in the world for a long time.

Club. That's for sure. So I thought, let guests sing, playing the tools. And we...

House. And we?..

Club. And we will tell about the Chastowka between the case.

House. And let's tell and tell!

Club and House Stay on stage. Sounds Russian naigersh, appears on the stage Lead.

Lead. Good afternoon, our dear guests! Residents relatives and citizens visit! We start our holiday dedicated to folk creativity! Here and the harmonist heart is pleased, and the chastushka soul is fun. And the representative of the administration opens our holiday.

Welcome speech.

Lead. How do we drive the evening? Sitting at the TV. And before? And before that: I collected the harmonica guys and the girls on the gully. In the summer of the Occolic, and in the winter in the house at some young widow. And the fun began ... the fun now begins with us. Meet guests ...


House. What is it like that? The holiday began, and did not submit us to the people?

Club. What did you forget? We are invisible!

House. But how will we tell the people about the chastushka if we are invisible?

Club. These are invisible for artists, but

the people see us!

House. How can this be?

Club. And everything can be in the world! You are better

tell me, do you remember when the first chastushka

once heard?

House. Yes, not so much time passed!

In the middle of the XIX century.

Club. In the middle of the XIX? And now what

House. And now XXI goes!

Club. Yes, relatively recently. And after all, they were called the chastushki everything in different ways.

House. And I remember that in different ways.

Club. And I remember more names!

House. No, I am!

Club. Here I am!

House. But we argue on short!

Club. And we argue!

House. That shorter I ask you!

Club. I will ask you! Who will stop first, that in loss! Deal?

House (hit the club hand). Deal!

Club. Let's go-and-and!

Sounded Russian naigry.

On his background there is a roll ring.

Club. Matanya!

House. Givenka!

Club. Site!


Club. Transit!

House. Skinger!

Club. Name!

House. Single!

Club. Showing!

House. Pribea!

Club. Chatterbox!

House. Fortune!

Club. A bulk!

House. Misochka!

Club. Skomor!

The phonogram ends.

House (thought). Yes!

Club (delighted). Yeah! Wondered? So, lost!

House. Nothing lost!

Club. And then tell!

House. And here I will say! .. Now I will say! .. or I will not say ...

Club. I think up to three. Time! Two! Three! Everything!

Launt! Come on my forehead!

House (reluctantly substituting the forehead). Well, let's

Club Giving shorts to the houses.

House. Oh oh oh! How painful! (To the club.) I do not want to know with you! You stick out!

Club. I do not fight! I just restore justice!

House. Oh oh oh! (Tirt forehead and runs away. Club runs after him.)

On the stage appears Lead.

Lead. Probably there is no such person who would not know the chastushki, did not remember at least a dozen of these naughty, then sad song. Be he a city resident or rural. And our holiday continues the Castochchennitsa.

Lead leaves the scene. Performed by chastushki.

After the number on the stage again appear Club and House. Club Trying to make up with the houses.

Club. Well, HouseWell, do not be offended by me so much! Well, I'm not guilty that I have a hard hand!

House (outraged). Oh, he is not to blame! Hand and press could be what will be free to give her free?

Club. Oh well! Give me a short, but just remember!

House. I will not give you no rush! Because I. House, not any warriors there!

Club and House Sit on a shop.

Club. Warriors not warriors, but do you remember, the chastushki, sang, how did you get into the army?

House. And they took an already for fifteen to twenty years in the royal times. Read, your whole young life took place at the military cortex.

Club. And sometimes the father replaced the married son-conscript brother, the queue of which was not yet served. And how he suffered a false thing on his parents!

House. And how to complain?

Club. Yes like this ...

On the stage appears Harmonist, starts to play.

Club (sings). Cute parents

Why did you hurt me?

Big brother saved

I was lucky in the soldiers.

House (picks up).

Took me to the soldiers

As a bride from the gate.

I got a Soldier Song,

I cried all the people.

Harmonist Interrupts melody.

Club. And in the chastushki, the whole story of our side!

House. So with you on the chastushkam, a long time for the whole history of children our in schools told.

Club. Yes, not all! And only from the middle of the XIX century.

House. Here, for example, the revolution and civil war.

Harmonist Binds.

House (sings). The officer is young

White knobs,

You are rolling in the Caucasus,

So far so far.

Club (rapidly starts to dance, sings).

Ah, apple, on the side of green!

We do not need the king, you need to Lenin!

Club It is started in an uncontrollable dance.

House barely soothes him.

Harmonist Interrupts melody.

House. Stop to dance! It is necessary to release the scene! In order for the scene, our artists will perform!

Club (to harmonist). Well, play another slightly "apple"!

Harmonist Begins to play "Apple". Club and HouseBy dancing, leave the scene. On the stage appears Lead.

Lead. "What a song without a button accordion ..." and at least modern songs do without accordion, and does not collect cheerful harmonica guys and girls on a walk, no wedding, no anniversary cost without harmony. And the good harmonist is now at all on the weight of gold. So, meet the harmonist!

Lead leaves the scene. Performed by artistic amateur time. After the number on the stage appear Club and House.

House (to club). Well, what, danced?

Club. I give me the will - I will dance a century!

House. That groachtish, they say, the holidays are tired! Then you can dance - you will not stop!

Club. And how did you want? With whom we will do, from that and you'll get!

House. And here I want to ask you a question!

Club. And if you want, ask yes not Tomi!

House. What is the main topic in the chastushki?

Club. Yes, it seems that all the topics are the main, vital.

House. And here is not! Among all the main themes there is one is theorest, without which it does not do at all.

Club. Oh, you about it, it means!

House. You do not twist here! Not about it, not about! And call the most important topic!

Club. Call yourself!

House. I'll call, because I know! And the main topic is love!

Club. Eka! For me, this topic is unmarked!

House. For all home!

Club. And for you, she is also unmarked!

House. Do you like to know how to know?

Club. And then! We bow to you! Boy would be!

House (sighs). What kind of fate is such - the villain! We live long, and all without love!

Club. Only it remains that with each other to ekey!

On the stage appears Harmonist,

begins to play.

Club (sings). Rye high, thick,

I love you, Sudarushka,
And you do not apply.

House (Takes up handkeys on the head, sings).

Do not go, sweet, lap,
Do not lure me
Do not tell Bella Shirt -
I love you so much.

Harmonist and Club with houses leave the scene, Club and House Picture a couple in love. On the stage appears Lead.

Lead. Of course, no holiday either before or now did not do without songs about love. And I invite a vocal group on stage.

Lead leaves the scene. Performed by artistic amateur time.

On stage again Lead.

Lead. For you, our spectators, sings ...

Scenario of the humorous program "Sowdings in the Club". Part 2

Lead leaves the scene. Performed by artistic amateur time. On the stage appear Club and House.

Club. And under the "Yeletsky" dance! Dances, dances, nayari!

House. And under the "suffering" suffer! Suffer, suffer, apply!

Club. But what, HouseAnd let's better "Semenovna" Zhane!

House. And come on and Zhane!

On the stage appears Harmonist,

begins to play "Semenovna".

House (sings).

Eh, mountain, mountain, mountain mountainous,

And on the grief grass wavy!

Club (sings).

Wavy grass to the ground bends,

And my swearing with my other meets.

House (sings).

You do not stand on ice, do not pump!

Lost love, do not wanted!

Club (sings).

I stood on ice and stand to stand,
Lost love and search will be!

Harmonist Interrupts melody.

House. ClubAnd you know, now after all, the leading will announce the spouses of the challers who will perform Semenovna.

Club. And why do we lead, we will declare! So, meet the spouses of the challers!

House. "Semenovna!"

Harmonist, House and Club Leave the scene. Performed by chastushki. It turns onto the scene Lead.

Lead. I do not understand anything! In my opinion, there are some unexpected things on our holiday. That nobody announced the previous number. But the number was perfect and without an ad. Or someone announced? Or folk creativity has gained such power as ads do not require? .. I got involved, took you, our dear guests, away from the holiday. And our holiday continues. And continues his children's folklore group ...

Lead leaves the scene. Entra view number. On the stage appear Club and House.

Club. And we have a good number announced!

House. Yes, I renovated!

Club. I have not reached, but have shown the initiative!

House. Man confused!

Club. And you seem to be conscable, your idea!

House. My idea, but I don't like it!

Club. Do you know who the next number goes?

House (Interested). Who!

Club. Yes, the harmonist is our famous!

House. Harmonist?

On the stage appears Harmonist, starts to play.

Club (sings). Play, Polibayan,

Play, Hedgehog,
Play, gray eyes,
Merry loyalty.

House (sings). I will take the harmonic dish,

I will go to dance if

Scatter by chicken

All from the collective farm street.

Harmonist Interrupts the melody, leaves the scene.

Club. On the stage, harmonic from the village ...

House. Well, why did you declare again?

Club. Wash! And the number is announced!

Club and House Leave the scene. Performs a harmonist. On the stage appears Lead.

Lead. Who leads a concert? I do not understand anything! But the next number declare ...

Lead leaves the scene. Performed by artistic amateur time. On the stage appears Lead.

Lead. Casting heels,

Cracked skirts

Kameshkovsky dancemani

Dance without a stick.

On the scene choreographic ensemble ...

Lead leaves the scene. Executed dance. On the stage appear Club Harmonew in his hands, follows him House.

House (to club). Where did the harmonica take?

Club. Lomb for a while!

House. Yes, you did not lend, but pulled it! Just now I think, who?

Club. I said, lent!

House. And something harmony is not heard and not visible. Probably, harmonic is looking for its own.

Club (Not particularly listening to the words of the house). Probably!

House. So I spoke!

Club. Chega said?

House. Took, it means, the harmony from our harmonist. Uh-uh! Not ashamed? And he won the next to our participants should play! And you took the harmony! Want to paint?

Club. Yes, I will return, I will return the harmony! Announce the next number!

House. I declare! Meet our chastishechnic!

Club and House Go from the scene.

Performed by chastushki.

On the stage appears Lead.

Lead (goes to the scene). We will have to imagine the secret year of the most coordinating holiday. Hiding here ...

Lead Hiding for the first scene. On the stage appear Club and House.

Club (to the house). Will the next number declare?

House. And you managed to spit in the scenario whom the next call?

Club. I did not succeed!

On the stage appears Lead.

Lead. So who is the artists here

without lead!

Club and House (frightened to each other). Oh! Oh oh oh!

Club (He sensed to the lead). Do you see us?

Lead. I see and very good. I thought the kids indulge. And my old people are having fun.

House (While offended). Well, we still guys strong, not an old man.

Lead. I do not know, strong or not, but what hooliganis is for sure! The whole holiday almost spoiled.

House. Yes, we first wanted to be invisible, sit quietly, to watch everything from the outside.

Club. And then somehow got involved in nonsense, all caution lost.

Lead. Not good!

Club. But we have the most direct attitude towards your holiday.

Lead. What is it like that?

Club. So you have a celebration of folk creativity - and we are the most popular.

House. Without us, rarely, what a tale with a promsion is affected.

Lead. Well, then tell us who you are?

House. I - House.

Club. And I - Club.

Lead. I know the house, but I hear about the club for the first time.

Club. And I am from fresh folk creativity.

Lead. Well, since from fresh, it means that you will have more forces. Announce the next number!

Club. On the stage of harmonic and the chastochchennitsa ...

Everyone leaves the scene. Performed by artistic amateur time. On the stage Lead.

Lead. There is no holiday without a song ring. So our holiday continues ...

Lead goes away. Performed by artistic amateur time. On the stage House and Club.

House. And again on stage we light!

Club. New numbers do you present!

House. We invite new folk art lovers on the stage!

Club. And without any doubt and fear, we declare your number!

Club and House Go from the scene. Performed by artistic amateur time. On the stage Lead, Club and House.

Lead. And our holiday is completed.

House. How does it end? So fast? We did not even have time to enjoy the role of the lead!

Lead. Nothing, but they managed to joke, and the people are repaired.

House. So to speak, made a highlight on the holiday.

Lead. And the festival ends. And I invite to the scene of all participants in the presentation!

Song sounds about Russia. All participants in the presentation come to the scene.

Lead. Thanks to all participants of the holiday. And in memory of this meeting, you will remain these gifts and loud applause of viewers.

House (levying). And we will be gifts?

Club. Want very much.

Lead. Of course, you will be gifts.

Russian folk nailers sound. Participants of the children's folk team spread gifts.

Lead. Bye!

House. To new meetings!

Club. Good luck to you!


Time: 15.00 h.

Sound moderator:,

Help in carrying out :,


Curtain is closed. The phonogram sounds - the singing of birds, trill the nightingale.

After 20 seconds, the phonogram "Harmony to the beginning" begins to play, slowly rises the curtain. On the stage on the chair sitting leading with the harmonica in his hands, and depicts the game on the tool. 40 seconds, he stops the game, and the music does not stop. (Spectators see that it was just an image of the game tool).

Under the nailers host reads a poem:

Play, harmony!
Play, wave,
About the hundred steppes and quiet forests,
About the Earth free, native
About the glory of grandfathers and fathers.
Play, harmony!
To be heard
You in the area and wilderness
To your voice so that people come out
Slow and sing with all my heart !!!

Pause for applause and shift

Music background.

Music background "Naples on harmony". (Always turns on at the time of the release of the lead and announcement of the numbers)

Good afternoon, respected fellow villagers and residents of Agapovsky district! Good afternoon dear friends!

If it was true if it was true that I play musical instruments, I would be happy! In the meantime, you can only be content with what I can only depict!

But people who today will take part in our event - real, recognized masters of their business, lovers of beautiful, lovers of music and games on one of the most wonderful musical instruments - Harmony!

Welcome to the District Competition of Harmonists, Bayanists, Tagliants and Accordionists "Play, Harmony, Favorite-2014"!

Fanfare. Pause for applause.

A month ago, we announced a competition on games for harmony, accordion, accordion and Tatiana. And it is gratifying that there were so many people who will play and sleep today on our appeal!

Dear friends! Today you will hear the best of the best! They came and arrived to look at others, and show themselves. Well, since it is, after all, the competition, and we will need to determine the best of the best, then we will help the jury!

And I am pleased to represent the composition of today's jury:

The track "Presentation of the jury" sounds.

- - Head of the Department of Culture Agapov Municipal District

- Musalyam Farmraz Abdulovich - Director of the Agap School of Arts

- - teacher of the Agap School of Arts


Much drove on the white light,
But today I will say, not Taya,
There is no edge of a male in the world
What is my family side!
Everything is so close, familiar
Wind voice, whispering Yves,
Forest yes field, path at home,
Our songs are magical motif!
I am proud of fellow countrymen.
What live next door to me,
For people that are beautiful,
Sing, harmony, plump, harmony!

Texts for announcement numbers.

Harmonist takes harmonica,
Quietly music leads
Slowly, little by little
The people are going.
Although the melodies are not cunning,
And captivate all all,
Yes, and local artist
Wrong not sin!
Nothing he does not need:
Neither praise and either bully
Do not need rewards,
He plays from the soul!

That joy does not subside
So that the darilli darilli laughter
We invite a harmonist,
We did not forget about it!

You play, play, harmonica -
Gold plates!
Harmonist, take more
Walking Talianochka!

Oh, a chastushka, oh, a chastushka, - talk!
Oh, harmonica, oh, harmonica, - Bolds!
Without harmonica our rus -
Song without voice!
Load rather sadness
For three hair!

For the final:

Kind people! Our holiday comes to an end, and the fun, delete in the performance on the harmonica does not decrease, as the people's talent does not decrease. It does not age, does not go to the past distinctive skill. It lives, decorates our life. As the streams feed rivers and the Russian harmonica will be a live spring to feed our character.

Thank you all for participation, thanks to everyone who watched us, appreciated and enjoyed!

And now a 15-minute break is announced. The jury is removed in the advisory room for adopting a single opinion.


Veda: Dear friends! So the exciting moment of our contest has come. I am pleased to transfer the microphone to members of our respected jury.

Word jury.

Award ceremony. / Tool for awards /

So the competition of harmonists "Play, Harmony, Favorite" is completed! I express great gratitude to everyone who took part! Please do not be upset those who did not take a prize place, because, as everyone knows, the main thing is not a victory, but participation!

Be all healthy and happy, play the harmony, on the accordion, on other tools, and let everything be fine with you !! Until new meetings, dear friends, you yourself are good!

There is an idea about the wedding script, if anyone understands the organization, tell me more ideas, and I would also like to hear a healthy criticism.

The standard scenario has its advantages, but he became predictable and the people annoyed everything that repeats, so that any new element is happy with joy. A friend wants to organize a race on cars, he should get to the bride to a certain time, and if he does not have time, then it will also have to compete with those kid who will come to the appointed place. Races will be obstacles, in theory there are fun, but also dangerous, personally bride against, as it is afraid to stay at all without a groom.

Or even separately each episode can be beat. For example, instead of ransom will be a quest (task). The belt will ride the points that will need to be guessing in search of the bride.

Waiting for your suggestions in the LAN or in the subject.

The solemn opening of the competition of harmonists "Play Harmonic!" » - author holidays


the solemn opening of the V regional competition of harmonists in the Tatar district.

Curtain is closed. At the bottom of the curtain inscription:

"Live harmonic - alive Russia"

The phonogram singing birds sounds, Trelli Solovyov, the nailers on the harmony. Curtain rises. On the scene on the right side - the ensemble of folk

Play, harmony!

Play, wave,

About wider steppes and quiet

About the Earth is free,

About the glory of grandfathers and fathers.

Play, harmony!

To be heard

Slow and sing from the whole soul.

The ensemble sounds the melody to "Oh, as I like you." On stage, three dance couples perform dance. At the end, they remain on the scene, the song sounds ___________________, choreographic composition.

(Ensemble, dancers and performers go)

(Harmonic Naigry Sounds, verse is read on his background)

Harmony, sighed gently, with overflow,

As a stream, melody rschach,

Piercing a thrill supervision

Wedding, presenter, Moscow, Mosk. oblast, show group "Vega"

Moscow, Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Kurovskoye.

Modern leading Andrei Chistov and his creative team "Vega".

Looking for professional leading and musicians for the holiday? So our offer is what you need! We will be happy to help you in organizing the holiday of any complexity, we will make it fun, modern and professionally ...

His DJs, equipment, duet guitarists with merry instrumental compositions, vocal-instrumental ensemble, harmonic and so on. Interesting, modern, interactive programs (Love Story, interviews with famous people, only modern, with the involvement of the screen), are discussing the script individually. Real reviews can be found personally from our customers.

We work unobtrusively, fun, without a "collective farm" (mandaring, notes, eggs, diapers and TP ...)

And rushing in Russian, yes spleach!

Well, Rvania Talianochka is native,

Fraight from burning Russian hearts!

Let all bad homeland bent

And the clouds of trouble will leave her face!

Rings drops over weighing Russia,

With fields tearing snow bandages,

Sings harmony under the sky bright blue

And, it means that we will be long and you

Meet the sunsets and sunset

For all his, the Creator thanks!

Sweet Wings Field Edge Plan

And my homeland will be ascended!

Sounds "Ballad about a soldier" performed by V. Karmanova.

During the song in the background - dance. At the end of the song, the girls are built on the steps.

And I want to fuck heart

What he lit Gennady


Everywhere where carried his

And under the harmonica sang and

dance -

Loved two robber

worker - people:

Your affairs in the chaccius

And that neither the song is life


1 Vedas Good afternoon dear friends! The fifth time in the Tatar land gathered harmonists to show themselves and see others.

2 Vedas The fifth time on this scene will compete in a virtuoso game on the most beloved folk instrument representatives of almost all areas of the region, as well as fans of Russian harmonica from the Omsk region, in order to name the best of the best.

1 Vedas Dear friends! Meet the participants of the fifth regional competition of harmonists.

(On the background of the melody)

2 Vedas Welcome the harmonists of the Bagansky district;

Barabinsky district;

Hungarian district;

Zdvinsky district;

Iskitimsky district;

Representative of the Karasuk district;

Kochenevsky district;

Krasnozer district;

Delegation of the Kuibyshevsky district;

Cupinsky district;

Ordinsky district;

We meet the harmonists of the Northern District;

Tatar district;

Representative of the Toguchinsky district;

Klinsky district;

Our neighbors of the Ust-Tarsky district;

Chanovsky district;

Pure-cost district;

Delegation of harmonists of Novosibirsk;

Ensemble "Veselukh" of the Novosibirsk Agrarian University.

Scenarios of rural holidays

Pashnina, V. Golden Gate: Folklore competitive - Game program for 10-12 years: Cheerful people, hurry to the gather! / V. Pashnina // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2011.-№16.- C.3-13.

Molchanova, V. Rada Guests, as a kind Westa: Scenario of the folk theme evening "Russian gatherings": Cheerful people, hurry to the gather! / V. Molchanova // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2011.- №16.- p.14-23.

Glukhova, K. We know, know about custom!: Entertainment in a folk style for children of senior and preparatory groups of the garden: Cheerful people, hurry to the gather! / K. Glukhova // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2011.- №16.- C.24-31.

Dyachenko, M. Was, in the garden: Theatrical game program based on the Russian folk fairy tale "Pink" for children of senior preschool and younger school age (5-8 years old): Merry people, hurry to the gathering! / M. Dyachenko // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2011.- №16.- p.32-43.

Rubber, s. Once autumn sometimes ...: Scenario of musical and theatrical production of autumn sites: Cheerful people, hurry to the gather! / S. Revnieva // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2011.- №16.- S.63-68.

Pashnina, V. Today, the feast of the shepherds: folklore performance in the open area in honor of the Egoria, the sadness of the cattle: the cheerful people, hurry to the gather! / V. Pashnina // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2011.- №16.-C. 69-79.

Stepanenko, O. City of Masters: The scenario of the holiday in the city park: Cheerful people, hurry on the gathering! / O. Stepanenko // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2011.- №16.- P. 80-85.

MERCUTOVA, N. Fair carousel: a scenario of theatrical presentation: a funny people, hurry to the gather! / N. Merkutova // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2011.- №16.-C. 91-96.

Pashnina, V. Skomorovy Zadorinka: Folk Holiday Scenario for Children: Hurry! Today is a holiday for the soul / V. Pashnin // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2011.- №1.- S.59-69.

Ivanenko, T. V. "Wrong Spring in Russia Holy without Him": Folklore Holiday dedicated to George Victorious (May 16) / T. V. Ivanenko // Last bell.-2011.- №2.- C.16- eighteen.

SOLYANKINA, V. Do not need a steppes of others: the scenario of the Day of the Day of the Day of Bykovo: every soul of the holiday of Rada / V. Sollyankina // Scenarios and Repertoire. - 2011.-№4.- P. 46-61.

Zotov, I. My Territory and Motherland - one!: Thematic Concert Program of the Celebration of the Day of the Stanny Day: every soul of the holiday of Rada / I. Zotov // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2011.- №4.-C. 83-96.

Pashnina, V. M. Fifty-fifty: Intellectual Game on the topic "Proverbs and sayings" / V. M. Pashnina // Leisure at school. - 2011.- №1.- S.9-12.

Lukashuk, M. Russian stove is no kind: The script is a lesson for children of younger school age: everyone has its secret / M. Lukashuk // Scenarios and Repertoire. - L 2006 .-- № 22. - S.56 - 63.

Theatrical gatherings from a Russian oven, familiarity with the details of the stove, meeting with fun characters - houses and women - Yaga.

Yermakov, S. Tale of the Russian bath: Theatrical view from the village of Xyamzha: come in, people, visit / S. Ermakov // Scenarios and repertoire. -2006 .-- No. 12. - P. 50 - 74.

Bath holiday with a story about the history of the Russian bath, contests and games, couplets and songs, fair and auction items for the bath.

Book, V. What is for a miracle this stove: a rural holiday scenario: come, people, visit / v. // scenarios and repertoire. - 2006 .-- № 12.-S. 38 - 49.

Invitation to the worms with riddles, couplets, songs, games and treats.

Zhirnova, N. Behind the Occolic: Scenario of folklore theatrical gaming program for an adult audience: Let's play together? ... yes! / N. Zhirnova // Scenarios and repertoire. - 2006 .-- No. 11.-s. 80 - 91.

Fascinating program with games, riddles, patters, dancing and songs.

Small, N. Gulyai, Village! : Holiday scenario: From here, Russia / N. Malaya begins, scenarios and repertoire. - 2006 .-- № 10.-P.61 - 70.

Scenario of the holiday, ambassador. 450th anniversary of the village of Susanino (Molitino).

Korolenok, S. G. Wonderful box: Folklore holiday for students of 5 -7 classes: Folk culture / S. Koroleanok // We read, learn, play. - 2006. - № 9. - p.31-33.

Acquaintance of children with folk games, songs, riddles and patuals.

Oschova A. V. Folklore and native Word: Lesson / A. V. Otchova // Pedagogical Creativity. - 2006 .-- № 5. - P. 6 -8.

Meet students initial with oral folk creativity: proverbs and riddles, tale of kami and chastushkami.

Brezka, S. E. Play, Harmony, Play!: Folklore Holiday Scenario: Folk Culture / S. E. Brejskaya., S. M. Pankratova // We read, learn, play. - 2006.- № 4.- S. 16-20.

Festival of Russian harmonica: History of Harmony, About her, mischievous chastushki.

NEBUOY, Y. Play and sing, Russian Soul!: Theatrical concert / Yu. Ne-theatrical // Scenario and Repertoire. - 2005 .-- No. 23. - p. 6 - 15.

Festive fair with the participation of folklore groups, merry choreographic rooms, folk dances and so on.

Kondratieva, T. Napty - Lapotchi: Scenario of informative - game program: how many years, how old are ... / T. Kondratyeva // Scenic and Repertoire.-2005 .-- No. 17. - P. 54 - 58.

Sowing, ambassadors. Ancient Russian shoes - lapties!

Nesmeyanova, V. lived - were: the evening meeting of Old-timers of the village with the youth: the scenario / V. Nesmeyanova // Bibiloofol. - 2003 .-- № 3. -C.65 - 68.

Retro - Journey in 1940 - 1970 - Years, Retro - Walk through the streets and beloved places of the native village, the excursion to the youth of Old-timers of the village.

Zvonareva, L. Capulate Drug: Scenario of rural sites: the rich, the fact and Rada / L. Zvonareva, T. Tova // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2008.-№8.-C.37-44.

Gotolotin, T. Well Water Bow: Scenario of the People's Street Holiday: What is rich in the same, the scenarios and Repertoire.-2008.-№8.-C.45-52.

The scenario of the holiday includes the consecration of the well, remembering the well-killed water in the war, the memories of the elderly about the events associated with the well, the opening of the memorandum with the inscription "at the well to get drunk - home to return," contests, dances, songs and chastushki. The proposed scenario material can be used when carrying out Trinity, Kupal rites, holidays villages and villages.

Zhirnova, N. A friend without a friend - Nowhere: the scenario of the feast of a saw and an ax: the rich, themes and Rada / N. Zhirnov // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2008.-№8.-S.53- 81.

Your attention is offered a scenario of an unusual holiday inseparable pairs - saws and ax. It provides for the organization of the exhibition of the Topor toys, exhibitions and sales of benches, stools, platbands, saws, axes, drawing a Russian satirical fairy tale "Porridge from the Topor", contests, etc.

AGANINA, V. A. Fair Sumit, goods Manit: / Folklore Festival /: Folk culture / c. A. Aganina, V. D. Adintsova, E. Yu. Dubrovina // Patriotic education: Collection of scenarios for secondary school teachers. - M.: Liberey-Bibinform, 2008.-S.71-77 .- (Children's reading room "Biblión "Isk.3).

Folklore Holiday in with a presentation of commodity series: "Toy shop", "Grocery shop", "Wearing shop", "Cooking shop", "Book shop", games, contests, couplets.

Pashnina, V. We sell lapties for fun: Folklore holiday for children: Our world is created by labor / V. Pashnina // Scenarios and Repertoire. - 2010.- № 17.-S.51-63.

Vedegin, R. related to one with you fate ...: Scenario of the holiday village: where was born, there was useful / R. Vedegin // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2010.-№22.-s. 17-29.

Barkanova, G. Play, Harmoshka, Sing, Dombri!: Scenario of the street of the street: where was born, there and came in handy / G. Barkanova // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2010.-№22.-s. 32-45.

Barkanova, V. In my village - my destiny!: Meeting of high school students with famous boriccins: where was born, there was useful / V. Barkanova // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2010.-№22.-s. 70-77.

We are girlfriends - Naughzni: Chastushki, collected in the villages of the Belgorod region: where was born, there and came in handy // Scenarios and Repertoire.-2010.-№22.-S.89-96.

Ivanovo rural settlement - holiday scenarios

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    • Scenarios of holidays
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About Su with "Shui Complex Center Sleep", a children's boarding house for mentally retarded children.

Entertainment Scenario

"Play harmony"

(for senior preschool children)

Prepared: Speech therapist Bugrova Alexander Alexandrovna

2016 year.

Scenario of Entertainment "Play Harmonic"

Two scomeros are published (under the merry Russian-folk melody)

2 Build:

We guys are not simple - mischievous churches.

In the old days, in the circle of the princes, we were taken as friends,

The charm was full of poured yes for the princes table.


We are under domra and swirls

Having fun, sang songs,

People honest danced and sang,

like the Beehive bees buzz.


We came to you not alone

And friends led to you

We will sing songs, play

(Both scrolls):

Mother to glorify Russia.

The teacher comes out:

Today we have a really unusual holiday. We will talk about the most beloved, folk musical instrument. You have already acquainted with folk instruments and saw how richly and diverse folk art. Any music has its own composer, and there is no composer from folk music. People in the old girl grew a song. Transmitted it from the mouth to the mouth, something was added and thus she reached our days. Therefore, such music and the name of the honorable is the Russian folk song, the Russian folk dance. And the science of folk creativity is called folklore.

Now the riddles are mysterious to you, and you call the main character of our holiday.

1 Skomorokh : "That gets fat, it will lose weight, on the whole house." What is it?(Harmonic)

There is a harmonist and performs something cheerful. Everyone meets it with applause.

Facality : Well done! That's right, it is a harmonica or the people of Harmoshka.

Why does this riddle say that the harmony will lose weight, then get fat?(Because when they play on the harmonica, it is stretched - pulls, it shrinks - losing weight). Let's remember the song "I play on the harmonica from passersby in sight. Unfortunately, day is only once a year. "(execute a song) What instrument played a crocodile gene? Of course, on the harmony - on the harmonica!

2 Build: I now commend you another riddle. What is she?

"She has an entire soul of a car, and at least there is a bunch - not a shirt,
Not an turkey, but inflates, and not a bird, but poured. "

Facality: Right! This is also a harmonica.The riddle speaks of goals on harmony. What are the goals for the goals? Do not know? And I will tell you now ...

Harmonic is a very interesting musical instrument. He is not a string, and not shock, and not the brass. It pneumatic keyboard. Why "key" ? Because it has keys - buttons. The musician presses the buttons, and sound is heard. (harmonist accompanies his speech by the leading show ) The right hand musician plays a melody, and the left accompanied. Keyboard with buttons or keys in harmony on the sides, and between them - the camera in which the air is pumped. The air is pumped up to the sound planks of the harmonica, and it sounds. That is why the instrument is"pneumatic" , it employs invisible air.

Antoshka is running under the melody of the song "Antoshka" from the cartoon of the same name.

Antoshka: Hello, guys! Did you find out me? That's right, I am Antoshka! I came to your holiday, because I love to sing and dance. And you have fun here, I can stay with you?

Facality: Of course, Antoshka, stay with us. True guys?

I suggest you to fulfill the famous song about you "Antoshka, Antoshka ..." (During the execution of songs, children are distributed by children's accordions and wooden spoons)

For centuries there was no holiday in Russia without singing and dancing under the harmony, and at the village and now there is no joyful event without it. And the best tools among the harmony were always considered Tula. And there are also Saratov, Vologda and of course Shui accordions. When the harmony sounds, interest is manifested at any time, anywhere.Sounds of harmony affect the thoughts and feelings of people. Listening to the harmonic, all people are becoming kinder to each other, she carries the charge of joy and good memories.


Guys, and how on such a spiritual festival without Russian orphans! ...

2 Build:

Hey, you are red-done! Baryni Sajaari!

Sat, ka chastushki

1 Build:

Sat quickly to please guests!

Children's officers are overlooking.


1 harmonist, harmonist, I am your girlfriend.

At the harmonica, play, and I will sing a chastushka.

2 harmonist, harmonic, shirt in polka dot.

Play-like, not benazy for dogs and cats.

3 They say the harmonica is not in fashion, in fashion electronics,

But the Russian harmonica lives in the people.

4 I called me to dance, and a small circle.

The harmonist sits plays like a florid flower.

5 harmonist, harmonist, with kitchen cook,

We would not have you with us if not harmonica!

6 I did not want to dance, stood and shy,

As the harmonica played, I could not hold.

7 Brooch, I'll throw everything, I'll bother, forget,
Oh, the harmonica donated, I will turn the heel.

8 You, Harmoshka - Honor, my faithful girlfriend,

I'm with you everywhere, everywhere, I will be harmonious!


In the old days, no harmonica did not affect the village or in the village or in the village or in the city. Under the Russian harmonic and weddings played, and the harvest was collected and of course played. Here and today we are also playing with you, dance and sop. Want to?

1 Build:

Songs, games, dance,
Will not leave fashion

2 Build:

Collect the child
Kohl played it time.


1. "Fucking the goat in the forest ..."

2. "Lark"
Children become a circle and sing:

In the sky, the larks sang,

The bell rang.

Rushed in silence

Hided the song in the grass.

"Lark" (leading child) with a bell moves inside the circle. With the end of the song stops and puts the bell on the floor between two children. These children turn back to each other. Everyone says:

"He who will find a song will be happy for a whole year!"

These two ride a circle, moving in opposite sides. Who is the first grabbed the bell, becomes a "lark". The game is repeated.

3.Iigra "Pole"

Participants choose the "pillar" of the boy. They dance around him dance, sing a song and dress up it.

I go around the pillar

Around oak go.

Than I will give a pillar,

What to reward young?

Girl: -And I give a piping wreath!

(handkerchiefs, beads, skirt, apron ...) Song and dance every time repeated, the girls in turn are drawn by the "Column".

Leading : - What a column is elegant, like a lady!

Well, a party, we "lady" are walked, and we will help!

"Column" dances, everyone claps his hands.

4. "Mousetrap"

Everyone gets up in a circle holding hands - this mousetrap. Several people mouse. They are outside the circle. Holding hands and raising them in up, go in a circle uttering words:

Oh, how mouse is tired,

All looked down, everyone got out!

Beware, cheerful,

Dream we are up to you!

Here is a shrill mousetrap

And catch you right away!

On time to pronounce text, mice run and run away from the circle. With the utterance of the last word "and catch you immediately!", Hands are lowered and squatted. We did not have time to run out of the circle of "mouse", they are considered caught and get into the circle. Other mice are selected.

5. "Carousel".

Barely barely
Completed carousel,
And then, then, then
All run, run, run.
Quieter, quieter, do not rush
Carousel Stop
Times, two times, two,
That ended the game!

1 Build:

Comes the hour of farewell,
There will be a brief our speech.
Tell you: "Goodbye!
To pleasant, new meetings! "

2 Build:

Here and the holiday end,
Who played, he is well done!

Skomorchi handed sweet prizes and say goodbye to the participants.