Wishes on the day of television in prose. Universal news in the form of a birthday video spending

Wishes on the day of television in prose. Universal news in the form of a birthday video spending

In 1998, officially announced that on November 21, henceforth would be considered the World Television Day. The state decided that on this day people should exchange television programs. The subject of these programs should concern the problems of our world. In the 50s of the 20th century, televisions became famous throughout Europe. In 1932, in Russia, for the first time, the driving object was shown on the screen. Regular television has begun since 1939. Regular television broadcast would continue if not Patriotic War. The television has continued only on May 7, 1942. From December 15, twice a week began to show transmission on TV. Now, in our century, the TV plays a huge role in the development of man. Almost all the world's world we learn through TV. We celebrate World Television Day - November 21.

Congratulations to all the leaders
Operators, make-upractions,
Directors of all wearing
Thank you for all the news, for all the premieres.
Happy television you,
Channel workers,
At your account - every hour,
And this is very, very little.

Happy Television Day, Guys,
Thank you for your work,
Watching the TV shows of your ten
What you yourself do not want to work.
I wish you successful plots,
And smaller pause advertising,
That would not be your channel Oklevtan,
And there were truly commendable reviews.

As I love to watch TV,
Well, who doesn't love it, right?
Thanks to him, he saw all the lives of surprises,
Let some sometimes, it is still bad.
You - Keep us up to date with news,
Films are interesting to take off
Where is the work of cheerful,
Congratulations, and love, understand?

I am grateful to you for all the esters,
Continue in the same spirit,
You are television sapphires,
You are tracked any flies.
Congratulations on your holiday yours,
Thanks for your work,
Let's all the chamber for you,
For films, TV series, care.

I look into the screen. There are news go.
Then - movies. Then - football with hockey.
And I, although I'm not sitting there, and here,
Interesting also I have.
I recognize Ile fun.
Sometimes satisfied, and sometimes not very.
But to go to the picture, there are friends,
It works for someone, by the way.
Tries that I did not miss here,
To see interesting moments,
Channels not to switch -
I would not create a competitor rating.
I know this work is not very simple -
Life to proper into the ether process
And I on the day of television world
I want to raise your modest toast for them:
Let it be brighter color and louder sound,
Let them do it skillfully
Without television we like without hands
Without a head and even like without a body!

World Television Day!
And we can congratulate him again
In the magic corporal world of leading
Artists, operators leading,
Editors and managers - yet
They are also making up
Producers - got people Oy
With its channels "bucks" millions!
From morning to night we are so good
Screens - games, TV shows, shows.
Correspondents in the world are rushing everywhere ...
Baby shouts: "And I will be the same!"
You discovered our worlds, countries, Dali,
And titles and prizes, medals
Not in vain, friends, you are handing you on holidays -
People in you, the president of the soul do not have a challenge.
So be you on the optimism of the wave
Tuned, love, happiness full,
Healthy, to the program day and hour
Saw again the people with a smile of you !!!

Far stepped progress:
We have a hundred canals.
In every home and apartment
I heard in the morning: "We are on the air!"
How much is invested
To know we always:
Who divorced who married
Who from our stars was born,
What power and president
Who today is on horse
Fresh reportage
Our screen is allowed.
All hundred copies.
God give you the ideas of good
And patience and strength
So that the viewer is gracious
From delight Roth opened!

Good day! In 1996, the UN General Assembly proclaimed on November 21 World Television Day to commemorate the date of the First World Television Forum in the United Nations in 1996

Congratulations on World Television Day in verses

Happy TV Congratulations to you

Be happy in everything,
I wish the explosion in creativity
To be all the way!

For entertaining picture

On a bright, blue screen,
People work dozens,
With all the soul, sometimes "on the verge."

We will celebrate you in the holiday. Thank you
For each yield your on the air,
We wish you creative success,
Let the whole world come to bring you.

You have found our television


Your whole life like a bright report.
I wish the holiday to be recognized
For all the efforts, for the "highest pilot".

Let the dreams, the ideas are embody,
The ideas will be released on the screen,
On the day of television, you wish you
Given the world magic to us.

Happy television day to congratulate

Let me today, a dear friend,
Creek from words to send you
Souls and hearts quiet sound.

Success, joy in work,
Our informant you, native,
Live in pleasant you care
About a woman beloved that.

Let you love love
With happiness together on hand,
And every day I give a smile,
What are reflected in the eyes!

Beautiful and funny wishes for television day

Without television of life
We can not imagine now
It will show about all of us
And the impressions of the new will give,
Today the holiday is celebrated
Those who are closely connected with TV
We wish them good luck
Esters only interesting!


To transfer
Were the highest class
To live success
Pleased you!

To love stimulus
Was at the height
To all be divided
Your beauty!

Television has its own World Day,

When we glorify it creators,
When you throw everything, work, laziness
And the insane all the channels we "leaf",
"Leaf" to find good movies
Or to visit the world of stormy news,
Let television live a century yet,
Lives and accelerates boredom of our days!

World Television Day SMS Congratulations

Today is World Television Day. Nowadays, TV is available in each family, or even one. Each person finds for himself a lot of interesting, educational, entertainment and relaxing when watching TV shows. We wish everyone who is associated with the television of well-being and health!

For many, TV is the best friend
It's always insanely interesting with him,
But still, breathe more often by air,
And this factor is known to all.

And in the evening, see bedtime
Favorite programs and cartoons,
TV series, news, advertising,
Beautiful and kind films.

Today is World Television Day. I would like to wish on this day to all viewers always enjoy your favorite entertainment channels, knowledge - from popular science, information from news gears. Let pleasant music, laughter and joy always sound in your homes.

Television is progress,
Without him imagine hard
At least one ordinary day
It will be boring, sad, tedious.

Transmissions Diversity
I always please all of us
Let truthful there be information,
Let the transmissions please our eyes!

Nowadays, everyone has a TV in the house. Every day, from morning to night great amount People perform different, and incredibly important work in order for our blue television screens. We have seen the transfer of interesting, cognitive useful. We wish all these people prosperity and success in work!

Without a TV to imagine hard
Any room and even the kitchen
Always phonite a program or music
And it will become sad, if it will go out.

We wish you vision not to spoil,
Watch programs and enlighten
We wish to receive only a positive,
Laugh and smile!

With World Television Day
You congratulate your hunt now
On the channels for all let them broadcast
Congratulations Our short for you.
Television enlightens us
Information brings us
And thanks to say we must
All workers who work there.

Congratulations to S. World Day television. From clean Heart I wish you a pleasant TV shows, wise advice from the screen and wonderful movies, and more funny cartoons that intriguing advertisements and entertainment shows.

Television marks the world

The celebration of your own and only your own.
What can I congratulate you
Let everything be fine in TV.

Let it only flourish
Filling with warm heart.
Positive all charges us,
To smiles there were no end.

Congratulations on World Television Day in Prose

TV - window in the "Otherworld" world, in the third dimension, in the heart and soul. It does not just learn - it inspires, raises, helps. Today, television is more than just a screen of cold glass and the light of the studio ramp. This conductor of honesty and sincerity, mirror, truthfully reflecting all reality. And you are involved in this magic. Be wise, honest, reliable. Dari around the truth and charm. Well-being to you, heartiness and creative environment

The TV is now in every home, it opens the window on a new and unknown world. But interesting for everyone and everyone you are doing it, and today I want to congratulate you on the day of television. Thank you for cognitive and entertainment programs, thanks for your efforts and profitability in the mining of news, thanks for being worked for 24 hours a day so that the viewer is happy!

On the day of television, take my my sincere congratulations! Your team gives people a wonderful leisure! Today without television is difficult to imagine modern lifeSo let you have many interesting ideas and plans that the authorities will appreciate the dignity! I wish your career prosperity, inspiration and unconditional success! They say that there are no indispensable, but I believe that you will become the most indispensable person in your business! Happiness to you and promotion!

Happy television day! Every day, the TV screen lights up in my apartment - I have long been nothing my life without news, concerts, shows and TV shows! Thank you for your job! I wish you good luck in all, inspiration and interesting television projects! And even if all your dreams are performed quickly and easily!

Please accept my sincere congratulations! Every day, billions of people gladly look into the magic window, the name of which TV. There they find everything they seek: love and fun, fights and chase, news and discussions ... And deliver it this opportunity you! Let the illusion that happens on the screen is actually illusion - you are executable! So with the holiday of you! Happy television day!

Television B. modern world - this is important tool Transmission of information, learning and entertainment. The attempts do not make sense to deny it, because all people, one way or another, watch TV. Therefore, World Television Day is a truly universal holiday. Note it in front of the screens!

Probably not in the world of such a person who would never watch TV. Congratulations to all with World Day Television and wish you always show on your favorite channels interesting programsSo that advertising pauses are not delayed, and news reports were informative.

Congratulations on the World Television Day and I wish you from the soul of good tips from the screen and merry stories, exciting movies and good cartoons, interesting TV shows and wonderful leading, excellent mood And good news.

World Television Day (on others official languages UN: English. WORLD TELEVION DAY, PS. Día Mundial De La Televisión, Fr. Journée International De La Télévision) - noted at the suggestion of the UN General Assembly (Resolution No. A / RES / 51/205) annually, November 21.

On December 17, 1996, at the 88th plenary session, the General Assembly proposed to celebrate World Television Day in order to encourage television exchanges, primarily devoted to such issues as peace, security, development and expansion of cultural exchange.

On November 21, it was chosen to commemorate the date of the First World Television Forum in 1996.

Today, it is even difficult to imagine that about 100 years ago, the world did not know about such a thing as television. Television world multifaceted and practically does not have geographic bordersSince the world has no states in which there would be broadcasting. And, despite the development of the Internet, television continues to be one of the most popular media throughout the world, having a significant impact on the formation of public opinion.

The largest television companies in the world include CBC, NBC, ABC - in the United States; BBC, ATV - in the UK; Rai in Italy; NHK - in Japan; TSDF - in Germany. They successfully lead their television activities in a timely manner inform citizens of various countries of the world about the main and most important events.

In 2002, in his message on the occasion of World Television Day, the UN Secretary-General noted that "the annual celebration of World Television Day is held in order to draw attention to the role of television in promoting peace and development." He said that television along with radio and the Internet should take care not to become a means of spreading intolerance, stereotypes, inhuman materials.

In events dedicated to the World Day of Television, everyone who relates to television - operators, editors, cinema, sound engineers, leading, speakers, as well as auxiliary staff. This international holiday They consider their teachers, students, graduates of specialized educational institutions, people who worked in this area. To celebrations they join their friends, familiar, relatives, close.

The gathered exchange congratulations with the World Television Day, gifts are shared by the accumulated experience. New work and renal events. Famous industry figures protrude with master classes and seminars, talk about the standards of journalism. IN educational institutions Reports are preparing, dedicated to the holiday. Exhibitions are held, premiere shows timed memore Date. The best staff, veterans are awarded awards, premiums for outstanding merits are awarded. They become heroes interview, talking about their hobbies, life and plans for the future.

Congratulations on Television Day in verse

Without television today do not imagine
Our modern restless world
So let me congratulate you today,
All those who prepare every day Tener!
Who is busy shooting a telecast
And who from the blue screens looks at us
Happy television day! Successes to you, good luck,
And let her do not leave you!
© http://pozdrawlandiya.ru/load/kalendarnye_prazdniki/nojabr/pozdravlenija_s_vsemirnym_dnem_televidenija_v_stikhakh/149-1-0-1253

Reporters, TV presenters,
Talking, screaming and singing,
In general, those who, on our happiness
Television is involved
On this beautiful day of autumn
Take a bunch of congratulations!
Those who through powerful TV stations
We give a flow of information,
Who lights blue screens for us
From the heart we congratulate today!

Television today we all opens
And in the usual apartment full of paints, the world is allowed!
Only turn on the TV immediately a bunch of gear,
Films, music, about the repair of apartments and cottages.

Today holiday - World Day
The television is native!
The circle of viewers is extensive -
The second is not to find such!

Congratulations on Television Day in Prose

There is an unlikely today in our country there is a person, not at all watching TV. Of course, sometimes we are tired of advertising, but how many interesting and informative every day create workers of television! Congratulations on the World Television Day of all workers TV cameras! And let all globe will broadcast only the most best films And good news!
© http://datki.net/pozdravleniya-s-dnem-televideniya/v-proze/

Television is truly collective workuniting numerous engineering and technical and creative workers as well a large number of People of various specialties. Congratulations on the World Television Day of all who chose one of the most interesting and modern, one of the most difficult and responsible professions!
© http://vseh-pozdravim.ru/pozdravlenija-s-dnem-televidenija.html

Congratulations on the World Television Day! Today, television is present even in the farthest corners of our country. Television is not only entertainment in the evening, with a cup of coffee for watching melodrama, and not only fresh news about the events of our city. It is an opportunity to see the whole world, and practically without breaking away from home affairs, learn a lot of new and interesting things! But if you look all that we offer us modern television, definitely not enough life. Choosing the best, we no longer present our everyday life without television, and this is not bad!
© http://bestgreets.ru/professional_gratters_television_day.html

SMS Congratulations on Television Day

Short congratulations on television day

Happy television day worldwide
We want to congratulate from the heart
You, who is a time of essential
People rushing in a hurry.
Let more positive
Bring a blue screen!
Let in life, like in the movies, beautiful
Fortuna smiles to you!

Television Day World
We celebrate today.
Without him for a long time
I have no life.
From the heart I congratulate this day!
Let you in joy will be
View TV programs favorite
And let the number they won't lose them.

World Television Day is a truly universal holiday. So we note it before the screens of our TV! And let their favorite channels always show interesting programs, advertising pauses are not delayed, and news reports will be informative.

Without television in our age,
Like fish without water -
Could not survive a man
Inside its environment!
Girlfriend, happy holiday
I want to congratulate me!
Happy television day! Success
Let love you, my dear!

With World Television Day
You congratulate your hunt now.
On the channels for all let them broadcast
Congratulations for you.

Voice greetings on television day

Congratulations on television day on the phone You can listen and send you like the recipient as a musical or voice greeting on mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on the day of television to the phone, you can both immediately and specify the date and time and time of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations on the World Television Day on the phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to a mobile, smartphone or urban telephone, which you can personally make sure by tracking the status of receiving congratulations by clicking on the resulting link in SMS after payment.

Cool congratulations on television day

I look into the screen. There are news go.
Then - movies. Then - football with hockey.
And I, although I'm not sitting there, and here,
Interesting also I have.

News I watch Ile entertaining me.
Sometimes satisfied, and sometimes not very.
But to go to the picture, there are friends,
After all, people are working, by the way.

Try so I don't miss here
To see interesting moments,
Channels not to switch -
I would not create a competitor rating.

I know this work is not very simple -
Life to proper into the ether process
Today on the day of television worldwide
I want to raise your modest toast for them:

Let it be brighter color and louder sound,
Let them do it skillfully
Without television we like without hands
Without a head and even like without a body!
© http://www.pozdravik.ru/prazdniki/den-televidenija.

You work on television. So, you are involved in what is called the eyes and ears of the country - beautiful world Media. Today you have a professional holiday for all televisers - World Television Day. And on this day, I wish you to never sink my hands, always burning my heart, and only good news on TV was always shown! Dari around the truth and charm. Well-being to you, heartiness and creative environment!
© http://www.pozdrav.ru/21-11-television-v-proze.shtml

TV series and football different programs,
"Telek" to give ready, we just expect
With a remote control in hand, looking for entertainment,
TV - to each other to us, joy, passion.
Television with us, we adore together
The day today is not simple, I see you:
This date was the UN's TV in the mass,
And now we can all enjoy it.
© http://prikolnik.com/den-televidenija.

Do not forget to send colleagues, friends and native congratulations on Television Day in verses or prose to the World Holiday, which is celebrated annually on November 21.


Video Congratulations News from stars and politicians

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  • Answers to Questions by 📲 Whats App

Answers on questions

  • √ When ordering on the proposed example with the adjustment of the example under the birthday name (the information about the birthday and photo changes) the cost of the video address is fixed - 3000 p. With a significant change in this example, the cost is calculated compensated and depends on the length of the roller: 5 min - 3600 r., Each minute over 400 p. Prepay 1000 p.
  • √ Dates for the manufacture of video recovery - 3 days.
  • √ There is a coefficient for urgency. Under a period of 2 days - surcharge 50% of the value of the roller. Under a period of 1 day - surcharge 100% of the cost of the roller.
  • √ Urgent orders are performed within 1 day.
  • √ Ready Video Presentation News You get on the mail in the form of a video file with an extension.mp4 that you yourself download and save on your computer.
  • √ We work without days off.
  • √ Prepay 1000 p. Full payment is made after the approval of the finished video.
  • √ Learn more about the stages of work on the roller, see the page.
  • √ At your request, we can additionally insert into the video spending of any stars / politicians we have prepared in advance and see which you can upon request. If we do not have any stars, then the cost of one voice is 500 rubles. For one star. For russian stars Voice is not parody. The possibility of parody voice acting is discussed individually.
  • √ We accept orders and send ready-made video strengthening to anywhere in the world.
  • √ Address to send photos and video [Email Protected]website
  • √ Perhaps making video congratulations news taking into account individual wishes. Discussed by phone.

Ways of payment

Official text-congratulation with World Television Day

Happy Holiday, Television Employee!

greeting card

You are in television found your calling,
Your whole life like a bright report.
I wish the holiday to be recognized
For all the efforts, for the "highest pilot".

Let the dreams, the ideas are embody,
The ideas will be released on the screen,
On the day of television, you wish you
Given the world magic to us. © ©

Happy television day to congratulate
Let me today, a dear friend,
Creek from words to send you
Souls and hearts quiet sound.
Success, joy in work,
Our informant you, native,
Live in pleasant you care
About a woman beloved that.
Let you love love
With happiness together on hand,
And every day I give a smile,
What are reflected in the eyes!

Television is truly collective work that unites numerous engineering and creative workers, as well as a large number of people of various specialties. With the holiday of television of everyone who chose one of the most interesting and modern, one of the most difficult and responsible professions!

To the one who created televisions
It's time to put a monument,
After all, our life without a TV
A long time ago it is impossible to imagine!

We learn on TV
About what happened in the world
For the church-remote control
War is in any apartment!

You, television worker,
We congratulate this autumn!
Show us on TV,
Do you ask you carefully?

Congratulations to a friend

Our world is very difficult to imagine
Sometimes without a TV.
After all, how nice and cozy
Include it, coming home.

And you Vladyka, our buddy,
Expanses of these unearthly
Happy television day, let them shine
Your ideas on TV screens.

Good luck, happiness and lucky,
Huge affectionate victories
So that last longer
And I waited for you in all success!

Voice greetings on television day

TV long as a drug - poems

(Parody on Zelensky) Congratulates a pretty comedian!

Although there lived people without you and long -
Without a small almost 2 thousand years,
However, the release of the first TVs
I revealed us the information flourishing.

Television worker - in honor
After all, he is responsible in front of all of us.
We wish you fresh reports,
And bright news and reports!

Today, life we \u200b\u200bcan not imagine without it,
We are a blue screen, like air and water!
We often swear television,
But if silent - the utmost trouble!

We are watching television on the planet
Look at the future in past centuries
We travel on the screen in a carriage,
In a rocket in space, we fly sometimes.

We want more positive,
More plays Ob. true love
More heroes, internally beautiful,
That's what we want to see on tv.

Our chief friend And faithful family man
It has a passport, like any citizen.
Nessenka, Tamada and Polyglot,
Ready to work with day long,
"No day without news!" chose his motto
Camper Celebration, Maestro TV!
TV shnik - great guys
Work for honor, not for salary!
And because blue screens
Full-Fully fans - "Telemanov"!

World Television Day!
And we can congratulate him again
In the magic corporal world of leading
Artists, operators leading,

Editors and managers - yet
They are also making up
Producers - got people Oy
With its channels "bucks" millions!

From morning to night we are so good
Screens - games, TV shows, shows.
Correspondents in the world are rushing everywhere ...
Baby shouts: "And I will be the same!"

You discovered our worlds, countries, Dali,
And titles and prizes, medals
Not in vain, friends, you are handing you on holidays -
People in you, the president of the soul do not have a challenge.

So be you on the optimism of the wave
Tuned, love, happiness full,
Healthy, to the program day and hour
I saw the people again with a smile!

Televisions, today, congratulations,
We sincerely, with love, from the soul!
Happy life And you wish you success
And creative, talented fate!

We travel along with you around the world,
And aware of all latest news.
For us you are all relatives, you are idols,
We love you and wait soon!

It was evening, there was nothing...
TV I turned on - on television screen
Marilyn Monroe sits, smiling with us.
Who carries us news, serials serves?

All cure, healed, and football will show?
Well, of course, TV, we will tell us about everything.
So where we do without him - I can not imagine
And I sincerely wish the Health Health.

All leading, doctors, all actors and singers,
Operators, grimers, journalists and specials
More glorious news interesting ideas,
Happiness in the house, and of course - grateful spectators.

When we are bored or sad
Il want to escape away,
When in the shower a little empty
We turn on the magic box.

And in it, the movie, then the weather -
The whole world was enormous
Cartoon, politics and fashion,
And who on whom when he married ...

Kohl Make Same
On the island on the nameless
TV will come in handy -
Learn about our strange world.

But to worked a friend wonderful,
Did not go to the spark blue
People decent and honest
He worked, hands did not bother.

Wrote, removed, I was looking for and ran,
After all, journalists feed legs,
He did not sleep in the Dawn Nege,
He spent the night on the road.

And let the street on the street,
It's time, friends, we all get drunk -
Happy television day
A long time ago it is knocking on the door.

Let us get into happy place
At the time of successful to be,
Let us don't drop honor
And do not get tired of smile.