The meaning of Varlamov Alexander Egorovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia. BUT

The meaning of Varlamov Alexander Egorovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia. BUT

Russian composer, singer (tenor) and vocal teacher. Born in Moscow 15 (27) November 1801 in the family of an official. At nineteenth age, he was sent to Petersburg, where he studied music in the court singing chapel, was the singers of the choir, and later, the author of a number of spiritual compositions. At the age of 18, he was sent to Holland as a teacher of the singers of the Russian Embassy Church in the Hague.

Russian composer, singer (tenor) and vocal teacher. Born in Moscow 15 (27) November 1801 in the family of an official. At nineteenth age, he was sent to Petersburg, where he studied music in the court singing chapel, was the singers of the choir, and later, the author of a number of spiritual compositions. At the age of 18, he was sent to Holland as a teacher of the singers of the Russian Embassy Church in the Hague. From 1823 he lived in St. Petersburg, where he taught in the theater school and served as a chorister and teacher for some time. During this period, it became close to M. I. Glinka, took part in the execution of his writings, performed in public concerts as a conductor and singer.

The flourishing of creativity falls on the Moscow period of the Varlamov (1832-1844). Successful composer debut in the play A. A. Shakhovsky Roslavlav (1832) and work in theatrical genres contributed to the preparation of the Varlamian Place of Assistant Kappelmeister (1832), and then the "composer of music" with the orchestra of the Imperial Moscow theaters. Varlamov wrote music to the Shakespearean "Hamlet" on request of the famous actor PS Mochalov (1837), put his ballets "Fun Sultan" in Moscow (1834) and "Sly boy and cannibal" (1837), etc. In the early 1830s, the first romances and songs of Varlamov appear; In total, more than 100 works of this genre have been created, and among them "Red Sarafan", "What I was withdrawn, the dawn is clear," "do not make sure, the winds are violent" (published in 1835-1837). Varlamov successfully performed as a singer, was a popular vocal teacher (he taught in the theater school, an educational house, gave private lessons), in 1849 issued his "full school of singing"; In 1834-1835 published the magazine "Ealar Harp", which included romances and piano works, his own and other authors.

After 1845, the musician lived in St. Petersburg, where he moved hoping to make a teacher in court chapel, but for various reasons this plan was not realized. Was in St. Petersburg literary and artistic circles; Closely came up with A. S. Dargomyzhsky and A. A. Grigoriev (two poems of this poet and criticism are devoted to Varlamov. Varlamov's romances were performed in the salons, they sang in their concerts, famous Polina Viardo (1821-1910).

Varlamov died in St. Petersburg 15 (27) of October 1848. His memory was devoted to the Romance Gurilieva "Memory of Varlamov", collective piano variations on the topic of his romance "Solovyna Chalet" (among the authors A. G. Rubinstein, A. Genzelt), and also Gone in 1851 "Musical Collection in memory of A. E. Varlamov", which included, along with the writings of the late composer, the romances of the prominent Russian composers. Total Varlamov created about two hundred romances and songs on the texts of more than 40 poets, a collection of treatment of folk songs "Russian singer" (1846), two ballet, music for at least two dozens of performances (most lost).

Russian civilization

Varlamov Alexander Egorovich - Varlamov, Alexander Egorovich - the famous Russian composer-amateur.

He also else loved music and singing, especially church, and early began to play a violin for hearing (Russian songs).

For the ten years, Varlamov entered the singers in the court singer chapel.

In 1819, Varlamov was appointed regent of the Court Russian Church in the Hague, where the sister of Emperor Alexander I lived, Anna Pavlovna, who was in marriage with the Kronprint Netherlands.

Above the theory of the musical composition of Varlamov, apparently, did not work at all and remained with those scarce knowledge that could be made from Capella, in those days at all that did not take care of the general development of their pets.

In The Hague and Brussels then there was a wonderful French opera, with the artists of which Varlamov brought acquaintance.

Perhaps hence he made his acquaintance with the art of singing, who gave him the opportunity to become later a good teacher of vocal art.

Listening to the "Sevilian Villanika" Rossini, Varlamov came to a special delight of skillful use in the final of 2 acts of the Russian song "What a garden was to be slaughtered", which is the Italian maestro, according to Varlamov, "well, masterfully breathed to Polish."

Having a lot of dating, especially among musicians and music lovers, Varlamov, probably then compiled a habit of a random and scattered life, which prevented him later to work out how his composer's talent follows.

In 1823, Varlamov returned to Russia.

According to one source, he lived this time in St. Petersburg, according to others, less reliable, in Moscow.

At the end of 1828 or early 1829, Varlamov began to bother about secondary admission to a singing chapel, and two Cheruvim songs were raised to the emperor - the first ideas known to us.

On January 24, 1829, he was defined in a chapel in the number of "big singers", and he was entrusted to teach young singers and learn solo parties with them.

In December 1831, he was dismissed from service in Chapel, in 1832 he took the place of assistant to the chapel of the imperial Moscow theaters, and in 1834 he received the title of composer of music with the same theaters.

By the beginning of 1833, the appearance of nine romances in the press of the collection of nine romances (including one duet and one trio) accompanied by a piano dedicated to the Verstoressky: "Music Album for 1833". By the way, in this collection, the famous romance is printed in this collection, Mother's name, who glorified the name of Varlamov and who became famous and in the West, as a "Russian national song", as well as another popular romance "that dug out, the dress is clear."

In them, as in other rooms of the collection, quite definitely have already affected the advantages and disadvantages of the composer talent of Varlamov: the sincerity of mood, heat and incessia, obvious melodic talent, the desire for the characteristic, expressed in quite a variety of accompanying accompaniers with the audio attempts Painting, National Russian flavor, more lively and bright than the contemporaries and predecessors of Varlamov, and, at the same time, slopeful and low-profile composer equipment, lack of finishing and style decorated, form elementality. To properly assess the historical significance of the first romances of Varlamov, it should be remembered that at that time we had only romances of the Titov brothers, Alyabyev, Versta, and only the first romances of M.I. Glinka. The first romances of Varlamov occupied therefore in the then our vocal literature a prominent place and immediately became popular with all lovers of music and fans of nationality in its more affordable form. Varlamov retained the location of the public and in the future composer's activities that did not represent any noticeable development, but remained approximately on the same, once achieved, low-level technology and creativity.

The merit of Varlamov consisted in popularizing the national genre and in the preparation of the public to perceive in the future more serious works of our national artistic music.

Next to his service was engaged in both the teaching of music, mainly singing, often in aristocratic houses. His lessons and essays were paid well, but, with the scattered way of life of the composer (a very favorite card game, behind which he sat down whole nights), he often had to need money.

Usually in such cases, he was taken to compose (always on the piano, on which he played mediocre, especially poorly reading from the sheet) and immediately sent a hardly finished manuscript to the publisher to turn it into a ring coin.

With this attitude to the case, he could not rise above the level of the gift dilettant.

In 1845, Varlamov again moved to St. Petersburg, where he had to live solely with his composer giving, singing lessons and annual concerts.

Under the influence of an improper lifestyle, sleepless nights behind cards, different grief and deprivation, health staggered, and on October 15, 1848, he died suddenly at the card evening of his acquaintances.

Varlamov left more than 200 romances (including 42 folk Russian songs arranged by him for one vote with piano, 4 of them are 4 small, a small number of essays for 3 votes, three church works for choir (Cheruvim) and three piano plays (march and two Waltz).

The most famous of these works: the romances "Red Sarafan", "Sanding Horse" (both served as themes for the violin fantasy of the veavovetsky "Souvenir de Moscou"), "Travishka", "Solovushko", "What Missed", "Angel", "Song Of Ophelia "," I feel sorry "," no, doctor, no, "Duets" Swimmers "," You don't sing ", etc. Many of them and now (especially in the province) willingly sink in the amateur mugs, but the music of the romance "It did not beat the drum in front of a vague regiment", attached to another text ("You are the victim of fear of fateful"), I even received all-Russian distribution.

Varlamov also owns the first Russian "School of singing" (Moscow, 1840), the first part of which (theoretical) is a remake of the Paris School Andrade, the two remaining (practical) are independent and contain valuable instructions for vocal art, which have not lost their importance and Now.

The son of Varlamov, George, was born in 1825, he spoke in concerts as a singer and wrote a number of romances in the style of his father. About his son, Konstantine, see the daughter of Varlamov, Elena, also performed the singer and composed (romances).

The future composer took place from Voloshi, that is, Moldavian nobles. He was born in Moscow 15 (27) on November 1801 in a poor family of a modest, titular adviser to Egor Ivanovich Varlamov.

Another child Sasha was passionately loved music and singing, especially church, and early began to play a violin for hearing (Russian songs).

In the ten-year-old, the boy was determined by the Father on the Council of Friends, who had evaluated early by his musical gifts, to the St. Petersburg court chapel under the leadership of the famous Bortyansky. At first, Varlamov was preparing for a singer's career, but due to the weakening of the voice abandoned this thought.

In the chapel chapel of Varlamov, he studied music, was singing the choir, and later - the author of a number of spiritual compositions.

Over the years of study, it discovered uncommon pedagogical abilities along with vocal talent (primarily as a choiraster).

In 1819, Varlamov was appointed regent of the court Russian church in the Hague, where the sister of Emperor Alexander I lived, who was in marriage with the Kronprint Netherlands. Above the theory of the musical composition of Varlamov, apparently, did not work at all and remained with those scarce knowledge, which could be made from Chapels (in those days, the leaders' leaders had little concerned about the general development of their pets).

In The Hague and Brussels then there was a wonderful French opera, with the artists of which Varlamov brought acquaintance. Listening to the "Sevilian Merchant" Rossini, Varlamov came to a special delight of skillful use in the final of 2 Act of the Russian song "For what was the garden of the tassel", which the Italian Maestro, according to Varlamov, "Well, masterfully breathed to Polish." Perhaps hence he made his knowledge of vocal art, who gave him the opportunity to become a good teacher of singing.

Having a lot of dating, especially among musicians and music lovers, Varlamov, probably then compiled a habit of a random and scattered life, which prevented him later to work out how his composer's talent follows.

In 1823, Varlamov returned to Russia.

Since 1823, he lived in St. Petersburg, where he taught in the theater school and served in Chaseist and teacher for some time. During this period, Varlamov became close to

M.I. Glinka, took part in the execution of his writings, performed in public concerts as a conductor and singer.

The flourishing of his work falls on the Moscow period of life (1832-1844). Successful composer debut in the play

A.A. Shakhovsky Roslavlev (1832) and work in theatrical genres contributed to the receipt of the Varlamian Places of Assistant Kappelmeister (1832), and then the "composer of music" with the orchestra of the Imperial Moscow theaters. Varlamov wrote music to Shakespeare's "Hamlet" on the order of the famous actor

P.S. Mochalova (1837), put his ballets "Fun Sultan" in Moscow (1834), "Sly boy and cannibal" (1837), etc.

In the early 1830s. The first romances and the songs of Varlamov appear (more than 100 works of this genre have been created in all of them, and among them "Red Sarafan", "that dying, the dawn is clear," "Do not make sure, the winds of the buoy" (published in 1835-1837)).

Varlamov successfully performed as a singer, was a popular vocal teacher (he taught in the theater school, an educational house, gave private lessons).

In 1834-1835 He published the magazine "Ealar Harp", which published both his own romances and piano works and the compositions of other authors.

In 1840, Varlamov issued a "full school of singing".

The composer tried his strength and in the field of spiritual music. He belongs to "Cheruvimskaya" for eight and four voices (the publication of the giser, 1844). But Varlamov soon realized that the majestic, which requires a strict excerpt of the church style does not suit the nature of his talent and to his musical technique, not particularly developed; He again switched to their favorite forms of the song and romance.

After 1845, the musician lived in St. Petersburg, where he moved hoping to make a teacher in court chapel, but for various reasons this plan was not realized. Was in St. Petersburg literary and artistic circles; close to S.

A.S. Dargomyzhsky and A.A. Grigoriev (Varlamov is devoted to two poems of this poet and criticism).

In St. Petersburg, Varlamov began to give private lessons, performed in concerts, was engaged in treating Russian folk songs (in 1846 a collection of these songs "Russian singer" came out).

Varlamov's romances were performed in the salons, Polina Viardo (1821-1910) sang them in their concerts (1821-1910).

The composer died in St. Petersburg 15 (27) of October 1848. His memory is devoted to the Romance Gurilieva "Memory of Varlamov", collective piano variations on the subject of his romance "Solovyunnye" (among the authors A. G. Rubinstein, A. Genzelt), and also In 1851, "Music Collection in memory of A. E. Varlamov", which included, along with the writings of the late composer, the romances of the prominent Russian musicians.

Musical Heritage:

A.E. Varlamov left more than 200 romances (including 42 folk Russian songs arranged by him for one vote with piano, 4 of them are 4 small, a small number of essays for 3 votes, three church works for choir (Cheruvim) and three piano plays (march and two Waltz).

Most of his romances and songs are hampered by the texts of Russian poets (M. Yu. Lermontova, A. V. Koltsova, N. G. Tsyganova, A. N. Pleseva, A. A. Feta).

Songs and romances:

"Red Sarafan",

"Sewing horse" (both served as themes for the violin fantasy of the venavsky "Souvenir de Moscou"),



"What got sophisticated",


"Song of Ophelia",

"I feel sorry for you",

"No, doctor, no,"

"At the dawn, you do not bother her,"

"Along the street Metelitsa Metset,"

"Mountain peaks",etc.

Varlamov - author of music for dramatic performances, including Roslavlev " (together with A. N. Versta), "Motor", "Ermak", "Murom Forests", "Hamlet" and etc.; Ballets "Fun Sultan" (1834), "Sly boy and cannibal" (on the fairy tale Sh. Perro "Boy with his finger", together with A. S. Guryanov, 1837); Choirs, vocal ensembles, etc.

Varlamov also belongs to the first Russian "School of singing" (Moscow, 1840), the first part of which (theoretical) is the alteration of the Paris School Andrade, the two remaining (practical) are independent and contain valuable instructions for vocal art, not lost their meaning and now.

He is one of the largest masters of vocal lyrics 1st half XIX century His romances and Russian songs enjoyed great success at the mass audience.

B. Born in 1801, died in 1851 brought up in the court singing chapel, under the leadership of the famous Bortenyansky.

Preparing first to the career of the singer, but due to the weakening of the voice, he had to abandon this thought. After receiving the place of the Psaller in the Netherlands, he stayed for a while abroad, where he kept learning musical art.

Returning to Russia, he from 1832 he was a dropmeister at Moscow theaters, and since 1835 settled in St. Petersburg and taught singing in various educational institutions.

The beginning of the composer's activities of V. refers by the end of the 30s. The first nine Romances V. were printed in Moscow in 1839 at the Music Publisher of GSERE.

Of these, they received particular popularity: "Don't Shah, Mother, Mother, Red Sarafan" and "What Moved, Clear Clear". To this series of romances are still: "Understand me", "here are the shelves of their relatives", "do not make sure", "oh, hurts", "Young youth", "Ah you, youth." Many romances were written in V. in the fortieth year; They are printed from different publishers of St. Petersburg and Moscow.

The very famous "song of Ophelia", Petaya V. V. Samoilova in the tragedy "Hamlet", was published in 1842 at a gossover in Moscow; "Spanish Serenade" - In 1845, Bernarda, "Find me" - in the same year, Miller, "Magician" (1844, the publication of the store "Music Echo"), "Belieta Sail Lonely" - in 1848 GSEER, etc. Later, all romances, score 223, published Stellovsky in St. Petersburg, in 12 notebooks.

B. tried his strength and in the field of spiritual music.

It belongs to Heruvim to eight and four voices (GSERE edition, 1844). But the author soon realized that the majestic, which requires a strict excerpt of the church style does not suit the nature of his talent and to his musical technology, not particularly developed; He again switched to their favorite forms of the song and romance.

V. announced himself as a teacher, in his "complete school of singing", in three parts published in a gugener in Moscow in 1840. This school is the first and for its time a wonderful vocal management.

Now this edition of the gugener is a bibliographic rarity.

Of the three parts, the first, theoretical part representing the processing of "Nouvelle Methode de Chant et de vocalization" of the Paris Professor Andrade is becoming weaker.

But on the second, practical, made completely independently, replete with many precious comments that have not lost their importance and currently and are overwhelming in the author of a large connoisseur of human voice.

The third part encompass ten exercises for the voice, with the accompaniment of piano, and two Russian songs: "Ah, not alone in the field of the Road" and "Do not wake me with the MOLOD", shifted into three voices.

No composer could have sustained so many editions as V. in 1886 began to go out in Moscow, at Gutheil, a new Common Collection of Works V., published by his heirs.

N. Solovyov. (Brokgauz) Varlamov, Alexander Egorovich - Composer, Rod. November 15, 1801 in Moscow, mind. October 15, 1848 in St. Petersburg. The son of the nobleman (Moldavian origin), V. 10 years later, entered the court singing chapel, where the graduation was paid to his special attention of Bortobyansky; His voice, however, began to weaken, in 1819 he came out of the chapel and went to Holland, where was the regent at the Church of the Russian Embassy and served (the Psaller?) At the court of V. K. Anna Pavlovna, Princess Orange.

In 1823 V. Returned to Russia and settled in Moscow, where he began to give music lessons (he was not only a singer, but also a violinist and guitarist).

In January 1829 V. entered the teacher of solo and choral singing in St. Petersburg. CD. Pevch. Capel (1200 rubles per year); But at the end of 1831 he quit the service and soon moved again to Moscow, where he took the place of the Assistant of the Kappelmister and the "class composer" imp. Moscow theaters (the last title died with V.), while doing pedagogical activities at the same time.

From 1833 V. Grew was a pension from 1000 rubles. (Assigns) per year. At the same time, the first 9 romances V., in Moscow at the giser (dedicated to.

Versta, with whom V. became close in Moscow).

At the death of the first wife V. married the second time. 1842, two years later, he threw the state service in Moscow and in 1845 he again moved to St. Petersburg. His effort again get a seat in the chapel. They were not crowned with success and he had to live exclusively with the lessons of music (private and in educational institutions) and his songs of his songs and romances soon became very popular and paid for the highest fees (along with Glinka).

There was even an incomplete legend that was not found as "Askoldov's grave" wrote V., who sold it to the crowded.

Died V. Suddenly, from a heartbroken; A few weeks later, his grave (at the Smolensk cemetery) was blurred by flood; Her place is now unknown.

A collection of romance V. (223) was published yet by Stellovsky in 12 tetr.; After that most of them were reprinted more than once.

In terms of your general nature and technical. Warehouse they approach Alyabyevsky; However, V. was the talented of his contemporary, knew his strength better and because it was better to use them. In the Russians "Songs" V., there are undoubtedly folk traits, but mostly these features are captured only superficially and nowhere are uncompressed to the end. The most famous of the songs: "Red Sarafan", "Sanding Horse" (both served as themes for "Souvenir de Moscou" Veavovensky), "Travishka", "Solovushko", "What Missed"; From the romance: "The song of Ophelia", "I'm sorry for you," "No doctor, no," Duets: "Swimmers", "You don't sing", etc. Many of them are now still willingly sing (mainly in amateur circles) .

In addition, V. wrote several "Kheruvim" and the first Russian "School of singing" (Moscow, 1840), the first part of which (theoretical) is the alteration of the Paris School Andrade, the other remaining (practical) independent and replete valuable instructions on the art of singing , in many ways that have not lost importance and in now. Sons: George, Rod. 1825, served in military service, the author of many romances in the spirit of his father, and Konstantin (born after the death of the father) - the Darovoy Dramatic Artist of St. Petersburg. Imp. Scenes. See the Bulich article about V. ("Rus. Mus. Gas.", 1901, Nos. 45-49). (E.) (Roman) Varlamov, Alexander Egorovich (1801-1851) - Russian composer, representative of the era, t. N. Dieletanantism of Russian music.

B. On the origin of the nobleman.

Numerous songs and romances V. (Among them are the most famous: "Red Sarafan", "Solovy Sunny", "Sanding Horse", "Travishka", "Solovushko", etc.) are in most cases a fake under a folk song, which finds An explanation of myself in demand for the sweetened folk song, which characterizes the musical life of Russia of the 1st half of the 19th century. Works V., distinguished by the ease and availability of the form, the big melodicity I am a sound characteristic, while I was greatly popular with it; Later, Romances V. continued to remain a favorite repertoire in the burghers and merchant layers. The lack of musical education V. imposed on his work the seal of the prison and did not allow to become the level of the then Western European musical creativity, although the influence of Schubert was reflected in some of his romances.

B. enjoyed great fame as a teacher.

They compiled a school of singing in 3 parts (Moscow, 1840), of which, however, only the last two are independent.

The collection of Romance V. was published by Stellovsky in 12 notebooks.

Lit.: Bulich S., A. B. Varlamov, "Russian Music Gazeta", 1901, Nos. 45-49. Varlamov, Alexander Egorovich (born 27.xi.1801 in Moscow, mind. 27.x.1848 in St. Petersburg) - Rus. Composer, singer, conductor, teacher.

MUZ. Education received in court singing chapel; Student D. Borttyansky.

In 1819-23, the teacher of singing at rus. Embassy Church in the Hague; In subsequent years, he lived in Moscow (1823-29, 1832-45) and St. Petersburg (1829-32, 1845-48). The author of the first vocal pedagogy leadership in Russia.

The main area of \u200b\u200bcreativity is vocal lyrics (song, romance), marked close to urban household music, warmth, immediacy, genre variety.

Oh .: Ballets "Fun Sultan" (1834), "Sly Boy and Cannibal" ("Boy with Finger", Sov. With A. Guryanov, 1837); Music to the dram. Spet. "Ermak", "two-man", "Hamlet" and others; OK. 200 romances and songs, including "Ah You Time, Time", "Red Sarafan", "Along the street of Metelitsa,", "Smear Konya", "At the dawn, you are not boudes," "Song of the Robber" ( "What was blunting, the zalery is clear"), "that you are early, herbushka", "so the soul", "whites sail lonely", "Solovushko", duet "Swimmers", etc.; Full School of singing (1840). Varlamov, Alexander Egorovich - famous Russian composer-amateur.

He also else loved music and singing, especially church, and early began to play a violin for hearing (Russian songs). At ten years, Varlamov entered the singers in the court singer chapel.

In 1819, Varlamov was appointed regent of the Court Russian Church in the Hague, where the sister of Emperor Alexander I lived, Anna Pavlovna, who was in marriage with the Kronprint Netherlands.

Above the theory of the musical composition of Varlamov, apparently, did not work and remained with those knowledge, which could be made to them from Capella, in those days at all that did not take care of the general development of their graduates.

In The Hague and Brussels, then there was a wonderful French opera, with the artists of which Varlamov met.

Perhaps hence he made his art of singing, who gave him the opportunity to be subsequently a good teacher of vocal art.

In 1823, Varlamov returned to Russia.

At the end of 1828 or early 1829, Varlamov began to bother about secondary admission to a singing chapel, and two Cheruvim songs were raised to the emperor - the first ideas known to us. On January 24, 1829, he was defined in a chapel in the number of "big singers", and he was entrusted to teach young singers and learn solo parties with them.

In December 1831, he was dismissed from service in Chapel, in 1832 he took the place of assistant to the chapelsuser of the Imperial Moscow theaters, and in 1834 he received the title of composer of music with the same theaters.

By the beginning of 1833, the appearance of nine romances in the press of the collection of nine romances (including one duet and one trio) accompanied by a piano dedicated to the Verstoressky: "Music Album for 1833". By the way, in this collection, the famous romance "Do not fuck you, Mother" ("Red Sarafan"), who glorified the name of Varlamov and who became famous and in the West, as the "Russian National Song", as well as another very popular romance "What Missed out, the dawn is clear. " The advantages of the composer talent of Varlamov: the sincerity of mood, heat and implacability, obvious melodic talent, the desire to characterize the characteristic expressed in quite a variety of accompanying accompaniments in some time with attempts of sound painting, National Russian flavor, more lively and bright than contemporaries and predecessors Varlamov.

To properly assess the historical significance of the first romances of Varlamov, it should be remembered that at that time we had only romances of the Titov brothers, Alyabyev, Versta, and only the first romances of M.I. Glinka.

The first romances of Varlamov occupied therefore in the then our vocal literature a prominent place and immediately became popular with all lovers of music and fans of nationality in its more affordable form. Varlamov retained the location of the public and in his further composer activity.

The merit of Varlamov consisted in popularizing the national genre and in the preparation of the public to perceive in the future more serious works of our national artistic music.

Along with his service, he was engaged in both the teaching of music, mainly singing, often in aristocratic houses. His lessons and essays were paid well, but, with the scattered way of life of the composer (a very favorite card game, behind which he sat down whole nights), he often had to need money.

Usually in such cases, he was taken to compose (always on the piano, on which he played mediocre, especially poorly reading from the sheet) and immediately sent a hardly finished manuscript to the publisher to turn it into a ring coin.

With this attitude to the case, he could not rise above the level of the gift dilettant.

In 1845, Varlamov again moved to St. Petersburg, where he had to live solely with his composer giving, singing lessons and annual concerts.

Under the influence of an improper lifestyle, sleepless nights behind cards, different grief and deprivation, health staggered, and on October 15, 1848, he died suddenly at the card evening of his acquaintances.

Varlamov left more than 200 romances and three piano plays (march and two waltz).

The most famous of these works: Romances Red Sarafan, "Sanding Horse" (both served themes for the violin fantasy of the veavovetsky "Souvenir de Moscou"), "Travishka", "Solovushko", "What Moved", "Angel", "Song of Ophelia", "I feel sorry for you," no, doctor, no ", Duets" Swimmers "," You do not sing ", etc. Varlamov also owns the first Russian" School of singing "(Moscow, 1840), the first part of which (theoretical) It is an alteration of the Paris School Andrade, the other remaining (practical) are independent and contain valuable instructions for vocal art, which have not lost their meaning and now.

Alexander Egorovich Varlamov

Alexander Egorovich Varlamov (15.11.1801-15.10.1848), songwriter, singer, conductor and vocal teacher. From the Moldovan nobles, the son of the military.

In 1833 Varlamov published a collection of 9 romances dedicated to A. N. Verstoresky.Romances in this compilation "Do not fuck me, Mother ...", "What a wounded, Zeney-clear" brought Varlamov widely fame. In 1834 - 35 Varlamov published a musical magazine "Ealar Harp". In 1840, his "full school of singing" was published - the first guide for vocal singing in Russian. In the 1830s, Varlamov taught at the Moscow Theater School, an educational house, in the aristocratic houses of Moscow. In 1845, Varlamov moved to St. Petersburg, where he began to give private lessons, performed in concerts, engaged in the processing of Russian folk songs (in 1846 a collection of these songs "Russian singer" came out).

Varlamov belongs to over 200 romances, among them: "What I live and not to trust," "At the dawn, you are not boudes", "Mountain peaks", "whites sail lonely", "disappointment".

V. A. Fedorov

Varlamov Alexander Egorovich (1801-1848) - Russian figure culture , Composer-songwriter, singer (tenor), conductor and vocal teacher. From 1811 - singer, then the soloist of the court chapel chapel in St. Petersburg. He played the piano, cello and guitar. From 1819 - Head of the Pefic Choir in the Russian Embassy Church in The Hague and Brussels.

In 1823, he returned to Petersburg and in 1825 gave the first public concert. He taught singing in the theater school, in the Guards Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky shelves, he taught young singers in the court singing chapel (1829-1831). From 1832, the Assistant of Dropper Museum of the Imperial Moscow theaters, received the title of "Composer of Music" (1834) of these theaters. At the same time he acted in concerts with vocal rooms, taught at the Moscow Theater School and the Educational House. In 1845 he moved to St. Petersburg, where he gave private lessons, performed in concerts, Russian folk songs were processed (a collection of Russian singer, 1846).

Posted over 200 romances and songs, mainly on the poems of Russian poets ("At the dawn, you are not boudes," "Red Sarafan", "White Sail Lonely", etc.). Published in Russia a guide for vocal singing ("Full School of Singing", 1840).

Orlov A.S., Georgiev N.G., Georgiev V.A. Historical dictionary. 2nd ed. M., 2012, p. 68.

Varlamov Aleksandr Egorovich (1801-1848) is a very talented author of numerous Russian romances and songs, of which many have gained extreme popularity due to sincerity, melodiousness, accessibility and often Russian folk sewing. B. Born in 1801, died in 1851 brought up in the court singing chapel, under the leadership of the famous Bortenyansky. Preparing first to the career of the singer, but due to the weakening of the voice, he had to abandon this thought. Having received the place of the Psaller in the Netherlands, he stayed for some time abroad, where he kept learning musical art. Returning to Russia, he from 1832 he was a dropmeister at Moscow theaters, and since 1835 settled in St. Petersburg and taught singing in various educational institutions. The beginning of the composer's activities of V. refers by the end of the 30s. The first nine Romances V. were printed in Moscow in 1839 at the Music Publisher of GSERE. Of these, they received particular popularity: "Don't be seed to me, Mother, Red Sarafan" and "What a clear dawn is clear." This series of romances includes: "Understand me", "the shelves are native", "do not make sure", "oh hurts", "Young youth", "Ah you are youth." Many romances were written in V. in the fortieth year; They are printed from different publishers of St. Petersburg and Moscow. The very famous "song of Ophelia", Petaya V. V. Samoilova in the tragedy "Hamlet", was published in 1842 at a gossover in Moscow; "Spanish Serenade" - In 1845, Bernarda, "Find me" - in the same year, Miller, "Magician" (1844, the publication of the store "Music Echo"), "Belieta Sail Lonely" - in 1848 GSEER, etc. Later, all romances, score 223, published Stellovsky in St. Petersburg. in 12 notebooks. B. tried his strength and in the field of spiritual music. It belongs to Heruvim to eight and four voices (GSERE edition, 1844). But the author soon realized that the majestic, which requires a strict excerpt of the church style does not suit the nature of his talent and to his musical technology, not particularly developed; He again switched to their favorite forms of the song and romance. V. announced himself as a teacher, in his "full school of singing", in three parts published in a gugener in Moscow in 1840. This school is the first and for its time a wonderful vocal management. Now this edition of the gugener is a bibliographic rarity. Of the three parts, the first, theoretical part representing the processing of "Nouvelle Methode de Chant et de vocalization" of the Paris Professor Andrade is becoming weaker. But on the second, practical, made completely independently, replete with many precious comments that have not lost their importance and currently and are overwhelming in the author of a large connoisseur of human voice. The third part encompass ten exercises for voice, with the accompaniment of piano, and two Russian songs: "Oh, not one thing in the field of a road" and "Do not wake me with the MOLOD", overlapping for three voices. No composer could have sustained so many editions as V. in 1886 began to go out in Moscow, at Gutheil, a new Common Collection of Works V., published by his heirs.

F. Brokgauz, I.A. Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary.