Correctional games, exercises and classes for hyperactive children of preschool and younger school age. Correctional exercises for slow children

Correctional games, exercises and classes for hyperactive children of preschool and younger school age. Correctional exercises for slow children
Correctional games, exercises and classes for hyperactive children of preschool and younger school age. Correctional exercises for slow children

Correctional exercises for children with moderate and severe mental retardation

Exercises for the development of motility and attention

1. Creation should according to the instructions:

    stretch hands up, down, right, left (if not knowing "right", "left", then "on the window", "on the door");

    show an elongated hand to the called item (window, table, book, etc.);

    draw a pencil circle (wand, cross) upstairs, downstairs to the right, on the left of the notebook.

2. References for fingers hands:

    start your fingers, squeeze into the fist - dismiss;

    from a compressed fist alternately straighten your fingers;

    roll from plasticine balls, snakes, chains;

    shift small items from one box to another;

    collect crushed on the floor Small items in the box.

3. A pencil in the notebooks put two points, the child must hold a line with a finger, connecting them (points are given in different directions).
4. The child should:

    go through the drawn line (straight, circle),

    arrange on the table, carrying some item.

Exercises for memory and attention

1. The teacher shows the child pictures and quickly removes them. The child must be called in memory, show what I saw.
2. A rhythmic knock is made (a stick about the table, shocks in your hands). From pupils need to repeat it.
3. Some movement is done. A memory child must repeat it.
4. The child tie his eyes, the teacher touches him. The child must determine how many times they touched him.

Correctional exercises to achieve a certain speed of movements

These exercises are advisable to spend with inert, sedentary children.
1. Remove the hands from the table quickly on the team.
2. Fast hands on the team (raise the hand, stretch to the side, etc.).
3. Quickly catch up on the table 3.4.5 times.
4. Quickly get out of the table, say your name (or age, or address) and sit in place.
5. Quickly raise some item (pre-teacher drops it)
6. Quickly wipe the board.
7. In a rapid pace, call displayed object pictures.
8. When a child learn how to lay a pyramid, collect a nesting thing, you can arrange the competition with him "Who is faster." A teacher simultaneously folds with it the same pyramid, sometimes ahead of the child, sometimes giving victory to him.

Exercises for splitting color, shapes, values

1. Some color geometric mosaic figure (rhombus, circle, triangle) is shown. The child must choose the same in shape (in color).
2. It shows a certain figure (from the same mosaic), and then it is cleaned. The child must pick up the same in memory.
3. Folding multicolored balls, sticks in a handful of color.
4. Folding various pyramids.
5. Folding Matryoshek.
6. Lining the chain of cubes of the same size and one color. Building cubes of different values \u200b\u200bin a row on the principle of gradual decrease in the size of each subsequent cube.
7. Build homogeneous items of different sizes (mushrooms, boats, dolls, etc.). The child is offered to show the biggest, the smallest.
8. The various objects of sharply contrasting colors are unfolded. The child is offered to separate the items of the same color from the objects of another color. Then learn to correctly call these colors; Gradually introduce new ones. By exercising on various subjects, grouping them and calling colors, the child learns to correctly recognize and call colors. You can use beads, balls, threads, paper strips, sticks, flags, buttons, objects made of plasticine.

Correctional Exercises for Restless Children

For restless, impulse children, it is advisable to alternate with special exercises requiring peace and self-control.

These exercises may be as follows:

1. Sit calm 5-10-15 seconds.
2. Sit silently, having laid hands behind the back.

3. Slowly, silently spend on the edge of the table.

4. Silently stand up and sit down.
5. It is silent to go to the window (up to the door), return to your place and sit down.
6. Quietly raise and lower the book. Can be several times.

The program is built in the form of psychotraining, the purpose of which is the development of constructive communication skills, ensuring the feeling of psychological protection, confidence in the world, the ability to receive joy from communication, the formation of a basis for personal culture, the development of empathy and its own individuality.

Objectives: Teach the ability to listen and hear another.

Improve to understand your actions and any actions.

Develop the ability to share their experiences.

Promote the development of the emotional sphere of the child.

To educate the desire and ability to cooperate, take into account and respect the interests of others, the ability to find general decisions in conflict situations.

Develop empathy, to educate desire and willingness to help other people.

Promote the full development of the child's personality through self-expression and creativity.

The development of feelings we, morality, friendly attitude towards others.

Strategies and methods to achieve the goal:

Methodical techniques are used: conversations aimed at acquaintance with various "magical" means of understanding.

Wonderful, movable and relaxation exercises. Painting. Playing psychohymatic exercises. Encourage the open manifestation of emotions and feelings by various socially acceptable ways, verbal, creative, physical.

Analysis and drafting of various psychological etudes. Gaming exercises allow participants to get used to each other, adapt in a new environment.

Program implementation results:

Children met with different ways to communicate, learned to interact and understand the mood of another. Collaborate, take into account and respect the interests of others.

Understand and describe your desires and feelings, compare emotions.

Control your emotional reactions.

Evaluate actions and see the advantages and disadvantages of their own behavior.

Express your feelings and understand the feelings of other people with the help of facial expressions, gestures, movements, pantomimics.

Psychotraining requires a certain level of personal maturity and mental development from its participants. Classes are designed for senior preschoolers, are held once a week. The duration of each occupation is 20-30 minutes. Training is designed for 7 classes.

Each occupation begins with a new kind of greeting, which the children themselves offer, and end all the days of training with the same farewell.

The group coach must organize psychologically comfortable conditions for effective feedback, which will allow each participant to learn the opinion of those who surround his manner of behavior, about their actions, about feelings that people who enter into contact with him and on the basis of knowledge gained consciously change their behavior . The organizer creates a relaxed atmosphere so that the child is not afraid that its actions will be negatively evaluated. No estimates, censures, comments. The atmosphere of trust and friendly location to the child make it possible to reveal its inner world, allow you to learn how to share your problems.

Lesson 1. All people are different.

Purpose: Development of attention to the surrounding people. Promoting the formation of children to love those surrounding.

Lesson 2. "Understand others - I understand myself."

Purpose: develop the ability to listen to the interlocutor, the development of observation and attention to the feelings of other people.

Lesson 3. Magic means of understanding. Intonation.

Purpose: Acquaintance with speech intonation. Development of attention, sympathy, care to all children in a group, negative attitude towards indifference and indifference to the problems of others.

Lesson 4. Magic means of understanding: Mimic.

Purpose: familiarity with faithful expressions, the development of attention, sympathy, care to all children in a group, a negative attitude towards indifference and indifference to the problems of others.

Lesson 5. I am your friend and you are my friend.

Purpose: Developing a careful attitude towards people, ability to take into account the interests of others. Development of an understanding of the mood of another, the development of empathy.

Lesson 6. I understand you.

Purpose: Development of the ability to express your mood and feel the state of the other. Development of cultural communication skills.

Lesson 7. How to be a good wizard.

Purpose: Development of creative imagination and directness in communication.

The proposed training was built within the framework of a personally-oriented model of the child's education and teaches first of all understanding, acceptance, recognition. In the course of work in the process of indirect influence on the child, that is, excluding instructions, situations in which children in the process of role-playing games, develop ways to communicate, are created by situations requiring intellectual and moral activity, and in the process of dynamics and style styles desired Changes in behavior and the situation to the world.

List used for the literature program.

1. Kalinina R. R. Training for the development of the identity of the preschooler. St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Speech", 2005

2. Lebedenko E. N. Development of self-consciousness and individuality. M., Publishing House "Knogolyub", 2003

3. Lyutova E. K., Monina G. B. Communication with the child. Period of preschool childhood. St. Petersburg: Publisher "Speech", 2003

4. Saranskaya O. N. Psychological training for preschoolers. M., Publishing House "Knogolyub", 2007.

5. Khuklaeva O. V., Khuklaev O. E. Tropinka to his Ya. M., Publisher "Genesis", 2012

6. Howmer L. game therapy, as a way to solve the problems of the child. M., "Genesis", 2001

Psychological training for children of senior pre-school "We are all different, we are all amazing"

Objective: The development of communicative and personal spheres, the formation of cooperation skills between children.

Tasks: -Positive to configure children to work together in the group;

Contribute to the development of the ability to understand their and someone else's emotional state, express sympathy, empathion;

To form confidence in children, increase the social status of each child;

Promote muscle tension.

Equipment: "Magic box", subject pictures cut in half, a thermometer from large paper, color pencils, "sadness bag", cheerful mood emoticons, 2 vessels: one dark with water, the other light joyful without water.

Structure occupation

Stage 1. Organizational.

Ritual greetings. Greeting: "Hello, friend! "

Children stand in a circle, the psychologist pulls the "magic box" and asks for children to get one card. Each child has a card with the image of half of the subject picture. The task of children to find a soul mate and with those who have it is to form a couple. When the couples are formed, children start a greeting:

Hello my friend! (greet hands)

How are you here? (pat on each other on the shoulder)

Where have you been? (teasing each other for the ushko)

I missed! (Fold hands on the chest in the heart area)

You came! (Break hands to the side)

Okay! (hug)

Exercise "Mood in a pocket". Children are sitting by a semicircle. One child comes out and says words:

In the morning, early in the morning, I go to the kindergarten.

And in a pocket, I carry the mood with me.

(if the child portrayed a sad mood, then his mood is placed in the "Bag of sadness")

Exercise "Sigdition of the mood."

Purpose: reducing psycho-emotional tension.

Leading. Look carefully - what is shown here? True, this is a thermometer. And why is it needed? That's right, to measure the temperature, but today together with you draw an unusual thermometer - this is a thermometer of our mood. You must choose a pencil whose color characterizes your mood. Fill half the thermometer by the color that you chose - this will mean that your mood at the beginning of the classes was exactly the same. Well thank you!

Stage 2. Motivational.

Today I invite you to the country of "good mood." But what to get there, let's collect a suitcase with you on the road.

Exercise "Suitcase"

Purpose: Development of communication skills

Imagine that in the center of our circle there is a suitcase that we collect on the road. Only in our unusual suitcase we will be "putting" what we want to wish each of us. For example, I put in our suitcase smile, good mood, health (joy, love, friendship), etc.

3 stage. Practical

Close your eyes and imagine that you are in the Mirror store. Open your eyes. Would you have been in such a way? The store where different mirrors are sold: small, large, round, square - different. I choose a leading - he will be a buyer, and we all - mirrors. And what makes the mirror? True, reflects us and our actions.

Exercise "Mirror"

Purpose: development of observation and non-verbal means of communication

The task of the lead is to show any movement. It is impossible to talk about it! And we all mirrors - must repeat his movement! In my cotton, the leading chooses another participant, which becomes new leading. Started!

Dynamic pause "Sorry-tree"

The children get up with each other, holding the waist ahead standing. According to the team "Sorryokozka" begins to move forward, then quits, jumps on one leg, go snakes. The main task of children is not to break the chain and keep the "wave".

Let's give yourself in order. (Easy massage is performed.) Gently intend your face - forehead, cheeks, chin and shake hands. Now intend your hands from the shoulder to your fingers and shake hands. Turn to your neighbor on the right and spend your hands on his back from the shoulders to the lower back and shake hands. Now we are ready to continue our journey.

The game "Tweaks".

Look, we had some vessel on the way, and this is a "tears vessel". In life there are cases when people cry not only from grief and sadness, but also from joy.

Let's make a little miracle: we liberate the vessel of sad tears and fill the vessel "tears of joy."

Get up with a chain, I will pour water from the vessel "tears of sadness," then we will pass the cup with tears, trying not to shed a drop, and fill the vessel "tears of joy." (Water in a vessel for a cup, the teacher himself pours water into the cup from the first vessel, and the children pass to each other and smile, the last child ships the water in a bright vessel and returns a cup over a chain back).

Here he is a vessel with tears of joy! Well done guys that you are so joyful and you have a good mood.

The game "Ledges and freckles." Etude on physical (muscular) relaxation.

4 stage. Reflexive

Choose a pencil again, the color of which characterizes your mood. Pain the remaining part of the degrees of the mood.

That ended our journey around the country "Good Mood."

What is your mood now?

What did you like most today?

What helped us create a good mood? (Faithful friends, comrades, smile, interesting joint occupation, friendship, empathize with each other).

Farewell ritual. Everyone gets into a circle, take hands and say the choir "Goodbye! "

Thanks to everyone!

"Practical training games on the development of preschoolers of safe behavior on the street"

Purpose: Teach preschoolers Azam Road Letters, instill the skills of safe behavior on the street, to bring up a conscious participant in the road movement and thereby protect the child and the family from trouble.


One of the most serious problems of our region is road traffic injuries with the most common mistakes that children perform, Java-fall:

Unexpected way out of the roadway in an unidentified place;

Output due to standing transport

Remissal of traffic lights.

1. Development in children of cognitive processes needed to them for proper and safe orientation on the street;

2. Training of preschoolers of road vocabulary and the inclusion of them in independent creative work, allowing the tasks in the process of fulfilling the tasks and to realize the danger and safety of specific actions on the streets and roads;

3. Formation in children of skills and sustainable positive habits of self-esteem on the street

Children are the most vulnerable category of road participants. Protect them as much as possible from possible trouble - the obligation of parents and educators. On this, understanding, the importance of road safety problems Our group has been working on the formation of special behavior on the street from preschoolers.

The purpose of our work to teach preschoolers of the Azam road letters, instill the skills of safe behavior on the street, to bring up a conscious participant of the pre-roy movement and thereby save the child and family from trouble.

An innovative approach to the organization of didactic classes with preschoolers on road topics is simultaneously solving the following tasks:

Development in children of cognitive processes necessary for them for the right and safe orientation on the street;

Training of preschoolers of road vocabulary and the inclusion of them in independent creative work, allowing tasks in the process of fulfillment to study and realize the danger and safety of specific actions on the streets and dero-gakh;

Formation in children of skills and sustainable positive habits of safe behavior on the street

In most preschool institutions, the training program for safe-related on the street is an integral part of the general program of education of children. However, questions on road safety are recommended to learn a separate direction in the general education program

Through the direct perception of the road environment during targeted walks, where children are watching the movement of transport and pedestrians, road signs, light-shapes, pedestrian crossings, etc.

In the process of special developing and training activities on road charter.

Especially important the development of such skills and habits, as a conscious relation to their own and foreign actions, i.e., an understanding of the child what is great and wrong. It is also of great importance to form the formation from a schoolboy habits to restrain their impulses and desires (for example, to run, how dangerous it is dangerous)

Rising a preschooler, we apply such methods as suggestion, conviction, an example, exercise, encouragement. At this age, children are particularly well sustained. They need to inspire that it is dangerous to go beyond their yard. On the street you can only be with adults and be sure to keep it by the hand.

The principle of clarity is especially important, which is traditionally applied in Ra-Bote with preschoolers, when they must see everything themselves, to hear, touch and thereby realize the desire for knowledge.

Thus, the conduct of didactic training, training games has the goal of not only the training of preschoolers by the direct rules of road movement, how much the formation of their skills and positive sustainable accurate behavior on the street.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the following pattern: the more up to schoolboy, the useful skills and habits of safe behavior on the street are formed, the easier it will be given knowledge of road themes in a common-breeding institution.

In general, the plan of conducting didactic training games with preschoolers should provide for the development of the cognitive abilities necessary for them to be able to navigate in the road environment. The main ones are:

Skill during notice dangerous places approaching transport;

Ability to determine the distance to approaching transport;

Knowledge of traffic lights, symbols on road signs and their meaning;

Understanding the features of transport movements; that he cannot immediately stop when he saw a pedestrian on his path;

The ability to communicate to express their thoughts

All these issues should be reflected in the general program of pre-school formation.

To successfully teach the rules of safe behavior on the street, we created an appropriate objective-developing medium, which allows you to stimulate the cognitive activity of children. Created a "Road Rules" Center, where attributes, sets of signs, didactic games are located: "Rewrusting Svetfor", "Road signs", guess transportation, "there are layouts of houses, traffic lights. To improve the professional skill of teachers, we are by the abstracts of NOD, curricula.

The problem of child road traffic injuries is solved in our group comprehensively. Not only caregivers, but also a musical leader, the Institute of Physical Agriculture is engaged in children.

We teach analyze, compare, reflect. Create problematic situations for them, form the ability to navigate in space. Knowledge of children are in fastening in free activities in plotting games "Chauffs", "Pedestrians".

Understanding that parents are today's drivers who serve for children with an example, we were able to attract their attention to the problem of child safety, to make an indifferent observers of active assistants. Parents have the opportunity to get acquainted with the system work of our group: to obtain contestive assistance, consider visual material in the group and on the informational stand.

We attract parents to the pedagogical process. Together with the children, they made road signs, participated in the contest of drawings "Street with the eyes of children." Joint activities with meaningful for a child with adults, incorrectly provides a positive educational effect and parents begin to feel the need to keep the answer to the child for their actions. And the semi-centered knowledge will be useful to pupils and their parents in the future: they will be kept not only health, and life!

The plan for conducting didactic training game preschoolers should predict the development of the cognitive abilities necessary for them to be able to navigate in the road environment.

"Farovosiki and cars"

Purpose of the game: Teach Railway Management Rules (Pa-Rolozov and Machines)

"We are young motorists"

The goal of the game: Having received "rights", children must show their knowledge on the game span "


Purpose of the game: Learn to move in pairs, to learn to recognize the signals of the traffic light and in accordance with it change the direction of movement

"Red, yellow, green"

The goal of the game: the game contributes to the study of traffic rules.

"Segene Boards":

Traffic Laws


Purpose of the game: Select in accordance with the image, fixing the main concepts.

"Practice and car"

Objective: To accustom to children to run in different directions, start moving and use it from a tutor signal.

"Flies, floats, rides"

The goal of the game: introduces the types of transport

"Road signs"

The goal of the game: introduces children with road signs, road control means.

"Behind the wheel"

Purpose of the game: Acquaintance of children with the present and past domestic trans port and teaches it to qualify.

"Our Street"

Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the road.

Teaches children to distinguish road signs

"Road Exam"

The goal to teach the design road and place signs to the right places.

"how to get to? "

Purpose: Teach to recognize signs move right. To the right, left.

"Guess the sign"

Objective: Children should find a road sign on verbal description

Thematic plan for traffic rules using training games

in the senior group for 2011-2012 uch. year


"Safe Street" is familiar with the rules of the street transition.

Training game "Road signs"

"Profession - Serve"

To introduce the features of the work of drivers of various transport. Reading and Chekhov "Road Song" game Training "Turns"

"Pedestrian Rules"

Expand the knowledge of children about pedestrian rules on the road and on the sidewalk. Totaling game "We Learn Road Signs."

Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appointment of traffic police post on the road.

Reading the poem Y. Bishumova "Look at the Watch"

Training "Traffic"

"My road grades"

Fasten knowledge about information indicative signs.

Drawing "My favorite road sign."

Totaling game "Road ABC"

"Traffic light"

Secure knowledge and idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose of the traffic light.

Reading the poem R. Kozhevnikov "Traffic light"

Training "Red, Yellow, Green"

"Service Signs"

Improve the knowledge of the "road certificates", give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe signs of the "Phone" service, "Power Station", "Power point".

Drawing "Service Signs". Tram training game

"Dangerous Crossroads"

Expand knowledge about the peculiarities of traffic at the crossroads.

Training game - "Driving"

"Who is the most competent on the road? »Games -Trainings on traffic rules; Moving games "Pedestrians", "Drivers


1. The Law "On Education" in the wording of the Federal Law of December 11, 2007 No. 309 F. Z.

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009 No. 655 "On approval and implementation of FGT to the structure of the main educational program of pre-school education"

3. Fedin N. V. Preschool education in the federal program // Information and Publicistic Bulletin "Education". 2008-2 issue 1 (16)-s. four.

4. Fedin N. to the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education: the history of the issue and development of development // Education of senior preschoolers in continuity with elementary school as a strategic direction for the development of Russia's education: a collection of Mate-Rials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, 4-5 June 2008, Moscow / Sost. N. A. Pesnyaeva. - M.: Ap-Kipipro, 2008. - P. 25-29.

5. Fedin N. V. The main concepts of the draft federal state-related requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of pre-school education. // Regional Education: Co-temporary trends. Information and scientific and methodical magazine. 2010. - № 1. - P. 104-109.

6. Skilizupova O. A., Fedin N. V. On the complex-thematic principle of constructing an educational process in preschool education // Pre-school education. 2010. - № 5. - P. 40-45.

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8. Fedin N. V. FGT: Find 10 differences // Oboch. 2010. - № 2. - P. 6-7

9. Klimchenko V. R. "Test the Preschors of the Road Rules" M., "Enlightenment" 1993

10. Obzh - Methodological manual for educators.

11. Timofeeva E. A. Didactic Games with preschool children. -M. : "Enlightenment", 2003

12. Minskin E. M. Games and entertainment in the group of extended day. -M. : Enlightenment, 2005.

13. Ryabtseva I. Yu., Zhdanova L. F. "Come to us for the holiday" - Yaro-Slavl-Solly Academy of Development - 2009.

14. Stepanenkova E. Ya. "Preschoolers on the rules of the road" M. 2 Spring "2003.

15. Magazine "Pedagogical Creativity" No. 3, 4, 2005.

Game sensing trainer for senior preschoolers "joy"

Feel the warmth of the neighbor. Smile to each other. Repeat: "Guys, let's live together"

2. Comprehensive warm-up: UPR. "Sun-tuchci", "Rain", "Chick" (5 min)

Purpose: Positive attitude to occupation, psycho-hairy training, emotional gymnastics, arbitrary regulation of behavior, respiratory gymnastics.


And now sits on the carpet of the semicircle. In the country "Joy" came autumn.

UPR. "Sun-tuchci"

Psychologist: Tell me, what time of year is it? (fall)

In the autumn on the street it happens (what?) The sun, but come and (what?) Tuchi. Draw the sun with my eyes, and now the cloud.

Psychologist: Sun Raise hands up, sides, smilingTuchka Shrinking in a lump, frowning, hands-in fists, press to ourselves

3. Reflection "What did you like to do the most? Why?

UPR. "Rain"

Psychologist: Listen, is it noise on the roofs? (rain). Play in the rain.

Rules of the game: I show the green checkbox rain the noise-you rub's palms about each other

  • blue - rain goes - you slap in your hands
  • red - Rain pours - You clap palms on the knees
  • yellow - Rain Drips - You click your fingers


Now let's play without flags: I show the movements, and you say that it rains.

UPR. "Chick"

Psychologist: Now look at your palms. There is a chick. He flew to us in the country "Joy" and fell under the rain, frozen.

Let's warm it with your breath.


Well done! They helped the chick, let him go to the will. Let him fly and please all with their ringing singing.

4. Main part. Joy. (15 minutes)

UPR. "Joyful faces"

Purpose: Acquaintance with a sense of joy.

Psychologist: Sit on the chairs and look at the pictures and photos of people. What feeling these people are experiencing? How did you guess? What can a man be happy?

Show joy on your faces.

UPR. "I am glad when ..."

Purpose: Development of self-consciousness, reflection.

Psychologist: And now we will transfer the ball to each other and tell when we rejoice. (Every child, having received the ball, tells his story)

Well done guys, it was very interesting. So there came a turn of magic. In my sign, you will turn into evil and joyful cats.

Turn around yourself and turn into the cat.

Game "Joyful and Evil Cats"

Purpose: Reagreeing with general aggression, establishing positive tactile contact.

Psychologist: I have a magic hoop. He, to whom I touch, comes into a circle (hoop) and turns into an evil cat. It hits, scratched, but can not get out of the circle. And the rest of the children do not yaw, close to the cat are not suitable, because She can scratch.

But if it happened, you should not blame the cat, you have to be more attentive. By the "Meow" signal, the cat comes out of the circle and turns into a joyful. She comes to someone from children and gently strokes him with his paw. Now this child becomes a cat and comes into a circle. (Everyone can be in a circle)

Turn around yourself and turn the child.


  • "What did you feel when were an evil cat?
  • "What did you want to do when you were a joyful cat?"

Psychologist: Guys, in our country "Joy" is the time of magical sleep. Lower on the mats, close your eyes. Do not fall asleep truly, listen, but do not move and do not open your eyes until I say: "To open your eyes and get up" (the record "Vivaldi and the sounds of the ocean")

Relaxation "Magic Sleep"

Our hands rest, legs are also resting. Rest .. fall asleep ... (2 times) tense flew away, and relaxed the whole body (2 times) lips are not tense, open and warm (2 times) and the obedient our language is used to be relaxed (2 times) breathing easily ... smoothly ..., deep ...

It is good for us to relax, but it's time to get up stronger the cams compress, above them we raise to pull, smile, to open your eyes and get up.

Reflection: "What did you feel when they fell asleep with a magic bed?"

UPR. "Good wizard"

Purpose: Learn to express a sense of joy with the help of fine funds, the development of empathy.

Psychologist: I have a casket in my hands. Guess what is in it (shake the box so that children try to guess its contents). Here are magical candy. Eat them and turn into good wizards.

You have to help enchanted little men become joyful again.

Children work with a soft designer "pretender", laying out funny faces, then everyone wishes to all anything good.

The psychologist praises everyone for work.

5. Farewell.

UPR. "We are very good people."

Purpose: Improving confidence, fixing the positive effect of classes.

Psychologist: Our lesson comes to an end. Let's get up in a circle, take hands and repeat for me:

  • I am a very good man

Lesson - training for senior preschool children 5-7 years old "I and Nature"

mon, 11.02.2013

LG MADOU DSCV №10 "Squirrel

g. Langepas

Nowadays, there is a process of alienation of a child from nature. The rapid growth of cities and the number of urban population led to the fact that many children live in a practically artificial environment without being able to communicate with natural objects.

Classes - training "I and Nature" is aimed at the development of empathy and identification to the objects of the natural world. It is very important in preschool age to expand the individual ecological space of the child, to form and develop environmental identity settings. Estimated result: Children to examine their emotional state and emotional state of other people; The ability and skills of possession of expressive movements at the verbal and non-verbal level will be formed, the ability to focus attention will be replenished, cognitive processes will replenish a sense of collectivism, group cohesion; Children will acquire the right skills and skills of interaction with nature, there will be a sensual experience of preschoolers: they will understand that nature is a living organism that grows, changes, moves, all elements are in constant interaction with man.

Lesson - Training prepared for senior preschool children 5-7 years. It can be carried out with children of general array groups and compensation groups.

Type of classes - training: Integrated

Type of training - training: alternative to the training elements

The purpose of the training - training:

Development of attention related to coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

Tasks for training:

u teach children to analyze your emotional state

u focus on activity

u to form skills and skills of possession of expressive movements

2. Developing

u develop the ability to express your mood is verbally and non-verbal (using stimulus pictures, gestures, facial expressions)

u developing sensual experience of preschoolers

u development of memory, attention, creativity and speech

u develop positive traits of character facilitating mutual understanding when handling, both with people and natural objects

3. Educational

u call in children a positive emotional attitude.

u help them get in touch with a friend, teacher, establish group interaction

Training Means: Blanks for the Exercise "Frightened Tree", Exercises "Magic Tree" , Exercises "Labyrinth" for each child, color pencils, computer, CD recording relaxation melodies, flash card

Stages of classes - training:

u setting goals

u PsychoShematical training

u fixing skills

u game for the establishment of benevolent relationships

u psychological etude

u game contact eye, body contact, concentration of attention, consistency and coordination with partners

u game on the formation of a sense of group cohesion

u PsychoShematical training

u artistically - productive activities with artherapy elements

u Fingering gymnastics

The psychologist invites children to the Green Polyana (children arbitrarily searched on rugs).

Conversation about what a tree is:

A tree, like us, a living organism that grows, changes, moves, all elements are in constant interaction, (application - Presentation of A.PPT (2.17 MB)

u introduction to topic

The game "Four Elements". Playing sit in a circle. If the lead says the word "earth", everyone must lower your hands down; If "Water" - stretch your arms forward; The word "air", everyone should raise the hands up, the word "fire" - to rotate with their hands. Who was wrong - dropping out of the game.

u stage of formation of attention to the implementation of psychological etudes

Psychological etude "Nature and we"

Psychologist suggests:

  1. Explore the soil under the tree, on the paths covered with grass: imagine that barefoot go on the ground, snapped with pine needles, small twigs, feel the smell, feel the "breathing" of the Earth (inclusion of various analyzers).
  2. Immerse yourself mentally into the fairy forest. We go on the ground. Earth is different. It is dry and wet, hot and cold. In the magic forest, everything is constantly changing. Now we go on green soft grass, she nice caresses legs. And now under the legs of the sand, he gets all the hot and hot, just burns his feet. Suddenly snow fell. We go on soft, fluffy, on cold snow. And again everything has changed in the forest, we have a rustling of fallen leaves under your feet. We went to the forest swamp. Our legs sucking. We barely pull them out of Tina. But we got out of the swamps and ran along warm puddles. And now we are again, we go on the forest path. We have needles under your legs, twigs, knots. They tickle, tingle and caress our legs.

u setting goals - training

Artistic and productive activity: a gaming exercise "Scared Tree". Each child is issued a form with the task: to find and paint all who frightened fox and hidden, (Appendix 1.DocX \u200b\u200b(292.55 KB))

u prompting pupils to activities

(Appendix 1 "Frightened Tree")

The finger gymnastics "Fingers in the Forest" is performed at the table:

gnome Top Top offers children to take a walk through the forest with fingers.

once, two, three, four, five, this finger was cleaned,

the fingers went out to walk, this cut,

i found this finger fun, this ate,

Well, this all looked.

(Big finger bent, the rest are compressed in a fist; according to the text alternately blends the fingers).

u focusing on activities

Art and productive activity: Educational exercise "Magic Tree" (at the discretion of the psychologist and the emotional state of children) .

Psychologist: We will draw a magic tree with you, on which all those diverse and beautiful flowers grow, which grow in the magic forest, (the workpiece of a tree psychologist does in advance - annex2.docx (65.55 kb). Each child will draw his flower to one of the branches, (musical accompaniment), discussion of drawings.

(Appendix 2 "Magic Tree)


1. Go like robots, clamp the body, only some separate parts move.

2. We fly like transparent soap bubbles, if faced - burst, leaving the wet circle.

3. We go like wooden dolls who have only legs.

4. Turn into rubber inflatable dolls, animals. Be sure to check them on "rubberism", i.e. Does the body from the touch sprout. We check the "confusion" - take out the plug.

5. We fly like air balloons filled with air.

6. We go cautiously like glass toys.

View of plastic target training "Cheerful charging"

1. Relax sitting on a chair so that you seem like you sleep. Hands, head, legs to attach cozy and relax. Eyes cover and silence ...

2. Do not hinder the wake up, they are filled with pleasure, we slide on the floor and squeeze like cats. Remember how cats fuses back, pull the rear and front paws.

3. We run chaotic on four limbs like ladybugs.

4. Flood as tigers in cane for prey.

5. We jump like a kangaroo with a cub in a bag.

6. We run like frightened giraffes, stretching the neck.

7. Coon as crocodiles for prey.

8. We go like patients with turtles.

Exercises related to the reassurance of the body, such as "sculpture" or "Photo"

Children overlook one pair to the center, one of them - sculptor, the other - sculpture. The sculptor gives the body the necessary shape, the sculpture is easy and fixes the shape.

You can guess what is tolemented, you can offer the sculpture to "go" and move in the logic of a blind creature. Then they change roles.

Mirror. Children in pairs are face to each other. One - "Live" man, the other - reflection.

A man at the mirror does not hurry to make some simple movements, the mirror - copies them.

"Right" shadow. One pair moves in the center of the site, so that the first does not notice the "shadows", i.e. who from behind copies all movements.

"Nose to the nose." In pairs face to face, install a "control" line on the floor at a distance of palshag, for which it is impossible to go. Each child to make handles the so-called "Pyratino nose", i.e. To put a thumb of one hand to his nose, straighten my fingers and for your sticking little finger to hook your own hand with a thumb.

Partners are cloured by the maizins with each other and on the team should start pulling each to themselves to drag each other for the control line, without taking the thumb from her nose! This game, of course, is more for a joke, the discharge of the situation. Although she is very well testing attitudes in the children's team.

- to master various gaits, at least in the order of the game: clown, old man, baby, Carlson, Pinocchio, Babayag, Koschey Immortal ...

- raise invisible gravity. Two hands are a large stone, heavy bag, daddy portfolio, bar. Monitor the correct tension in the hands and body.

- Throw invisible items: a stone (where? Did you get?), Slept snowball, a flying plate, ball and tons.

Exercise "Fixing Position with Chair"

Each child has a chair and on it, he freezes his cotton, like a photo, the following cotton is a quick change of position, and so that their fantasy does not run place.

On this topic:


Purpose: Removing emotional and physical stress, reducing aggression.

Before the start of the game, each child should hide a large sheet of paper to get a dense ball.

To divide into two teams, lined up in the line so that the distance between the teams amounted to approximately 4 m. At the command of the leading children begin to throw the balls on the side of the enemy. The team will be like this: "Prepared! Attention! March!"

Players of each team are striving as quickly as possible to transfer balls for their part to the side of the enemy. On the team "Stop!" The game stops. That team wins, whose half will be less than the balls.

Exercise 2

Purpose: Formation of communicative skills, sense of responsibility for another person, an increase in self-confidence.

Equipment: eye dressings (by number of couples of participants), objects - "obstacles".

Items - "obstacles" are placed and laid out around the hall. It is necessary to divide children in pairs, in each of which one of the participants put on their eyes a dressing, and the other becomes "render".

"Guide" you need to hold a partner in the hall, bypassing obstacles. He can contact the slave: "Cut through a cube", "Here to Kehel", etc.

When all obstacles overcome children change roles.

At the end of the exercise, discuss with children, what feelings they were tested during the exercise, in what role they liked more.

Exercise 3.

Purpose: Formation of spelling skipping behavior, impulsive control

Equipment: Three Hand Silhouette - Red, Yellow, Blue.

At a psychologist's signal, children perform certain actions: a red hand - "Crunching" - you can run, scream, very much; Yellow hand - "whisper" - it is allowed to move quietly and whisper; Blue palm - "sorry" - children freeze in place or fall on the floor and do not move. Finish the game "Razchka".

Exercise 4.

"Rain in the forest" (5 min)

Objective: relaxation, development of a feeling of empathy.

Children become in a circle, each other, - they "turn" in the trees in the forest. Psychologist reads text, children perform actions.

The sun shone in the forest, and all the trees stretched out their twigs to him. Highly highly stretch so that each leaflets warmed up (children rise on socks, highly raise their hands, sorting out with their fingers).

But a strong wind blew and began to rock the trees in different directions. But tightly holds the roots of trees, stably stand and just swing (the children swing on the sides, straining the muscles of the legs). The wind brought the rain clouds, and the trees felt the first gentle raindrops (children with light movements of the fingers concern the back of the comrade standing in front). The rain knocks all the stronger and stronger (children enhance the movements of the fingers). The trees began to regret each other, protect against their branches from strong blows (children spend their palms on the backs of comrades). But the sun appeared again. The trees were delighted, shook from the leaves extra drops of rain, left only the necessary moisture and felt the freshness, vigor and the joy of life.

Exercise 5.

"I'm good" (3 min)

Purpose: Improving self-esteem, self-confidence, creating a positive emotional background

And now let each of you tell about yourself "I am very good" or "I am very good." But before you say, let's practice a little. First, I say the word "I" with a whisper, then by the usual voice, and then shouting it.

Now let's do this in the same way with the words "very" and "good" or "good."

And finally, "I am very good (Aya)!"

Well done! And now, everyone who sits to the right of me will say, as she wants - in a whisper, in a common voice or shout, for example: "I am Nastya! I am very good!" Or "I am Kirill! I am very good!"

Wonderful! Let's stand in a circle, take your hands and say: "We are very good!" - First, in a whisper, then with a common voice, and then squeaky.

On this, our training ends. Bye.


Kryukov S. in .. Slobodynik N. P. I wonder, I'm angry, I'm afraid, boasting and glad. - M., "Genesis", 2003.

Fophele K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises - M., Genesis, 1998.

Chernetskaya L. V. Development of communicative abilities in preschoolers - Rostov N / D., "Phoenix", 2005.

The ADHD is detected if the child's behavior differs from the behavior of other children of the same age and the level of development for quite a long time. These behaviors arise up to 7 years, in the future they are manifested in various social situations.A kindergarten allows you to take a child with ADHD to a single rules: to a clear routine of the day, to compulsory urgent developing classes and rules of behavior on them, which is very important for school.



Correctional games and exercises with a child

having difficulty learning

Despite the beginning of a completely different - school life, the game activity continues to stay leading in the life of the child even at school.

The proposed selection of games and exercises is aimed at developing the processes of thinking and memory of elementary school students who have difficulty learning.

About such children often say "uncontrollable", "nothing hears anything." The child with attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity (ADHD) is indeed impossible not to notice. The first is impulsiveness. . Children with ADHD almost always express and make actions, without thinking about their consequences. The impulsiveness prevents them from observing the etiquette norms of communication (they almost always speak a lot, while it seems that they do not know how to listen, all the time interrupt others, often answer questions, without listening to them until the end.) It always creates additional difficulties in school, where There are strict rules for the behavior of the student in relation to the teacher.

The second is impatient, which prevents the teacher during the lesson. Children are difficult to wait for their turn in the game or when answering. They are trying to inspire from boring and annoying tasks that require extreme concentrations (write off, solutions to monotonous mathematical examples, etc.).

The third is excitability. Children with ADHD are in constant motion, they are physically difficult to see the whole lesson. The child is spinning on a chair, trying to get up and walk in the class, run out to the board, forgetting about the rules of behavior in the lesson.

Games for the development of listening - speech memory

1. "Word Couples"


Offer a child to remember a few words, presenting each of them in a pair with another word. For example, you call the Cat "Cat - Milk", "Boy - Machine", "Table - Pie" and ask to remember the second words from each pair. Then you call the first word of the pair, and the child must remember and call the second word. The task can be gradually complicated by increasing the number of couples of words and selecting words with remote semantic ties into pairs.

2. "Restore the missed word."

Purpose: Development of auditory perception, listening memory, memory volume.

The child is read 5-7xlov, not interconnected by meaning: cow, table, wall, letter, flower, bag, head. Then the row is read again with the skipping of one of the words. He must call the missed word.Task option: When re-reading, replace one word to other (from one semantic field, for example, cow - calf; close by sound, for example, table - moan); The child must find a mistake.

4. "Fish, bird, beast"

Purpose: Development of auditory perception, audio-voice memory, memory, development of mental operations.

Presenter (at first it should be an adult) indicates in turn for each player and says: "Fish, bird, beast, fish, bird ..." The player who stopped the belonging should be quickly (as long as the presenter considers up to three) to call This case is a bird. If the answer is correct, the host continues the game, if the answer is incorrect - the child drops out of the game. Names should not be repeated. This game can be carried out in different versions whenchildren call, for example, flower, wood and fruit, furniture and name.

5. "Repeat and continue."

Purpose: Development of auditory perception, listening memory, memory, the development of mental operations, enrichment and activation of the dictionary.

The child calls some word. The next participant of the game repeats this word and adds a new one. Thus, each of the participants repeats the entire previous row by adding a new word at the end.

Game options : Drawing up rows from the words of one generalizing group (for example, berries, fruits, animals, furniture, dishes, etc.); From the definitions of the noun (for example: "Watermelon?" Answers: "Green, striped, juicy, sweet, large, round, ripe, heavy, tasty" IT.D.). The task is more difficult to draw up a coherent story when each of the participants, repeating the previous proposals, adds its own.

6. "Remember the necessary words."

Purpose: Development of auditory perception, audio - voice memory, memory volume.

From the proposed phrases (stories), the child remembers only those words that denote: weather conditions, transport, plants, etc.

I will read a small story. And you need to remember all birds.

"Quietly coming along the trail. I watch life in the forest. From the tree on the tree jumped squirrel. Orioles circled over her fir. Woodpecker pounded along the bark of pine. In the dub oak nest at Owl. "

7. "Repeat and continue."

Purpose: Development of auditory perception, listening memory, memory volume.

One child utters some word, next to him repeats this word and adds its own, etc.

8. "Pictograms"

Purpose: Development of auditory perception, hearing - speech memory, memory, development of mental operations, development of a coherent speech statement.

Children read text. In order to remember it, they must have every semantic fragment somehow depict (sketch). For sketches, children take turns reproduce the story.

Games for the development of visual memory

1. "Cap-invisible"


For three seconds it is necessary to remember all items collected under the cap, which is rising at this time, and then list them.

2 . "Remember and find"

Purpose: development of visual perception, expansion of short-term visual memory.

Prepare tables with the image of the objects of geometric shapes. Show the child for 4-5 seconds. Card with objects and suggest remembering them to then find among others at the bottom of the table. The same - with geometric shapes.

3. "Remember Figures"

Purpose: Development of visual perception, expansion of short-term visual memory.

Cook a set of cards with different images. Explain to the child that in order to remember the material well, you can use such a reception as a classification, that is, union into groups of similar objects. For example, to remember a number of geometric shapes, they must be divided into groups. Blancs can show triangles, circles, squares crossed differently. Thus, these figures can be divided into groups depending on their shape and / or values.

5. Exercise for the search for specified words (letters) in the text

Purpose: The formation of the ability to perceive holistic visual images of words and rely on them in the search task, the development of visual memory.

One-three words (letters) are visually asked, which the child should be found as quickly as possible in the text. It is desirable that these words met in the text several times. Having found them, the child can emphasize them, cross or circle with circles.

6. "What happened?"

Purpose: Development of visual perception, expansion of short-term visual memory.

There are 3-6 any items or thematic pictures that the child must remember. Then the child closes his eyes, and the speech therapist removes one thing or picture. The child calls what did not become. Their is gradually complicated - they are removed or replaced by other 2-3 subjects or pictures.

7. "SHALUNIKA" Purpose: development of visual perception, expansion of short-term visual memory, the development of the ability to play graphic memory objects.

The teacher writes various lines on the blackboard (continuous, dotted, wavy), images (letters, numbers, figures), words, phrases or offers from 3-5 words. "SHALHUNIKA" -GUBKA almost after him erases written. The child must reproduce the memory written on the board in his notebook.

8. Creating on drawing figures

Purpose: Development of visual perception, expansion of short-term visual memory, the development of the skill of the playback of graphic objects according to the sample and after a short-term exposure by memory.

A child as a stimulus material gets pictures with figures. Adult gives the child instructions to remember the location of the figures and reproduce it in empty squares.

To begin with, this exercise can be carried out with a support for stimulus. With a more complex version, the exposure time of the picture is 20-30 seconds, after which the drawing is closed and the child reproduces the location of the memory figures.

9. Exercise "Cheating without spaces"

Purpose: Development of visual memory, development of attention.

The child is invited to rewrite short texts into a notebook. In a visual sample, the texts are given without spaces, for example:

Movement. Speeded Dudgey.Thisulette.

Zimaprishal. HavingPalpossed. Zamerzlireks. Kakrasiyazima.

The child must record texts in the notebook correctly - with spaces.

10. "What has changed"

Purpose: Development of visual memory, perception, analysis and synthesis.

A poster with geometric shapes is fixed on the board. A series of figures is closed with a frame with a window, in which only one figure is visible.

Look at the first figure. What is the name of this geometric figure? And what color is it? And now look at the next figure (the frame moves to the right). What does it differ from the previous one? What has changed (form, color, size)? What has changed in the third figure?

11. Exercise "Insert the missed words"

Purpose: Development of visual memory, attention and skills of working with text.

The child reads a small text once.

For example: How long whether the prince was briefly in a path, and now, finally, he saw a little twisted hut on the couch legs.

After that, the child is given the same text, but with missed words.

For example: How long was the prince of the path in the path, and now, he finally, he _____________ Little twisted _____________ on the courier legs.

The child should insert the missed words into the text.


TARGET: Teach the child to compare items, words, numbers, find their general signs.


Task: What are the words: Cat book cover?


Books notebook

Exercise 3.

Task: What are the words: Sea milk mango?

Exercise 4.

Task: What are the words: Stove flowed?

Exercise 5.

Task: What are the words: Walrus knife bucket?

Exercise 6.

Task: Find General Signs of Objects: Apple Watermelon

Exercise 7.


Exercise 8.

Task: What are the words: Wheel stripe apple?

Exercise 9.

Task: What are the numbers: 77 and 17; 24 and 624?

What is the difference?

Exercise 10.

Task: What are the numbers: 7 and 71; 31 and 38?

Exercise 11.

Task: What are the numbers: 3 and 13; 84 and 14?

What is the difference?

Exercise 12.

Task: What are the words:Cats dogs?

Exercise 13.

Task: What is the difference between items: Book notebook?

Exercise 14.

Task: What are the numbers:12 and 21; 5 and 15?

What is the difference?

Exercise 15.

Task: What are the words: Mouse brooch rye?

Exercise 16.

Task: What is the difference between items: Sani cart?

Exercise 17.

Task: What is the difference between words: Story poem?

Exercise 18.

Task: Find the general signs of the following numbers: 8 and 18; 20 and 10.

Exercise 19.

Task: What are the words:The number of paddle armchair?

Exercise 20.

Task: Find General Signs:FUR TREE, PINE TREE

Exercise 21.

Task: what is differentAutumn spring?

Exercise 22.

Task: What are the numbers of each pair: 5 and 50; 17 and 170?

Exercise 23.

Task: What is the difference in:SUMMER WINTER?

Exercise 24.

Osin Birch

Exercise 26.

Task: What is the difference in:Tree shrub?

Exercise 27.

Task: What is the difference in:Deflication tree coniferous tree?

Exercise 28.

Task: Name General Signs: Voron Sparrow

Exercise 29.

Task: What is the difference in: White Mushroom Mushroom?

What are they similar and what are different?

Exercise 31.

Task: compare words: Window cloth cloud

What are they similar and what are different?

Exercise 32.

Task: Name General Signs: River Lake

What is the difference?

Exercise 33.

Task: Data numbers: 13; 17; 31; 21

What are they similar and what are different?

Exercise 34.

Task: Name General Signs: TABLE CHAIR

What is the difference?

Exercise 35.

Task: Data numbers: 5; 15; 563; 25

What are they similar and what are different?

Exercise 36.

Task: What is the difference in:Line triangle?

Exercise 37.

Task: Name General Signs: FORK SPOON

What is the difference between these items?

Exercise 38.

Task: What are the words: Cameca bucket slab?

What is the difference?

Exercise 39.

Task: Data numbers: 4; 14; 48; 24

What are they similar and what are different?

Exercise 40.

Task: Data numbers: 12; 16; 20; 24

What are they similar and what are different?

Exercise 41.

Task: What is the difference in:Album Notebook?

Exercise 42.

    at the butterfly, the wings are beautiful, and the dragonfly - transparent ;

    the maple leaves are carved, and the birch is green.

Exercise 43.

Task: Determine whether a comparison has been made correctly:

    Amanitious inedible, and a white mushroom has a brown hat.

    Snowing has a red breast, and the swallow of a split tail.


The game "Change order":

Objectives: develop such mental operations in children as an analysis of the location, the procedure for following. Wechi compile complex proposals with unions "if ..., then"

THE TASK: Invent what will happen if ...

    First morning, then night.

    First adult, then the child.

    First, the soup will warm up, then the fire will lit.

    First sleep, then fall into bed.

Possible answer: If first it was morning, and then night, all people would go to bed, just waking up.

Game "fold words from halves"

OBJECTIVE: Exercise forms the ability of a separate fragment to express a guessed about the Word as a whole, the installation on a thorough analysis of the letter's lettering composition for its correct reading, taking into account the fact that there are words similar to the sound, and it is unacceptable to confuse each other.

THE TASK: The task of children, having a number of cards with the principles and endings of words, quickly fold them so that the whole word is. As a complicated option is offered to one first half pick up a few endings and vice versa. Then it is proposed to read words.

False sagnts:

Objectives: Use for the development of analytical thinking. Each riddle has a pronounced belonging to any topic of work on acquaintance with the environment, by ecology. It is necessary to be connected, it is logical to argue your answer:

THE TASK: Who flies faster to a butterfly flower or a caterpillar?

    Of course, a butterfly, she can fly, but no caterpillar;

    It is not known who, if the caterpillar flies on the leaves and blows a strong wind, then maybe the caterpillar fly earlier.

    At the same time, if the caterpillar flies on a butterfly.

Real and fabulous and fabulous answers are accepted. For each tweaked riddle, you can make a story or a fairy tale.


Task: Make words from scattered letters, eliminate the unnecessary word.

bykar -. Fish

kazasc - Fairy Tale

bigik - flexible

ltobs - Pillars

keer - Rec.


Task: Spish, configuring errors. (text on blackboard)

Vazutki ears a bit. Mustache long, fur coat silk. Fire eyes, claws chain. Lask Vaska da cunning. Day in the sun lies and all the fairy tales says.

The mouse runs in pure snow. Behind the mouse, where in the snow the paws stepped. I saw a pine bump mouse and glances, there is no chore.

Exercise 3.

Task: Pick up for each word related words.

Birch -

Carrot -

Frost -

A fish -

Exercise 4.

Task: Pick up the names of adjective antonym.

Heavy burden

stale bread

freed forest

bitter smell

clumsy kitten.

long way

rough board

brave boy

high fence


An example of the game for the development of the synthesis operation can serve a different kind of "nonlapitsa", where the child needs to "clean up", tasks for the restoration of the word sequence in proposals, phrases in the story. The tutor or speaker can be set to the beginning, middle or end of the story, and the child is invited to come up with the missing part.

Game "Run to the Places"

Move : Children are invited to place the right lines from a nestled poem, which or drawn - symbol or (if children read) - written. Most effective if the inscription and the picture depicting the hero or action are connected.

Evil boar sat on the branch

Steamer languished in a cage,

Nightingale - sharpened fangs,

Dike - gave the beeps,

Yozh - covered to dinner was

Chizh - stolen stolen,

Cancer - flew over the clouds,

The table - chased mice,

The kettle - jumped in the yard.

Boy - bouffal on the fire

Abstract-logical thinking

Exercise 1. Establishment of communication between concepts

TSA: Establishment of relationships in which these words are located.

Exercise 2. The ability to identify significant features to maintain the logic of judgment when solving a long series of similar tasks.

An adult tells the child: "Now I will read a number of words. Of these words you should choose only two, denoting the main signs of the main word, i.e. then, without which this item cannot be. Other words are also related to the main word But they are not the main. You need to find the most important words. For example: Garden ... Do you think that of the words of the words are the main?: Plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth, i.e., without which the garden be can't? Can there be a garden without plants? Why? .. without a gardener ... Dogs ... fence ... land? .. Why? " Each of the alleged words is detailed. The main thing is that the child understand why this or that word is the main, essential sign of this concept.

but)Boots (shoelaces,sole, heel, zipper,glencische)
River (shore, fish, fisherman, tina,water)
City (car,building, crowd,street, bicycle)
Barn (Senov, Horses,roof, cattle,walls)
Cubic (corners, drawing,side, stone, tree)
Division (class,dividend, pencil,dividerpaper)
The game (cards,players, penalties, punishment,regulations)
Reading (eyes, book, picture,print, word)
War (aircraft, guns,battle, rifles,soldiers)

Exercise 3. Formation of the ability to operate with meaning.

Task: "Now I will read the proverb to you, and you try to pick up a suitable phrase for it, reflecting the general meaning of the proverb, for example:

Seven times dead, and once a rejection

but) If it sliced \u200b\u200bwrong, then you should not blame scissors
b) Before you do, you need to think well
in) Seller measured seven meters of fabric and cut off

The right choice here is "Before you do, you need to think well," and the scissors or the seller are just particularly reflecting the principal sense. "

Sample tasks:

1. Better less, yes better.
a) one good book read more useful than seven bad.
b) One tasty pie costs ten tasteless.
c) It is important not the amount, but quality.

2. Hurry - rush people.
a) clown makes people.
b) To make a job better, it is necessary to think well about it.
c) Hurrying can lead to ridiculous results.

3. Kui iron while hot.
a) Kuznets aged hot iron.
b) If there are favorable opportunities for business, you need to immediately use them.
c) a blacksmith that works does not hurry, often heard more than the one that is in a hurry.

4. There is nothing to foam mirror, if Ryg is a curve.
a) There is no reason for the failure of the failure in circumstances, if it is in you.
b) Good quality of the mirror depends not from the frame, but from the glass itself.
c) Mirror hangs crookedly.

5. Do not rub in the corners, but red cakes.
a) You can not eat alive pieces, it is necessary to eat rye bread.
6) Affairs are judged by the results.
c) one tasty pie costs ten tasteless.

6. Made a business - Goulai boldly.
a) If you performed a job well, you can relax.
b) The boy went for a walk.

7. Skillful hands do not know boredom.
a) Peter Ivanovich never bakes.
b) Master loves his business and knows how to work.


Pick up a generalizing concept

mac, Chamomile, Rose _______________________________________________

cup, plate, bowl ______________________________________________

shirt, pants, dress ____________________________________________

carrots, cabbage, beets ___________________________________________

doll, Bear, Ball _______________________________________________

kissel, kefir, juice, tea _____________________________________________

earrings - bracelet, chain, pendant ______________________________________

anthill, Nora, Lair, Berlog ____________________________________

two, Troika, Five, one _____________________________________

ax, shovel, saw, screwdriver ________________________________________

clay, wool, wood, plastic ____________________________________

airplane, Ship, Boat, Motorcycle ____________________________________

conductor, wheelchair, tutor, tailor ________________________________

iron, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner _________________________________________

volleyball, basketball, Football _________________________________________

courage, kindness, hard work, honesty ____________________________


Purpose: Teach a child to allocate a general sign in words - concepts, classify.


Find the unnecessary word: Andersen, Perra, Br. Grimm, Pushkin


Find an excess word: goose, donkey, chicken, turkey

Exercise 3.

Find an excess word: fairy tale, epics, tale, proverb

Exercise 4.

Find an excess word: glass, wooden, fragile

Exercise 5.

Find the unnecessary word: Kiev, Minsk, Yaroslavl, Moscow

How can I call the general words of the remaining words?

Exercise 6.

Find an excess word: Tuesday, Wednesday, Winter, Thursday

How can I call the general words of the remaining words?

Exercise 7.

Find an excess word: tram, metro, trolleybus, dump truck

How can I call the general words of the remaining words?

Exercise 8.

Find an excess word: brave, cowardly, brave, brave

How can I call the general words of the remaining words?

Exercise 9.

Find an excess word: overcast, rainy, clear, rainy

Exercise 10.

Find an excess word: mathematics, reading, notebook, environmental education

Exercise 11.

Find an excess word: pain, big, hospital, patient

Exercise 12.

Find an excess word: birch, aspen, wood, poplar

Exercise 13.

Find an excess word: burning, sunbathing, mountain, burn

Exercise 14.

Find an excess word: go, run, draw, go

Exercise 15.

Find an excess word: sadness, joy, fun

Exercise 16.

Find an excess word: high school students, book, student, schoolboy

How can I call the general words of the remaining words?

Exercise 17.

Find an excess word: sea, wrinkles, sea, sailor

Exercise 18.

Find an excess word: cucumber, zucchini, strawberry, tomato

How can I call the general words of the remaining words?

Objective: to develop the ability to describe the properties of objects, compare items according to certain parameters, establish links between different phenomena, it is easy to move from some connections to others.


Task: Dany words: Birds Fox Cucumber

For example: 1) Excess "cucumber" - it is not alive.

2) the unnecessary "birds" - the word in the plural, etc.


Task: Dany words: Dog Tomato Sun

Leave of them only two that have similar properties.

Exercise 3.

Task: Dana Words: Cow Boots Troov

Leave of them only two that have similar properties.

Exercise 4.

Task: Danae words: Chicken Wheat Pillow

Leave of them only two that have similar properties.

Exercise 5.

Task: Danae words: Goose Frog Tina

Leave of them only two that have similar properties.

Exercise 6.

Task: Danae words: Chicken Mimosa chicken

Leave of them only two that have similar properties.

Exercise 7.

Task: Danis Words: Umbrella Road Bag

Leave of them only two that have similar properties.

Purpose: Teach a child to classify



Task: What is in the row too much and why?

Exercise 3.

Task: What is in the row too much and why?

Exercise 4.

Task: What is in the row too much and why?

Exercise 5.

Exercise 6.

Task: What letter is superfluous and why?

Exercise 7.

Task: What is in the row too much and why?

38; 44; 100; 29; 50

Exercise 8.

Task: What is in the row too much and why?

55; 88; 33; 90; 11

Exercise 9.

Task: What is in the row too much and why?

74; 7; 47; 44; 77

Classification 2.

Purpose: Classify objects, words, form the ability to choose the basis for classification.

Exercise 1.

Ear Cot

Feather Mushroom

Vase table

    words are distributed by childbirth.

Exercise 2.

Task: Dan list of words (two columns):

Word Cot

Feather Mel.

Book mouse

Cinema Mushroom

Choose a signature to each column:

    words are distributed by the number of letters;

    words are distributed by the number of syllables;

    words are distributed by childbirth.

Exercise 3.

Task: Dan list of words (two columns):

Rose Tok.

Pen tooth

Vase Roth.

Hand El

Choose a signature to each column:

    words are distributed by the number of letters;

    words are distributed by the number of syllables;

    words are distributed by childbirth.

Exercise 4.

Task: Dan list of words (two columns):

Lisa Shets.

Wolf Koza

Hare dog

Bear Kotel

Choose a signature to each column:


    wild animals.

Exercise 5.

Task: Dan list of words (two columns):

Fashion Krot.

Mouse plow

Goat circle

It's time raft

Choose a signature to each column:

    words are distributed by the number of letters;

    words are distributed by the number of syllables;

    words are distributed by childbirth.

Exercise 6.

Task: Dana words: Lemon, orange, pear, raspberry, apple, strawberry, plum, currant.

Name:1. Berries;

2. Fruits.

Exercise 7.

Task: Dana words that are broken into three groups by childbirth:

Mom Towel Maple

Pine stage window

Shadow sky day

Sol Sun Chairs

Insert the missed words in the sentences:

    in the first column of the word ... kind,

    in the second column of the word ... kind,

    in the third column of the word ... kind.

Exercise 8.

Task: Dana words: Table, cup, chair, plate, wardrobe, kettle, sofa, spoon, stool, chair, saucepan.

We emphasize the name of the furniture in one feature, the name of the dishes - two features.

Exercise 9.

Task: Dana words that are broken into three groups with the number of syllables:

Mouse Cow Owl

Horse nightingale Nora.

Choir of the head of the para

The growth quail Rana

Insert the missed words in the sentences :

    in the first column - words having a syllable;

    in the second column - words having a syllable;

    in the third column - words having a syllable.

Exercise 10.

Task: Dan List of Plants (4 Stage):

Birch fir rose hips dandelion

Maple Pine Oshnik Vasilek

Topol larch honeysuckle bell


    deciduous trees;

    coniferous trees;


Exercise 11.

Task: Name the names of classmates who start with lettersIN andFROM.

Exercise 12.

Task: Divided the words to groups by the number of syllables:Pencil, vase, lamp, lamp, pencil, pencil, pumpkin, part, ruler, notebook, table, mouse, floor.

Which group include words: Salt, handle, hammer, root?

Exercise 13.

Task: Examined nouns by childbirth:Spruce, mushroom, pine, tree, strawberry, nest, sun, dandelion, window, brooch.

Which group should include noun: Door, Glass, Table, Towel, Rope?

Exercise 14.

Task: Data numbers:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10

We divide them into 2 groups:

  1. odd

Which group should include numbers:16; 31; 42; 18; 37?

Exercise 15.

Task: Data numbers:2; 13; 3; 43; 6; 55; 18; 7; 9; 31

We divide them into 2 groups:



Exercise 16.

Mac, Lipa, Maple, Chamomile, Rosehip, Lily of Lily, Raspberry, Currant, Oak.

Exercise 17.

Pigeon, Sparrow, Wolf, Tit, Carp, Bear, Pike, Lynx, Tiger, Bullfinch, Sudak.

Exercise 18.

Task: distributed animal names into groups; Give the name to each group:Cat, hedgehog, dog, wolf, goat, fox, hare, sheep.

Exercise 19.

Task: LettersE; Ё; G; S; AND; TO; L; M; N; ABOUT distributed two on groups; vowels and consonants. On which line the classification is carried out correctly?

    E; Ё; AND; To g; S; L; M; N; ABOUT

    E; Ё; AND; Oh; S; TO; L; M; N.

    E; Ё; N; Oh; S; AND; TO; L; M; N.

4. And; E; Ё; G; S; TO; L; M; N; ABOUT

Exercise 20.

Task: distributed the names of the following plants into groups; Give the name to each group: Pine, linden, maple, spruce, larch, birch.

Exercise 21.

Task: Numbers 22; 35; 48; 51; 31; 45; 27; 24; 36; 20

broken into 2 groups: even and odd. On which line the classification is carried out correctly?

    31; 35; 27; 45; 51; 22 48; 24; 20; 36

    31; 35; 27; 45; 51 27; 20; 24; 36; 22; 48

    27; 31; 35; 45; 51 20; 24; 22; 36; 48

4. 26; 31; 36; 35; 45; 51 20; 24; 22; 48

Exercise 22.

Task: Numbers 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 12; 16; 24; 35; 48

broken into 2 groups: unambiguous and double-digit

In what line the classification is carried out correctly?

    1; 2; 3; 5; 12; 8; 16; 24; 35; 48

    1; 2; 3; 5; 8 12; 16; 24; 35; 48

    1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 16 12; 24; 35; 48

4. 2; 3; 5; 8 24; 1; 12; 6; 16; 35; 48

Exercise 23.

Task: divided into two groups according to childbirth words: Towel, Paul, Soap, Ceiling, Frame, Wall, Knife, Porridge.

Paul porridge Towel

Porridge floor ceiling

Frame soap

Wall knife soap

Knife wall porch

Frame porch Towel

Paul Towel Kasha

Porch porridge knife

Knife Soap Wall

Soap Stan Pol.

The ceiling porch frame

Rama ceiling

Exercise 24.

Task: divided into two groups by the number of syllables words: Door, Brooch, Sun, Cinema, Mark, Nightingale, Pencil, Bell, March.

In which table classification is carried out correctly?

Brooch Sun Solovy

Brooch Sun Solovy

Door Mark Pencil

Door cinema pencil

March Bell.

March Mark Bell

Nightingale Cinema Brooch

Cinema Brooch Solovy

Pencil sun door

Door Sun Pencil

Mark Mart

Brand Bell.

Exercise 25.

Task: divided into two groups by the number of letters words: Cork, frame, wave, bark, paw, litter, stick, Kon, May.

In which table classification is carried out correctly?

Cork paw shed

May Lapa Cork

Kon Rama Palka

Kon Rama Palka

Sorrow Wave

Cork paw shed

May Lapa Cork

Kon Rama Palka

Kon Bark Stick

May Bark Wave

Sorrow Rama Volna

Exercise 26.

Task: Dases of plants: Spruce, pine, larch, maple, birch, rosehip, hazel, poplar, lilac.

We divide them into two groups:coniferous trees, deciduous trees, shrubs.

In which table classification is carried out correctly?








Exercise 27.

Task: What feature the words are combined:Iron, blizzard, stick, clock, lamp, glass, sofa?

Choose the correct answer:

    in these words, the same number of letters;

    in these words, the same number of syllables;

    these words of the male race;

    these words of female kind.

Exercise 28.

Task: Three groups of words are given:

Cat window hammer

Brooch apple house

Mouse porch knife

Board bucket flower

Choose the correct answer:

Exercise 29.

Task: Determined that it was the basis for such a classification of words:

Lily of Malina

Dandelion Smorodina

Bell strawberry

Gooseberry carnation

Choose the correct answer:

    words are grouped by the number of letters;

    words are grouped by childbirth;

    words are grouped by the number of syllables.

Exercise 30.

Task: Two words of words are given:

Lily of Malina

Dandelion Smorodina

Bell strawberry

Gooseberry carnation

What was the basis for such a classification?

Choose the correct answer:

    words are grouped by the number of letters;

    words are grouped by childbirth;

    words are divided into flowers and berries.

Exercise 31.

Task: Determine how a sign of plants classification was carried out:

Spruce Lily Schipovnik

Maple bell currald

Birch Carnation Oreshnik

Choose the correct answer:

    words are grouped by childbirth;

    words are grouped by the number of syllables;

    words are divided into groups: trees, shrubs, flowers.

Exercise 32.

Task: Numbersgroupedin three lines:

1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9

20; 21; 28; 29; 36; 39

321; 324; 547; 625; 744

What was the basis for such a classification?

Exercise 33.

Task: distributed numbers for groups in two ways (i.e., select the base for classification):

1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20

Development of logical operations.


1. The boot is always ...

Lace, buckle, sole, straps, buttons.

2. In warm edges live ...

Wolf, Bear, Deer, Camel, Penguin, Walrus.

3. A year ...

24 months, 3 months, 12 months, 4 months.

4. Winter month ...

September, March, February, November.

5. In our country does not live ...

Nightingale, Stork, Ostrich, Tit, Skzorets.

6. Father older than his son ...

Often, always, never, rarely, sometimes.

7. Time of day ...

Year, month, week, day, Monday.

8. Trees always have ...

Flowers, fruits, leaves, root, shadow.

9. Time of year ...

August, Saturday, Morning, Autumn, Vacation.

10. Passenger transport ...

Combine, dump truck, bus, excavator, diesel locomotive.

    Exception of concepts.

1. Tulip, lily, beans, chamomile, violet.

2. River, sea, lake, bridge, pond.

3. Doll, Yula, Ball, Rope, Sand.

4. Table, stool, carpet, chair, bed.

5. Poplar, birch, spruce, linden, aspen.

6. Chicken, rooster, eagle, turkey, goose.

7. Circle, triangle, pointer, square, quadrangle.

8. Sasha, Vitya, Stas, Semenov, Igor.

9. Cheerful, fast, tasty, cautious, sad.

10. Moscow, Vladivostok, Village, Tomsk.


1. Perch, crucian, pike ...

2. Shovel, hammer, saw ...


3. Summer, winter, autumn ...


4. Cucumber, tomato, carrots ...

5. Wardrobe, sofa, bed ...

7. Lilac, Oshness ...


8. Tit, bullfinch, curl ...

9. Elephant, Tiger, Lion, Fox ...


10. Spruce, fir, pine, oak ...

Development of verbal-logical thinking

Exercise 1

    Can a table that diluted 2 legs, stand? Why?

    Can the tram go around the girl standing on the rails?

3. Will 2 balls be held if they put them on each other?

    Can a cube roll? Why?

    Can bike overtake the car? Why?

    If football is shown on TV - can the ball fly out and strike the boy?

    You have a small bag and a big bag, and that both with potatoes. What is easier to carry?

    Who is in the woods difficult to see? And who is easy?

    Who is easy to notice in the snow, and who is difficult?

10. The black kitten ran around the room and got into a jar with flour. Suddenly the white kitten appeared in the room. Where did he come from?

11Mama looked out in the window and says: "Strong wind on the street! - (" It was raining at night. ") How did she guess?

12. Maybe the subway train to encounter the bus?

    In deep snow it is easier to walk or on skis?

    What happens if the boy climbs into the bath, full of water?

    Summer can be skiing? Why?

16. For the winter, the hare changes its fur coat with gray on white. Why?

17. What is the pillar different from the tree?

18. Why are the ice floes in the river stand in the spring place?

19. Dad bought her son ice cream, put it in his jacket pocket and forgot. When, after an hour, Pope remembered the ice cream, he was not in his pocket. Where did it work?

    Dad raises weighty girc, and the boy can not. Why?

    If a person jumps off the aircraft, he will break. What about parachutes?

    If you have a handkerchief from the roof of the house, which falls on the ground faster?

    Why do the fur coats wear in winter?

    If we put a fur coat on the snow, the snow melts under it

Exercise 2

Finish offer »

Purpose:finish the proposal by one of the words data in brackets, and repeat the resulting phrase.

    The sailor saw a distant island, as he picked up ( Lupu, binoculars, glasses)

    Masha pricks the needker a finger, because I did not know how to wash, knit, sew)

    Workers could not raise the piano in the apartment, as the staircase in the entrance was (old, dirty, narrow).

    Water Bank rose, because the boy threw in her (twig, stones, crumbs)

    Katya made his hand, because he took up for a hot (metal, wooden, plastic) patch of a pan.

Exercise 3.

"3-ie extra"

Purpose:choose from 3 objects one extra, taking into account the dedicated
sign, and explain your choice in detail.

Color: Chicken, Lemon, Vasileuk

Cucumber, carrot, grass

Doctor's bathrobe, tomato, snow

Form: TV, book, wheel

Kosyanka, watermelon, tent

Value: Hippopotamus, ant, elephant

House, pencil, spoon

Material: Bank, Pan, Ryumka

Album, notebook, pen

Taste: candy, potatoes, jam

Cake, Searer, Ice Cream

Weight: Wat, Gih, Rod

Meat grinder, feather, dumbbell

Exercise 4.

"Why it happened."

Purpose: Finish the proposal, explaining the named event. Use the design of a complex sentence with the union because.

    Mom scolded his son because.

    The boy decided to change clothes because.

    The girl rose from the seat of the bus.

    The boy quickly ran to school.

    Sasha got sick eyes.

    The teacher laughed cheerfully.

    Grandma turned off the TV

    The dog grunk grope

    Mom Poklakla

    Guests laughed loudly

    The dog merryly curled the tail

    The cat arched the back and hurt

    Mom opened the window

    Petya cried loudly

    A flock raven rose above the field

    Machines sharply slowed down

    The policeman withered loudly

Exercise 5.

"What does not fit"

Purpose:after analyzing 3 logically related concepts, allocate one, different from others by any sign. Explain the course of reasoning. Example: Book - Album - Notebook. An excess object will be a book, since it has a story, and the album and notebook story do not contain, it's just a bonded paper .

    Night light, lamp, candle

    Eyes, nose, eyebrows

    Sheet, duvet cover, pillowcase

    Pond, river, lake

    Plum, apple, peach

    Pants, shorts, skirt

    Table, shelf, chair

    Sweater, sweater, shirt

    Goat, pig, cow

    Potatoes, carrots, cucumber

    Christmas tree, birch, pine

    Tram, electric train, trolleybus .

    Skin, cup, pan .

    Rooster, Goose, Sparrow .

    Cow, horse, lion .

Exercise 6.

"What is important that no."

Purpose:choose from a number of words reflecting some details of the main object, one - two main, without which the specified concept does not exist. Explain your choice in detail. For the convenience of analyzing a number of concepts, an adult may, calling one word, every time to clarify with the child, is it important to reflect the main properties of the object.

Example:(garden). Without greenhousesmaybe a vegetable garden? And without frighten? Etc.

Garden: scarecrow, greenhouse, beds, fence,plot weeds.
Garden: Fence,
fruit trees, dog, benches.

Street: road, houses, lights, people, shops. Forest: berries, mushrooms, beasts, flowers, trees, birds. Sea: Beach, Saltwater, sand, vacationers, fish. River: Boats,flow, shore, water, fisherman, fish

THE EXERCISE: "What turned ..."
Purpose:tell what will turn

    Chair without back ___________________________ .

    Cup without knob.

    Ice cream without refrigerator.

    Horseman without a horse.

    Tree without branches.

    Table without legs.

    Sofa no back.

    Plane without wings.

    Book without pages.

    Pillow without feathers.

    Backless sulfur.

    Snowman without cold.

    TV without electricity.

    Pencil without giffel.

    Sleeveless sweaters.

    Cap without a visor.

    Window without stalk.

    Garden without trees.

THE EXERCISE "... to ..."

Purpose:finish the proposal using the Union to.By the beginning of each phrase, pick up 2-3 possible options for its continuation. Slap the resulting statement entirely.

    Children got into the boat.

    Mom put on an elegant dress.

    Petya closed her face with his hands.

    Katya raised the chick from the ground.

    Vova, 19 Dog on a leash.

    Grandfather put scarecrow in the garden.

    Workers brought brick.

    Dad bought flowers.

    Lena swung her hands.

    Dima bent over the bush _________________.

    The driver opened the car trunk _________________.

    Mom went to the phone _____________________________.

    Lena poured into a bowl of soup ________________________________.

    Marina opened the window _________________________________.

    Seryozha approached the stream ____________________________.


Purpose:from the group of items to choose one, which is what kind of: a sign is different from all others. To tell in detail what differences.

Example:three items are always cold (snow, ice cream, icicle A cup of tea, from which steam is raised - hot. Therefore, the cup here is superfluous, it does not suit all other subjects. (An explanation can be given by other, more affordable child words. However, the wording must be maximum full and clear).

Anthill - Nora.- birdhouse - Hollow.

Snowflake - ice cream -hot tea - Soselka- snowman.

Bicycle - skates- sledge - ski- snow scooter.

Hairbrush- toothbrush- bow - urokalka- toothpaste.
- sausage -cheese - Sausage - ham.

Spoon fork knife- scissors - Galler.

Call phrases on the contrary

Famous serve .


Good friend .

Joyful meeting .

Unexpected departure .

Smooth breath .

Remember joy .

Light top .

Outdoor calm .

Winding descent .

Landy offense .

Small flaw .

Give a lot .

Excited enemy .

To put over .

Dark past .

What are similar and what is different

    Stroller and Sanki..

    Pole and tree.

    Knife and scissors.

    Vase and Bank.

    Dress and Sarafan. _

    Cabinet and bedside table.

    Pillowcase and duvet cover.

    Ax and hammer.

    Nail and screw.

    Half and spoon.

    Fork and rake.

    House and Teplitsa.

    Booth and cage.

Exercise: Make a story

Purpose:combine in the smallest number of proposals of 3 distant concepts.

Example:Porridge - leaves - fish. The family went on a campaign. Dad put the tent on the filth leaves of land.In the evening, all together cooked kashu.and roasted caught in the river fish.

Example:Yellow leaves like fish, yellow leaves flew over the wet ground, which resembled a dense porridge.

A boat- pencil - anthill .

Forest- desk- hippopotamus .

Crane- floor lamp- cloud .

    Clock- plate- sea .

    Parrot- wind- saw .

    Cone- a tomato- rain .

    A monkey- plane- granulated sugar .

Porridge- leaves- a fish .

    Libra- house- shore .

    Wood- nail- lake .

    Dog- truck- notebook .

Portfolio- jumping- christmas tree .

Self pick up 3 distant concepts and combine them in a small story.


Purpose:name as many functions of one subject

Example:(Pencil) It is suitable for writing, drawing, it can be used as a pointer, ackle for a parrot, a wand for paint stirring, they can measure other items.


    Brick .

    Box .

    Light bulb .


    Slice glass .

    Fork .

    Plastic bottle .

    A piece of matter .

    Newspaper .

    Bandage .

    Cube .

    Bank with oil paint .

    Mirror .

    Long board .

    Glass jar .

    Car tire .

    Leaf plywood .

    Log .

    Bucket with sand .

    Barrel with water

Obviously effective thinking


prazhenien: "Dorisuy Halves"

Task "Dorisui Halong" develops thinking, imagination, attention, visual memory, graphic skills of a child. Dorifying the second half of the drawing can be introduced a child with such a concept as the "axis of symmetry" and explain what it means to "display the mirror". The tasks are designed in such a way that the child can draw and the left and right half of the drawing.

Explanatory note

Among all cognitive processes, which are the forms of reflection by the people of the surrounding world, the highest and most difficult is thinking. If in the process of perception, a person knows single and specific items when they directly affect his senses, then thanks to thinking, he knows such features, properties and signs of the subject that he could and not perceive directly.

The peculiarity of thinking is the reflection of objects and phenomena of reality in their essential signs, natural bonds and relations that exist between parts, parties, signs of each subject and between different objects and phenomena of reality.

Output of communication that exists between objects, a person can look into the depths of things and foresee their change under the influence of different reasons.

Thinking is a mental process, thanks to which a person reflects objects and phenomena of reality in their essential, signs and reveals a variety of connections that exist in them between them. Thanks to the activity of thinking, a person should not take a hundred times blindly samples, go from an error to an error. They enjoy already open laws, apply dependencies to them and then confirm their correctness or discard them as erroneous.

It is due to the knowledge of the laws and dependencies of the objective reality, the human activity is reasonable, and therefore purposeful and meaningful. A thinking mature man already knows or assumes that he will succeed. He solves the task of "in the mind", on the basis of his and someone else's experience, which uses in thinking.

Problems of thinking mentally retarded children lie, first of all, in the properties of nerve processes in such children. The weakness of the functions of the cerebral cortex causes a slowdown pace of formation of new conditional bonds, as well as the fragility of them as a result, the problems of the thinking process arise, problems begin with the need to understand something and explain and have the greatest problematic in the analysis and synthesis of phenomena.

For thinking mentally retarded children is characteristic:

    violation of all mental operations (more generalization and abstraction);

    reducing the activity of mental processes;

    the most severe type of thinking is visual-effective;

    non-awareness and chaotic action in the decision process;

    uncritical thinking;

    a weak regulatory role of thinking;

    low motivation of mental activity.

Analysis in such children is characterized by insufficient completeness and accuracy, impotability and inconsistency, chaoticness. When analyzing the object, they allocate only individual, well-known them, the most notable parts of the object, do not seek to make a detailed analysis, pass a number of important properties. Because of the imperfection of the analysis, synthesis of objects is difficult. Highlighting individual parts or properties in the items, they do not establish links between them, so it is difficult to draw up an idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject in general. Properly manifests specific features of thinking in mentally retarded children in comparison operations. Without knowing how to allocate the main thing in the subjects and phenomena, they are compared to insignificant features, and often on inconspicuous (for example, the color of one object and the form of another). When compared, there are more successfully identify signs of differences than similarities.

Such a mental operation as a generalization suffers to the greatest extent. In mentally retarded children, it is also based on the allocation of insignificant secondary properties of objects. When generalizing, such children rely on external visual properties, functional or situational signs. Children independently do not summarize their experience of everyday action with objects-guns that have a fixed purpose. Therefore, they do not have a stage of understanding the situation that requires the application of a fixed (generally accepted) gun. In cases where children using an adult apply aids, they do not sufficiently generalize their own experience of actions and cannot use it when solving new tasks, i.e. they have no transfer of the method of action.

The development of various kinds of thinking is peculiar compared to the norm. The most impaired is verbal and logical thinking, and the most preserved - visual-effective. Moreover, solving one or another task, they resort mainly to the method of trial and errors, repeating the samples unchanged and, accordingly, getting the same incorrect result. Children with developmental deviations, in contrast to normally developing peers, do not know how to navigate in the conditions of a problematic practical task, they do not analyze these conditions. Therefore, when trying to achieve the goal, they do not discard erroneous options, but they repeat the same unproductive actions. In fact, they do not have genuine samples. They makes it difficult to solve even the simplest practical values, such as the combination of the resulting 2-3 parts of the image of a familiar object, the choice of a geometric shape, in its form and the value of the identical corresponding, on the flat surface of the deepening ("mailbox"), etc. . It must be said that the implementation of practical actions in itself makes it difficult for mentally retarded children. Their movements are awkward and stereotypes, often impulsive, excessively fast or, on the contrary, are too slow.

Children have a small dynamism of images, their fragmentation. A distinctive feature of thinking mentally retarded children is non-critical, inability to independently evaluate its work. They, as a rule, do not conduct verification of the decision of the task, often do not notice their mistakes.

When solving mental tasks, there is no sufficiency of orientation no planning. The mentally retarded children usually begin work, without hearing the instructions, without understanding the purpose of the task, without an internal action plan, with a weak self-control. Motivation of thinking they have reduced: attracting easy tasks that do not require mental tension and overcoming obstacles.

In addition, problem children are distinguished by the inclusion of speech in the process of solving mental problems. Normally developing children have a permanent need to help themselves to comprehend the situation by analyzing their actions in external speech. This gives them the opportunity to aware of their actions, in which it is starting to perform the organizing and regulatory functions, that is, allows the child to plan their actions.

The mentally retarded children have such a need for almost no arise. Therefore, their attention is paid to themselves. Insufficient relationship between practical actions and their verbal designation marks a clear gap between the action and the word. Consequently, their actions are not enough, the experience of action is not recorded in the Word, and therefore not generalized, and appearances are formed slowly and fragmentary.

In children with deviations in development, a weak relationship between the main components of mental activity are observed: action, in a word and way.

A prerequisite for the development of students' thinking with their educational needs is a specially selected complex of correctional and educational exercises aimed at the development of all types of thinking. Therefore, I was compiled a collection of tasks and exercises on the development of thinking of children with special educational needs.

It includes tasks for the formation of the ability to highlight the essential properties (signs) of specific objects and abstraction from secondary qualities, the ability to separate the concept of concepts from its content, to establish links between concepts (logical associations), the formation of the ability to operate with meaning.