Famous American writers. The most screen-wired American writers

Famous American writers. The most screen-wired American writers
Famous American writers. The most screen-wired American writers

Modern American literature is a whole army of interesting authors and a sea of \u200b\u200ba wide variety of books. It's very easy to get lost. Together with the MTS Mobile Library, we constituted a guide to the most important Writers of the United States right now. Of course, not all entered the list.

Jonathan Franzen.

Why he is in our list.Franzen calls hardly the most important writer of modern America. He returns the reader to the form of a large novel, ignoring that it is not very fashionable now. To understand a little to Franzen, it is worth knowing that he chooses Falkner instead of Hemingway, admires Tolstoy and proudly considers Nabokov an American writer. For the novel "Amendments", Jonathan Franzen received a prestigious National Book Prize.

Of course, that's "Grandlessness" . Odyssey of a young girl named Pudriti, who did not know her father and tries to find him. In search of her help, the Internet libertarian Andreas Wolf, an independent journalist Tom Aberant and Paranoid Mother Anabel.

Cost B. MTS mobile library :

Other important books of Franzen

"Amendments" - America, 1990s. Family Lambert, the head of which suffers from Parkinson's disease, is going together for Christmas to unwittingly arrange familiar family disassembly.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 4 rubles, if you read in 20 days.

"Freedom" - America, already the 2000s, behind 9/11. Walter and Patty Berglund are trying to save their marriage and reflect the search for freedom.

Cost B. MTS mobile library :

Don Delillo

Why he is in our list. The famous critic Harold Bloom (the one who ridicked Stephen King for his national book award) called Don Delillo one of the most important American writers of his time along with Pinchon, Roth and McCarthy.

In his youth, he read a lot of Falkner and Hemingway (usually they are opposed to each other), began to write to not work, and eventually became a famous writer-postmodernist. Stunning success Don Delillo brought the Roman "White Noise" - the 1985 National Book Prize.

His great American novel

The novels apply for this role "White noise" and "Libra". Let us dwell on the last, because this book about "seven seconds who broke the ridge of America" \u200b\u200b- the murder of Kennedy. In the book, the history of Lee Harvey Oswald, CIA agents who planned a false attempt on JFK (Conspirology!) And Archivist Nicholas Branch, who studies the murder.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 3 rubles, if you read in 15 days.

Other important books Delillo

"White noise" - A satirical story about Professor of Hitler Studies, which is terribly afraid of death, and even exposure in his "scientific" discipline. In the sight of Delillo also falls TV, religion, supermarkets, etc.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 3 rubles, if you read in 15 days.

"Falling" - One of the first in the American literature attempts to comprehend the tragedy 9/11. The hero sees how the towers fall, and is forced to live on with this catastrophic experience.

Kormak McCarthy

Why he is in our list. Thanks to McCarthy Javier Bardem played one of his best roles - Anton's psychopaths Chiguri in the Kohen brothers' thriller "old men there is no place." McCarthy, of course, wrote the same novel. If it is very serious, Cormac McCarthy is one of the most mast American writers who are often called the heir to Falkner.

His books are included in a variety of top 100 best novels in English. For the "road" McCarthy received a Pulitzer Prize. Roman "Koni, Koni" was awarded the National Book Prize and the National Book Prize of Critics.

His great American novel

"Bloody Meridian" - The brutal story of a teenager who has joined a gang of thugs on the American-Mexican border. War against all: Indians, Mexicans, Rangers, each other. Stern novel about the nature of violence.

Other important books McCarthy

"Koni, horses" "It seems to be a novel about the young Cowboy, who rushed to Mexico from West Texas after the death of his grandfather. In fact, the book is about growing and testing the Spirit.

"Road" - hopeless postpocliament. Father and son are trying to cross former America destroyed by the cataclysm to reach the sea.

Cost B. MTS mobile library :

Michael Sheibon

Why he is in our list. Sheibon is equally well successful psychological novels, detectives, fantasy - all this turns into a unique intellectual prose. The novels of "Secrets of Pittsburgh" (first) and "Tenderkind" (second) were fused, and it is a pity that it has not yet happened to the "Cavallar and Adventures".

Michael Sheibon came up with a Jewish colony in Alaska and received two major fantastic awards, Hugo and Nebula, for the novel "Union of Jewish Polismen." And the Roman about Kavalera and Adhesion brought him a deserved Pulitzer Prize and the American Literary Prize Pen / Falkner. Yes, Sheibon put her hand to the film "Spiderman 2," becoming a screenwriter.

His great American novel

"Incredible cavalier and glue adventures" - Roman about the American dream, which is trying to reach the heroes. Joseph Cavalier runs from the Nazis to the coffin with the head, his cousin Sammy draws comics in New York. Two Gicks come up with a hand-drawn hero of the Escapist, who fights with Hitler, and begin to conquer the comic industry of America.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 3 rubles, if you read in 15 days.

Other important books of Sheibon

"Union of Jewish Polismen" - Inseparable friends, detectives Meir Landsman and Berko Shems, investigate the murder of the famous chess player. It happens on Jewish Alaska.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 2 rubles, if you read in 10 days.

"Moonlight" - Memories of Santa Shabon, turned into literature. The main character participates in the Second World War, hunts the German rackets and Werner von Brown, cooperates with NASA, falls in love with the Jewish girl ... a very personal book of Sheebon.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 3 rubles, if you read in 15 days.

Stephen King

Why he is in our list.In his books, Stephen King is closely peering into the nature of an ordinary person, not always attractive. And if you want to consider it a writer in the horror genre, then risks to follow not the smart stereotype.

List all rewards and king achievements is simply meaningless, there are too many of them. Let's just say that in 2003 he received a medal for an outstanding contribution to American literature (US National Book Prize).

His great American novel

"Hearts in Atlantis" - Piercing book, deliberately assembled from the line fragments. The girl, which the hero of the first story saves from hooligans, grows into a dismissed student. It appears in the second story of the novel, the "American" itself, where King described the 1970s student campus, the life of young Americans and protests against Vietnam. Cooling history, King again reduces the heroes in the final ...

Other important books King

"It" - A stunning story about children's friendship, which is destined to undergo brutal tests. After all, the terrifying monster wants everyone to fly away.

"Confrontation" - When the world falls from the flu epidemic, the Randall Flegg, "Black Man", Dark Messiah will come to the scene. But many Americans will not want to conquer him.

Donna Tartt

Why she is on our list. Donna Tartt writes his novels with a frequency once every ten years. In total, she had three books: "Secret History" (1992), "Little Friend" (2002) and "Schegol" (2013). But, despite their small quantity, Donna Tartt has already taken an important place in American literature. Her novels compare with the books of Shakespeare, Dickens and Umberto Eco (at first glance, rather strange). Tartt plunges the reader as she herself says, in Gleeful, Greedy Reading (happy, greedy reading).

The last novel brought the writer of the Pulitzer Prize and the Carnegie Medal for the Best Art Book in the United States.

it "Goldfinch" - An adventure novel and the novel of upbringing in one. Young Teo Decker loses mom during an explosion in the New York Museum. From this, his wandering on families, cities and time begins. The whole life Theo accompanies the picture "Schegol", which he stole from the museum after an explosion from the museum after the explosion.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 5 rubles, if you read in 25 days.

Two other important books Tartt

"Mystery History" - Adult hero remembers a strange murder in college, which destroyed the company of friends.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 4 rubles, if you read in 20 days.

"Little friend" - An example of American "Southern Gothic" in the modern version. Young Harriet is trying to unravel the mystery of the tragic death of the younger brother, which happened when she was three years old.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 4 rubles, if you read in 20 days.

Thomas Pinchon

Why he is in our list. Because he wrote a "rainbow". In principle, it turned out to be enough to stamp a place in eternity. According to rumors, Pinchon visited Nabokov's seminar at Cornell University. And for a long time, he thought about him that he was Sallinger, so successfully Pinchon kept his incognito.

Pinchon's favorite topics are entropy, paranoia, conspiracy theory, system confrontation. Pinchon greatly influenced postmodernism and Cyberpenkovsky Roman. By the way, the Pulitzer Prize of 1974 decided not to give him - his "rainbow" was considered unreadable and obscene. The National Book Prize for Roman Pinchon did not accept himself, sending to the presentation of the pop comic.

His great American novel

Contrary to everything, this is not a "rainbow" (for this it is too complicated and cosmopolitan), and "Congenital vice" . America of the early 1970s, a detective with a hipp's past Dock Sports is looking for a former girlfriend and her rich fan. Classic confrontation of outsider and system.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 3 rubles, if you read in 15 days.

Other Important Books Pinchon

"Rainbow gravity" - A complex plot is built around the search for the mysterious "black bloc" for the FAU-2 missile with the number 00000. Rainbow is considered the most complex postmodern novel of the 20th century.

"Shoots Lot 49" - confrontation of two mail companies Thurn Und Taxis and Trystero. The last, fictional, is considered the internet and e-mail prototype.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 3 rubles, if you read in 15 days.

Tom Wolfe

Why he is in our list. He knows how to wear a white suit! In fact, Tom Wolfe is a bright star of American documentary, prose and journalism. Moreover, he practically invented "new journalism", perceiving the newspaper genre as real art.

He wrote about the steep Non-Fikshn, about the American auto industry of the period of his heyday, the brilliant Ken Kizi and the hippie-communoy "cheerful peasants", the cosmic battle between the Americans and the Russians. Author of four novels, the latter is written in 2012. The owner of the Medal of the National Book Fund for the contribution to the US literature.

His great American novel

"Bonfires of ambitions" - A bright web, a picturesque New York of the 1980s, and at the same time a novel affecting the social problem of racism and the bundle of society. The stock exchange broker with a mistress accidentally knock down a teenager in the "black" ghetto, and he dies. The culprits hide an accident, but the terrible secret cannot be held in secret ...

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 3 rubles, if you read in 15 days.

Other important books Wolf

"Blood voice" - The book describes modern Miami, where immigrants from around the world were mixed. In the center of the plot is a policeman who is forced to balance between the law and the interests of his diaspora.

"Electroplating acid test" - A story about the life of Ken Kizi from 1958 to 1966 and his influence on the American subculture, in particular Hippie. Masterpiece of new journalism.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 2 rubles, if you read in 10 days.

Jennifer Igan

Why she is on our list. Jennifer Igan is considered one of the most interesting modern writers of America, although she wrote not so much (we note more Donna Tartt). Igan started with Novel for The New Yorker and New York Times Magazine. The debut novel "Invisible Circus" was shielded with Cameron Diaz in the lead role.

In 2010, Jennifer Igan received the Pulitzer Prize for the novel "Time laughs last."

Her great American novel

"Time laughs last" - The youth of the heroes coincided with the birth of punk rock, and today they are already forty. A lucky producer and a failed punk rocker Benny Salazar continues his runs in a circle of rock music, separation, touring tours, etc. But the time does not lag behind the heroes.

Other important books Igan

"Citadel" - The story of cousins \u200b\u200bwho met in twenty years. One of them has changed very much and now invited the second to restore the launched mansion bought by them. Old castle promises many surprises to brothers.

"Invisible Circus" (not yet translated) - the young heroine goes to Portugal in the footsteps of the older sister-hippie, which unexpectedly committed sudden to him.

William Gibson

Why he is in our list. Of course, he is primarily here because of the "neomanta" and an elegant unique style. The mentioned Roman became the "New Cyberpank Testament" (according to Timothy Liri), actually he gave rise to this genre, unleashed a literary war with American fantastic humanists. "Neuromant" gathered all the meaningful awards in science fiction: Hugo, Nebula, Prize Philip Dick, Australian Ditmar and Japanese Seun Prize.

To honor Gibson, he smoked the ashes of Cyberpunk with his feet when the genre began to die, and moved on - to a futuristic prose, exploring new media, technology, religion, etc. It belongs to the famous statement: "The future is already here, it is simply unevenly distributed."

His great post-american novel

"Peripherals" , last novel writer. Gibson America no longer exists in the form of a single state. Heroine Flynn and her brother Burton, a veteran of a local war, are forced to earn extra-free freelancer in network games. One such game is not at all a game, but by another reality, the inhabitants of which manipulate people in our world.

Cost B. MTS mobile library : 3 rubles, if you read in 15 days.

Other important Gibson books

All trilogy "Cyberspace" comprising "neuromanta", "Count Zero", "Monu Lizu Overdrive": hacking of infomantiarc, illegal technologies, cyberwar with corporations and yakuza, bioimplants, etc.

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Famous American writers and their creativity is an example of successful literary achievements.

Famous American writers

The famous American writer includes: Mark Twain, Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, O. Genry, Blanche Barton, Edgar by, John Steinbek, Teodor Driver, William Falkner, Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, Dan Brown and others.

(1876-1916) - American Writer, Public Actor, Socialist. The most famous as the author of adventure stories and novels. Creative heritage has many works, they include: "Sea Wolf" (1904), "White Cang" (1906), "Interstellar Traveler" (1915), etc.

(1835-1910) - American writer, humorist, satirist, publicist, publisher. The most famous works are the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Geclberry Finn".
William Folkner wrote that he was "the first truly American writer, and all of us since its heirs", and Ernest Hemingway wrote that "All modern American literature came out of one book Mark Twain, which is called" Adventures Geclberry Finn ".

(1862-1910) - American writer, master of the story of the story. O. Henry occupies an exceptional place in American literature as a master of the story of the story. Before the death of O. Henry, he expressed the intention to move to a more complex genre - to the novel: "Everything I wrote is still, it's just a pampering, sample pen, compared to what I will write in a year." Heroes Herry are diverse: millionaires, cowboys, speculators, clerks, bags, gangsters, financiers, politicians, writers, artists, artists, workers, engineers, firefighters. The originality of O. Henry consisted in the brilliant use of jargon, sharp words and expressions, and in the overall color of the dialogues.
Creative heritage: "Roads that we choose" (1904), "Gifts of Magi" (1905), "Last Leaf" (1907).

(1899-1961) - American writer and journalist, laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature in 1954, winner of the Pulitzer Prize of 1953.
Received wide fame due to its novels and stories, as well as thanks to the active and filled adventures of life. His concise and rich style of narration played a significant role in the literature of the 20th century. In 1993, a small planet 3656 Hemingway was named after him. For his life, I wrote and published 7 novel, 6 collections of stories and 2 documentary works. Additional work that includes 3 novels, 4 collectors of the stories, 3 documentaries, published posthumously. Many of his works are considered the classics of American literature.

September 24 - 120 years since the birth of one of the most famous American writers, Francis Scott Fitzgerald. He is also one of the most difficult to understand, although at first the eye of the reader blinds the brilliance of the parties described, the deep moral and social problems lie behind it. The editorial office of Yuga.ru together with the Network of bookstores "Chitai-city" picked up for this date there are six more significant works that will help look at America and Americans with other eyes.

"The Great Gatsby" is a great novel, but none in life, nor in his soul there is no greatness, there are only sparkling illusions, "who give the world such colorfulness that, having experienced this magic, a person becomes indifferent to the concept of true and false" . The idle millionaire Jay Gatsby has already lost them and, together with them, he lost the opportunity to feel the taste of life and love again - and all their treasures were at his feet.

America's "dry law", gangsters, lifesters and brilliant parties to the music of Duke Ellington appears in front of the reader. The very "century of jazz", a magnificent century, when it also seemed that all wishes were fulfilled, and the star from the sky can be reached, not even becoming a tiptoe.

Portrait of the chief hero of the cycle of desire trilogy, Frank Kauperwood, is largely written off with a really living person, a millionaire Charles Yerks, and in the past few years the viewers worldwide follow the life of the central figure of the TV series "Card House", Frank Andervuda. It can be assumed that even the name "the Great and Horrible" president borrowed from the character being created by the driver's drive. His whole life revolves around success, he is a calculating financier and builds his empire using everything and all for its purposes. That is, the "financier" is called the first romance of the trilogy, where we see how the identity of the calculating dolza was formed, who was ready, without thinking, crossing through the law and moral principles, if they become an obstacle on his way.

The most witty and accurate book from ever written in the United States and about the USA, the "bunges of anger" affect the reader, perhaps, not less than Solzhenitsyn's texts. The cult novel was first published in 1939, received a Pulitzer Prize, and the author himself was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962. The portrait of the nation in one of the most difficult periods in history, great depression, draws through the history of the farmers family, which, after the ruin, is forced to take off the place and seek food in the exhausting journey throughout the country on the very "Route 66". Like thousands, hundreds of thousands of other people, they go beyond the ghostly hope of sunny California, but there are still big difficulties, hunger and death in front of them.

451 ° Fahrenheit - Temperature at which paper is flamped. Bradbury's philosophical painting post-industrial society: this is the world of the future, in which all written editions are mercilessly destroyed by a special detachment of firefighters, the storage of books is prosecuted by law, interactive television successfully serves as an overall fever, punitive psychiatry is resolutely understandable with rare dissents, and on the hunt for incorrigible dissidents. Leaves electric dog. Today, in Russia, 2016, the relevance published in 1953 (already 63 years ago!) The year of Romana is greater than ever - at different ends of the country lift home-grown censors, who seek to limit the freedom of speech just by destroying and banning books.

Jack London's life was as romantic - at least, if you consider it a biography through a certain lyrical prism, - and filled with events, as his novels, and Martin Eden is considered the top of his work. This is a work about a person who has achieved recognition of his talent by society, but deeply disappointed in the respectable bourgeois layer, which finally accepted it. According to the writer himself, this is a single tragedy trying to inspire the truth of the world. " Truly a timeless work and a hero, the feelings of which are understandable to the reader on any continent and in any era.

One of the most difficult for perception, but at the same time incredibly interesting and multifaceted authors, Kurt Vonnegut wrote, mixing genres and always leaving the reader uncertainty - what exactly he read, whether it was not the appeal to himself through the books of the book and What is the saying right here. In "Breakfast for Champions", the author is surprisingly thin and accurately destroys the stereotypes of perception, showing us a person and life on Earth with a distinguished look, looking like with another planet, where they do not know what an apple or weapon is. The main character, the writer Kilgor Tryut - at the same time alter-ego of the author and his interlocutor, he is going to get a literary award. At the same time, someone who reads his novel (of this character, Duin Hoover, in the screening of 1999 played Bruce Willis), slowly goes crazy, perceiving everything written in it for a clean coin and losing a connection with reality - how it starts doubt In it and reader.

In the first novel of John Adducky from the series of books about the rabbit Harry Enstrom - and this is his nickname, - a young man who has an inexorable reality has already broken the pink glasses of youth. From the star of the school basketball team, he became her husband and father, forced to work in a supermarket to provide his family. He is not able to put up with it and starts in the "run". APDAYK and Keruac as if talking about the same people, but in different tonality - so that those who read the work of the last "on the road" will be interested in the literature of the hipsters to move to a complex psychological prose, and who did not read will undoubtedly get a lot Pleasure, switting attention and plunged further into the same topic.

"Sigger" has become a real sensation of last year: it is called the most scandalous and most Russian novers of Franzen. The reasoning about the acute social problems, the totalitarian nature of the Internet, feminism and politics are intertwined with the deep, very personal history of one family.

In life with a young girl named PIP full Bardak: She does not know his father, can not pay a debt for study, it does not know how to build relationships, goes to boring work. But her life changes dramatically when she becomes the Hacker's assistant Andreas Wulf, who most likes the most public secrets to publicly discover.

2. "Secret History", Donna Tartt

Richard Paipen recalls the student years in a closed college in Vermont: he and several his comrades visited the closed course of an eccentric teacher in antique culture. One strike of an elite group of students ended with the murder, which only at first glance was left unpunished.

After the incident, other mysteries of heroes are opened, which lead to new tragedies in their lives.

3. "American Psychopath", Bret Easton Ellis

The most famous novel of Ellis is already considered modern classics. The main character is Patrick Baitman, beautiful, rich and seemingly an intelligent young man with Wall Street. But the pleasant appearance and expensive costumes are hidden greed, hatred and rage. At night, he tortures and kills people the most sophisticated ways, without a system and without a plan.

4. "Terribly loud and expectable closely", Jonathan Saffron Fauer

The touching story on the face of the 9-year-old boy of Oscar. His father died in one of the twin towers on September 11, 2001. Inspecting the pantry of the father, Oscar finds a vase, and in it - a small envelope with the inscription "Black" and the key inside. Inspired and covered by curiosity, Oscar is ready to bypass all blacks in New York to find an answer to the riddle. This is a story about overcoming heavy loss, New York after a catastrophe and human kindness.

5. "Good to be quiet", Stephen Chboska

"Above the abyss of rye" about modern teenagers - so dubbed criticism of the book of Stephen Chboski, which was separated by a million copies and was shielded by the author himself.

Charlie is a typical quiet, silent observer for what is happening, goes into senior school. After a recent nervous breakdown, he closed in himself. To overcome the internal experiences, it begins to write letters. Letters to a friend, an unknown person - the reader of this book. On the advice of the new Comrade pit, he tries to become "not a sponge, but by the filter" - to live a full life, and not to observe her from the side.

6. "Watches", Michael Cunningham

The story of one day from the life of three women from different eras from the Laureate of the Pulitzer Prize. The fate of the British writer Virginia Wolfe, the American housewife Laura from Los Angeles and the editor of Clarissa Vogan, at first glance connected only by the book - Roman "Mrs. Dallowway". But the final it becomes clear that the life and problems of the heroine, despite all the external differences, are the same.

7. "Disappeared", Gillian Flynn

Nick and amazing Amy is the perfect couple. But on the day of the fifth anniversary, Amy disappears from the house - there are all traces of kidnapping. The whole city goes in search of the missing and comongs to Niku, while in the hands of the police does not fall the diary of Amy, because of which her husband becomes the main suspect in murder. The main intrigue of the novel - who in this situation turned out to be a real victim.

Roman Flynn attracts a non-standard look at a modern marriage: Partners are married to beautiful projections of each other and then very surprised when a living person who do not know at all is found.

8. "The slaughterhouse number five, or a crusade of children," Kurt Vonnegut

The serious military experience of the writer found a reflection in this novel. Memories of the bombardment in Dresden are shown through the eyes of a ridiculous timid soldier Billy Pilgrim - one of those unreasonable children who abandoned a terrible war. But Wonnegut would not be, if I had not been introduced into the novel, also the element of fiction: whether because of post-traumatic syndrome, or because of the intervention of the aliens, Pilgrim learned to travel in time.

Despite the fantasticity of what is happening, the novel is quite real and clear: the stereotypes of the "real men" rines and demonstrates all the meaninglessness of the wars.

9. "Beloved", Tony Morrison

Tony Morrison received the Nobel Prize in literature for the fact that in "his full dreams and poetry Romanov revived an important aspect of American reality." And the novel "Beloved" Time magazine called one of the top 100 books in English.

The main character is Slave Sati, who, together with the children, escaped from the cruel owners and stayed at freedom of only 28 days. When the pursuit overtakes Sati, she kills her daughter with her own hands - so that she did not know the slavery and did not survive the same thing her mother. The memory of the past and this terrible choice pursues Satie all life.

10. "Song of Ice and Fire", George Martin

Fantasy epic on the magical world of seven kingdoms, where the struggle for the iron throne does not stop, while the whole continent is awaiting a terrible winter. At the moment, five novels from the planned seven are published. The remaining two parts are waiting for fans of the writer's creativity, and the fans "" - the series based on saga, which beats all records of popularity.

The United States of America can rightly be proud of the literary heritage, which left the best American writers. Excellent works continue to be created and now, however, in most of their own fiction and mass literature, not carrying any food for reflection.

The best recognized and unrecognized American writers

Critics are still arguing whether artistic literature benefits a person. Someone says that it develops the imagination and sense of grammar, and also expands the horizons, and individual works can even change the worldview. Someone believes that only scientific literature is suitable for reading, containing practical or actual information, which can be used in everyday life and develop not spiritually or morally, but financially and functionally. Therefore, American writers write in a huge number of different directions - the literary "market" of America is also great as its cinema, and the pop scene.

Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Matter of a real nightmare

Since the American people of the Fair to the whole bright and unusual, the literary world of Howard Phillips Lovecraft was just to taste. It was Lovecraft who presented the world of history about the mythical deity of the Ctulhu, who fell asleep at the bottom of the ocean and wakes up only when the Apocalypse time comes. Lovecraft acquired a huge fanbazoy worldwide, and in his honor the names are given to groups, songs, albums, books and films. The incredible world, which created a master of horrors in his works, does not cease to scare even the most avid and experienced lovers of Horror. The Talent of Lovekraft was inspired by Stephen King himself. Lovecraft created a whole pantheon of the gods and frightened the world by terrible prophecies. Reading his work, the reader feels completely inexplicable, incomprehensible and very powerful fear, although the author almost never describes what should be afraid. The writer makes the reader's imagination to work so that he himself represents the most terrible paintings, and from this blood literally beats in the veins. Despite the highest writing skills and recognizable style, many American writers turned out to be unrecognized during life, and Howard Lovecraft entered their number.

Master of Monstrous Descriptions - Stephen King

Inspired by the world created by Lovekraft, Stephen King created a lot of magnificent works, many of which were fused. Before his skill, such American writers as Douglas Clegg, Jeffrey Diver and many others adopted. Stephen King is still creating, although it was repeatedly recognized that because of his works, unpleasant things often happened to him. One of his most famous books with a short, but loud name "it" agitated millions. Critics complain that it is almost impossible to transfer all the horror of his works in the screenings, but the brave directors are trying to do this to this day. King's books as the "Dark Tower", "necessary things", "Carri", "Catcher of Dreams" are very popular. Stephen King can not only create a pressure, tense atmosphere, but also offers a reader a lot of completely disgusting and detailed descriptions of dismembered bodies and other not too pleasant things.

Classical fiction from Harry Harrison

Harry Harrison is still very popular in fairly wide circles. His style is light, and the language is simple and understandable, and these qualities of his works make them suitable for readers of almost any age. The plots of Harrison are extremely interesting, and the characters are distinct and interesting, so everyone can find a book to taste. One of the most famous books Harrison, the "indomitable planet", boasts a swirling plot, characteristic characters, a good humor and even a beautiful romantic line. This American science writer made people think about what is fraught with too much technological progress, and whether we are in fact traveling through outer spaces if we can not cope with them and our own planet. Harrison showed how to create science fiction, which will be understood and children and adults.

Max Barry and his books for the progressive consumer

Many modern American writers make the main bid on the consumer character of a person. On the shelves of bookstores today you can find a lot of fiction talking about the adventures of fashionable and stylish heroes in the field of marketing, advertising and other big business. However, among such books you can find real pearls. The creativity of Max Barry is so overlapping a bar for modern authors that only truly original writers will be able to jump over it. His novel "Syrup" concentrates on the history of a young man named Skat, dreaming to make a brilliant career in advertising. Ironic style, a good use of a strong sense and stunning psychological patterns of characters made a Bestseller's book. "Syrup" acquired his own email, which did not become the same popular as a book, but practically did not give it to her as, as Max Barry himself helped the scripts to work on the film.

Robert Sineline: Brutal critic of public relations

There are still disputes about what writers can be considered modern. Critics believe that they can also be attributed to their categories and after all, modern American writers should write in such a language that would be understood by today's person and would be interesting to him. Heinline coped with this task for a hundred percent. His satirco-philosophical novel "Passing the valley of the mortal shadow" shows all the problems of our society, using a very original story reception. The main character is an elderly man whose brain transplanted into the body of his young and very beautiful secretary. A lot of time in the novel is paid to the topics of free love, unconventional orientation and lawlessness in the name of money. It can be said that the book "Passing the Valley of the Mortal Shadow" is very tough, but at the same time an extremely talented Satire, which is overwhelming modern American society.

and food for hungry young minds

American-classical writers are most concentrated in philosophical, significant issues and directly on the design of their works, and further demand was almost not interesting. In modern literature, published after 2000, it is difficult to find something truly deep and original, since all the topics have already been talentedly disclosed by classics. This is observed in the books of the "Hungry Games" series, belonging to Peru of the Young Writer Susan Collins. Many thoughtful readers doubt that these books are worthy of at least some attention, since there are no more than a parody of real literature. First of all, in the "Hungry Games" series, designed for young readers, attracts the theme of a love triangle, stented by the prewar state of the country and the total atmosphere of the most severe totalitarianism. Susan Collins novels the real kush in the box office, and the actors who played leading characters were famous for the whole world. Skeptics about this book say that it is better that young people will read at least this than not to read at all.

Frank Norris and him for ordinary people

Some famous American writers are practically not familiar to any far from the classic literary world to the reader. This can be said, for example, about the work of Frank Norris, to whom it did not prevent the creation of a stunning work "Sprob". The realities of this work are far from the interests of the Russian man, but the unique writing style of Norris invariably attracts lovers of good literature. Thinking about American farmers, we always represent smiling, happy and tanned people with an expression of gratitude and humility on the face. Frank Norris also showed the real life of these people, without embellishing it. There is no hint in the Spruit novel in the spirit of American chauvinism. The American loved to talk about the life of ordinary people, and Norris did not exception. It seems that the question of social injustice and insufficient payment of hard work will worry people of all nationalities in any historical times.

Francis Fitzgerald and his reprimand of uncompressive Americans

The Great American Writer Francis gained the "second popularity" after the recent film release of his magnificent novel "Great Gatsby". The film made young people read the classics of American literature, and the executor of the leading role of Leonardo Dicaprio propheted Oscar, but he, as always, did not receive it. The "Great Gatsby" is a very small novel who brightly illustrates the perverted American morality, the masterfully showing the cheap human nutro. Roman teaches the fact that friends can not buy, how can not buy love. The protagonist of the novel, the narrator Nick Carrey, describes the whole situation from his point of view, which gives all the plot of piquancy and slight ambiguity. All characters are very distinctive and beautifully illustrate not only the American society of that time, but also our today's realities, as people will never stop hunting material wealth, despising spiritual depth.

And poet and prose

Poets and Writers of America have always differed by astounding veneer. If the authors can create only a prose or only poetry, earlier such preference was considered almost a bad taste. For example, the aforementioned Howard Willite Lovecraft, in addition to the amazing imagination of creepy stories, also wrote and poems. It is especially interesting that the verses of it were much lighter and more positively prose, although food for reflections is not less. The genius-inspirer Lovecraft, Edgar Allan, also created magnificent poems. Unlike Lovecraft, the software was engaged in this much more often and much better, so some of his poems on hearing and today. The poem of Edgar Allan software contained not only amazing metaphors and mystical allegories, but also had a philosophical subtext. Who knows, perhaps the modern Master of Gorror Gorror Stephen King also will also hit poetry, tired of complex proposals.

Theodore Driver and American Tragedy

Life of ordinary people and richly described many classic authors: Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Bernard Shaw, O 'Henry. American Writer Theodore Driver also went on this path, making greater emphasis on the psychological character of the characters than directly to the description of household problems. His novel "American tragedy" perfectly presented the world a bright example that collapses because of the wrong moral choice and the vanity of the main character. The reader, oddly enough, completely does not penetrate this character sympathy, because only a real scoundrel, which, except contempt and hatred, does not cause any society so indifference, which is nothing but contempt. In this guy, Theodore Diver embodied those people who want to escape from the shackles of the society opposite to them. However, is it so good is the highest society that you can kill an innocent person for the sake of it?