Episode analysis plan: what steps it includes. What are the key episodes of "Dubrovsky"

Episode analysis plan: what steps it includes.  What are the key episodes
Episode analysis plan: what steps it includes. What are the key episodes of "Dubrovsky"


Define the boundaries of the episode to be analyzed. Sometimes already due to the structure of the work (for example, a chapter in prose, the phenomenon is in the dramatic). But more often it is necessary to delimit an episode using information about the place, time of the action and the participation of the characters in the work. Title the episode.

Name the characters of the work participating in the episode. Explain who they are, what place they occupy in the system of images (main, capitals, off-plot). Find within an episode quotation material related to portrait and speech characteristic heroes expressing the author's assessment actors and their actions. Tell us about your personal relationship with the characters.

Formulate the problem posed by the author in the episode. To do this, first determine the theme of the fragment (about what?), And then the conflict (between the characters, internal conflict one character). Track how the relations of the participants in this conflict are developing, what purpose they pursue and to achieve them. Pay attention to whether the episode is the result of their actions and what it consists of.

Consider compositional construction episode: beginning, development of action, ending. Determine how the episode relates to the subsequent piece of text. Find out if the tension between the characters is growing in the episode or the emotional background remains flat, unchanged.

Define the role of support artistic techniques: lyrical digressions, descriptions of nature, figurative parallelism, etc.

Analyze the plot, figurative and ideological connection of the episode with other scenes, determine its place in the context of the work.

Analysis works- a synthetic process. In it, you need to fix your feelings and at the same time subordinate their presentation to strict logic. In addition, you will need to decompose a poem or story into its component parts, without ceasing to perceive it as a whole. An analysis plan will help you to accomplish these tasks. works.


Starting to analyze any artistic works, collect information about the time and conditions of its creation. This applies to public and political events that time, as well as the stage of development in general. Mention how the book was received by readers and critics of the era.

Regardless of the type works it is necessary to define its theme. This is the subject of the story. Also formulate the main problem that the author is considering - a question or situation that does not have an unambiguous solution. In the context of one topic in a work, several problems can be considered.

Analyze the content and form of the book. If you have a poetic work in front of you, stop at the image lyric hero... Tell us how it is created and described, what thoughts and feelings it expresses. Guess how far this is from a real, biographical author. Note the shape works... Determine in what size it is written, what rhyme and rhythm the author uses, for what purpose. Describe the paths and figures found in the text, and provide for each of the names.

If you are analyzing an epic work, after defining the topics and problems, name all the storylines that are in the book. Then, for each of them, write down the plot scheme (exposure, setting, development of the action, culmination, denouement).

When talking about composition, pay attention to how all the parts are arranged. works, are they accompanied by the author's reasoning ( lyrical digressions), additional images and pictures, inserts of additional plots ("in the story").

Describe the images of the main characters works, see how they interact, how conflicts develop.

Next, define literary direction the book belongs to and the genre works... Name the signs that indicate this. If the author has somewhat violated the "canons", tell us how and why he did it.

The ability to analyze a work of fiction is an indicator of reading culture. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish academic analysis from reader's. In order to perceive the work not in the format of the educational process, one should try to delve not so much into the ideological and artistic originality, but into the motivation of the heroes' actions.


In the process of reading artwork it is necessary to highlight the main characters, determine the role minor heroes and try to understand what role they are called upon to play in the fate of the main characters. It is necessary to highlight author's position to the heroes and what is happening - it's not difficult. The author's attitude can be expressed in a certain emotional coloring of the description, sometimes the author acts as a full-fledged character. Classic example author's presence - "Eugene Onegin".

When assessing the actions of the heroes of the work, it is necessary from the thought that this is a work of art and to analyze the actions of the hero as a real person. Studying the "image of Pechorin", a girl can ask herself a question - would she marry him if such an opportunity presented itself? Answer to this question will identify positive and negative sides the personality of the hero. With this approach to assessing the personality of a character, contradictions may arise with the traditional literary interpretation of the work, but this is a real opportunity to apply the skills of psychological analysis in real life.

Analyzing storyline, it is interesting to dream up and imagine the life of the heroes before their appearance on the stage. Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is traditionally considered goodie, not understood by the "Famus society". But if the released episodes are restored, the question of its "positiveness" will be called into question. The hero was brought up in the Famusov family, was friends with Sophia, and then disappeared for a few years. With his return, the play "Woe from Wit" begins, and what does the reader see? Clever man begins to impose his vision of the world, demanding an immediate revision of key positions Famus society, and most importantly, he demands from Sophia's former love and considers himself sincerely offended, without receiving a response. Is it possible that it was Chatsky's incomprehensible absence that killed Sophia's love?

The level of perception of a work of art is not limited to its analysis. It is possible to talk about full-fledged perception if the reader can identify himself with the heroes of the work, which means through the prism of his own experience, modeling the situation and finding solutions to problems. It is interesting to try to continue the work. How could it be further destiny heroes? What would have happened to the heroes, if it had not happened, then, the author? How would the heroes behave, based on those characteristics that were identified during the analysis? What would have happened if Karandyshev had not killed Larisa, but only wounded? Answers to such questions not only expand the understanding of the work, but also refer to the study of additional sources. Here we can already talk about the influence of reading culture on common culture personality.

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Very often it is better to analyze large works by episodes. This is part literary work, which has an independent meaning, this part is closed in space and time.

What the Episode Analysis Plan looks like

Each analysis needs to be carried out according to plan in order to better understand a particular fragment and its significance.

An analysis of the episode might look like this:

  1. The first thing to start with an episode of a literary work is to define boundaries to make it easier to navigate, while a fragment can be at the beginning, at the end or in the middle. For example, the novel Crime and Punishment, when Raskolnikov is at the police station, or battle of Borodino in the novel War and Peace.
  2. The next step is to understand the significance of the episode: why did the author create it? Why did he paint it in such detail, paying attention to detail? The concept of significance will lead to an understanding of the character of the hero, his behavior, and, possibly, clarification of the author's attitude to the hero or event.
  3. The third step is to define the type (narration or reasoning) and the events that take place in this part.
  4. In the next paragraph, it is necessary to characterize the heroes and determine what artistic means are used not only in the description of the heroes, but throughout the entire episode.
  5. The last thing that needs to be analyzed is to understand the role of this episode in the entire work (culmination, crucial moment, decisive moment).

Episode analysis plan: an example

"War and Peace", written by L. N. Tolstoy, was released in 3 volumes, and each book had its own episodes that require analysis to understand the meaning in the entire work. One of the main episodes in the entire book is the Battle of Borodino, which becomes a separate part and closed in time and space.

The first thing to start the episode with is to prove that this event played a decisive role in the victory over the French. Next, determine which characters are present in the episode (Pierre, Andrei, Drubetskoy, Dolokhov), what feelings they feel, why they are shown by the author.

The next step is the division into micro-episodes in order to better see and understand the characters. For example, it can be divided into parts such as "Pierre on the battery" or "Prince Andrew in reserve".

The episode analysis plan also takes into account the author's attitude to the characters. For example, how Tolstoy revealed the character of Kutuzov before and after the battle, how Napoleon behaves during the battle.

During the analysis, you can run examples of use artistic means to reveal the author's skill and show the significance of certain points.

Analysis feature

Each episode analysis plan requires proof, and it can be a literary text, a line, or several sentences. Quotations should be used enough to substantiate the arguments presented.

To analyze an episode of a literary work, you need to expand and conclusively disassemble all its aspects, which we present for you below in the form of a complete plan 1.

  1. Define the boundaries of episode 2, give it a title.
  2. Describe the event underlying the episode.
  3. Name the main (or only) participants in the episode and briefly explain:
    • Who are they?
    • what is their place in the character system (major, title, minor, off-stage)?
  4. Explain the features of the beginning of the episode (respectively, and the ending).
  5. Formulate the question, the problem in focus:
    • the author;
    • characters, especially if it's a dialogue episode.
  6. Identify and characterize the contradiction (in other words, mini-conflict) underlying the episode.
  7. Describe the heroes - participants in the episode:
    • their relationship to the event;
    • to the question (problem);
    • to each other;
    • briefly analyze the speech of the participants in the dialogue;
    • analyze the author's explanations for speech, gestures, facial expressions, poses of the characters;
    • to identify the features of the behavior of characters, the motivation of actions (author's or reader's);
    • determine the alignment of forces, grouping or regrouping of heroes, depending on the course of events in the episode.
  8. Describe the structure of the episode (into what micro-episodes it can be broken down?); briefly dissect compositional elements episode: its strings, climax, denouement.
  9. To reveal artistic details in the episode, determine their significance.
  10. Reveal presence artistic descriptions: portrait, landscape, interior; describe the features and significance of these elements of the episode.
  11. Understand the author's attitude to the event; correlate it with the culmination and the idea of ​​the entire work as a whole; to determine the author's attitude to the problem (detailed analysis) and the severity of the conflict in the author's assessment.
  12. Formulate the main idea (idea) of the episode.
  13. Analyze the plot, figurative and ideological connection of this episode with other episodes or other elements of the structure of the work (with the author's prefaces, prologue, epilogue, dedication, epigraph, inserted fragments, etc.).

Note! The only proof of your correctness and the argument of your reasoning can be a literary text. Therefore, any analysis of a literary work should include the use of quotations to the necessary and sufficient extent.

Let's look at an example. We offer you the already drawn up detailed problem plan of the essay on the analysis of the episode "Battle of Borodino" from the novel "War and Peace" by L. Tolstoy. This plan is called problematic because its points made up the questions that are supposed to be answered in the essay. Read it carefully, observing the logic of reasoning and their motivation. To make the content of this work clear to you, re-read the indicated chapters of Tolstoy's novel.

Episode analysis
"Battle of Borodino"
from the novel by L. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (vol. 2, part 2, chap. 19-39)

  1. We prove that the episode of the Battle of Borodino is the culmination in the depiction of the war in the novel.
  2. Let us briefly characterize its connection with the depiction of the war of 1805-1807. and describing the war of 1812.
    Main part:
  1. Which of the heroes of the novel takes part in the episode?
    1. Why is the battle shown through the eyes of Pierre? What amazes Pierre on the eve of the battle (quote)? What discoveries does he make on the Borodino field (we quote)?
    2. With what and for what purpose are Boris Drubetskoy and Dolokhov shown in the episode?
    3. What thoughts and feelings possessed Prince Andrew on the eve of the battle (you can quote)? Why was the meeting with Pierre unpleasant for him? (Briefly compare this with the episode of Pierre's visit to Prince Andrey in Bogucharovo.) What does Prince Andrey think about military tactics, about Kutuzov, about the outcome of the battle (we quote)?
  2. What micro-episodes can this big episode be broken down into? Let us briefly compare the micro-episodes "Pierre on the Battery" and "Prince Andrew in reserve". Why did Tolstoy so ordered the fate of the heroes?
  3. How did Tolstoy see Kutuzov and Napoleon in this episode? How does he contrast them?
    1. What techniques does Tolstoy use to reveal the characters of Napoleon and Kutuzov before the start of the battle? What details of their appearance and behavior does he pay attention to? Be sure to quote.
    2. How do Kutuzov and Napoleon behave during the battle? Let us show that they are opposed as commanders and as individuals (you can use the term "conflict"). We quote.
    3. Why did Tolstoy consider Napoleon's actions as opposed to goodness and truth? We present the author's judgments (in a detailed retelling or in a quotation.) We formulate the thoughts (ideas) of the author, expressed in this opposition, and therefore in the entire episode.
    4. How are Kutuzov and Napoleon related in the "true-false" antithesis? We formulate the author's thoughts on this issue.
  4. How is Tolstoy's humanism manifested in the depiction of the Battle of Borodino?
    1. What is the attitude of Prince Andrew, Pierre, Napoleon, the author to the war? Here are quotes.
    2. Why does the episode start and end with a landscape? We briefly analyze the landscape and draw conclusions.
    3. How is the content of the word "peace" revealed in the episode? When did it still sound in the novel in this sense? (This will connect the episode with the main ideas of the novel and the meaning of its title.)
  5. We reveal Tolstoy's skill in creating an episode:
    1. Why, describing the Battle of Borodino, Tolstoy alternates scenes in which commanders and generals participate, with those in the center of which are ordinary soldiers or those we know fictional characters? This is how you describe the composition of the episode.
    2. How does the description of the battle combine Tolstoy's striving for generalization, on the one hand, and for detail, concreteness, on the other?
    3. Let us prove that Tolstoy, depicting the Battle of Borodino, acts as a historian, as a philosopher, as a realist artist and as a psychologist (it is advisable to use all these words in the essay).
    Conclusion. We draw conclusions from the reasoning of the main part:
  1. We prove that this episode is the compositional center of the novel.
  2. What role does the episode play in the described events of the novel? We draw a conclusion.
  3. What role does the episode play in the fate of the main characters of the novel (we are talking about those characters that were discussed in paragraph 1 of the main part)? We draw a conclusion.
  4. How were Tolstoy's views on the role of personality in history, on the reasons for military victories and defeats expressed in the episode? We draw a conclusion.

Note! When working on an essay, including on an analysis of the episode, make a plan of reasoning. A problem plan is preferable, as it allows you to immediately formulate problematic issues, detailed and evidence-based answers to which will form the bulk of your work.

  1. It should be remembered that not all points of this plan must necessarily be worked out in the essay: it all depends on the nature of the episode and the availability of material for analysis in it. The choice of points and the content of the work entirely depends on your reader's vigilance, the ability to determine the main thing in the episode, without which the analysis will not be complete, as well as your attention and degree of preparation.
  2. An essay analyzing an episode should start with a general brief characteristics the content of the work.

Writing an essay is one of the most important and difficult tasks in your teaching.

Consider the meaning of the word "with rank enenie ": it includes the root" -chin- ", which means" order, hierarchy. "

Writing on literature is a special school literary genre, first of all, a written analysis of literary works, and you need to start work on it small, for example, with episode analysis... Having learned this, you will master the specifics of handling artistic text, practice skills on a small volume of material literary analysis because episode analysis is an analysis of a literary work in miniature. In addition, in order to deeply and fully reveal many topics in the essay, you need to be able to briefly or in detail analyze some episodes or scenes of the work.

Note! V last years Russian school on final exam necessarily offers essay themes related specifically to the analysis of an episode of a literary work. Having mastered this work, you will thereby complete one of the themes of your graduation essay.

There are many tasks in this work that involve a voluminous answer. You can perform them both in the task window itself, and in any text editor and then, using copying, transfer them to the answer window.

We remind you that it is better to first give all the answers on paper, and then transfer them to a computer.

Recommended literature for work 6:
  • How to write an essay. Compiled by N.M. Elkina. - M., 1997.
  • Poltavets E. How to write an essay: For schoolchildren and applicants. - M .: ZAO IZD-vo EKSMO-Press, 2000.

Analysis of chapters 2 and 3, Dubrovsky, 1. Boundaries of the episode and its conditional name 2. Actors 3. Place and time of actions 4. The essence of what is happening 5. The nature of the characters: behavior, speech, actions 6. The role of the episode in the plot of the work


2 Kirila Petrovich Troekurov, daughter Marya, adopted son Vanya, Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, son Vladimir

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