Rite of exorcism: individual and mass proofreading in the church. Orthodoxy and love

Rite of exorcism: individual and mass proofreading in the church. Orthodoxy and love

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What is proofreading for and what is it in general.

Proofreading (sometimes called exorcism or exorcism) is a special service with special prayers, which can only be conducted by a priest-monk who has received a blessing from the bishop and has undergone the necessary training for this. Worldly priests cannot do proofreading because proofreading can be done exclusively in monasteries.

Proofreading is carried out exclusively on the possessed (possessed).

There is no proofreading (lecture) from body diseases, alcoholism, celibacy, corruption, evil eyes, etc.

Proofreading is not carried out by photographs, by correspondence, by phone, etc.Prayers Orthodox proofreading, which is carried out in the Pochaev Lavra,not publicly available on the Internet. No video tutorials, etc.

Those. no one can use other than the past specialteaching and blessed.

What under the guise of proofreading (readings) is offered by the so-called. "grandmothers", psychics, magicians, etc. -

these are all occult practices (i.e. they are often associated with evil spirits).

The Orthodox are not blessed to go to such persons, since it is a sin and stupidity

Any priest will tell you about it

Before going through proofreading with someone other than the Pochaev priests

(or what is offered to you under the name "proofreading" by not always decent individuals) -

ask if this person has the necessary education in a theological seminary and

blessing from the bishop. And after that, call the local diocese or metropolis of the UOC

double-check the information about this person !!!

It's in your best interest.

Proofreading - reading in Pochaev in the Pochaev Lavra.

An important point:

The blessing for proofreading in the Pochaev Lavra is given only by the hieromonk of the Pochaev Lavra after confession with him.

You cannot go to proofreading without a blessing, because it is not according to the canons.Especially for those who don't need proofreading.

People cannot decide on their own whether they need proofreading or a report !!!

The ordinary worldly person is not versed in demonology, obsessions, etc.

There are times when people, having decided for themselves that they need proofreading, go to group proofreading to dishonest and

unclean and catch demons from those people from whom they were cast out.

Those. came for a report normal person, and left already possessed.

And all because of the fact that he himself made a diagnosis and a method of healing.

We suggest the right way.


You come to Pochaev and go to the priest who has

a necessary blessing from the bishop.

He confesses you and decides on the fact of confession,

what you really need.

In most cases, people do not need proofreading, but they need a prayer service or unction

and prayers near the shrines.

And also the help of a qualified psychologist.

Or the correct visit to the Holy Places, which can be done on our trip.

Fashion for driving out demons. We are waiting for a miracle not from prayers and from God, but from magic.

An ordinary parishioner is consulted by a lay Orthodox priest.

Pitannya: Glory to Jesus Christ! I took a blessing for Vichitka from Vladika, but if I don’t know I’ve come before you. Dyakuyu.

View: Glory to God! Mi is not conducted wichitka. Vichitkatse is on the right, as only monks in monasteries can study, and that is not all, but only spiritually informed. Mirski and priests (b_le clergy) do not conceal the right to engage in wichitka. And if you take care of it, you will destroy the canon of the Church. Laodicean Council (364) deciding: "Those who are not produced from bishops should not be conjured either in churches or in homes ..." (pr. 26). To that, go more beautifully out of your blessings at the monasteries (Pochaiv, Bancheni, Kulivtsi), there they will regularly hold wichitches and may attend the bishop's blessing.

In our hour, Orthodox people are under the guise of a general і unhealthy fanaticism і the demand for wichitka. Someone's daughter can’t go to wichitka - to take him to wichitka, if you can’t sell or buy booths - go to wichitka, man to drive him to wichitka.

Such people are not needed by the Lord, but as a mechanic magic act, as it can help. Thinking stench - Father's axis is over me, sprinkle me with holy water - and everything in life will improve. Use your finger yourself, and change your life on the edge (go to church regularly, fast, take Communion, vivchati evangelin), so people do not want to. The whole world spirals on one-time calls of magic, ceremonies and prayers, like the priest to perform over them.

Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy Osipov A.I. in his work "The Way of Reason in Search of Truth" write: "Magism as a state of consciousness is possible everywhere. A striking example it in Christian practice - baptism, communion, wedding or monastic tonsure under duress or for purely worldly motives (for example, so as not to get sick, etc.), and not by faith, as the Lord says about it (Mark 16:16) .An expression of the same magical consciousness is the recent decades the so-called reprimand (exorcism). "So people in our hour, in their greatness, come to such great Christian Mysteries as the Holy Communion, Christening, Vinchannya not because of Christ, but because of the banal fear of not being ill on the right, For the same earthly reasons, people are whispering "spirit-bearing elders" and "wichitka" sessions.

Christ saying about such people: "Truly, truly, I say to you: you are looking for Me not because you have seen miracles, but because you ate bread and were satisfied" (John 6:26).

So, you need a vichitka, and the Lord needs it, check it out yourself.

God bless you!

EXTRACT *** *** *** ... In September 2000, during the papal mass in St. Peter's Square in Rome, something unusual happened. A certain young Italian woman began to behave, to put it mildly, inadequately. “Satanic laughter came from the girl,” the newspapers wrote. The Pope personally approached her and tried to carry out an act of exorcism - the expulsion of the devil. But the demon was quiet only for a short time. And then, as it turned out, he manifested himself with renewed vigor. The horned heretic dad did not listen. (In Catholicism, by the way, the order of exorcism was formally canceled in 1972). But maybe at least someone, after reading the reports about this in the press, thought: is this invisible and terrible force real? Many people know that this power is real. We know about the existence of evil spirits, primarily from the Bible: listing the iniquity of the Jews, Moses says that they “sacrificed to demons, and not to God” (Deut. 32:17). The demon Asmodeus killed seven husbands, for whom Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, was given in turn (Tov. 3: 8). An evil spirit possessed Saul (I Samuel 16:14).

Many priests know this firsthand: after all, it also happens when a month-old baby (!), When immersed in the baptismal font, swears with a choice foul language. Curses how much in vain! It would be worthwhile to think about who introduced this abuse into the human world. Initially, swearing was one of the shortest options curses and curses. And these words are dictated, like any witchcraft text, as well as the “revelations” of any heresy, sect - by demons; and it happens, like recently in one church, during the baptism of an infant: before the sacrament was performed, he suddenly began to break free with such force, so violently tore off the vestments of the priest, that the priest, a physically strong man, could barely hold him back. As soon as he brought the child into the altar - wow - as if something came out of a small calf. The baby first went limp, then began to caress, kiss the pectoral cross. But - oh, horror! - Immediately the girl, the elder sister of this baby, who was standing next to her parents, began to mangle. The demon passed into it ... So, the priest said, something is wrong in your family, some very serious spiritual problem exists ... But they never were in the church again. Didn't you believe it? Give in to false shame? And in another case, an instructive example, and the outcome is different: ... During proofreading, the priest approached a pretty blonde girl. She smiled. But the closer the cross, the faster the smile disappeared, the face turned red, and the suffering is written on it. With a groan, she sank to the floor. (When the priest approaches, it seems that an unbearable heat emanates from him. This is how the sick explain their condition). The demon entered this girl "in a relative way." “My own grandmother, a witch, 'did it' for me,” she says. - Then I was three years old. At first, it didn’t seem to show itself in any way. When dad began to church, for the first time he truly repented, and they started talking. One calls himself Tamara - that was his grandmother's name. My friend “did” the other. He seems to have already come out on the lecture. " Thank God, this family understood how the sins of the parents affect the children. The Word of God often compares a person to a vessel; spouses and their children (before creating their own family) become spiritual sense a system of communicating vessels. “The sin of even one of the parents (especially“ mortal ”) necessarily lowers the common potential of the uncreated Divine energy (grace), which is common for the whole family, depriving all other family members of the grace-filled divine protection from negative impact demonic forces, which to the greatest extent affects children, as the weakest members of the family's single body ”. Remember? “I am the Lord your God ... who punishes children for the guilt of their fathers, up to the third and fourth generation who hate Me; and giving mercies to thousands of generations to those who love Me and keep My commandments ”(Ex. 20: 5). But I must also mention another related influence. Oo. Schiarchimandrite Prokhor (Dubrovsky), Hieroschemamonk Irinarchus, Venerable schema-abbot Amphilochius and other God-bearing ascetics had the following opinion: If we pray for deceased relatives, then they pray from that world for us, our protection and prosperity and bless us, and if there are no prayers from our side for relatives and friends, then and they, in turn, curse us, ask the Lord in the next world to visit relatives who have forgotten and overreact in their own peace with sorrows and illnesses.

But, of course, it does not pass without a trace for posterity, when the daughter of a priest runs away from home with the commissar, then becomes an ardent communist and teacher (!), And in old age makes her grandchildren spit at icons. Nothing goes without a trace! “Megabytes” of sin are piling up, and now the fourth post-revolutionary generation is increasingly leaning towards Satanism. You sigh in vain, grandfathers and grandmothers, in vain are full of pride that you did not do just such things! You were purer only due to the “inertia” of grace coming from pre-revolutionary ancestors, and not thanks to the moral code of the builder of communism. Yes, an epidemic of demonic possession is sweeping the world just as it did before the appearance of the Savior. Does this not indicate the nearness of the Second Coming? And this means, and for an even more imminent appearance of the mashiach! It is the antichrist guard that will become the legions of demoniacs, most of whom do not even suspect what they are sick with. ... Meanwhile, hidden in people evil force can no longer hide. Barking, gnashing of teeth, howls are heard from all sides. As if the whole cacophony of hell had approached ... So, probably, it is. *** *** *** But even those who come and come to us for prayer reading, or at Chin Kopi, do they imagine where and why they came? "Proofreading" First of all, let's define - what is "proofreading" or "reading"? Proofreading is a special prayer service, which includes special incantatory prayers for evil spirits, which have been composed by holy ascetics and elders for centuries; a prayer service aimed at the person in whom there is evil spirit, demon, free from this violence, this obsession, bind demonic will and power by the grace of the Holy Spirit. But over whom, when, by whom and how should this rite, this "prayer" be performed, if I may say so? A person needs proofreading (reading) only when a person, for one reason or another, suffers - either in the body (in the form of diseases), or in the soul (in the form of troubles in the family, at work, in the form of unpleasant but natural "accidents", etc.). etc.). By the way, here are some amazing examples: “My body temperature was always around 34 degrees. Strange visions haunted. Everything was triple in the eyes. I went to the doctors. But tomographs do not see what really is inside me. It helped only here. Once, before confession, the demon came out - immediately felt this relief ”. “I used to think it was a medical condition. Only in the church was the “diagnosis” made. A voice starts screaming in me, I want to hold back, but I can't. This is an alien, evil force. It interferes with going to church, especially communion. As soon as you start preparing, either the neighbor will come, or the phone will ring - and all the time is spent on empty conversations. Now I am forty-four years old, and I received a demon as a two-year-old baby ... Never mind, I need to strengthen my faith, then I will be healed. ” “... One hot summer day, a colleague came to me and quickly swallowed from a glass on the table. What started with him! He barely ran to the sink, spat it out and muttered: “What a disgusting thing! What was it?" It was Epiphany water ... ”An interesting fact: before the revolution in psychiatric hospitals there was a simple, but unmistakable test. Ten glasses of water were placed in front of the patient - nine with a saint and one with a simple one. And if a person over and over again took just plain water (as if someone prompted him), he was sent not to a doctor, but to a priest. On a report - medicine in this case is powerless. And, unfortunately, there are cases from a different category: "Father, read me out, I snore at night," or even say: "Father, I was (was) with a gypsy (psychic, healer," grandmother ") and she she told me that I was “done”, read me out. ”Many of the parishioners of the church had been treated for years - to no avail - in hospitals, psychics, and at“ grandmothers ”. The demon willingly instilled faith in medicine, in the achievements of science. Sitting in one of the sick, he confesses: “We and“ Ambulance”Was invented. Before, before the death of the priest, they summoned, admonished, confessed, received communion; now the doctor is called. And we get the soul ”. Yes, the humane "Aesculapius" usually consoles: nothing we will cure you. The diagnosis hides behind the thieves' jargon of Latin. So sneak last minutes life given by God for repentance. And the unprepared soul finds itself in the face of eternity ... And here come such “seekers of“ grace ”for proofreading and are tempted: how can it be that they have passed the essay, but“ it didn’t help. ” They come and ask: when will the "session" begin? Such, more often than not, then disappear from the temple. But people from the first category stay for a long time. And the path of healing for them is the path to faith. The path of the hardest work that exists in the world is the path of prayer. These restless, twitchy people stay because they begin to feel how peace touches their hearts. Yes, the first time a grandmother or a psychic is capable of “helping”, especially since the demon will willingly “play along” with them, pretend to run. But it ends badly. how many similar stories the sick people told me about their acquaintances. Many of them either committed suicide or ended up in an insane asylum. And sometimes it all started with the usual (in our present life- natural) safety - food, a glass of water was not crossed - and the demon entered. Such are the “food additives”. It happens, most often, the cause of obsession is mortal sin, and the first in this series are unbelief, blasphemy, murder (including murder in the womb, abortion), neglect of one's salvation, not going to church. But what about those cases when a person cannot come to church, for example, because of illness, or because of a long, distant departure? In this case, we will assume that it comes about a person leading a church life: regularly confessing, taking the Holy Communion, and taking communion. And here relatives or close friends of such a person can help. How? Come for proofreading, submit a note about him, stand accordingly and pray for him.

I would like to draw your attention: without your participation, by simply "magical" presence at the proofreading, nothing positive will be done in your state. It is absolutely necessary to maintain a full Christian church life: Walking on Sundays and holidays in church; observance of fasts - Wednesdays, Fridays, etc. established by the Church multi-day fasting; reading morning and evening prayers; reading akathists, prayers to your beloved saints, your patrons, and the Guardian Angel; at least (at least!) once a month confession and communion. Understand, believe and humble yourself: without your personal appeal to God and your own labors, there are no problems in true Christianity, Orthodoxy is not solved! And what to do with those of our relatives who suffer, but have no faith and desire to come to church? Vladyka Nestor of Kirovograd recalled in his memoirs one incident that happened in his pastoral practice. It happened to him to perform Baptism on one shaman. Yes, yes, a real shaman. As the shaman himself later admitted, he accepted Baptism for the sake of laughing at Christianity, at Orthodoxy. But when the time came for him to perform his ritual rituals, something strange happened: the spirits who had obeyed him for decades, responding to his calls and more than once actually accompanying him in his affairs, suddenly did not respond. In vain he tried to summon the disobedient, shook his tambourine and lost his temper - all was in vain; and it was then that he remembered about Baptism! Oh, if only we had even a drop of faith, in the truly infinite power of prayer! And also imagine that this prayer comes from loving heart that she agrees with the will and desire of the Lord! This was precisely the prayer of Vladyka Nestor: it not only converted the unbeliever (although it was impossible to call him unbelievers - he sincerely believed in deity, but believed that the truth was only with him and his spirits, that Orthodoxy was heresy and delusion), but and later made him a minister of the altar and the throne. So we should act in relation to our relatives and friends: does not believe? - and you believe and pray, and go to church for two; suffering? - and you go to proofreading for him (her), and wait, and pray; does not fast? - and you fast for two; and how we sometimes lack simple Christian wisdom, about which the Monk Father Amphilochius of Pochaev spoke: “Does the husband drink and beat? - And you pray, movchy, put a snack and bude myr! " Yes, but how can we be with our pride ... Everyone and everywhere will be to blame, but not me! By the way - about the guilty. How convenient and irresistibly pleasant it is to find someone to blame! I will not talk about rare (unfortunately becoming more frequent) cases when a person himself admits his witchcraft and gloatingly boasts about it, not about those. How often we accuse, condemn (!) A person, just because we thought something, or dreamed something, or someone said. We do not want to understand and accept that everything that happens to us happens according to the will of God, and for our sins, of which, in comparison with others, we are not measured! It is not a sorcerer or a gypsy woman who is to blame for fornication or stealing at work and from a neighbor, you do not know the posts and churches, and at the same time you zealously and regularly visit the abortion clinic: for these things, and not because of witchcraft God's grace offendedly leaves you, your home and your children, and in Her place are settled diseases, troubles, problems and mournful crying. And, frightened by our own demons and "well-wishers", we are already afraid to go to proofreading: what if the demon, having come out from someone, will be able to come to me? Will be able. If during proofreading you stand without prayer, without prayer for the suffering who are right there next to you, or, even worse, with condemnation of them, yes, for you this fear acquires its formidable and clear meaning. Also, this fear is real for people who do not wear pectoral cross , who do not make frequent and regular confessions, who neglect worship services. And how do you generally react to the cries of the possessed in church, at proofreading, at divine services? By prayer. The Holy Apostle Paul commands us: "... Pray incessantly." (1 Thess. 5:17), and even more so we are obliged to fulfill this command, seeing a person suffering, a person in grief, pain and sorrow. Moreover, many of us also know the pain and severity of these ailments - and who understands better the grief and sorrow of another, if not the one who bears or once carried the same cross. Is it necessary, and is it possible to take children for proofreading? If there is an extreme need, then of course it is possible and necessary, but something else should be borne in mind: as already mentioned above, children suffer primarily from the lawlessness of their parents, and if a mother or father leads a life, to put it mildly lawless, then and proofreading to such unfortunate children will be a weak helper, relief, if they receive, only to a small extent and for a very short time. *** *** *** And in conclusion I would like to say one more thing. In the Primary Church, proofreading, lecturing, exorcism, if you will, was the responsibility of a special institution of clergy. They led a special, distinctive way of life, raised the special deeds of prayer and fasting. In subsequent times, the Grace of God for the impoverishment of virtues dried up among believers and servants of the Almighty. The institute, as such, ceased to exist. In the following centuries, such an institution as "elders" developed, and in most cases they already took on this difficult work. At the present time, this path is becoming scarce and individual priests decide to engage in proofreading, but even then with the special blessing of the elder, or their confessor, or, in extreme cases, the ruling bishop. To our great regret, even here it is not done without dishonesty, forgery and charlatanism - proofreading without blessing serves; ascribe to themselves blessings that no one actually gave them; give out simple prayers or unction for proofreading, etc. As a result, they themselves perish and destroy the faith and souls of people. At the end of this word, I would like to quote an excerpt from the speech of His Beatitude Volodymyr, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, delivered by him at the diocesan meeting of the Kiev clergy on June 6, 2002. “There is a lot of talk now about proofreading. This is a problem not only for our diocese, it is a problem for our entire Church. This is a problem not only for Ukraine, but also for other Orthodox countries. It is very good that you, young priests, have zeal, a willingness to act, to work. But do not forget that the enemy can turn your head to you, who are not yet firmly established in church-parish activities, who have not yet grasped the depth of this activity and who do not have the caution with which this service must be performed. The young clergy have a tendency to be an elder and give advice, to get married and divorce, to impose penances, and especially to do proofreading. There are several people among you who practice proofreading without any blessing from the diocesan confessor, without any blessing from the ruling bishop. These are serious things, you cannot play with them. You are aggravating the delusion of our believer, rather even an unbelieving people, that any illness is already demonic possession. Everything is equated to this: good luck or failure, the left ear or the right ear itched, even a bad one or good mood- already from the devil. Thus, there is a perversion of the church consciousness. Yes, indeed, the devil is a real force, a devil is a rational force, a dark force that exists in reality and acts within the framework of the Lord's permission. But the demon is not yet the main leadership of the entire church people. And to ascribe to demons such wide opportunities that other priests give them is not worth it. Whatever happens - everything is from the devil, let's proofread it. Because people like it, it is profitable ... This attitude is unacceptable for both young and old priests. It is unacceptable, because it provokes the people and leads them astray. This is truly a demonic obsession. Proofreading must be done very carefully. Yes, there are the prayers of Basil the Great, there are prayers in the church missal for exile evil spirits, but, I repeat, to attribute everything indiscriminately from beginning to end to the demon is a very pernicious delusion that spreads mainly among the young clergy. This is what is called youthfulness. Yes, our people are used to having a spiritual father, and this is very good. But every priest, if there is no personal experienced confessor, to whom a believer reveals his conscience, every priest who is legally appointed from the legitimate hierarchy, is a confessor and conductor of God's grace to those believers who turn to him. The young clergy need to honor the senior clergy, because they have great erudition, they already have experience that can always be borrowed by consulting on any issue that has become a problem for you. We have wonderful senior priests: both smart, and literate, and spiritual, who can give instructions not only to ordinary believers, but also to pastors who lead people entrusted to their flock to spiritual rebirth and eternal salvation. And I ask the young clergy to keep this in mind. There are strange opinions according to which confession and the sacrament become secondary and unnecessary! Proofreading becomes more important. I ask you to draw conclusions from these comments and streamline your attitude to such a serious issue. "

I share with you a prayer for the Return of Energies!

"I ask my True Creator, all the Higher Light forces, whose help I need today, to collect from all my energy-informational space, from the aura, biofield, from all systems and organs, up to the intranuclear, intracellular level, all those energies that I willingly or unwittingly, knowingly or unknowingly, took away from other people in the past, present and future, please collect them, clean them, pass them through the filters and return them to those to whom they belong. I ask them all for forgiveness, forgive me and release me to the judgment of God. Amen. And I forgive you all and release to the judgment of God. Amen.
And all those energies that were given to me initially, at the moment of my birth, according to the Divine Plan, find, restore (if necessary, replace), cleanse, pass through filters and return to me in the past, present and future, starting from this second and forever and ever. Amen. My True Creator! Do it right! Do it right! Do it right! Amen."

All the negative is removed. The vicious circle of non-forgiveness and pretensions is broken. all negative energies are first completely purified, passed through all kinds of filters, and only then, only in their purest form, they return to the offender. Bringing both parties relief, forgiveness and harmony in the relationship.

Report. Proofreading. Casting out demons. Exorcism. FULL VERSION. Watch everyone !!!

Report! See in full! I download it especially for you! All people actually have demons (some are many and some are few)!
Therefore, see everything, this is very important for your soul!
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THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT UEC: http://urz.be/8651

Proofreading. Cleansing prayer. Forgiveness.

Proofreading is a special prayer service, which includes special incantatory prayers for evil spirits, which have been composed by holy ascetics and elders for centuries; a prayer service that has as its goal a person in whom there is an evil spirit, a demon, to free from this violence, this obsession, to bind demonic will and power by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
But over whom, when, by whom and how should this rite, this "prayer" be performed, if I may say so? A person needs proofreading (reading) only when a person, for one reason or another, suffers - either in the body (in the form of diseases), or in the soul (in the form of troubles in the family, at work, in the form of unpleasant but natural "accidents", etc.). etc.).
There are strange opinions according to which confession and the sacrament become secondary and unnecessary! Proofreading becomes more important. I ask you to draw conclusions from these comments and streamline your attitude to such a serious issue.

Prayer. Cleansing the aura with prayers. Orthodox prayers

In this version of the session, only Orthodox prayers are used. In such a short period of time, you will come into contact with the main Orthodox prayers read by an initiate with power. During a session, people who are obsessed with various ailments may at first become uncomfortable, but there is no need to be afraid, this is a natural process. At the end of the session, everything will return to normal. The cleaning result comes after three sessions during three days... A week later and a month later, to consolidate the result, the session must be repeated. But it is enough to listen to a half-hour audio session in order to achieve the same effect.

Powerful Meditation "Breaking the Curses"

Meditation is contraindicated in the postoperative period and those on dialysis.

Dear listeners of meditation, if after meditation your condition has worsened, the situation has worsened, this may indicate that it was not possible to fully work out all the negativity on meditation on different reasons, and which may have other roots.

An ancient prayer for damage and the evil eye. Protection from witchcraft and purification from negative energy. Conspiracy-talisman. Just insert your names instead of Bogdan, Bogdan forgot to warn him that he was read

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Online exorcism, proofreading. Cleansing prayer These prayers are Orthodox proofreading or otherwise exorcism. I strongly advise you to be patient at least once and listen to the whole video !!! It is read by a real priest. Pay attention the next day how your life will start to change for the better !!! God save you!

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I am the Spirit of God. Now, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, I pour into the soul, into the whole physical body, an eternally new light Divine joy.

The God of the Universe said: “You, ... (your name), my Child of God. I have filled your whole soul, your whole body, your whole being through and through with eternity itself. Now you will live forever young, cheerful, happy joyful life ”.

I am the Spirit of God. I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos with a constant round-the-clock eternal stream I pour into your soul, into your whole physical body I am great Divine power, pouring in a gigantic energetic, rapidly developing, young joyful life.

Now the whole soul, the entire physical body with indomitable energy revives its newborn-young, healthy structure created by God.

With my inner vision, I see myself with the brightness of lightning in the near future. time, after 30 and 50 years and beyond as an eternally young, Divinely beautiful Child of the God of the Universe.

With my inner vision, with the brightness of a lightning, I see myself in the near future time and in the distant future time, after 100 years and further, after a thousand years and further, an eternally young, Divinely healthy person, full of health and strength, absolutely untouched

I am the Spirit of God. I am now from the Subtle World, from Cosmos to every cancer cell in the entire physical body, wherever it is, as soon as I count "three", I will inject anti-life, which instantly destroys all living things, which instantly destroy all cancer cells.

Anti-life will tear every cancer cell to pieces, into separate molecules. It will tear all molecules into separate atoms, turn everything cancer cells in the physical body, whatever they are, into atomic dust, into absolute emptiness .. I think: "one, two, three".

I injected into all cancer cells throughout the physical body, wherever they are, anti-life, which instantly destroys all cancer cells, turns them into absolute emptiness. All cancerous cells, all destroyed. All physical body and soul were freed from this serious illness.

I am the Spirit of God. I am from the Subtle World, from Cosmos into all structures of the Soul, into the entire physical body, pouring an eternally new light Divine joy. The whole soul was filled with bright joy. Everything physical
my body was filled with eternally new light Divine joy. I rejoice every moment.

I rejoice in the sun, I rejoice in the sky. I rejoice in every tree, I rejoice in every flower, I always
admire the divinely beautiful flowers.

The God of the Universe told me: “You,… (your name), will now live a merry-happy-joyful life forever. You will be forever young, cheerful-cheerful-happy Child of God. ”

I am the Spirit of God. The soul and the physical body infinitely obey me, obey unconditionally, endlessly. I am now from Thin of the world, from Space with a constant round-the-clock eternal stream I pour into the soul, into head, into the whole physical body brighter than the sun silvery healing Divine Light.

The silvery healing Divine Light has now filled the soul, head, heart, and the entire physical body with a solid column. Whole soul brighter than the sun, the head is brighter than the sun. The whole area of ​​the heart is filled with the brightest Divine light. The whole body is filled with the brightest silvery Divine Light.

Healing Divine Light relaxed and expanded all blood vessels of the head and hearts along the entire length. In my head is boundless spacious, spacious, as in the Universe. All blood vessels of the head, heart opened-widened along the entire length. Throughout all blood vessels heads, hearts, the blood flows in a spring wide cheerful stream, like a cheerful spring river in high water in wide flood.

The head became spacious and spacious. The head became even more spacious. My head became infinitely spacious, like in the Universe. In all the vast area of ​​the heart became brightly brightly light, infinitely spacious. In the very the heart became infinitely spacious, as in the Universe. Full-blooded cheerful-joyful lives life beloved heart... Merry, happy, joyful, joyful,joyful. Cheerful, happy, laughing heart.

After the past events in Real-Unreality and the desire to change something in this life, from conversations with people, priests, reading the press, and understanding on a subconscious level, I was once again convinced that it was not visiting attendants, clairvoyants and healers, nor the fashionable "encoding" of parapsychologists cannot help in solving life's problems, especially since the church, not something that prohibits, but strongly discourages doing this. As they say:
- Say that the pig, and grunts! To be more precise: - It will be according to your faith!
So why is this happening?
It's simple - man is a social creature and very suspicious. Someone will predict or guess the hour and date of some fateful event or death, and you are waiting for it with incredible fear, on your own, with full zeal and conviction, you burn yourself from the inside. Is not it? What, you or your acquaintances have not observed this. Conduct an experiment: come to an inexperienced doctor "C grade" (no offense is said to medical pedagogy) and if you, knowing about your diseases and not lovingly telling the doctor about them, received a fatal diagnosis from him, you will observe your impressions for a while, live with your the fears of being misdiagnosed what you will feel. Even scolding houseplants - they begin (for some reason incomprehensible to you) to dry and wither. I do not recommend conducting such experiments, because everything is filled with invisible energy, cause-and-effect relationship. As the proverb says: - No smoke - no fire.
The Church recommends: fasting, confession, communion, living according to the commandments ... But I am sure that you will agree with me, mother's laziness or not desire, not acceptance makes us not do this. However, in vain. Of course, teaching is easier than doing the teaching yourself. That's why we live like this! The forbidden fruit is sweet!
But, as they say: - Having passed both Crimea and Rome, and realizing the futility of independent attempts, to change something, and with undisguised curiosity, I nevertheless appeared in the Orthodox Church of Seraphim of Sarov. The rector of the church, Father Panteleimon, blessed by the patriarchy and entitled to "proofread" the suffering laity, spends it on the appropriate days and hours. Probably for many, visiting church, especially for the first time, causes a certain excitement, a fear of something unusual.
And so it happened that, having come for the first time to “proofreading”, I had to observe how a young woman of about 30 years old, during prayer male voice coming from her gut, growling began to speak quickly:
- Stop it! Stop praying !, but without stopping the prayer, and only after sprinkling it with holy water, the priest put the cross to his forehead and stomach, she squealed and calmed down.
After a while, she again and already jumped off the bench, bending back in an arc like a gymnastic hoop, screeching in a rough male voice:
- Stop! Stop it! Stop praying !, and in a daze fell back to the floor.
The priest did not stop the prayer, and after those present raised her, put the cross to his forehead and stomach, from which this woman hissed, as if a red-hot piece of metal had been applied to her, once again sprinkled her with holy water, went behind the altar, where he took and returning, he put a linden Cross on her chest (a gift to the temple of one craftsman), which she clasped with numb hands and held in a daze until the end of the prayer, without uttering a single sound.
After the prayer, Father Panthelemon said that the craftsman cut pieces of the holy Armavir oak from the Holy Jerusalem land into the ends of this linden Cross. And that this is a Cross, weighing only four hundred grams, for the possessed, in those in which evil spirits have moved - weighing a meter-long piece of rail. And that that which possessed her, controlling her body, tried in every possible way to stop the prayer during the "proofreading", because this prayer for him is like God's scourge, like a ray of glowing solar plasma - expelling them from the human body.
And if this were an isolated case! Who, I am sure, was present at such, even during ordinary prayer in temples, not to mention the great Christian holidays when from inhuman screeching and howling it becomes creepy, uncomfortable. The possessed wriggle and, having acquired unusual forms of their bodies, fall to the floor of the church. Honestly, from this, an icy cold chills through my back, it becomes creepy, from how much wickedness there is around.
It turns out that not everything is so simple in this life.

(I think that not many Biblical parables have been read by people, but each time opening Old Testament(I note recently and not often) and reading what was said and written thousands of years ago by King Solomon, once again you are convinced that technical progress did not change human relations at all. As soon as he removed him from the earth, nature and drove a person into his loneliness. I'm not even talking about the forgotten, destroyed by the revolution and wars, family traditions.)

And the question involuntarily arises why this is so - young, full of strength people die, and frail old people, the crippled dream, pray to the Lord to send them death, wanting to find peace for the soul in it, but He does not give? Why is that? Why is their body and mind tormented here on earth? Probably it pleases Him? Perhaps they or their ancestors sinned in those lives? Is it possible that relatives and others would see this as a warning?

/ After seven proofreadings it became easier. Questions began to be resolved and life problems/…

Somehow when visiting St. Elias Church, before entering the church, the priest answered the questions of the women who came out after the service. I approached and listened with interest to his words. The women asked:
- Father, how often and when can you go to confession and communion? What does it do? Why is this?
To which he answered them with pious calmness:
- You don't have to wait for Saturday, Sunday or some religious holiday! There was a problem (quarreled with neighbors, relatives, the boss scolded at work, well, anything can happen in this life) come, confess, at any time of the day, at any priest, and you, your soul will feel better! Well, in general, you need to seriously prepare for confession and communion. I definitely recommend that you take the sacrament five to six times a year. This provides serious protection for you and your loved ones! ...

Leaving the church after the service, I headed home. Before reaching the intersection of Pushkinskaya and Malaya Arnautskaya, I noticed a group of people. Pretty elderly woman, with a sad look, with grains of tears on her eyelashes, brown eyes burning in her youth, stood at the trunk of a perennial Sycamore tree, stretching out her hand for alms and softly singing some kind of song. Not far from her, in a semicircle, passers-by stopped and listened to her attentively. I also came closer and heard:

A padded wing doesn't hurt

Padded wing, padded wing
And he doesn't let him live and die!

We had a family, a happy family,
Beloved husband and sons.
But suddenly trouble came, terrible trouble
And she took my friend from me!

And how should I live now, and with whom to talk
There are so many people close and dear,
But still I'm alone, and yet I'm alone
And my wings are lined!

The woman paused in singing, taking an old handkerchief out of her pocket, wiping her eyes from tears, continued:

Padded wing, padded wing
A padded wing doesn't hurt
Padded wing, padded wing
And he does not allow to live and does not allow to die.
Padded wing, padded wing
And he doesn't let him live and die!

Standing passers-by (about eight to ten people), both young people and older people, not hiding their feelings, also wiped their eyes, some with a handkerchief, and some just with their palm, from tears that had come running.
I thought: - Look the truth in the eye! After all, God sent all the same here. But why does everyone live differently? Why doesn't everyone live well together? Apparently, this beautiful woman in her youth, with a sophisticated Greek face, suffered a lot in her life? Although perhaps she should have lived in the royal mansions or the palace of the sultan! But in this life, in my old age, I have to stand here, not far from Orthodox church with alms, and sing a beautiful, and at the same time - a sad song that invariably flows into the souls of passers-by, involuntarily making them cry.
- Why does it happen in life?


People who have lost their heart really understand
that without God's help such problems as:

Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Gambling Addiction ...
and the like cannot be resolved.
These “diseases” are caused by unclean spirits!
To get rid of their wiles, according to the Lord, is possible only by prayer and fasting! And to speed up this process is possible only with a report.
But let's talk about all this in more detail!

Ukraine Is one of the few countries where corruption reporting is practiced today. We have Orthodox priests- exorcists who drive out demons from the human body both at public prayers in sacred temples, and individually. But, unfortunately, there are not so many of them. And there are thousands of times more obsessed people who need, shall we say, treatment ... In our church, both INDIVIDUAL and GENERAL REPORTS are practiced. ()!

After confession, a special prayer service is served - proofreading with incantatory prayers for the expulsion of unclean spirits. These prayers were compiled by the holy fathers of our church in the IV century, and to this day, they serve to help those in need. You can list the diagnoses that people got rid of on the REPORT, but YOU, of course, are more worried about your ...

Without a doubt, EXORCISM - CHECK-OUT is not a panacea! The problem is that the majority of those who come, being baptized in the Orthodox Church, remain pagans in their essence ... They want to buy healing, health, the Kingdom of Heaven for money ... but this is impossible! The cause of your illness is YOURSELF! Repent of your sins, come to God! Deprive the demon of the right to be in you ... and after that, any priest can tell him - by the power of Jesus Christ I forbid you. But not every priest can prepare for this. This is described in detail in NEWSLETTER. ()

Is it possible to do without a report at all? Yes you can! There is such a concept - soft exorcism, where there are no incantatory prayers at all. This is a long, attentive conversation with a person, where the reason why the spirit entered is revealed. It can be a mental trauma, some kind of grief that befell him, some kind of accident, some kind of blow. It may be a hidden hatred - this needs to be sorted out! And sometimes confession is not enough. It is impossible to do this during confession, especially when there are many people. That is why, before you come to the “REPORT”, it is necessary individual conversation!()

Exorcism- this is, first of all, SHOWERING, and I will not argue about whether this rite should be carried out or not. I know for sure - EXORCISM IS NECESSARY!
They often ask - is it possible to report from damage at home, that is, remote proofreading?
YES, POSSIBLE! But you need to prepare very seriously for it! It is necessary to order the THROUGHING of the sick person, and it is most reasonable to order this kindling in our church. ()

In our spiritless age, to find spiritually healthy person pretty hard. Remember, the holy fathers predicted that the people of the end times will be very proud, therefore they will be saved mainly by sorrows and diseases, if they are humbly borne. Modern man, due to his relaxation and laziness, does not want to work at all. He wants to be healed without any work for himself. Get rid of the annoying hindrance and still "enjoy" life, bathe in vices and passions. But this is unreal. And the work of the exorcist will be in vain if the sick person himself does not change.

To get rid of corruption or obsession, one must begin by repenting for the entire past life, from churching, self-change, and then start looking for an exorcist. This is where the program I have created will help you. " ()

Unfortunately, exorcism is not taught either in seminaries or in religious academies, so it is not easy to find a priest who “chastises”. This is exactly the work that needs to be done by the exorcist this invaluable program undertakes!
She will teach you everything, explain everything to you, help you understand your sins ... and here you will also find the interactive prayer service itself - a lecture against corruption! It is convenient and always at hand ...

Attempts to create a helper like this program v Orthodox Church have been for a long time. Remember those lectures on the disc of Father Herman ... but there was not yet a guide to salvation from demons. And finally there is such an assistant, and today it is available to you too !!!